CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, MARCH i, 1890 K i r ;a :' jrZ II filtfif ! n-i,rt IMlLWAWW dst,paul iSLVa Own nnd opcriitrNft..Vio miles of thnrni(hly quipped rival In Illinois, Wucowdli, Jown( Attsnuirl, Minnesota and IluUotn. , It Is the llol Direct Itnulo betwuimll tlio Principal Points In tlio Northwest, Bouihwet and Far West For maps, tlinn table, rules or passimo nnd frchtht, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol OltlCAIlo, Mll.WAUKKK A HT. I'Atlt. IIAII. way, or to nny Railroad Agent anywhere I" the world. R. MIIiI.KII. A. V. H. CARPENTER, flencrnl MVr. """'I J'i. ATkt Agt. K. TUCKER, GEO. II. IIKAFFOHR, mmioh' Mer. Ast. (. J. AT. AkI. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. T-Kor lumrmittlor. In reference to ! .anils atulTowns owned by tlio Chicago, Milwau kee A HI. l'mil Rnllwny Compnny.wrtn to II. O. IlAVnAN.Umd Cmuiiil'Hloner.Mlllwuultee Wisconsin. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis nnd nil Points South. Cast and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil pdnclpal point in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs ol Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars on nil trains. H. G. HAM, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. Gen'l Agent Cor. O and 12th Street. ON SALE TO jJLSL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent c '-' u, Mil '"' ' ii 11 wt'imu " 1 " - B s 2lET2 . .1 r - hwp.i "W '"'I1 SOCIAL AND PKHSONAI, Tom Cooko, superintendent of opiums, is quoted as making tlio following rule for enu merator! "Tlio work of taking tlio census it ill Ik commenced 011 Juno I nnd mint I mi iiimplatod by July I, nnd In cltlm of over !, (XX) Inhabitant enumerator will I mi exited to complete their work during thn first f Uvu day of June. I Intend IomiImIIvMoOio First district into enumerator' district, nnd each enumerator will have fioin a,fi()0 to.'l,(XX) peo pip. Tim districts will Ihi divided so as to comply ns nearly ni IMo with tlio wnrdor voting precinct line. Iuthncuiintry district I proKo to nppoltit uno enumerator for each voting precinct, In npimlutlhg enumerator I don't iI-omho to uiniiMiihi'r nny vmbal up plications, and those it lindenlm to Iri appoint 11I enumerator mint innko written uppllni Hon containing tlio applicant's imino, jkhIoN lien address nud tlio vtiird or precinct In wlileh I10 1 esldin. Tlio coniiK'Hiintlon of mill monitor will ho n follow: Two colitis for cncli living 'nhnbltant, 'J rent for each death, lfiecnl forenell fnrtu,!.Occntforcuch estab lishment uf productive Indimtry, ft cent for eiu'li surviving Mildler, sailor or marine, or the widow of each Nildler, sailor or marine. It 1 iliwlrcd Hint persons wlioniaylicitcndoiod npiolutmcut n ruuuicrutor should hglvcu to uudm-dnnd distinctly Hint If tlmy accept such iipMiiitiueiitN nnd ipmllfy iin euumcru torx, tiny cannot without JuMllliililociiuim ru fuse or neglect to iierform tlm dutle of tlio position I In vlntr nuuud tlio olllco tliuy cniiuot letlro from It nl tholr own pleasure," Mr C T. Unworn, for tlm past two year with the Miitntil Life lusuiuuciicompany, has arcepted a imIIIoii with J. M, IIiiilxton as AsUtant Htatn Agent of tlio Union Central Iilfolu'iii'iUHocoiuiMiiiyof Ulnulniintl, Ohio, Mi lloiMim Inn hud fourteen yivir' oximtI- enee In tlm liiilii''iv mid will lm 11 vnlunblu ngeiit for tlio Union Ontnil, U. II. l(,nlrlleM,Jr.1ofUrniidllnplds,Mleli,, IihsIki'ii In thiM-lty thin Kk vlHltlng Mm, Jiidso FIcIiIh mid John Fnlrlleld, I1I1 sister mid luother. I'Mward Fnlrlleld of tlio ftpilt nhlo loan mid triiiteoiupiiuy of Oiiinlm, an other liri.ther, wiihiIowu Mouduy, Tlio nils, of Dennln, tlm