Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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I -J
Saturday Evening, March 100.
The Countitn will nut lie ivoiilhln for
any debt nmdo uy any ono In It name, tin
w n written order nwomjmnlw tho mino,
IrojKrly rtpml.
L. Wknhki., Jr., I'rnp'r.
Oorner I Oth and P Streets.
Dry Goods
The Courier Can be Found At
Windsor Ilntnl NowsHtnnd.
Capital Hotel NowsHtand.
(Mull's Dliilng Hull Now Htnml. .
The (lotlmin News Bland, UK Houtli lltli Ht,
llort Huimor, lit Nottli 11th Htrcot.
Kd. Yoiiiir, ICO) () Htrcot.
Eaton AHmllh, 1180 O
IJttlo Hport Cigar Htore. 118 N. 12th BU
Spring Style Opened
Saturday, Hartih Hist
1137 O STREET. ,
r ntul 1'orsonat.
Whltebreast. Coal ami I.I mo ComMiny.
Lincoln Ieo Co., 1010 O Bt. Telephone: 118.
ferry & llnrrlx, jewelers.
Brown' restaurant for meal.
Take Turkish at 1010 O Htrcot.
Ask your grocer for Uullck' bread.
Telephone at tho CouiUEn oitloe is 253,
Mineral water mod for bathing, 1010 O it.
Give Detta A: 'Weaver, tho now coal firm, a
Mis O. J. Qullmette's dross making par-
on, 1833 O street.
Try some of the flno froth fish served every
day at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal ugaln at Uio Whltebrcait
Coal and Llmo Co.
Ak your grocor for QullckVi bread.
Roast meat, and vegetable of all klndsnt
Cameron' Lunch House,
Superior quality Anthraclto coal nt Detta
& Weaver'. Call tip 440.
Join the Terry & Harris watch club. Get
n watch at n dollar a week.
Tho old reliable Canon City Coal at ilutch
ns & Hyatt's, 1OI0 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish bath at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Only ploco In Lincoln that uses mineral
water In Wths U at 1010 O street.
Ask your grocer for Qulick's bread.
Try an oyster stow oroyrters In any style
at Den Cameron's. Thoy are line.
A flveslollar work of Shakespeare given
away. Boo advertisement, page 8.
Brown is ready to servo bauquoU, wedding
collation and other spread on short notice.
Qulick's bread Is full weight.
Canon City, Mendota, Ohio Iilock and Col
orado Coal, at Detta & Weaver's, phone 440.
Now i the time to lay in your winter sup
ply of coal. Hutchins & Hyatt's, 1010 O
Freeh mined Lnckawana Anthracite and
other duo coal at Hutchlns & Hyatt's, 1010
O street. t
Cakes of any and all kinds forbonquctpar
ties made to order on short notice at tho Qu
lick Bakery, 013 1 street. Telephone 10a
Winger & McOahoy for Coal, Coke and
Wood. 133 North Eleventh street. Tele
phone 890.
Ladles will find a complete line of fine shoes
and all the latest styles at tho proper prices at
Shorwln's Boston Shoe Btoro.
Buy Qulick's bread.
Buy your coal of tho Whltebreast Coal and
Lime Co., and it will always bo wellscreai.ed,
full weight, beat quality and at right prices.
Ashby & MUlspaugh are ofTorlng their en
tiro stock of fine dree goods and silk at cost.
Now is the time to buy a nice drees for vory
ittlt money.
Baird Bros, are giving 30 per cent discount
on all cosh sales and a chance on a (45 sowing
machine on every purchase or bill paid to tho
amount of $1.00.
Buy Qulick's broad.
You can tavu 30 percent on your hard waio
and get a chance on a (45.00 sewing machine
for every dollar's worth you buy at Baird
Bros., 1343 0 street.
The new Felix Qovine's face powders re
cently received by Miss Johnston are having
a popular sale and all the ladies who have
used it have great praise for it.
Edith E. Russell, artist in China, Oil, Fas
tel and Watr Color painting. Studio, room
140 Jones block, corner Pand Twelfth streets,
entrance 139 north Twelfth strett.
Old trunk made as good as new or token
in trade for new ones at trunk factory 303
So 11th st., tel. 003. Wirrick & Hopper.
