CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1800. I!' (1 fat; P TALMAGK HOME AGAIN. HE RESUMES PREACHING IN BROOK LYN AFTER HIS FOREIGN TRIP. A I'liiTi'iTuI Sermon Drawn lrom Hid Omit llllilu llnuim of the llmi on the t Willi Wo Mint Oo to Owl for Salt, tlon. DnooKLYN, Fob. 0. Tlio Rov. T. Do Witt Tnlmngo, D. D., rmutnoilpivAcliliiRin Brook' lyn this morning, after his visit to tlio Holy Land, mid tlio Aciulomy of Mmlo wim crowded. Thousands of jwoplo wero not ablo to get Into tlio building. Tlio subjct of his i1Imxhiio was "Tlio IIoumi ou tlio Wall." Dr. Talnmgo took for his Uixt Joshua vl, 23: "And tho young mun that woro uplos went In and brought out Knliab, mid hor father, and her mother, and her brothrou, and all that xhu had." Ho said: When, only n fow woolen ago, I vlnltoil Jort clio I said, inn It bo pomlblo that this dilapi dated plnco U tho Jericho that Mark Antony gavo as a wedding present to CloopatrnJ Wlicro nro tho groves of palm trwsl Whom nro Herod's pulncoH which onco sUxkI horol Where is tho great theatro from tlio stngo of which Salome told tho pooplo that Herod was doom Whoro Is tho sycamoro treo on tho limb of which Kacchous sat when Josus pas-sod this plnco ( Whoro is tho wreck of tho walls that fell at tlio blowing of tho rams' horns I But tho fact that nil theso have dlxnpiwarod did not hinder mo from soolng in Imagination tho smash of ovory thing on tho fatod day, savo 0110 houso on tho wall. That scono cen turies ago comes back to mo as though it wero yoswruay. , A BAD HOUSK. Thero Is n very sick and sad houso In tlio city of Jericho. What Is tho matter I Is It povortyf No. Worso thnn that. Is It lep rosy I No. Worso than that. Is it death I No. Worso than that. A daughter has for saken hor homo. Jiy what infernal plot sho was induced to leavo I know not; but thoy look In vnln for her roturu. Sometimes thoy hoar a footstep very much llko hers, and thoy start up and say: "Sho comes I" but only to sink back again into disapolntmeut. Alasl Alas! Tho father sits by tho hour, with his faco In lib hands, Raying not ono word. Tho mother's hair is becoming gray too fast, nnd sho begins to stoop so that thoso who saw her only a little whilo ago in tho street know hor not now as she passes. Tho brothers clench tlioir fists, swearing vengeance against tho dcspoilcr of tholr homo, Alas! will tho poor soul novor como back I Thero Is a long, deep shadow over all tho household. Added to this thero is an in vading army six miles away, just over tho river, coming on to destroy tho city; and what with tho loss of tholr child and tho co til ing on of that destructive army, I think tho old pooplo wished that they could dlo. That is tho first scono in this drama of tho Ulblo. In a houso ou tho wall of tho city is that daughter. That is her homo now. Two splos havo como from tho invading army to look around through Jericho and wo how lost It may bo taken. Yonder is tho lost child, in that dwelling on tho wall of tho city. Tho polico hoar of it, and soon thero Is tho shuf fling of foot all around about tho door, and tho city government demands tho turreuder Of thoso two spies. First, llnhnb for time wasthonamoof tho lost child ilrst, Rahali secretes tho two spies and gets their pursuers off tho truck; but after awhile sho says to them! "I will nmko a bargain with you. I will wive your bfo if you will savo my llfo, and tho llfo of my father and my mother, ami -my brothers, and my sisters, w hen tho vic torious army comes upon tho city." O, sho had not forgotten her homo yet, you seo. Tho wanderer never forgets homo. Her heart brouks now us sho thinks of bow sho has mal treated hor parents, and sho wishes sho wero back with them again, and sho wishes sho could get away from her sinful enthrallment; and sometimes sho looks up in tho fnco of tho midnight, bursting into ngoulzlng tours. No sooner have theso two spies promised to savo her llfo, and tho llfo of her father, and mother, and brothers, ami sisters, than Italian takos a scarlet cord ami ties it around tho body of ono of tho splos, brings him to tho window, and as ho clambers out nervous lest sho have not strength to hold him with muscular arms such as woman seldom has, sho lets him down, hand over band, in bafotyto tho ground. Not being ox bausted, sho ties tho cord around tho other spy, brings him to tho window, mid just as successfully lots him down to tho ground. No sooner havo theso men uutied tho scarlet cord from their bodies than they look up, and thoy say: "You had bolter get all your friends in this houso your father, your mo ther, your brothers and your sisters; you bad hotter gut thorn in this house. And then, after you havo thorn here, toko this rod cord which you havo put around our bodies and tlo it across tho window; and when our vic torious army comes up, and sees