Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, March 01, 1890, Image 1

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! &
Voi 6. No 112
Tlio civilized world lion como to acknowl
edge that tho burial of ltd dond In tho bosom
of mother earth, particularly In or near com
munltlos of tho living, lion serious objection.
Tho only other method of disposing of tho
dead that has attracted general attention Is
cremation, but it is repugnant to tho toolings
of humanity and has not received much suls
stnntlnl enourngement, A now manner of
burial Is now being agitated in tho east, and
its discussion offers so much of novelty and
interost that tho Coumkh feels justified in
giving up considerable of its spaco to an nrtl
clo on tho subject.
Rev. Charles E. Treat, rector of tho Church
of tho Archangel of Now York, is ouo of tho
principal champions of tho now movement.
Ho is working for tho erection in Now York
of a great mausoleum, or "Campo Santo," for
tho sanitary entombment of tho dond, and
tho illustrations accompanying this nrtlclo
will givo n fairly clear Idea of some of tho
features of tho structure proposed for Now
York. In a recent lecture beforo u learned
Brooklyn body Mr. Treat covered tho subject
of burial thoroughly, and tho CouitiKimeces
wxrlly condenses his paper to bring It within
tho limit of ft nowspnpor nrtlclo. In tho early
Christian centuries, as In tho centuries pro
ceding, nmong men of nil religious beliefs nnd
practices, tho conviction, both instinctive nnd
founded on oxerIouco, prevailed, that tho
dead should not bo brought into proximity
with tho living. Accordingly tho practice
definitely demanded by tho "Twelve Tables"
becamo universal, not to bury within a "city"
or any group of human habitations. The first
step In tho wrong direction teems to havo
been taken nt tho dying request of tho first
Christian emperor, who was Interred nt tho
entrance of tho Church of tho Holy Aiwstlcs,
in Constantinople. The tendency, however,
to follow this example, and to secure similar
interment In holy eat th, was stubbornly ro
slsted; and It was not until tho latter part of
tho sixth century thnt burials were ermlttcd
within towns or cities, and it was not until
the nineteenth century that burials were per
mitted In churches. From this tluio tho cus
tom continued without notable interference,
until tho latter part of tho Inst century, Then,
in that era of tremendous chnngo.tho church
yard did not escape. In Tnrls, the church
yard of tho Church of tho Holy Innocents
was first condemned In the Interest of the
public health, becnuso much sickness had been
traced to tho foul stenches that rote there
from. Other churchyards in l'aris were also
condemned. Mr. Treat goes on nt length to
show that in London and in Now York tho
evils of earth-burial were present us in Paris,
lie then undertakes to show thut graveyards
.,to-.-. ft&M"g3y.taMS.. kMH9Hb-c
oro brooding-beds for disease germs, nnd
(motes a numtier of learned nuthorltles. One
will sulllco hero. Sir Henry Thompson has
"I state, ns n fact of tho highest linxjrt
anco, that, by burial In earth, wo effectively
provldo whntover Military precautions aro
taken by ventilation and drainage, whatever
disinfection Is applied after contagion has oc
curredthat tho pestilential germ, which
havo destroyed tho Ixxly in question, aro thus
so treasured nnd protected us to propagate
and multiply, ready to reappear and wovk
iJb 'Sr'mzlcj5
Mko ruin hereafter for others. . . . Ilosldo
anthrax, or Bplenlc-fover, stmres from which
nro notoriously brought to tho surfaco from
burled animals below nnd become fatal to tho
herds feeding there, it is now almost certain
that malarious diseases, notably lloman-fover
and even tetanus, aro duo to bacteria which
flourish in tho soil itsolf. The ixilsons of scar
let fover, cntorlo fovor (typhoid), smnllpox,
dl)therla, nnd mnllgnnnt cholera aro un
doubtedly trnnsmlssiblo through enrth from
the burled body."
Is thoro no alternntivol Mr. Treat answers:
Yes, military entombment. Ho relates how
tho ancients In many cases buried their dead
in tombs, nnd says it only remains for tho
modern world to umko entombment sanitary
to solvo tho problem of tho best burial. Ho
asserts that entombment Ims been mndo snnl
taty in ninny lands and through long jieriods.