hnttor, now innko tlio linn 11111110 1 onl H. DoiiiiUit (Jo. Mr. Di'iinU, tlio W now In ICmiHiuiClty niniiaging hU tno uiw stores, may reiunlii soiuo time, as liH put turr Iin not yut m)M out tholr Michi gan Atook Mr. Kusononuil MIm Kdnii lluiton enter tnlnnl n largo couinny of friendi most on Joynhly nt a Wnhlngton jmrly on Friday uruniug of hint week. High IIvowim a foat mix', nud Mr. Clmrle Wtviilmrli won tlio prlco. U. V. Melvlmion, a teacher In the Klllott tK'hool, luft tlio othor day for Hot HpiiugH, Ark., anil was pi wonted with a box of llow er. A military hall nml Imnquot wns given nt Juulntn this wivk In honor of Adjutnnt Oen enil Cole. (Invei nor Thayer nttendwi. J.T. HtohliHof the WlilU'hruut coal com pnny Ih kerioiiKly III mid has Ikhii cHinllueil to tlio hoiisi) for K01114 time. 0. O. Whltinoro of Lincoln ImH lccn np polntiMl u mull cluik on tlio ruulotwteuOiun lm and Ogden. V. F. Kelloy Iiiih lieen up In north Nehrng-. ku this week taking deiKmltlous in mi linnort- nntlnudsuit. Ijwls Frlnr of C lny county buccmxIs David Donignnluer in tlio olllcoof tlio necrotnry of state. Hov. nnd Mm. llrndt entertained tlio form. er's Huntlay chool clnni Tuewlny ovenlng. Mm. Otto Hnuermnu entertnlnwl tlio east Lincoln O. L. 8. 0. Wmhuitdny ovoiiiug. I Other Social News on PngoS. ELECTRICITY ON THE RAIL Another Arhloreinent In Mitlitlngltereiit. ly Introduced by it Ititllrond. TIlO IWlSt lleOlldo lllia luwui mm nt nn) !.... evolution (n Knlnnn.. m.,1 !,.. .....i..- Hpliores, and not tlio lonst 1ms tho rnilrunil nniiiimiuuxi nuenuon nv HUh rwioct. Bel iloni a day pnsws but that some now In -en-tion or Improvement is hennl of, nnd thus constantly tho world works wonders for lU Inhnhltniits Klectrlcltv hits ncenmiilUlini phenoinbiml clmngeH, nud the Intuit hcnnl or on thu rnlt linH uhmi niiiimnifx,bi 1... "i.nt ..... lar westorn lino, tho Chicago, Milwaukee & Ufc "" ii"ny. ims 11110 lias introduced tho eleetrio llcht svRtom mi hi imdw .., HOW tllft taut l.Tlinwa liivl.. n.....i ovculngnt slx.nrrlvlug in Chicago next morn. Ing nt nlno, is brilllnutly lllumlnntwl through nut with tho noft mellow light shed by tho In candescent, This Is n great nchlovoinent for n rnllwny train, butn single Improvement for such a lino as tho spirited Mllwnukeo Is not sufllciont for tho untiring mnnngement. Thoy Imvo gouo one step further, nnd now, when night falls nnd you retire, it Is no longer necosnry to enter n durk berth. Each lins ihju provmeti wnn n small electric lump nr- rniiced in tho lllllmr enrnor n, ,. ),.. ...I. ..!... Oft times the iMiengor, weary of sitting nil il ty enroute, Is glad to retire early nnd enjoy n.i.t ...l.l. .1.1. ..''. v,rv.-, ...... mm una couvemcuco can lie In IhiI, If ileslml, nil night nnd rend, tho light shining from the back, thus not interim? tlm eyes. It nW) proves n blessItiK to the Individ. unit hat riss enrly, boforo tho sun, nffordlug light for di sslng nnd for finding tho vnriou in tides of uppnrel. It is not, however, necessary that you goto lietl to enjoy this convenience, for during tt) Bvoning It nmy alo bo uuxl while senUxl in your apartment. At times tho chnndelier gives InsuUlf lent HghJ, then ngan this llttlo comforter is tlio moro appreciated. At times when notuseil. itls rnvtrnwi . .,.... ttntloimry sllvvrplnted ens,., which opens mill fd.l iVA.tla . til. .. a . ,. ... v..,o ..,, niumraicii, i ins train Is a so provided with stonm heat from tho en Kino, thereby affording safety from tho hor rible Area that occur from stoves. Then asldo from these great Improvement the Milwau kee fast tmln offers nil tho Inducements given by Ihe other trunk linen. Tho dining cam magnificent and largo, furnMi a