CAPITAL CITY C0UK1ISK, bATURDAV, FEBRUARY 15, 1890 v h I. $ l. k y I 4 1 i B ' r fl 1 5 ' firri uwu.y) 'Milwaukee, &0trML mA Owns ntiil operates 5.600 miles (if tliiirnitllj nulpptvt ro,u! Ill Illinois. Wlseonslll, Iiiwn, Missouri, Minnesota nnd liuKotii. It In tliv Most Direct Knuli) tetw..n nil the lrlnoliil Points In tlio Northwest, Southwest ml HnrWest. . r'or maps, tlmo tables, niton of ihishoko mill freight, etc., apply to nearest station intent ol OlIIOAlin, MlI.WAUKKK A HT. I'AUI. HAM wav, or to iiny ltiillruiul Auont nnywhero In lOlu'bKlt. A. V. II. OAUPKNTKU, (lenrml MVr. Ocu'l Pas. A Vict Ant. K.TUl'KKir, OKI). II. IIKAKI'OHI), Vs.tleu Mitr. Asst. l. P.AT. Aul Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ttt'Vnt Inforiimtlon In roterenre to '.amis hiiU Towns owncii uy mo i ihciikii, .'iiiwuu. nd To kc A Ht. nun ltanwny i-uiupnny.wnu m u. O. Hauoan, Until eoiniullnner,Mlllwnulcee Wisconsin. FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO- AtchUon, Leavenworth, St. Joscph,Knnsn City, St. LouU and nil I'olnU South, East and Went. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons Wlchltn, Hutchinson and nU pilnclpnl point In Kansas, The only roiul to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pullman Sleeper and Free Reclining Chair Can on all trains. H. G. HARM, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. Gcn'l Agent Cor. O and !3th Street. ON SALE TO jLL Principal Points EAST, WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH -AT 1044 O STREET. E. B. SLOSSON, City Passenger Agent. nuniiiiininnnHHH Tiito SOCIAL AND lMCIISOKAL. Al Kalrhrother get '"" tlio following In the HWif fniii'n eolreo )oti "A Hastings mhtUi1iii outhorlty for thin remarkable sinteincnti 'Hftmtor Timgurt announces that ho will positively Iki n I'linilldiitii before tlm t-fiiuhllcau cotiviintlou for lo-cloctlou to tlm statu senate,' Ah there will bo no siibmMon ipiestlon next year, Mr. Tuggart, If elected, would not lo obliged to go to Hunt lug nml I1I1I0 In nil Ice house wIhmi tlm ma chine registered two d-igreo lieloiv rtro." Mr. nml Mm. J. W. Taylor of Philadelphia were Kiiniliiy gtnst of J, II. Ma.M 111-try. They ntopiM-il In Miicolu 011 their way out fiom t'olitiniln Hprlugs, whom limy visited Mm. nml .Miss Mo.M ill ly. Mr Taylor In business malinger of tlic Plillitih Iphla Time. Monday uminhig lin vllted tlm Ileal Estate Exchange, nml In 11 nlioit pcccligiiMi n Muttering opinion of Lincoln I.. Wciwol, Jr., 11 young innn who linn Hindu lii lunik InuoMiru Jmiinnlmn nn ulltnr of tint Capital I Itv CmmiKUnt Lincoln, Nth. , mnl 11 former rcHlthut of Philadelphia, In vis Mug curly boyhood scene In this city, lln guil of IiIm uncle, (I Goldsmith, mill North .Sovmtcon street. Philadelphia Call. Tlio HtMiimoiH lici-oio dull linn cloctiHl tlm following nuw olllii-rn: W. J, Hohlunini, liou nnililo pi(xilittnti 'I. N. King, pnnt picililont; Tlinmiin Tt'iimlnli, proflilunl; Hon Hnwln, trciHiiriT, (I. W. Covt-it, NH'intnry. Mr. Hi'iiuuonn linn iinnoiiiu-oil hln inti'iitloii of put ting up 11 cli'iniplonnlilp cup. ".linlgo" H V. IColloy, now n ntuilont In O. M Uuiilivrtnoii'n (illk-o, wi-ut to Onmlia .Mon ilny toget tlmnlKUiiturnf (lrniini llmrown to I If Ht ltion for 11 writ of Imlioixt corpnn tlint Mr. IitimlHirtmm hn nlnco enrriod to vah Inglon Tlio ) (mug ImiIIch' lilnli-llvr eluh will tmot thin uvcnliig tlth MIkn Mmllm I'll like, lly a M(lnlntii'tch of nwcpIucmm tlm liojn will hj iillownl to h prrnout. Clmili-n 1. Joiich roliirm-il Monday from n wirk'n vlxltnt Ctilnr ilnplds, Iown. Ho