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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1890)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1890 .A' o 1 KiAnAflAfllBBHBil 'cffitiijz 'Milwaukee, 'Srajirrt, tSJi Om an mill orutt 1.W0 ntllvn of UiomiiKlily QUlpptMi rtuil In IIIImoIh, Wntoniilll, Inwil, MlftNoiirl,Mliiiit'itotii mill DuKotii. IlUtlui llcwl IMrtvt Houtt' lit'twt null tliu Prliiolml I'nliiu In thu NortltwrM, Poiitliwmt ml Knr Writ Kor iimtw, Hunt liilili'x, ritti'M or iiuimiiko mid frolKltt, etc., upply tn licit rt nliitlon nut-lit ol OlIIOAdn, Mll.WAUKI'.K A HT. I'AUI. ItAII. way, or to liny Hnllroml Annul iinywlioro Im tlm world. ll.MIM.KII. A. V. H.OAUl'KNTKH, (Irnnrnl M'a'r. (lun'l I'iihk. A T'kt Act. K.TUUKKir, OKl. II. IIKAKKOHI), m.. don' Mitr. Aunt. U. I'. A T. Atil. Milwaukee, WIucoiihIii. JNT-Ko? tnroniintlon In rcrcreurc to '.muU miUTowim owned by tho eiilcitKO, Mllwitu. kou A HI. l'mil l(nll iiy Cotnimny.wrln to II. U. II AUOAN.lJind CommliMitniior.MIII wiiukro WIconln. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, .St. Jos.cpli,Knii8a City, St. Louis nml nil Points South, East and Went. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson Wichita, Hutchinson and all points In Kansas, The only road to the Great Hot Spring ol Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Kccuning v-nnir cars on all trains. J. E. R. MILLAR, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. Uen'l Agent Cor. Oand 12th Street. mJRJiJH ON SALE TO ALL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH - AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, Ciiy Passengci Agent nfiVHiiJ uiS mK. Tckets SOCIAL AND PKKSONAI, I'oiinlilrrnliln oxrllpinont wits Atlnttl tip SnMinlny nml HtliulitV ovt'f tliitilliiiM'iirniirit f.l F Hnninnl. now lUIni? In Omnlin. Ills Imi oil units wi'in titiknonn for nlxnittwo mii'Vh Mis IImi mini iniulo iinxlmis Inqiih Us, mid n KnniMisnty piiiMTliiiiliisunsiitlotint Item nlmul Ids tttaiipt'iiritmi) Mr. Hnninnl turnt.1 tip nt OmiiiIiii Hominy nf In nixm rntlirr stirprlsiMl nt tint liiilmli lin li'iil crcntoil. Ho explained Hint litt lunl Ihm-ii In lint Interior of Arkansas on IuisIm.. Mr. A. II. Coirrotli, nn luttiuiito frli'inl, snys Mr. Ilnrmiril, wlnni nwny on litisliii'ss, Is linliln to Ihh'oiiiii moiiIi sorhi'd l"i It ns to form! to wrlttt lionm, Hltirr H'tlnn to Onmliii Itwciiis Hint Mr. Ilnnmnl mitli mi utiMinTKNfiil ntii'inpt to oiniinlHii pnrking 'onipiiny Lately holms Ihivi trying 0 foi 111 11 rtmiwiiiy for llio niiinnfiicliiro of itr tls nml stnvtN. wnltllng of itiloiotit to timnv ns colo, "iltltoil Mtipili'tly Innt week Unit It olllilixl nil icoitoi lor n thno Tho pin tli h to It "I'lo Mi I'.lini'i Fisht'i', 11 yoiiii)t t'liutini'tt'i' ullli 11 pr- inl'lnn t'iiiiHr before lilin, nml MiwOllve, nliKhtti' of Mr .lii'itt's A. Ilitlley, llio i'll Known tlivoinlor. TI10 rereiimny win m r f 'nod Thin winy evening nt tlio In lilo's lioiuo 1 llio pii'in'iicnofonly n fow frii'inls () V Wohsltir nml J. .. IIiInooo l-ouht 'lie ImhiI nml cliiMt stock of IVrklns 11km. nml tin n put I'Viink lViklns In el 111 1 k of I'. HI 11101 IVi kins litis gone tollnlilregf, llio Conner home of his w ifo, nml Is n iIi-hiiiiiii In 11 gel if in I tout- Tint IVi kins lirotliors ore hiioIi t'lttvor 't'litloiiii'ii that Lincoln itooiilo will liuglml lo li'ni of tlielr iIiiIiik' "ell. .lo'in Phillips has left lemur's ticket olllce lo Inko t Imrno of thosnli.i'i Iptlon department. 