Tho two best known methods aro embalming
and desiccation. Ho maintains that we can
In this day emlmlm ns successfully ns tho
Egyptians, but ho dismisses thnt method ns
repugnant. Desiccation, In striking contrast
with embalming, is tho process of naturo
rather than of art; and Involves no mutlht
tlon and no substitution of foreign substances
for human flesh. Desiccation is so far a tint-
tdfe!StlELV-l iV.iWIllgSSwrgS.
Lincoln. Nbuhaska, Satukuay, Mahcii 1, ldOO.
urnl process, that it seems nt to limo lxxn
thought of, until iiaturo hud dono tho work
and shown tho product; and through many
centuries, and Uon nn extensive senlo.nnturo
had employed tho process before It had xv
currod to man to copy her, nnd ndopt her
method for tho dlsixwltlou of tho denl.
Whei over tho nir that enwrapped thn life
less form of man or lcnst was dry, doslcc.Ulnn
nntlclpnted nnd prevented dccomixwitioii. In
deserts, uK)ii elevated plains, iikiii tho sloxw
of lofty mountain ranges, to which tho
winds that passed their summits boro no
7z:VTSxJ'X- J-asr
moisture, ttio dead hnvo not decayed, but
have dried undocomposod. In tho morgue
attached to tho Hospice of St, Ilcrnnrd, tho
dead, lifted too late from their shroud of
snow nnd borno thither to await tho recogni
tion of friends, dry and do not decay. In tho
"Catacombs" of tho monastery of the Capu
chins of Palermo, and In the ''Dlelkcller" nt
Ilrcmen, tho name phenomenon haH npxared.
Upon thp elevated western plains of this con
tinent, tho bodies of lxjnsts and men, by
thousands, have been preserved from decom
jiosltion by desiccation. In Peru tho dead
are found in uncounted numbers, testifying
thnt In their death they did not injure tho
living, becnuse desiccation saved them from
decomposition. All theso Instances furnish
conclusive proof that decoinnnHltlnii t. u.
cuiuiuiimi, aim mat iw loatlisomo and un
wholesomo transformations can Ik preveutCMl,
if only tho simple conditions are secured that
havo already so extensively eirectcd this re
sult. Thnt theso conditions can buseciircl no
ono can doubt; lor, every dny, in nluiOht
overy cllmo, by processes fntnlllnr and avail
able to man, tho atmosphere has moisture
added to it or taken from it; and the extrac
tion of the moisture from a nortion of Hn nt.
mosphero Is all that is required to Introduce
the process of Peruvian desslcntlon into the
sepulchres of Chicago or New York.
The men interested in tho now mausoleum
movement havo made oxierimouts to prove
that decomiKMltlou can bo prevented nnd des
iccation controlled, and that prolonged pros
ervatlon. with n fair nnnrnzliiuit inn t tl.,.
appearance In life, can be made sure, for the
recognition of absent friends, for trnnsortu
tlon, or for tho furtherance of tho ends of
justice. It hns also been discovered that dos
IccatlonSdestroys disease germs.
Tho proposition Is therefor mndo to erect
In tho suburbs of large towns and cities great
mnusoleums with hundreds of chnmbors. to
bo bought just iw wo now buy lota In tho cem
eteries. Outside It might lie a plain or mag
nificent structure. Within each sepulchre
would lie so constructed thnt nnlivilmna nir
could enter, or would bo made to enter and
wuiKiraw, janen witli moisture and morbific
matter, which it would convey to a separate
structure, where u furnace would mnuil...
tho sanlUiry work that tho anhydrous air had
begun, nnd return to tho oxternnl atmosphere
nothing that would bo noxious. Kunii timi.
would Ihj provided with electrical appli-
HiiL-uH imuciiou u it lor tno instant Indication
of tho rotum to consciousness of any who had
been prcmuturely entombed; and would
piomlso the most jierftfct protection agnlnst
intrusion or men. Jinny would be like the
smglo graves that thickly rldgo p. rtlons of
our cemeteries: manv wnnM li irniu.i ..
gether after the seuiblanre of n family tomb.
iiuiu mere i-uuiu IX) HO uurillllg sun, 110 clllll
ing cold, DO Incleuient storm: for tlm llvln,.
ni they should my the last sad honor to tho
dead, or In any subsequent tribute of direc
tion, ttiero could bo no exKsure,
l'-yv, I'.nr, Nose mid Throat Hpeolitllst.
Dr. Charles K. Bpnhr, No. l'JIS O t. Con
sultatlons in English and German.