nn ncvouii!iiiltil hy liln motlior, whoio lioinu In nt Ohknh, WIkimiihIu. John Knlilli'lil lift yt-ktenlny font vlnltnmr llloouilui(tou, III. Tliln KiM)iinl linn Ihh'ii In tyiHi niieu or twliv heforo, hut Juck wiyn It In 11 nui o go tliln 1 lino. Tlio cinployra of tlio Lincoln Street tnllwny iirovonteil Kx-Siipu K. L Wtwllny Inst Hntur- day night with u xllvcr U:a xervico nnd n wolf Kklu rug, - J. 11. Ilnggnr him loculvod n gold homled enno from Fnrrngiit iHwt, O, A. H for lilt norvlco an chalrmnu of tlio relief coiumlltuo. h Meyer U hi Now York on hln niinunl nprlng purcliaslng trip. Hn will vMt Wiwli lugtou on his wny Ixick. O. M. ImbMtnon left Monday for Wash ington to secure, n writ of IiiiIkhih ivrpun for Grandpa lhirrown, V. Morton Smith went to Omaha Monday taneoJoo JoTemon mid Hilly Florenco In 'Iholtlvnln" Tho lawyorg will have their hunipiot nrter nil. Tlm !3Ut 1ms lieuu llxil on for tho date. Mrs. II. S. Doll lian been entertalul.ig MUi Magglo Jonoi of Mendvillo, l'a. Mhn Ilao l)urgiM of Fremont wan n Sun il'iy guent of Mnttlo Mnrshall, Mm. Wm, Sharploy of Denver has been visiting Mm, John Halnliery. Karph Winger drew tho small utovo left over from tho O. A. H. fair. Mm. Fred Funko left Monday for Lan Vo gun, Now Mexico. Mr. and Mm. Carl Funko aro visiting nt Newoik, Ohio. Mih. Mnson Gregg returned Satunlny from Now Orleiuin, Niaungor MclteynoliU tipeut Sunday In ICuusas City. lOthor Social News on Pago 8. A lloy'n Knmiy on OlrU. Girls is gruto on making bleovo. Sho wilt bleovo u doll U a live Ixiby. She will nmko bloovo sho is oi-full Huet on nuotlier girl or feller. If they come to eo her, and whon thoy aro gono sho will wy, "Horrid oldthlngl" Olrln Is ohvnvs fooling n foller. Sim cnii't lick yor, ho shu ceU tlio iK-st of yer that wny. If ycr don't do wlmt n girl tells yer, hIio nnj-n yer horrid. Pd rather ho horrid than ho soft. If ycr d u hat a girl tells yer, yer will do nil sorts or foollnii things. Girls can lie good In school every day if thoy feel Uko it, I tthud think they ould git tired nnd have to do Hiiucthing wonco in n while; 1 know a feller tloes. Girls Kay fellem neU nrfull, but whon a girl gltn n going it she nets ortler than any feller dursL They don't care for niithlng. If a girl wants n feller to carry her Iwoks home, sho nln't outlined unless sho Kits the name feller the other girls want, whether sho likes him or not. Girls Is grate on having secrete. I mean, telling secrets. Tliey mako a secret of nuth ing at all, nnd thnn tell it round to r.U tint other girls orfull ipilet, just nn If It wus sum thing dredful. I bleeve n girl likes to innko bleevo they aro doing hUuithiugdredful. Glrl olwayn gli their joggvrfry lenviiis better than n f -Her, but If they are going any where thoy don't know their way n bit, and they are sure to git lost, If two folium ha- u lite, the clrln all co for tho feller what Hex, no matter whether he Is good for unythlug el-e or not. If a girl don't leel like doing a tliluir, you can't nmko her. no matter whether she hud orter or not. If she won't she won't, and the will git out of ItHomohow. Perhas tho r.-mk-is of tho CouuiKii would llko to know In wlmt respect Chamberlain's Cough Ilemotiy in lietter tlmn miy other. Wo Will toll you: When thin reimdy Is tiifcui as directed, ns soon an cold hnn Uvu coutructed, and before It hi lH.