CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1890 Vv. vr ? f HOW THE EARTH MOVES. rrnfrMiir Henrte Talk nt WaalilitBtan on II .sphrrlty Hiu) Motion. Tlio second lecture of tho public astronoml caI course by Professor George M. Bos-rlo nt tlio Cntliollc university on Friday nfternoons wns on tlio subjectof tlio spberity ntuf motion of tliti enrth Tlio lecturer naked Ills henrcrs to Imagine themselves on tlio deck of nil ocemi steamer liounil for tlio tropics. An darkness comes on "wo begin to study tlio constellations thnt somo friend nt our elbow Is ready to point out to us," ho Mid. "Wo notlco some star tw inkling near tlio horUon, Just innklng its dully circlo nround tlio mimovliig polo star above, ono of tlio seven sturs of tlio Dipper. Lot us noto carefully tlio relation of thnt star to tlio horizon mid to tlio stars of t ho surround ing heavens. Wo hnvo only to tnke out our watch nod nmko n noto of the time, nud our astronomical work may lio Inld nsido for tlio ovotiing. To-morrow night let us conio out on deck nt tlio snnio time nnd look nt tlio star In its relation to tlio polo star nud horizon as boforo. Hut tlio Dipper thnt was yesterday on tlio sen lino has nluiOHt dlsuptxmrcd liolow the lino. Int night tlio wnko of tho ship was pointed toward yonder star, nnd now tt is a good denl nltovo it, nlthough our direction has not changed. Wo lire still going south, but south now Is not tho snmo as south then. Now s Urn hnvo arisen on tho horiron ns others hnvo descended into tho sea. "At last wo roach tho equator, nnd wo find tho x)lo star itself has sunk down to tho ho rizon. Wo soo no iwlo star In tho south, but, as our studios on a previous occasion hnvo led us to expect, thoro is n spot, unmarked by any especially brilliant orb, nround which tho stars of tho southern heavens circlo. Thcro is no explanation for this, except that wo nro not traveling ovor n lovel surface but ovor a curved ono. If wo compare tho sec tions of sky thnt appear in tho south or dis appear In the north with tho number of miles passed over by our ship's log wo shall find that thoy hnvo always lioen in proportion. Wo hnvo then Ikxmi sailing or stenmlm; over a great circular aro instead of n straight line, as it appeared to bo." Thcro nro other proofs than those of tho circular chnrnctor of tho earth, tho lecturer said. Wo have only to look out to son when a ship Is leaving port, it is now just on the horizon, mid presently only tho most nro vislblonnd the hull is seemingly under water. Something has Intervened between tho vessol and tho eye. What can this Iks hut tho curved surface of tho ocean? A grander and more direct proof than any, if wo could only realize it, is that which wo get in ecllpsos of tho moon. Boforo an ecllpRo becomes total watchers will seo n curved lino which marks the udgo of tho shadow thrown by tho earth upon tho lunar surface, and all know that an object which always cusUi a regularly and uniformly curved shadow must bo a sphere. Tlio llrst illustration, though not ho striking as somo others, is the bout, for it show not only that the earth is round, but ulso just what the amount of its curvature is. Hence it is found out what Its size is as well us its shape. Ono day's voyage on tho southwurd bound summer brings tho star which was soon tho night lioforo just apiicaring abovo the southern horizon n good distance alwvo tho water's edge. "Huw many such lifts would bo required to bring It up to the zenith right over our heads Suppose wo thought that fifteen would lj needed. If then we could keep on for in days it would be in the zenith, In CO dots it would bo there behind us; In -IMt won: I bo down below the hori zon, directly urnler our feet, nnd in IK) days it would bo in 1. 11' sumo plnco again wlmio it Is at present. In ot'ier words, we would in CO days hnvo returned to just w here wo aro now. Our lojr tells us wo have traveled 400 tnlles each day, and GO times that would bo 24,000 miles. This, then, is tho circumfer ence of tho globe," Thcro is still, tho lecturer said, a more ac curate method than that which ho described. By making observations with dolicato Instru ments upon tho land, instead of with the log, which is so inaccurate, it has been possible to tnoasuro accurately tlio arc of tho moildlan, and tho trno circumfcrcnco of tho earth has thus been ascertained. Tho lecturer referred to tho peculiarities of tho earth's shape and its flattening iu tho re gion of tho poles, and thou proceeded to givo tho scientific demonstration of tho fact that tho npparent motion of tlio heavens Is really caused by tho motion of tho