i y P TA- PoPd! UR PAPEft on A9PERii -TlMlfS " Lincoln, Nichwasi-ca, Saturday, Pidiikuauy 1G, 160O. PWIOU ITlVlfi OlCNTS I Voi G. No lO P h lUlATKUUS. II K Cnrnlvnl of Nations at tlio op era houso last Sat unlny evening was a rather inoro sat isfactory entertain inent than tlio or (Unary homo talent elTort. There woro cute llttlu children , to win our sympa thies, attract I vu girls to hold our nduilratloii, piotty costumes to plenso our lovo of tlio spectaeulnr, n short program reasonably well presented nnd no tedious waits. Hut why should it have been called n "Carnival of Nations?" There was an al leged "Dutch ilauco" in which thu Dutchiuess consisted, chletly, of twocopsnnd two pairs of 81ectaclf8 worn by two children. Now hjicc tacles a ro no inoro Dutch than French, but u Kiddy gusher in tlio sent bar'c of mo exclaim ed: "How Dutchy those goggles nro I" That shows bow absurdly general an Incorrect idea may become. Several Dutch painter havo nindo character studies of thu heads of old men mid women and havo rcpioscntod them us wearing glasses. Imuimcrnblu reproduc tions of these pictures have given unthinking Americans an impression that sjioctncles im part a flavor of Dutchlnoss in representing a tyio of Holland. When American artists reach tlio stago of painting something besides nude works to ornament bar-rooms they will produce studies, and w hen they turn to man for their subjects they will select old men be cause of the character wrought into the faces by tlio stress and storms of life, nnd when they rnpresout old men they will necessarily include tho indiseiisibIo spectacles to make the plcturo accurate; that is, If we Americans ever settlo down and comoso ourselves until wo produce ft typo that will bo recognizable. When tho Dutch come to glvo entertainments portraying a typical American will they rep resent him wearing siwctaclos nnd present that to their audiences as a distinguishing na tional characteristic? Supposo they clap a slouch bat upon a youngster, stick a pistol in his waist licit and present him as an Ameri can tyje. Don't you think there ought tc bo moreto him) Then wo had a so-called "castonettodanco," probably with the idea of giving an iinpres slon of something Spanish nbout tho program. It was n pleasing novelty becausooxecuted by a young Lincoln boy, but he used an Ingen ious Yankee contrivance instead of castanets, and a Spauiurd would not have recognized tho dance without a label . Thero was n tam bourine dauco In which tho participants were supjioscd to represent gypsies, who aro of no nation. Tlio rest of the program was Ameri can enough. Theso comments reflect not upon tho ef forts of tho performers, but show how 111 fouuded tho title,,' Carnival of Nations." Tho thing had to have a name, though, and its godmother, like most maternal sponsors, wanted a high-sounding title. These re marks nro not Intended to be ill-naturod. Thero Is so much pretension n writer for tlio press is expected to ignore or gloss over that ho must lie excused if feelings constantly re pressed bubble over occasionally. Touchy souls who regard newspaper commant that which is not positively Hattcrlng as a iiorso iittl attack inspired by spite, malice or mean ness should bo thankful If a writer confine his criticism to so imiierKonal and friendless u thing as tho namoof nu entertainment. Poor thing! its dcfcncelostjiioss, its innocent com plicity are enough to make one ashamed wlulo attacking it; but skulking behind it is n sham which the lanco of common sense can reach in no other way. It is a decided compliment to the cntcrtalnmout that tho CouniKlt gives it so much attention, tavorablo or otherwise The program opened with a farce, "Poor Pilllcoddy," K favorite with amateurs. The burden of the dialogue fell upon Sir. C. Y. Smith in tho titlo rolo, nnd, judged us nu am ateur, he did exceedingly well. He made something more of tho part than n walking, talking stick. Ho