-eoinoKvttlediutliesHioiii, it will counterant tho ellect of tho cold, and greatly leson lu wvorlty, it not effectually cuie tho cold in twodayn time nnd it is the only remedy that will do thin. It ncU lu r fect harmony It It uaturu and aids nnturo in relieving the lungs, opening tlio secretions, liipiefying tho mucous and causing iU expul sion from the air cells of the lungs and rector Inulhe system to a strong nnd healthy condi tion. No other remedy in tho m irkot He h the) romnrkable picperties. No other lll cure a cotd a quickly or leave thevybtem In us sound a condition. 60 cent nnd il Ixit tles for bale by A. L. Bliuder. Dr. C. U. Manning, olllco rooms t)0-07-0s llurr block. Telephone 3!I0. Hesldence Cor. 30th and F. Telephone iSIO. The nobbiest turnouts that are seen on ou thoroughfares aro from tho 1'aliico bUibles. Telephone No. 4155. Stables on M street o pohlteMfibonlo temple. Hook i.rdom ahead for Sunday livery In order to get a rig at the Pahco Stables. Tho best place lu tho city of Lincoln to get good Uxird is at Brown's cafe. You have a great vmlety to select from and the prices are ruusonuble. A I'rrlty Woiimii' Trlok. Can you Imagluo n woman becoming an in Tollil to bo economical! Thoro is n bright woman hero lu Now York who has put her self on tho sick lint thin winter to navo money. HIio In really not very strong looking, mid alio wild sho could not lienr tho strain of worrying as to how sho should get now gowns for tho Patriarchs' nnd tlm Aw-oinhly nnd tho 1 liter cut private hnlln. Hho hail a great many hnuilnomo dinner dniwn, velvets, sliks nnd hrocmlm, mid with tho help of n clovor Ilttlo French woman mid tlm iimiof nlotof Inconud fur Irlii'iulngn, thoy linvo all been nltered into tlm iwwt (dclilng of tea gowns She no longer linn u dny "ut home," lint every ovon lug liotHci'ti A nnd Cher frlondn drop hi mid wo her to cheer her up a blU She iiinkea n lovely picture. HIio rente on n lonngo with live or six soft satin pillows behind her, so that really she In half Mtling up. Homo ono of her girl friends nerve tho tea, and tlio plm-o of honor In -i low stool iM-nldo tlio In vnlid's couch, where, over tho fragrant cup, her nyuiptomn aio detnlltxl to thosyiiiHitlietlo listener. HIik iill tell you that she can't go out i illiiliei-H, or to dances, or the omrn, hut tho doctor iK-rmlte her to go to tho thentro, Ik-oiuivi there she In mutined without making exertion or wenrjlng hermilf. If you nrti ii mmi mid haven't a bricklint wlieio your heart ought to ho, you volunteer to get up n theatre party, mnl you give a lovely supier iiflurHiird. Hlioeujoyn It lot ineiiM'ly, ami you fulrly blunli with delight wheiislm tells you Hint It's tlm Ih-st time sho hnn been able to eat anything with any plonn ll re the entire whiter, but sho hnn enjoyed this supper, It's k) well cIiohoii, To snvo yoursoul you can't help bending her a basket of fruit tho next day. You don't know exactly w lint's the matter with her, but you think It's kohio thing connected with her heart, Tho funny part of the whole thing is that tho Ilttlo wo man It such a natural actroMiMliols legiuuiug to bollovo her own story, Now York Hun. lutnrent In IViulnliio AtliliitU-n. lo show tnkon by Now Yorkers in feminine athletics it Is only iiccoKsnry to state that 1,2-VJ ooplo by netuul count parsed Into the Uerkeley Iullen' Athletic club, which wnn formally ojieuetl recently. Most of these jieoplo were well known soeiuty folks. There won Sirs, Whitney, small, plain, lady like, lu dark green with n wlillovesU There wan Mm. Cleveland, who looked rather palo, In mi oxquMto ciirl gray cloth costume mid bonnet. There was lusthutle Annlo Jennoss Miller lu black, ami her cluirmhig sister, whom pretty faco looked out from under an enormous lint loaded with