CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i. 1890 III Only Keeape. Tho terror was in trouble strain and m he carwwod tho flour of Ids knickerliockora be seemed sunk In thought. Considering It a good time to mnkn nn Inuirnvlon hi father Mid! "Do you realiso what a tad boy you've boon?" "Yen, sir. But that wasn't wlmt I wm thinking about, l'nixi" (suddenly), "why don't you roll a bank or momethlngl" "What do you Mean, sir?" "Bo you would havo to go to Canada and and stay there." Philadelphia Imjulrw. A Compliment. Handkerchiefs "REMINISCENCES" REVERIE. HWiVn cxprcaxlyfor Tho American Press Association, By alicf. rvrancAN. x1 Expecting tint ns In the past, Ladle' I landkcrchlef would continue tlieT Motltrato. mESas&Mlfm fcfa jn.rnrm..m r-1 r-i -. - 'z-wimmmfgLm Jf pi--1 10 a i if A; 1 TOMft -y,m Mia i j fr most popular of article (or Holiday Gift, we securedMich a llneias eVre. j sure wns never before displayed In the city. Among them i ;.j French and Irish Embroic'erod Hemstitched, From 10c. to $3.00 each. Swiss Hand Spun Linen, Hand Embroidered, From $200 to $101x1 each. French Silk Bolting Cloth, Hand Embroidered, From $1.35 to $3.50 each. Hand-Made Duchcsse Lace Edges. From $1.00 to $1100. If von are In doubt as to what to buy this Is your chance. Respectfully, 133 to 139 South Eleventh Street. Notary Public and Real isia e Dealer in City and Farm Property, AUKUT FOR TUB Ntrtl Genu Lloyd Steamship Gomptaj. 'SkW'-! JLvi Hambarg-AtDerlcao Packet C., an 1 BalUc lln ; also Railroad Agent for tho J fferent comuaulM east and west. Southampton, Havre, Hamburg. Stetten, London, Paris, Nor- way, Plymouth, Bremen, Swe den and any point In Europe. Poet orde and foreign exchange lunnd to all promlnwitpolnUlnKtiropo. Hartor Urea facilities with tho east blnrett banki and savings TnsUtnUons, I am wepared to make all kinds of loans on But real estate mortKaees. city 01 ra propertj, from 1 toS years, at the lowest I. . .. 'o'o'n school bonds, suto, conutj li&Sft ,T&TDU' tao11,, ,'. county and clt) rtlcflcd c alms, and will always pay the blcbcst aarket price. Call and sett me or correspond wlt L. MEYER, 108 North Tenth st Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Canon City Whitebreast Walnut Springs AND ANTHRACITE. muummwkkmm9mmmmmmwkWSB!SSBBaWmmunmkmF Telephone 234. Lime Hair Plaster Cement Office, 109 South Eleventh St. For 1890 Consider Scrihner's Magazine when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low $3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are Interesting and of the best. There is not space here to give even a summary of the feat ures to appear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DEPARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects: African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes in City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity in the Household, Ericssohn, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer, Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute In 1890. Each subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for a prospectus. 25 cents a number; 1.00 for 4 months. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway, New York . 1 ! -I. BETTS St MEKyER L fc Old Bacholor Now, Arthur, supposo 1 should clvo you this nlco rod book, what would you say I Arthur I should say you weren't half no stlugy ns sister said you wore. Munsoy1! Weekly. Something Wan Wrong. "It was In tho old days of the wot plato method In photography," mid a photogra pher, "and when nn o.ijosnro of twenty hco onds had to bo mnilo and a sitter hod to lio nlwolutoly qulot. I had my subject ns I want! him and took ofT tho cop. I left tho room for n moment, and returning, found vorythlng all right npxirontly Apparent- ry, i si.y, nut wnen l went Into tho dark room and developed tho plato I found It most terribly blurred It looked as If tho slttor bad turned a handspring or thrown n somor sault. When I wont buck I was mad '"Whiitdldyoudol'Iru.keil. "'Nothing.' wns tho Innocent answer. Whyr " 'Look nl that )IiiU), I said, 'and then tell mo you didn't move,' "Hero my sitter hegnn to Inugh ut his pict ure. 'Well, Iswonr 1 wouldn't n' thought tbat Just going over to tho window to spit would have dono all that, becauw I sat right down ognln." Philadelphia Saturday Ilc-view. Jvulouftjr Extraordinary. In tho Paris Janlln dos Plantes a frequont Tlsitor nskod tho keeper: "Is not tho glraffo much thlnnor than ho used to bo? Ho scorns to mo to bo dwindling away." "You aro quite right," ropllod tho keopor. "When I Ih-Ht took chnnro ho was nlrcadr Jealous of tho olwllsk, but I think ho would havo coino out all right if it hud not boon for tho Eiffel towor. That will bo tbo death of tho poor croaturo yet. From tho German. Value Alarm. Wife (time, midnight) Harkl Husband I Wnko up I I hoar tho rustling of silk and the clank of chains. Husband You do I Horrors I Thon tho report are