. in lifi '.iinl.. ilufiiriiWl'f""" '" ''"' .111l1liam1l11lrWI1taB.MI.11111.11.1nl1n.11 i i H ' , , , f-nn, , , - -r-i yi m i.h'i -n in -! i.iji, -'r i ! .ti-(JiMittimMmMMmiMlimnmiuiiA 6 CAPITAL CITY f!.i!U'")tJ.,JJ COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1890 I, IWHMiMiifciil II. IV fr i ', LEGISLATIVE LAZINKSS. THERE ARE PLENTY OF DRONES IN THE NATIONAL HIVE. A Srmntnr'd tarlc of lllptnlty In tit Clmlr. Ho I AIhujh Tlrnl Tlir Twit llmtftil limit Ktlilliltloua uf ('iiiiuif.nloiinl lit. 1o1r hi I'tilillo U lilrli Am Nut rretty. (Hclnt CurnNKiiuloniti. Wahmnhton, Koli. in. Some of tlio ktr.lcst men In tlio world nro employed liy Undo Hjuu to uiiiko IiIh laws for him. If tills country weiu us souiro In Its punish aacnt of tinmen ns Draco was, and put to dentil It lary men, tlioro would noon 1h a irrwit many vacancies In thu senate and ilio house. Liusy men uru Kunvnilly anil able, and tho liixlont man in congress, a oortaln senator, hero nameless, I no exception to tlio rule. Ho I" good nn turn), generous, n truo friend, and ol I A I.A7.Y HKNATOH 1H TIIK CIIAIU. wiiys ready to do anything for tlioio whom ho liken except niiiko an effort. A few days ago lio wm called to thu chair by Vlco President Morton. The presiding olllcerof tho senate is supposed to bo tho personification of dignity. He is HupHwed to Im) tho living cuihoditnuiit and representative of Hint quality wlileh tho Amurlcnu Iioiiho of lords npinni to prlro moro highly than ability or oven wealth. Itnnglnu tho coiiHternatlon of audi grnvo and reverend senators, stick lcrs for nil tho dignities, an Edmunds, Ingalls, Diiwea and Hoar, when they looked up nnd lehoId thin senator, with his two elbows renting on tho Ico president's desk, his head wtwirily reposing in his hands liko n lary schoolboy when tho teacher's kick is turned. Sonntor Dawes leaned over nnd whispered to Edmunds, and St. Jerome, scowled nnd twiddled his lingers under his now, ns ho always does when im mensely pleased or considerably worried, No doubt tho senator wns tired, for n senator wns making a speech on n well known bill tho samo speech which ho had already delivered three or four times in tho senate chamber. Onco tho anxious sticklers for senatorial dignity thought tho presiding oftlcor was going to sleep. He did close his eyes and once ho nod ded, as much as a man can nod when his Jowls aro resting llrmly in his hands. It tills senator had gono to sleep Ed munds, Hoar and Ingalls would havo boon angry enough to inovo his expul sion from tho Bcnato. They would havo deemed tho body disgraced beyond re demption oxcopt by Botnu summary and desporato proceedings. Tills particular senator is always tired. Ho Is probably tho only man in congress who Is never seen walking down Venn sylvnnia avenue from tho capital. Ho always rides. Ingalls says thcro should bo somo sort of a tramway in tho Capitol for tho accommodation of men liko him who occasionally want to go over to tho bouse. This senator is tho man who is accused of purposely spreading tho re port tlireo or four years ago that ho nnd President Cleveland had quarreled, in order to save himself from being troubled by ofllccseekers. Ho rarely makes a dpecch. Tho lost ono ho inado, I am told, ho dictated to his stenog rapher whllo lying In bed, as Dr. John son used to dictato to his amanuensis, Mr. Hector. If ho is tho laziest ho is not tho only lary man In tho senate. What do you suppose tho great senators are doing be tween tlio hours of 13 and 0 o'clock tho hours in which tho majority of them will receive neithor cards nor notes from Impertinent people who would disturb them? Devising groat plans for tho wel fare of tho country? Preparing eloquent speeches? Conferring solemnly on mat ters of state? Oh, not Go into tho cloak rooms and thero you will find ninny of them taking their oaso. Hero aro easy chairs, lounges, divans, barbers, servants, and such a lazy lot of bcnatorsl They recline, lean, sit upon tholr spines, rumi nate, converso and smoke. Tho stoiies that aro told, tho jests that are passed NO CAKDS UNTIL AFTEU 2, round, tho mots that aro repeated o'er and o'er in that npurtmcut, literally fur nished with nil modern comforts. If those walls had cars and tongues thoy could a tale unfold -but thoy have neither, And tho servitors, fortunatoly for themselves and their masters, aro a discreet as they are obsequious. One day last week observers from the galleries would easily see that something unusual was going on in tho cloakrooms .of the senato on the Democratic side. 