earth irtelf. Ex periments show a diminution In tho weight of objects as wo approach the equator, which shows that tho equator U really in motion. A portion of this diminution, howover, can bo accounted for by tho slight dilfercnco In tho rotundity of tho earth at tho equator and toward the poles; and to Infer from it tho earth's motion it is necessary to nssumo the nearly uniform density of tho globo. Wash ington Star. Tlio Morphine Mania. War has for somo timo been declared by French medical men or by somo of them against morphine, which, when injectod un der tho skin, as It apjiears to bo in many classes of Parisian socioty, recklessly and ha bitually, merely to procuro temjiorary pleas urable sensations and not for tho relief of pain, leads infallibly to death or the mad house. Tho International Medical congress ha now taken up tho matter and has been con sidering ways and means for checking the evil. Tho morphlno mania is thought to bo evldontly much on tho increase in Franco. Not alono, by any means, aro tho ravagos occasional by the ahuso of tho narcotic con fined to tho higher class of society, for mod leal men hnvo come forward at tho congress to state that the habit has a firm hold on tho working classes, nnd that women of this con dition of life will duprivo their children of food or clothing In their craving after tho deadly drug. To Cure Scowling, Tho habit of scowling when reading, writ ing, thinking or talking earnestly is easily and unconsciously formed, and it is a habit almost iuiKX-siblo to correct. Even in sleep tho brows will bo drawn together uud tho lit tle lines that ngo tho otherwise jouthful face will grow decjer, A smooth, vito brow is ono of tho greatest attractions of a woman's faco, w hlle a promnturoly wrinkled brow mars til's youth of the fairest face. A studious you ii'.; lady found herself tho victim of this scowl, but iilo devised a means of curing her self of the habit. When nt her studies ho fast ened a ribbon baud tightly across her brow, tying it in u knot nt tho buck of her head, and at night shot-lent In the baud. After several mouths the llttlo hnir hues dbap peared from her pretty forehead. Ixnvlston Journal. Niter Deposits. Caves containing ih sits of earth with from 4 to 80 iter cent. calcium nitrate and 5 to 00 per cent, of calcium phosphate aro common In Venezuela, according to a chem ical journal, not only In the littoral moun tain chains, but also on the Hanks of the Cor dillora of the Andes. In these deposits are imbedded remains of mammalian bones, pre serving their form, but so friable as to fall to powder when itoy aro extracted. Thoy con sist solely of ctldum pli sphate; the gelatine has lieeu nltnllrd and ssolvod out, nud ths calcium ciirbaiinta if tl bone has been used up In ueutrnllz'iiig l lie nltrio ncld pro duced. The nltrio ferment l found In nbuiui unco throughout the deposits In a very well developed I "in A Gush oi (lenrrtMlty. Ono of our clcrgyir.v married n raw young fellow from tho country tho other day, nud nfter tho ceremony tho youth Inquired "Well, mister, how much for the Job!" Tho clergyman laughingly replied: "Oh, It is customary to leavo thnt to tho bridegroom." "Well, I'll tell ye, Mr. Minister," said tho youth, confidentially. "Pvo got Just n dollar In my ocket, Tho hnekmnu's got to have ilfty cents of It, and If you wnnt tho other fifty, b'gh you enn have It I" Hurling ton l''no Press. A Kcnre At the Quarters. Mrs. AIIIIkuio Run git do fjim, Rufust I knowed I'd find n man uudali d' bnld ono V deso dnys. Judge. Hurtle it's Consolatory Thought. Miss Waller Oh, Mr. llartlctt, whenever 1 hear the strains of WaldteufeVs waltzes, and foo tho couples gliding ovor tho lloor like this, I do so much regret never having learned to dancot Can't you oiler mo some consolatory thought! Mr. Bartlott Plenty of them, my dear Miss Waller. Why, If you had learned, you wouldn't hnvo a good excuse for not living takon out. Harper's Bazar. Underpaid flrnlus. Poot What can I get on this oem, sirl Managing Editor (after glancing nt tho ef fusion and baggy trousers nt the knees to mnko suro ho is speaking to u ioet) Well, I cannot givo you nil thnt you ought to get, for I hnvo rheumatism iu both feet nud iuii un armed, but you can take that door nnd chase yourself out as quickly as you have a mind to. New York Herald. An Insult to Now York. World's Folr Enthusiast I toll you, sir, in settling this question thoro must bo no jwir tlullty shown I Chicago and New York must bo placed on nu equal footing. Now Yorker Impossible, unless "Unless whntf" "Unless the Chicago girl is exterminated