menu equal to Hint fcet at any of tho flumt hotels of the country, while the service is ir excollence. The chair cam aro comfortnblo nnd easy riding nnd to two thenvoruge traveler loung ing and enjf ylng a book, or to noto the com placent features of others while nappliiir. it would be uinicult to believe that they did not appreciate the efforts of a liberal manage merit. A uniformed jwrter is nlwnyson hand to administer to tho wanta of patrons nnd no comfort Is ovoi looked that would tend to en hance tho plenuio of the traveler. In fact this train on tho Mllwnukeo tins no equal ami Is todsy tho wonder of western rallwnyequip moot. Surely with such sped, comfort nnd luxury, what moro can mankind akl It'a iuq very iu In tho gift of noleiieo to man nnd the best is uunlly poo.1 enough for Nt lbrknn, conwpiently the eirorts of this ' givnt line me bring appreciated by Lincoln. lies nnd wehtrrn jn'Ople gonerully. i The Mllwnukeo iIeeom for thu fnst train ; Iwvo the Union Pacific deiwt in Omaha every evening ti,ix o'clock, giving ample time to jL,Ubm' ,' makn connections with all trains from thn west and tuiuthwcst. I'M HIosmiii, tho Union Pacific ngent at this Hlnt, ieKirta it henvy deinntiii tor tickets vin tins ravorito route, nud all Information as to time, rati and con tirctlotis enn li ncertnlnrd nt his olllco or by application to J. K, Mci'lure, ttnvellug ms senger ngent, Omaha, Neb. llerthi In sleeih- em will lm rifierviMl freo by lelrgrnpli nt tlio U. I". city ticket onico. Try this lino when you go enst. School children will learn much faster If tlioy are inadu comforliililn ond kept In kt feet health. Very fow rwaMi severe coughs and colds during tho winter months. It In an easy mutter to avoid the illcoinfoi Ik nnd tils tress of coughs and colds by lining Chamber Iain's Cough Hemixly. It is by far tho lit treatment over brought Into gounntl usn for cougliH, coldt'nnd lioarwueHM, Wheiilho'.flmt NymplouiN of cold npHvir, uso Chamberlain's Cough Itciiicdy nud the cold can be broken up at ouco. Hold by A. L. Hlirader. llow Uh Could Avoid It. "I havo olserved," rcmnrked u inenti old bachelor, trying to funny, "that when ona has fortune nnd ndds MIkm to it, he lias mlv fortuuo thereafter," "Then ou ought to marry a widow," quick ly roponded it lady ill black, and tho fumry man went Inlo his shell. Wnsliliigtou Star. SPKl. i?-5f?fes-. .. T-iiJ -. s - Doctor Cutts Pretty ImuI lip you'vo got lliero, my boy; but I think wo enn fix It, Patient 'Tnln't th' lip, doc. I play n fifo In th' Ninth wnrd drum corjis. I cnllod to 00 about n cough. Judgo. T)iiernitilcl. "Hello," mild tho quail, ns thocouin. throw him in, "you're n hard looking cose, did you know itr "No wonder," grunted tho case, "Pvo been on tho rack w long." "You Weill to Im out of form, too," ro inarket a thin shico, from Its box, "Whntlf I nml Iend monlonel" snnrled tho quad, "You're getting fnucy," put In a hyphen us itcntnenlong. "Thinking of tho gulloy left bohlnd him, I supjiosot" nt which tho other tyiw kIrrIwI. "I'll Ihi dnshedC'cried tho unlucky quad. "If you'd been locked upns longns I linvo" "I wiw Just going to -uk quud tho mutter was,"' Interrupted the -le'lod, "I thought perliapH you neotleil qur In." "Stopl" said tho oxnsiorated qund, "I've comma long way, nnd) won't lie Insultoil thu wny. Things began to loot rqunlly, when the conioltor shook up the case, nud mnde them all lwhavo. Lawrence American, IIU Sucgcuilmi, A colonel In tho French army who had a great eyo for iioatncvi but not much of an ear for tuuilo tewk occasion one day to com pliment his baud master 011 tho apjiearance of his men, "Their uniforms aro neat," wild the colonel, "and their