CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1890 I I! m Roberts & Co. 212 North 1 ith Street, Undertakers and Embalmers. Telephones OilUc t( Kcsld"m 1 ,( Open l)n niul Nljji)' E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. Santa Fe Route I AtctalsonTopeka ft Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Const. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kanim City mid SAN OIF.OO, LOS ANGKLLS, niul SAN KUAN CISCO. Short Line Union to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dnllv Trnln Service Iletwccn Kansas Chvnmi PIT fJHLO, COLOR ADO SPRINGS, niul DHNVKU. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Iletwccn Knnsns City niul GnlvcMon. The Short Line lletwcen Knnsns Cltv niul Gainesville, Kt. Worth, Dnllns, Austin, Temple, 1 Antonio, Houston, nnd nil Principal Point In 'lexnv The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'HOMA COUNTUY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pnn-Hnndle. Kor Maps niul Time Tables nnd Informa tion Regarding Rates niul Routes Cull on or Addiess S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't F.. L. PALMKU. Traveling Agent, 1308 Farnnm St., OMAHA, 3ST B 33 . CtICtGZ Milwaukee, ZFMl Owui niul oporutcs &&00 tntloa of tlioroiiKhly equipped roiul In Illinois. Wiseonsln, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota mid Dakota. It li the Host Direct llouto between nil thu Principal Points In the Northwest, Southwest anil Far Went. Kor maps, time Inliles, rntcH of passago niul frelKlit, etc.. apply lo nearest station intent ol OlIIOAUtt, Mll.WAUKKK A HT. I'AUI. KAIL. way, ortonny Hnllroml Agent nnywtioro In tho world. K. MILLKIt. A. V. II. OAUPKNTKK, General MVr. Oen'l l'uss. A T'kt Agt. K.TUOKF.lf. OKO. II. IIKAKKOHU, Vsst.Uon' MRr. Asst. (1. 1 A T. Aut. Mlhvmikoo, Wisconsin. M-Kor Inforinntlon In relorenco to Ijimls iuPI'owiik owned by llio CIiIciiko, MUwiui. keo A Ht. l'mil Hallway Coinpany.wrte to II. O. IIauoam.IjiihI Comuilsiloiicr.Mlllwniikeo WUcotuln. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- Atchlton, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis niul nil Point South, Enst nnd West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson Wichita, Hutchinson mul nil principal points In Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs ol Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on all trains. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. Gen'l Agent Cor. O and nth Street. Vm!9K Tickets ON SALE TO ilLL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent SOCIAL AND PKKSONAI, A council of tint .Junior Order of United Aiui'ilniii Mechanic has been nrgnulod In l.lm-oln wlllmhnut llfty monilx'is. ItwIllTio known ns Lincoln council No. !, mid was Instituted hy Finnk i Lmli of this city, nsslxtcd hy II. P. Knoultou of Onmlin Tim olllccranto: Councilor, K. K. Hooso; vleo councllor, L. Wi'wii-I, Jr iieenullng secretin y. V Morion Hinlth; usltunt lecordlng socie Inry, Hurry I'. IVtlorsou; warden. Will A. Howard; colidllrtor, Will E .Inmlvin; llnun-elnliHH'iitiii-v, H. A Win mi , trcnurcr,llnrrv T Dnhl Ins; Inside reiitlucl I. A. Willi; jun ior hinI I'otuu'llor, I'' I! L'ViIh; tiustecs, f,. Wossol, Jr., I,. A. WHIM mul H. A. Warner Invitations woio Issued lunt Snliirdiiy forn lilitlidny pmly glw-n Mi Iioiioi- of Utile WIN iner, ynHiii-Ht iliiitli(-r of )r Cnsoboer. Tho fawned little olios Meio. Ilnel Hellion, All nlo ( 't tin, Itnhlilo Wnrieii, Clara MUM, Auiiii llrluki-r, Oracle Htimint, Mnrlc TiiIIkiI, (tin Ooodcll. Supper win nerved on small tables lutho renter of which burned four war tapers, uhi-cnlng the old (lei limn custom. (Iiiiiicn nnd marching were the older of event, mid n linppy time mum enjoyed liy nil. Mr. mid Mix .1 II Mauritius, li.ll south Fifteenth m t , eulei tiilm d u pnrty of frieniM Inst evening lit lnonieMtlMi high live, Tim follouliiK Mere picseut: Mr. mid Mr. IIim Meliuiui, Mr. mid Mcn, Tinner, Mr. mid Mm. 1'icMon, Mr. mid Mm. 1''. 