Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
," LETTER GONE ASTRAY. Lincoln, March 13, 181U. Dear Nell: It was just too lovely of you to writ mo such a beautiful, long letter. If you only know how I enjoyed rending III I do no lovo to get letters, nleo long ones, pnr tlculnrly, lint, oh, denrl It In mich nn elTort for mo to nnswoi . Not thnt I don't like. ti but I don't soom to Imvo nny tlmo, nml when I sit down to wrlto there seems to Ihj so littlo to nny. How Idoonvyyou younlwnyshnvo so much to toll nnd wrlto no enslly. I wns surprised to hear of Clnrn's engage ment to Hob Cnnder. I nuvcr could llko liltn with his red hnlr nnd f reckled nose. And you don't menu to sny tlint Tom Hnltcock Is going to mnrry that widow I Of nil tilings I uvor hen nil Lincoln Is very quiet socially Just now. 1 linrdly know whether the cause is Iout or not In other yenis wo hnd dancing pnrtles in Lent, nnd there didn't seem to lie much diff erence, but this yenr both rlcasnnt Hour clubs have stopped, AIhjuI tho only dlsslpn tlou wo liavo now Is enrd jmrtlcs, mid high flvo seems to Ihj crowding out euchre Havo you played high live I I nm told thnt It is n western gnnie nnd thnt ninny ooplo In tho enst do not know lint It Is. I will tench you how to piny when you come, out next Humtnor thnt is, If you do not know nl ready. Hut I nm getting tired of these enrd pnrtles. You meet tho win o M?oplo over nnd over, nuillf you get n stupid pnrtner for nn hournt n tlmo it nlmost drives mo crnzy. I'd n lght inther bnvo dunces, with lots of now jotuig men. Jack Is going to bring up n New York friend of his tonight Jnck is such n denr, good fel low, such n nice friend. Didn't you think sol Oh, this reminds mo of n now gnuie I tried whllo culling on Mrs. liuirninu the other dny. It's i onl exciting nnd lota of fun. Mr. lluumnn hi ought it trom somewhere oust, Thcio Is a suggestion of checkers nbout It, but tho board has n great mmiymoio squares in it nnd uono of the men call bo taken otr tho bonrd, Tlio plecos nro llko chess pawns, and they nro arranged In tliu corners of the Ismrd. The game is to get them Into the opposite cor ner by u system of moves nnd Jumps. Tlieio Is Iota of clinuco for study, nnd when tho pieces get crowded In tho middle of the lioiird it Is Just too funny to see Mr. Huirmnu Jump half way around It in order to advance n pieco one or twoMunres. Tliognmoiscnllcd halmu. An odd iinnio, isn't it? Hut if there nro no parties or receptions to go to Wb can Hnd plenty of engagement to talk nbout. I Kent you a piqMjr announcing Miss Ortinnlnger's nnd Mr. Mcintosh's. It quite took us nil by surprise, because ho was such n now comer in Lincoln, but Jnck says tho inemlierR of tho two fumllioM were ncqunluted in Omaha. I don't seo how they could let tho jNijior como right out lsildly nml announce their engagement as it did; but tho gentleman is nil old nowspnper mnu, nnd I understand ho said ho wasn't iiHhnuied of It nnd wnsn't going to bnvo nny "Dnnio Humor," "It Is surmised" business. Jnck loomsiuthe block with n lot of tho boys, Including Mr. Jlclntosh, nnd ho wtys they understand tlio wedding will tnko plnco next fall. It seems to Ihj definitely settled now that Lieut. Orllllth nnd Miss Onkloy nro engnged, and Mnud snys thoy nro to Ixi mnrried In Bo tomber. Tho lieutenant has Imjpii mi devoted of courso wo bnvo rather lieen execilng something of tho kind, but until Now Years ho hnd n rival who mndo tho result very un certain. You will recnll Miss Onkloy ns tho girl who Impressed you nt tho mntmeo Inst fall as iH'IngBoprottynuihi'.srmjiic And Just think I the lieutenant is nn ofllcer in tho regit Inr nrmy. Thnt nssures him social rank and a hnudsomo Income