'There was a running in and out from brihtMMof theofawubw. Grave sena lib'" HWl I iH'! HE' tors whocntered glum as oysters emerged smiling liko premiere daiiHouHos, Loud laughter occasionally camo rolling out tho open door, Within a half hour nearly ovcry memlKr of tho senate had spent a moment or two In tho retiring room. This was n mystery which roused my curi osity, nnd 1 determined to investigate. My effort wero rownnled with success! oimI, dear reader, what do you think It wan? Something dignified, Important, ntalosmanliko? Not much. One of tho senators, whom I shall not name out of rv8oct for his gray hairs, had just re ceived from n friend In New York a vllo jviHr, purortlug to bo a letter from a solicitor's firm in London, informing tlio addrcssco that ho hud fallen heir to an ostato in England, and just ns tho inter est was fully roused tho reader turned tho page, only to como upon n wretched pic ture. Human nature In pretty much tho samo in tho senatorial cloak roouiB as out of It. These lar.y senators who will not re ceive cards or notes lxforo 3 o'clock aro aristocrat, and lmxirtlnent aristocrats at that, and I am for swooping them out. I can't coucelvo what tlioy aro sent to congress and paid $111 a dny for nnd given private secretaries and committee clerks and no end of luxuries nt tho govern ment oxHnso, unless It is to servo their constltuenUi nnd others having buslneas with government olllclnls. Swing callers would certainly lw bettor employment of time than lounging in tho cloak rooms listening to tales which tho society for promotion of social purity would not Ihj likely to indorse. When 3 o'clock comes most of these high nnd mighty senators slip down their prlvntu stairways, which no outsldurs' feet nro permitted to pro fane, to their privato lunch rooms In tho senato restaurant, to which no man not a senator is admitted unless nt a senator's invitation. Boon afterward, as a rule, tho scnii'ogocs into that fudgy and ridic ulous condition known ns executive ses sion, nnd when the lell strikes three times all doors must ho closed and every man jack of an American citizen must make tracks. Even in committee rooms tho samo un-American and ofTo.islvc ox clusiveuess prevails. Messengers are stationed at tho doors to keep oil in truders, nnd many of these messengers seem to think thoy own tho Capitol. At tho door of tho room of tho commltteo on privileges nnd elections tho other dny I naked tho guard nt tho door if tho commltteo was in session. No. Thou could I go in to sco a senator whom I know to bo thuro. No. "And why not, pray?" "Ono of tho senators is insido, dictat ing, and ho docs not want to bo dis turbed." "Hut I do not want to sco that senator. I will not speak to him, and will not disturb him. Surely tho commltteo room is largo enough for three or four of us." "No matter. Tho senator is dictating, and ho does not want to bo annoyed," A CORNER OP THE I10U8K. And tho understrapper, who probably controls n fow votes in somo ward in a clouo legislative district, actually locked tho door In my face. All this is n cover for laziness, and l&zlncss in public servants, particularly when combined with unnecessary exclu sivoncss, is intolerable. In ono respect tlio senators aro moro decent in their laziness than tho members of tho house. Senators do not parado their Indolence boforo tho multitudo. Go over to tho houso of representatives, take a seat in tlio gallery, and scan a corner of tlio hall in tho rear of tho Beats. Thcro is a bright wood flro burning in an open grate. If wood cost $30 a cord and coal GO cento a ton, the statesmen would insist uikhi warming their shins by n wood flro. Thero aro easy chairs and lounges. Every ono is occupied. A row of distinguished men sit on their spines, with their chairs tilted bock and their feet on tho wall. On tho lounges rcclino other distinguished men, fast asleep. Somo unbutton their collars for comfort's sake, and occasionally somo of tho states men from tho rural districts take oil their shoes and turn their big feet toward tho flro and sleep and grunt and oven snoro