Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 01, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Mplemllil Work of llin Xtivr York News
paper Kvnrjr Vrrk.
Special Correspondence,
New Yoiik, Fob. 37. Tlio output of
tho metropolitan press on a Sunday is
ouu of tliu modern mnrvcls of literary
and mechanical Industry. Twenty yenra
ogo an elf;lit or twelve iwgo paper was
looked upon as n remarkable Htroko of
cntcrprlKo; now tho publltdiorH do not
think they aro abreast of tho times tin
less they j;Iu'you at least a half pound of
reading matter, embracing from twenty
four to forty-eight pages. Still greater
is tho wonder that tho managing editors
bo succeed in diversifying tho matter
which they hciuI out to tho public that
ono feeisdiHrtatlHilod with a single journal
and equally unhappy at his inability to
swallow tho entire mass of Interesting
literature at ono gulp. Thus every jMijier
has an individuality of its own, a physl
ogomy, w) to speak, ns distinct us that in
persons. Its pictures, themes, Mingo of
thought, method of treatment nnd gen
eral stylo all vary from thiwo presented
by the other papers, yet all lire attrac
tive to an extraordinary degiee.
Take Tho Herald, Sun, World, Times,
Press, Star and Tribune, to say nothing
of The Sunday Dispatch nnd Mercury,
and j on have as many unbound volumes
of choice matter ns a man can lend in an
entire week. Yet thero are thousands
who buy tho whole lot. Tho jioliticiniis
constitute one class of purchasers; tho
ladies are likowiso a numerous body of
customers; advertisers are eager to scan
tho "want" columns; others aro following
the "To bo continued" stories, while hun
dreds of literary people, with scissors and
pasto pot, transfer to their scrap Uioku
tho many articles they deslro to preserve.
Moro than ono person within tho writer's
acquaintance employs a secretary whose
lutles it in to cull, classify nnd Index tho
material selected for future use, and in
the library of a famous correspondent,
whose name is familiar to tho reading
world, n score of shelves nro occupied
with the scrap books that some day will
furnish him theso best thoughts of tho
best writers of our land
It Is safo to sny that within a decado
tho army of readers has increased ten
fold; editors have, therefore, been com
pelled to keep paco with the progressive
demands of their moro cultivated taste,
and thus wohavo better papers than over
before. By way of Illustration, let mo
briefly describu three of them as thoy ap
peared on a recent Sunday The World,
Sun nnd Herald nil the titles referred
to covering articles ranging from a col
umn to a pngo in length, and not includ
ing the current nows of tho day.
In The World were nearly four pages
devoted to tho return of Nelllo My from
her remari.-nblo trip around tho world in
soventy-two days. Ono of theso pages
contained an entiro pictorial game based
011 the event. It is safo to suy that al
though the expedition did not cost Tho
World proproitor more than $0,000, tho
daily sales of tho paper during her fib
senco have loen increased five times tlint
amount. Other ai tides comprised Sal
villi's fnrowell to America and autograph
letter of adieu; tho oiler of n ten thousand
dollar poljcy for tho most popular police
ofllcer in tho country, tho question to bo
decided by tho vote of Tho World's rend
era: a special letter by Castelnr, tho Bra
Spanish statesman, on allairs in Brazil;
how nu artist paints a jwrtraitj ramie,
tho now rival of cotton; the progress of
science and art; tho story of a detective;
what It costs to keep a brougham; what
is going on in society; now fads in noto
paper, with tho signatures of some
of tho fashlonnbles; Annio Loulso
Cnry in a diet kitchon; a brilliant
achlovement in stngo mnchlnery; dra
matic criticisms, with notes; how to play
baseball indoors; Tho World's funny
eido; Bill Nyo on his travels; a pago story
by Itlder Haggard; a sketch of Paul
Jones by Admiral David Porter, mid a
pngo devoted to tho entertainment of
youth. In addition to this were scores
of lesser articles, nnd editorials and ad
vertisements galore. Tho Index to tho
latter nlono occupied tho eighth of a col
umn. Altogether, tho single Issue con
sisted of thirty-two pages.
On tho Bnmo Sundny, Tho Sun con
tained twenty-four pages, with a quan
tity of reading matter that would havo
equipped nn ordinary newspaper for n
week. First came threo columns of
brilliant gossip from its foreign corro
jwndent. Then nn interviow with Dom
Pedro, tho ex-omperor of Brazil; a talk
with Kmperor William; a graphic story
of the death of Cashier Lounsbury, of
tho New York postofllce; tho death of a
lonely recluse; a part of tho eulogy of
United States Senator Daniels, of Vir
ginia, on Joflen.011 Davis; tho art of
playing billiards; a page of crisp edi
torials; tho romance of ono of Jay
Gould's surveys; stories from tho woods;
how to develop muscular strength; a fa
mous vaso; gossip about boxers; sweet
woman's chatter; Ooetho and his sweet
heart; London thontricul successes; the
science of advertising; reviews of now
books; adventuies in tho Indian terri
tory; the now war ship Maine; when tho
war ended; odd accidents, etc., etc.