feather. There wiu Dr. Mary Putnum Jacobl, small, Intel lectual of face, the Mimrtent woman doctor lu Now York. Theie wero Hu.wjll Hngo and Mm. Hnge, Mr, and Mm. IjoxIh Tiirnny mid score of otherx. Graceful girls, erect, lltho, with the glow of health In their faces, re ceived the gueote and (minted out tlm various attraetloun. A committee of ladle receiveil the guests at the door of the reception room and pushed them on to these delightful guides. Trim, dark eyed Mis. White, wlfu of tlm president of tlio Herkeloy Lyceum : graceful MU Elliott, the teacher of all thoxi wonderful ort; Dr. Mury L. UiMell, the physical director, mid Jolly, bustling Molly llnulilus, the na-rotary of the club, mode every ono ut homo. The reception room was beautifully decorated Willi ferns and plants, mid Is furnished in terra cottn nnd old i-omi. There In a splendid swimming bnth done in English tiles. There are bowling halls mid billiard rooms, and all tho modern ntulctlc Improvement with which tho snugger Now York girl will emulate, her rothur or her admirer. Chicago Herald. Golden Lump Worth 870,000. Tho Interior of the grand cathedral In the City of Mexico Is, even at tho present day, after having been biiccossively plundered, most mngnillceuU It conUilun live naves, six altars mid fourteen chapels, which contain the Iwnos of mjiiio of tho viceroys mid departed great men of Mexico. "Tho Glory of tho Caiwla," Virgin and revered sniuts were (minted by celebrated artists. A balustrade surrounds the choir of n metal so rich that an offer to replace it with ono of equal weight lu bolld silver was refused. This weighs twenty-six tons, nnd canio from China in tho old days of Spanish dominion, when tho richly freighted gnlleon of Spain bent their cargoes overland from Acapulco to Vera Crux on the wny to the mother country. The high altar was formerly the richest in the world, and yet retains much of Its origi nal glory. It contained candlesticks of gold so heavy that alugloouo was more than a man could lift, chalices, cruets and pyxes of gold encrusted w 1th precious metal studded with emeralds, mnethysts, rubies nnd sap phires, Tho statue of the assumption (now uiMng) was of gold, ornamented with diamonds, and Is bald to have cost $1,000,000 There was a golden lain), valued at $70,000, which it coot ut ono tlmo $1,000 to clouu, but, according to a French writer and tho Joke is his tho Liberal troojw cleaned It for nothing, and it has not been seen slnco. Exchange, Ladles may order an thing lu the procory Him by telephone (11)8) of the Gullck Hnkery nml deieud ou netting the best nt iotonable rices delivered at their door. Ojs'eis are hervod at Hrown's cafe in eeiy style. Onlem llllisl on fhort notice, Slinkeqiem o i-ompletn nnd a j ear's sub-crlp-tlon to tho C'ouniElt for only f 2.60. For par llculnrs m u advel tlMinent on page eight. Don't Let It i:eape, It Muy He Your Turn With well known egulmlty tho SHJth grand monthly drawing of the Louisiana State lot tery ti-ok plnen at New Orleuns on Jan. 14th, lb'.H), umUr tho uxual sii crvision of GeneraU G. T. Iteauregard of Louisiana and Julml A. Early of Virginia. Ticket No. OT.'itli drow the first coiilUil prize of ftfOO.OOO. Ticket No. 13,132 diew tho cecond capital prize of 9100, 000, and was sold In fractional twentieths at f I each, sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, I a One was held by Kll Zone, Philadelphia ; oi.o by Keherc T. Parker, St. James. Mo, ; ono by Thos. Mmrlott, LcaveuwD.tli, Kan. j one by John J. I'nnley, BoMon; one by Hans Lo gon!, Dwlnht, III.; one