for life. Ho was promoted n short tlmo ngo, nnd the next promotion will make him n captain. Ho Is stationed here now to drill tho endeta ntthostato university. Jack says ho liusu "snap," which Is his rough way of saying "nil easy, dosirnblo position." Hut If I wore going to mnrry him I think I would rnthor ho wero stationed at some fort with a lot of other olllcers and their wives. Thoy do have such gay tlmos, liecaUKO, you know I hnvo visited nt Fort Omaha. Jack says tho nontenant will probably Ihj relieved from this "detail," as ho calls It. And ho may be sent to one of those forts on the sen coast. Wouldn't tluitbe glorious! I declare, I almost envy Alteon. Hut, nfter nil, I haven't met nny nrmy olllcer quite as Inter esting as Jnck. He's only a prosy "man of bushier," as ho culls himself, but there is something about him you can't help liking. In my Inst letter I told you all ulsout the engagement of Miss Fuiike and Mr. Henry Hansileld. Hho wanted an early wedding day, but Jnck says Mr. Mnnsfleld asked to havo It deforrod nwhlle to give him tlmo to better establish himself. Ho is a young law yer, anil of course it takes tlmo for a profes sional mnu to got n good practice. He is a brother of Mrs. C. D. Moslior, whoso husband is in one of the banks, and has other connec tions that will help him to business. His fa ther lives at I'eorla and is wealthy, but ho is ambitious nnd wanlH to make his own way. I think Hint's right don't you J This couple havo been Just too devoted for anything slnqe their engagement. At the parties and recep tions thoy hnvo declined dancing with other persons, nnd hnvo boon partners to each other for the whole program. This was tlio enso oven nt the chnrity lwill. Somo of the young men felt plimed, but Jack sold ho didn't cure so long as 'he could dance with mo. That was gallant and lovely of him wasn't it? Ho oven suggested our taking each other for partners for nn entire evening to seo how it -would seem. That might do for an engaged couple, but I wouldn't want to try It now,not even with Jack, as good a friend as ho U. It might offend some of my other young men friends, and then it would make make people talk. Of courso you remember Frank Zehrung. No girl over cmne to Lincoln nnd wont out any without meeting him. He is the Ward McAllister of our Four Hundred, and I don't wonder ut it, because ho is such jolly good company. Ho 's Imjvii nbout n good deal mid has the ensy iiinnuor of n man of tho world. I think I would rather have Jack foru brother, because, liecauso because woll,be causo I would; but Mr. Kchrmig is Just splen did out in company. Ho is such a good con versationalist and full of dry Jokes. Tho gos sips have had him smitten a good many times, but I guess ho was Just trying to nmke him self ngreenblo to tho girls. They do say now, however, that ho has been caught at last mid for good. The successful woman is said to Ihj Miss Kelloy, a California girl who visited hero n long tlmo ngo, Mr. .elirung has been out In California this winter for quite awhile. .and I wouldn't ho surprised if the rejiort was true. Jack says if ho wore going to marry ho wouldn't go so far away for a girl. Ho thinks there are Just as nice girls in Lincoln us anywhere. Unit was n loyal sentiment and so lovely of him, too. I wonder somo- tlmes If Jack ever will marry. Ho Is such a .handsome, good-natured fellow 1 don't bee how anybody can help admiring him. If he . over falls In lovo he is going to tell mo, be cause ho has promised to. I wonder if it will bo proer for mo to tell her what n good, clover young man ho Is. Oh, that reminds mo Now bo prepared for a surprise. I have licou nssiiiod most solemnly that Hal Young is engaged. And