CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890 y r-i- it seeDS Sow Grass Seed Now Blue Grass AND White Clover Seed. Landrctirs Reliable Garden Seeds Frank E. Lain; 936 P Street, North Side Postoflice Square HENRY M. DOMESTIC ROCK SPRINGS CANON CITY TRENTON And "OLD LEE" Anthracite. IIS S. 10th Street. Telephone 360 REMOVAL Boston Shoe Store AND- Sherwin's Pharmacy CAN HE FOUND AT 1124 0 Street Now at home In our elegant new store, centrally located anil stocked up with a complete line of goods, we ak you to drop In and tec ut. As Usual Lowest Prices ! Don't Forget the Placel Sherwin's Shoe Stork, na-t O Street, and SHERWIN'S PHARMACY 1 1 24 O Street. Spring The Cream of the Market IN FINE FABRICS JUST OPENED AT THE P.H. COOPER TAILORING CO L. 122 5 O SREET. Now at home In our new location, we arc showing the largest and Illicit line of SUITINGS , of all kinds ever shown In Lincoln. Our work Is of the dnrtt, Styles always correct and prices retuonable. Wc solicit a call and Inspection. ,, L C E fo" A LEAVITT I ai t rr L-J T I J llWiriinU:iM J ttVM LaiiiKuci-'tfJ I umir Ji;ern Mottrrn Timrn HtiliscKII'TION: Ono Ycnr by Mill I or Citrrle.1 J(M; Mix Months, fl.uOiTlirco MimtliH, Mo. Ono month Ai Cent lnvurnlily In Advance. Aiivkhtiskmknt: lUile furnished on Application nt the ortleo. Hpeclitl rnte on 1 lino Ctmtrnels. CuNTniiUTiims: Hlinrt spicy sketches, poems and hrlc solicited. IVnioiiiil nml Hik-IhI notes are especially desirable. I'hintincii Wo mnko n mx-olnlty of Kino I'rlnlliifC In nil ltd branches. Koelely work n sieclulty. Published Sntiirclny. V.l.ltvw nil coiiiiniinii'iitloiiH ttlroct to tlm union. WlCHMlCI, PUINTINO Co, I'lTIII.IHIIKItH. Ctitirlnr llnllilliiK, ll:U N HI root. TKI.KI'IIONK'JM 1 1, U'khhki., .In., Editor mid Hole 1'ioprlotor. KllKI) llKN.INOKIl, Associate Editor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 65,000. Tiik Hiiulillcnu city convention will Iki Iiflilnt7::i(l tonight nt llolinnun's linll. liANl) COMMIHHIONKH Joil.N HTKKNlllHgOIIO to Wellington to Iwijj -lO.UK) ncii-Htif Imul tluo t ho Nchrn'ka school fliml. 'I'm: World's l'alr has been postponed till I SUM. Tim extra jenr will glvo needed thuu I I make It a creditable nlTnlr. KllKMONT In tlm Mint city III Nebraska to get ii public building from this session of cons glens. Tho iiiiniprliitlon N fM.tXX). Tiik ladltxof Lincoln who wish to voto for in miiIk'ih of tint Ikmi'iI of education urn advis ed to roj?Nti-r. Todny Is tlit'lr Inst ehnneo. Tiik city nt loriuiy has prewired mi mill iiiitiro pioliihltlug nioro tluin ono saloon on ntiy hIiIo of 11 Mock. Wholesale liquor houses mo excepted. Tiik 1'urinern' Alliance linn established Its h udipiartcrs In Lincoln. It him leaxod tho building nt SW Houth Eleventh sticot for three your. It will establish n printing of lira nml limy curry u stock of Implements. A Nkiiuahka man, .lumen I'm oily of Illnlr, h'H applied to lie rollcvi'd of the elmrgoof (It ertlon. Ho served fnitlifully during tlm war, enlisting tit tlm nge of sixteen, mul wlii'ii hit arrived In Washington nt thoelosoof tlm war ho wont Iioiiio without uniting for hlsdis charge Councilman Meyer Memstolo In tlm tolls, nml tlio lAtlmivr U after hls.sculp. Ho fur, however, none of tho statements iiiiulo seem to hnlil water, ami at tills stngo of tho km mo, It looks ns though tho .unorirwcrodolng this simply iih polltlcnl opMwltlon with tho Idea of nITcctltig puhllo opinion mul injuring Mr. Meyer's chimccs nt