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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1890 S6GDS Sow Grass Seed Now Blue Grass AND- White Clover Seed. Landreth's Reliable Garden Seeds Frank E. Lahr, 936 P Street, North Side Postolliee Square HENRY M. DOMESTIC ROCK SPMHGS CIHON CITY TRENTON And "OLD LEE" Anthracite. US 3. 10th Stmt. UUphont 360 REMOYAL Boston Shoe i Store -AND- Sherwin's Pharmacy CAN UE FOUND AT 1124 0 Street Now at home In our elegant new tore, centrally located ami Blocked up with n complete line of good, wc auk you to drop In and sec us, As Usual- -Lowest Prices I Don't Forget the Place! . Sherwin's Siiok Stork, 1134 O Street, and SHERWIN'S PHARMACY 1134 O Street. Santa Fe Route ! Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R The Popular Route to the Pacific Coast. Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers Between Kansas City and SAN DIEGO. LOS ANGELES, and SAN FRAN- CISCO. Short Line Rates to PORTLAND, Oregon. Double Dally Train Service Between Kansas City and PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, and DENVER. Short Line to SALT LAKE CITY. The Direct Texas Route Solid Trains Between Kansas City and Galveston. The Short Line Between Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft. Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple, San Antonio, Houston, and all Principal Point In Texas. The Onlv Line Running Through the OKLA'HOMA COUNTRY. The Only Direct Line to the Texas Pan-Handle. For Maps and Time Tables and Informa tion Regarding Rates and Routes Call on or Address S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent, . 1308 Farnam St., OM A.H JJ, NEB. r , L r , C E fol A LEAVITT I "a1 t rr LJ T 1J A liulitr lt)rr of Mixlrrn 7Ymrs, HuiiHUiiirriiiN Oito Your by Mull or Carrie fiOOj HU Months, I.OOj Three Mouths, fiOo. Uno month UO Cents Invnrnlily In Advance. AllVKnTMKMKNTfl! IUile furnished on (ippllesll'l t the often, Hwolnl rnlrmmTlnio Contractu. (iNTHinimiiNs Hliort spicy sketches, imm'iii mill stories wollcltrd. IVrmiiinl mid Hoelnl note (in xi,vlnlly desirable. I'niKTlNdi Wo insko a WHlalty of Finn Printing In (ill Hi tirnnolii"., Hoelrtv work axllty. PubllHliud Snttirctny. Addre nil ciimmiiimbitl ins direct lo tli it 1 1 , - Wichhicl Pkintino Co, rinit.iHHKiiH. Courier llnlldlug, H:ii N Hlreel. 'I'KI.KI'IIONK i'vl K Wkkmki., Ju., Editor unit Hole I'toprletor. I'llKt) IlKN.tNUKIl, Awtoclnto Kdltor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. Tiik correspondent, of tho Omiilm llrmlill run on tlio trnlii tlm oilier day overheard tun II. .t M. olllc litis talking of tht) now shops (it Lincoln iin definitely decided (in, TlIK city election will bo held April 1. Tho elector will have n Humect to vote for or nitMlimt Iwiiliu f IIHI.IXM) worth of InhuM for paving ninl worth for sowers. And now tlm MilltlolniiH urn ii'mslng At torney (lencrnl I.ihw of nn miihtlou to ! (oiiio governor. Thlslsn heinous crime, and thoKoutlcmcu who discovered It should have n rownnl for tlielr nstuteniws. Tom C(kkk, ceuxii sucrvlor, ns in Wnnhlhgtou Hiiiidny Inylug plans for the ap pointment of enumerators. Hovernl other prominent Nebraska politicians weed In tlio city, mid u conference was held that, settled tho polltlrul futu of this stain for tlm next year. Tiik city council has Kinnted thu mo of Klovcuthstroot south to J for tint olorlrio street lall.vny. Tlio council Is nlno louiidcr lug 1111 onllntmco providing nil "occupation Ux" of 1IH) (i yenr 011 llinmr dealers to go to tlio (Hillco fund nml nlno mi "occupation tux" on hill postern. Tiik banquet In connection with tlio state oratorical contest wiu given nt tlio Llndell hotel. Tho contest was under tlm auspices of tho students of Wosloymi, who nro mostly piolilhltfonUts. They explain thutthoy wont ti tlio Lludn'l hccuiio It Is tlio only hotel without a Inn-. Hut, wny explain! Tiik Nebraska Ttirnfvst will ho I10M m IIiIh city f 1 0111 Juno ID to !J, nud tho Lincoln turn verelu has chosen olltccr and committee to innko nrruiigoinenU for It. Tho ofllceni ait) Herman Wolteiniulo, prenlilonf, Clin. Dtiu Ixich, vice president ; Henry Bnigiimun, cor rvHK)iidliig secretary; Christ faminor, word ing secretary; Chiiles Molmur, tivnHinx'r. Tiik memW of tho n.iil Estate exchange have Incorporntjtl two rnllnxids intendwl to