that scarlet thread in tho window, thoy will spare this houso nnl all who aro in it. Shall it bo so" cried tho splos, "Aye, nyo," said Ilahab, from tho window, "it shall lo so," That is tho second scono in this Ulblo drama. Thero is a knock at tho door of tho old man. Ho looks up and says; "Como in," audio! there is Kabul), tho lost child; but sho has 110 time to tall;. Thoy gather in excitement around her, aud sho says to thom: "(Jot ready quickly, and go with mo to my houso. Tlio army is coming! Tho trumpet! Mako Inutol Klyl Tho enotnyl" That is tho third scene in this Ulblo drama. Tho hosts of Israel aro all around about tho doomed city of Jericho. Crash I goes tho great metropolis, heaps on heus. Tho air suirocatfng with tho dust, nnd horrible with tho screams of it dying city. All tho houses flat down. All tho pooplo dead. Ah no, no. On a crag of the wall tho only pleco of tho wall left Btandlng there Is a houso which wo must enter. Thero is a family thero that havo loou spared. Who nro thoy I Lot us go and soo. Iluliuh, her fa ther, her mother, hor brothers, her sisters, all safe, nnd tho only houso left standing in all tho city. What saved thorn I Was tho houso more llrmly bulltf Oh, no; it was built in tho most perilous place ou tho wall; and tho wall was tho ilrst thing that fell. Was it bocauso her cliuructur was any better than any of tho other imputation of tlio city I O, no. Why, then, was sho spared and all her household Can you tell mo why) O, it was tho scarlet lino hi tho window. That Is tho fourth scono in this Ulblo drama. When tho destroying angel went through Kgjptit was tho blood of tho lamb ou tho door M-.ta that sa vod tho Israelites; and now that ver geiiuco has como upon Jericho it is tho same color that assures tho safety of Ilahab and all her household. .My friends tluro are foes coming iihii us, more deadly aud more tremendous, to overthrow our immortal Interests. Thuy will trample us down and crush us out tul'ovur, unless there bo some skillful mode or ruirf'Uo upiu. Tho police ot death uhead) Ihjiii to clamor for our sur render; but, blessed lo Clod, theio is a way out. It is through tliowunlow, and by a iojmj so saturated with tlio Mood of tho cross that It Is as red as that with which tho spies wero lowered; aud if once our souls Mull ho do liveied, then, thosculletcord sliolchod across tho window of our iouk, wo may defy nil bomhurdmeut, euithly and S.itaule. Ill tho ilrst place, ivirryiug out the ld"a of my text, wo must stretch this scarlet cord ncross tho window of our rvscue. There coinos a tlmo when n man is surrounded. What (s that In tho frontdoor of bis soul It Is tho threatening of tho future. What Is that In tho back door of thesoull It Is tho sins of tho Nit. Ho cannot get out of either of those doorways. If ho attempt It ho will lw cut to plow. What slinll ho dot Kseuo through tho window of God's mercy. That sunshine has been pouring In for many it day, God's Inviting mercy. God's par dotting tnorcy. Godl nil conquering mercy. Owl's ovorlosting mercy. Hut you say tho window is so high. Ah, thero Is n rojio, tlio very ono with which tho cns and Its victim wero lifted, That was strong enough to hold ClirlH, and It is strong enough to hold you. Hear all your weight ukii It, all your hopes for this life, all your Iioch for tho llfo that Is to come. Kmiim now through tho window, "Hut," you saj, "that cord Is too small to savo mo; that salvation will never do ot all for such n sinner as I havo been." I supioso that tho rojw with which Ilahab let tho two spies to tho ground was not thick enough; but thoy took that or nothing, And, my dear brother, that is your alternative, Thero Is only ono scarlet lino that can snvo you. Thero havo Ixsm hundreds nnd thousands who havo lioen borne away in safoty by that icarlot line, aud it will boar you away in safoty. Do you notice what n vory narrow iwcnM those ples liadl I suppose inoy camo Willi uustcrvtl clieek ami with ex cited heart. Thoy had a vory narrow es cuw. Thoy wont in tho broad door of sin ; but how did thoy como out! Thoy como out of tho window. Thoy wont up by tho stoirs of stone; thoy camodown on a slender thread. And so, my friends, wo go easily and tin nbashedly Into sin, aud nil tho doors aro open; but if wo got out at all it will bo by being let down over precipices, wriggling nnd helpless, tho strong grip above keeping us from lielng dashed on tho rocks benoath. It Is oasy to got Into sin, young man. It is not so easy to get out of it. THE F1IIST BTKP. A young man goes to tho marblo counter of n hotel. Ho asks for n brandy smash called so, I suppose, because it smashes tho man that takes it. There is no intoxication in It, As tho young man receives it ho does not scorn to bo at all axcitod. It does not glvo nny glossiness to tho oyo. Ho walks homo