conceived tho part as a character study and carried out its ecullari ties with consistency to tho end of the play. Judged from a critical standard, he oveidld his part. His speech was too snappy at times to bo understood. The little cackle that did duty as a laugh was bloodless, whllo "Pilll coddy" was represented as an airectiouatu follow, and there was too much St. Vitus dance business. Miss Oakley was n surprise to us in ".Mrs. Pilllcoddy," as slio was in the "Peak Family" several weeks ago, liecauso wo had no reason to look for dramatic ability in her direction, -Mrs. Maxwell had a minor part in the servant girl "Sarah," but, from n critical stoiulpolnt, it fairly divided the hon ors with Mr. Smith's work. Mrs. Maxwell displayed a clear conception of what tho part should lie, and she played tho soubrutto with an Intelligence and an abandon that were de licious in an amateur. Miss LHlibridgo had so small a part it gaVo her llttlo opportunity to display her quality. Poor Georgo Fores man I Tho round of applause that greeted his apieamnco "broke him all up," and thu treacherous lines of tho dialogue slipped from his memory. And of course you could nut expect much expression from a fellow who was floundering about In ft sea of anxious per plexity trying to catch on to an elusive lino, Tho audience rather took it as a good Joke on Mr. Foresman, becuuso usually ho is bo self-possessed and equal to all emergencies. Among tho other numbers of the program wero n grand march, a cotillon by Masters Hadio Thompson, Willie Hizer, Hobt. Noonan and Ralph Hathaway and Misses Gertie Ty ler, Hose Lllllbiidge, Anna Hammond and May Lilllbrldge; n Dutch dauco by Willie Yates and Hoso LHlibridgo; u flower dauco by Gertie Tyler, n ropo dance by Maud Tyler, ft fancy waltz by Ferdlo Ithelaciidcr and An na Hammond, a drummer dunce by Hose LH libridgo, a custanet dance by Itobert Noonan and a stacatto polka by Anna Hammond. The children did very nicely and most of them wero encored, A doll and a basket of flow ers wero passed over tho footlights to llttlo Gertie Tyler, and handsome floral com pliments were also paid Maud Tyler and Rob ert Noonan. -i. " ivM A (In ir it rill unit ttr,Miiitnt liv MfuxitM Wili- ster, l'lanklln, Polk, Curtice, Winger, Sen- cresi, jiniiiaiiu, iiammonii, aio mumo nun Parish. Their gowns weio nindo of goods pi inted with tho stars and stripes, they car ried Hags and wore white Tain O'Shanters and altogether they mailo a very bright, pret ty picture. Tho gem of the evening, however, was the sword drill by Misses Oaklov, Mm quelle, Hnttlu mid Carrie Inland, Lilllbrldge, Wilson, Maud and llertlo llurr, Ilrown, Cow dry, Hathaway and HooHr. If there is anything inoro dashing than n pretty girl in a cadet Pfili ti. ititiikli't. nnmii ti Kiltiil tit flu, iiiimutnf ..,. .v .... v ,u ........ ..v ..w ........ v.. ,M and when twelve such giiiscometogethernnd execute a military (trill tlio elleet Is lowildcr lugly stunning. All of the young ladles woto black gowns, cadet caps and black leather sword belts. Whlto Quaker collars and white gauntlet culls made an effective relief. Kach of them carried a sword. Mi" Carrie Leland was given the embarrassing honor of being tho llrst to take lior place. It Is a trying thing for a novlcu to stmt at thu rear of the stago and walk forward to thu footlights, facing tho audience; but Miss Iceland (lid it without an apnarent tremor, gave a beauti ful sword saluto, inado a flue wheel and marched to her place, all with ndiulrnhlo com posure nntl In perfect tliuo to the music. Most of thu young ladles betrayed thelreinbariass inent by shortening the sweep of tlio swciil In tho saluto or making the wheel too hurried ly ard thus getting slightly out of step with tho muslu at the supreme momcnt.MissesMar quottu and Oakluy share with Miss Leland tho honor of making n perfect eutrancu. The drilling consisted of marching single and double fllo, by fours and in company