help Lincoln. Tho Lincoln & Vsurn Is to run wcKtwnrd mid uinko conmvtloiis with tho P., K. & M. V. mid tlio U. P. Tho Line In, Bloux City it Yankton Is to run northward mid connect with tlio towns nmned. Theso nro only 011 wper iw yet, hut thoro nro huI HUuitlnl reasoiiri for puxhhig tlio westoi 11 lino nt one. At Washington Wiiluewlny evening Sena tor and Mr. MniuU'i-xon gnvo u nvuptiou for Nehriukmis. Among tho guest woi-o Mr. mid Mil). Coimoll, Jlr. mid Mih. Dornoy, Mr. mul Mrw. Ijih8, Judgo Or Jir, Hon. John M. Thurston, Mckmh, Cook, Potcni, Hlmightcr, Annlii mid Pickoivll. Tho object of thu gathering was to got tho Nebraska jeoplo to gether In onler that thoy may become bott r nciuuiutHl with o ich other. ; In a Iottr to an eastern taor On President Harrison's ailmlnlstiatlou Gov. Thnyer says: Tho only fault I have to find with tho iwllcy of tho administration is that tho president has kept too many "offensive partisan" dom ocrnts in otllce. In my Judgment it is a mis take to keep political opiient In their places because their terms Iiavo not oxplnnl, An administration to tw successful, whothor republican or democratic, must put Its own friends mid supporters In places of respoiul hlllty and trust. Tho jxirty that does not recognize its own friends will uo to tho wall. us It ought A COIIHKHI-O.snK.Vr Wlithnr from W.islilnir. ton tells u .Senator Mandemon has 11 "ml Rion1 in vongross. Hero is tha explniiatlon: In his conenxwlounl lutiors ho linn mmln spicialty of army reorganization, hut has met with much opposition. His plan Involve a complete change of the regiment. Ho would have It of threo ixittnllons, each commanded by n major. This is substantially tho system now in voguo In EuroM, where n regiment may consist of 2,400 men, or 800 to tho bat talion. Hut Senator Manderson propones to have but twelve companies of fifty 111011 each In timo of jhvico, with all tho facilities for prompt oxpaiislou to a regiment of 1,'JOO men in tho event of war. In Bhort, he adopts tho familiar idea of a "erfect skeleton organiza tion," to which recruits may instantly be called and the regiment mndo effective in a short timo, but rejects the regimenr.of 1,000. During the civil war It often proved Impossl bio for a colonel to command a whole regN inent effectively, as at proseut organlnol, and tho dlfllculty will bo vastly Increnswl by the breech loailhig rifle, with the much more rapid firing and tho longer allguxent which will be found profitable. His plan would In volve the advancement of fifty captains to majors, 100 first lieutenants to captains and a 160 second lieutenants to Unit, while 200 now lieutenants would bo commissioned all this at an extra annual cost of H'rhnps $2,000,000. Nevertheless, savs Senator Man derson and his military exerieucu gives him tie right to speak with some authority It is necessary to maintain nil thu machinery of n complete nrmy In perfect readiness, for war always comes when no ono wants or ex pects It. Ho will pres his bill for reorganiza tion, and it will doubtless lio a leading subject of Interett in tho present congress. S0MK LKNTKN FASHIONS. OLIVE HAflPEH WHITES OF STYLES FOR THE PENITENTIAL SEASON. OUnrca nt flown Willed Will Apprnr on Knatfir NntiilHy How tlm l-orllit Crea tion of tlm NrH.oti Arn Cniistriirlrit This Vrnr. (Hpeclnl OurrrnileiKs). Nicw YoitK, Mnrcli III. To Ihj "As tss.ll rifl n ttilo nml pnlu nn n nun'' is tho fashion for young girln just now; that Is, for them to nppcnr lis tall nud slondor nH thny can, nud ns munber nml tiunlitrtisivo In nppiirul us tho modest brown ttilo, nud to Iw ns dumuro nml nalntly ns tho nun In iimtmor iih thny walk along tlio street with pretty prayer Inwks clasped in tholr revereiitinl littlolinuilN. It Is TmiL TAIIXJIt MAUIC GOWN. What with tho black gloves, the som ler dn'SHcs nud tho hnudsouic prayer ImhiIc, and tho serious ftico, with eyes downciiHt in Hllont rollcctlon or upturned in rovoront npponl, uccording us tlioy look tho best, tho present fushioii iimkes tho young girl irresistibly lovely. As tlm IMiten girl goes slowly ulong the street it is not certain Unit her thoughts, like liur eyes, nro llxod upon her devotions, for nro not tlio dress makers holding revel nud carnival Mining tho beautiful fabrics which nro to ravish tho eyes of tlm beholder ns noon tin Easter