In Iwautlful apparel, mid nil his pros jiocts nro brilliant. That drink is not going to dostroy him, but It Is tho ilrst step ou ft bad road. Years havo passed on, nnd I seo that young man after he has gone tho whole length of dissipation. It Is midnight, and ho Is in a hotel erhups tho vory one whore ho took tho ilrst drink. A delirium Is ou him. Ho rises from the bed utid comes to tho window, mid it is easily lifted; so he lifts it. Then Un pushes back the blinds and puts his foot on tho wludow sill. Then ho gives ono spring, nnd tho watchman ilnds his disllg urod body, unrecognizable, ou tho pavuinent. O, if ho had only watted n little it ho had como down on tho scarlet ladder that Josus holds from tho wall for him, aud for you, nnd for mo; but no, ho made one jump, aud was gono. A minister of Christ was not long ago dismissed from his dloceso for intoxication, and in a public meeting he gavo this account of his sorrow. Ho said: "I had a beautiful homo onco: but strong drink shattered It. I had beautiful children; but this (lend of rum took their dimpled hands in his and led thom to tho grave. I had a wlfo to know her was to love hor; but sho sits in wretchedness to-night, whilo I wundor over tho earth. I hud a mother, and tho pride of her life was I ; but tho thunderbolt struck her. I now havo scarcely a friend in tho world. Taste of the bitter cup I havo tasted, aud then answer mo ns to whether I have nny hatred for tho agency of my ruin. Hate itl I hate the whole damning "traillc. I would to God to-night that ovory distillery was in flames, for then in tho glowing sky I would write in tho smoko of tho ruin: 'Woo to him that putteth tho bottle to his neigh bor's lips!'" That minister of tho Gospel wont in through tho broad door of temptation; ho camo out of tho wludow. And when I see the temptations that are about us in alt coun tries, and when I know tho proclivities to sin in ovcry muii's heart, I see that if any of us escuixi it will be a very narrow escape. O, If wo havo, my friouds, got oir from our sin, lot us tlo tho ocurlot thread by which wo have been Hived across tho win dow. Let us do it in praiso of him whoso blood dyed it that color. Let it bo in announcement of tho fact that wo ihall no more bo fatally assaulted, "There Is now no condemnation to them that nro in Christ Jesus.'' Then lot all tho forces of this world como up in cavalry charge, and lot spirits of darkness come on nn infernal storming party attempting to tako our soul this rojw twisted from these words, "Tho blood of Jesus Christ clouiisoth from all sin," will hurl them back defeated forover. I'llOTKCT YOUll HOUHEIIOM). Still further, wo must take this led cord of tho text mid stretch it across the window of our households. When tho Israolltlsh army camo upugaiiLst Jericho, thoy said: "What is 'that in tho window" Some one said: "That Is a scarlet lino." "Oh," said somo ono else, "that must be tho house that was to lie spared. Don't touch it," That lino wus thick enough, and long enough, and conspicuous enough to save Ilahab, her father, her mo ther, her brothers nnd her sisters the entire family. Have our households as good pro tection) You havo bolts 011 tho front door and 011 tho back, and fastenings to tho win dow, and perhaps burglar ulnrms, aud per haps an especial watchman blowing his whistle at midnight before your dwell ing; but nil that cannot protect your household. Is there on our houses the sign of a Saviour's sacrifice and mercy) Is thero a scarlet lino in tho window) Havo your children been consecrated to Christ) Havo you been washed in the blood of tho atonement) In what room do you have family prayers) Show me where it is you aro accustomed to kneel, Tho sky is black with tho coming deluge. Is your family in sldi or outside of tho urkf It is u sad thing for a man to t eject Christ; but to Ho down ill tho night of sin, across tho path to heaven, so that his family como up nnd trip over him -that Is terrillc. It is it sad thing for a mother to reject Christ; but to gather her family U'ouud her, aud then lul.o them by tlio hand and lead them out into paths of worldliuess, uwuy from Clod auu heaeu, alasl alasl There may lie geranium ai d cactus In that family mudu, and upholstery hoverlug over it, and childish faces lool.iug out of it, hut there is no wurlot thread stretched across it. Although that house may seem to bo on the lior.t licet hi all tho town or city, it is really ou tho edge of a marsh, ui'ioss which sweep most poisonous malarias, nnd it has a sandy foundation, and its splen dor will como (low 11, and gi cat w ill bo the lull of it. A home without Ciodl A prnurle.