11' llio luurmil. A superior ollli-erwiintctl lo in hTi r John to tint deinit nlll'O, nml ho ho'ifht lie lmd I'ullii'i' litt ti iinwspiiior iiimi. II I'lutv hits 1 11 lllletl I iy ('. I). lliiL'enniin. win miis lint htt'i.'lnrt for tlm Into Hunt. Mc- "ii lir, nml iifieittiirdH In Hupt. 'I'liompHiin'M olllo MitJ'ir McAithiir, Mirvoyor of tliupmt of I. In. t'ln, only nets f'M 11 montli Unuwo tlio liillt'it'ittliiK liU ullleo forgot to mention 11 kiiI it v Henntor Mumlersnii proiiilsos lo put up 1 lltlit hill Unit will llx tint ponpilsltt-H ut t 'IM Ii'. II. Hlzor, Jr., lmd his fni'o lilown full of H)wtlor wlilltt plnylnn with It Momlny nlfitit. Ills uy. s woro tlitniKlit to ho d mei oiisly Injiinsl. IIIh fntlior, In MIIimiuIu-ooii Iv. P. husliioss, wns teli'rnplii'd for Tlm oonUtstinlM niinoiiii' oil for tint Into oratorical con cut tKtt'iiliy woro J. II, .',.. orty of tlio stiittt mil 'ortity, I). O. I'rt;iisiii of Wiwloynn, I. A. Tuinnr of Doiiiid nml l. It. Collins of O.i't's. (). Flfor, who 'iitdnntiMl from tlm stnto uiilvomlty Inst. Juno nml tlii'iulld .nil tnldo roportorlnl work on tint Journal, has tpilt nowspajHtr work lo tnko 11 plmi) In tlio II. M. i'iikIihht'h utile Col. K. K.SIror mid other ollloora of tho Uniform Itank of Knight of Pythlnt left Mondityfor.M lwniikts)ioiniikitnrrmiKoiuoiiN forNohraskn'tipiDtn at tho coinlnj; iMiniinp iiiont, Mr. mid Mr. John Ht'liinlttol loft Inst week for Hot H.rliis, Aik., for tho IntU'iV hoaltli. Mr. H. has sin -ti ivtui'iieil nml In 011 ileek for IiuhIiiossushsu'iI, It 1) Httnrns wtnttoClileiiKo enrly In the wwk to ntot't Mm. HtoaniH mid nco iiiipiiny lor home. Mrs. T. H. Hvlvmuis' mother died Tiimlny it tlio iiki' f o7. The Ixsly wns takt-ii to c'lil ciiao. John M. L'ottiiii hns liouslit n lot on V snitl iiiiir Twinty-Hoveiith nml wlllhulld. 'llio Iliiteh family riivo entei tiilnmenU nt W vim iv ')lllllly nml Tiiomlay. letter fit'iu Hot Spilnss, Ark., rvporU I0I111 T Stohlis Improving, Mr mid M'M J. It. Webster nro olT on no nstt'i'ii tup. lOttit r H H'lnl NeH on Pitj;o8. .MTSIC AND TIIK DUA3IA. "A Pos'.llilo Ciiko" wnsprodueednt Fntiko'1 lint iiIkIiIiiiiiI will Im ivHnttsl this evening Tno t'hIcnRo Whim tmys: While tho mihjeet ifillvoreoenu Irnnlly lie reeoiiiiucndisl orlu lorsed for frivolous trenttiieuton thostnge of .1 theater, yet there nro so ninny nlisunl nml eoinlo sides to the ipiestlon that them enn pwlmbly Ui no lmrni tlono In nlrhiB tlio fol lies nml weakness of tho divorce laws of our country. The piny Is of the smiio farcical typoasthoNipiosented hy DnlyV company; is well written, Ineccy, witlrleal, clear cut, full of nuluiiitiou, nlwumls In clean ami keen wit mid humor, IsrefivHtiliiKaiidniiittrnetUo mid mm Itoi Ions a play ns 0110 could wish to wltnehs. Were hn piny incllmil to ho weak, the t iVorts of Mr. Hill's ndinlrablo company would mtiko it ko. Tho envois one of giivit meiitaml thu inemliont huvo liecn so Inu iihMK-iiitotl together that their work Is per formed with legularity, smoothness and ier fection. M.A. Kennetly, wIiomi Cntterinolo In "Tho Private Secretary" has not lieen for gotten, hns tho part of a rich old fellow who unintentionally becomes tho liustmiul of two wives, nml his tissinnptloii of the clmracter Is IrivtUtilily funny, lth in notion nml spweh. TALK OV TIIK HTAOK. Tho following attractions woro nnnounceil for