in tho acmo of comfort. And all this in public, boforo tho oyes of a thousand or two of spectators in tho hall of tho houso of tho representatives of tho people It Is not pretty. Evidently tho doctrine of Congressman Stockdale, of Mississippi, has many sup iwrters in tho senate nnd house. Stock dalo says his Idea of heaven Is a placo in which thcro is nothing to do, whero ex istence Is a stato of perpetual inactivity, whero oven drawing tho breath of eter nal life calls for no effort. Whllo roll calls and speeches and dreary readings n tho clerk's desk aro going on In tho house hundreds of m?n sit and dozo and rust and forgot a good deal of what thoy onco know. Laziness Is ono of tho great ovils of publio life. Intompornuco has been drh en out. Perhaps wo shall have to rouso publio sentiment luto a crusudo against Indolcnco. Walter Whitman. Bho Could Stand u drcut Doiil. Young Lady (evidently much distressed and embarrassed) Doctor Fatte, I just know I shall never die n sudden death. Doctor Fatto Indeedl my doar young lady, and what Induces you to think thus? Young Lady Because you aro now, and havo been for tho last flvo minuted, sitting upon poor, dear, littlo Fido, and I still livel-Clncinnati Chio. CHOCTAW LEGENDS. Itraalt of n Iutrvliw with Chlof rtr I'llolilytiti. IBjhIaI (xrrnixii(tmce.1 Kansas City, Feb. 13. In a recent talk with tho Choctaw chief, Peter Pitchlynu, ho told me of n very curl ous legend in relation to tho origin o( a subdivision of his trlln' known ns tho "Crawfish," or Crajilsh band: "Our jH'oplu havo among them a baud who formerlybut at a very remote crlod of antiquity, long In'foro tho separation Into Creeks (or Mus-Uo-geo's) Semlnoles, Choctaws, etc. had their abodo in thu earth, under thu mud and soft places near tho rivers and streams, out of which they sometimes como and bask in tho sunshine. They were moro like a lobster or crayllsh than human beings, and walked on 'nil fours,' or rather on their claws. "Their principal plaeo of residence was n great limestone cavo, far down in the bowels of the earth, whero thero was no light, nothing but Cimmerian dnrk ncM, nnd they had no language, nor could they understand a word that was sK)ken to them, "Tho entrance to this cavo was jKml bio only by wiggling down through tho mud, and thoy used to Hcamicr away the moment they were seen, so that tho Choctaws were for many generations unable to get near them, although they would lay In wait for them for months. "Ono day, however, a number of them were surprised so suddenly that they did not havo lime to go their usual route through thu mud Into their cavo, but were forced luto It by u secret opening thoy had in tho rocks! "Tho Choctaws then attempted to smoko them out, and at last, by persist ent effort, succeeded. Thoy treated them kindly, taught thorn to talk Choctaw, to walk erect, inado them cut off tholr too nails and pull out tho hair from their bodies. After whloh they adopted thorn into the tribe, but tho majority of them aro still underground!" Hall playing seems to bo common among nil tribes, but it is conceded that tho Choctaws, in their prlmltlveness, were thu most skilled In this game. Of course It Is not at nil similar to tho Amer ican national game In any particular, and is played with two bats or stickx. These sticks are bent into an oval loop at ono end, with a web of lino buck skin thongs stretched across them to prevent tho ball from falling out when caught or tossed. Ono of these bats is held in each hand, and the players catch the ball by jumping into tho air, and throw it from the bats, novcr allowed to strike it or catch it with their hands. In every houso I visited I saw ono or moro pairs of these peculiar bats, according to tho number of liialu residents. In tho primitive days of these peoplo, It was an invariable law of tho game that no player should wenr moccaslsn on his feet, and appear only with tho prcscriled dress; that is, in his "breech clout," a beautiful head bolt, nnd tall made of white hurso hair or quills, and a mane around his neck constructed of tho samo material as tho tall, dyed in colors. Tho match was usually mado up months before tho day agreed upon, and led by two champions, or captains, as wo should call them. Thcso two cap tains had tho power to go through tho tribe, from village to