I' Lawrence Ainorlcau. In Grrnt I.urk. Your father disinherited you, "Poor bo; I hoar." "Yes. Door old dad. ho always looked after mo." "What do you meant" "Why, tho old man idod head over heels in debt. All thnt went to my brothers." Har per's Bazar. NnniliiR the Doc. "Nlco dog you have there," said one trav eling man to another. "Yea." "What's his nanior' "Grip." "Why 'fJripl'" "II .cause ho was so easy to get and so hard to get rid of." Merchant Traveler. After the lln Proud Arrhlent. Husband (extricating hluisvlf from the wreck) Enillyl Thank Oixl you are safot Hcavcnsl isn't this awful! Wife Dreadful I Hoar tho poor people groan. Dearest I Husband What is it, lovel Wife Is my hat on straight! Burlington Free Press. Net u fallacy. Professor Research shows us that in somo countries it has been n popular fallacy thut man was originally without teeth. Pupil I don't think it n fallacy, sir. Professor And why! Pupil All tho babies I ovor saw were with out tooth.--National Wookly. Where It Was. Patient (to physician) I enmo to inquire nbout n cancer. Doctor Where is it locntodt Patient Twenty three nud n half degrees north of tho equator. It is tho tropic of Can cer. Lowell Citizen. Cheap Transportation. Dumpsoy Hello, Illobsoul Going over to Wlnooski this morning! Wobsou Yes,' Pvo on errand that will carry mo there. Dumpsoy You're n lucky dogl Pvo gotto go afoot. Burlington Froo Press, He Urservotl Her. "Why, Mr. Banks, since when have you boon wearing eyeglasses I" "Well, Miss Edith, tho truth is you always socmod so distant tome that I thought glasses might bring you a llttlo nearer." Now York Herald. A Chivalrous Ilrolher. Lady How nlco it is to have a brother, as you have. Flossinl I suppose ho ill ways takes your part, doesn't ho! iTlos&io Ycs'ni when tho cako is passed. Burlington Free Press. Couldn't Tell. Stranger (trying to bo friendly) How is your health! Dyspeptic (gruffly) How do I know! I haven't had any for tho last flvo years. Time, Huil with a Thorn In It. "How much older is your sister than you!" "I don't know. Sho loses a year annually. I oxiKK'w wo shall bo twins beforo long." Boston Journal. Love mill Philosophy, Ho Will you marry inol Sho No, but "Then will you help me got Miss Richer!" Time. Ills AfTVctlnu. She Do you love ire, Georgol George Love you, durhug! Why, I lovo you as I lovo my -my mysolf. Tiuio. Youth mill Age, Happy hours, bides all fair, Bongs and Mowers Eierytthere, Life a golden Story seems, Full of olden Mystiu dreams. Ivo ami pleasures Bright and nay, Countless treasures Strew the way. Utter ou Comes sadder truth, When Is gone ltoiiuiiitlo outh. Youth's Illusions Proven fakes. Vile delusions, Pains and aches. Bunions, corns, And loss of hair, Hooks and thorns Have broui'lit despair l)vo Is hollow, Careless, cold, Will not follow When we're old. Heartless truth On every page; Homantle youth, ItlicutnntlonRU. -Clilcaso Herald. Taking QntnliM. A permanent artinl loss of hearing power is not such n very Infrequent consequence of quinine. targe doses aro capable of causing blindness, which is likely to last for week and oven months. It has generally been hld that this result is tho consequence of conges tion of tho brain and nervous system; but lately tho theory has liroil advanced that, whllo It congest tho oars, it acts directly tho rovorwo uxm tlio oyes, producing ft local pnv crty of blood. Among the less serious effects of quinine nro nu Irritability of the kidneys nnd nssocinto organs. Kmalt down of it nlso, iu somo iMTHons, give riso to skin eruptions. Hut for this quinine can senrvoly bo blamed j for people sometime have strange Idiosyn crasies, and somo of them nro similarly nf foetal by that most harmless of fruits, tho strawberry. Whllo qulnlno is nu ngont cnpnblo of doing harm, it is nlso n otout ono fur good in quite n number of disturbance! and dlsivisos. It Is the remedy of all in chills nnd fever, not only ns a means of prevention, but as n cure. If enough of tho drug Is taken between six nnd eight hours boforo the time for the chill to npenr it will not ho likely to occur. It taken nliout six hours for tho drug to freely net; thnt is why tho chill must Im nntlclpatisl by nt least thnt ieriod. At llrst tho xpulnr wny of treating chills nud fovenwns in a few largo doses of qulnlno, but tlio disagreeable oflectfl of the drug were pretty suro to appear Inconsequence, Bo most, If not all, phjsl clans prefer to givo it Iu ubout llvo grnln down every six hours, coiumeiiclug thosnmo nt tho time of tho last chill, nnd continuing until thoiiextouoisexKcUsl. Itutlf another chill does not occur tho