tho polls. TiiKHcimtocoimutttoo hnvoiunilo n fnvor uhlii report on Air. MaiiiU'i-Non'rtlilll constitut ing Lincoln n iort of delivery In the custom collection ilNtrlct of New Orlemm, mul that tho privileged of tho Hoveuth vcctlouof the act of Juno 10, 1880, r! in II lio oxtuiuled to tho iort of Lincoln. Tho hill provlilex for tho appolut ineiit of u port Hiirveyor with a componiuttlon of fl.'JOO a yuur nml the usual foe mid coin missions. Tiik women of Lincoln met lout Saturday mul uomlnntiMl Mrs. l'luvlxi U Klllott nnd Mm. Dr. Bnhln for tho school board. Miss Klllott Ims 1hhu ii iiu'iiiIkt for tlireo yenra past. Prof, llachul Lloyd mid Mrn. Mary Wing nro n commlttco to nxktho HepubllcmiH to endorse their iiominA. Mrs. M. D, Welch mid Mm. J. J. ImholT will ask a similar favor of tho Democrat) mid Mrs, Kllen Holllus mid Mrs. Zura Wilson will soo tho l'rohlbltlonlsts. Tiik city election will bo held noxtTuctMlny for tho election of a iollco Juilgo, soven coun ciliueu, n cemetery triihtee mid thrto mem Ikt of tho lioard of eilucatlou. Fivo propo sitions will to submitted: ono for bonds for $100,000 for pjivlng street intersections, the second for f S0.000 for extending sowers, tho third for f.'SO,000 for n market lions-, tho fourth to Kraut tho Lincoln Kloctrlo railway rllit of way on tho streeU nnd tho llf th to eniiower tho school lionrd to expend ntoro tluin (5,000 for now buildings nnd bites. TltK death of tlio Illustrious General Crook wilt bo regiotUnl not only by old soldiers nml tlio aveingD citizen, but by nowspnper men ns well. Ho was over a frlond to the mem ber; of tho pres and never failed to show his appreciation of their favors. Tho Nebraska press excursionists to Kan Francisco In 18N1 certainly will never forget tho kindly atten tions shown them whllo visiting tho coast. It was in his beautiful private yacht that tho party were shown slghtt nlong tho coast In tho vicinity of tho Qoldi-u Onto, Including tho coast defenses and tho government works. Ho wan a former resident of Nebraska mid wai always proud of thotltle of "Nobrnsknti." Ho never failed to show courtesy to anyone from the state, no matter where or when lie met them. Tiik bill ndmittlng Wyoming to the union does not reenl or nullify tho clause In the couxtltutlnu of that territory granting to women tho right of suffrage, hut it may bo amended In tlioseimtnsoastohitvothiselTect, Whllo the admission of Wyoming wnsmndo a (mi ty measure, there is a great ileal of dis satisfaction with the constitution umor.g tunny on tho republican side who voted for It, us well us timing tho democrats. Many of the republicans bellevo there wero grc Irregu hultlwlii tho adoption of tlio constitution mid that the result might bo setnsidein the courts becaut-o of tho fact that of tho 18,000 votes cast In favor of tho constitution as it now stands, at least 4,000 wero cast by wonun, who under tho constitution of tho Uuittd States have not tho rights of sulTnigo. There Is a belief alio that tlio territory does not com tain u sulllcfent population to justify its ad mission into the union, mid thntthero nro sev eral features of tho constitution that are an tagouistlo to lepuhllcau InMltutlrm. tl5L "f?lafWl t " if ,r' NKW YOKK FASHIONS. OLIVE HARPER GIVE8 POINTS AS 70 MAKING OLD CLOTHES NEW. Dnlnty lrrr for Iliilnly CllrU Tlm Tih rrnilur llnl mid flonin Nnr lrtlii In Trimming Nm nml Honsonntitn Onoilt l)i'rrll)nl. HjHH-'lal Comwiwiiili'iioo.) Nkw Yoiik, Mnroh 87. I