village, and alter nately chooso tho men for their re spective sides. This cholco of players was effected generally by proxy; two runners wcro sent armed with a pair of "ball sticks," elaborately ornamented with paint, ribbons nnd other gowgnws, which, touched by tho players selected, was an ovldcnco that they accepted, and would bo on hand at tho tlmo specifled and prepared to tnko part. Each set of playors erected on tho ground whero tho game was to tako placo two upright poles aliout thirty feet high, and six feet apart, across the top of which another polo was fastened. Thcso goals, or "byes," as thoy woro called, were somo eight hundred feet apart; at a point just half way between thoso goals was driven a small stake, whero the lull was to bo thrown into tho air at a given signal, usually tho tiring of a gun. All these preliminaries wero arranged by old nion, who wero tho judges or um pires of tho ganio; thoy drew n line from ono goal to tho other, across which all tho betting was mado and placed in tho xssesslon of "stako holders" tho night before tho ganio commenced. Everything conceivable that wigwam or flcld possessed was staked, and princi pally by tho women of tho trlbo as bet tors. On that night, too, all tho playors as sembled around tholr respective "byes," whero, under tho glow of torches, tho beating of "tom-toms" and tho songs of tho squaws, thoy for moro than n quar ter of nn hour Indulged in the pictur esque "Ball-Play danco," in their proper dress, and rattling their sticks together, all tho tlmo chanting ns loud as they could. Mcanwhilo tho women who had staked their goods formed themselves in two rowB on tho "lino" between tho re spective players and also danced, join ing in musical appeals to the "Great Spirit" to decido tho gamo in favor of their side. At tho small stake, from which tho ball was to bo thrown at tho opening of tho gamo on tho morrow, four old "med-' Icino men," who wero to perform tho act of "throwing tho ball," wcio busily puff ing at their pipes, smoking to the "Great Spirit" for success in impartially judging tho guuio, as their duties of umpires de manded. Sometimes seven or eight hundred players took part in tho game, and when tho contest commenced a ten ible strug gle ensued to catch tho ball on their sticks and throw it home between their respective stakes, which counted one. When this happened there was a short halt; then tho ball was started again by the judges, and whichever tldu in that aiunner counted a huudrcd won. Henuv Inman. A watch factory in Philadelphia has ns assayer of metals a young lady.. She took a four years' courso in chemistry at tho TJnlveraity of Pennsylvania. I was not satisfactory. That was all tho mitlsfactlofi I could get from htm. I found out tho next week that he had a brother-in-law. That was the reason I was dished. You can lct I was dis couraged. I had saved up a littlo money nnd concluded to take things easy until It ran out. One day I was strolling mound town when I met a chance nc qalntnuce who suggested that wo go luto u tool loom near by and see how tho horses wero running. Well, sir, will you believe It? I ielded to thu allurements of tho turf and picked n winner tho first tlmo. I mado f 10 that day, "The next day I showed up again, I didn't know thu first thing about horses, but concluded to stick to ono jockey, In three days I had won $250. That settled mo for awhile. I lived high, wontnround In cabs and had exennlvo dinners. My money ran out In about a week, Then I went back to my gold mine. 'Of what use,' I thought to myself, 'is there in slaving for your bread, when nil you havo got to do Is to pick wlunersV But this tlmo my gold mine didn't pan out. I Ix'gan to seo Hint tho ability to pick winners was limited, nnd tho result of my littlo venture was that I had a high old tlmo for about a week, and came out dead broke. Then I did a littlo thinking, concluded that 1 had had enough of tho turf, and made up my mind to work. Once more I scanned the advertising columns of thu papers, and this time I saw that a firm in Kansas City wanted a competent stenographer, Thoy tele graphed mo to como on, and I borrowed enough money to pay my faro and keep mo n fow weeks, nnd skipped the town, I stayed in Kansas City for a year at 20 a week, and never was treated better in my life. "But