comes? Oh, the lovely, dninty drchseM, soft mul lleeoy, rich mid shin ing, that nro to soo tho light nftor this penitential sensonl It is penntico to lmvo to wait four whole, long weoks beforo ono can wear those beautiful drcssctil Tailor mndo gowns with flat, smooth soaum nro seen nioro than over nmong tlio now spring styles, nud thoy ought novor to bo abandoned, its nothing can bo bo snug mul trim nml ptolty, of whnt ovor nmtcriul thoy nro mndo. I found ono tho other day, just finished for n nowiy married lady, of cadet gray cloth, with a plain front, lint panels with stitching nt tho sides nud n drnpery of enamel bluo velvet, which, drawn In short tnblier form ncross tlio front, fell in tho back in n sash to tho liottom of tho skirt. Tho front of tho basquo had volvot lnpcls nnd vest, and altogether was a model of siniplo richness and elegance. A gown for a young matron which was just flnishod hnd tho back laid in deop kilts of black niolro nnd narrow pnnol on each sido of embossed black velvet. Tho front wns of rich plain velvet in shawl drapery. Tlio basque was per fectly plain with small steel buttons. A dainty shoulder enpo was of tlm embossed velvet with two falls of lace, nnd with this was n black luco bonnet with old rooo ribbon bows. This dress wns par- KASTKIt DHESSES. ticularly rich nnd handsome, nud will llrstseo tho light of day on Easter Sunday providing tho weathor is fair. If not, I do not doubt thnt somo tears will bo shed, nnd not exactly of a penitential nature Another dress to bo worn on that mo mentous occasion was just having its final "trying on" ns I nrrivcd.and it was so handsomo that I Instantly seized its spirit, and hero it Is. Tlio dress was of moss green faillo, witha flvo inch band of olivo green velvot all around tho bot tom and partially up tho left side, whero the drapery folds over in curtain stylo. Above tho band of velvet was n row of crocheted trimming in dark green sad dler's silk in Eiffel points. The bnsquo bad a full vest of whlto crepo do Chine, nnd bordered by bands of velvot to match tho skirt. A dainty toque, with nlialf rosotto of embroidered crepo do Chine, is in white crepo nnd moss green velvet. Tan suede gloves complete tho costume. Any lady can niako herself a dress after theso models, nnd if sho Is spry can get it done for Easter and look just as pretty as tho ladies will who paid good nuss knows how much for tho orig innls. Ouvk Haweu. A $2,600 HOU8E. An lilgcitlin .trmiisrniriiit of Itntls Mitkoa It t'liiiMuill) Uontmilnnt. Tho floor plans given herewith uro from L. II. Ollnon's "Fifty Convenient House," Thomas Y. Crowell ft Co., Now York. Both sitting room and parlor nro In frout. Thu dining room Is placed Immisllately in tho rear of tho sitting room. Thus wo havo two rooms Jn frout anil two In tho rear. This Is tirnctlrally a wpinre houwi. Tlio old habit has been to placo the stairway along ono sldo of tho parlor In the hnll, which served ns a passngoway rom the front to tho rooms Im mediately hi tho rear. This distribution of halls Is what tins thrown tlio sitting room back of tho mrlor. H HALL H J tlltnUND FIM)IU In the plan here kIvcu tho change has lieeu iniiilo so that tho hall has relatively thu H.11110 H)sitlon that hnd tlio sitting room In tho past, though it is by uo means as large. It is es sentially a stair hall, and luclileutally a pas sage. As placed, wo may enter it from tho piulor, sitting room, dining room or kltoheu. Its H)sltlou Is central. There nro two doors Imtwcoii this stair hall and tho kitchen. Tho central ositiou of the stairwny has other advantages than thoso Just staUsl. It mnkes long halls on thu si-coud floor entirely uiiuo cewrnry. As will bo seen by looking at tho floor plan, it gives two good bedrooms in front. Tho dining room Is Immediately hi tho rear of tin sitting room. There may Ihj sliding doors connecting theso two rooms. Ono door three nml a half fisit wiilo usually mnkes n suf ficiently largo oHuing for tho dining room connection. There nro sliding doors between thu parlor nud sitting room, nnd dining room and sitting room, as shown. Thu kitchen lias thu ndvmitnguof a certain amount of isola tion from tho rest of tho houso, for tlio reason that there are two doors between it nnd any other room. '1 ho pantries nre nrrnuged with refeieucu to their most convenient