qulnlno is only given in such doses nliout three times a day for about two dnys; then thedoso Nqulto rnpidly IoKsoiiod, until only ono or two grains nro Iwlug taken, nud tho uso of the drug Iu small dose Is continued for n week or two, to make suro that the disease has boon entirely over come, lioston Herald. Ilrrkonliisr Time. The entire world, Russia alono exceptod, began tho now year with tlio flint day of January. In Russia Now Year' day Is Marc 1 1 liTt, This dato was also tho lvglnnlng of tho car In England nud America up to within lex than 140 jears ugo. It was in 1751 that the famous Iird Chesterfield se cured tho Missngo of a bill iu tho English iar llament which set the beginning of tho new year for Jun. 1. Thus tho legal year was modo to correspond, almost, to tho solar yoar. In Continental Europe, however, Jan. 1 has been Now Year's dny for moru tlinn three centuries. In 1581 it was so ordained by Popo Gregory XIII, and adopted by nil Uuropo, except England, Hwedeu and Huvda. Another change, besldea altering tho dato of tho now year, was modo by Lord Chester field's reform of 17.11. Up to that time the English calendar was cloven days behind that of tlio other Eurasian countries. 'Hint Is, when it was June 1, or July I, iu England, It was the liilh of tho mouth in Continental Euroiw; by tho Ixnl Chesterileld rhuiigo the calendar was advanced eleven days. Tills chaugo is what brought about the transition from "Old Btylo" to "Now Btylo." Russia I still adheres, alone among tho nations of the world, to tho "Old Btylo" system of reckon ing time; making them twelve days behind tho remainder of tlio world on the calendar. St. Louis Republic. KiirIIsIi Honso of Iron. Portable houses of Iron nro now lolng manufactured iu England. Thoy are mado of thin shouts of corrugated Iron, put to gether like n chilli's puzzle, and can bo takon np.irt, compactly ackod and removed else where. Air spaces lietweeu tho outer Iron walls and Inner walls of felt and plno wixxl aid iu keeping tho houses cool iu summer and warm iu winter. Tills now feature in build ing will, it is claimed, make It easy to add a room to tho ordinary brick dwelling houso where such accommodation is needed. Being removable, it Is tlio property of tho tenant, so that tlio objection felt by most peoplo against building for the ultimata bouollt of one's landlord does not hold good in such a caso. Stabling and coach houses can in tho same way Ikj temporarily erected. As a play room or school room for children a detached iron building communicating with tho houso by a covered way would frequently provo a boon to tho brain working father of tho fam ily; and iu times of illness It would bo os slblo, by tills means, to Isolate a patient com pletely from tho other members of tho fam ily. As theso iron houses aro not particularly pretty, ait English paper suggests thatching tlio roof with heather and covering tho walls with trellis work. An Umbrella Holder. A lady has comu to tlio help of her sister women, and has invented a practical pedes trian umbrella holder. Most of us are trou bled iu the course of tho winter how to hold cardcaso, umbrella, muff and other Impedi ments comfortably. This simple llttlo Inven tion leaves tho hands froo. It consists of a sheath a few inches deep, attachod to a stool or nickel chain with spring hooks. Tho um brella is dropped Into tho sheath, the top of which reaches the button ami clastic usually carried round tho cover, tho safety chain is then luussed round tho handle and hooked into tho main chain, which has a chatolaino hook to fasten to tlio waist If placod sufficiently far back it will not swing, und when iu wearer Is seated it rests at her sido. When the umbrella is used, tho chain is attachod to tlio waist ns before, and tho sheath will be just tho right longtlt to slip into tho pocket. Philadelphia Press. The Taste In Colors, A tasto has set in for bright and dolicato colors. Iu greens wo have absinthe, tho soft, old fashioned shodo, with a new name; euca lytus green, frosh and tender; moss and pale reseda; light responsive eau do Nil, and mys terious water greens. Tlio gamut of pink runs through every shade of roso, from the tint known ns "old pink," which Is but an other name for tho "crushod strawberry" of a year or two ago, through tho sweetness of tho moss rose pink, culminating In the crim ion richness found In certain slindos of chrys anthemums, then fading away into the yel low tone of dead roso leaves. Grays aro also fashionable. Tho neutral tint helps wonder fully to givo effect to tho brighter colors. Smoke gray, oxidized silver