by H. W. Cmter, Min uonpolls, Minn, ; one by C. N. Ditros, Detroit; ono by Nevada Iwnk, Snn Francisco; ono by Second National bank, Jackson, Teiiu., etc. Ticket No. IH.ilOl drow tho thii-d capital prlzo of W,0)0, hIso sold in fractional i-arts, in like milliner nt $1 each; one to Wm. E. Westlake, ivoi la, 111. ; ono to Jucob Abbott. AUoulth slnet, Haltliuore; onetoHourv Ottke, West , nn,, ui-ei, idiicinuuii; one to u aeosiior Union National bank, New Orleans; ono to Hannah Lny & Co., Traverse City, Mlch.;ouo to John Daly, 4152 Washington street, Now i one city; ono to Clias. G. Lynch. Hoston. etc., etc. The next drawing will take (dace luesuuy, .Miircu nui, or wnicli all informa tion will iw furnished en application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. Tho attention of our readers U directed to the ndvertlKOinent on jiage eight, announc ing tho greatest mid most lilieral jirenilum ever olfereil with nny wiekly pner. Just think of It for f3..'i0 wo give you a year's subscription to tlio CouuiKii and Uncomplete work of BhakesK'are, IMJ pages bound in ono volume, of cardinal cloth and gilt lettering. Tho liook nloue sells readily and Is cheap nt 45,00; call uud see It, No. S.'l. Niimrili'itl Kniuiiin. The whole, coiiikimiI of 41 IctteM, Is an old u.tlom. Tho 4, 6, !l, II I 1st,, defraud. Tho 6, lis, 7, IKI, 0. 10 U to obstruct. Tho 8, II, 17. 41. iV 3.1. Is a covering for tl.o head, Tlm 12, 14. 16, III, III, 18 is changeable. The .H, 21, :t0, III, 31, 10 is n theme. rim 30, 27, ;, III), !).', Ul in pushed. Tim 40, 32 Is tlm Latin for Ihiiio. Tlm 2(1. :I3, :i'.l, m In n IkxmI No, yi. lllatni Irul AiiHKrHiun. "fcu,oN wimi" hi rnnn mid Klory. llciOKrenl of CiikIIhIi slory Kor liliiiseir "MrrillMi was " Korliln land nil In all. It Im HJirl fnim oppresloii, from IkiihIako and tlirnll 'A ko.uik" he would Klve us If living tmlny, I'or h" eoniiiensl nil nntloun thnt canto In his wny "OnrirrTin: l'ATxn"of liln country who for It was not nfrnlil To lay iwl, In his rnnli ami title niul Iiicok, to lenrn n triitlu "Oiikat tiik Hum's" that ho conquered, stretch. lug out from sea to sen Kind hln heart, H10.17I1 strong his linml won, for he set (lod's ,oilo free No. 'JR. - i:iiIi;iiiii. Alone, no life call bo without mo; With C, I hold the wildest beast; With G, I meiiMiru land and sea; With !', I servo tho nohleuieu; With It, I rave with ixisdon dread; With H, I know the depth of wisdom; With W, I ennt my dally bread. No. '-'(I. Hour (lliwneii. I. The central letters reading downward will khOI the surname of a very famous Amei lean. Cross Words: 1. Vexing. 2. To dress for how. !1. Single. 4. A letter In Publicola. i. To bend. (I. A Hungarian dance. 7. Part 3f the day II. Con train downward, tho name of n fa linns Italian xet. Cms Wonlsi I. A iH)iuNiuy of pilgrim truiellng together. 3. Worth, it. Energy. I. In I'ublicoln. 6. A small sereiiU 0. An aquatic aulmnl. 7. A blgoU Nn. 37. Cliiirmli'. A iiiemenKer, my whole, who ciirrli-n Rrlof and Joy My nholo In second, too: hut not a frolicsome lny Of stone or wood my llrst: nml yet It Kpins tlio Klobi With uiessai-s untold, for uil.ieo and nilolx) No. 'JH. llluntrHted l'roverb. This picture suggests an old saying which probably expresses tho feelings of tho boy lu regard to tho mishap of his Ilttlo companion. No. SO. A l-nltlifiil Outdo. A pleasuro party roaming Now hither and now there Found, when c.nmo on tho gloaming, Thoy were, thoy know not where. Then somo begun n-wnlllng, Thoy woro so sore nffrisht, Dut tears wero not availing, And on apace camo night. Thou ono produced a finger, That any ono might own, And bado them not to linger While pointing to their homo. This faithful Ilttlo trembler, Thut tells tho truth alway, Slinmes any falsn dissembler Who leads tho lost astray. No. 30. CompitrUnnn. 