Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 25, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Tim Philippine Kortliqusko "Ilrllnrii on
tlio Jmih Christ, and Thiiii Shalt
II" Saved" Where thn Trjt tin
Applied Who U Ohrl.tT
Ix).MK)N, Jnn. IV. Tlio ltor. T. I)o Witt
Tolinage, I). I)., of llruoklyn, preached in
this city today, Inking for Ills toxt AcU xrl,
31: "liellevuon tho Lord Jiwus Christ, and
thou shult tu saved." Ho iwililt
Jails nru dark, dull, damp, loathsome
plmv vim now, but llioy wero worse In thu
njKwtolli times, t imaxliio today wo nru
Btaudlug in tho Phllipplan dungeon. Do you
not feel tlio chill f Do you not hear tho groan
of those incarcerated ones who for ten yeor
have not swn tho sunlight, mid u deep sigh
of women who rememlier their father's
house mid mourn over their wostisl iwtnUvif
Listen again. It It thu cough of tho con
tumptlvo, or tho struggle of ono In tho night
mare, of n great horror. You HstiMi again,
mid hear n culprit, liU chains rattling an ho
rolU over in his drowns, mid yon say: "(lod
pity tho prisoner." Hut thoro is another
sound in that prison. It Is a nong of joy and
gladness. U'lmta placo to Ring Inl Tho mu
sic comes winding through tho corridors
of tho prison, and In all tho dark
wards tho whler Is hoard: "What'
that! What' thatl" It is tho song of
Paul and Silas. Thoy cannot nlwp. Thoy
havo Ixsm whlp)od,vury Iwully whipptsl. Tho
long gashes on their hacks aro bleeding yet.
Thoy llo Hat on tho cold ground, tholr foot
fnst In wooden Bockotn, and of course thoy
cannot sloop. Hut thoy can sing. Jailor,
what aro you doing with theft) people f Why
liavo they boon put in horot Ohl thuy lmvo
boon trying to niako tho world lietter. Is
that all That is nil. A pit for Joseph. A
lion's envo for Daniel. A blazing furnace
for Shadraeh. Chilis for John Wesley. An
miatlioinii for Philip Molaiicthou. A dungeon
for l'uul and Silas. Hut ululo wo aro stand
ing in tho gloom of that i'liilipplau dungeon,
and wo hear tho mingling voices of bob, and
groan, mid blasphemy, and hallelujah, sud
denly mi earthquake! Thu Iron bars
of tho prison twist, tho pillars crack
olT, tho solid masonry liogius to
hcavo nnd rock till all tho doom swing open,
mid tho walls fall with a terrific crash. Tho
jailer, fooling himself rosonslblo for thoso
prisoners, and fooling sulcido to bo honora
ble sluco Hrutus killod himself, and Cato
killed himwlf, and Cassias killed himself
puts his sword to his own heart, procuring
with one strong, keou thrust to put an end to
his excitement and agitation. Hut I'nul cries
out: "Stop! stopl Do thysolf no harm. Wo
aro all hero." Thou I soo the Jailer running
through tho dust and amid tho ruin of that
prison, and I two him throwing himself down
at tho foot of thoso prisoners, cryb'B out:
"What shall I dot What shall I dof" Did
Paul answer: "Oct out of this placo lieforo
thero is anothor oarth(uako: put handcuffs
mid hopples on thoso otlior prisoners, lost thoy
got away?" No 'word of that kind. Com
pact, thrilling, tremendous answer; answer
memorable all throupii earth and heaven:
"Believe on tho Lord Jesus Christ, and thou
shiilt Ihj saved."
Well, wo havo all road of tho earthiuako
in Lisbon, in Lima, in Alopio and in Ca
raccas; but uo llvo in a latitudo where in all
our memory thero has not been ono sovoro
volcanic disturbance. And yet wo havo seen
fifty earthquakes. Hero is n man who lias
boon building up a largo fortuno. Ills bid on
tho money market was felt ill all tho cities.
Ho thinks ho has got boyond all annoying
rivalries in trade, and hu says to himself:
"Now I mu freu anil safe from all osslblo
perturbation." Hut n national uiuic strikes
the foundations of tho commercial world, anil
crash 1 goes ull that magnificent business es
tablishment. Ho is n man who has built up
a very beautiful home. His daughters havo
just coino homo from tho seminary with di
plomas of graduation. His sous havo
started in life honest, touierato and puro.