front, of right and left wheels and of salutes. To say that tho drill was perfect would bo fulsome flattery and untrue. It may lie said truthful ly that it was woll done for the amount of training the young ladles had. It w as one of tho most fetching homo-talent efforts that the writer has uvcr seen. What a flno exhibition tho girls could glvo if they would continue their tralng, learn more intricate movements, and do them with the precision that plenty of drilling would bring. Tho same young ladles closed tho program with a tambourine dance. They woro gypsy costumes, each one exei clsing hur own tasta o-s to colors and details, and tho eirect, partic ularly in the glow of the ml fires, was lieauti fill. "Hulllo Hooper is a dieaml" exclaimed one enthusiastic yonng man. "Chic Urown is a symphony!" echoed another1 And so the comments run down thul'nuof Our Hoys in tlio front row. Our Boys, by the way, wero a conspicuous feature of tho evening. They filled tho front row of the parquet its entire length, and a spaco of empty seat between them and tho rest of tho audleneo brought them out In Ixild prominence. They emphasized their good will with a clap, clap, clopclopclop of tho hands, all together, that startled tho echoes of the old houso and stirred the other sjiecta tors to their own pitch of enthusiasm. For tho young ladles In the sword drill Our Hoys displayed thole interest with tho heartiest kind of au encore. Modesty is n peculiar thing, but It gots mixed up with Prudery so often that it is rather confusing. In n ball room a fashion able woman may dl-play as much of her bust as sho please, but her feet must bo hid. At a summer bathing resort sho will carefully con ceol her nock, shoulders and arms, but her limbs may bo oxjiosod to tho knuu without impropriety. Souio umatours mistake prud ery for modesty, and tor fear of displaying their ankles and a bit of hosiery thoy repre sent a servant girl In a trained gown. Mrs. Maxwell had the courage and tho good sense not to make that dramatic blunder, and the mines in uio gypsy dauco also throw prudery to tho winds. As n departure from an absurd, finicky conventionality it;was quite refreshing. In tho gypsy diuico the participants scored another point In appropriateness by letting their back hair hong down over their shoul ders. It wus the proper thing to do, but it must havo taken a genius to persuade tho young ladles to It. On second thought tho wuuiiiKii is or mo oiiinion that tho Lincoln girl has a great deal more common senso than tho average of hor ssx, nnd that will itecount lor many things that otherwise might bo mar veled at. A"COURIEir MAN EAST. PllII.Al)Kl.I'IIlA, Feb. 4. Tho world wags on, time Hies, tho great and prosperous west continues its onward march of grind achievement and glorious work of Improvement in every sphere, whllo hero in the east, tlte seat of American inde pendence, wo note scurcely a change that has taken place within tho Inst decade. Philadel phia, the homo of tho honored friend, Wil liam Penn, tho place whcio independence was llrst proclaimed to tho nation, and tho scene of so much patriotism and enterprise in tho lust century, today has tho unenviable repu tation of being probably tho slowest and most easy going of thu great cities. Houses that wero erected In Georgo Washington's days aro yet in their prime, and tho Im provements in dwelling houses in most of tho residence dlsti let are meagre; in fact to such a degree that former inhabitants tall to ob serve ft change except in the northwest part of the city, where many lino buildings are being erected. 