Tho Herald leads with superior illus
trations and well chosen literary and
nows matter. Hero aro some of tho
moro important subjects: The Salvation
Army: glimpses of tho capital of Vera
Cruz; hcionce Laflled by sixteen letters;
an evening at tho Nineteenth Century
club: some mlvieo for small incomes; in
formation for and from tho musses; what
to eat ami how to cook; practical hints
for riding horseback; footlight facts and
fairy fancies; tho sunshine and shadow
of tho theatrical season; the world of so
ciety; does tho costume make the man or
tho man the costume; how postal cards
mndo discord; tho future of the south
west; negro colonization; a new German
nir set to music; famo and how it should
bo sought; old hells nnd haudsomo
steopies; a millionaire's Hist quarter;
yacht skippers cf celebrity; a family of
champion skaters: the living voice or tho
constitution; mission work among the
colored people; n race problem, etc.
Tho foregoing is but n sample of tho
good tilings which tho public nro enjoy
ing as tho result of the spirit of competi
tion mat nus entered into tno production
or tlio nest newspapers.
F. (1.
he Fontaine.
Willy Ittiymi-ii Honirtlinr Arronipiiny Voor
Tho editor of mm of Now York's tunny re
positories of humor Is almost dully la receipt
of vcrslllcd communication from til con
tributors, submitting versos which in many
nstnucos nro lumotitubly Inferior to tlio coin
immlcutlon themselves, writes John ICen
ilrick Batiks In Chntter.
l-'rom ono of most prolific jsictlo pons ciiiiio
Urn follow Ingi
O! prithee ewtt your cnlo (splint
O'er tills ix'Uo talis
And If 'tis kihxI enough to print
Itouiembcr 'lis for sale.
Tlio sumo writer show tlint oven tho pool
Is sometime couiollel to think of tuntcrlnl
things, nnd in sending a Sonnet to tho Belli
to bo mused nu to tho procr channel, ho ob
nervous 1 My, my txinl. I hoo yon'ru well,
This Bonnet to tho Boul
If wants It I will noil
l'or two full tons of coal,
I'rleudshlp of ninny yours' standing pre
vented bloodshed when tlio editor received a
quatrain iiecnmpunlod by these lofty lines!
Tliey sny you iloti't know wlmt Is what,
I don't lielloto you do,
On your decision on this Qimt,
Itests my opln of you.
To this tho editor found It profitable to
1 limy not know Just w lint Is,
Or which Is which don't nxk It.
Uut 1 do know your little (junt
Lies burled lit my banket
Tho next contribution from this gentleman
brought with it tho Invocation:
I prny Hint you nnd 1 mny t;et
A K'ft from Ileaen's domo:
Mny you K't sense lo llko theso lines,
I dollars for tho miiii.
It Miinetiuies liaix:n.s, ns In tho three in
stances following, tlint money is either lost
sight of altogether or Is so sllliordluutcil that
it is rather an in-ccssory than anything olso:
l'vo worked for pay I never Kot
Until my hend Is honry;
Tnl.e this mid lucre send mo not;
I'll take it out in Klory.
Appeals of this sort nro very hard to ro
plvt, though in tho Instance following tito ed
itor, rather thnii feel himself responsible for
n prematura though happy death, returned
tho poem to tho writer. Tho noto rend thus:
If I could get tills ikxmii In
Your innitnzlni), O! friend,
I should havo reached tho plntinclo,
Attained my cherished end.
01 take the ocm, print It, nnd
Delight my xor weak eye.
And when 1 sen my lines In typo
O' then I'll Kindly die,
Tho third utterly unselfish verso was ns
If you want It, take Itt
I'm not consnrned;
If you don't, why, shnko It,
And (jo darned.
Tlio motor Is rather weak in tho Inst lino,
hut tho sentiment of tho whole was so refresh
ing that u very bad jmh'iii was nccoptoil and
pnid for on tho strength of tho llttlouoto that
camo with It.
A lilt of Wiii;.
First Trnni) Sny, that dog scents mighty
fond of yer.
Second Trump Oh, yes, ho's quito attached
ter mo. MutiKoy's Weekly.
Hon- I lie Wrnzel does.
Ho What sort of nn anliiinl would you
prefer to le, .Miss Northcoto tlint Is, if you
lind to bo an nniiunlf
Shu Oh, I don't know, I am turo. But I
know what sort of nu nnimnl I would liko to
havo you bo.
Ho (curiously) What I
Sho A uenzel.
Ho A weazell nnd prny why?
Sho Don't you remember tho old nursery
rhymo "Pop goes tho weazeH" Ilurlington
Freo Press.
How the Trouble lleguii.
Kato (laying down n novel) That's a splen
did story, Jncl;. Havo you over rend 1U so
quell Jnck Oh, yos; I hnvo road stories not
only its equal, but fnr superior.
Kato I say, havo you read Its sequel!
Jnck And I bay, I hnvo rend Its superiors.
Kato Its sequel, Jnck, its sequel f
Jnck Its superiors, Kato, Its superiors,
and don't you forgot it. New York World.
A Gourmand.
Graves Does Food well llvo in good stylo:
Ho hasn't much of mi income, I fancy,
Merrimun LI vol You should seo tho table
ho Mitsl I would llko nothing hotter thntt to
hnvo hint rich, ami then board with him.
Lowell Citizen.
How It Hnpneiiel.