Also a fine line of trunks, values, etc.
Fine carriages, buggies, saddle horses and
the best livery stock in the city at A. Q. BUN
meyer & Co', Palace Stable. Telephone
order (No. 435) receive prompt attention.
J, T. Jones' new carriage repository is now
located on the ground floor, 305-207 South
Teeth street, in the Bohanan block, whero bis
Use of flue carriages of all kinds show to bet
ter advantage than ever, Jojmm want to sell
yen a rig when you want one. Call and see
Urn, Ma agree to make the rioea suit or
N America tho eti
quette of editing Is
otiMHvhnt, optional,
and thn regulations
ni n inccmnrlly rnthor
tnguonud iuintlfno
tory In franco It Is
the In variable cu'toni
for the stranger to
pay tho ilrst call, but
tills tiwtgo docs not
prevail anywhere In
America outsldo of
l1!... fl.blttrlll WflB tllYWlnllltf
Washington City.
lllMIH.l.nliul ft. lit I .(.... n M llll.ltf. .rt lllfl
prejudice of t'- many foreign visitor, and
also to render the duties of statesmen' wives
nud daughters 1cm outran.
Tho convenient reception-day originated
abroad, mul It now prevails In nil of the large
cities. Many women in this nineteenth cen
tury pursuo some fad; ono Inclines to paint
lug, another to literature, whllo still another
Iscngagid In charltohlo pursuits. Without
tho Intervention of tho rocoptlon-day sho
would be unable to follow any of her cherish
ed avocations.
In small town women who insist on having
stated hour on which to receive are diiblicd
"stuck up" mul unsociable, but thorn are few
who do not Dually recvgnlru tho utility of the
cuttoni, Of course most women nro fortun
ate enough to tosses ono or two chosen
friends to whom they nro ncccwlblo at nil
time, but tho sociable neighbor, a n rulo, is
a Itou, and anything that tends to suppress
her Is qulto legitimate.
In n Inrgo city like Now York many women
Of ffulllnil Pit It fill tlifitf nfviiinlt.tiiii.vui lull nnm
a year, and wipe out their obligations by glv
k ik itiii ur n iiiru recepuon during mo
season. In New York, as well a other pors
tloilS of thn Uilll.wl Htntr with Mm nTrnnttnn
of thu capital, tho housoholdor call on tho
iirnngur, tho elderly woman on tno nowly
nmrrled bride. The rule obserrnblo In rfc
turiilng n llrt call I Immutable, for not more
than a week should Imi ornilttad to elapse lx
tween tho two cnlls. Ten minutes Is tho rule
tinwrlbnl llV tint iliw-rivM of rn.lilm. f.ip now
OlUnillollS Cllll. Illlt. nt ivninui tlmrn nr.i .l
J "- , -..i...' .....-
I'uiiiBinuces wueio tins strict coxio or otlquotto
may Imi relnxisl. The hours for theso calls
vary In dinVicnt paits of tho country. In
tho Kastcrti cltlee no ono mnki-s n call of cero
inony until ntter throo o'olock In tho nftor
noon, but In the wost it la not considered out
of placo to go In tho morning.
Abroad, ninny civilities are merely ac
knowledged by a card loft by n footman or
sent by jioat, but to our democratic Ideas
this appears a somewhat autocratic proceed
ing, and hn boon frowned iqion by society in
gouornl. A few ultro-fashlonablo leaders
have ndopted this cavalier stylo of cancelling
their obligation, but it does not prenll ex
cont ton verv llmlle.1 oYturit
Should thoro le other ladles In tho housoto-
suies uio rninuy, it is proner to lenvo a canl
for them as woll as for tho hostess, andn wifo
when lmvllie a fnrinnl cnll iiirnr nlur Ui...
husband' canl. After tho nccentauco of n
ball oj dinner Invitation, It Is tmpcrutlvo to
nnv ono' resnect wltlilu twn niv. it ,wi..i.
bio, but If not, a soon a practicable. At a.
revrpnun or ica a lady n canis are taken by
tho servant or loft In tho card-receiver on tho
nan inuie, wiucn huill tho recognition nocos
snry. In good society no fancy cards of any de
scription are allowable but simply unglaxed
one, with tho name, address and reception
day in script. A gentleman' card Is alway
amallor than that of a lady.
j. young cianciug man llnda it nooessary to
return tho civilities extended to him by mak
ing a call, nr ho would not bo invited again.