Tho Presbyterians who hnvo moved Into
thecaxt end of tho city aro working bravely
for the upbuilding of n new church In that
quarter. At present there Is little but a hole
In the gtound, u basement Ixmrdod over, but
the iHingregatlon nro iK-glnnlng to mo their
wny clear to u hntidsomo suMrstructure, Vn
rlous enteitnlnments hnvo Ix'eu given to raise
funds, nnd on Monday evening, nt the home
of Mr. C, K. IitMimls, nil oxceptfonnlly satis
factory muslcnl wns given under tin direction
of Mrs. Welwr. The iiu'inliora of the mother
church down town proved their tnleient by it
largo attendance. Tho program oix-iuhI with
nStrnuss wnltr.iixm thoplnno by Professor
Welxand MIm Hutchlwin, followl by a
trio, "Host Theo on this Mossy Pillow," from
MUses Lnttn, Ixiinls and Mnrsland, Mrs.
Wclicr sang n Jewel song, mid It Is sulllcUnt
to say that sho was In gixxl video. The com
pany Insisted on an uncoro from thulr favor
Ito. Mr, .Innnw lleynnrd wing "Tell her I
love her so" ur a tenor plire, lllo voice np
pea red to Ixi rather of n baritone (piallty.nnd
sovernl passages seemed to hnvo Ikmjii written
too high for him. It Is probable, however,
thnt this effect was nppnrent rather than real,
for tho singer showed signs of embarrassment.
Ho was a memlx'r of the Andrews oHrn com
jwiny, nnd has sung In the Presbyterian
church choir, but that Is quite different from
lxlng projected into the middle of nnnudlenco
anntn parlor musical, Mr. Heyunrd has n
voice or good quality and is too sensible to de
liberately select it song beyond his coiiihim.
Mrs. V. 8. Hutrmnu gnvo variety to tho pro
gram with u reading. Hho liiiM.rsonnted n
vngalxmd alternately talking Hi his dog nnd
telling his pitiful stery to an auditor. Hho
recited with ease nnd expression, nnd tho
management of her voice wns particularly
notable. Hho slinulntod a baritone voleo nud
produced tour surprisingly rich us well ns
masculine. At tho request of the niidlenco
she Huhseqtioutry read "Love In thoKltchou."
Sho showed her versatility by linXTsonntlng
Ixith mnlu nnd femulo, Ixsldes assuming a
brogue. Miss Florence Ilrown (bettor known
to ninny as "Chlo") made her public debut by
singing "lirlght Stars of Lovo" with a violin
obllgntD by Prof. Wuber, At tho nuUet tho
slngor gnvo evidences of n timidity very
iniurai miner inn circumstances, but toward
tho end of her number regained her self-pos-session
nnd wing with udmlrable composure.
The nudlcnco gavo an entliuslnstlo encoro,
Miss IJrown rwM)tided with "Little Ilrown
Eyes." Hho sang without visible embarrass
ment, and the snlwtlnn riirrlral luir vl,. I,.(
Its upjx-r register with a most gratifying re
sult. Ml s Ilrown hns u inoi-.o-Miprnno voice
of good depth, quality and compass. Itlslx?
Ing trnliied by Mrs. Weber and tho friends of
tho cliarnilng young vwallst were delighted
with the admirable results already nehievMl.
Prof. Weber's violin solo was heartily en
cored, and ho waB followed by n piano iiuin
1k)i from Chopin by Mrs. llov. Ilrndt. Tlio
progniui clostxl w Ith u song, "Ixivo's Sorrow,"
by Dr. K. L. Holyoke. Although sulTerlng
from ii severe cold, the singer wns recalltl
with enthusiastic demonstrations. Dr. Hol
yoke hns that rare thing, thnt gift of tho
gods: u pure tenor voice. It is lyrical In qual
ity rather than rubuta. It Is ono of those
exquisite voices full of soft, tender tones and
iH'iiutlfully sweet modulations; a voleo for
tongs of lovo or songs of sadness, full of sen
timent nnd of expression. Hlngulnrly enough
the doctor has given very little or no atten
tion to music ns u student. Whilo nt Iowa
college his voice was noted In tin Institution
likely to bring iimny goisl voices together,
but since taking up the study and tho practice
of his profession he has done very little sing
ing in public. For u long time he hns Imvii
heard only ocenslonly m smnll gntheiliigs.but
the managers of future musical entertain
ments should not overlook him. Tlio owner
of such a voice oui'S n ilntv in llm, .,,
should bo given an opportunity to dibchargo
Miss FJorenco Ilrown gnvo an enjoynble
parlor musical at her home on Thiirsiliiv
evening. Sho wns assisted In Its conduct bv
Mrs. Welxir. nnd the enterljiliiiniiit. Inul v.
oral elementsof shIii1 Interest for tho guests.