A. You nro so modest I don't soo how you
over camo to proK) to your wife.
fl. That wns very simple. I snid nothing,
and sho said nothing, and so one. word brought
on another. Texns Sittings.
Apiroprlitt to thn Occasion.
Ho (tiino4:&) n. in.) Slug something, dear I
Sho (sings) "Oil, birdie, I am tired now."
How do you llko tlint I
Ho Good I Whcrolsmyovercontl Lowell
"Isn't n crime, Judge, to Ioo-r a swarm of
!oeso!i a fellow j"
"Not n criino. Wo might call It a bee-setting
sin." New York Sun.
An Dndiillful Sou.
Mrs. McCruckle How enn Mr. Jlmson Im
i-iilTering from suust roku this time of tho year)
Mcl'rncMo Ho was lilt by his unllllal loy,
Dick Munsey's Weekly.
"Had my Imroscopo enst yestordny,"
"How was iW"
"Plenty of horror, Llttlo bcojsi." Mini
soy's Weekly.
Chess Notes,
Yeast Do you piny chessl
Criiiisoiilieiik Well, no; I can't sny tlint I
piny it. I work at it occasionally. Yonkers
Why, Certainly.
Ji'ggs Wlmt kind of tobacco do you smoke,
Hoggs Smoking tobacco. Ht. I'niil (llolsj.
Ills l'roH-rt).
A man in tho town of Franklin, thisoountv.
is taxed uliio rents on real estato nnd f.1.50 on
ling. Mnlono PMIiuII'hp. i
v- .:.. : , -ww"
A Curious Id Practiced by the Holies of
Nn Jour, Cut.
Tho latest fnd.
Hnvo you hoard nliottt Itt
Nol Well, then, hero it Is.
It Is tho gnlhorltig of mustache souvenir
by tho young ladles.
It hns struck San Jose, nnd tho orslstenoy
with which thoso who hnvo tho crnre go after
"Just ono llttlo hnlr from your upier Up," If
kept up nny grent length of time, will make
roiiio of the San Joo young men's upper lip
resoluble a pluckeil fowl.
Tho retiortor was crmlttcl to look upon
ono of these collections last evening, and
to say Hint they nro unlqus would hardly ox
press It,
Tho ono shown wns a small white silk ban
ner wltli gold fringe. Tho hairs, In some
cases thero wero live, In others only ono each
of tho young man friend, wero nrtlstlrnlly
nrrnnged on tho banner, leliig fasteunl on
with munll, rod wafers upon which were the
Inltlnls of tho donor. Tho hirsute adornments
of tho young men's tipjior lips were in all
colors nnd shades, from tho deep Itnllnu black
like unto that of tho "lltnck l'rlnco" to tlint
of tho delicate blonde of tho clerk hi tho shoo
store on South First street, mid tho shiqics
Into which they wero woven showed tho ro
tnnrknblo skill of tho fortunate powsoyr of
thes, sweet reuiciiibrniiees.
Tho Inily iiIkivo referrnil to said It took her
Just thlrty-IIvo dnys to collect tho llfty-threo
tokens of her gentlemen friends' regard, and
"I was nearly ono week engnged in arranging
them in tho presentable manner In which you
ko them," said sho
Tho young lady also coulldcd to tho re
porter tho Information that thero was grent
rivalry Imtwecn tlio young Indies lit tho mat
ter of their collections, nnd grent secrecy wns
indulged ill until tho collection was finally
arranged nnd placed where friends could
vlow it.
"Ono young acquaintance of initio has a
collection of seventy-live. Just think of III"
said the Informant. "And she hns arranged
them on u satin banner In tho form of a
heart, with n dagger through tho center. Is Just lovely I Tho wafers used to
fasten the choice morsels to the banner nro
n Wo In various delicate similes and form n
most enchanting picture."
Tlio roisirter took up his iuforuiaiit'scollcc
tlou mid noted the Initials. Then another
mystery, which ho had in vain attempted to
solve before, was quickly made plain to him.
The young men of San Joso hnvo for tho
past three months Ix'on shaving ofT their
muitnchcM, nnd now this "Initial miistacho
crii7i" had solved the, matter ns to why thoy
did so.
Hero wero tho initials of some of tho young
men, who, if thoy had acceded to the wiihes
of one-tenth of their lady friends mid given
ono llttlo memento from their upcr Up to
each, would not have had a baseball repre
sentation left, while thero were others ngaln
whoso Initials adorned this pretty banner
who had ouco claimed "a lady killer," but
had left it with tho tonsorlnl artist.
Whyl lU-cnuso tho young ladies jiersistod
in selecting tho memento themselves and
paid no attention ns to whether tho preceding
twenty-four solicitors for like fnors had
gathered their crop from ono side of tho lip
or not. Sho wanted her choice from that side
And hero again wus another strange feat
ure of tho craze, ono which has a more de
moralizing ou"cct on tho mustaches than tho
influenza lias on our best citizens.