-s lather I An uiulotoiit mother I Awful! i.wful! Isihul)otif Will i mi kcepuu,iuy brother, 011 the wrong road, aud take juur loved ones witli you) Time is so short that tru cannot waste any of it ouupologio, or In directions, or circumlocutions. Vou owo to your children, 0 father, O mother, more than food, more than clothing, mute than shelter you owe them tho oxmuplo of u prayerful, consecrated, pronounced, out aud cut Christian life. You cannot alford to kicn It u way Iro u them. Now, as I stand hero, you do not soo any hands i-itstrotchcd towards mo, nnd yet thero nro hni ds ou my brow nnd hands on both my shoulder. Tlioy nro hnnds of parental benediction, It Is cptlto n good many yejirs ngo now Mneo wo folded those hands im thoy began tho Inst tloop ou tho liauks of tho Rati tan, In tho village cemetery; but thoxo hands are stretched out towards mo today, mid thoy are Just as warm and they aro Just ns gentle as when I salon hr knoont flvo years of aga And I shall novor shako o(T thoso hands. I do not want to. Thoy hnvo holcd mo so much n thousand times already, nnd I do not oxjioct to havo n troublo or a trial between this and my grave whoro those hands will not help mo. It was not n very splen did home, ns Mm world culls it; but wo had n family Ulblo there, well worn by tender perusal: nml there wns a family altar there, where wo knelt morning nnd night; and there was a holy Hubbuth there; nnd sit etched In n straight lino or hung In looi or festoons there was a scarlet lino hi the win dow. O, the tender, precious, bhwsed mem ory of a Christian homo! Is that the Im pression you are making uxm your childrvnl When you are dead audit will not 1st long licforo you nro w hen you nro dead, w ill your child sayt "If there over was a good Chris tian father, mine was ono. If there over wns n good Christian mother, mine was oner' Still further! Wowoutthls scarlet Iluoof tho text drnwn across tho window of our pro H-ct. I seo Ilahab and her father, and her mother, nnd her brothers, nnd sisters looking out over Jericho, tho city of nhn trees, and ncrosH thu river, nnd over nt tho nrmy Invad ing, and then up to tho mountains and tho sky. Mind you, this houso was ou the wall, and I supjHwe tho prosjs-ct from tho window must havo boon very w Ida besides that, I do not think that tho scarlet Hue at all inter fered with tho view of tlio landscape. Tho assurance it gavo of safety must have added to the beauty of tho country. Today, my friends, wo sit In tho wludow of earthly pros Mta, and wo look oh towards the hills of heaven and the lundscaio of eternal lioauty. God has opened tho w Indow for us, nnd wo lookout. Wo now only got n dim outllnoof tho Inhabitants. Wo now only hero and there catch a note of the exquisite harmony, TlIK SOAtlLKT LINK AT TltK WINDOW. Hut blessed Ihj God for this scarlet lino in the window Thnt tells mo that thu blood of Christ liought that homo for my soul, and I shall go thero when my work Is done. Anil us I put my hand ou that scarlet lino, every thing In tho future brightens. My eyesight gets iwtter, and tho relies of tho victors nro more lustrous, and our loved ones who wont away somo time ago they do not stand any more with their backs to us, but tin ' faces nro this wny nnd their voices drop luiough this Sabbath nlr, saying with all tenderness nnd sweetness, "Como! Comol Come!" And the child that you think of only ns buried why, there sho Is, nnd It Is May day In heaven; nnd they gather tho amaranth, nnd thoy pluck tho lilies, and thoy twist thom into a garland for her brow, and she is ono of tho May queens of heaven. O, do you think they could see our waving today) It Is quite a pleasant day, pretty clear, anil not many clouds in tho sky. I wonder If thoy can soo us from that good land! I think thoy cun. If from this window of earthly pros pects wo can almost seo them, then from their towers of light 1 think they can fully seo us. And so I wave them tho glory, nnd I wave them tho Joy, nnd I say: "Huvo you got through with all your troubles)" nnd their voices answer: "God hath wlptsl a wny nil tears from our oyos." I say: "Is it us grand up there ns you thought It would lief" and tho voices answer: "Eye hath not seen nor our hoard, neither hath it entered Into tin heart of man, tho things which God hath pre pared for those thnt lovo him." I say: "Do you havo any more, struggle for broadt" and thoy answer: "Wo hunger no more, wo thirst no more" And I say: "Havo you liecn out to the cemetery of tho golden city!" and they answer: "There is no death hero." And I look out through tho heavens, nnd I say: "Where do you got your light from nights, nnd what do you burn In tho temple)" and thoy answer: "There is no night here, and wo havo no need of cuudlo or of star." And I say: "Wluit book do you sing out of)" nnd they unswer: "The Hnllolu jah Chorus." And I say: "In tho splendor nnd mnguillccnco of the city, don't you over got lost"nnd thoy answer: "Tho Lamb which is in tho midst of thu thronu Icndcth us to