Of courno ho frequently visit In families
whero there are young ladles, and iwlitcnoss
dictated that ho should inquire for tho niothor
or chnKirono; of courso It Is optional whether
sho npiH-ars or not, A gentleman' card
should 1)0 sent up by a sorvnut, as n mlstako
In tho imino often UmU to unpleasant coinpli
cntlous. Should n visitor from anotbor city desire to
acquaint his or her friends that ho or sho Is in
town, n card may be sent by post. Should
tho recipient fall to rosjiond, tho sender may
take it for granted that hi or her whilom
friend does not deslro tho continuance of tho
acquaintance. It Is iierfectly proiier for a
young lady to nend hor card to a gentleman,
anil common jK)lltene8 demands some recog
nition of tho courtesy.
Ifnladvbv noiiin nmlrmUI nttu..v. I...
broken tho thread of Intercourse with hor ac
quaintances, suo can weave It again Into tho
woof of llfo by sending cards to thoso whom
sho desires to put on her visiting list.
Before leaving town for any length of timo
tho exigences of fashion demand a call, or tho
Bondluir of tho canl bv nant with thn l.,,,.
P. 1. C, (liur junxdre conyt) engraved in tho
tuner ngiii-nanu corner.
It is customarv buforu n mm-rUm. t- i.
prospective brido to leave or send card to her
MivmiK, .mwjr soiling up Housekeeping ror
herself sho should also issue cards to her Im
mediate circle. acnualntiiiL' tlmm will. tl....
number of her now residence nnd thov. nf
courso, diould return the civility by calling.
Should vou deslro to call on n frlnml nlmi.
visiting nt a houso to which you aro a stran
ger, you suoum also inquire for your friend's
hostess, else your good breeding might bo
called into nuestlon iu Itmnrlncr tlm tn.i..
houso, nnd coming and going as If you wore
at u uoici, yji courso suo is not m duty bound
to receive you, but In lending up your card
you have done all that courtesy requires, and
it will not bo necessary to repeat tho ceremo
ny every time you visit your friend,
A contleman's card usuallv Ikum Mm nmnv
of Mr., but some prefer to use llnmlv thn
name. Manv fashlonabln mnrrlml .,,
hove a sot of cards engraved with Mr. and
Mrs. , which cards sho leaves only after
Some youug ladles subordinate thomselve
by havintr their names anrvnrnnlv umn tl,,.
mother's cards, but thoy aro usually tho girl
nuu nuvu rvceiveu a loroign education; the
bona Alio American clrl iuuu.rtii lu.r lnl..,u.n.l.
enco by having her own Individual canls with
iiur iuu iiu in uoiu script on me lace, no vro
man who has a large circlo of friends sliould
bo without a visitor's lmnlr. with mm.ln
debit and credit account of visits. ThU save
time and confusion, for it would be impossible
for a fasblonuble woman to other wise remem
ber her indebtexlnosa. There U, unfortunate
ly, too much laxity In respect to returning
calls; a woman, should she have the ambi
tion to becomo n aoolal Imulni- mint n l.n
tienalty by a strict adhesion to tho rule which
Kuvcru Buqueiiu in ou eniigntenea countries,
,... . ,
vuunTSHa anius ok uontaiou.
Hoarseness Is the first symptom of croup.
By giving Chamberlain' Cough Reraody
frftfllv An Rnnn mb n rtilld lummM I.
will prevent the croup, which can alway be
uuno u uio reiueuy u Kepi ni imiiu. 1 Here u
not the least danger in giving it. Sold by A.
L. Sbrader.
Show Cases Fur 8nle.
Several counter shnur pmimnf iuivrai lna
all for sale cheap at tho CouuiRit office. Call
iiu bus uiem. iTioe win suit.
Gulkk's bread Is full weight.
i .---.