Tho young ladles select only from tho left
lipM.T Up. And whyl Well, becattso thero.
is support to bo moro of un nlllulty attached
to them than Ui those on tho right side, on
account of tholr being on tho same, sido us tho
"Thero Is still another peculiarity in tho
collection of theso mementoes of our gentle
man friends," suld tho young ludy. "Thero
nro soiiio of my friends who will hnvo only
tho brunette type, while others ask nlono for
tho blonde relic. Now, for instance, I havo a
blonde friend, and sho is securing collections
only from her brunette friends, while another
friend who is of tho brunotto persuasion seeks
tho opposlto blondo."
In addition to tho satin nnd silk banners,
plain whito cards nre used, tho enrds being
edged or tiouiid with ribbon and a light col
ored wafer used to fasten tho rello on. Theso
nro moro common than tho banners, hut aro
mndo very attract! vo with ribbon and tho ar
rangement of tho gifts.
In regard to tho manner of becurjug tho
trophy, the reporter was eriuitted to gazo
upon u pair of oxidized silver tweezers which
nro used to uproot tno particular and dosirod
buona maiio. It was a delicate affair, and was
fastened to a small chain, which apparently
did service ns a fob chain. Those young Indies
who nro most zealous in their search for treas
ures from the lips of their young men ac
quaintances aro provided with similar "In
struments of torture," and handle them very
doxterously, unys tho young lady Informant,
who further continues ns follows:
"Of course, wo don't usk nil our acquaint
ances for a sample of their upxr lip cover
ing, for tho fact is tlint some of tho young
men could not well spare oven a few hairs
without making a breach which would bo
readily oliserved; but occaslonnlly, after
having 1ksii rebuffed by somo of tho gentle
men, wo get despornto, nnd then tho modest
mustache hus to suffer, and generally the
next timo tho young man calls ho comes clean
"Hero aro somo samples left by a friend of
mine for mo to nrrungo."
The reorU'r examined tlio collection, which
nunilwred thirty-two, nnd found among the
initials on tho wafers somo of San Jose's best
known society men. San Francisco Ex
aminer. I'reAi-iits for Itoynlty.
Tho Geruinn enqieror and empress have
been busy of luto in unpacking ami arrang
ing tho Innumerable and magnificent gifts
presented to them by the sultan. A corre
spondent at the llerlln court wrltta Unit thoso
of the cniHi-or include n splendid sword,
valued nt not less than $7.5,000. Tho blade
is nu old Damnscus one, of remarkable
beauty, being engraved with sentences from
tho Koran. The hilt Is studded witli emeralds
and diamonds. There are also whole cart
londsof the finest Turkish cigarettes, which
were sHcially iiiade for his majesty, and a
quantity of smoking uecesMiries, of which
may lie mentioned a chelwok of amber, cov
ered witli precious stones, nnd a tobacco
casket with the sultan's Initials In Turkish.
The pi events of tho empress Include a juili
of aialTes, comx)sel of tho most stqierb dia
monds, from which hang strings of xarls
and diamonds, which can be formed into a
collar. Tho value of this gift nlono is suld
to Isj IIW.OUO. Her miijusty hus also
received a quantity of costly silks,
Hue oriental carH.ts, funs, shawls, em
broidered slipers, ami other articles too nu
merous to mention. Perhaps, however, tho
most graceful act of tho sultan hus Is'on to
send her majesty a portrait of her consort,
painted expeclully for tho sultan by an Itul
Inn master, which w-as hung, with great tact,
in her majesty's bedroom at Ylldlz Kiosk,
Finnlly, his majesty hus sent the enqK'ror,
empress mid l'riuco Henry of Prussia each
a magnificent horse of puro Syrian breed.
Now York Trlbun
Ills lliutnrx Wns Important, hut tin
Could Wult.
Tho most cunsldrrato tieoplo In tho United
Btates llvo near Oznrk, Ark. Ono of tho imi
litest and most 'considerate of those xvpl Is
Janvm II. Sutton, a man of limited means,
flnnnclnlly, but rich In courtesy, Ono dny
Jnuson, n bachelor, by tho wny, redo tip to
tho feuposiirrouuihiig thohousoof Mrs. Urog,
widow, nml seeing her sweeping the ynrd,
thus nddnvwoil hen "Oh, Mix Urog, hnvo you
got time to como hero n mliillf 1 want to soo
you on a llttlo matter of business,"
"I ant In a putty big hurry to git this ynrd
done, Mr. Sutton, an' If your business ain't
so mighty liiis)i'tnut, w'y, I'd llko fur you to
put If on awhile."
"All right, I'll ho back this way In alsmt
nn hour from now, nu' If you ain't busy then
I'll toll you what I wnnt. CIikmI morula'."
Jnuson I'islo nwny, ami about nu hour after
ward ho again redo up to tho fence.
"Still busy, Mix Grog I"
"Yes, fur I iilu't got tho ynrd done yet,
nu1 I wtqitcd to Mulsh It Ix'fo' tho preacher
"When do you look for hlml"
"Most any iiiiuit now."
"Wall, then, 1 reckon I'll havo to wnlt it
while longer, for I don't wnnt you to Im em
Ikii'IiikosI on my account."
"How long would It take to attend to tho
business you've got on baud, Mr. Suttonl"
"Oh, not long, but we enn put it olT easy
enough. -I jest wautisl to nsk you to innrry
me, hut I'll wait till you git tho time. Good
ino'iiln', Mir. Greg-." Aikntisaw Traveler.