'Tis a fact, howover, that during tho hut ten years many new dwell ings have been erected, but thoy aro almost exactly of tho same old architecture as of yore. Phlladelphlans nro, however, always alive to argue their own ioInbi in favor of tho Quuker City, and about thu first thing thoy call attention to Is "our ginud public build ing" at Hroad and Market sheets. Then tho visitor's rosxnso is, that if the west wasto put up a building like that it would have something to show fur thu several millions in vested and the many years of labor, Aside from this, Fairmont Park U another gi eat attraction, nnd is, in fact, thu finest natural park in America, The streets in general aro no comparison to oven our Lincoln thoroughfares. Ho much of tho ancient cobble stono paving yet covets the streets that nearly iour-llfths of the city are covered w Ith this rough and rocky sur face These stones seldom remain long In the places wheru they aro set, mid then thu street Is soon in a rough condition. Very often tho stones Wcomo M-nltcrcd, causing mud mid cobblo stouei to mingle, to thu dis comfort of thu driving public. Then in tho matter ofsticet inllways, thu Heading teimlual ( mpiiny has long sought connection with thu busy centers by au ele vated line, and the popular sentiment Is In favor of ix'i milling thu work to go on, while on thu other baud tlio houdlcrs of the other side have been fighting thuiucnsuto ery strongly for two years past. This would glvo the city an "L" roiul from Glcuu owl aenuu tn Market Htiet, which Is from Ger mautown (a suburb) to thu heart of tho city, a distance of nbout eight mile. The water question Is another problem that now agitates the city press, and a reform Is looked for in tho near future. In fact, the Kmiuiirr under Its nblo new management, has done much in thu case, and like a warrior In thu Held has taken a considerable stand In municipal ull'ulrs generally Thu Kiujiiirrr in days gone by was liku Its birthplace, but since its transfer to pi ourcsslvu hands It has been doing glent things for itself and Its constituency. Allelght page morning pacrs heretofore have Iwen sold for two cunts, which has generally been considered thu bot tom of prices. Thu iii(;i(i'irr astonished the natives recently by announcing a reduction In prlcu to one cent. This has given thu pa tor a decided boom and created the talk of noWKpaHr circles. It Is doing commendable work and tho progicsslvo element nro uttered deserved ciicnurnge'r.cut. Yet with all Its faults, thero Is much to ad mire in Philadelphia, especially nsn residence city. It is a quiet city of comfortuhlu homes, with a class of people that nro as hospitable as they aro unlike Chicago and Now York. Wo do not hear of a blood curdling iilftilr uvery hour of tho duv, but find Instead, a chaiitable, orderly and law abiding frater nity. Of course, they arc, perhaiis, a llttlo too conservative, yet, better that than au en trcme state of nirolrs to thu contrary. In al most every home you find a feeling tht it Is of Itself, a regard for thu welfare of Its own clrclo. Theateis aro well patronized, all sorts of sKrts find ninplo encouragement, and sound enterprise finds sulllciciit backing, but Phlladelphlans are not noted much at risk. A numlier of Lincoln's theatrical favorites are row ploying here. Among them are "Tho King's Fool" nt tho Chestnut street oM-ra house; Stuart Robsoti In his new play, "The Arrant Knave," at thu Chestnut street theater; Modjoska-Hooth company, Monroe & Rice's "Aunt Hrldget," nnd others, nil do ing immense business. Lou W. ODELL WILL REOPEN. It Is a pleasure to aiinouucu that Mr. S. J. Odell is about to reopen his dining room on a scale of excellence leyond anything ho has hitherto attempted. Ho has secured his old quarters, which wero constructed especially for his use, and they havo gone through a thorough refitting. Tho dining room has been painted and generally refurnished, the rooms upstalm havo been refurbished and decorated and steam has lieeu placed In all departments. Odell has had tho largest and most conven ient dining room In tho city. It has alwaj -. dotiu the largest business, and was ono of tho institutions of thu city. It has furnished good meals at reasonable prices, and tho ser vice has been prompt and attentive. Under tho now conditions the old record will not bo sustained merely, but Increased conveniences will lie furnished tho public. For Instance, the meal hours will Im extended to accomo date all. Hrcakfast will lie served from 0:!W to 0 a. in. Dinner may bo had from 11:!