gray, gray with a dash of mauve, aro all favorite tones. Brown Is nlso rising Into favor. Philadel phia Press. A few Mnrreil yucitatlonn. It has boon pointed out many times that misquoting Is mainly duo to picking up our acquaintance with thoughts on the street, anywhere, except from the uiges of tho au thor. Milton's famous line on pride, "that last Infirmity of noble mind," is spoiled by mak ing tho word "minds." Bo is Poje's lino thought, "welcome tho coming, ss the going guest" spoiled by tho substitution of "parting" for "going." Wo hour "Westward tho star of empire takes its way" quoted every day. Bishop Berkeley w roto "course," no' "star." Apt quotation sometimes finds its rowurd, as Bayle thought it should ulwnys. Raleigh was knighted liecnuso ho quoted to Ellznlxith Shakespeare's lines on "tlio fair ves- i mi iiiioneu in tlio wot," --Atlanta Jounuv', A TOKEN Or ESTEEM. Ill Fellow Townsmen tlnve II Im n Pond- nr, nut As tho train stopod nt n station nliout thirty miles west of Iiullnunolls, wo noticed nu unusually Inrgo crowd on tho dexit pint form, nnd It wns evident thnt speochmnklnR had boon Indulged in nud thnt somelKxly of nolo wns taking his departure, Wo soon dis covered thnt this xjrson was a certain Col, Illank, whncniuo Into tlio car with npaekago under Ids arm, and whoso checks weio wet with fn rowel I lenrs. lio cnllisl "(loisl-hy I" n usiio of times from tlio window, nnd ns the train dually rolled on ho blow his nose, wiped his oyes, nud t umtsl to us with) "Gentlemen, It touches tho heartstrings to part with old friends nud neighbors." "You nro saying fnrewoll, then!" "Yos. I nm going up to Iudlnnnxlls to reside. The Held here Is toollmltcd,nsI hnvo discovered nfter ton yenrs' rosldenco," "Well, It Is certainly plensniit lo part from friends the wny you hnvo." "Indeed It 1st Over two hundred of tho liost people In town enmo down to wsj inn off, and tho president of tho bank made n lieautl ful sxss;h, wished mo ovcry success, nnd nil thnt, uud then hnndod mo this ns n token of respect nud ostisem." "Alii Made you u prosent, eh! Evidently something nice." "Bound to lx," replied tho colonel, ns ho took n pneknge from the seat. "I'erlinw you don't wnnt to rovonl tlio con tent hero!" "Oh, I hnvo no objections. We'll undo It und see what thoy hnvo given mo." He carefully untied the string nud removed the several Hixrs which wrapixsl the precious memento, and lol thcro was exposed to our gnzo u xiugol Yes, sir; it grent big bnth sxiuge, which never cost loss than n dollar. Wo pressed forward to seo It, nnd tho colonel turned rod nnd white by turns, bit his lips, nud hoblicd nbout on the sent, und ns wo held our breaths ho burst out wltlu "Gentlemen, heartstrings lx bio wed I Tho onery, thieving, loallng, lying crowd hnvo gone nml liivqxsl it deadly Insult iihiii mo, nnd tho next two hundred nud Ilfty years of my 111 u shall I hi devoted to wading In human blood clear up to tho top vest button I" Now York Bun. Thirsting tor llnvmigo. A pianist recently xuit tho evening nt tho houso of a lady. Tho company wns ngnsm bio nud ho stayed somewhat Into. As ho roso to toko hl.s departure tho lady saldi "Pray, don't go yet, Mr. Jones. I want you to play something for mo." "Oh! you must excuse mo to-ulght; It Is very lato and I should disturb tlio neigh Ixirs." "Never mind tho neighbors," answered tho young lady quickly, "thoy Klsonod our dog yesterday." Musical Courier. Not .Satisfactory. "You like mo wellV I asked In hope. And took her hand within my grasp, And made her lingers close and oxi In gcntlo dalliance by my clasp A blush suffused her pretty cheek, TIioukIi mirth lurked In her eyes of hluo. "Of course I do," she wild, "I think It wrong to like you sick; don't you?" -II I.W In WcstBlioro. Ilimton Ilt-piirlrn. Sirs. Montmorcucy-Smytho No, Mrs. Hag gles, wo never have nny family Jars Iu our house. Whenever it dllllculty occurs between my husband nud me, Mr, Bmytho always takes his hat nud goes out. Mrs. DoIJeresford Haggles Ah, yos, Pvo often wondered why It was Unit Mr. Bmytlia fpout so much tlmn on the streets. Boston Post I'rmii the (luriiiiin. A. Bo you nro married. How in tho world did that come about! 1!. You know how I lovo sauerkraut and bacon! "Yes." "Well, my landlady gnvothom to moovery day, uud out of grntltudo I proposed to tho daughter." Texns Slf tings. 