I'lve Times Tool.
Two KnglMi travelers hi the east ono day
entered tho shop of a Jew who, though ho
sxiko scvciul other languages, had but a
slight acquaintance with KnglMi. On his
failure to make tho Jew understand what ho
wautisl one of tho travelers said carelessly to
thootheri "Tho old fool doesn't sMnk ICng
llsh." Unfortunately this remark camo within
tlio radius of the Jew's comprehension mid
drew from him tho following questions:
"Doyousplk Itnlifiiil"
"No," answered both.
"Doyousplk Orlkt"
"Do you splk Turk!"
"Do you splk Spanish I"
"Doyousplk French I"
Then, after a pause for preparntlou, tho
old iiihii ejaculated, energetically
"Mo ono time fool; you llvo times fool."--Philadelphia
About Itltors.
Rivers havo their eccentricities and you
cannot ul ways i ely tiHju them. In times of
the greatest commercial prosMrity they will
sometimes get up a run upon their banks. In
tho dry season they aro very slothful, hardly
lenvlng their IkmIs for days nt n time. You
consider them Hor housekeepers, until miiiio
dny you see them get up nnd sweep every
thing before them. Knowing llttlo of fruit
generally, thoy ore well up In currents. Tho
cnrisir of a river is short at the longest, and
oven then it is liable to lie considerably
u-bridged. If arrested In Its course, how
over, It is Judged by n Jury of Its plots.
When n young man runs wild his friends aro
always plivised to sen him change his course.
Not so with a river; when It changes Its
eoufNi tho result Is often disastrous. Such
was the enso nt Los Angeles, Cal., recently,
w lieu tho river of that name, after being un
a "high" for miiiio time, suddenly changed its
con rso almost at right angles, Just south of
the city limits, ruining orchards and desti ey
ing tlio growing crops. Texas Sittings.
The number l'i'Hrrd.
A plumber wns sent for to tho house of a
weulthy stock broker to execute miiiio repairs.
Ho was taken by the butler Into the dining
room, nnd was beginning his work whou the
lady of tho house entered. "John," said she,
with a suspicious glance toward tho plunder,
"removo tho silver from tho sldelxmrd nnd
lock It up nt ouco." Hut tho mini of lead wns
In nowise disconcerted, "Tom," said ho to
tho apprentice who accompanied him, "takv
my watch ami my chain and theso copjieri
homo to in v missus nt once. Thoro seems to
bo dishonest ieoplo about this house."
Weekly Scotsman.
Not Very Irur.
In nn old Scottish town n man wns tried for
stealing a coat from it shop. The Judge, turn
ing to tho witness, asked what ho (the pris
oner) said when ho wns charged. Witness
He said it was a Joke. Judge (to accused)
How fnr did you enrry tho jokof "Wool, am
uo' rlclit shuro," wns tho resionso, "but 1
think It wis nlKiut twenty yards." Weekly
It Should lie Moiii-iI.
Husband (a member of tho Sxirtsmen's
club) I sco thoy havo arrested some men in
tho east for shooting birds on the wing.
Wife Serves them right. Thoy should
shoot them on tho head or on tho foot. You
men hnvo no idea how ugly n s;olled wing
looksm n hat. Pittsburg Hullotln.
Important to Men of Fuxlilon.
A gentleman who several years ago lost
both legs informs us that his trousers never
bng nt tho knees. Wo print tho Information
for tho U'nellt of such of our readers a hnvo
hitherto been uuablo to discover a remedy
for this annoying proicnsity of pantaloons.
Boston Transcript.
A Hit of III. lory.
Alslnllah wns tho father of Mnhomot. He
wns so lsnutlful that two young ladles' semi
naries io his town committed suicide tqxin tho
day of his mnrrlngp, nnd tho oflleiatlng
clergyman kissel him instead of tho bride.
New York Bun,
A Hrrloun Wnnt of Knowledge.
Ilendetto (the Sicilian) Signer! Whistle
"II Trovntore:" zo bi-nr sto nn' duticol
Party in distress -I d-don'l know tit b
bUmeti t-tuiio. Life.
Acelclentitlly Ot erllrunl.
First Small Hoy (triuuiphantly) I U-ll you
what. John L. Sullivan enn knock down
ovurybody in this city !
Second Smull Hot (defliintly) What of It!
You can't lick mo! Lowell Citizen.
Miihi than KiioiikIi.
Visitor Do yon have much iiiusio in Low
ell this winter!
Editor Do wol There is u drum corps
practicing every night next door to our $1
itorial rooms. Lowell Citizen,
-y -v-tu -fTJI
i TiVl Bitf tarM '
Not Wlmlmntn (Inslonirr.
Smnll Hoy Mister, how much Is creamery
butter a tub!
Grocer (smiling pleasantly) Somo sired
tubs of the very U-st nro t0. How much
did your folks want, my llttlo iiiiml
Hiunll Hoy (placing n nickel on thn coun
ter) Mother wants tho biggest llvo cents'
worth you've got hi tho storo. Kxclinngn,
Slrnlnnt llrtutlniiii.