Tho company were in a iesxmslvo mood anil
enforced encores to most of tho numbers with
tho heartiest kind of iMirnilKsllil,i.
tlons. l'rof. Welier oieiied tho program with
u plnno solo. Ho wns folluwiMl by a trio.
umi tni . ii ii . '
iiio vioiei, airs, vtois-r singing soiraiio,
Miss Ilrown mezzo, nnd Mnt W it l)..itiU
tnklng tho contralto part. Tholr voices
blended harmoniously nnd tho number was
much enjoyed. Subsequently Mrs. Dennis
sang a soprano solo, "Tlio Onrden of Sleep."
Despite some timidity sho sang with sweetness
and expression, nud her voleo wns greatly
ndinired. Mrs. Dennis has n host of admirers,
but few of them have had tlio pleasure of
hearing her flno voleo In music, at lenst in
public. Sho is such a charming woman one
cannot repress a wish to see and hear her often,
Later In tho program Miss Ilrown sang two
solos, "Hrlghtstnr of love" and "I lovo thee,"
besides encores, and she confirmed tho tlntteis
Ing impression mode nt Mon lay evening's
muslcnl, mention of which is made elsewhere.
Miss Ilrown is preeminently a Lincoln girl
nud n Lincoln singer. She wns born in this
city, nud, with the exception of n short
period of study In Iloston whllo at the sea.
shore lust miiiuiicr, nil her training lias ixxm
received in thin pltv. I.lnmlti tvnln nu il.,.v
como to hear her singing, will no doubt teku
seclal pridw In her excellence. A particularly
line iiuuuxx was a trio, mo soprano by Mrs.
Welfcr. thotennr hv Mr .Tfitmm llnvmirt i.ti.t
tho Iwrltone by Hov. K. II. Clinpin. Tho lat
ter had ulreiuly given a baritone solo and
ueen wnnniy nppiauileii. .Mr. lloynnrd's
voice hail a MXcltil Interest Ixv-numi of If-
promise at Monday evening's muslcnl. Tho
miigi-r was iiiorougiiiy selt-posM-SMHi, and Ills
voice proved to tx n tenor of the robusto
order. It Wns full. Strom?, rich nnd (IktIIiIh
nud elicltwi tunny compliments ns abides to
mo applause. .Mrs. Weber well, Mrs.
Weber is u lovelv womiiii mid mini
cun say it without it twinge of conscience)
nn exqmsiie singer nt all times when not out
of voice, an accident that cannot Ihi continu
ed always. On this ix-ciislmi tin. tnnirnilv
sulxirdlnated herself, singing only In the trios
nun assisting others as uecouipitniit. Miss
Aimeun i-nrKor coutribuuol muterlally to the
program by reading "Peggy In her low buck
car," nud had to respond to mi encore. Miss
Parker has an nttructlvopriwneo with bright
laughing eye ns not the least of Its attributes,
Her selections were short, probnbly bocotiiMi
of n severe cold, but she quite won the au
dience. The first selection had n metre and it
rhyme that mndo It imxsnible to avoid u bit
of sing-song Intonation, but tho rrador gave
nn exquisitely rich nud unoxiiggerntid brogue
nnd displayed n Hue voice under ndmirnhlo
control, In her encore, n little ditty about
"Kitty one morning wns tripping," the rend
er had a greater variety of expression nnd
met the requirement tieniitlfully. Miss Park
er's win k was it treat to those who bad not
heard her Ixifore, and It left one wlthn strong
deslio to see tier In more ambitious eirorts.
Prof. Weber closed tho program with nsluin
1st song on the violin, Much Is oxxted of
tlio professor nud ho filled oxxxtntlon, Ixilng
honrtllv encored.