luivo piidcnv orud to glvti ii (uw useful IiIiiIhuh to iiuik Ititf over old nmtcrliil Into prcHuntulilo coHtiiiui'H. Tho pri'Hcnt fiovcro BtylcH innko that morn illlllcult tluin wliuu pov urnl (llircrcnt umtcrliilH were urciI in iimklng up ono drcm, Hllll, taHto, IniltiH try nml tliut good, old fiiHhloned quality cnllcil "giiinptlon," will work wonders. i v TOHKADOIt HAT AND NKW TltlMMINHS. Tlio uiuoiiiit of material required in n gown now In w hiiiiiII Hint u pcrnon can make ii full iIichh out of the voluiuluoiiH plaltlngn of tlio (InipcricH on hint noiisoii'h ilretisoH. A pructlcnl iniiiiiicr of doliif; thin in aliowti by the taking apart of n gray ciiHlitncrc, wanhlng it ami Ironing it neatly, and Hiiitlng It outugiiiu iih ii plain gored Hklrt nllghtly gntlicrcil ut tlio back. Tlio hreuiltliM wero Hlightly failed where, the plaltH had been, mid Ht ripen of inch wide castlo liruld tlireo hIiiiiIom darker were laid in mich a way iih to hlilo tho stteaks. At the IniUoiu the braid wan laid in deep loops. These stripes ex tended nil across tho front, whllo tlio fold.H in tho hack hid the failing, though I have no doubt tho pretty little wearer wan nlway lit a cold shiver of appre hension lent Homo dear friend should notice it. Tho fact Ih that a woinan'H own Judg ment Is the best thing to rely upon in making over old dresses. No ono can give mien that will ill every case. Thero aro professional dyers and cleaners who niako your garinentH look nicely at any rate, clean. It is said they do it liy giv ing thoin a implitha soak of twenty-four hours. Woolen goods dyo woll, hutsillcH never do; and If any ono has a dress of Bilk, good, hut faded or spotted, it is bettor to embroider it nil over with a pretty up pliipio pattern and inako it up princcsso stylo. A faded hIIIc can bo given n new uppenranco altogether liy having a Imnd some embroidered or braided bordering. A gown of this Htylo is shown, nnd with it Is ono of tho now Toreador wrnpa tnndo of black laco nnd cardinal velvet. Tho Toreador hat will bo much Been on young woinon this season for out of doors. A very pretty fancy for brightening up an old gown is shown In tho outline fig ure. The dree1 is en prlncesse, except tho front breadth, which is laid in lino plaltlugs, nml up tho left side Is placed tho passomenterio ornaments. That Is quite a favorito fancy in tho arrangemont of trimming. Braid or velvet or narrow riblion could Ikj appropriately used in its place. It is not exactly that 1 think young girls need nil tho new clothes, that I givo more gowns designed for their special benefit, but because I notlco that whero thero are girls in a bouse they always get them, so the dear little souls will find another very fetching gown nmdo of palo blue cashmere, with a border woven in two darker shades. Tho dress is mado with a plain double skirt, with a blouse waist, smocked at tho neck. A scarf to match is mado of crepe do chlno with a fringe With this is worn a dainty Figaro jacket such ns I mentioned last week. Nuns' veiling, challles or whito muslin would all lie pretty mado up after this model. Tho new summer silks in new designs of tho old tnlTotas styles aro very pretty. Tho flower patterns In them aro marvels of delicacy. Tho lino wool goods for summer wear follow them closely in pat tern. One pattern in pale mauve Thibet Ino has sprays of wood violets so natural that ono can Imagine their odor. DAINTY DKEB3ES KOU DAItl.l.NO OlKtH. All new gowns nro to