On 4j ,iilii0' Inffi Hftiiinifiiin' Ihn fithni ilnv n
CnuniKii nuiti iiotlcinl nu umisiinl dunlin oven
for that busy place. In answer to u query
Mr, HeininoiiHsnldi "Wo uio' having a vory
good t mile, In inot ui hn it Ik-oii wondor
fully siiLHcrmful In Lincoln, Our sales have
gone be) oud our ex'ctntloiin during tho first
year, nnd wo are well pleased nlth tho re-,
suits. U'unrosathllcd lth l.lncolu nud Its
iiioxpects, and I go taut Saturday to buy ir
ifirrffir mul lilfnn k..l. f.r..tfw1f Mirtll livntliifflrn
Tho people of Lincoln appreciate an enter-
pruing nrm wiin motierii inrms 01 uoinif imi?i
iiom. ami wo aro makinc nlim.lA Aru.mrA.
menti) to linnOlo the trade bettor than aver
before. Wo Imvo ilono the ooplo of this
sotitluli n groat lHneflt by n lively competition
Hint has brought down tho price of clothlnU
nnd saved tho bujors even from otlior deal
ers tliousnnds of dollars, Iho iieoplo Imvo
shown their appreciation by a literal patron
age, nnd wo nro hero to stay. We hnoJust
oHiuod n branch store nt Boatrlco, which will
enable us to buy in lingo quniilltlo nnd at
closer tlgureH, Our customer will got tho
Division No. 1 and Lincoln Lodgo No. 10,
Knlghte of Pythlns, gavo n social at Castlo
Hall Thursday evening. Tho foro mrt of tho
ureulng wns devoted to card playing. The
guests then retired to tho dining room, whoro
elegant refreshments wero served. Tho re
mainder of tho evening was dovoted to danc
ing. The iiiurIu wns furnished by Mr. Bowen
and MIsh Allle Corlott of Omaha, In tplto of
tho cold wonthor thoro wm a largo atto-.d-nnco.
Among thono jirescnt wero Messrs. and
MoHdnuiM II. M. Shnfer, F. A. Mlllor, II.
Hopkins, A . L. Pound, B. A. Warner, 11. C.
Fredericks. C. L. Cnrtmiitrr. fl. V. Hhm nn.t
0. U ISnton, MesHni. O. It. Bloat, 11. H. Floyd,
II. H. Hotchklss, W. B McGoogan, C. Odoll,
T. It. Kdgar, T. J. Ilonsloy, J. J. MeClellon,
11. II. McNenl, I). Helwig, K. O. Hill, Will
LoVO. J. Pound. AV. fl. MnNenl. It. M IVnl..
ard, L.T. (laylord, W. II. Berger, W. Jones,
niirry nirnion nun is. u. Warner, Misses Al
lle Corlett. Alice Martin, Fnnnlo Warner,
Klttlo McClnv. Adams. Loitrhtv. r.i.ln Mntm-
Edith Warner, tlnttlo Hay, Lilllo Michel and
Florence Buter, Mrs. Fishbnck, Mrs. Bowing
ton and Mrs. ItoWtson.
After an Interval of five nr bIt- vnnn tl...
bar of Lanennster county "got together" nt
tho banquet lionrd on Friday evening of last
week. Gathered with them wero wlvea,
sweethearts nnd n number of invited guests,
landlord Crlloy provided tho tables with ono
of tho banquet spread for which tho Windsor
I noted. Then followed tho program of
toast given In tho Couiiikh InBt week, and
tho company were, entertained well Into tho
now day with soeehe alternately gravo nnd
gay. Mr. II. II. Wilson acted a master of
ceremonies. Mr. W. .1. Bryan's dofenso of
the Jury system wns tho oratorical gem of tho
monlng. Mr. G. M. Hitchcock of tho Oma
ha IVotlil-llmtltl wns lnltod to fill In ono of
tho ncant places anil gave an JnteroRting,
thoughtful talk. Tho banquet was a gratify
ing success and Is likely to bo mndoannnnunl
Tho Don -Accord club held ono of its pleas
nnt dancing parties at Templo hall Wednes
day evening. Tho sovoro weather mny havu
keptawayiifow who otherwise would havo
Iwen in attendance, but thoso who wore pres
ent had a delightful time. Tho comimny
Wore hnmillv concenlnl. mul lmf uraiu.'.
orchestra gavo ploamnt Inspiration. Tho
liariiclpants wcres Mr. and Mrs. Marshall,
Mr. and Mm. Stownrt, Misses Ball, Boehmer,
Douellv. Trumball. Hviln. Mnri-lll m...,.