this week In Now York: Salvlnl nt tho Hronilway; Crane In "Tlio Senator" nt tho Htnr; "Tho (Irand Duchess" at tho Cnslno; "The Stepping Stono" u tho Btnndartl; "Tho City Directory" HIJou; "Tho Gondoliers" at Palmer's; JelforNiu and Florence at tho Fifth Avenue; "Aunt Jock" and "A Man of tho World" nt tho Madison Sipinro; "Tho Shanty Queen" nt tho Windsor; Frank Daniels in "Little Puck" at tho Park; "Shenandoah" at Proctor's; "The Still Alnrm" at tho Four teenth street; "The Old Homestead'' at tho Academy; "Tho County Fair" at tho Union Stiuaro, "Tho Charity Hair at the Lyceum; "ThoBtownvvny" nt tho People's; "A Hag Hahy" nt tho Third Avenue; "A Midsummer Night's f)iam"nt D.ily's; "MnsternndMnn" nt tlio Ornuil; "Paul ICauvar" nt Nlhlo's. The grent Iniquity of Tommy Unroll is that ho will grow, Mrs. llussoll Is worried to dentil by his development. Ho thltM'ens to , brenk through tlio eggshell of Fuiitlero)iloni . nnd become a youth, nml then, Heaven help 'us, ho ennnot wear his golden luilr down his luck and sport velvet kulckcrtiockers. "To think," wtys Mm. Htis-ell, withj tears In her eyes, "that my liouiitlful Iwycmust grow up to ho n great big natty artiot, au-l ttenrwlils I ers nndK'i hill's join tho Ninth Heglmeut. Oh, ilenr, If I could only keep him always n wect, Heaven-scented child that would win Iht nppltuiNO ami take In tho money nnd let me kiep It for him." All this is pathetic but liiovitiiblo Tommy KusmiII will probably ktej) on bursting hlsclothrs, and one of thero dnysgtt lo li mi Innlthy man with matured Ideiis. V hat a hideous mUfortunol Tlm benefit to Finuk Itnitfs nt Pnliuer's tli -ater March HI prouiletl to Ihi a euoeos"ul nlTair. W. II, Crane and company were to apHVM" in "mou Porreolion," (Ksirgit Hlgm in "Piitiitiicti llmli"aiid Mimrlco lliirrymore in "A Mini of tho World." The other volun tocrs were Nell llurgo In an net of "Tlm County Fair," (loorgln Cnjvitn lint lecltntlon mid Julia Hlumt In a song Irfiwrenco HarrettlssisMiiliiigsoveral seek In tho south of Franco Ho wilios to fi lends In Now York Hint ho Is In oteellout health mid spirits nnd will letuiu fiinu Eiiropoabout Mny 1st, when nctlvn proinrntlous for his next tour with Edwin lltilh will lieglu. Halvlul will Imi follonetl at the Hro'idtMiy thenler Mnrcli 17 hy lllion, who Is to preciit her now piny "Josopliliin, EmpivcH of tho Fiviich" for two weeks, after which llio Duff Upi'in will Ihirocu III niovlvnlof "Pliiiifnre." HE COULD KEEP A SECRET. A Yum Aliiml Htnnmtitll .liirlttoit nml nn lllllllllllvt- (.'llllllll'l. An old wldler at the capltnl yostenlay told this story of Stoiiuwall Jaeksou: It wasiliirlug his valley campaign, mid n bnttlo was otsvttsl ulthlu a day or two, though Jackson's plans were so carefully guaidnd that not oven his adjutant could guess them Intelligently This self lellnnec wnsrhiirnctnriMio of Jackson, nml his aver sion to tolling his plans wns well known muoiight his iillleers nml men. In fact, It win his Hilley to Mirprlso his own men no lev than to Mil pi lie the enemy. (leu. Jiiekviii wni tnio of ngroupof olllt'ors, and another of tho group wns it Georgia colonel who l still living. Coiiveisatlon wits drugging Jaeksou wns thoughtful nml had little to tuty, and tho elfoct was ilaiiiHiultig. Miially, Jut lo lovlvo tlm conversation, the (loorgla colniii'l imkisl abruptly! "(Ifiieiitl, will wo havon light to-morrow." Kverylsitly know In mi iiistnut that tho