bo as "clinging" as tho most earnest follower after "sys tems" can desiro. Many dresses for quite young Indies aro made without darts, the lining first being made, and then tho ma terial, on the bias, Is pulled w;til it (Its without n wrinkle. Tlio ImicK Is mado in the enmo way and the dress buttons un der tho left arm and on the left shoul der, making it appear as If the wearor had been literally inched nml poured in. Nono but crfcct figures can bear this. Ol.IVE Hartkh. of kmm ttls IW II Vl Iff'- u A 1 1 v A A NEAT COUNTRY RESIDENCE. A Pri-lly nml Nlrnljr Arrnncnl llonm at Ixiw CimC OrpyrlKlit liy Pnlllxcr, PnluVr A Co., Architect, Now York.) This design was carried out, -d Is n very neat mid attractive home, mid iit was neces sary hi tho arranging of this plan to obtain tlm required amount of room and conven ience at n given cmt, tlio exterior hail to bo very plain mul Mmplo hi detail to allow it. The front faces tho wimt. Thus wo linvo n south view from four rooms on llrst floor, mid a front vlow from dining room. Tho front veranda Is w ido, mid urrimgod so that .i . VIKW. a group can Kit out upon It with oaso. Tlio hall Is eight feet wide, with mi easy lllght of platform Mali's leading up to tlm floor nlmvo, tlio platform or landing Iwlug on a level with floor over kitchen wing, making two risers more up to Moor In main house. Thero Is a cellar under the whole Iioiiho, tho laundry Mug under kitchen. Tho sUiIrs to cellar aro placed under main stairs, mid reached directly from tlm kitchen. Tlm woodshed is a convenient feature to nil country houses, mid should always Iki con nected with kitchen; tho refrigerator is built In pantry, with nn oHulng into uiiodshcd, through which to put the Ico Into tank; tho connection from kitchen to dining room Is K1IWT KLOOll. through the largo china closet, which is fitted up with shelves, press, table, etc., and makes ii (icifect butler's pantry. Tlm parlor and dining room nro connected by sliding doors; the dining and sitting rooms havooieu lire placed, with hard wood mantles; tho sitting room has a hard wood !ookcaso built Into re cess to right of mantel, and tho bedroom cou nseled with sitting room Isn good room, mid provided with two closets and stationary washlmwl. Tho second story contains four largo cham ber, with an almudniico of closet room, a t. Ken ant's Is'ilrooin over tho kitchen, nnd a large bath room; hot mid cold water lssui-pln-il to all washbowls, sink mid bath. Thero is iiImi a largo attic over tho second tloor, DAIHRoom LViDiNC I 1 CHAMBER E iJTTT CHAMDtn SECOND KMIOll. capablo of being finished olf into two or three rooms If desired, and yet have enough for storage. Tho roof is shingled and tho exterior walls elitpboarded; tho interior tin I shed In pine, which is filled mul vnrnUhed, tlm cut mid incised work being picked out in oliony. Tlio estimated cost of tills houso is fil.OOO, mul Is a good example of Imt can bo dono for that sum, as tho general arrange ment Is such as to show considerable variety on tho exterior, producing an architectural effect only obtained by tho natural combina tions uud workings of tho constructive part of the structure with tho least exiieudituroot lalior and detail in design. This is one of tho most attractive homes for tho amount ex Mnded, mid for the country is nil that Is do slrublo in overy riniect. Urnwlni; Honui Ctiulr. mw vvv-; DBAWINO nOOM C1IAIUS. It U particularly hard to find anything now In tho wny of chairs. Tho