living fountains of water," O how near thoy seem. Their wings do you not feel thom I Their harps-do you not hear them) And nil that through tho window of our earthly prospects, across which stretchcth thoHcurlot lino. Bo that my cholco color forover. Is It too glaring for you) Do you llko the blue be cause It reminds you of tho sky, or tho green because it makes jou think of thu foliage, or tho black liecausti it has In It tho shadows of tho night) I take tho scarlet because it shall make mo think of the price that was paid for my soul. O thu blood I tho blood I the blood of tho Lamb of God thnt taketh away tho sin of tho world, I see whoro you nro. You nro at tho cross roails. Tho next step decides everything. Pause before you tako it; but do not jiuusotoo long. I hear tho blast of the triniict that wakes the dead. Look out! I)ok out ! For hi that duy, mid in our closing moment on earth, better than any other defense or barricade, however high rr broad or stujienilous, will bo one little, thlu, scarlet thread hi tho wludow. What it llllnd Man Accomplished. Tho Berkshire County (Mass.) Knglo gives nn interesting account of tho achievements of Dr. ICdwnnl L. I'lunliett, who died nt his residence hi Now York city ou tho 10th tilt. Ho wns a native of Pitthfleld, his father, who died ninny years since, having boon a wealthy nnd influential citizen, While at Lafuyotte college, Hasten, Pa., in lbT'J, tho son liecumo blind. He was 1 years old. Instead of fall ing back ou tho abundant means of tho fam ily, ho resolved to study medicine. Tho un dertaking doubtless seemed to many to be preposterous, but ho wus admitted to tho Collego of Physicians and Surgeons in Now York, went through tho course and took the degree of M. D. His success was duo to tho assistance of ht devoted mother, a lady of suorior intelli gence und uttulnments, who followed up the son's attendance on tho lectures w lth reading to him by duy and by night tho necessary books, Witli determined purjioso ho memo rized what ho heald, nnd his delicate sense of touch enabled him to become familiar with tho various parts of tho body as they were placed in Ins hands after dissection. Ho 1k enmo n private Instructor of medical students who wero at tho sumo time going through tho college com ses. In ttio last year no less than thirty students wim had been his pupiU hi this collateral way weio graduated from tlio college. There is a species of acacia whioh Is com monly culled the ungr) tioe. It reuehes tho hfllfl of luht feet utter a rapid growth, and somewhat rerumliles tho century plant, (hie ot ttioMi cuuuus plants was brought from Australia ami set out m Virginia, Nov., where it has lieen seen by many )ersons. When the sun sots tho leaves fold up and the tender l n is coil tightly, llko a little pig's lull. If tlio hoots aiu handled the leaves i ustle anil move uuuusiiy fur a time. If this queer plant is removal from one spot to an it hor it bcems angry, mid tlio leave stand nut in all directions like quills ou u porcu-Ji.ue. ODDS AND ENDS. Hy tho now route via Ilrltlsh America it will lw possible to go from l-ondmi to Yoko hama In t wen ty-tlirisi days. A lens hold proorty In Woreiwtcrshlro wns sold a fow dnys ago which Is held for n term of 'J.tXO ymrs f rom KM) A. D., so that tho lease still lias 1,711 years to run. It is claimed that phosphate Is found In only three places throughout tho UnlUsI Stales South Carolina, Now Mexico and Florida, In Now Mexico It is nlmilt oxhniisUsl, while in Florida it Is more extensive than In South Carolina and assays W ht cent more. A pancake machine has Isvtt Invented tube placed on tho table. Turning it handle grinds out a batter between metal rollers that aro kept hot by n lamp nod doMmlts tho enkes, brown nnd warm, us they nro tussled. A squirrel was killed recently on Its way from n grain field liiHnn Joaquin valley, Oil., nnd ou examination of Its touchot they wero found to contain HIO grains of wheat, which goes to show how much damage n fow of these animals can do, A Cincinnati man who has proHcrvod a rec ord of SA) railroad accidents Impelling In this country In the past your, ilnds thnt only thlr tisui out of tho lot occurred from can) lie yond human control. In the Iloyal alncont Athens u triumvi rate of chefs relgu In the culluury legions, Ono of thom, a mnster of tho Danish cuisine, cooks specially for King George; tho mvoikI, equally up In Kussluu cookery, cooks for Queen Olgn; whilst tho third, a Parisian cor don bleu, cook u In Frnnculso for those state dinners at which Isith king nnd queen nro priso'iit us to) ul hosts, Olllclal notice has lioen sent to nil the for eign legations In Constantinople, warning tourists in Turkey In Asia not to tako nny rl lies, revolvers, wearing uppurcl, sliver coins, plcttitos, liooks or mauuwrlpts In tholr ptw