Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 25, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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    && .
Frank E. Liihr,
936 P Street.
North Side Postollice Square
MCWAltK AIkiuI Id month iik) 1 I'm
bnrUoil In ttiocont IiuhIiichm and ndnptnd I lie
namo nml coal know u as
Black Diamond
A my best Cook Wove Coal ami have built
up n fair trade under tli. ulmvo nalii-. About
3 month mm n certain Mi, Vivian or Vlvlmi
A Co., placed n cheap flflli or sixth (trade
conl on tlio Lincoln umrkrt nml now Imvo nu
employee t work rnnvIUK.Iho cliy irylnit
to work on" tliclr low itrado eoal under Ilia
natnoof III.ACK DIAMOND. Il sure you
Black Diamond Coall
Which I guarantoo to 1p iw kooiI or bolter
limn nuy soft conl sold In Lincoln un
der any name whntoor.
City Olllco, 1217 O nl. Telephone Am).
Ynnl, Twiuity-Hovontli nml M. I.
road, Tolophono Ml.
Safes, Boilers,
I! you HAVE ANY TO MOV 15 be sure
and Cnll on
Lincoln - Transfer - Co.
Telephone 166.
Office 12! N. Ninth St.
Santa Fe Route !
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe R. R
The Popular Route to the Pacific
Through Pullman and Tourist
Between Knniias City and SAN DI15GO,
CISCO. Short Line Katcu to
Double Dally Train Service Between
SPRINGS, nml D15NVI5R. Short
The Direct Texas Route
Solid Trains Between Kansas City and
Galveston. The Short Line Between
Kansas City and Gainesville, Ft.
Worth, Dallas, Austin, Temple,
San Antonio, Houston, and
all Principal Points
In lexas.
The Onlv Line Running Through the
Only Direct Line to the Texas
Pan-Handle. For Maps and
Time Tables and Informa
tion Regarding Rates
and Routes Call on
or Address
S. M. OSGOOD, Gen'l Ag't
E. L. PALMER. Traveling Agent,
1308 Farnam St.,
When you are ready to move your
Pianos and Household Goods
Lincoln - Transfer - Co,
Telephone 176.
-Office 121 N. Ninth St.
J? .-.".nlk . 1
A !lnr Ji;irr of Minimi Time
Hinnc'utrTln' O to by Mall or Carrie
liOOj HIl.MOIltlu, II ouj Three MlllltllM, NK3.J
Olio month 'JUCViili. Iiiviinlil) In Adwviice.
ADVKnTntiMKNTn: llnlt fiirtiUlntl on mpllo lt -
t tin. orlleo. Hpcolal ruteson I Inn i oturne,
CoNTHini-rniNm Kliort Hfo nki'Mie. i-iii nii
toric solicited. Personal nml t-oOai imi m
especially delrill.
I'mfrriNd! Wo make a specialty of Kino Printing
In nil It linuioln's. tWietV work n sis'ilnll) .
Ptibllt-tliod Sattirdny
VI lets, all c.) ii iiiiiihiitl'in direct t llii" ollliv,
VVichnicu Pkintino Co,
Courier llullillliK, ll:M N Htroet.
i. W'khmki., Jli., l-Mltnr nml Hole t'lopilotor.
FlIKII IlKN.INIIKIt, Assoulilli) Kdltnr
TllKstntn IhvuhI of trim-poi tntlon mo nl
iik on a new selu(lulo of Height lates for
com Unit tin- iillrmd will li asked tnadopt.
'i ij '
TliK lluilliiKtiinrnllroid icllef ilomrtimmt
uiiN oikiiiiIiu'iI Ini't J111111 nml Iiiim paid out
ti. in ly $IU.(hX) since tlmt 1 1 im. Tlu dlsbursc
tnciitn for December amounted to (l,(H)0,
'I'll k mil cstnio exclinnno IntH pasol a vote
fiiMiiliiK tho extension of tho paving and ask
Inn tlio city olll 'InN to Hiiliinlt n pioKwltlon
for 6 100,1 x) I of Imiii.Ih for lint p ivln,; of stroi
IlltCIIO'CtinlH, Tlio election Will ll lll'lll I'Vll,
IvNowirAi.i. has sprung another hotel
scheme oi. nu. Tlio htlllilliiK Is to bo oil tlio
lluili'iii't corner, Tenth nml I', this tliuo nml
cost f LNMl.tKK), '1 lioro In oiio coiiiuilntloii 11 bout
nil tlilx t.ilk'. Tlio 1 m.-r tli." Iiullilln',' of tlio
new lions Ik 1 ut oir tlio Inilter it tuny be.