blunder was Irivparnblo ami nolsHly renllrtsl this 111010 than tho colonel. Jackwin turinsl tpiickly ami startsl full In the RKiiki'r's fitco. Then ho slowly survoyod thocolniml fioui lifiid to fiM)t,aud backagnlu. Tho silence wns painful. "Colonel," said the geiiernl slowly, but not III nil unkind lone, "can you keep a secret!" "Ves, goni'ial," wns tho warm, If embitr rassisl, ifeiuraiiee, "I know I can, general. Yes, lr" "Are you quite certain, colonell" "I mn quite certain, general." "Well, colonel," hi tho Knino quiet, oven tone, "so can I, sir." The colonel's face Hushed crimson, and there was a deathly silence for a half mlniito or more. "Now, colonel," said Jnekhou, with soino feeling, "thnt rudoness of mint) hurt mo iw much as It did you, but I trust that it has taught you a valuable Iosmui. If wotlohiivo a light lo-iuiii'iow, colonel, your regiment hlmll have a chance." Atlanta Constitution. On tltn Hiijitl Itniiil lit WVilllli. "You to bu a man of somo lutolll genco," wild tho visitor at tlio x'nltcntlary. "You might have been rich ami well ustali lishod If you had conducted yourself proper ly." "I was making money when they sent ma here." "What were you nccuwtl of I" "Counterfeiting."- Washington Post. Ilbiiihln'it lliillnrliiiilliiii. "Queer thing alsiut Hlitnkln's," mid one citizen to another. "What Is thaw" "Every once in nwhllo ho gets imbued with tho Idea that ho Is ImtneiiM'ly rich " "I liavti hoeii him tluit way. Yesterday ha thought ho was rich enough to pay 1110 $10 some time If I would lend It to him." Wash ington Post. A Mil Mirciss, ; r .Eft A tfs2i: -Life, Oterrntliitiitril lllmsrlf. "And whnt do you cull yourelf I" nsked tho mnnngerwho wns trying tho voices of tho applicants for places In his new opera com pany. "A tenor." "Ah, just mi; but I think you hail better Unrt lower down wiy n liver. Philadelphia Tunes. Alt Unjust Assertion. Johnny Say, mister, glvo mo a confi worth of cigarettes. Tnbacco Man Can't do It; you're a minor. Johnny I say 1 ain't. I'll leave it to Itob blo Roy here, If 1 ever saw tho insldo of a mlno In my life, Philadelphia Times, Willing to Settlft. Patient Isn't 3 rather high for pulling a tooth! Dentist I think not. Fifty conta for ex tracting, and $1.60 for gas. Patlent-Thnt's all richt. I'll never kick nt a f 1.60 km blll.-Lowoll CItiion. Kill Westurn llref. Fair Customer Is this western beof I Eastern llutcher (proudly) No, madam; wo don't drnl in ill mannered steers from the rowdy wtt. This lieof, madam, is from a highly ultl voted and very refined cow, form erly of Boston. Nw York Weekly. J. '.. llrlscoe, tho shoo man, Is preparing to movo into the now Exposition building nnd oxiiecU to bo nt homo there to all' friends, pa mins and tho public nliout Easter time. Ask your grocer for (lullek's bread. Oulick's bread is full weight. Nltniiigraiilior Witittetl, A Stenographer with moileiate exjierlouce, nnd 0110 willing to do other olllce work can M.?uro a (Kisitlon in a loading house. Only small amount of typewilter wotk. Addie-s giving age, oxpeiience and salary wantol, J. Wentwood, ciro this olllco. Adams, Uinsin? Srott, atiornovs, jooms 'M, SI ami W Utta lllock, 1 --- "IT 'j.vxy?