'Getting the Worth of Ills Money.' Hnyseal Whnt ilo yer chargo to tho Bat tery! Conductor Five cents! Hurry upl Haysesxl Is it tho samo from Central Park! Conductor Yes. Hurry up, enn't ycrl Hnyseod I guess I'll walk to Central Park, and take a car from there. Harper's Weekly. With Her It I n Success. "Do you think marriage Is n failure, Mrs. Choker," asked Mrs. h'Imeral of tho minis ter's wife. "No, Indeed I" wus tho reply. "Mr. Cho ker gives mo his fees for pin monoy." Har per's Bazar. (live mid Take. Tho Duko of Mudbury Now, Miss Man hattan, I'll wager you know your Burko but ter than I do. Miss Manhattan Ah, but I dnresny your grace could stump mo on Bradstreet. LIfo. Illdlciiloiis. "Tho Idea of u man of your ago bcgglugl Why don't you go to work!" "Go to work! Pshaw, sir! Tho Idea of n man changing his profession nt my timo of lifel" Miinsoy'n Weekly. One Iti'f'oiiiincudntlou. Fair Young Creature (after somo recita tions) Do you think I would do font Jullotl Malinger (anxious not to hurt feelings) Urn er well, you'd look very pretty in the tomb.--Now York Weekly. Not H Secret Society Mnu. "Aro you n Mason!" asked one citizen of another. "No, by the powers," was tho unuxpecttsl reply. "Oi'm it hod carrier." Washington Cnpltal. The Poor Poet. Btubpen Why do you always write with blue ink, Scribbler I Scribbler (siully) It's tho wny I feol.-Bor liu-ton Free Press. Hninlvrd't Method. Bam Wcllor's "wnlentlnn" to Mnry, tho housemaid, Is n delicious contribution to tho lltornliiroof this feto dny, nnd "BninlvolV explanation thnt "n sudden stop" Is doslr nblo, "Ixs-nuso she'll visit there wns more, and that's tho great art of letter wrltlu'," Is commendable to nil scribblers In general nud to writers of valentines In particular. The I'nrlor Was KiiBngrit, "Mr. HniikluMin, you will excuse me If I receive you In this dining nxim this evening.'' "Don't mention II, Miss ICnJonos. It it much inoro coney nnd homelike,1' "It Is not on Hint account, Mr, Hnnklnsou, hut Bridget has goun into tho parlor to tukt a tup on tho lounge nnd given orders thai sho must not Ixidlsturlied." Chicago TrlU nun. Tho nutmeg tree hxiks liken xvtrtreoot throo jisim' growth. The leaves nnd bark, ns well us the nut uud Us curious covering, nro very fragrant. Tlio nutmeg Itself is the uxsl of tho fruit, tho fruit Ixdug nlxiut tho slro of n common hen's egg. As It rlM'iu tlio outside crnrks ox'ii uud ohmi tho nut meg, wrapixsl In Its thin, lacollko covering of mace. It grows on nil the Islands of tro Icnl America and Asia, the trees of Jnmnlca Ixdng tho most fruitful, somo of them Uar-"-hlcb. DS-LOOOto ft.WlO nutmegs iorycnr, language Is hardly strong enough to ex press my admlr nllon d tl t units il hum Ix-rlnlu's cough remedy. It Is the best reme dy for croup and whooping cough I have over iihiiI, During tlio iwnt eighteen years I have tiled nearly all the prominent cough inisllclius nu tho market, but say, nud with pleasure too, thnt Chnmlicrhilii' cough leiliedy Is the bent of nil. Thomas Rluxles, Iliikerslleld, t'iil l''orsnloby A. L. Khnder, druggist. ' Nu 1 1 ran TolInttloH llreree, non-reslilentilefeniliiul' You nro hereby ie tilled Hint on the'Zkl dny of Deeeinlier, IHritl. I'red J llreree Died n peti tion iikiiIiikI you In lh dlslrlet court of enster eounly. Nehrnsliii, tlio object and prujerof which are lo olilalu h divorce from you on the grounds Unit you have willfully abandoned I he said plnlnllll, wllhout iiood cnuse, for (he term of two yenrs hist piisti and thnt snld deKuidnnl wns guilty of cruelty to wnrdsHiild I'hilultirnl divers limes, nud fre qni'iit liiloxlcatloii. You are rcqulicd to mi ser mild petition on or before Monday, the 17th dny of Kehruiiry, Ihisi I'ltKD.l. llltK.i:K, I'liilutlir, li-H'Jtl lly AlkliiMm .V Doty, Attorneys Notice or riihlleuiron. Iu the Di Irlel Court of Liincusler county, Nebraska. The t'llloux' National Hank iff Ulllsboroughi Ohio, pliilntlir, vs. I). I.. Johnson and .lames W. Hmltli, defend ants. K. U Johnson (or Kdwnrd I. Johnson) nnd .lames W. Hinllli, ilnlendniitN, will Inlcoiiutlce Unit on the mih day of December, IKMI, the CUIrens' National hank of IIIIMiorounh.Olilo, plnllillir herein. Illed Us petition In Hie Dis trict Coiirl or l.iuicaHlrr county, Nebrnskii, iisriilttHt said defcudantH, ihoolijeelnnd prayer ol which nro to recover the sum of I'l,ni7.:u, with Interest thereon from tho I t dny of May, the rnleofti percent, per milium, due uud unpaid upon u certain Judgment dulj rendered und entered Iu the I'ommoii Pleas eourt.or llltihlnnd county, Hlnlo ciTOIilo, luiv lUKnilcqunle Jurisdiction In suc'i eases. Hald JuilKineut Is for the sum oriO,M7JM, nnd bears Interest nl the rule ol H percent, per annum. And said plalntlir has duly nttiiehed lliefol IowIiik pieces und piircolsur liitid.iis tho prop erty of (he siilil defendant, H. L .lohiisou, be lug and Hlluale In Hie