Mission, ns nil such things will I hi i-onflscntisl by the custom houses. All Mlltlcnl mutter will lw taken nwny on the plea that It may refer to tho religious or political jysteni of Turkey. An absent minded German professor wus ono clay observed walking down the street with ono foot continually In tho gutter, tho other on the pavement. A pupil imsitlug him saluted him with: "Good evening, herr pro fessor. Howuroyoui" "I wns very well, I thought," unsworcd the professor, "but now I don't, know what's the matter with me. For the last half hour Pvo lieen limping," A largo class of nppllcauts for teachers' k sitlons assembled lu tho rooms of the Santa Clara (Oil.) school suMTluteudeut last woe It. Thoy were set to work on tho examination luors, nnd all wont smoothly until this ques tion cropsl up In thu history division: "What wns tho name of the head steward of Stan ley's exploring arty, and wns ho any rein tlon to the nuns-T of Swntf" The wholo class silently left the room, nnd walked out In tlio drizzling rain to cool oh. Tlio co-oj)erutlvo hukcrioti created by tho Belgian lalior party aro extraordinary evi dences of tho siwor of organization. At Ghent the workmen have built, for it cost of 7,UX), the most jierfect liakery of Belgium, where W,()00 quartern loaves are turned out every wcck.nud outof tho i:il,(XX) inhabitants of Ghent lM,txrj belong to this institution. At Brussels the Maison ilu People bakes ito.OtK) st week, and nt Jollmcnt 8,000 loaves per duy There are probably more flowers sold In Franco on Now Year's day than ou uny other day hi tho year, for gifts of flowers nro al most do rlgueur among nil those who aspire to a place lu "high life." But there Is a general complaint this year that the "whiter flower" nro leeoml!ig more cxHiuivo than over, nnd that even hi tho sunny south, where most of them nro said to huvo their homo, natural violets nru sold nt ten times tlio price Mild for tho crystallized violets which are n n favorite bonbon. Springvlllo, Utah, Is on joying it genuine sen sation over it wonderful musical clock owned by Mrs. Martha Stevenson, of that place, ac counts of which have appeared In the Prove papers. Mrs. Stevenson says: Tho whole thing Is uusccountablu to me. I havo had tho clock for seventeen years, and novor sus pected It had any muscicil tendencies until Nov. 1. Ou thnt day mi enlarged ortrultof my son Charles, w ho was killed hy Indian in Arizona, was hung lu tho room where tho clock wns. Shortly afterward the clock be gun playing of its own volition, mid bus con tinued to do bo over since. It has Iksjii care fully examined by several persons, and the question ns to how the muslo is produced still remains a mystery. I'chImkI)- Iloinr In rails. Workmen's dwellings on tho I'eulxxly prin ciple have lieen opened hi Paris under tho au spices of tho Prince d'Aronburg and tho memlH'rs of thu Philanthropic society. The funds for the purpose como from a legacy of i'ii.tXX) licquoathed to tho "kk)- of Paris" by the banker M. Arinuud Heine, who died it few jcurs ngo. Tho Philanthropic society has already built a house with tho moiioy lu tli Ituo Jeanne d'Arc, nnd tho dwellings ojien s tho other duy nro on the Boulevard doG-o-nelle, thounrtmeutsor "rooms" lielng rented nt 10 to 11 a year, whereas some hi the other tenements may lie had at a rental of u llttlo over iMk Tho sanitary arrangements lu these cites ouvrieres are much Isjtter than in other parts of Paris, where tho working classes mid tho utterly Indigent live almost side hy vide, and in this Important matter hints havo Imuii borrowed from the Iiudon dwellings erected under thu terms of tho Pea lsly trust ft. is, in tho meantime, devoutly to lie hoied thut the Societe Fhilanthroplquo will extend itsojieratlous to other mulodoroui iuetro)olituu districts liesldes Grenello, for such places us tho Heights of Moutmurtre, Belleville mid Menilmoutnut uudoubtly would derive much hygienic benefit hy the destruction of tho "Jerry built" and fever huuuted tenements which nro numerous in llieso localities and by tho erection of more olid nnd salubrious dwellings lu their stead. Purls Cor. Loudon Telegraph. ICiilnr.tlls. It is said that 010 inches of ral fell in one your nl I'herriiisingeo, tropical Asia. Twi hiiuilusludd lift) -four iiH-hosof rulnfall ha Us'ii recorded in ono eur nt Miihnbuleswher, in the western GhuuU of India At Vera ( i uf. Mexico, 'J7S Inehui of ruin has fallen. I i Mutoiiln Uuiidcloiinc, West Indies, Wl i'.c ics have fnllun. At Kan IMiisde Maruu haul, lii'.ail, n) inches Imve lieen lecordisl t Sierra 1.00110, tropical Africa, iil'J niches utv lieen noted ri,,. annual rainfall m the llri'iU Islands, iinmug th mountains, U -II, ou tlio plain. '.Jl luciie.. f. inches ,,f ruin fall-on tue j,t suhxif Kn;laud. 