1. Posltlvo, an Innect; comparative, a bov erago; superlative, an animal. 2. Posltlvo, a coxcomb; comparative, an nnnoyanco; su perlative, to vaunt. 3. Posltlvo, n rownrd; comparative, nwo; MiH.-rlative, a banquet. 4. Positive, to travel: comparative, to stab; superlative, n soeter. .V Posltlvo, a doer; comparative, to bellow; Mqicrlatlvc, to parch. No. 31. A yiierr Conceit. Two patient creature and a pre)onltlon Produce a monster worthy of (icrdltlou. No. 3';. (leoumplilcul Amturunis. 1. I begin Il-A-T rot. 2. Date it sunset. 3. A rails at U 4. .Scold Nat. 6. 01 nino mate. 0. Philip had alo. No. 33. Conundrunin. Why have domestio fowls no future stnto of existence! What Is the dllTercnco between u baby nnd a pair of hoots I Why U n plum cako llko tho ocean! In what color khould a secret bo kept! Appropriate Iiltaphs. A good epitaph for a cricketer "Over." For an auctioneer -"Gono." For a billiard marker "Tho long rest." For a drow nod boat's crow "Easy ull." Key to tlm Punier. No. 14. Easy Hehendlngs: Vacation. I. Vales. 3. Await. !l. Clock. 4. Aware. 5. Train, a Ideal. 7. Oplno. 8. Never. No. 15.-A Pyrnmld: R DEN CRASH E X P L A I N 1 8 E M P L O Y A Noted Poem: Pojio'a "Essay on M No. 10. Mnu." No. 17,-A Riddle: Dust. No, 18. An Anagrams Commissariat. No. Ill, Double Acrostic: Primals, Agas si ij finals, Ie Couto. Cross Words I, An vll. 2. GrncE. 3. AttlC. 4. BulvO. 6. SlalN. 0. IngoT. 7. ZoclE. No. CO. Cross Word: Coach. No. SI. A Noted Unttle: Wavcr-aver, Allen-lieu, Trnce-raco, Event-vent, Remit omit, Lover-ovei, Overt'vert, Opiiio-pluoj Waterloo No. 22. Arithmetical: WW. 3 ducks. GO Slielton & Smith's Shclton & Smith's Slielton & Smith's Slielton & Smith's Slielton & Smith's Shclton & Smith's Slielton & Smith's Shclton & Smith's for Librar) Chairs. Slielton & Smith's for Library Tables! Slielton & Smith's for Bookcases. Center Tables at Shclton & Smith's: Children's Beds at Shclton & Smith's. Folding Bed's at Shclton & Smith's. Chamber Suits at Shclton & Smith's. Music Cabinets at Shclton & Smith's. Blacking Cases at Shclton & Smith's. Sideboards at Shclton & Smith's. , , Dining Tables at Slielton & Smith's. Dining Chairs at Shclton & Smith's. Parlor Goods at Shclton & Smith's. SHELTON & SMITH'S ZFODB FURNITURE At the Very Lowest Prices. 234-238 South 11th Street, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. Carpets and Draperies ! The bulk, of the Carpet trade for 1889 is now done. We still have six weeks left in which time we propose to reduce our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Spring trade. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST SELL the goods. If you arc in need of anything in either CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before placing your order and you will find you -cannot afford to purchase elsewhere. m o ST- A. IP AVIS HON "in st. j'$?.!2 Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S - DIKING - HALL MONTGOMERY HLOCK, -o 1 1 19, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. o Meals 25 cts. $4.50 per Week. TO for Fnncy Kockcrs. for Willow Rockers. for Pedestals. for ( hildren's Chairs. for Hull Rockers. for Office Desks. for Ladies' Desks. UkOBT'KtI Uyi ViYTW2tt:r' n r, t . m h nwmri i H .-' J I ti ftife fSis3i&?iAr.A,! , ,-. ;.i. - ifliiii - jL-jai-LjaiaA- MMMJ1L..-.. I