When tho evening lights aro struck, thoi'o is
a happy and tin unbroken family circle. Hut
thero has been an accident down at tho
beach. Tho young man ventured too far
out in tho surf. Thu telegraph hurled tho
terror up to tho city. An earthquake struck
under thu foundations of that beautiful homo.
Tho piano closed ; tho curtains dropped; tho
laughter hushed. Crash! go all those domes
tic hoes, and prosiects, and oxectutlons.
80, my friends, wo havo all felt the shaking
down of some great trouble, ami thero was a
time when wo wero as much excited as this
man of the toxt, and wo cried out as he ilid:
"What shall I dof What shall I do(" Tho
sumo reply that tho ujiostlo made to him is
appropriate to us: "Hclfuvuouthu I-ordJesus
Christ, and thou shalt Ih saved." Thero nru
Eomu documents of so little iniortnncu that
you do not care to put any more than
your last namo under thorn, or oven your
initials; but thero are some documents of so
groat Importance that you write out your
full namo. So tho Saviour in somo parts of
tho Hiblo is called "Lord," and in other parts
of tho Hible ho is culled "Jesus," and in other
parts of tho Hlblo ho is called "Christ;" but
that theru might x no mistake about this
passage all three names como in together
"tho Iird Jesus Christ." Now, who is thif
being that you want 1110 to trust in and be
lieve 111 f Men sometimes comu to mo with
credentials and certificates of good character,
but 1 cannot trust them. Thero is some dis
honesty in their looks that make.s mo know I
shall bo cheated if 1 confide in them. You
cannot put ) our heart's confidence in a man
until you know what stuff hu is made of, and
am I unreasonable this morning when I stop
to ask you who this is that you want 1110 to
trust In? No man would think of venturing
bis life on a vessel going out to sea, that had
Iievon ltet'ii inspected. No, you must have the
certificate hung amidships, telling how many
tous it carries, mid how long ago it was
built, and w ho built it, and all ubout it. And
you cannot uxpoct me to risk tho cargo of my
immortal Interests on lioard any craft till
you tell mo w hat it is uiado of, ami w hero it
was made, mid what It Is. When, then, I ask
you who this is you want me to trust in, you
tell uio ho was a very attractive erson. You
tell 1110 that tho conteuiiorary writers
deserllHi him, mid they give thu color of his
eyes, and tho color of his hair, and they de
scribe his whole nppeuruncu as lomg re-gplcudei-.t.
Christ diil not tell thu children to
coma to him. "BjfTer little children t eomo
unto me," was not spoken to thu children; it
wassHjkeu to tho Pharisees. The children
had comu without any Invitation. No
sooner did Jesus appear than thu little ones
pitched from their mothers' arms, 1111
avalanche of lieauty and love, into ids
lap. "Suller lutlu children to come
unto inc." That was addressed to thu Phun
sees; not to the children. Christ did not usl.
John to put his head down 011 his Unom;
John could not help but put his heal there.
Such eyes, such cheeks, such 11 chin, such
hair, such physical cuiid'Uon and apH'iiranco must have ben completely enpti
vutiug and winsome. 1 suppose a look at him
was Just to luvo him. 01 how attractive his
manner. Why, when (hoy saw Christ com
ing along the ttrccl, thoy ran Into their
houses, and they wrapjtsl up their Invalids
as quick as thoy 1 mild mid brought them out
that ho might iook at them. O! there was
something so pleasant, so Inviting, so cheer
lug In everything ho did, In his very look.
When theo sick oiioh worn brought out did
ho say 1 '"Tako away this) sore; do not
trouble me ulth these lcprosltwi" No, 110;
there as n kind look; there was a gentle
word; thero was a healing touch, Thoy could
not keep away from him.
In addition to tills HoftiictM of character,
them was a itery momentum. How tlio old
hyixjcrites trembled lieforo him. How the
kings of tho ivirth turned jmio. Here, is n
plain man with a fow millers ut his buck,
coming on tho wen of Galileo, going up to the
alaco of tho Cii-uirx, making that mlaeo
quake to tho foundations, and uttei ing a won!
of mercy mid Mini lien which throbs through
all tho earth, and through all tlie heavens,
nnd through nil tho ages! Ol ho was a lov
ing Christ. Hut It wits not effeminacy, or
Insipidity of character; It was accompanied
with majesty, infinite and oinnltnt, Liwt
tho world should not realize his onrnostuoKi,
this Christ mounts tho cross. You say: "If
Christ has to die, why not let hlin lake hoiiio
deadly itlou and lie 011 a couch in some
bright and lxviutifiil home! If he must tlio,
let him expire amid all kindly attentions."