Parker, Ball, Cooke, Wlrlck, Adams. Messrs!
ivyres, omiin, urniiam, Uonaldino, Cheney,
Blanchnnl. Parks. Ilnrrlum. wi.,.1.
Bcheldenholm, Kvnrte, Somerlnd, Lottridgo)
Saturday lelng n legal holiday, W. F.
Meyer of tho German Nntlonnl bank spoilt it
with "a friend" nt Council Bluffs. 8. T. 8t,
John went to Nebraska City and in tho even
ing attended a gny jrty given by Mis Min
nie Hnwko. Among otheis presontweroMlsa
Lntta and Miss Onkloy of this city. Tho
former was tho guest of Ml Hawko and tho
latter of Miss Georgin Haw ko. Several Oma
ha gentlemen wero down nnd tho party had
the gayest of times. Mr St. John nnd Mlh
Lattn returned Sunday ovonlng.
At the meeting of tho Browning club on
Wednesday evening Itow Dr. Mnrino discuss
ed Browning's spirituality, Mrs. Will O.Jones
rendered a piano number, Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Lamb expounded the poem "Ono word
moro," Miss Jennlo Mnrino sang "My Star,"
Miss Marlon Klngsloy rend n paper on "Some
personal characteristics of Browning" and 8.
L. Golstlmrdt expounded "Lnrshlsh, tho Arab
physician." Mrs. Llovd. M Tnviit ..,
Rev. Dr. Chnpln wero made a commlttm tn
complete tho constitution.
Mih Anna Hill, daughter of Cnpt. J. E.
Hill, stato treasurer, died last Saturday at
tho ago of eighteen. Among those who at
tended tho funeral Monday wero the follow
ing Beatrice fi lends: Messrs. G. Q. Hill, C.
?,I,ikf",!?r.' F,n,,k Ilolrtson, F. B. Sheldon,
h, C. Salisbury, II. W. Davis nnd Misses Ella
ValH, Mary Robertson, Mabel Colton nnd
Grace Broady,
Lou We'sel, tho CouniEn'H metropolitan
visitor for tho past month, returned homo
Thursdny from Philadelphia. Whllo in Now
York Mr. Wessol made a number of puis
chases of flno stationery nnd novelties that
will arrive next week and bo shown in our
handsome now store rooms.
Mr. Reuben Goldsmith of Philadelphia, n
cousin of tho editor of tho Couhikk, with
whom ho enmo west, arrived in the city last
Wednesday. Tho young man is bright and
full of buBines nctivlty nnd it is to be hoped
will amass a fortune In tho west, the new
homo of his adoption.
Tho CouiUKli baa added to Its stationery
dertment a hnndsomo lino of canl cases and
picture frames. Next week will arrlvo a big
assortment of tho photos of celebrated actors.
Swell society In Now York Imv thncnint...
In great numbers.
The Yorko club will dance next Friday
ovonlng nt Templo hall. The lost jiarty of
the regular series Is liooked for March 31, and
tho boy aro planning a farewell to tho season
for after Lent.
MisBes Llule Buford nnd Genevieve Bunch
er spent Wednesday in Exeter, having gouo
to attend tho wedding of Wm. R, Hortou of
Omaha and Miss Lillian Sweasey,
George II, Harper has been enjoying a visit
from his brother, J. H. Harper, deputy
United States sunoyor at Butte City, Idaho.
Mrs. R. Morris Turner mourns the loss of a
gold watch and pair of bracelets stolen from
her houre Monday evening.
Richard L. Rowe, a well known newspaper
man, Is now wilting tho Greeley Center Keivs.
He was in town this week,
J. C. Seacrest has leased his interest in the
Globe printing plant and has gono on the
road for tho Journal,
The now puzcle, the spider nud the fly, is
better than pigs In tho pen. It can be had at
the Couiiikh office,
Oorge Qoscolgno returned Thursday from
a month' visit among relative and old time
friend in Canada.