Instrument aro nice ly itollshixl mid kept In order, but thero isono Improvement that I must Insist upon." "Whnt U It, colonelf "You must trnln your men, when thoy per form, to lift their lingers nil nt exactly the snmo time nnd nt rcgulnr Intervals on their instruments, so one, two! ono, twol" Ar gonnut. Not Twins. Mm. M met frequently two charming llttlo girls going to kcIioo! who looked each very much like the other. One morning sho risked ono of themi "Aro you twins, my dear I" With nu Indignant shake of her curls she answered: "No'mol Vo'm Iwfo girls." Toxas Sift hiR. Thiol! Ilu Can l)u Without Iu "Pujia," said Mnbcl, "were you over In an Ico ivtlucel" "No," bald the old gentleman, "but I've had to got up at 0 o'clock In tho morning In January to soe w hat w ns the matter with the heating apparatus, and I guess I'll try and worry along without nn Ico jmlace." Wash ington Post, Iin Wiu Wuumlrd ICarly. Pension Examlnor In what battlo woro you wounded I Applicant for Fen-Jon I wns wounded nt Shlloli Church. Examiner At Shlloh Church! Applicant Yes, I bolonged to tho choir, nnd got my bond mashed with tho organ stool at tho beginning of hostilities. Areola Rec ord. Promptness is n good motto. It is hard to find uny thing more prompt than St. Pntrick's PUN. They aro 11 pleasant cathartlo and a good medicine. Sold hir A. L. Shrader. Dr. C. D. Mnnnlng, onico room-, OO-OTJg Ilurr block. Telephone 330. Itosldenee Cor. 30th and F. Telephone 330. The nobblost turnouts that nro soon on ou thoroughfnres nro from tho Pnlaco stables. Telephone No. 435. Stables on M street op- Rook ordera ahead far Sunday livery in ordor to get n rig at the Police Stables, If you wnnt lino coi respendenco stationery remember that tho Couuiek olllco carriea a largo line, Including novelties. The beat place hi the city of Lincoln to get good lionrd Is nt Urown's cafe. You have a great vnricty to select from and the prices aro reasonable, Ladles may order anything in tho grocery line by telophono (108) of the Oullck Bakery and depend on getting the Itest at reasonable prices delivered at their door. Oystem nro served at Drown' cafe In every style. Orders filled on short notice. 8hakcjearo complete nnd a year's sufc-orlp-tlon to tho CoimiKU for only 3.60. For par ticulars sco advei tlwment on page eight. Tho attention of our readers Is directed to the advertisement 011 page eight, announc ing the greatest nnd most lilwrnl premium ever ottered with nny weekly iwpcr. Just think of it for fci.oO wo gito you a year's subscription to tho Coimikh ami Ihecompleto works of 8linkeear, W.'O jwigea liouud In ono volume, of cardinal cloth unit gilt lettering. The book alone telli readily nud U cheap at, inn iuui tee 11, "ymMinii turnip mm, 'Hie lilTei't of I'riictlro, I-kjl 1& No. 43. Dinililn Aenisllc. tPrimnU.) Without mo what Is Href Tn win urn shun no strife Kinals. Chosen land of my first from nu to mo, Italxe the loud chant of lllx-rty Cruw wonts. I. OlitcMt of states Hint In our Union stand. 8. Shot thus UlrecU-d prove nn III trained luuiit. 1 A laknnuil railroad I have now becoiiio 4. Without my nld siiccem will seMom cinn. 6. In India once n royal town I rUxA 0. This embrocation Is for swellings Rood f limy. lalHirloiis, hut to this world given. Her nolil hl.icp rained hernyen to heaveiL No. 4.1. KiiIciiiii. 