Amiinii tlio ucntleiiieii who cntnoto Iiliiuoln
thonthcr day to tike hock th'jstiittt full hum
Mr. III011 Colo of Grand Island. Mr. Colo Ih
n :n.viijHiH.r innii whnjlearnol to hustle nt
lien MoIiicn, mid ho ha iiutilo tlio (Intuit In
I11111I 7Ynii..i nun of tlio very liost wcoklic In
At tlio bmnpitt to Mr, J. A. Kiucli tlio
Htiiteiiient nnn innilo tlmt ho hml plnccil I,ln.
coIii'h mlvei tliliiR irnttor beforo 1,0(111,000 pco-
p'o ItMinulo htntinl tlmt Mr. Klnch hml
tlio nninin of IKK) hu-micw ineii who wmit to
could wen. Mo ulll bo hellt biiuk to pllfll oil
thoKOO.l wokk.
TllK llnyilon Ait club him taken auothcr
tep In Um rilucatloiial woik. Ulmniirniii,il
to coiuliiet a iil);lit ilriiwlui; koIiooI for two or
thrcu luouthx. ComprU'iit teauheri mo on
Imml TiiL'xdny ovenliiKi nt the ntnto linlverrl
ty ttiiillo, mul the ailvatilu ;e of tlio liihtnic
tin 11 mo 0h 11 to iuomleiii of tho club without
TllK .otmiiif innilo a Ntroii hIioIiik Tues
day for Lincoln for tho Mnto fair. It dovotcd
11 m;o to tho Mibjoct, tucluilliiK four coluuins
oti'llppluik'H fioui tlioiionH'mpciii of tlio Mate,
all fnvoiliiK the Cnillnl City. It whk a forci
ble iirfiiiim ut, and must Imvo involved a ileal
of liinor. That's tho kind of work a ptier
Is doing constant y for 11 community without
TllK I'v-celplHof tho Ntuto fair Irixtyiar worn
tW'ltf. Tho picmiiiiutt I'lillwl for-?lft,Wland
other iixpeusos f'Jl.Ufci, leavliiR 11 bnlnuoo of
$8,701. The puix's for tho rne.'g footed up
?S,S0. Thoentianwfeiw wiro f:t,(170, Hlall
luntH ?v!-il, ginud Htmid reoelptH $3,-1(11, qutii
ter sticteli ivivlptH fiKKl, n total of J7,0,.7. Al
lowing f-l.Vt for Inclilt'iital oxp.Misw, mid tho
r.icrH inndo a profit of t7"J7.
IluuiNfl tho past week Cnpt. 0. V. Taylor
of Dcndwood has been in Lincoln urging the
nrgmilz ition of a company to run tin unlett
ing works in Lincoln, 1 hoi o has Ikvii iiioio
talk tluin t 11 about the Black HUM tin mines
for yearn pvist, but there Is iia-on to bellevo
tlmt tlmt mining proiwrty Is now about ready
toboopeiud. It would boa great thing for
Lincoln to got thoBUicltlng work, and it in
to Ik. IiohsI our capitalists muy eo enough
money in it to tnko hold.
Miw. Anoik Newman, tho W. C. T. U.
stato superintendent of jail, pr!nonnud flower
ml-oiou work, reportn tho following nrtielvs
dlstributt-d nml work dono during tho pnst
year: Text enrdi, 1,500; bcrlpturo toxtf,
1,000; nong.lonlleti), l,tXX); hong liooks, 1W; re
ligious Mrvlee comlucUsl in jails, prlsonsnnd
uliushouses, Iiinuio asylums, etc., 0?i; libra y
books, by standard authors, U.V); bompiuts,
1,250; blblca mid tostanieuts, now from pubs
Iishvr, &V.I; pages current literature distrib
uted, TO.OSSi caster rani, 00; letters written,
Talmaok tells tho following: At Jericho I
met mi American, whoso iiamo I have foi
gottcu, who askod me to baptize him hi tho
river of Joiduu, to one lino Sunday morning,
when tho sun shono gloriously bright, wo us
sembled together on the banks of tho great
liver. I w us clad in tho white robes of an
Arab she k. A small crowd of Interested
jwoplo gathered about mo, boiiio of whom
were Aiuei icons. We fcang together ''On
Jordan's Stormy Bank I Stand," which my
daughter had copied from a hymn book and
dlsti tbiitcd. Af tr this tho rite of Immersion
was performed nnd wo dUbandtsl.