Mr, nid Mrs. W, II Ketsler, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Shilling, returned to De
Moines Thursday.
Mr. nud Mrs. W. II. Druse, thoguesUof O.
M. Druse, linvo returned to their homo nt
Ihvirdstown, III,
Dlirlnir Februnrv MM rhfwilflilMtv.ii i.m.l.i
deKjslta In tho banking ilepnittnaiit,nii aggre
gate of lb7.
Will Clnik of thn dtiiir riimiiniiv 1. w,l.
ing it nt Lamp Clnik In the wilds of western
Nebi nskn,
Alfred Doggo has returned from Chicago,
Where ho completed n coursoof study Int.hnr-
i - --,. '- "ri m "..ii'uii . an wliLi
Dnu Toeb I liOW ill nil Indianapolis storo
doing the same sort of work ho did for 6cm
inoiiR. A. R. Edmlston nnd .Too L. Bulllvan havo
lieon appointed ngents for tho Victor blcyclo.
Tho spider and tho fly nro alt tho rngo In
Now York. For snlo at the Couiiikh office.
Mrs. Samuel Herschler left Wednesday to
visit sovernl weeks at Burlington, Iown.
Tho High Flvo club wero entertained by
MIsh Lllllbrldgo Wednesday oenlng.
Our Hoys nro llablo to Iw out In force In tho
front rows nt "Kvnngollno" tonight.
Mr. nnd Mr. W. W. Parmer, from Pueblo,
aro visiting Dr. E. B. Applegnto.
W. M. Clark and J. W. McDnnniil 1ft.
Tuondny on n business tripoait.
O. A. Ixinirwell relnriie.1 Mnmlnv iirmn
from a Sunday visit at York.
Mrs. F. B. Potvlll nnd daughter I.lllln nrn
visiting at Jerwjy City,
MIks Rublo Holmea of Chicago In vNltlnrr
iiiixs jonniu unipmnu.
Miss Lunn Dundy of Omaha visited Mrs, L,
O. Burr this week.
Miss Ednn Eaton retunied Thursdny from
Web Iiton returned Tuesday from Wash
ington. Mrs. R, D. Stearns Is visiting nt Indianap
Tho Comus club will danco Tuesday ovon
lng. Mrs. B Wiiinplor Is visiting in Chicago.
'.. K. Brown is homo from tho south.
Heury Wlttemoyer is nt Clovelnnd.
Other Social News on Page 3.
Money Knnugh.
Agent Hero is a book, sir, ovory gentlo
man ought to havo, "Hintson Architecture, "
Mr, Sinallpurso I havo no uso for It.
"But, sir, it teaches you how to build a
lionutlful villa, a regular palace, for only
"I haven't W.000. I haven't over ttto my
"Well, tho book Is only $1." Now York
Too Much for Her.
Servant Yis, sorr, Mrs. Jones Is in. Whafi
yer nnmo, sorr I
Visitor I'rofessor Vnndorspllnkonhelmer.
Servant Ochl Suro yo'd better go right
In, and tako It wid yo. Munsoy's Wookly.
Too High for the Opening Hid,
A young woman begnn a song, "Ten Thou
sand Leaves Aro Falling." She pitched it too
high, screeched nnd stopped.
"Start her at five thousand," cried an auc
tioneer. British-American. .
Mr. A. I'll get even with you.
Mr. B. That'll be odd. West Shore.
No linger.
Shadows w ere dancinjr, to and fro
On tapestried walk of the dim old ball.
Silence aboro and silence below,
A I stralnrd mjr ears for my lore's footfall.
A whirl of Inoeft-the tatter of feet,
And up on the laiutlog a vision fair,
With a bound I hasten my love to irrect.
And tho firelight tflhits la her golden hair.
But grae and cold are mjr sweetheart's eyc
The small, red mouth no smiles untold;
A shadow o'er her whole face. Ilea
My heart with fear crows faint and cold.
"Pardon the (Kiln I give to you.
Your faithful love I now rIto back.
If I hao erred, now I'll bo true,
I do not want you longer, Jack."
My heart stood still as her low voice ceased.