Manager McHoynoldH has written tho Jour
wif n letter refilling Its criticism of his con
duet of Funku's ohtii house. Tho essence of
bin reply In contained In the following para
graph: Now I tell you what, I am conduct
ing it mercniitllo business; 1 nm buying what
will sell, and I will buy just ns high priced
goods us I cun sell on tho Lincoln market. I
am like any merchiint of tho city who buys
what he can sell, nud what flue and costly
good nru going to Imi left on his hands ho Is
going to let alone, nnd tho Jimrwil ran with
Just as much consistency iiriulgu Mr, Hurl
but, tho clothier, Ix-fore the public for not
keeping ii largo stock of teal skin coats In his
stomas thoy enn nirulgii me for not. keeping
tho same costly nrtlclo In my line, I hnvo no
dnuhthut Hint Mr Hiirlbut would kiep mi
assortment of seal skin coats in stock if he
could sell them, nnd If tho ,otirmi will ngreo
to purchase n number of them, I will agree
that .Mr. Hiirlbut will furnish tho commodi
ty. Likewise, if tho laitnidl will ngion to
purchase tho number of seats sufficient to let
me out on the oxx)iiso or Puttl, I will furnish
Pattl, but without somo Mich guarantee I
know thnt I cunnot sell Pattl on tho Lincoln
market at the price I hnvo to pay for her.
there has never Ixmjii n time when tho Fuiiko
oxira houfe has been filled to every seat nt
prices ovor $1 nud no matter how largo tho
theater may lxi these "big Ixxjinod shows"
will not play to dollar price, and thnt is nil
te people of Lincoln nru willing to pay. One
utti action you mention, "Tlio Hlvahi," 1
might havo got, but Mr. Florence himself
stixxl in tho door and saw thirty-four news
pajxjr passes como Into tho house and ho
"swore, a great big swore," and said ho would
not como to Lincoln until I cut them down,
iindoslwas afraid tho .nu null and other
iiowspajxjrs would hurt me, I submitted to
tholrdomnnds nnd thus lost "Tho Illvnls,"
for which the Jou rim I In part is rasixiiuiblo.
Pat Ilooney played to it top-heavy house
Thursduy evening. Put lmi,x:rKonated an
Irlshninn, not of tho most pleasing tyim, ami
dniiced nud wmg. Katie Hoouoy Imitated
him. Some K-oilo like that kind of n xr
formutico, and thoy laughed.
Funko's has no attraction booked for next
week .
Of "Evnngellno," to bo glvon nt Funko's
this evening, tlio Iloston ilrruhl says; The
cast wns almost n now ono, but tho selection
of nrtlsts that lias bjcn made for this revival
was heartily endorsed by last evening's au
dience. .Jumos S, Mnlllt still fills the niixrt
mit role of the lone fisherman, and gives its
negul I vo characteristics und Its varied sUigo
business duo prominence us of yore. Tho only
George K. Fortcsquo Is still tlio delicate, ten
tier und fondly loving Catherine, nud, with
out attempting to givo the debills of the cos
tumes chosen for tho role, it inuy lxi said that
the fair enslaver looked "Just too lovely."
Tho new Evnngellno Is Miss Yolande Wal
lace, an artist of pleasing pncnco and pos
sessed of a good voice, which was heard with
much witlsfuction, osjieclally In the "Wheie
Art Thou f Miss liesslo Tiiunehlll, tho (In
brlel, is u brunette of pronounced beauty, and
her grace were well displayed In the role.
Tho IaiHIiiiio Is Peter F. Daly, a clover come
dlun, who adds iiunthor to his many successes.
Miss Sndlo Dnrgen lends tho Amazonian bund
with distinguished dash. Tlio x)llcemnn is
Hurry Kelly, who has Inherited tho genius of
his father, who originated this linoof charac
ter parts. Tho heifer held tho undivided at
tention of the audience dm Ing the famous
dance, nud ull the other ussistlng parts were
well filled.
The cold weather has kept xjoplo homo
from iniiny places, but thoy have turned out
foi.thnMus4j in force. Holla the half woman
remained nnother week, and yesterday pre
sented tho ladles with souvenirs. Don Cam
eron, tho midget, was a feature. HulsUl
years old, : inches high and weighs !fc
jsninils. In tho lower theater weio Alvldo,
In clever Japanese Juggling, Moray's pretty
views, tho Glouson children, several singing
comedians, etc.