Omaha U liegliinlng to hustle to inlso H
000 to tnko care of tho genori 1 conference of
the Methodist church. When tho location for
tlio next oonfeienco was being considered,
Omaha offered, ns an Iiulueement, to enter,
tnlu the delegates while ill the city. There
will lie about (100 delegate who will r main a
month, and the cost of their entertnliiunnt
bus Uen flguied at W.OOO. At the time of
choosing Omiilia a eoniuutlio was nppoliiteil
to leluct another city if Oniulm failed to make
good lis proiuho The committee are nsklng
for something inorofcubstanUnl than promlbw,
and that is why Oiimlm Is huftllug.
b. Jrav"JP-.
TurkUh llniiMi DmtM nnl Uowns Mod
elril from Ihti Intrlra of flrtxtk
Hlnturn MutarlitU for Nnl Hnmmcr.
Honm NMr rubric anil OM Fiirorltem
IBfo-clnl Corntiiionilwicsj.
Nicw Yonit, Jnn. 211. Tlio llcklu eren
turt'n tlmt womon nrol Only a few
inoiitlm ago, wookH Indecl, ono had to bo
either dli(ctolruor llrnt empire in stylo
of drciw. niid forn tlino fivthlon wrut verg
ing on the "lucroyiihlo" or unbollnvnulu
of U10 llrnt Nnoli'on'a tlmo; hut now
Uint enprleo has paRmnl, nnd tlio nntlquo
mid nbuuile arc going to hnvn n clono race
with tho oriental fimlilons of Um present
tiny for popuhirlty.
a oown ok iiuaidi:i CI.OTU.
I biiy orli'iitul of tho present day, but
that is tin- HiiuuMiH it v!ut lioforo tho Cm
kuIus, mul will lo 111 long nx 1)iom tin
tioim exist.
In rt lending atoro yisstcrilay 1 biiw n no
called Turkish Iiouho dress, minus the
troiinura. It was inado of finely emhrol
dcrcd nillc tissue, full mul with n nnsli of
tho namo dono in gold and silver. Tho
(lno nilk tlsstio cheiniso had long alcoves,
mid was open liUothcm all, V Blmpo.uud
over this was ikisci! on tho (lguro a car
dinal red velvet jacket thickly embroi
dered in gold thread. Tlio alcoves were
long, and ho arranged that thoy could lie
closed from tho top to bottom, or left
open, as the wearer desired. With this
was a pair of those heelless hllppers, em
hioldered also stillly in gold thread. The
dress is that of tho Ionian Greek girla'
holiday attire, hut everything oriental
hero is willed Tiiri.iah.
Greek gowns modi led from statuesque
draperies on (lieek hculpturo aio also
aeen ery often this w inter. They gen
erally aro made in whitollannel, cash
mere, veiling gr oivpu do chine, or, pret
tier yet, JapanchO crape, and Iwrdtred
with silver or gold caatlo hrald laid on in
key pattern.
Tho importing houses nml best of the
retail houses aro now showing their ad
vance lines of amnnier inateilals for the
lieucllt of the wealthy class who Imvo nil
their pretty summer clothes innilo din
ing Lent. Tho aaino laco effects of last
hcason aro continued, only they aro oven
inoiu inonouneed. Palo tints in tho soft
est and most del lento shades and com
binations aro seen.
Among the new goods for tho spring I
notieo that Irish poplin is ono of the
foremost novelties. It Is in gray, drab,
cream mul darker shades of aolld color,
nnd it is nlo seen in an exquisito bro
cade. Fiench poplin is also among tho now
importntioiiB, and Is in roiuo patterns
made with n "laco work" stripe which
is exceedingly handsome.
A very pretty negligo morning gown
can bo made of striped flannel, or cardi
nal sateen with open work stripes, with
the skirt which is to bo mndo quite
plnln with or without n flat band of lace
nbovo the hem. Tho jacket to match
enn bo of turkey red calico with a lace
vest, or it can bo of cashmere or ilanr.el
with n surah vest. Tho stylo is very
pretty and dressy. Tho culTs niul a Uind
down tho fronts aro made of velvet.
This jacket is equally pretty In cream
whlto with blue, or moss green, or ruby
trimming, and la quito dressy enough
for morning wear anywhere.
For a stylish nnd elegant walking
gown a moss green Indies' cloth is richly
embroidered in silk nnd chenille of in
visible green. Tho wnlst anil alcoves are
embroidered In a novel manner, Tho
back of this gown Is cut Prlncwse style,
with deep box plaits in the lck. A
8inall velvet bonnet, with a llttlo gold
embrniflnrr nml n lilr.l nt nn.i.liu
feather, and tan gloves complete ono oi '
tho neatest nnd most ladylike of cos
tumes. Olivk IlAllI'KU.
somewhat like a southern home.