at tho end of tho year I con cluded to get back home. My peoplo wanted mo to como back, so I guvo up my job. I hadn't been in town moro than a week before I got a position in a railroad olllcu at $75 a mouth. Things in a railroad olllcu ran along just uknit so, anyway, so thorn's nothing much to tell there. Everything was lovely until I got a chance to go with a commission house nt thu samo salary. I thought it would lw great sport to go 'down on 'change everyday and hobnob with capi talists, so I took tho job as soon ns it was offered to me. I stayed thero three months, hut there was a man in the olllcu who didn't liko ma One day I got n letter tolling mo thu samu old story. This tlmo I know fl was no use to kick, so I quietly left. Then I knocked around town for about a month, steering clear, howover, of tho pool rooms, when I got a chance to go into another railroad ofllco. This tiuio my salary was only 300 a month, but I was glad to tako any thing. "In tho meantime my old employer In tho Insurance olllco whero I llrst worked had been making overtures to mo, but I had steadily resisted him. I had left him in a moment of pique, and I was too proud to acknowledge that I had mado a mistake. This thing kept up for somo time, until finally I yielded. I went back to my old placo at $20 a week, On tho 1st I was raised to $100 n month." "How long woro you absent from your old place?" said I. "Just two years, flvo months and ono day," ho replied. "I supposo many peo plo will think I havo wasted my tlmo. I toll my friends, howover, that If a roll ing stono gathers no moss it acquires somo polish," "But," said I, "supposo you had stuck by your present business thcso two years and a half, how far along would you bo now?" "I might havo been manager," ho re plied. Tom Masson. Somo Foreign Illtlu-n. Vienna, Jan. 28. In traveling over Europe one meets, as a matter of course, many dishes not often found in Amcii can restaurants and hotels, and many dishes one is familiar with aro cooked and served sons to bo almost as novel as thoso entirely now. In Liverpool I got a reclpo for York shire pudding, and this is it: Twenty-five minutes leforo dishing up your roast beef, pour out of thu pan one-half of the gravy into a dish for future use. Beat up two or four eggs with us much Hour as will make a light batter, with threo tablcspooufuls, or six, of milk. Lift out your meat and pour this batter into tho dripping pan, nnd replaco tho meat and bfiko It tho twenty-flvo minutes, and servo hot with tho meat. Tho pudding will bo light and permeated with tho tasto of tho meat and gravy, and is de licious. At Shooburyne8s, nt tho homo of one of tho officers of tho School of Gunnery, I found this new nnd savory manner of serving cold roast mutton, when it had been carved until tho bono was not blirht ly, and tho slices wcro too small to send to tho tabic For ono pound of sliced off cold mutton tako ono quart of onions and fry them until tho rank smell is gono nnd thoy nro almost half done. Tako one-half n pound of stalo bread crumbs, and then put a layer of onions, ono of meat and ono of crumbs, until they nro all on a deep earthen dish, fin Ished with a layer of crumbs. Of coune, salt and pepper; then put this in the oven for a good hour, and it is enough to give one a Coney Island appetltu to smell it, nnd it is thoroughly good. Thero Is something in tho way of cook ing tho Yarmouth bloaters and kippciod herring that we cannot achieve, and 1 think It is because our fires are different. Thu English toast them down In fiout of n fire, not over it, and then put a bit of butter and a dust of pepper and you have n savors morsel which looks and smells temptingly and in cheap. Thero also thoy loast their meat befoio the giate, Instead of baking it, and though theio bcoms to be no difference, the meats tastes quite differently, and all in favor of rousting. Louisu DaLRYUI'LU. Clara Morris does not bellevo in btat;o tears. Sho says thero aro no tears but real ones shed by Intensely wrought up actresses on tho stuge. When Ellen Tct ry plays her most emotional parts sho not only sobs in reality, but tho weeping of ten becomes uncontrollable, and somotimos lasts an hour after the play is over. CLOSING OUT SALE OF Pianos and Organs, We havo decided to ship nothing to Omaha, and having1 some stock yet wc will continue the sale until sold. Wc have some Upright Pianos, slightly damaged, that wc can make you at a great bargain. Six second-hand Pianos at your own price. Good second-hand Organs at $35 to $50. ZMI.iL.:H: MBYBE cSc BEO C. M. Hands, Manager, 142 North nth Steam and Hot Water Heating. KTX 4r iip'i u K I . r,i tii? itSiV. 