to whom, do you supiioso? You would never guess, so I will relieve your curiosity. It Is CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1890 to n Miss Clark of Cadii, Ohio. Hho Is n sis ter of Mr. John It. Clnrk, I ho rich Iwnker, nnd hns visited In Lincoln sove rnl times. I told Jnck nbout It Inst night, but ho sort of turned up his noso In lofty superiority, Just llko n menu man, nnd Insisted thnt ho had known of it forn week or two. Ho said ho knew n morosurprlslng thing than thnt. Af ter letting mo tense him for an hour ho wild It concerned Mts Lnttn, nnd thnt It wns n lit tle romnntic nlTnlr thnt occurred whllo she wns visiting MIsh Toto Mc.Murtrynt Colorado Hprlngs early In tho winter. And the pro voking fellow wouldn't tell mo another word. I think it wns Just too mean I Jack wiys the Iniys regnrd Miss Iittn ns tho queen of tho young society of Lincoln, nnd they would look upon her jwrinnnent departure from Lincoln ns n calamity. Hho Is just the love liest girl, nnd I don't know what wo would do without her. The other night, when I went to Mrs. Hay den's children's tmrty to trot Carrie, I found MIkh Lnttn wns there, nnd I noticed by the CoUHIKli thnt she took the lend In the games played by tho little om. Hho has established herself llrmly In the fit vor of tli.i girls and Ixtys. Miss Florence Put nam has n childi en's party planned for Fri day evening, nnd, when mention wns made of having someone to assist In entertaining the littlo folks, she nuked to havo Miss Iittn, "bocnusosho knows nil the kissing gnuies." And Jack, the horrid maul Just laughs mid wiys the coming Imys nod girls of Lincoln nro nil right. Of course you hnvo seen from the puorx 1 sent thnt Mr. John M. 'lhnyer, Jr., the gov ernor's sou, Is engaged to Miss Mnggio Mul len, and I understand thnt the wedding is to take plnco next mouth. Did you know of the uffulrof Mis Mnttlo (lillosplo nml Hnyilen Myerl Ulie's the strikingly attractive gli I, you reinemlsT, you used to see when wo dropped In ut Foreman fc Crowe's on our shopping rounds. Mr. Myer Is tlio head mnu with O'N'ell tho plumber, nod ho has lieen olTeicd an Interest In tho linn. Isn't thnt Nplcndld? Well, they hnvo lots of friends, ami tho wedding is llxcd for the !Bth of this month. They do say that Miss Fiiiiny Heed Is en gaged to Dr. OUTou. I think jou met her, it vivacious, btlght-oycd brunette, Inst summer nt her sister's, Mrs. Frank M. Hall. Dear mel how I have run along. I'm al most at raid of Mug accused a gossip. Hut I nm sure you will lo deeply Interested In tho alTalrs of your Lincoln acquaintances, even if you did know them but a shoit time. Hut I must close now, for it lx nearly tea time, and after tea 1 must get ready for Jack. Tell me, dear, are you completely fancy fust jetf Toll the truth, now. (live my love to Mollie, anil do write soon Iivlugly Yours, Katk. 11 p. M. Thoy hnvo Just gone. Who do you siiiK)se Jack's friend wns! I know you couldn't guess If you tried ever so long. It wns Harry Hatidnll, of all men. Don't blush, you naughty girl, for not letting me into the secret. It seems that Jack anil Harry wero chums at Yale. Jack pulled mo IrIiiihI the jMirtlerre long enough to whlor your nnd Horry's nlHilr but I think you might hnvo told mo yourself. 