true. I was told this house was haunted. Wifo (much relieved) Oh, is that alll I was afraid FIdo hnd broken looso nnd was tearing my now ball dross. Now York Weekly. A Natural Query. Army Student (to now arrival) nullol my bantam, what's your father) Now Arrival A farmer. "Thon w hy didn't ho inako a farmor of youf" "I don't know. What's your fathorr (Impressively) "A gentleman. " "Then why didn't ho mnko a gcntloman of you J" Plrk Me Up Cllad Thcrn Ware No More. Pollto Oui-tt (to lender of amateur orches tra that hns been torturing him for fifteen minute) Allow mo to congratulate you upon your success as a leader. Leader Thank you. I am sorry thero nrs no few instruments represented to-night. Pollto Quest Ah. there is whero I contrrntu- laio myseir. vost Shore. A Villain Unhung. B. Jngs (pointing to an ngod pedestrian) See that old chap? Ho has taken twenty sovon lives In his day. B. Jones That amlablo old fellow? Im possible. B. Jags Fact! Ho drowned threo caU this morning. Philadelphia Press. Circumstantial Evidence. He I swear It, Maudo, you are my first lovol Sho I boliovo you, narold. Nobody bul wo merest novice in matters of tho heart could over have acted as awkwardly as you have for tho last six months. Life, His Affinity. Beatrice Why do you supposo so solid a person ns Ebon Morris over married a girl liko Doris Gollghtly, Ethel? Ethel I dont know, unless tho natural af finity of a self mado man is a tailor mad girl. Munsoy's Weekly. Another Cold Steal. Sho Have you rend "Looking 8ldowaysr Ho Yos, I too It's another plagiarism. Sho How Is that? Ho Every word of It Is In Webster's Una bridged. Time. neneath Him. Stronger nnvo yi j sub-cribed to tho World's fair fund? Rich Now Yorkor (haughtily) Certainly not, sir: I'm a mllllonuiro. Now York Weekly Would Slake a Good Short Stop. "Of what nationality Is your friend a Brazilian I" "Well, I guess he's half Brazil nnd semi Colon." Harper's Baz ar. MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY COHL WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE At a DUmlTantace. "Why don't you take soino ono of your own size," ho blubbered; "don't you boo I am a good deal bigger than you arur' Yankeo Wade. Camlcnicil Wisdom. A fruitless heareh tho ono tho farmer makes after tho Niunll boy has passed through tho orchard. Burlington Freo Press. Kate. Ted-8o you had to seo thoso two girls homo last night? Did thoy livo far away? Nod Tho homclr ono did. New York Sun. fmBmsmmMmMmmmm JiifclBeEfegBBfefeFja II mm mm giIIgS jt- , ffi inrffl EgMnEEgsJsBsSBfea .A - .9.VJ. ... TlltO. f L WJ 13 f) e&mmM&i!0Mmggm 4. . zmmmmmm ajyu r i-;L:J i g -. bdbd 2-3. Mmm fnmia SSr--f-r ril Copyright, 1890, by John do Witt. DOWN WENT MoQINTY. Humlnv innrnliiK Junt nt nine, Dan McOlnty iln-HHCd ho line, Ktno 1 looking nt a very IiIkIi stone nll; When his friend, joung I'nt McCniin, pays, rillwt Ihednllnrs, Dan, i uuii uurr p im hi uie iihi w l On his hIioiiUUt he took linn rln nllmli tli.t InjIilM li.. ItMi.n... Very soon he rt-aelied ii) near tho top, When Mcdlnty, unto old rogue, To win Hie ll let go his hold, Never thinking Just how far he had to drop. Ciionrs. Down went Mcdlnty to tho lxttom of the wall: Although hnwou thulhe ho was more dead than alive. Ills rllw nnd hack mid neck were broke from getting such a fall, Dressed In his livst suit of clothes. From the hospital Me went home When they llxml his broken Iwnes, To Hnd out he was tin) father of a child: Ho to celulirnle It right, his friends he did Invito. Hesocu wns drinking whisky fast nnd wild; As he nndilliil on the street, in his Sunday clothes so neat, Holding up his head like John the (Jrt-nt, In the Kl'lewalk was a hole to leeelvo a ton of coal, Which Mcdlnty never saw till Just too late. CnoRi's. Down went McOlnty to tho bottom of the hole; Driver of the cart gaethu load of conl a start 1 1 took us half an hour to dig Mcdlnty from tbo coal, Dressed In his best suit of clothes, Kow Mcdlnty thin and pale, One line day got out of Jail, And w Ith Joy to seo his boy was nearlv wild. For his Iioiiho he quickly ran to inert his wife, Iledalla Ann; Hut she'd sklpK-d nway and took along tho child. Then hegaouplndixpnlrnnd he madly pulled Ills hair. Ah ho stood one day uiion the river shoru Knowing well he couldn't swim, Ho did foolishly Jump In, Although water lie neer took before. ClIORl'S. Down went Mcdlnty to tho lxMtom of tho say, And h must lie very wet, for they haven't found him yet, Hut they sy his ghost comes around the dock before the break of ifny, .... Dressed In his best suit of clothes PIANOS Alt the Latest and most Popular Musical Compositions may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & THIERS. LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TH STREET, SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Gultaik. Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. hOYELTlES 1 1045 O Street. Telephone 440 ... i,' fa i iltmil? i tl