Miss Holby I'npn, what nro "strulnisl rela
tions!" Mr. Selby Alsiut tlio only illustration 1
can think of Just now, my dear, Is tho tlmi
Poiisouby's slstor-lnlaw and her undo caini
to visit him, and had to lug their own Iriiuki
upstairs. -Ilurlington Fieo I'ress.
I'erhups It Hud Only (lone. Ax troy.
"I dis-'lalah," said (Ins do Jay, In n discon
solate tone, "I had an Idea Just now, and It
has completely left my bwnln, you know."
"Mayho tint," Mild his friend. "Possibly (
got to rontiilng mound oiir hend and lost It
self." Washington l'ost.
t'loiin may lie prevented by giving Cham
iK'ilnlus Cough llemedy assoon ns the child
shows the Mrs! symptom of tho disease, which
can always Ini done If tho remedy Is kept at
hand. Hoarseness Is tho llrst symptom of
croup. Sold by A. I.. Hhiiuler.
ToIlnttloH.llrcK'c, iiou-rcsldent defendant'
You nro hereby untitled Hint on Iholfhlday
of December, ISM). Kred J. Hind n peti
tion nualnsl you In thr district coin t of Lan
caster county, Nebraska, the object nnd
iimvii. ,r .. I.... I,, i.l.inl II......... r...,.i
I'IMJ'I "I " lll.ll llll- IIIIIKHIIII II Mlllllll' IIIPIII
you on the (jrounds that you have willfully
iioaiiiioucii nie sain puiiuiiii, wiinoui kooii
cause, lor the term of two years last pasli anil
that said denuidaiil was guilty of cruelly to
wards said I'ltitttt III nt divers limes, nnd Ire
qileiit Inloxleatlou. You are reipilied to un
swer said petition on or before Monday, the
171 Inlay of I'ebrimry, istm
i.'ui.'ii V nn i.-y i-i.' in, ,1,,, in
ily Atllllisoii.V Doty, Alloinejs
Notice or I'libllciilloii.
Ill the Hi trial Court of baneaster county,
The Cltlrenx' National Hank of lllllshoroiiuh,
Ohio, plalntlll,
K. L. Johnson nod .lames W. Smith, defend
ants. 1'. L. Johnson (or I Id ward I, Johnson) mid
ilnines W. Hmltli, dolomlouts, will tiilionotlcc
thatoiitho 'iMth day of December, issil, the
Cltlrenx' National hank of lllllliiiroiigh,()lilo,
plalullir herein, tiled Its petition In the Ills
irlct Court of l.alieaxlrr county, Nebraska,
niiilllist suld dcfcndaiils, theolijeet nml prayer
ol which nro to recover tho sum or 0,M7.!W,
with Interest thereon from the 1st day of .May,
Iss'l. nt the rate ofH per cent, per annum, due
and unpaid upon u certain Judgment tint)
rendered mid entered III the Common Pleas
courl.of Highland county, HtaloofUlilo, hav
ing adeiiuate Jurisdiction In sue leases, Hald
Judgment Is for the sum oftl,rl7JU, nml hears
Interest at the rale nl H percent, per milium.
Ami suld plulullir has duly attached Ibefol
lowing pieces and jinreelsof hiiid,is the prop
erly of thn said defendant, I'!. L Johnson, bo
lugiiud situate In the county ol Lancaster,
slate or Nebraska. The said laud attached Is
numbered ami described ns follows, lowlli
N. I''.iiinrter, and tho north hair of tho N
V. ouartur.nnd H. V.. iiunrter of N W. oiiar-
ter, and east half ofH, K. quarter, all In Heo-
tlou Kleveu (II), Town (III), llaugo 7, In the
county and state aforesaid. Also the follow
ing: N. W.iiuartorof H. W.quurtor, anil east
log: N. v. quarter or H. W. quarter, ami ei
half of H. W. ipmrter, mid N W. quarter
H. : niiarter.all In Hectlon Twelve ll'.'l. To'
ten (10), ItanuuT, county and stale aforesaid.
Also the following: N K, quarter of N W
quarter, and H. I. quarter of N. v. quarter,
nml east half of H. . quarter, all III Heellon
Three (M), Town ten (1U), Ituiigo 7, comity and
state arorexald.
Also tho following: North half of N. I-;,
quarter, and N. K. quiirler or N, V. quarter
all In .Seetlau Ten (10), Town ten (10), Ilange7,
state and comity aforesaid.
Also the following: West half of Hectlon
Two. mid west half of X. K. quarter, and
south half of H. 10. quarter, all In Hectlon Two
IS), Town ten (10), Ituiigo 7, count) and state
Also tho following: Kast bnlfofH. W quar
ter, and H I-:, quarter, all In Hectlon Thirty
four (.11). Town Kleveu II), Ituiigo 7, county
nml statu aforesaid.
Also the following: N. K. quarter, and
north half or tho H.tV. quarter, and west half
or H. I-:. quarter, all In Section Twenty-nine
CM), Town ten MO), ItaiiKoH, county nml state
Also the following: Houtli half of H. W,
quarter of Hectlon Twenty tSh.Town ten (10).
Hun ue i'IkIiI (Hi.coiitily iindstuto as above.
Tin suld defendants nro required to answer
said petition on or before the 17th day of Feb
riiury, K
lly Atkinson ,t Doty Attorneys
Duted Dec. is) I(W).