- -II -. III No. OH -Triilllltisoinn Hlifi-p, A farmer had hlssliiM'p In thrisi pjisturiM. In the llrst pasture thero went twice ns many In tint Hi'onil, nml ill tlio second twice ns tiiniiy as In tho third. Forty JiiiiikI out of tho llrst pasture Into the M'coml mid thirty two Juiiik.s from tho mcoiiiI into tho third, when tho iiiiiiiIht of hhovp In each imsturo wns Ihowtme How many sheep v.ero orig inally In each pasture! No. nil Niniierliiil Diilmiiu. A wlecllcin from U'lilttler, coinHiwd of 47 It tiers: .My ai, l, It, 8, 18, !M, 1 1, US, 1 Isnlenl state uii'iit. My 11, It, (t. 'JO, ail, lil, 7 pertains to purifi cation. My '1, II, II, t Is to pOSSUVH. My 10, 17, 1, !tt, ill, !S It to on wrap. My ill), ;K, -10, II Is n collection. My a, '.'(1. ill, 111, !I7, 41 is 11 chin eh festival. My 17, li. Sir. 0, l, 80, 47, is 11 plant found 11 America. My 'l. If, ai.VW, 10, 1H Is u city of Hol land. My 1 1, 151, III, 4(1 Is a Hrtlon of tho day. My 4:i, 4, UOIsmigi.r. No. (10. Mlmtlng Kliynirs. Ill tho following Jingle tho missing word nt the mil of each Hue is to Im supplied. Tlio InshiH in each caso represent thu smallest iiiniU'rof letters which will oxpres the ro pilled word. The lines uumhcml alike iliniild rhyino together. I A )iiiiik woiiiun whoso iiituiowaH I Mail eoiittiieli'd it cnrluiit ; I Tlit'ie wit 1 iiiiuglit could her hunger . Si Tliu doctor looketl , li And, blinking his , !). Hill' I 'twould Ih no , 3 Till she channel her , I. To preset llio nuyllilug hut green . No. Ol. A IHiiiituliil. I. A letter. '1, A form of tho verb to lo. 'I Heads, applied lo persons. I. Olllclnl docu ments conferring rights 011 certain parties. ."1 Water cooks, t). Tlio (lower of an aquatic plant. 7. A hontencn consldi rod as tho ex pression of a thought 8. Of old (Obs.). I), Thorny 10. Obstinate. 11. A letter. No. O'J. I.....U .Sharp at Tills. Which of these lines Is tlio longest! It Is not allowed lo measure tho lines lieforo de ciding No. n:i. Chitritilt). My llrst Is nn insect, And never nt rest; Wherever you llud him lh'i, always n jiost. Poor Heyimnll my sreomf Hold hunters tlesiio; And yet Its nsslstmico Tho ladles require. When lie nt our tables Would fain do his worst, My u7ofi Is cmployml In chasing my Irsl. No. 01. I.i'llor Helms. H C C A llxeil hanging candlestick. N11. (15. A Mircosslnl .linn. A 1, 'J, !!, I, f, II. 7, having undo his "1,2. !l, I" In one winter, ami feeling that ho wns I, a, !, 4, 5 with the world, disposed of nil his old a, it, 4, n, (1, 7, mid devoted the Rum mer to fcport. Ho went fishing In a a, 3, 4, nnd caught an 11, 4, 0, 0, 7, and then shot nn !), 4, 0, 0, 7, colored 3, 4, fi, 0, 7 that was Hying over. No. (10. Hidden Parts nl it lloitso. I. What trees can excel larches in form! S. dipt. Waldo ordered this. il. Tlio mercury is ut zero often 4. The wind blow nil night. 5. You'd U'tter lio off. "Loord" means "lazy." 0. Jo, "Isthmian" wnu a gnmo in Qreeco, was it not! 7. Jnne, where Is Id! In UeuoaF 8. I saw Hob Linden this morning. II. It is as ho said it was. 10. Drlvotliocowln; do wall; moroqutckl-. Suiiit'tlilni: to Think About. What is a iiiau who "shrinks into him self" like, when shrunk! Where is "thu sad seal" What is tho exact sensation of tho man who lliids out that no "has nourished a scor pion in his bosom for years!" What is "ruling tlio roast!" Whether tho man who "did out know what to do," ever got a Job! Whether "tho tooth of a storm" ever blto, and, If so. is lightning tho result! When a man is much fatigued, may ho bo tpokeu of as "in his weak momenta!" And did you over sco any 0110 "Bell tho catl" Kry to tltn l'uii'or. No. 60. What Is This; U-ell. No. 61. A