4B. HIIvIv LATE OK llHOOkLYN, N.Y.. Tailor and Qraper GENTLEMEN: I shall display for your Inspection a new and very cnrcfully selected Stock, compiling many of the lntcst and newest designs of the European Manufacturers, nnd I am now prepared to take all orders for making up garments for gents In the lntcst styles. LADIES TAILORING: Having for seventeen years met with great success In Brooklyn, N. Y., In cutting and mnklng Ladles Jackets and Riding Habits, shnll be pleased to receive patronage from the ladles during the coming season. I am also prepared to receive orders for nil kinds of Uniforms and Smoking Jackets. 1029 N Street. rk vW ' Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. EST Horses Boarded and best of care taken of all Stock entrusted to us. .flg PRICES REASONABLE. BILLMEYER & CO.r Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Tolophono 435 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY or THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main linos, branches and oxtonslonB East and WoBt of tho Missouri Ulvor. Tho Dlraet Rmita tn nnd frnm rhinnnn Tnii. -.-JUt. Poorla, La Sallo. Mollno, Rpck Island, In IlililNOIS-Davon'port, MuBcatlnol Ottumwa, Oskafoosa, Dos Mplnos.WJntoraot, Audubon, Harlan, and Council Bluffs, and MISSOURI Oranha. Fuirburv. nnd Mnlunn lr Hutchinson. Wlohtla. BollovlUoT AblloHb',' OoTdwSir In KANsXa-Poncf jiou, ttiUBUOuoi, ruin uu, m wiu IMUliXIM TBUIU'1'OUX-BnQ OOlOradO Springs, Donvor, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FREE RoollntnBr Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and DodRO City, and Palaco Sloop Ingr Care botwoon Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Travoreos now and vust proas or rloh fanning and grazing lands, affording tho bost faollltlos or Intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and wost, northwost and Bouthwost of Chicago, and PaclUo and transoceanic Soaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Loading all competitors In splondor of oqutpmont, cool, well vontilatod, and JJP0. tm dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleopors, FREE Rocllnlntr Chair Cars, and (oast of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally botwoon Chicago. Dos MolnoB, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo Reclining Chair Car to North Platte, Neb., and botwoon Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denvor. and Puoblo, via St. JoBopb, or Kansas City and Topoka. Splendid Dining Hotols (furnishing meals at soaBonablo hours) wost of Missouri Rlvor California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTE8 to and from Salt "?& o,rd0.n'.-Port,1SJ,d7 Ii?B Angplos, and San Francisco. Tho DIRECT LINE to and from Pllco's Peak, Manltou, Qardon of tho Qods, tho Sunltarl ums, und Sconlo Qrundours or Colorado. " VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, SoHdJ?JK.9a,TJ:am8.dally botwoon Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THftOUOH Rocllnlng Chair Cars (FREE) to und from thoso points and Kansas City. Through Ohiitr Car and Sleopor botwoon Poorla, Spirit Lako, and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. Tho Favorlto Lino to Plpostono, Watori town, Bloux, Fulls, and tho Summor RoBorts and Hunting and FlBhlnir Grounds of tho Northwost. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers faollltlos to trnvol botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayntte, and Council BluffB. 8t. Josoph, Atchison, Loavonworth, Kunsus City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tlokota, Maps. Foldors, or dpBlrod Information, upply to any Ticket Olllco In tho United States or Cacada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, General Mansjer. OHIOAQO, IL,L. Qen'l Ticket ft Psm. Ar;:. Plumbing F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 536. 2,5 s. Eleventh St. LINCOLN, NEB Finest in the City IKTHE NEW Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple. : dfs v - v