1'eikliiN, Mr. mid Mm Khkpntrlek, Mr. mul Mm. Comitoek mid Mr. mid Mm. .1. I .Ioiicn MIhh Helen Men lliew, Into lieml wiloHlady with Asliby it MIIIh nunli, nnd M Mi HmrM, u Im conducted the flnv ilepnrtnient of the smuii llriu, liiivx lieuu ennatil liy J. II. Mmii It ln- & Co , to commence Monilny I tot li youiiK litdlcHluixetiiuucroiii friends uho Mill iHipleiined lo meet them heienfter lit this popular hoiiMi, Dr. Ueiivei returms) Tlmmdiiy finiii EIrIii, III., leaving liMiiiutlicr much Improved. Tliu telermn calling tlio doctor lionio left ICIkIii on Monday, hut did nut iwieli him until Hat utility In the meantime his brother had Kmmfinin Brittle, WmhIiIukIoii, lo KIkIii mid wut him another incvsae from tliu hitter plnco. Wnlt M.Neoley, whoietuimil recently fioni C'lilifoiuln, M uiIiiih Ills plcturt'sipio iiioiih liu'lk. Ho lint it mid a considerable part of tliu lilrMito covering of his head dill iliK n no vero lllnixw while mvny. Mr. mid Mm. Waller DnvMlinvuheeii busi ly eiiKii;ed during the Meek with thu delight ful duly of moving. Tlioy will hereafter lie ut homo In their hmidioinu uuw reildenei),10'J.'i E street. The Stiiiday nehool clasn of Ilev llrndt are preparing an operetta for u public entertain ment mid met with Mini Dunn LooinM Tues day evening for pnietiee. Ii. K. Hohues, the pioneer brlekniakor, has leturii'sl from u trip enst during which Iicko eunil now nnd Improved machinery for Ids huslnesi. Mr. mid Mm. l'hllllps of Omaha nrrived In the city Monday and Mere plens'iutly enter tallied for tovurnl days by Mm. K. IC. Ilay don, Gov, mul Mm. Thayer havu been entertain lu Mm. II. E. Palmer and Mm. II. H. IngHtono of PlattHiuoiith this ueek. CIiiih. I, Joiien lias Imh'ii over nt Cednr Hiit idi, Iomii, this Meek, wlieiu Joiien, Douglas ,t Co. have another cracker fnctory. Mls Ijiiira HurrM, formerly In charge of Ashby fc MlllsiHiugh'K glove department, lias engaged with Mauritius & Co. Mlvs Cora Outrnlt of the supremo coiut clerk's ollleo has ln-en on duty this week after an Illness of live uceks. M Mi Helen Merrlhew, for live yearn with Ashby & MIINHiugh, has taken a oitiou with Mauritius cc Co. Ueorge Cook, who win dangerously sick of eryslp-lns following an attack of typhoid, Is improving. Mm. C. W. Banford of Wahoo, daughter of Judge mid Mm. M. ll.Itcesc, returmsl home Saluithiy. Sim. Dr. H. M. Caselieernndehlldreii lenvo on Monday for mi extended visit at Fort Wayne. Harry 0. HartrulT went out tills uvk for a short trip on the road for Wmimuiiker it Ilrown. Ily a recent leinoval of the family MisaKel lie Wlilto's homo Is now at Eleventh and (I streets. Mrs. Mnstemon lias ben visiting in Michi gan tlie past week, but Mill return In a few ilayi. Mrs. H. I). Woodley entertnlued the Enst Lincoln Cliautatnpia elielo Wtslnewlay even ing. Dr. Keoven was called to Elgin, 111., Inst Saturday by the serious illness of ids mother. Mr. and Mm. M. V. TravM entertainwl a s null company nt cards Monday evening. Miss May Montrose, entertained a few friends informally Wednesday evening. Miss Maud Hurr will untertnlu the high live ciuu nun a ruw friends tills evening. Tliu liest sloek of boots nnd shoes over sold nt luinkrupt prices at 1KW O street. Mm. llatson of Webster, W. Va., M thu guest of her undo, O. M. Yates Charles Neville left Monday for a visit at Canton, III,, Ids former homo, Huv. L. P. Luddeu nnd family have taken up their letddence on I) street. Frank W. Smith, now of Alliance, was at homo in Lincoln over Sunday, Secretary Cowdry mid Auditor Kenton re turned trout tliu east Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Cochran mid daughter Nelly left Satunlay fr u trip eut. Mrs. fc C. Hurr has been entertaining Miss Mabel Cans of Hastings. MKs Edith Hays of Norfolk Is the guest ot Mr. mul Mm. W. C. Mills. Miss Siidn Heeker gave a very phasaut canl party Satunlay evening, Ed. Crlley, clerk at the Windsor, ran down to lleutiice Monday. Miss Hrownlo llaiiin of Omiilm is vUltlng MMs May Montrose, H. II. Huruhaiu has been conflned nt homo by dlptheria. Mm. Frank McCluskoy M visiting nt Can ton, N. Y. Mr. nnd Mm. W. II. Tageait nre visiting nt Peoi In, M. Ackenuunu left Monday for Chicago. Hev. Erb has been In Denver this week. II. Uerolsheliuer Is In Now York. W. H. Hutrman is In Chicago. Other Social News on Page 8. "The Courier'' Tor Slo in OuihIih. Copies muy lie found nt Keith's news stand, 210 South Fifteenth ktiis'i. Itm-ilV .., i,n,. block. -,-.,. MUSIC AND THE DnAMA, V ' Tj Wit. "A Hunch of Keys" will 1st given ntFuuko's this evening. Mm. James (I. Illnliio, JrM said to bo rap idly recovering. The author who wrote Mcdinty has so fur drawn royalties amounting to (1,500. Jim Hurt hns written a juuixly on "Annie Iloouoy," ealli'd "Annie HiKiuoy's Hlsler," mid it Is u gloat go hi Now Yoik, Iltchurd Staid, who wrote "Said Pasha." has sold IiIh new oern, "The Hen King," to Malinger (lilmoro of I'idladelphla. Agnes Huntington, formerly of the llostou Ideals, M to uiiiko u tour of America In "Paul Jones," miller the management of Marcus It. Mayer. Thu Kehubert quartette of Chicago gave a conceit nt St. Paul's M. E. chinch hut even ing for the beueilt of thu pipe organ fund, The CoI'hiku'h fin mi mo clossl too early for ii ieort. After Its ilrst ierforiunticu In Lincoln "Tlio 'earl of Pekln" workisl Its way out to tlio l'nellle coast. During several weeks In Kan FraucMco It rnliuil almost every dny. Tlio company went thence to Portland and Ta coma. ICiniua .Inch had tlio only ludl In Se attle available since the lire. "Tlio Pearl" M now- on Its way east for a tourof thu Atlantic seaboard. Lillian Hussell is said to have mndu the greatest hit of her life lu "The (Iraiiil Dueh vsi," mid New York Is raving over liur win mi than ever. Tliu Coi'iiiKli ollliv, by thu way, has for sale her photo hy Fulk in half a dozen dlirereut costumes mid hisoh. .Miss llusscll has just signed a new- contract with ltudolph AioiiMiti for twoyenm. Six hundred dolluis is said to Ihi thu amount of her weekly stlieud hi thu future. Miss Mary Augusta Dnvey, who M lietter known to tlieater-goem and tlio general public as Minute Maddern, was married last week to Harrison Uroy Fiske, tho edltorof tlio New York Dramatic Mirror. Tliu event took place at Lucliiiioiit Manor, New Yjrk, mul only thu relntlves nnd Immediate friends wcio present. Mrs. Flsku iH'iinanently lethes from the stage. She made her last public ni pearaucu at Toronto, in February, in "In Spite of All." Tlio report that Hilly Florence nnd Mm. John Drew had disagreed with Joseph Jeller son iiliout the salaries they received in the Florence-Jeiremon tour, and that Uith weiu going to wiilulraw fiom JelTerson's combina tion Is denksl. Tliu story win that as thu combination win making uliout f 1 1,000 u week on a tour Mr. Floiencenud Mrs. Drew cousidensl that they "ere entitled to a target share of tlio prolli than their resjiectivo sal aries of l,(XX and (.VK) a week. (lustave Frohman s-iys: Tlieio are nearly :i,00) "theatrical towns" in the United Statei mid Canada hi which n company can bo book ed for a season of leu Years, mid play a dlirer eut town each night. To systematise thebus iuess I have prewired special maps of each state, showing at a glance tho good "show towns," tliu railroad distances, tlio "theatrical value" of each town or theater, the kind of attraction generally preferred, whether dra matic, operatic or minstrel. A column might bow I It tun on the now features which have been duvolood to colossal proortlo!is in theatrical management during the lust two yearn. Chicago may get the World s Fair, but New York will control tho theatrical business of the country. A, P. Duulop writes IromNoM- York under date of Saturday; The novelty of the week is "Josephine, EmprchS of tho French," pre sented at tho llroadway by Hhea. It Mas ex ceedingly well produced and faithful as to Idstorical accuracy In coitinnos mid scenery. At tho Standard, Sidney Hosenfeld again changed the cast of his play "Tli6 Stepping Stone," that magnetic actor Frederick do Ilellovillo playing the part of Thtirmmi Noyes, but tho atteudnncu still M very small. At tlio Metropolitan tho Herman opera season closed on Satunlay with thooK'ra "Sieg fill,"nnd next Monday a grand Italian Opera season begins with Toiniingo as Otello. Patti apeaiing for the Ilrst time lu three years lu New York as Seiulrainulo on Wed nesday. On Friday and Saturday Mr. Daly revived "Tho Tinning oft ho Shrew," mid will shortly produce "Nancy & Co." and u fareo culled "Haroun Al-Hashfd. Tlio business done by all the play Iioiim-s on St. Patrick's Day wns enormous, Tlio now- plays