Notice of Halo III I'lirtltlon by Hefnrees.
Ill thn District Court of Lancaster Comity,
l-'umilo (tuuckenhiish
nhilsh )
II, Ct 111.)
Isabella Horilinui
Notloo Is hereby given tlint by virtue of
an order of sale Issued out or the District
Court or Lancaster county, Nebraska, In an
action wherein I-'uuulo (Juaokcnbuxli Is plaln
tliruud Isabella llordmuii et ul are defend
ants, we, the uuderslKlied referees, duly up
pointed by said DlstrlutCoiirl, will on tho M
day of April, 1WW, at tho hour or'.' p. in . nt thn
east entrance to the Court Hoiino on Tenth
street, In the city of Lincoln, In said county
and state, oiler for sale nt public auction tho
followlmtdesorlhed real estate, to-wlt: Tho
southeast quarter (H. K. '4) of Hectlon Number
Five (fi). In Township No. Ten (10), North of
I tan ye No, Hlx (fl), caxt or tho Hlxth tilth) 1' M.
In I.aneaxter county, Nebraska. The terms
ofsale beliiR one-third ('dcaxh, one-third Ca)
hi one year mid one-third ('-,) In two years,
with Interest on deferred payments at the
rate of seven (7) per cent per milium, with up
proved security, for suld deferred payments.
JOHN H.McCLAYj Itcrerees.
J. C. MolUllDK )
Houston A llalrd, Attorneys ror IMaliitllt'.
District Court, Lancaster county, Nebraska.
(U-oruoW. Hubble, plaiutltr,
Fannie Hubble, defendant.
To Fannie Hubble, non resident defendant:
You are hereby untitled that on the. Will day
I .January, IK), your liusbuud, Oeorito .
Hubble, Hied a petition against you In the dis
trict court of I.ancnHter county, Nebraska, the
objo-'t and prnyorof which Is to obtain n di
vorce from you on tho ground that you have
wilfully abandoned the planum' without
KimhI cause ror the term or two venrslast past
You are required to uuswer suld petition on or
before Monday, tho 17th da) or March, lh'jo.
OKOWOI-: W. Hl'llllt.K,
2-lvvl lly Pound A llurr, Ills Attorneys.
T.......U I...1...MU l.l I. ..!., ..... .I....I ...III
" it .Mtnu.-i i., inn i ii- ii n II I ill m- im-iin, ,vi,i
ti.l.k ,,I.... .tin I, 1..... I....... ul. ....... ... ..... o .n
iiinu iiii, ilu iiiiii. ii iiai, in-i-ii noun n III Hie, D. 1
Cochran, u Justice ortho peace In and for Lan
caster comity, Nebraska, that the Judijmcnt
rendered In the net Ion of Hnss and .eh iiKulust
.lainex Mathers for the sum of lis. 11 and Itl.-fi
costs, nunlnxt the defendant, la rare A. (I.
Hcott, a Justice of the peace In ami for ball
ctster county. Nebraska, on the Mil day or
Ma), IS7i, hus become iloruiant by lapse or
time, and Is unpaid. It . therefore ordered
by mo that unless you appear lit my olllce on
Mnrch llltb, IS.), at I p. in, ami show cause
Ok'ollixt said relor, the said Judgment will
stand revived. H. T.cncilllAN.
Justice of the Peace.
Lincoln, Neh Feb. II. IKK). I'.'-tiwl
III Justice Court or Lincoln. I anea-ter coun
ty, Nebraska. lefore J II. Ilrowu, .luxtlce
of the Pence In and for wild city, county
and state,
Tho Wessul Printing Company, Plulntlll',
The O. M. Jurvls Company, Defendant.
ThoG, M. Jarvlscouiliaiiy will take notice
thai on the '.Mh day of .Inuuary. Ikki, J H.
Ilrowu, a Justice of tho l'eaee within and Tor
the ity of Lincoln. Lancaster county, Nebras
ka, Issued un order of attachment for the sum
or tYi.bO In an action pending before hllii
wherein the Wessel I'rlntliii; coiupuii Is
pliiliititraud tho (1 M. Jarvls company de
fendant. That properly of the defendant, con
slxtiin; or money, rliihts and credits In th
bands of L. L. I Indsny has been nttuehed un
der said order
Hald cause wus continued to the 17th day oj
March, lsui l at tiMiiu. in.
Tin: WKssr.L phintino co.
It Houston A- llalrd, lintlitllt's Attys.
Dated Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 10, ls0,. i!-15wl
Veterinary i Surgeon
liMiduiite of the Uoynl Vetcrlunry
College, Loudon,
- - -37 ii?1"
All Dlscnscs of the Domesticated An ma
Carefully Treated.
Olllce, Unuin 3, Webster lllock,
336 .South nth St.,
Also nl l'nlncu Stnhlcs, M uenr ICIcvcnth
Calls Out of thn City Attended
Over A Million Distributed.
Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y.
Incorporated by tho I'Klshituro ror I'.du-
catlonal ml Charlliiblo imrposes, nnd IU
franchise ti mle 11 purl of (ho present stuto
constitution In IN7U by 1111 ovorwfielmliiK pou
ular vote,
place V111I Annually Mime nnd Decem
ber), nnd Its (Jriind Single Number Draw
InH Inke iilacciu ench of the other ten
months of the year, nml .ire nil drawn In
public, nt the Academy of Music, Now
Orleans, La.