county of Ijiueiistor, state of Nehrnsku. The said laud attached Is numbered mid described lis follows, towlti N. E.iuiirter, und llionorlh hull of the N. W. otiarter. and H. l. iiunrter of N W. nuiir- ter, iiudeiisl half of H. i;. quarter, nil iu Hco- lion Kieveu til), lown iuj, ItuiiLte 7. In the county und stulo nforcsald. Also I no iomow lug: N. W. quartorof H. W.qunrler. nud eusl liuirofH, W.qunrler, nnd N W. quarter of H. K. (imirlcr.nll In Seellon Twelve ( I'.'). Town leu (Hi), Hanger, county nun siaie morcsum. Also Hie rollowliiKl following: n ;. quarter or N. w. I W. iiuarter. und east half of H. v. quiiitor, nil In Heellou 'I line CI), Town ten (10), Itnngo 7, county uud stale aforesaid. Also tho following; North half or N. E. quarter, mid N. E. quarter of N. W. quarter nil Iu Seel Ion Ten (III), Town leu (IU), Itnnt!e7, stale uud eounly afoieHald. Also the lollowlug: West half of Hirllon Two. mid west half of N. i:. (unrler, and south bulfof H. E. quarter, all In section Two (l!),Town ten (IU), Itniigo 7, eounly mid slate aforesaid. Also the followllIK! Ensl liMf ofH. W quar ter, und H 1;. quarter, nil lu Section I lilrty four (1)1), Town Eleven ID, Itungu 7, county and state aforesaid. Also tho following! N. E. quarter, nud north half ortbo H. IV. quarter, nud west half or H. !:. quarter, all In Section Twenty-nlno ('-"J), Town ten (10), lluiigu 8, county uud state nforenud Also tho followliiKt Houtli half of 8. W, (iniirter of Section Twenty 031), Town ten (10). llnnge right (H), county und stale us nbove. The said lefi'iiliiliH are required to answer said petition on or before the 17th day of Feb ruiiry, 1MK) THE OITIZENH' NATIONAL BANK Or IIIllshorlHiuuli, Ohio, Plalntlll By Atkinson Doty Attorneys Dated Deo. !W HWJ, Notice. District Court, LuncaNter county, Nuiiraskn. UcorgoW. Hubble, plalntlir, vs. Kiinule Hubble, defendant. To l-'minlo Hubble, mill resident defendant: You lire hereby uotllled that on the llutli dny r.lnnuary, INK), your husband, (leorgu W, Hubble, tiled u petition iigiilnst you III the dis trict court or Lancaster eounly, Nehrnsku, the object and prayer or which Is to obtain a di vorce from you on the if round thnt you have wilfully nhauiloned tho plnllillir without k'ood cnuse Tor the term of two veurs Inst past, You lire required to answer said petition on or bororo Monday, tho 17th day or .March, 1W. OKOltOEW.IlUHIILK, 2-lwl By Pound A. Burr, Ills Attorneys. .Imnes Matliers, his heirs anil devisees, wilt take notice Unit It hns Ix-en shown to me.H.T. Cis'liraii.a Justleo oflbo pence In und for Lan caster county, .Nehrnsku. Unit the Judument rendered lu the action of llnss and eh against James .Matliers for tlio sum ofs r, und iJC) costs, anal nut the dufendiint, beforu A. (J. Scott, ii Justice or the iienco lu und lor tjin- ctstcr county, Nebraska, on tlio htn day or May, IH7o, has become dormant by lapse or nine, nun m unpaid, n is increioro oniensi by me that unless you appear lit my otllee on .Maren nun, isisj. ai p. iiKiilust said revivor, the in , und show cause said ludfiiicnl will KT.ITmTIHAN. Justice or the l'eaeo. Lincoln, Neb., l-'eb. II, IHIni, l'.'-8wt Notice. TIIBHTATK ok nkhhahka,, I.anciiMler countv. I "H Iu the District court, Uuicuster county, No iirnsKii, J. B.Trlekeyet. al. vs. Charles Obeusteln. TheiilHivo named Charles Ohoiutoln will take notice that on Friday, the '.'sth of Kehru iiry, 1k), the said .1. It. Trlekeyel nl. will tnke the deposition or Kdwnnl L. Trlckey, a wit ness to lie used ns evidence on the trial or the iilsive entitled cause, ut the ollleo or V. 11. Hurt, flu. MontKoiuery street, Han Kmuclsco, California, between 8 a. in mid tip in, T.l MONtlKU, 2-8w3 rialntlirs Attorney. Notice. In .lustlret'ourt or Lincoln, Liiucnter coun ty, Nebraska, Inifore J. II. Brown, Juxtlco of the Peace lu nud for ssid city, county uud state. The Wessel Printing Company, I'lalutlll, vs. The (1, 51. Jarvls Cnmiuiuy. Dofcndanl. Thud, M. .larvls eoiuiuiny will take notlco that on the 'th dny of January. Ki, J. II. Ilniwu, u Justice of the Peace within mid for the city of Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebras ka, Issued un order of attachment for the sum or IVMX) In mi action peiidliiK before him wherein the Wesel Prlntlhk company Is philiitlirmid the (I M. Jarvls company de fendant. Thnt property ofthe defendant, con sisting or money. rUhts nud credits In Hi bands of L. L. I liuUny lias been attached Im der said order. Kalil cause wns continued to the 17th dny oj March, ISM, at muia. in. TIIK. WKSSKL PltlNTINO CO. 1'lalntlir, By Houston A Biilrd, l'liilntlirs Atlys. Dated