(0 n. m. to 'J p. m., which will meet tho needs of clerks nnd business men who must dine either very early or very late. Supper will run from !:'M to 8 p. in. Mr. Odell announces that ho will bo open nt noon tomorrow to receive his old customers. mid hundreds who have tried and praised his buuiiay dinners will no iloulit Improve the opportunity to get another. It promises to bo a happy family reunion, and tho happiest person of all will bo Mi . Odell as ho welcomes back with n genial smile his old guests. Mr. W. If. Haldridge, druggist, Escondldo, California, says: "Chaml)erlain's Cough Remedy is tho liest selling medicine I handle. In fact I sell more of it than nil other cough medicines combined. Kveryono who has used It sHaks In glowing terms of it efficien cy." For salo by A. L. Shinier, druggist. i:, Iliir, Noun anil Th rout Specialist. Dr. Charles K. Spahr, No. 1LM5 O st. Con sultations in English and German. Teeth Treated unci Illicit. Dr. R. C. Trogden, Dentist, '-"JS South 11 th street, over Elite Studio. Telephone IIK). aj poiiitments made by telephone. If you wont flno enrresonduiico stationery rememlHT that tho CoimiKU olllco carries a largo line, Including novelties. Wedding suppers, 111110111-8 and banquets of all kinds are provided by Hrown in tho best stylo and on short notice. Show Cases 1'nr Sale, Sovernl counter show coses of several sizes all for sale cheap at tho CoimiKU olllco. Call and see them. Prices will suit.; I.t-ssons In I'uliitlnj;, SIlss Clair Link has returned and opened a class in Oil, Water Colora, Pastel and tho Royal Worcester china painting nt her studio, UlX) K street. Terms and particulars fur nished on application , Desk H00111 and Otllces, In our now counting room which Is cnrjK't ed with body brussels and otherwise hand somely furnished, we have built 11 neat rail ing, giving room for two offices, or desk room, which wo will lent leasonably to tho right parties. Olllces kept clean, heated, and use of telephone given. Apply ut office. Wessel Printing Co. "Courier" Hullding, llitt mi N St. Adams, Lansing & Scott, attorneys, rooms 20, aiumisa. UttuHlock. Uulick's bread Js full weight. MUSIC AND THIS DKAMA. "Capt. Hwiffdruwa small house Monday livening. Thu company was strong, but thu star's utfivtisl pronunciation hccmiiu dlscour ngiugly monotonous. Tho piny alsmuds in Intense situations, but ends gloomily. Sol Smith Russel and "A Poor Relation" filled Funko's Tuesday night. Ill fact good standing room was at a premium. Audience and star wero on good terms with each other, and when Mr. Russell was called bofoio tho curtain he made good his part of thu mutual admiration society Inn neat llttlu speech. In (ideutally he motion bid forfuturupotronngc by announcing 11 now play written by Dion Ilouclcaiilt. In thu llrst two acts of thu ploy Sol Smith gives us 11 delicious mlxturo of tin mor and pathos, but his drollery gets lost hi the third act ninong too many distracting vll lalnlcH ami spoonlngs by other parties. TODAY. Corlnnu and a big company (qieiied a three night stand at Funke'H Thursday evening to n ci muled house. The play vos"Arcodlo," an oHratlc burlesque In two acts. It Is re plete with puns and funny sayings and serves to keep an audience In good humor nil through thu play. All soils of iiumiiis nie re Kiitultoto Introduce elfeets that nro novel, oen lothu extent of 11 living pig, which In thu llrst act Is modi) the occasion of a law suit mid of quite a funny court-room scene, nnd Incidentally tho subject of a sutlro on the Jury system. The star Is C01 liine, more ma tured thou last season. Shu ploys thu part of Tiiin-Tom, the Scotch plcr's son. She Is culled upon to do