two accompany ing designs aro not at all startling In tho do parturo from cominonftlnco lines, but they aro graceful and show some originality. That on tho left of tho column partakes somowhnt of tho French stylo. Tho center panel nITnrds amplo opiortuiiity for lovers of marquetry work to follow tholr fancy. Tho other chair Is stralghter and somowhat more sulhitantlnl, but at tho saiuo timo Is graceful mid makes a pleasing article of fur niture In drawing or reception room. ICxtrimmly Ho, "I, aw, weally don't see why eoplo awsK conmidwuins," said Ous do Jay, "It's wenlly tlnhsomo to bo wacking youah bwnins to answer a question mul dlscovah that the fel lah who ausked It knew all aliout it all the time, you know," Washington Tost, I'rolmbty. Jlrs. Cnrson I don't seo why Mrs. Sorrow wouldn't feel Just as had without buying mid putting on that costly mourning. Mrs, Wisdom Probably sho would feci worsol West Shore. ,i-T -.--- Pwoco sum ff-T -tg Ul f-J - JI'LSrJ?r " Deo Room f Dim Rocm h Kr-lv r- hu . sit tinc Room B I X I U PARLOR -JJL-Xm.mLS' I VERANDA J SERVANTS aWJ I rSiRlu HCHAMBEn 1- II -s- iCNAMBCn I I MATJBITITJS SPECIHL SMLE Muslin : Underwear ALL NEXT WliliK I Wc arc showing sonic new and desirable styles in this line. J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. Ladies' 131 South MAURITIUS H. W. BROWN DRUGGISTWBOOKSELLER The Choicest line of Perfumes. D. M. Ferry's Finest Flower and Garden Seeds. 127 South Eleventh Street. A. H. WEIR & CO. (Successors to S. A. Brown & Co.) LUMBER City Office 1012 O St, Telephone 73. Yard and Office Corner 16th and Y Sts. Telephone 65. E X A Dr. H. K. SURGEON A Full Set of Teeth Teeth Extracted without and without the use of Chloroform, Ether or Gas. All Fillings at the Lowest Rates. Rooms 94, 95, 96 Burr Block. Lincoln Savings Bank CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY Interest paUl ourioimsUsut nnv nitwrr nr Hafes to rent in burKhir proof ami (Iro proof " """ "" ""' ""i" 'iu eiinaierai. IIKN'ItY H. I.KWIH. rreslUont. BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY coll WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. L. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property AOKNT KOU TIIK North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Ajjcnt for the Different Companies East and West. Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, StcUcii, London, Pari., Norwav, Plymouth, llrcmcn Sweden, nnd any point In Iiurope. ' ' Post Orders and Foreign Exchange Issued to all prominent points In Europe. I iivIiib liirtto facilities east with tlio hlife.t Hanks ami Hiivlniru i...nt i l.areil loniukenll kluils i,f l.onnson Klrst fleiil KsiiVto M irluiiK. i Boi.L,tiV"il""H' I,!un ',ro from I I,, ft y,.r,j, ,lt the lowest Interest. 1 . u " . , sclioof Uinln Hr..tnr 1Mr.".1 l roJ'r.,'' WnrriintK. nlsn In sinie. County mul City CurlllleilCI iini i?i,.i ,ii ! ! i "'o. Ccmntv mul C ty uiurkel prleo. fall nml m-o nioo" CorroJpoiiil wVlii f-,,,l,,J,i,,"',,ml w' "Iways pay tlio highest L. MEYER, 10S North Tenth Street. MAURITIUS OF Furnishers, 11th St. MAURITIUS Free M I N 12 D Kerman, DENTIST, on Rubber for $5.00. Pain by a NEW PROCESS and Safe Deposit Co. OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. mt imp ....,...., r.,-n .mi vnults, ut annual rental of 3 ami upwards. 1 uu ll HA VIKUH ACCOUNT HOL1CITKD. A.I'.H 8TUAIIT, W.II.McaitKUHY, II. WKL8II, Ico I'lcsltlont. Trciisurcr. Toller WETTER, Telephone 440 4 & ft