1 think Mr. llnnilull is over so nice, almost ns nice us Jnck, nml I semi congratulations. Hut it Is Into, mid I must close with a kiss, tell mo nil about It, do. (lood night. The Heart of the AIIi-kIii'iiIcs. Writing of n recent trip ncross tho moun tains of West Virginia a gifted Journalist says: 'Twilight on tlio crndo Is grand. The mountain summits look llko the bushy tops of trees. Tho sun has disnpiicnrcd In n bnll of flro nt his "juinplngoir plnce," but tho vivid lighting of tho western sky by the still up tlliued illumining fnce below the horizon is in marked contrast to tho gathering shades lie hind the rushing train. From shelf to sholf, from crag to crag, from brink to brink, wo almost lly. Like u (lashing transformation, rendering nlniost past belief the fact that the scene is in the midstof tho Alleghauies, comes n bit of lnndscnpe giirdening with nil the bonutles of walks and hedges and bright lined (lowers, a mountain brooklet tumbling through tho centre Hiickhoru Wall, tho most noted and most admired view that can bo had from any known point in tlio Allegha ny rnuge. To enable tho road to spnn tho tremendous gorges, n massive wall of cut stone wns erected for a distance of several hundred feet, nnd more than n hundred feet nbovo tho foundation rock. As tho liver makes nn nbrupt turn at right angles, a deep canyon is 0ened up for miles. Kongo after iiitigeof mountains d(sapear behind each other. The shadowy outlines of single peaks steal out through tho haze." This U-autlful scene is on tho Hnltlmoro & Ohio It. It. nonr Grnfton, W. Vn. Tlieentlro lino from the l'otomnc to tho Ohio isu majes tic pnnorumn of the grandest views on the continent and all endowed with historic interest. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA, l'eoplo who enjoy comic opein will ho glnd to know thnt Mnnnger Mclleynolds hnshook ed two companies for next week. "Hald Pasha" Is down at Fimko's ojiern house for next Thursday evening. This Is one of the newest comic ojionn nml hns had n very suc cessful season. Mnny will lecnll Itnsono of the 0erntle fonturcsof tho earlier part of tho Lincoln senson. "Hald I'ltslm" hns mnnv bright things In music, dialogue mid costume, nnd Is well cnlctllntcd to make n pleasant evening's entertainment. KIllllAV KVKN1N0. The other comic oorn of next week will lie "The Pearl of lVkln," which is Isiokrd for Friday evening. When here lieforothoi owns consldnrnhlo difference of opinion iiImmiI some of thonrtN, but nil agreed In the venllctlhnt Iiouls Hnrrison was n very funny comedlnu with lota of go In his noting. There Is n sug gestion of "The Mlknko" In this oorn, but of course It Is wholly different and nponls to the public on Its own merit. The coiiiniiy hnvo lieen playing through the west und nink Irg n Hue success. They return to Lincoln with the ndvimtngo of Inci cased oxoilcnco nnd new "buslmss. ' Mrs. Kncll-Mcllon, whoe itvont cscnutdo with the Wnll street broker, Douglass Oreeti, hns cntiscd such n sensation, was very fond of the stage in various ways. Hho not only wanted to become an actress, but at one time she had nil ardent predilection for nctois. Of the latter the one who ImpicsMsl her most wns Herlwrt Kelcey, of the Lyceum Thenter. .Mrs. Mellon took such a violent fancy to ICel c.iy thnt she wanted to buy him, Hho fancied thnt her money could procure her anything she wnntcd, and wns therefore nstoulslicdniui not n little Indignant when Mr. Frolmuiu's Adonis refused to ho sold. Hho actually mndo him nu offer of fIOO,(XX) to run away with her for u year. At nnothcr time sho volunteered to buy tho MndlsouHoiinro Then ter for liltu, nnd tin oiighout these commercial ! prnMxtons she loni.eil him with costly pres ents, nil of which Mrs. Kelcey now ohhcsscn us souvenirs of Mrs. Melton's folly. It would seem from this thnt Mrs, Mel tea Is quite ns insane ns tho unfortunate mnu to whom she got u negro preacher to inury her. .Madame Cottivlly Is determined tot out nine tho McCnll 0Hrn CouiMiuy on tho iuid next season. Hho pays Mcl'nll for the name nml will manage the enterprise herself. The Kendall go direct to Hun Kriiiiclsco ut tho close of