yet to bo seen lu Now York this houson aro: "Tho In spector," at the Fourteenth Street; at NIblo's a version of D'Ennery's ' Les Chevaliers du llrouillard," u transplanted ".luck Sheppard'' under tho title of "The Knights of Tburn,, "Money Mad," at the Standard, "An Arrant Knavo" (now to New York) at tho Twenty third street and Ieamler Hlchmilhon's "Iord Duninersoy," prcbnbly at tho Madison Square Theater by Hlchanl Mansllelil. (!rjstalled rriimn l'uld, Willi the advent of spring comii thoughts of summer mid the heated term This hIm tlio housewife as well as thu busluoss man IKiuilet lug over tho ipiery, "Wheru shall we get our leo this summer)" And It is u serious question, too, for on tho decision of who serves you lies much of jour ftituio comfort The Impurities in leo hold tin) much danger for tlie health of coinmunltfes, nnd at times whole families have tiled from the poisonous ingnslleiits of thu Infetlor aitlclo. Hapiilly, however, such, has not been tho enso in Liu coin, but that Is no leasou why prmiutloii should not bo taken III tho future In these days when tMiiiotltlon for trade M strong It may be well to bo thoroughly cautious, Last year tho new Ice tlrin so well known now as the Lincoln Ice Co. made a now de parturu and Instead ol cutting leu from Salt Cieek, which they discovered was llijuilous mid impilie, they went to the clear pure wat eisof Oak Creek nnd the lllue river This fact was duly uppicciutcd and accordingly from the stui t this new llrm leaped Into sipu lar favor, lu fact such as Inn never before been shown any other ice dealer since tho oMnhlMhtuciit of the Capital City. Thu Ilrst season show ml a business of 'J,(KH) family customers and u cnrrcsKndlugly favorable amount of favors lu the commercial service. The coming season promises oven u larger INiti'onnge, ami wheio heretofore eight wag ons crforiuod the duty hereafter twelve w 111 Imj asxigucd for work. Tho service bin nt ways boon prompt and careful, and the qual ity of the Ice tho very best. Tho recv'iit harv est shows tho lluest Ice crop over put Into storage. It Is clear us crystal and measures a thickness of llfieon to seventeen Inches. The company's three storage houses lu this city and west Lincoln together hold over 'JO, (KM) tons, and aro llllcd to their capacity, so there Is no apparent danger of a shortage this summer, unless our nuighlsim from abroad draw too heavily on in for tho froz-u liquid. List season the Lincoln Ice Oo's. product win ordered by consumers lu various cities of Kansas, Missouri and as far south us Ken tucky. Tlio Ice iravo such excellent satisfac tion that already the ilriu have orders from several olutH where tho crop has boon light. Of the Lincoln Icu Co. there M much to say lu commendation, Their excellent service lust season, together w Ith their plousnut man ner of doing business, has won for them tlio putrouugo and erteoin of our Isjst classes and that in Itself M the best of testimonials. The company aro now Isiokiug orders for the sea son and would 1r pleased to place your umnu among their list ot customers. Orders taken by telephone- No. 1 18. Ollleo II 10 O street. Ladles, If you would enjoy life call on Miss Johii'tou occasionally for u shmiioo. They are delightful. Why Will You Suffer? With corns, callouses, lii-growlug toe nails, wnrtu and bunions when Wm. Doveny, tho old-time Chiropodist, will remove them with out pain or subsequent soreness. I do no cut ting nor u-o acid, simply cause a separation between the corn mid the ilesh mid lift tho corn out whole with a Pure Vegetable Oil. Can be consulted nt the LIudell Hotel. Seclnl ntteutlon given to the trentiuent of Indies ut their residence for which no extra charge w 111 be made. Will remain for a fow days only. Chnrges icuMiuablc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wm , The Only Olio. Tho Chicago, Milwaukee it St. Paul rail way is the only lino running solid vcstibulcd, electric lighted mid steam heated trains be tween Chicago, Council mull's nnd Omaha. Tho lierth reading lump fenturo in tliu Pull man sleeping ears run on these lines is patent iil, and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It Is the great Improvement of