Hoxagont A V E It V ALUS E L A T E S H E T 11 A U Ii SEA T E I) S C E N i: E 1) E N No. fi'J. illustrated Rebus: Cross tlogs that bark most bile least. No. fl. Djlpliluued Poetry; IJltla drops of water, little grains of sand, Mnke the mighty oceuu, and thu beauteous land; Ami the little moments, humble though ttiey bo. Make tint ttoutnlk'si ages of eternity. No. fib A Flock of llinUi T A N T ALUS 11 O II O L 1 N IC C O C K A T O O P 11 E A S A N T T 1 T M O U S E No. .V). A Ortnt American! Urant. Nft. 60, Divided WnriUi AsL ednosday, Season of 1,'Ut. 1. Season, a. Ia-svciih. a. Couch-ant. 4. Hrow-lug. 6. Caiuo-os. tl, Mid-ulght. 7. Inn-ovate. 8. Itue-fully. U. Cows-lip. 10. llnd-ear. 11. Ica-nod. 13. Day-ton. No. 67. AFowIjckst Weil-lock ; hem-lock ; pad-lock; ihy-lock; bul-lock. x GREAT BANKRUPT SALE BOOTS AND SHOES NOW IN PR OGRESS. The Stock of Boots and Shoes formerly owned by P I l KINS I ! '()TM R1S Have been 1 brow 11 r tin Mnikot at a GREAT SACRIFICE As this is one of the largest and best selected stocks in the city, bought from the best manufacturers in the country, it will be a rare opportunity to ecure Fine Goods As the moit of this slock is Ui falls' purchase, theie are no old shop worn or out ol' style shoes among them, and all sizes anil width aie to be had. First Come, First Served. Doors open at S o'clock. Remember the Place, 1129 O Street. FRANK PERKINS, Manager AMAZING OFFER WE ARE GIVING AWAY THE Complete Works of Shakespeare Comprising his Plays, Sonnots and Pooms, with tho noted profaco, by DR. JOHNSON. A OLOBSAIIY AND AN ACCOUNT OP KKOU l'LAY BY THE REV. WM. HARNESS, M. A., of TO EACH SUBSCItlllEK OF TIMS I'Al'ER FREE -TER7VTS- Wc will give each subscriber a copy of this $n,00 book anil a year's subscription to the paper for f2. o in advance. This is the greatest legitimate premium offer ever made, and is possible cause, in this age of invention, with its improved printing machinery and meth ods, the cost of production in large quantities has been reduced. This book is a wonder of typography. It is beautifully bound in rich cloth, extra, with artistic stamp in gold on side and back. Thu book contains 926 PHGES, SI20, 8 inches wdo, I 1 Inches long and 3 inches thick. It is embellished with a portrait of the author from the celebrated Chandos Picture, engrased on steel. It has other numerous illustrations. No description can do justice to this magnificent premium. It must be seen to be appreciated It is no cheap or commonplace production, hut, on the contrary, a book that its owner will have every tc.son to be proud of; the most suitable thing in the world for a present; a volume will embellish any library or center tabic ii the land. We expect every me who knows and apptcciates a good thing, lo lospond at once to this extrairdm.ii offer. When )ou tin. book and our neighbors see it, thev will also want it. We will give the book and one car's subset iption to our paper to any person sending us W.50. Old siibscibers who have already iaid lor their paper, and who send us 52.50, w ill rot ci e the book ami have their subscriptions extended one year fiom the date of their ptcsent tspiration. Xoto-lf tlif I100U Iiiih lo In hoot hy until or oxjiiTNti. tut it tf.1 ft'iitu lo tlif it'iolttuiKO lo rover rout ol' (riiiiHioitiitlim for Little Money ! Christ Collogo, Cambridge England (OLD Oil NEW) UPON THE FOLLOWING u Jotf TTX" r.qtyu ifltllflll,. lmvAn waff