their Now Yoik engagement They nro to play in Knit Lnko City, Denver and Omaha on their return oast. The Kinina Juch opera iouiMiiiy have lxs'ii hooked nt Fuuko's for April 1 In "Cm men." The highest priced tickets will Ui 'J Charles Coglihiu Is writing another play for Hose Coglihiu. Other Tlientrli'iil News on Ptigo'J. Ait In 1 rcKxiniikliii;. Mis. A. W. Duv has Just loturucd from Chicago after u thorough Inspection of the litest modes In the maimer of llttlug and mak ing ladles' wear, nnd bus just oiicd now quarters at StUO H stroot. Mrs. Day as nu artiste Is well known by our lending society Indies, llvng for nlsmt a yenr hnd cluirgo of the dress milking department nt Mrs. (los per, mid previous to thnt time hold a similar Hsltlon with Mnrslmll, Field & Co of Chi cago. This certainly hns given the lady nu insight to the business that proves valuable to her its well its her patrons. The lady has asscclated with her ludiusinoM, Miss Clara Frnil nnd the firm nniiio bus Imxu styled, Day & Km II. Miss Krall recently returned from Now York, where she sHMit a sonsoiistuilyliig her favorite art and now enters the work with Ideas, fresh ami now. Together the ladies make up a thoioughly oximm fenced firm and knowing fully their business should be able to please all. The It street cars go within u block of their residence. The National Capital, The City of Washington is nu object of perennial interest to all patriotic Americans. Not alone because It Is the great throbbing heart of the mightiest and grandei.t Iteniiblio tho earth hns ever known, but also on account of its material magnificence. All Americans take prldo In its U'liutlful avenues, majestic architecture, stately homes, nnd well stored galleries and museums ns things of grandeur and benuty in themselves, upnrt from the historic interest with which thoy nn invested. It is a hope and aspiration i f all "younir America," at least, to somo time or other visit tho Capital of his country. Tho Hnltlmoro nnd Ohio It. It. offers un equallcd facilities in aid of this desire. All its through trains hotween Now York, Phila delphia, and Haltlmoroon tho east, and Pitts burg, Cincinnati, Ht. Iiuis, and Chicago on tho west, pnss through Washington. Ita fust express trains nro vcstlbulcd from end to end nnd lieutcd with steam. PiiIlmnu'H lnU-st and liest productions in tho wny of sumptuous Drawing ltoom Sleeping Cnrs mo nttached to nil Its through trains. The present ninn ugement or tho 11. & O. have mndo vast im provements in the last two years, and the road is today one of tho foremost pnssenger cnrrylng lines in the country. Through tickets vln H. & O. It. It. enn bo purchased at all tho principal ticket olllces throughout tho United HtaU-s. Desk ltoom uuil Olllres. Ill our now counting room which is caqiet ed with body briissels and otherwise hand somely furnished, we have built a neat rail ing, giving room for two olllces, or desk room, which wo will tent ronsonnbly to the right pnrtles. Olllces kept clean, heated, nnd use of U'lephono given. Apply at olllco. Wessol Printing Co. "Courier" Huildmg, HIM IVM N St. Show Cases For Sale. Bovornl counter show cases of several sizes nil for sale cheap at tho CouitiK.u olllco. Cull nud see them. Prices will suit. Kyo, Kiir, Nose and Throat SpucUllnt. Dr. Charles E. Hmhr, No. 1415 O st. Con sultations in F.uglish nnd Cermiiii, Tho nobbiest turnouts that nro seen on ou thoroughfares are from the Paluco ktubles. Telephone No. A'M. Htables on M street oj Kslte Masonic temple, A Never KnilhiK Tnlu of Fortune. As usual the grand monthly drawing of tho lioutsinnn Htuto Lottery came off on Tuesday Kebrunry 11. Ticket No. lM,:wr drew tho first capital prize of J00,000. It