When she said, with lips now grown unsteady,
And eyes brimmed o'er with fun released,
'necauso jou'ro long enough already 1"
N. U a In New York Herald.
lleducod lltiitea for Tattl Concerts.
TllO UlUOn Pacific Ilnllwav will mnkn nn
open rnto of one and onothlrtl fare to Omaha
and return for tho Pntti concorts, March 3d
and 4th. cood to return Mnn-h nth. (tiMnoU...
To enable thoso to return after tho PattimaS
Inoo on tho artcrnoon of tho 4th Inst., the
ovenlnir nassoncrpr train will Iu. imi.i ..nil n
o'clock to leave Omaha. E. B. Slosson.
City Ticket Agt.
Ruth M. Wood. M. TV.rVltKu.rv.ttn.-v Plnn.
Thirteenth stroct.threodoorB south of L street.
Flno watch rehiring at Perry & Harris,
1331 O street.
Desk Itoom and Otllcos.
In our new countlncr room which is enroot
ed with bodv hniKseln nnd nthnrwlnn linml.
somoly furnished, wo havo built a nent rail
ing, giving room ror two offices, or desk
room, which wo will rent reasonably tn thn
right parties. Offices kept cleau, heated, and
uso of telephone given. Apply nt office
Wessol Printing Co.
"Courier" Building, 1133 1134 N 8t.
The Kindergarten.
Miss Clara. Ilnlilwln tntinf T1j Mnlnu T
will open a kindergarten school noxt Mondav
morning nt the Oriental block, Thirteenth
and K street.
Wcddlncr sumxirs. lunehna mul hnnnnntja nt
all kinds are provided by Brown in the best
siyio ami on snori. noiico.
Adams. Ijinglnir Xr Ftcntt. nttnrtinva rrvim
SO, 31 and 33, Latta Block.
Tlie most severe cold will soon yield to
Chamberlain's Couch Iteinedv. It tinea tint
suppress n cold but loosens nud relieves it.
No ono afllictcd with n throat or lung trouble
can uso It without benefit. Price 50o per bot
tle. Sold by A. If. Shrnder.
Teeth Treated and Filled,
Dr. IL C. Trocden. Dentist. I"S Smith 11tl,
street, oyor Elite Studld. Telephone 433, Ap
pointment inane uy leiepaone.
I.uckjr lliiiuUlun Ladles.
The TVmes received wonl toduv that Mr.
John B. Young, of No. 33 Hannah street.
wrat. hful lieen u fnrtnnntn flu in linlil n win.
nlng ticket In tho Louisiana State lottery, A
reiorier cauea on Air, x oung, wuo inrormed
him that hi wife and her sister had taken a
chanco in the great lottery, tho drawing tak
ing placo on Deo 17th. The ticket was a one
fortieth of No. No. 03,455, and drew the first
capital prize of f 000,000 Tho ladle received
the money 15,900 promptly from a New
Orleans bank, by draft through ono of our
leading banks here. Hamilton (Out.) Tim$e,
January 4.
The Craze of New York
The Spider
The Fly
Everybody East is Trying It
The West
But if you want to
call in NOW
Wessel Printing Co.
Courier Office, 113 i B" Street.
The Greatest Sale Yet
Having Purchased the Entire Stock
We propose to offer Shoe Buyers the best chance
to buy new, fresh goods at a
Discount of 25 per Cent.
It well known that these goods were bought for cash by
of the best shoe buyers
moved these choice goods to
we will close out the entire
Store " at a discount of 25 per cent. Shoe
deceived, but examine for yourselves,
marked in plain figurs. Call early.
1043 O
will Enthuse Next Year
be up with times,
and see the new
in Lincoln. Wo h- ,,,
,, w -Mp , HUH
our store, 1043 O st. where
stock of the " Lincoln Shoe
buyers don't be
Goods are all
-A . jt-J.,it.j,.J,l..,l;..,.,'.,',l,tAl,l,,r
tu- :,,.'jj.
"J-TL-CTJ- f--r -" ", iTMrtiiiAit U.U.
tm f ,fc VrfKnitfc-M" 4mf. jwi.
npiaaiiiiiuii h'iiii4i mjuh