consldeiablo dancing and singing, and all through thu burlesque she Is thu cent 1 ill figure. Allium; other things, file dances a Scotch swot il and hilt dance to thu accompaniment of 11 genuine Scotch bag pipe. .Many of her songs and dances were rapturously applauded, and the llttlo actress established herself as a favorite. In siectoc ular cirects the lost act excelled tho llrst, the transformation scenu and the glittering Amo zon inarch King particularly bright, "Ar cadia" will Imj given again this afternoon and tonight. MONDAY. "A Tin Soldier," one of Hoyt's farce come dies, will Isi given at Funke's opera house Monday evening. Tint Cleveland YdiuiiViiiVr says: "Mr. Hoyt colls 'A Tin Soldier,' for Instance, 1111 'invasion of tho drama,' 'an un assuming oirort to present a few character sketches In 1111 amusing form,' There Is a sort of plot to connect or Introduce tho ef forts of merriment, but after one leaves tho theater with sides aching from laughter ho 1 ememhers nothing of the story, though hu has a Vivid recollection of Rats' antics and 'nerve,' of tho tyranny of 'thu help,' of which Violet Is chief and appropriately designated as 'a domestic earthquake,' and of tho gro tesque behavior of tho 'sanitary engineer.' Llko its fellows, 'A Tin Soldier' Is designed solely to make 1111 audleneo laugh and it ac complishes its mission most thoroughly. Ixiuls Wesley was very clover us Itnto, Paul Dresser was excellent as Vilas Canby, tho plumlier; Miss St. Georgo Hussoy was capital as Violet; Miss Fanny Hloodgood was a satisfactory Patsy, and thu other members of tho compa ny were capable." A NEW lltlHII ACTOIt. Charles 15. Vomer will present "Sliamus O'Hrlen" at Funko's Thursdoy evening. The Hostou dlolx' soys: Tho first ap)iearanco of C. K. Verner In his romoiitlo historical ploy, "Sliamus O'Hrlen," wns the occasion of draw ing one of thu largest audiences that over as sembled In tho Howard. From tho time that Air. Verner, tho hero of tho play, llrst appear ed on the stago until tlio curtain dropissl on tho last net tho sympathies of the audience were with him. His clover acting showed that tho commendation that he received In other cities was wol deserved. His witticisms wero tho causo of much hilarity. Hlsslngliig was 0110 of yho pleasant features of tho even ing. Miss htathoriiii) Walsh as Mary Donogh more, modo one of tho hits of tho evening. Carl Smith as Leslie McMurrough and W. H. Cahlil as Shodroeh O'Fliin, as the villains of ot tho ploy, received numerous hisses, which showed that their ort royal of their re-ec-ti o characters woro excellent. TIIK KD1S.V ML'HP.K. "Texas Hill," the cowlxiy pianist, and ft strong specialty company on both stages kept large audiences delighted each day this week, notwithstanding tho strong counter attrac tions. "Hill" oxecutos some really wonderful movements on tho piano, such ns playing blindfolded, with tho use of a lead pencil and so veral other odd means, and the marvelous part of his iwrformaiico Is that hoeonnot read a note or lino of music, but plays entirely by ear. Next follows Carrol tho magician, on a little stago upstair, in 11 neat exhibition of legerdemoln; Jennie Carrol in vocal selections (she does nut slug "McOlnty"), and after Freddie Troynor's clog dance we go down stairs, where in tho theotorluin wo see Miss Sylvester In a neat bicycle turn, Hall mid Richie in "Silence nnd Fun," mid the euU-st of tiny tots, Dot and Valentine, ogod four mid six, In o charming llttlo song and dance. Grant and Williams then close tho show with a plantation scene in which they Introduco n catchy song and dance. Next week will bring ono of the biggest bills ever presented. Most curious of nil will lx) Holla tho half woman, who has been au object of Interest to many thousands. Then thero will bo Slgnor and Slgnorn Acaris, who glvo a remarkable exhibition of throwing knives, tomahawks, etc These jieoplo are natives of Huenos Ayres, South Aiuerica.ond