Plans ami Dmrrlptlnti of a Very Comfort
ahta rirtiirraqtif. Ilotur,
TIkto U somothlng Miggratl ve of a cotitliorn
liomo in this floor plan.nlthough it Is built hi
a northern city. Tho largo main room,
which extends tlio full length of tho housn,
the arrangement of rooms on mch sldo, tho
broad exMiinio of porch In front, tho wldo,
low pitcluMl roof, tho kitchen oxteiislou In tlio
rear, nil suggest tho soutlM-ni house
It is not uncommon In micli bulMluss to
have tho entrauco dlnvtly in front Tliore U
nlwnys objtvtlon ton direct pivomgo into a
Inrgo riMxn Tlw placing of a vitlbulo In
front of or nt ono side of a largo hall changes
It into a room.
If there wertrn door In tho front part of
tho largo central room 0 this house there
would ucotmnrlly have to bo n hut rack or
other repository for wraps, umbrellas, etc.,
which never prvmtit themselves agnxsibly to
tlio oyo. Kurthenuoro, In placing them awny
from tlio door, there would l a paKsago across
the nxiin to tlw hat rack, which would be
marked nt tlntee with dirt nnd dust brought
'in from the outnlilo Tlio vitlbulo and stalr
Imll chaugonllthLs, In thlsluAtniicothestalr
hall U plnctsl at tho Mdo, which gives mi
iinolwtrueusl view from tho front rtof tlio
main room. This stairlmll can to covereil
by 11 nig, which enn bo earrlo.1 out of tho
house for cleansing
Ono of tlw great objection to Imnl wood
lloor In Ihmlhc which must Ih cariHl for at a
moderate ocmiiso Is tlxt largo ntuouut of la
Imr tho.v reipilro Thoy nru easily soiled, and
show tho slightest dlsllguromoiit, Mthitt It U
iiisswsary inure than once every day for some
ono to w Ipo them up In sHtH, If not all over.
In houses w hero oxienso oa-energy of service
U not liii.rtunt this ni-iy bo a small matter,
but us he general condition must contem
plate economy of energy, it Is Important that
this matter lx considered. Tko disposition
which leads thosoof moderate menu to fol
low thoexamplo of wealthy neighbor tends
to the ll-e of uiaiiy li.ird wimhI Uimiis Aoo.1
ImhIj' Bru-vM-U cai'H-t Is easily care of
as compared .rlth a Imiil wkx1 lloor, mid tlio
llrst cot is but little more
The liisldo of the eutUv lower Uoorof
this houo U of linnl wood. 801110 llttlo vari
ety Is usL The main room Isquartered oak,
tlio chamber white miiplo, tho library syca
more, tho stair hall quartered oak and the
illiilug room walnut. The plastering has a
gray tlnlsh not tho white, glaring color bo
common. In the dining room, ubout half
way up tho wnll, on nil sides, Is n shelf which
is about six Inches wide. It extends between
casings of all doors unci windows. On the
under side of it aro cup hooks, to which may
bo hum; an occasional cup, or through which
Hiiillux or other green or decorative material
may be trained. The llttlo china closet In the
corner of iho dining room lias g!us doors In
lt upper section and shelves and uineled
doors below
Un the second lloor are three full helj;ht,
square bedrooms. The larger rooms aro In
the high part of the roof w here the height it
Milllelent to admit celling with llht collar
Ik'uiiih. N'ot eeu tho uper corners of the,
rooms are clipped. Tho height U th- siiiull
room Is derived by pluclng n ilorim r the sUe
Of the 1 (sun on that side of the lious
To return U the tlrst lloor Hie main
room Is divldislbya circular form of ormi
mental fretwork m that theie is a largo pas
mgo through tho center. The lew Irom the
front through this fretwork to the mantel
mid seat in tho rear Is very charming The
mantel Itself Is ,f wood. Tho facing U of
enameled tlio. Very llttlo wood work shows
on the front through the shelf.
Tho porch is a ery elegant fentuio of this
house, presenting, as it does, largo unoli
htructcd space for this rinun outside the
house. Tho main liody of tho iwreh, as will
Ikj seen, Is to 0110 side of tho entrance, thus 110
ono Is disturbed by 11 pnsngu from tho front
steps to the door. The largo irablo in front
of the iNirch Is left opuil to tho sheathing lluu
iuiovu tue ratters. Tliuelrect of this is not
only agreeable, but it lots more light into tho
main room than would U the case if tlio
gable were lllled with ornamental forms of
wood work, shingles or other material which
obstructs tho light to a Hue with tho top of
the columns of the other part of tho perch.