use. In BKCOND 8TOnY. tho kitchen pantry there nro places for a ro friKerator, flour bin, bread board and cup board. Tho dining room pantry is a china closet, with glass doors above anil clowyl doors below. Tlio doors connecting tho dining room jiantry or jwusngo should Uj hung 011 iloulilo spring hinges. On tho second floor thoro Is a hall about fourteen feet long, from which we pass to two Ixxlrooms In front, two iu the roar, the bathroom nnd tho store oloaot. Each room Is Independent. Thoy may bo connected 0110 with tho other ns family necessities suggest. Tho store closet Is accessible from tho hall, nn such closet should bo. This makes it nvniln bio from any of tho rooms. Tho bathroom is directly over tho kitchen. The cost of tho houso is nlKiut ('-V'tOO. A ClrHcfiil Writing Tuble. WntTINO TAni.E. Hero Is a suggestion of a lady's writing tablo pure and simple. Tho principal feat ure of tho thing is the inclosing, by means of n fan, of tho stationary cabinet on tho table top. This elegant bijou contrivance forms a refreshing alternative to tho oft repeated curtain element now so commonly used ns a reeesn dust uxcltidur. Tho ohloui; panel, Just above, might consist of a Itnrtolozzi tinted print, framed in by a broad band of silk or plush. This class of treatment is now "tho rage," and makes a welcome change from the beveled glass plat so frequently ro sorted to for this puriioso. Tliiiuctil Ho Wh HIiMlng. Clerk (in auction room) Wnke upl You can t sleep hero, Drunk Wozzar mszzart Clerk When you nod you got tho ouC' tioueer all lulled up. -Life. Dl.crepunry Soninwhrre, Mrs. Fangle Why, John, tho waiter Is itanding upright. Fnnglo Yes, of coarse, Mrs, Fanglo Hut you said ha bad to ba lipped. Epoch. IL ii-'io' h Qwbrr I jT pmMm I si I lT8' i." J I ott-jE5irl 1 N .'-- IAUEITIUS Uon't forget that Centemeri The Best J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. Ladies' 131 South MAURITIUS Ashby & Millspaugh Are Closing Out their Entire Stock at Cost. Now is the time to Buy Goods at Wholesale Prices ! ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. Lincoln Saviags Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OP STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. Interest paid oil deposits ut any rate of S per cent por milium for nil fullcalandnr months Hafes to rent In hurKlar proof anil Uro proof vaults, at annual rental of 15 nnd upwards. Money lo loan on real estate and collateral. YOU It HA VINUH ACCOUNT HOLICITED. HKNUY K. I.KWI8, President. A. P.M. STUAIIT, Vice President. BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY COHL WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. L. MEYER, Notary Public and Real Estate Dealer in City and Farm Property AQKNT rS W North German-Lloyd Steamship Co., Hamburg-American Packet Co., and Baltic Lines. Also Railroad Agent for the Different Companies East and West. Southampton. Havre, Hamburg, SteUen, London, Paris, Norwny, Plymouth, Bremen, Sweden, and any point in Europe. Post Orders and Foreign Exchnnge Issued to nil prominent points In Europe. IlavliiR largo facilities east vri.U,tho hUtuest llanks nnd . Savings Institutions, I am pro pared to make all kinds of Lontm on 'irst Ileal Estate Mortgages, i ity or Farm Property, from 1 to 0 years, at tho lowest Interest. 1 also deal In BchooV lionds, Htato, County and City Uarrauts, also In Stale. Coiintvand CltvrllHed ninlitm. nml win ..nv il... i,(i,. market prlco. Call and sco mo or Corrcspoid L. MEYER, 1 08 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. ESSEL PRINTING CO. Courlor Office. Telephone 253, New Burr Block The Machine THE THE NEW YOST! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS ! It needs hut to he seen to bo convinced that It Is fur ahead o any thing heretofore Introduced. NOT A TOY OH I'LAYTIIINO, hut a prnctlcul machine built on thorough scientific principles, by C. N. Yost, for many years punt building of both Callgroph und llomlngton Typowrllors. WESSHL PRINTING CO. Sole Agents, COUMEU 1IUILDING. II33-USI N Street. MAUEITIUS wc jire Agents for the Rid Gloves Gloves Made. Furnishers, 11th St. MAURITIUS JNO. It. MrCLAV, It. WKL8H. Trensurer. Toller WEKVER, Telephone 440 FOIt THE with me. JTorth Tenth Street. That Has Taken LEKD, YOST! , ..... ..... ..jH t.j ,,,w ,,,b,,vn. JPV THE yfiBrNEW F C-i "H