'J7 ou the sisi idi. Higtit -two Inches of inui fl l .in pil'U of tho West side of the Scnildi i UN. hi mountains, and only 'Jl inches at Mo-1, hoi m, on tho oust sido. Tho amount of ran fall nt Boston is .T.I inches; Hunow-r, N II , Ms inches; Now York, I'M inches. .Vow Monrulnc .lewelrj. Black onyx with a dead IhiUh is used for mourning. It upiienr. lu tho double violets, pansles nnd buttercups that are so erfecty reproduced in enamels, Diamond center and (Iowdrow are used In tho same manner on the black Jewelry ns ou tho colored. AwmlriMk TrHVolsrs, Acinlous phenomenon of nature was wit iicsmvI near here Inst ulp,ht by the wtctigcrs on tho not lb hound passenger train ou the llouslo'i mid Texas Central, which muses this xihit ut 1'ii'in, in, It was In the form of a luminous arch of phosphoric or olcctrlcnt character. Such phenomena nro of frispirnt occurrence nt sm, but are almost unheard of on Iniul, The luminous mist was Ilrst ob served by the engineer, when It was still sev eral hundred yards ahead of the train, nnd thinking It n prulrlo lire, ho slowed up, thus urousltig thnpiLSMitiKors, who, with tho crew, crowded to the windows nnd on to the plat form to look nt the vast, IiuoIcm rainbow iniilng the heavens. As tlio nrch was more closely npprouchtsl Its dim, white radiance was sis'ii to lie clearly defined against tho sky us though nilntsl there by the sweep of a brush dlpsl lu white fire, Tho stars could Is) seen shining close ngnluit the rim of It, nnd nil around nnd under the arch. Tlio hnHi, us near as could I hi gmwod at, was half n mile In diameter, though It wsmiisl urndimlly widening nnd wns lu form tho half of n crfcol circle, one leg resting on tho earth, while the other nponred to hnvo lieen broken olT near the base. The nrch rose directly over the track, and us the train npprouchisl It seemed to gather a quicker tincture of luster, as of tho diamond or some clear, glittering stnr, though it threw no gleam Umiu tho nlr Isiyoml II own Irrlda tlon, us could bo sismi by Ihiislais shining In close proximity to It, When the train wimsI directly under tho bridge of light, the sur rounding country snnnisl by It Wumo plainly visible, npourlug to lm hat Ins 1 In mlo moonlight, A curious feature of thu liimlnimlty wns thnt while It gave all object a weird, unreal aiqiccl, tho shadows which Itculistsl them to throw weio black nnd us clearly defined as silhouettes, lu it fow minutes after thu train paswsl under the arch It seemed to fade uwuy, melting gradually Into tlio starlit sky. The night, us will U) remembered, wns fair nud fogless. There was no moon, so tlio arch must have been self luminous. Hourno (Tux,) Dlsiutch In Atlanta Constitution. Three Parallel Ktorle. Julius Ciesur, when landing on tho coast of Africa, stumbled ns he leiissl from his boat nud fell. To disabuse the minds of his sol diers of the siqicrstltlouN Impression tho acci dent might otherwise hnvo produced, ho Im mediately exclaimed! "Thus, land of Africa, I tako possession of thee I" Words almost oxactly similar have Iran put by the chroni clers into the mouths of two of our medhuval heroes. When William the Conqueror, disembark ing in the Buy of Pevensey, descended from his grent galley, tho Morn, ho missed his footing, nud fell forward with both hands on the ground, luninsllately his soldiers sent up n despairing cry of "(lod help as I God preserve list This is a fatal sign," But Will iam, with his usual prenonco of mind, ex claimed a ho sprang to his feat: "Par In I'esplendur Del By tho splendor of G(l, what nils you) I hnvo token seisin of this land with my two hands, and so much ns there Is of it shall bo yours." Tho ready teply greatly cheered his soldiers, ono of w horn, rushing forward, plucked some thatch from acoltuge roof and placed II, lu theduke's hands ns seisin of Ktiglaud aud nil within Its Isirders. "1 accept it," said William, "nnd may 01 lie with us I" In IIUOKdwurd III landed atSulnto Vaste, ou the const of Normandy, to undertake tho cauqxilgii which culminated In the great vic tory of Cressy, and drew from it similar acci dent an equally prosorous augury. "When the licet of the king of Kngluiid," said Frols sart, "took ground lu the Bay of Li Hogue, ami was nil anchored on tho smids, the king sprang from his ship, and ns ho put his foot to earth fell so rudely thnt the blood Mowed from his nose. Then hi knights, who weie close at hand, surrounded him and said. 