Tho big feature of next week's program
will bo Cook fe Dillon's minstrels. This com
pnny has Ixvn playing at lending dollur thea
ters, nnd it is an enterprising stroke of man
agement to put them In n houso chnrglng an
admission of ten cents. Among tho other
features will bo Tex Her der, the cowboy vio
linist. It Is said that ho never took u lesson
In music but plays !!00 airs. Then there will
bo Mnthim Ileiider, tho pianist; Aggie Somer
vllle, mezzo soprano, .'ate of the Duff nmm
company; Wilis. Ileitrn, Irish coinodlau;Zoo
.aro, the Egyptian uggler. On Fridny
afternoon nnd evening every lady visitor will
receive a souvenir.
A New York correspondent wrii.w nt it
week's attractions in that eitv. Kv,i.. i
elifeld's now iilav. "A Kieiii.liu. sit,,.,., n
duccd at tho Stniidard theater, which 'imsM-d
"" "' " o .uannger j. ji. iitll on Mon
day, is n failure. Tho lnlit develoninent of
the gifled youin; author 1h uitlr., ,, ti,.,
ophy. He nuns to "sluxit follv ns it files"
but the dllllculty is that the audience do not
comprehend his satire and ho shoots at follies
not genet nllv known bv th, . ,,..i.n..
henre but few of his bright lines-mid hU wit
t mi Keen umi, even mo quicktt Intelligoneo
must be active to follow his scintillations,
As In nil Mr, Hosenfeld's works, thoclJS
terHoxcltono sympathy; thoy 'si y ZZ
and go, nnd nolKsly cues for them A txr"
slstent nnd Isully dlrect.,1 chquo drown yl
inanv of the clover things. "The cC'i
F,x.l" nt Nlhlo's Garden did not ... ik 2
mioccs Tho plot mnounU to nothlng,Knl d
weiTr1' M ,,"ch '" ,,,Ul' '" ,,mv'M' -Hlllntit
oven for nmilD oH.rn. Tho feature of tho
per ormnnce were tin. singing of Miss Iler-
At he Fifth Avenue Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenda
have Ix-er. draw Ing erewde.! Iinumii, produc
ing on Mmulajr Plnoro's "Tho Weaker Hex
on Is'm rr1"":' 1" N0W Y"rk' The playa'f.
i?iL... Kw',,",B '"M-py uiwlliim threugh
which to revi.,1 her tharmlng isTsonnllty.
1 nomas , Keenn hns biei. doing "ImiIs XI"
"l. ,, ''iTli-'"thSti,x,ttl.ter. Ho oVi
IkmIIcI nil the petulance, hyixx-rlsy, tyranny.
sux.rsilto, vnclllntlon nnd cruelty of" Jj
unhappy The play I. vivid and
:iftrnlur,,ni1 1 ' v"-
Vi ft . ' '.'," '"," "K,m Umi" '"h Nelllo
McIIenry has Ihm-ii doing wonders In "Ureen
I.xm.Fun.' Sho has fllW the pretty houso
fit overy iwrfoniinnco, and sot tl0 Umn talk
UK nbou how clover she Is. Ah now dono,
'( reon-Hoon, Fm," KOo,l for n long metrol
x. Itu ii run, If Mnnnger Frank Mnnlor would
think I worth his whllo. Among the many
now things of the week Is the opening of tho
"owGnlety lhealer-for.nerly D,xks.aderV
Ti.i 'J "V" ",M,wy V '!. Mllllken, cnllisl
T uvo Only Daughters." Like nil the Colo
no s works, It I fro... tho French, nud tho
1 elites OiHllns," by .Maurlco Ordonnenu. Tho
company that Interpreted tho Colonel's Ainer
Icnn version Is w, utterly bnd that It wl,x,l
out all the Colonel's iroits at fun. HUM, ninny
it worso play hns succmlid. In spite of Lent
business Is bcomlng for tho first tlmothls sea
son, tlio IIIJou having been sold out tho
Wednesday matinee, n thing that very seldom
wllV'Clty Directory," which with "Tho Hon
ater piny to the capacity of the house every
iT. .v'iVTly '"'iwtwl "Gondoliers,"
which D'Oyly Curtoopenwl Palmer's tlimter
with on luiwlny, pull n pretty oven stroko.
ami plainly show tho precise drill to whnt
thoy havo been subjected. Thoy were well
Pnttl nnd her Italian oxtu company will
sing In tho Collsseum nt Oiniiliii next wrok.