Famed for Twenty Years
For lutcgrcty of Its Drawings and
Prompt Paymeut ol Prizes.
Alrsiil m Follows:
We, do hereby certify that we supervlso
the iirraiiKements for all the Moiilhly ami
Semi Annual DrawliiHi of Tho loulslaim
Htalo littery I'ompaiiy, nml In person man
iiK" ami control the Drawings themselves,
and thai the same aro eouduoied with hon
esty fairness, and In itood rulth towiirdalt
parties, and wo authorise the Company to use
this certificate, with fae-slnillles ofour sIkiiu
ires attached, In Its advertisements."
We, tho undersigned Hanks nnd llnukoni
will pay all prizes drawn In the lnulslum
Htato lAittvrlos, which may ho presented nt
our counters.
It. M. WALMHLKV. I'res't Uiiilsauu Nut Il'k
I'ir.llltK LANAUX, l'res.-liito National Il'k
A. IIALDWIN, I'res. New Orleans Natl Hunk
OAKLKOIIN. I'res. Union National Hunk
Grand Monthly Drawing.
At the Aoademjr of Mniic, New Orleans,
Tuesday, March 11, 1890,
Capital Prize, $300,000.
100,000 Tickets ut t'-M; Halves III); Quartern
.; Tenths, 12; Twentieths 1.
I.IHr OK I'ltl.KH.
I i'IUC. OK:ioo,()Oills f.Hi).o0i)
1 l'mKoi'linOiiMils
t I'KI.kok ,V),(oiis m,mt
I I'ltl.K )!' ilVolls '2fm
2 I'ltl.KH OK lo.oon nro 'JO.oiM
M'ltl.KH OK fi.000 are 2S,
fi I'ltl.KH OK l,lM)iiro !,IWJ
IU) I'ltl.KH OK nun urn ujm
Vtit I'lllKHOK iKMiire IIO.OUII
100 1'rlr.os of 1.7X1 are $ M),000
luo do. :a)are :n,oua
100 do. DUOnro 20,01)0
OITl I'rlnesof tlfXluro 09,000
W) Prizes of 1U) are IV.OUU
3,144 rrliesamountlnnU) i,nn4,Hoa
Notk Tickets drawl iik Capital aro
not cutltleil to terminal Prizes.
JW"K(ir Club Hates or nuy further Informn
(Ton deslroil, write lelbly totho underslKiicd
dourly stallnif your residence, with Hlato
County, Htreet ami Niimbor. More rapid ro.
turn mull delivery will bo assured by your on
clonliiK an Knvelopo benrltiK your full ml
Address M. A. DAUPHIN,
Now Orlenns, La.
Wushlmcton, D, C.
lly ordinary letter contnlnlni; Money Or
der Issued liy all Kxnress Companies, Now
Vork KxchiniKo, Draft or l'ostul Noto.
Address Registered Letters containing;
Currency to
Now Orleans, 1m,
UKMKMHKIt that tho payment of tho
Prizes Is Kuarunteed by l-'our Nutloiiul Hunks
or New Orleans, uud tho tickets uro signed by
tho President oran Instltutisii whoso char
tered rlnhts nro recounlzed In the blithest
courts; therefore, bewuro or nil Imitations or
anonymous schemes.
ONKDOLLAK Is tho price of tho smallest
tiartorfrnctlon or a ticket IH.HUKU HV UH
In any druwIiiK. AnythliiK hi our unmoor
rensl ror less than a Hilar Is u swindle.
SluHllisiel, anil Tyiwsrrllhur. U Ilia U-st unit largest
i i.llt-k'e In ilu, U'mi. hi) htuili'iiu In ntlciiilaneu last Stiili-nU prt-mre.l nir buitni-ss la from 3 to
inoiilhs. :Irl.llCl faculty IVmonul Insiriicllon,
lk-ouilful llluitralnl cntaloKue, rollivu Jounialu, and
"wcliueos or H-niiiaiuhlssntrri-liyiiililn'uliiK
ULU11HIWJK A ltOOSj; Lincoln. Nob.
(hi in ll (Hir irlluir
uuriti'ti (1 and ta htnluc otr
u Mi uin In ch tiMNlui,
i o twijr itioM whg m
It r All roubff tu'l- tn
rvU i -your im til-rt
t. . n ti3 jtum ) I
tii I Hi idtrl" in nt
tli M lb ' I CP l llir ) )
ut rltv 'h i'iirii'tff cm iuiic1 t
Kcp. Th. Ml
ImmiI lit' AMI I,! will, bulk l - - .
,.1. .. Mi - l,.. I'.. -"I Wiv.ll I
,,nuk ti I ... I II ' ' '"'
,, , tl" i li- It r rllr -I
I tu l-
Hut nnl), I
vippm "9
i - jjrv "
WW ZI. flu r
&ajsW :
, iiiiwi'i y)f);
. i"LJ
.1 hi I- an, i. h.
i . . t. ho., y -t,
b - ' Ii
vlr m ti nr
l IU'1, il4ISS