Lmcoln, Neb., Keb. 10, 1(40, Ivl-liwt DR. ROLAND LORD, Veterinary $ Surgeon (Hndiiiitu o( thu Royul Vclcrlimry College, London. as1' Alt Diseases of the Domesticated Ail tun s Cnrcfully Trciitcd. Ollice, Room ,1, Webster Block, 336 South tl til Nt., Also nl Pnlnce Slnhlcs, M nenr F.lcvcnth LINCOLN, NKHRASKA. Calls Out of tho City Attended.' u HPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION 1 Ovor A Million Distributed. LouisiciiKi State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated hy Iho leglslnturo for Kdu eatlonal mid t'liiirltnblo iiurposes, nud Its franchise nude it part or Iho present sinlo constitution In 1871) by mi overwhelming pop ular vote, Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS Uko place V'tnl Anntiiilly nunc nnd Deeein lier), nud Its Grand Single. Number Draw ings take plnco In ench of the other ten months of the year, nnd are all drawn In public, nt the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Ln.' Famed for Twenty Years For Intcgrcty of Its Drawings and Prompt Payment of Prizes. At t nt til an Follows: We, do hereby certify thai wo supervise the urrauKomcnts for all the Monthly and Semi Annual DrawlUHS or Tim Umlslunn btule lottory muipiiuy, and lu person iiiiin one and control Iho Ilruwliius themselves, mid Hint tho same are conducted with hon esty fairness, and In kooiI faith towurditll parlies, mid we authorize the (Nu.qmny to uso this curllllcnte, with fue-slmlllcs or our sUfna 'ires utlnuhed, lu Its advertisements." Coiiiinlssloncrs. We, tho iindorslKiind Hanks and Monitors will pay all prizes drawn In the Iotillann Htnlu Uittorles, which may ho presented at our counters. It. M. WAI.MHI.KY. I'res't Iiulsnna Nat Il'k I'IKHIlK I.ANAUX, I'res.lalo Natloiml ll'k A. BALDWIN, I'res. Now Orb-mis Natl Hank OAltl.KOIlN. I'res. Union Nntlonul Bank Grand Monthly Drawing. At the Academy of Maiio, New 0rlm, Tuesday, March 11, 1U0O. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at '.M; Halves I0; Quarters .'i; Tenths, i Tweiitlutlut 1. I.IHTOK I'lll.KH. I lltlKOKt.1U0,(Xl0lN I Pill.K OK liV0 Is , i iMiii: or ro.oooiN i Pill.K ok a'i,in 1 PltlKHOK l(l,txii) are r. I'ltl.KS OK S.iX) am , V IMll.KHOK LODOnro IUI I'lll.KH OK fOOaro :ko.ixw 10l),UM rjO,x sfm JI,(KI) !ir),001) a.',ouo M,(I1) '.") IMUZK.HOK imoure (I0,ixx) ttXJ I'lll.KH OK axluro 1UO.O00 AI'I'IIOXIMATION rKIXKM. 100 Prlros oflX) aro 60,000 loo do. iuiOuro no.ouo 100 do. aoOaro 20,000 TKHM1NAI. I-KIZCH. WW I'rUes ofillOOnr 1)9,(100 W.l l'rliesof llouare. W,V 3,144 Prizes nmountlntc to 1, 054, 800 NoTBTlcketsdrnwinr Cnpltal Plica aro not entitled to terminal Prises. AGENTS WANTED. fUf'Ynr Club Hates or any further Informa tion ncsircii. write icKiuiy to tue unuersisnou clearly stnlluir your residence, with aiato i-ouuiy, nireot anil iMiimner, More rapid re- mrii iiiiiii uenvery win no assured oy your en closlnic an Kuveliio bourlnt: your full ad dnma, IMPORTANT. Address M.A.DAUPHIN, New Orleans, I,a. OrM.A. DAITIMIIN, WnshliiKton, I). C. Ily ordinary letter coutalnlnK Money Or der Issuod by all Kxprcss Compnulos, Now York KxchiuiKOt Drnrior Postal Noto. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NKW OHLKANH NATIONAL BANK, New Orleans, La. HKMP.MBKU thnt tho payment or tho Prlren Is uuariinteed by Kour National Banks oi .-mow urioiuiB, ami tlio tickets aro slitned by tho President or an Iiistltutlsn whose oliar to red rlxhts are recoKiilzed In the hlitbost courts; then fore, liewaro or all Imitations or anonymous schemes. O.NKDOLLAIl Is the price of the smallest iwirt or fraction or n ticket IHHUKI) IIY UH lu any druwlne. AuylliliiK In our name of. fercil for less than u Iillar Is a swindle. LINCOLN iso ixsriTtTX or rtsiu'oiur, hhnrtliAiiil, ami TywwrltliiK. U the tstl and largest i illivela I lio Vt. n Ktiidenu In attendance lait mmleiits prvpanst for bulms In front 3 to 8 inontli. hisrlineisl racnlly IVnoiiallnitructlon. U'uuiirul lllutrntistcntalotrusix.Kii Journals, and nwcuueus of iKiiinaiitlil, in-ut fn-e liy addn-Ing ULLllUUDUi: ft UOO.SK, Uocoln, Neb. lU.sT'lVI -( IH'B I II I flit ! III. iHir fsrllltlfitr U t'Mt 1 Kltf lnchluiiiit , Oi hi. ik Allroutitv totl. tl eKrii . P ' I uin it how our totl Jth 'ti U jour utltM' rt alt. wi lb IUfM f I I I top T1i Mlowlnr mi r,tt h Nnium rr4urc4 t . QssLsSBE .Uxit Iho IUlh M 'MutiulS l u i" ! ' KN,'V.II.I. !.- M' r.iJu-k.eo.iiHl.lioiSI I .,!. .iiMf "" ' .uitnUa "iltil-n"' lutirimio IV i iil'rMthiii. A44"Uii inutrraco.. iiui ittut, i-usi.k. Hvm "' ZliVr csmmhr SHlIUCOIICWOv -rossur rn4VT 1 - fi'falb '"i.V: III m I EYEVKS "W?&- &. I rf - n B Nl - m 4 f 1"! "4. A.