their feat is sold to be without a duplicate. The sister stands against a Imard whllo thu brother throws his sharp Implement so as just to miss her llesh as thoy stick In the board and make 11 fringe to her form. Then there will M a gyjisy bund, Driiininond & Slehlo ill "Scenes III a Hlaeksinlth Sim,, " in. tiisluelMg au anvil chorus; Hello Wellington, tho only female contortionist, and Aggio Suiniiiervlllu, tho singer. TIIK JIYHTKlllOUK NUMIIKIt HKVK.W Nebraska's Daisy Is coming You can all seo the Llttlu Queen of the Desert. Her rec ommendations tiro tho medals sho wears, won in county, district, Uate and nation. Ncbrns- I She fateful day when youthful hearts I ire lifted by loves taper: -w- hen maidens play nd lovers nimbly caper. Hhe fateful day re mostly made tZ-X. kn sent "Our Daisy" to Chicago to contest with 11 class of champion elocutionists, the very select from inoro thnn thirty thousand orntors of thu United States. "Our Darling Daisy" swept the platter, swuyed thu multi tude with her magic siwcr and won the llrst nnd only diamond prize for the glory of Nu hraska. Thu vast audience assembled there gave threo cheers for Nebraska. Daisy fore told tho winning number with a request that it might Ihj given her, but on lsiug re I used her choice anil compellul to cost lots for thu mysterious number seven, Daisy, with n mys tic motion of her baud, drew the prophetic seven, and "Number Seven Daisy" did win the "Sparkling Diamond" for Nebraska, unto whoso iHHjplo tho entire nation lrnws with rn spect, acknowledging our superior talent and culture. Alrcadyolhcrpooploarolooklng for homes in our couutry,whcro Daisies are grown so successfully. Thu Capitol City eoplu should, for tho state of Nebraska, show tholr appreciation for tho excellence of ono of our own native girls, and at least not fall below thn othor towns In Ne braska mid fill to the utmost thu largest hall In Lincoln 011 tlio evening of tho 'J 1st of Feb ruary, MX), 7:!K) p. in. Daisy will lie In thn Capital City Feb. Ill, WJand'Jl, and on next Friday evening will glvoonuof herliilmltnblo entertainment. Thn pluco will buounounecd In thu dollies. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Foster, 0110 of tho most hospitable in tho capital city. was thrown oen lastevenlug too largo iwirty of their friends, mostly married eople, Tho entertainment at this homo Is always warm hearted, and useless ceremony Is uotnllowed to luterfeio with its warmth. Tho gathering was a valentine card party, and among tho appropriate incidents wns the use of valen tines for score cords. Following were thu friends Invited to what was bound to Isjn delightful oirolr: Messrs olid Mesdomes O. W. Webster, Geo. Clark, W. H. Wolcott, K. K. Huydon, N. C. Hroek, C. W. Marti in, F. L. Sheldon, A. S. Raymond, John Zoh rung, N. W. Hrown, Win. Leonard, Phcls Payne, K. P. Holmes, II. II. Patrick, Geo. H. Ijuio, Kd. Kwlng, O. R. Oakley, S. M. Ashby, W. K. Kirker, Mosou Gregg, A. J. Huck Btotr, A. W. Jonseii, A. (J. Heeson. S. H. Hiirinhnm, Geo. Cook, C. S. Lipplncott, A. C. Zelmer, W. R. Dennis, J . D. .McForhmd, J. H. Hanloy, 8. II. Nlslwt, J. Greene, W. S. Ijttu, R. A. Perry, R. II. Oakley, Frank Hall, W. H. McArthur, K. 0. Rowlck and J. II. MeMurtry, Mrs. I. Putnam, Misses A. Saunders, Minnie Warwick, Minnie Ijittu and Clara Funko, Messrs. II. J. Walsh, Aaron lluckstoll, Henry Manslleld and A. II. Ijiw. On Monday evening Mr. mid Mrs. Foster will entertain a conqwiny of young people at u phantom party, Tho sixth York eparty was held at Temple hall last night There was a larger atten dance thou usual. Several out-of-town visi tors and all thu university members were present. Tho program contained fouiteen dances and music was furnished by the Phil harmonic 01 chestra astei liv Miss Wil- loughby. Those expected to Imj present were; I Misses Klflo Mclutyru of Hastings. Ix-nl Dew 1 and Addle Russell of Tecuiiiseh, Dunphy of 1 Grand Island, Covert