wus sold in twentieths at M,(X) each, sent to M. A. Dau phin, New Orleans, Ln., one to C. Kozmlu skl& Co., Chicago, III., one to Malachl J. Good, Hoston, Mass., one to the National Se curity Hank, Huston, Mass.: one to John D. Maylleld & Kd C. Hlnistedt, Wueo, Tex., ono to C. P. Kramer, -IIjO Hroudway, Cleveland, O., ono to 1. O'Hrlen, .VJl Ho. 17th Ht.,Ht. Philadelphia, Pu., ono to a correspondent through Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Hank, Han I-rancisco, Cnl., onu to illsnm Klein, Kil Knterpriso Alloy, MeKeosport, Pn., etc., etc. Ticket No. -H.l'M drew the second capital prize of $100,000, also sold in twontlutlis at jl each, ono to J. H. Webb, Hostou, Mass., ono to Western National Hank, Hnltimoro, Mil., ono to Percy Williams, care W. II. Kuglor & Co., Prutt und Green Htt., Haltlmore, Mil., one to Nevada Hank, Han Kriincisco, Cnl., one to C. Nord, Pnxton, HI., ono to Kdgnr Hill, Cincinnati, O.. ono to C. T. Aubushon, Do 8oto, Mo., ono to bank of Montreal, Hrockville, Out., Canada, one to John Mojor cor. Huioimu and Klght Ht., Now Orleans, 1m., etc. Ticket No. 40,l!i drew tho third capital price of f ."JOKX), It was sold in quar tan ut 5 each, ono to II. A. Hulburd, Chi cago, 111., onoto American Express Co., De troit, Mich., and tho rest went elsowhero. Ticket No. SM,olU drow the fourth capital prize of f2,000, sold In twentieths at $1 each. Tho next drawing will take plnco Tuosdny, April 15 of which nil information will bo fur nished on uppllcntlon to M. A. Dauphin, Now Orleans, La. School children w ill learn much faster If they mo made comfortable und kept in er feet health. Very few esdi'si severe coughs mid colds during the winter mouths. It isnn easy mutter to avoid tho discomforts nud dis tress of coughs nud colds by using Chamber lain's Cough Iteinedy. It is by fur the let treatment ever brought into general use for coughs, colds and hoarseness. When tlio first symptoms of cold npjiear, use CliumWlnin's Cough Heiuody and the cold enn bo broken up ut once. Hold by A. L. Hhruder. Wedding suppers, lunches und banquets of all kinds are provided hy Hrowu In tho heat stylo nud on short notice. Dr. C. II. Maiming, olllco rooms ilO-itf-Cg Hurr block. Telephone UitO. llosideiieo Cor. Ihlth and F. Telephone .'EH). ' Hook ordois ahead for Huiuluy livery In order to get a rig ut tho Pnlico Stables. If you want lino corresK:iuIeiico stationery rememlHir that the Coimiiku olllco carries a large line, including novelties. The best plnce in tlio city of Lincoln to get gixxl Ixxird is at Hrowu's cafe. You hnvo a great variety to select from and the prices uro reasonable, Hhukospenro compluta mid it year's subscrip tion to the CouuiKU for only $4.50. For mr tlculurs seo advertisement on (mgo eight. "LA GRIPPE" SCIIOTTISCHE. V Written cjcpressh for The American V rcsa Associutien. Dy HARHY L. TYLER, fMnTi:iiTMti'sr.m illfe5lEp5HiygMNltel Msmm illllrtelBlMNteNiAES w Pm lira- mimi-vmE ! i 1 l-T- - m -r L S: ki. '- - rj z:- 1 1 1 ' 8r ra mmnmtmpMp$.i Cr-i " b-pIm''" i . - -t - -W7Tr i 13 p -sr.- mU4J jfi?Jiifcpita 'si-5--ai - - j -ny-L- (ali"I::;lr?s,"" ,m.m.m vixK. tr tim w W ' I ) V riNH. -zx. Co; yrUlit, IKM. by Julni do WIlL -Jr el PIANOS All the Latest nnd most Popular Mi.slcnl Compositions may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH htm STREET. SHEET MUSfC Large Stock of the leading American made (iultnrs Piano Tuning nml Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES THE YOST MACHINE Acknowledged Superior to All Others This new Writing Machine which has already won Highest Distin- tion has become a Favorite with the Leading Operators. AtfeSSeL PRINTING CO., OrSOL-e HC6NTS COURIER OFFICE, LINCOLN, NEB. t