tlio age. Try it and bo convinced. For further particulars apply to the near est cotiioii ticket agent, or address Ueorge W. White, Western Passenger Agent, 1.VJ1 Fiirnam street, Omaha. t'JOUJ I II. 1. UiibIiio for Halo. Ill good condition. Only used a short time. For sale cheap. Apply at Couiiikii olllce. Charles Dickens' Works,, FOR THE MILLION. iiiiisiiiPSsjT 15 TtaMB ffw Only $3 Inclmilng One Year's Subscription to This Pnncr, GOOD PAPER! CLEAR PRINT I NEAT BINDING! The tisunl price for the cheapest set of Dickens Novels, lias heretofore been $10.00. Owing to the present low price of printing paper nnd it very large con tract with a leading book manufacturer wc arc enabled to offer our readers the most extraordinary bargain in good literature ever heard of. OVER 5200 PAGES OP READING MATTER arc comprised in this set of Dickens, 15 Handsomely Made, Convenient Sized Books, Only $3.00 Including a year's subscription to our valuable paper. Dickens' Works are the most widely read of any novels printed In any language. The popularity of Dickens Is ever Increasing nnd every person should own n full set of his works. Charles Dickens is eminently the novelist of the people. His books teem with shafts of sparkling wit, touches of pathos, thrusts of satire : his characters are original and real as well as quaint and grotesque ; he unmasks vice In all its forms. The lights and sh ulows of life nre delineated In a thrilling and dramatic style. To own a complete set of his incomparable books is to be possessed of an inexhaustable mine ol interesting literature. No person is well read who has not perused them. Tho Entire 15 Volumos Trill Vo sont Froo of Express or Delivery Cliartfos, for Only $3.00 which includes a Year's Subscription to Our Papor. OLIVER TWIST, AMERICAN NOTES. DOMDEY & SON, MARTIN CHUZZLEWIT, OUR MUTUAL FRIEND, CHRISTMAS STORIES. TALE OF TWO CITIES, HARD TIMES, NICHOLAS NICKLEBY, REPRINTED PIECES, BLEAK HOUSE, LITTLE DORRIT, PICKWICK PAPERS, DAVID COPPERFIELD, BARNABY RUDGE, OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, GREAT EXPECTATIONS, SKETCHES BY BOZ, UNCOMMERCIAL TRAVELER, MYSTERY OF EDWIN DROOD THE ONLY WAY TO GET THIS SET OF DICKENS at this low price Is to subscribe to our paper. It can be obtained In no other way. It Is not for sale by booksellers or newsdealers. All who subscribe to our paper In connection with the set ot 10 Volumos of Dickons, will receive them free of charge. This is quite an important item. NOT CHEAP, TRASHY BOOKS ! These IB Volumes are each about 5 x 7,' inches in size and of uniform thick ness. The printing is clear and the type of a readable sic. 'I hey are printed from plates made for this edition. Not Condensed or Abridged. Io TEoix "Vtra,xi-t Tlxis Set ? Never before has the opportunity been presented for securing so much valu able reading matter for so small an amount. It Is really a whole library of Stand ard Works at the price of the commonest trash. If you wish to get this set you should send In your order nt once, that it may be among the first and that you lose no time in enjoying the ownership of It. CMfonier. Wardrobe. NotnltluK rm- Dantcr, F01 email & Crowe hnvo just received an attractive line of lino ticcLneur mid kill glovoa in all the now similes. For Kaster greetings the havo an artistic array of pret ty cards, hand iialuted. Cull nnd K,s, id,. elegant goods. liwlug't Openlnic l'ostiiiiuril. Owing to tho ktoriu of Thursday ovuuing the Living Clothing company's ojienlug was postponed. It will tako place Monday even ing and cnllera will be well repaid that visit this, the finest clothing house in the city. Yates & Marshall have purchased tho Per kins Pros.' stock of boots and shoes and since their opening Tuesday have been doing an ex cellent business. AU Lincoln knows Mr. Yato-i, ho being well known in shoo circles. Mr. Mm shall, how over, is 11 new resident of tills city, late of Cordora, III. Ho isn gentle man of excellent business ability mid like his partner will undoubtedly make many frleudt. Teeth Treated and rilled. Dr. It. C. Trogden, Deutbt, '-"JS South 11th stieot, oyer Hllte Studio. Telephone JH. Ap M)lutmout made by telephone. J2P EsO PL S3 QQ pmppft pog i