of Ci etc, A cry . Hun 'cher, Hinford, IM'iie, Goylord, Morgan, I Mason, Freeman, Naomi Weaver, Cora , Weaver, Pound, Scott, Kirker, Ada Hier jwlrth. Huydoo Hlerwirth, Klllo Hiiudley, jVlvynn Hallett, Lizzie. Honnell, Tibbies, Messrs. MeCloskey Gillespie, Peery, Ooodcll, I Clark, Shannon, SeyUiit, Coh, Hallett, ' Heoton, Hale, Fi ow, Cos ert. Criincer. linker. Camp, Teasdule, Johnson, Clark, KlmMl, Will Phillips, John Phillips, Hrudley, Hin ford, Rigger, Joyce, Iove. Gov. and Mrs. Thayer held their first re ml 1 ' I expectanuparts when cupid darts of paper mw&m V. ception Wednesday evening, Tho capltol was brilliantly Illuminated from end to end nnd from top to bottom. Mor.y hundreds of citizens called to pay their respects and re ceived n kindly, cordial greeting. The govern or and his lady received In the executivo chambers, and wero assisted by several stato officers and their wives. Musla was provided by tho Unlveislty band, who generously vol unteered tholr services. At half-past nino tho company adjourned to Representative hall for a short program of dancing, Gov, and Mrs. Thayer lend thu grand march, which was followed by n quadrille. In the latter Miss Hannah Thorubiirn wns honored by be ing selected as tho governor's partner. All entered Into thu spirit of tho hour and had an onjoyahlo time. The Stato Hoard of Pharmacy met In Lin coln last Wednesday. Mr. J, K. Rlggsof tho Into firm of ICemiord & Rlggs Is a meinlier ot tho examining board, mid Mrs. Rlggs com plimented Ids colleagues in that body by en tertaining them at n U'ii In thu evening. Tho company Included Messrs. Henry D. Iloyd of Grand Island, James Reed of Nebinsko City, Max Hecht of Omaha mid Henry 00k of Red Cloud; also Hon. T. P. lveuuaid or Lin coln. After o delightful social time at thu Rlggs home tho party adjourned, by special Invitation, to tho state houso to attend tho reception of Governor and Mrs. Thayer. Miss Kathorlno R. Ilalrd was married Wed nesday morning to Mr. O, 11. Davison of Des Mollies. Tho bride is a daughter of Capt. mid Mrs-. C. W. Ilalrd mid a sister of Mrs. A. S. Raymond. Tho wedding took place at tho hitter's home, '1 ho ceremony was performed by Rev. F. S. Stein in tho presence of rela tives and a fow intimate friends, ilrldo and groom took tho afternoon train for their Des Moines homo. Tho tell-talo solitaire haa mado Its apjiear once, and tho CouitiKU vlolates'no confidence now In announcing tho engagement of Miss Lulu Grunlnger of Omaha and Mr. Rolwrt S. Mcintosh, tho Lincoln leprescntativo of Meo gaii & Harding, merchandise brokeisof Oma ha and Kansas City. R. M. Joyce, late of Mayer Hros., has taken a iMltlou with Tychsen & Leland, and will transform himself into a knight of tho grip. Ho will bo In for Saturday evening's soiree of Our Hoys, and at the next ono will bo call ed on for u now douce he !un been practicing on. The first annual bull of tho Mail Carriers' association was lield.otTvmplu hall Wednesday night. About sixty couples ntteudedand had 11 good time. The profits go to a relief fund ior me I'Miciuot. tlio carriers, mid a hand some sum ws realized. Mr. mid Mrs. Frank Sheldon left Tuesday to accomnuuv Mr. S.'s father to Florida. They will also visit Cuba, and may return by way 01 jionireai in liie spring. A foimcr Lincoln ladv now- livim? in Omn. ha says tho Klrmess being held In that city is not nearly as mrgo or interesting as tho Cap ital City undertaking. The youni; ladles of tho liii'h-ilvo elub renell tho Insinuation Unit they organized In self- ileieuso because tho boys had formed a stag club. Mrs. K. K. Hoyden gave a valentine party for her little ones yesterday afternoon and evening. Dr. Hoover nnd family are entertaining Mrs. J. S. Glover and daughter, of Water loo, Iowa. Tho Kast Lincoln Social club wero enter tained lost night by Mr. t.nd Mrs. M, W. Tiavis. Mrs. C. M. Cutter and children aro visit fug at Columbus, Ohio. (Other Social News on Page S.J i