'Dear sir, return to jour shlpaud do not lund yet awhile, for this to u bud sign for you Whereupon tlio king replied: 'Nay, hut It it a very good sign, for tho earth desires me,' At this answer nil wore rojolcod." Montreal Stor. He lilt Too Hard. I was taking my usual afternoon plunge In the salt witter baths at the Produce Kx change the other day, said a broker friend yesterday, mid was amusing nnsolf watch lug the antics of it couple of small boys who were Indulging lu n spurring exhibition, ol which their father wns the lustlgutor nud referee. Thoy weio sturdy little fellows, aged uliout 8 mid 10 rosiectlvel.v, uuil were typlcnl representatives of the Now York loy of toduy. Among tho other onlookers wns n muguKlceiit specimen of physical develop ment, who, nfter applauding a particularly clover "counter" on tho purt of ono of the Inds, asked If ho could not como Into the game. His challenge Isdng promptly ac cepted by tho smaller of tho laughing pugll ists, he plumiKsl down on his kness and the combat began. Tho giant seemed to enjoy the fun, as he entered Into tho sxrtwith the enthusiasm of n schoollKiy. "Ohf" he cried, "you hit too hard," us tho llttlo fellow landed ou hit jaw. L'ucouragod by thu plaudits of the fow onlookers, nud gaining additional coiifldenct from tho evidently craven character of lib antagonist, tho young athlete went In for n knockout. A moment later, nud nil wiu over. The big fellow lay on his back crying for mercy, nud the victor was rewarded with cheers, After a flnul plunge over) body drcssis! and ns the rivals again met nt tho cashier') desk ono of the nttuchos camo over to the father of the boys ami said, in an uwisl wins pur, "Do you know who that Ug man Is, sir'' "No," answered tho gentleman, with a broud smile, "Who is hof" "Why, that's John L. Sulli-nn."-Now York Star. llii)liiC Women' Shoe. Tho most tedious customer for a salesman to como lu contact with is a husband Iiiimuk sho -h for his wlfo. Ho comes Into I he stor. baldly and makes known his wants, hut wuen it comes to picking out n pair of shoes that would suit ho is unable to make a decl-.Mii Ho asks numerous foolish question uIhuii t1 stylo, lit, price, etc., and in nrmy wns si.. , Ills Ignorance of what his wife wear u-i I i s Incapacity for the task of but in,; w n shoes, lu neurit ewry Instance nf . i i stock Is pulled down mid thorwii , , ,, iucd, and a brief tr told uliout e. the huslKiuiI-biiying-liis-wife'k-h , back with u sigh, u)iug: ' w j know better thmi I, and suppose . ijuikiie out a nice pair." This 1. i-uil .1 mil the shoes lire st-ut out, but the s .hn i. i . tuin t.) Jts them ngalii U'oiioi..i. i.liiui please, and not mam dins w.,,,1 til" Hlfj is Ijuik t" I i inline I I the I'rst trouble Is iiii.i i.f t. Shot DeuhrinSl. Ljiii-UIoU ! ., r TVs Catholic population in tois. un' "stlmuied at 5,:J0I...; aud t i u ,, priest is placed nt It!? '.',1 Jo i u I 0.U37 mviiIuiv The alien i 7,l'.'Ui . . 'J, 71s st itloii and !..)'. ciiajs'ls. Ti.-re ur. '.Hj jrphan asylums, imij for, It I est. Minted. ','H orphun. There nro IHJ tins logical seuiin iries, with'll students ','5 collides uuil (kl'J ncndcmies. Mid ii.'JOO lul schools, with u'd.tsib pils. WAITED! Everybody to examine the plans and standing of the Un ion Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, before insuring. It has the lowest continuous death rate of any company. Realizes the highest rate of interest on in vested assets which enables it to pay large dividends. Policies incontcstibo and non-forfoilnbfo after third vear. The Union Central issues endowment policies at ordi ary life rates; these policies are now maturing and being paid in from one to two years earlier than time estimated by the company. They protect the family and estate during the younger years of life, and the insured in old agejit regu lar life rates. Other desirable policies issued. Call on us or write for plans. J. M. KDMIHrON, titntt Aytnt. (I. T. CD" JS'elfclior. Hoom a Burr Block, LINCOLN, NEB. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies and Children's - Hair - Cutting ASJ'JJC.AI.TY. COR 13 & (I .VIS., NliW 11UUR HL'K Roberts & Co, 212 North i ith Street, Undertakers andEmbaliners. Telephones. Ollice i.f 5. Residence t 56 Open Duy nnd Nlgnt. E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. ERED. E. THOIAS, DNDEETAKER ANI- Funeral Director. 121 S- 12th St. Lincoln, Neb, sOtJIt NRWI IlftttftNollfl I 'Onl.1 Walrbl t north fl I OO.OO. ti I Inttrtiln lh world I'trfMl tlntfr Warririi4l.MF7, i4fiti nuiuinir rata. llluiU Udi (tali .(. 'wlih work ml cun r frOU) Villi ()MK t-IKIOMln ra r Vxalllf can attur on 11 1'l. tofftlltrr Mflh our litfi a)uabtll!iofllmj.rliiitil tiimnli'ft, TbrM MttittUi. wall , tlipwanli ' fir" All Ilia work you v 1mI it I 1 yd tii iu rail vour frlniia k . .1 ut to. itiata.Maiartaulta In fa .bl. fr i-1 . li ih ( ftir rar t-tiurlartl, u Hi m .a -ur riai 1 W'inl 'iiu frvirbl tlr Altar f uki w 1 1 ul 1 ilk '1 l in h rk rr ui u run ttrn" m JO MIlO . a a ' u, ward. Ulri.i, Hllnauii .V 4 o , H.ix lJ I'm ilmitl, Muliic, m 1 if i njny'fyirT niL.0.. CDCCafC JSmjMJSA IHW mmxiUmmj inmnnw s. 3 r .miTrs.i0 1 jc ft I'." jr i , t; sx-umjr r ur?-jermarjriirjr .e. nat&L4ZiL0Lm 'n.7?mz:er- ""iliH -Mfr- R I t LI I ,