1 selo my nuiMer by his foot, I clutch nnd hold him by his hoot Until ho pulls nwny And then ho kicks mo out of Right Ami ended Is my llttlo light Until nny other day Hut when ho sltH In sllpjictvil cuw, And all around Is homo likucaco, I um n friend Indeed . For then should sereuadem grim Mnko tuuilo qtiltudlHtrncliiig him, lie sends mo forth with sstil, Nogiowling watch dog equals mo, 1 couio tiK)u them noiselessly, While uono susiect mo near, And fiercely nt their honih i My, And greet them nil ho suddenly They rush wny In fear Nu. II. Numerical Knlfinu. My whole Is couqiosod of ten letters and Is a largo Inland. My ft, 1, 10 Is to destroy My 7,'.', I) Is a meadow. My :),, Ills thin. My 4 Is u letter. Nu, 4ft. Dliicoiml. 1. A foreign country 'J. A nntlvo city. 3. To oxclto ndmiration, I. Something you try. ft. Variegated. 0. To fondle or pot DlngounU give n word that is suggested by what you see before you. No. 40. I'lctorliil Helms. 3SM The rebus represents tho fli-t lluoof A poem, often familiarly quoted. No. 47. A I-etter Helms, 0. Y. My rebus solved Will bring to mind Whnt dellghta tho heart Of youthful kind. No. 48. A Clinrnde, yulck, trnv'lersl onward onwnnl tread O'er mountains clad In white; The lowering, luulrn clouds o'erhead llctokeu comliiK iilhL Then onward kpeed, with might utul malu. O'er crnjj nnd mountain llool. For second, Joined with wind and rnin. Comes shrieking through tint vood And first Iu blinding bIiow cm hides Tho tillage Inn; Its light It lokt; And howling down the mountain tldcn Tlio tenqiest team with furious blast Delated travelers nru lost Upon thn mountain bleak; Of previous life how great tho cost Who total's dangers seel; I No. 40. Kiddle, Tho beginning of eternity, Tlio end of thno nnd spaco; Tho beginning of every end, And end of overy plnco. Tlio Gamo of "No reus." This Is a good gnmo to pnss off tho time with, for everybody, youug nnd old, can play tu It. Tho leader must put tho question to each ono In succession: "My cook likes ho peas; what shall 1 glvo her to oatl" If a player answers "potatoes," "parsley," etc., ho pays a forfolt, but If ho answers "veal," "ham," "onions," etc., ho pays no forfeit. Tho trick is that tho letter "p" must be avoided iu an swering. Fortune Was Too Kind. "I would 1 were a bird," warbled the mu sical boro iu tho hotel parlor. "I will glvo you a suirt," said tho landlord, and presented him with his llttlo b)ll. Key to the Purilor. No. 34. Dehendlngs: S-tag, l-bls, It-ace, W-add, A-bet, L-nnd, T-act, E-den, It-aft, S-aga, C-go. O-bey. T-aco. T-nil; Sir Wal ter Scott. No. 35. Cut Up Puzzloi No. 8a Charadoi Yel-low. Na 37. An Enigmatical Quartet! MILD. No. 33. A Pretty Purrlei 1. All covet, all lce. SJ. You dig your grave with your teeth. 0. Wo hate delay, yet it makes us wise. 4. Better half a loaf than no bread, ft. Penny wise, pound foolish, u. A drowning man will catch at a straw. 7. Two ill meals make the third n glutton. 8. llouoy In tho mouth eaves the purso, 0, Spare to tpoak, sparo to speed. 10. Haste makes waste, Valeutlnosi co Vet, grAve, deLay, brEnd, poNny, caTch, third, hoNey, spEak, haSte, No. 811. A Stan 1-3 - Margins. 1-3 Masters. 2-3 Satires. 4-ft Peruses. 4-C Printed, ft-0 Spoared. No, 40. Word Squares: FINE IRIS C L E A It LEA ,V E EAVES A V E It T R E 8 T S Oecauto they are .N I N E E 8 E K No. -.Conundrums tho bearers of Idle tails. Because It Is done with tho pou. It has a bead and a tall and two sides. When it's dr Ipplug. i ii...Oy.'.i." ij'f' 'Kiir- M Max. $w$M vMlWL si? ForN AMAZING OFFER WE ARE GIVING AWAY Complete Works of Shakespeare ComprlBlng hi Plays, Sonnota and Pooms, with tho noted profnoo, by Dll. JOHNSON. a oLossnr axu an or kaoii tlat nt tiik REV. WM. HARNESS, M. A., of TO EACH SUnSCRIIIEK OF THIS I'AI'Eil FREE -TER7VTS- We will give each subscriber a copy of this $li.OO book and a year's subscription to the paper for 52. o in advance. This is the greatest legitimate premium offer ever made, and is possible cause, in this age of invention, with its improved printing