Tho hill for Monday oviiilng wllllxi"HTrov
iitoro" with Tninngno, tho great tenor, und
Nonllcn. Tuesilay's program culls for "Tho
HarlxT of Seville" as a matinee with Puttl ns
"Iloslnn." Tlio tickets range in prlco from
1 00 to fJJ.75.
I'Mtllll OlIIHhH.
The II. & M. railroad has mado a rateTof
$3,110 for round trip to Omnhn for those wish
ing to hear the greatest cf ull great slngors.
Adcllnn Pnttl, who npix-nrs nt tho Coliseum
in that city Monday ovenlng and Tuesdny af
ternoon. In tho evening II Trovntoru will bo
sung, Hlg. Francisco Tnmngno npiiearlug as
Mnnrlco nnd Mmo. Lillian Nordicu ns Uhiiio
rn. At tho mntiuce Pnttl will sing llosina In
the Ilnrlxir of Seville.
Tho cast for each production is one mado
up of tho world's very Ixst v(x?allsts nnd tho
operas will lxi presented In n stylo heretofore
unheard of In this country. After tho night
porfornmneo tho II. & M. will run a sjxsclnl
train, If fifty porsonsVignlfy their Intention
of returning, but It is exjxtwl that
most of tho excursionists will remain for tho
Tuesday matinee. Those who go up for tho
inntineti cun leave hero nt 8 o'clock In tho
morning, attend tho jxirformnnco and return
on tho evening train leaving Omnhn nt (1:45.
Orders for seats can Ixj made by telephone,
telegraph or mall by applying to IIuynes&
Boyd, iimnnKors, Omnho, Neb,, but ns tho
time is limited It would Is) advisable to ordor
by wire so ns to insure good scuts. Prices
havo U-en placed lower than nt any where olso
thnt Pattl has sung this season, viz: s:i.75,
I2.C0 and '-'.), general admission $1.00. Seo
advertisement on pngo fi, this Issue.
I i
Puttl GoiicrU--.HiMiliU Itute. anil Trains,
Tho II. & M. will mnko an open rate of
fare nnd n third to Onmlm mid r,.him f..-i.
&1 and 4th, good till March fith, und will run
R.-i:iui iriuii to uncoil), provided Hfty paying
ixissengers wish to return Monday night nf
thu performauco, otherwise thoy can return
nt their pleasure on reimlnr iml t.,..1...
or Wediuday.
Ienvo your names with the undersigned
promptly, that complete arrangements may
"" 'uo. a. u. ic.lemer, C. P. Hi T. A.
The National Capital.
The City of Washington is an object of
ixirennlnl Interest to nil triotlo Amerlcutis.
Not alone Ixx-nuse It is th i-r..iit n,.i,i,i..
heart of the tniglitleU und grandest Hepubllo
mu vuiui imseverKiiowii.butnlsoon account
uf Its material miiL'iilfleeiien All ......i,...
. ... ...uliivuiis
tuko prldo in Its Uautiful avenues, majestic
nrcliltitiire, stately homes, nud well stnrwl
ualleries and uiummiimh m Hilnr. r .,,... ,.i....
itiid beauty in themsolveM, iqiart from tho
iui it iiuiTosi w itu w men tiiey nn In vestetl.
It Is a hojx) and nsplratloti i f all "young
America," ut least, to some time or other visit
tho Capital of his country.
The llaltlmoro nnd Ohio IL H, odors un
iNiualleil facilities in aid of tlil in
lu through trains between Now York, Ililln-
iieipnia, nun iiiuuinoreon the vast, and Pltts
burir. Cincinnati. St. huil nnd i'I.i,.,.,. ..
tho west, jxtss through Washington. Its fust
express trains are vwbtlbuled from end to end
nnd heutwl with steam, Pullman's latest and
best productions In the wny of sumptuous
Drawing Room Sleeping Cnrs nio uttnehed
to all its through trains. The present man
agement or tho U. & O. have made vast im
provements in the last two years, and tho
van n usifly ono oi mo loreuiost jxissenger
cnrrylng lluw In the country. Through
tickets via 11 & O. II. It. can bo purchased
at nil the pi luelpal ticket olllcvs throughout
the United States,
Ask your grocer rorGulick'sbreiul.
I.essuna In t'nlntliii;.
Miss Clair Link has returned und ojioned a
class In Oil, Water Colors, Pustel nnd tho
Itoynl Worctnter china painting nt her studio,
U'M K street. Terms und jmrtlculuni fur
iiUdicd on application.