There is another iolut about this oien ga
bio which can only make itself apparent from
experience. That is. there Is a feeling ideas
mitly in contrast with the doprevdng effect
winch comes from sitting under tho low roof
of tho ordinary form of isirch. One can sit
under this gable, look up nnd see a largo ex
pniiso of sky above him; otherwise, thero Is
little more than the horizon to be wen A
number of ooplo sitting on such a porch will
naturally move from each end to the center
to get under the opening of the gublo with
out really know lug tho reusou.
Tho cost of this house and appurtenances is
thown by the schedule
UuiMins-Flrat lloor flnlsh. Hard wood;
xecoiul floor flnlsh, plno . $2,600
Privy, saulr and elieds . 35
Cisterns and conutctloas. 100 barrels . SO
Illuminating rur plKi sa
I'lumbliiK, cellar hlnlc, kitchen sink, bath
tub, water closet, uash elnW, street
wiulier, city und clitera water .... M
Ou llxtures W
Mantelsaud Rratcn 60
Puraaco .. S00
Total f3,8CJ
Vry Clniractrrlstlr.
Voung Knlckci bockah Ifrom Now York)
Ya-a. I contend that a man's charactah Ii
largely Inlluenced by the kort of a place, don't
you Vuow, that lie lives In.
Jl'js Kastend (sMeetlyi I sunposo you got
that Into your head by living in a Hat, dldu'l
you, Mr Knhkcrboekalif Bun and Voice.
-, r"J9 IE
rl '"
I , ?'
r'r.w.v.itn J
1 I 1 4 L
Woolen Hosieiy and Underwear
For the Coming Week.
means great bargains
ever shown in the city
131 South
Ashby &
Out their Entire Stock at Cost,
time to Buy Goods at
100 Engrayed Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we
same, at ft 1.50.
Courlor Offtco.
Lincoln Savings Bank
Safes to rent In burglar proor and lire proof vaults, at annua! rental of $o and upwards
Money in loan on real estate and collateral.
Vice lVeHhlonl.
And "OLD LEE" Anthracite.
115 S. I Oth Stmt
Telephone 360
LADIES this line of Fine Shoe
we place on the market anil claim them to
be the best line made. Wc WARRANT
every pair. They are Hand-made in every
uptict and are the Latest tylcs.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00
We can AVE YOL' MONEY on
thin special line. Please call and sec for
yourbclf, at
Boston ; Shoe ; Store
1026 P ST.
,, L
O Efo
v S" 1
(5' l
vf" 1
1 Cr
in the finest line of these goods
11th St.
Now is
Prices !
will furnish
100 Cards from
Tolophono 253. Now Burr Block
and Safe Deposit Co,
1 uu ii sa vi.nus ACCOUNT SOLICITED.
Sccuiliy! Safety! Kelleft For All
of optical complications, by the Introduc
tion nruhclciitlflo mid skilful system;
niatlieiiiatlenlly iiilJiiKtcd com
bluntlon Spectacles and Rye Glasses,
Kiiuallred to all ineipialltles of the
-IIY TllK -
ttliy' WNlftt 1 26 Years Experience!
est authority In his npccliilty; can now bo
consulted frcu or charge for tho next thirty
liny. Olllco at tlioll.Iin hTUDIO, iij
Houtli Eleventh Htreet, Lincoln, NobniKlta.
Ills reputation and miccess Ih endorsed by over
5,000 Persons In this State AIoho on &
tho tluest collection on thin continent; bun
ilreds of arletleH to select from of olaborute
workmanship, holiest polish ami tlnlsh, ad
mlrably suited to every expression of tho
Okfici: Houiih:
0 to 12 a.m.
1 to 5 )v. in. i
' to 8 p. in.
For further refeienee rend olreulars ir ad
vorllsomont In State Journal
I'HOF. HTltAHSMAN iHilnlnu nu lininonso
business throuiiliout the Culled states, nlv
Iiik the lie.t or satUfiictlou and delluht to
Imndreds with 'defOctlVo Slulit. HUknowl
ccluoor the 1 1 ii mill eye and his skill ofadjust
Iiik the kIioo-cs Is imirv clous beyond Imunlna
Hon. I.iii1odciI by all the creat men of this
country mid Kuropo.
rcl'leaso read circulars for a complete
list of references. Olllco at WJ t'outli lltli
street, at Kltto Htiullo.
i '."2-51Sfn.
V "WlWdk
. n,"
SjhMUMK " "J r