No, the world must hear tho hammers on thu
heads of thu spikus. The world must listen
to tho death rattle of tho sufferer. Tho
world must feel Ids warm blood dropping on
each cheek, while it looks up Into tho face
of his anguish. And wo tho crow must bo
lifted, and tho hole is dug 011 tho top of Cal
vary. It must bo dug three ftet deej), and
then thu chns is laid on tho ground, and tlio
sufferer Is stretched uiou It, mid the nails are
xundod through nerve and muscle mid Ixino,
through tho right hand, through tho left
hand, and then thoy slmko his right hand to
mx) if it is fast, and they shake his left foot to
soo if it Is fast, mid then they heave up tlio
wood, half a dozen shoulders under tho
weight, and thoy put tho end of tho cross to
tho mouth of tlio hole, and they plunge it in,
all tho weight of his Ixxly coming down for
tho first time on thu spikes, and while Home
bold tho cross upright others throw In tho
dirt mid trample it down, mid trample It
hard, Oh, plant that tree well and thor
oughly, for it is to Iwnr fruit such
as uo other tree over Ixirol Why did
Christ endure It" Ho could havo taken
thoso rocks, and with them crushed hi
crucillcra. Ho could havo roaclxtl up mid
grasped tho sword of tho Omnipotent 0xl
and with ono clean cut have tumbled them
into perdition. Hut 110; ho was to die, hu
must die. His life for my life. His life for
your life. In one of tho European cities a
young man dies I 011 tho scaffold for tho crime
of murder. Some time after, tho mother of
this young man was dying, and tho priest
cnuio in, and she made confession to the
priest that she was Uiu murderer and not her
son; in a moment of anger dive bad struck
her hustuitid a blow that slow him. Tho sou
came suddenly into tho room, and was wash
ing away tho wounds mid trying to rcmi.sci
tato his father, when some ono looked
through tho window and saw him, and sup
posed him to Ixj tho criminal. That young
man died for his own mother. You nay: "It
was wondei f ul that ho never cxjxwod her."
Hut I toll you of a grander thing. Christ,
tho Son of God, died not for his mother, not
for his father, but for his sworn enemies. O,
sucli n Christ as that so loving, so nulf sac
rificingcan you not trust hlmf
I think thoro aro many under tho spirit of
God wlio aro saying: "I will trust Him if
you will only tell mo how;" and tho great
question asked by thousands in this assem
blage is: "How? howr" And while I an
swer your question I look up mid utter tho
prayer which Ilowland Hill so often uttered
in tho midst of his sermons: "Master, help!"
How are you to trust in Christ Just as you
trust any ono. You trust your partner in
businoss with ImiKirtmit things. If n com
mercial house gives you a note jxiyablo thrisj
months hence, you expect tho iynient of
that note at thu end of three months. You
havo perfect confidence In their word mid in
their ability. You go homo Uxluy. You ex-tx-ct
thero will bo food on tho table. You
liavo confidence in that. Now, I ask you
to havo tho same confidence in the Lord
Josus Christ. Ho says: "You believe; I
tako awuy your sins;" and thoy aro
all taken away. "What," you say, "ixjforo
I pray any morof Heforo I read my Hlblo
any moro' Heforo I cry over my sins uny
morof" Yes, this moment. Heliovo with nil
your heart, and you aro saved. Why, Christ
is only waiting to got from you what you
givo to scores of people every day. What is
that? Confldonco. If these people whom
you trust day by day aro moro worthy than
Christ, if they aro moro faithful than Christ,
If they havo done moro than Christ overdid,
thou givo them the preference; but if you
reully think that Christ is as trustworthy as
they uro, then deul with him as fairlj . "Oh,"
says some one, In a light way, "I bcliovo that
Christ was born In Hethlcliem, and I txjlleve
that ho died on tho cross." Do you boliovo It
with your head, or your heart'
I will illustrate thu dilTcrcnco. You aro in
your house. In tho morning you ojkmi a
nowspajx;r, and you road how dipt. Hravo
iieurtou the sea risked his life for tho salva
tion of his passengers. You say: "What a
grand fellow ho must havo Usjn! His family
deserves very well of tho country." You
fold tho nowspaKr and sit down at tho
table, and x-rhaps do not think of that In
cident again. That Is historical faith.