machinery and meth ods, the cost of production in large quantities has been reduced. This book is a wonder of typography. It is beautifully bound in rich cloth, extra, with artistic stamp in gold on side and back. The book contains 926 PHGES, Slzo, 8 inches wide, 1 1 inches long and 3 inches thick. t It is embellished with a portrait of the author from the celebrated Chandos Picture, engraved on steel. It has other numerous illustrations. No description can do justice to this magnificent premium. It must be seen to be appreciated. It is no cheap or commonplace production, but, on the contrary, a book that its owner will have every reason to be proud of; the most suitable thing in the world or n i present; a volume that will embellish any library or center table in the land. We expect every one who knows and appreciates a good thing, to respond at once to this extraordinary offer. When you have the book and your neighbors sec it, they will also want it. Wc will give the book and one year's subscription to our paper to any person sending us S2.50. Old subscribers who have already paid for their paper, and who send us 52.50, will receive the book and have their subscriptions extended one year from the date of their present expiration. Note If tho book han to lie Kent by mnll or cxpreMH, add 5 cents to the remittance to cover coat of trnnnportatlon. " 8 ml! itl,ot tnk0 m,ne ma '" lnl" ,5cvcl Plat0 mirrors, rich Carpets, nnd nrtUtlc decorations, coup'cd with the polite services of a colored attendant, render our reclining chair cars the exemplification of case and comfort. "Hpeed, say you? Aye, In motion of no less celerity tliau thntot thought." "In truth, a noble company. What aro their pleasures?" "Thero tho huge sirloin reeked, hard by Plum puddlnghtood,andL'lirlstmas pie Nor failed old rlcotliiud to produce At sucli high tide, her savory goose," "Come, friends, Let's havo a social smoke." "Come, sleep, And with thy sweet deceiving, lock me In delight awhile " J. FRANCIS, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Oniulia. Most Popular ODELL'S - DINING '- HALL MONTGOMERY BLOCK, i -o if 9, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. 0 Meals 25 els. $4.50 per Week. fl' . , .,, THE) Christ Collogo, Cambridge England (OLD OK NKW) UPON THE FOLLOWING Our "Flyers" arc really a scries of handsome apartments connected by Ingeniously nrranged vi-hiinuiL-h insuring gaiety against telescoping, im pervious to the weather, nnd overcome the sway ing motion incident to ordinary trains. The Burlington's Flyers are provided with a library of carefully selected hooks for the free ne of pntions, while card tables, congenial Mends, nnd "High Five" conduce to "drive dull care away." Quietly, and at ease, the traveller partakes of viands that tempt the epicure, and amid tasteful and elegant surroundings, the pleasures of the tnnnl nm n It .1 1... I. .. .t f.. . 1 i. ...... ..iu uy me unarming nnu pic turesque panorama continuously gliding by. Great easy chairs, rattan sofas and large plate windows, render our smoking cars a prime favor ite with first clats passengers, for whom they are exchudvelt reserved. The acm? of perfection Is reached in our .latest Pullman sleepeis, whose seats of seal brown silk plush, oriental draperies In exquisite ".hades rare woous, nmi carpets ot Kojal llton, combine In the highest degree, the nrtUtlc with the beautiful. " We sigh to think our wondrous Journey done." A.C. ZIi:.MKH. City Pnss. ami Tlckol Agent, Lincoln, Resort in the City. 4-1 C - . n, ,,.,i tymlmft -wp.iiiy.wV" "Snr"ff xT' ' ' ' .' ' "i.1., 'mUil,.., "'Ll""iW., -n,i ,1 , n,nn,ir,tH.,t i-;ri-",hi.,jiMIi !' l", -4 M,i,iiWH HBrtl.,