Hut now you oro on tho sea, and it Is
night, and you are asleep mid aro awaken
ed bv the shriek of "Firul" You rush out on
tho deck. You hear, amid tho wringing of
tho hands and tho fainting, tho cries. "No
hox3l Wo aro lost! Woarolostl" Tho sail
puts out Its wing of flro, tho ropes mako a
burning ladder in tho night heavens, tho
spirit of wreck hisses in tho waves, and
on tho hurricane deck shakes out Its
banner of smoke and darkness. "Down
with tho litelxvitsl" cries the captain.
"Down with tho lifeboats!" People rush
into them. Tho boats aro fulL Hoom only
for one moro man. You aro standing on thu
deck besldu the captain. Who shall it liol
You or tho captain? Tho captain says:
"You." You jump and aro saved. Ho
stands there mid dies. Now, you believe
that dipt llr 1 veheart sacrificed himself for his
passengers, but jou believe it with love, with
tears, with Lot and long continued exclama
tions; witli gilef at his loss, mid with J at
your deliverance. That is saving faith In
other word-, what ou Ixiliuve with all tho
heart, and Isdievo in regard to yourself. U11
this hinge turns my sermon; aye, the salva
tion of jour Immortal soul. You often go
across 11 bridge j oil know nothing about. You
do not Uii'iu who built the bridge, cm i.
not know what material it is mule of,
but you coin1 to it, and walk over it, uud
ask uo questions. And heru is mi arched
bl'idgo blasted from tho "Hock of Ago," and
limit li th Architect of tho wh do universe,
si.nmiii' tlieilurk gulf betweeusiuaud
isiusuess, mil nil (iod asks yu is to walk
acros it, iiiel ym sl'irt, and you coma to it,
uud )oii st i(i, 11111I on go a little way 011 and
you stop, and ou full hack, mid yon
Von say: "How do I know
that I ridge will hold muf" instead of
nui'clu ig on with linn step, asking uo ques
tions, b it feeling that the strength of the
iV.l'.tl Oil is under you. Ol, was thero
ever a prim olTcrvd no cheap as paitlou and
heaven are offered to you! Per how much I
A million dollars' It fs certainly worth moro
than that Hut cluvqicr than that t 011 ran
havo It, Ten thousand doll'irs? los than
that. Five thousand dollars f U'ss than
that, Ono dollar! Iss th.iu that, Ono
farthing I Less than that, "Without money
and without price," No money to xiy, No
Journey to take. No Knanca to sufTer.
Only just one decisive action of thu
houI: "Heliovo 011 tho Iord Jesus Christ,
anil thou shalt Ixi ivtvisl." Shall I try to toll
you what it Is to In saved? I cannot tell
you. No man, 110 angel, can tell you. Hut I
can hint at It. For my text brings mo up to
this xilut, "Thou shalt Ixi saved " It moans
a happy life hem, and a xuiccfiil death and
a blissful eternity. It Is a grand thing to go
to sleep at night, and to get up In thu morn
ing, mid to do business all day fisdilig that nil
is right k'twis'ii my hivirt mid (lod. No acci
dent, no sickiuKs, ii)t yrKocutlon, no -xtII, no
sword can do tno any Krmaiieut damage. I
am a forgiven child of (lod, and hois bound
to wsj 1110 through Ho has sworn hu will sou
tno through Tho mountains may depart, the
earth may burn, tho light of the stars may
lx blown out by tho blast of the Judgment
hurricane; but life mid death, things present
nnd things to come, are mine. Yea, further
than that It means a siceful death.
Mrs. 1 tomans. Mm. Slgourney, Dr. Young
and almost all the xxt have said handsome
things alxiut death. There is nothing lxautl
fulalxiutir. When wo stand by the white
mid rigid features of those whom wo love,
mid they givo 110 answering pressure of the
hand and no returning kiss of thu lip, we do
not want auylxxly xx'lizhig around nlxuit us.
Dentil is loathsomeness ami midnight and the
wringing of the heart until tho tendrils snap
and curl In tho torture unless Christ bo with
us. I confess to you to an Inllliite fear, n
consuming horror, of death unless Christ shall
Ixi with 1110. I would rather go ilow 11 Into a
cave of will Ixvistsor a Juugloof reptiles than
Into the grave unless Christ gtcs u Ith mo.
Will you tell me that I am to l) carried out
from my bright home mid put away In the
darknefisf I cannot lieur darkness. At tho
first coming of tho evening I must have tho
gas lit, and tho further on In life I get tho
moro I like to have my friends annuel nlxiut
mi And am 1 to I si put olf for thousands of
years in a dark placo, with uo ono to sKiak
to? When tho holidays comu mid tho gifts
aro distribute, shall I add no joy to
tho "Merry Christmas" or tlio "Happy Now
Yearf" Ah, do not point down to thu hole
in tho ground, tho grave, and call it a
lieautlftil place; unless there lx some suxr
natural Illumination, I shudder back from it.
My whole nature revolts at It. Hut now this
glorious lamp is lifted ultovo tho grave and
all tlio darkness Is gone mid the way is clear.
I look Into It now without n single shudder.
Now my anxiety Is not nlxuit death; my
anxiety is that I may llvo aright; (or I know
that if my life is consistent when 1 come to
tho last hour, and this voice is silent and
Uioho eyiis aro closixl, and theso hands with
which I lx'g for your eternal salvation today
are folded over thu still heart, that then I
shall only lx'glu to live. What sower is
there in anything to chill mu In thu last
hour, if Christ wraps around mo tho skirt
of his own garment? What darkness can
fall uisjii my eyelids then, amid tho heav
enly daybreak! O death, I will not fear
thee then. Hack to thy cavern of darkness,
thou roblx?r of nil tho earth. Ply, thou do
spoller of families. With this battle ax I
how tins) in twain from helmet to sandal, tho
voice of Christ sounding all over thu earth
uud through the heavens: "O death, I will
Ixj thy plaguo. O grave, I will be thy de
To bo savisl is to wako up In tho presence
of Christ, You know when Jesus won upon
earth how happy hu made every house ho
went into, and when ho brings us up to his
houso how groat our glee. His voice has
more music in it than is to Ixt hoard in all
tho oratorios of eternity. Talk not alxiut
banks dashed with olllurescciioo. Jesus is thu
chief bliKim of heaven. Wo shall stsj the very
face that lx.amod sympithy In Bethany, and
tako the very hand that its blood
from tho short Ix-am of tho cross. O, I
want to stand in eternity with him. Toward
that harlxir I sttsjr. Toward that goal I run.
I shall Ihi satisfied when I awake in his like
noss. Oh, broken honrbsl men and women,
how sw(s.t it will lx in that gxxl laud to
xmr all your hardships and bereavements
and losses Into the loving ear of Christ, and
then have him explain why It was lust for
you to Ixj sick, and why It was lxt for you
tolxi widow ol, ami why It was U-st for you
tolx) jiersis'iiteil, and why it was best for you
to Ixj tried, and have him point to mi eleva
tion proportionate to juur disquietude here,
saying: "You sulTored with me on earth,
come up now and be gloi iflisl with mo in
Sumo 0110 went into a houso where there
had been a good deal of trouble mid said to
the woman thero: "You seem to lx) lonely."
"Yes," sho said, "I am lonelv." "How many
in tho family?" "Only myself." "Havo
you had any children?" "I had seven chil
dren." "Where aro they?" "Gone." "All
gone?" "All." "All .lead?" "All." Thou
she breathisl a long sigh Into the lone
liness mid said: "Oh, sir, I havo lxx.'n a
good mother to tho grave." And so thero
nro hearts hero that are utterly broken down
by tho bereavements of life. I point you to
day to the eternal balm of heaven. Aro thero
any here that I am missing this morning) O,
you xjr waiting maid! your heart's sorrow
poured in no human car, lonely mid sad! how
glad you will Ixj when Christ shall dislxiud
nil your sorrows and crown you queen unto
God mid thu Lamb forever! O, aged men and
women, fisl by his lovo and wanned by his
grace for thns) score years mid ten ! will not
your dwropltudo change for tho leap of a
hart when you come to hxk fnce to faco
upon him whom, having not seen, you love?
O, that will bo tlio Gxxl Shepherd, not out
in the night and watching to keep oir the
wolves, but with tho lainlw ns'llning on the
sun lit hill. That will lx the Captain of our
salvation, not amid tho roar, und crash, and
Ikxiiii of battle, butamul his disbanded tnxs
keeping victorious festivity. That will Ixi
tho Hridegrooiu of tho Church coming from
afar, the bride leaning ilxu Ills arm while
ho looks down Into her face and says: "Ik-hold,
thou art fail, my lovo! Heboid, thou art
suc by Ills i:nriii),
A curious Incident oocuned at the well
known Parisian Cafe do la Paix a din or two
ago. A Republican deputy, M. Jules Uocho,
while breakfasting, was mi the pmnt of living
choked by a mouthful of bread, and would
probably hae sucemnlx! had not his critical
condition been noticed l M de .Susilll, tile
fiery Iloiilaugist, and one of M. Hoclie's most
prouoiinctxl Hilitieiil eiit'iuiex, wiio was hav
ing his di-Jeuin r at a neighboring table. M.
do Siisini, who happens to be a doctor, fur
gutting all al out m1iMciiI dlll'crcuces, hasten
ed to assist tin- choking de tit , mid, has ing
saisl him from ' nam siillix'iitioii, ekcoitisl
him 1.1 tlie chamlfcr. ICmii I'leiuh .htical
rivals, it would ct-m, ale not so b.lterly lr
locuiicilablo as is of tin luitdu out. I-oiulun
(irude crossings in Chicago 111 lsy caused
the death of ','tiu persons. Tno lecord for tho
last four -i cats is nearly a thousand hws
A l w I 1 the Mnllrnl Mile I'nliitnl Out
by a llostim rtijslrbtn.
The Idea that fresh nlr Is litvesxarlly cold
nb . and that It tm vols In a draft lint li nro
Injurious, but some people want not only to
bnvithe ftisdi air, but to feci It
The Idea that It Is wise to throw oir the
rlothing If ono becomes tixi hot ICis-p cool,
mid take things lorl , even hi cooling olf.
The Idea thntconsutnptlon Is always hcrcd
Itarj l'ss than Si'i per rent, of casss aiedue
to this Influence. The remainder are due to
lxir living, catching cold and nervous ex
liaiistiou and contagion Throe-fourths of
the consumption occur In men lxforo the
igeof twenty-five, mid hi women during the
T'-e Idisi that ho who Is nhead wins. In
thcih-iith race for bread nud a comxteiicy
Kuco-sx often means Ixxlily failure, and uliio
tenuis of the winners die on the ti nek.
The idea that xrsonal resemblance nitalli
similar chuiactrt Istlcs of mind mid Ixxly,
"Like father, like son."
"lllissl will tell," hut It MiinetimoN tells
The Idea that great draughts of Ire water
quuich thirst. A little piece of Ice In thu
mouth is lxttcr than 11 big phs-e I 1 tho
pit'-her, Just as concentrattsl sucetucw li
better than protracUsI sweetness long drawn
Tho Idea that much clothing, many Ixsl
clothes, hot rtxiuiNnnd close confinement will
pi event colds nud sickness. Tho moro a
tlnlftless youth Is helped tho moro help he
uissls mid tho less able Is ho to take euro of
himself. If you kisqi tho Ixxly tixi wnriu, It
will not keep itolf warm.
The Idea that pin Is essentially Indigestible;
the quality of indlgestihlllty cannot lxi logi
cally alllrmed of any article of ftxxl alwo
lutely mid apart from a consideration of tho
digestive capacity mid ability of the victim
whoso particular stomach is to Ixi tested,
The Idea that morbid prixn'ssos aro neeow
sal lly destructive; they nro of ten conserva
tive. Disease Is some times nature's method
of righting or overcoming a wrong or ro
luoviu tho cfTccts of some baneful or illt
tiirliln't ii;;ent. Thu clinic picture is nmdo up
of cvid' uccs of reaction as well as of direct
tuoihld i.etlou
The idea that health consists In feeling well
nud slci uess t:i feeling sick; those who fool
sick me i.ot always sick, but tometlmes well,
mid contrariwise, thoso who feel well may xs
sick; but, after all, feeling has a gixxl deal to
do with it.
Tho Idea that if ono is ill, takes drugs nud
gets well, thero Is a connection Ix-twcen the
rciiKsly uud the result. It may lx-a coinci
dence mid thu disease might get well of Itself;
nor dixjs the repetition of such cases establish
anything moro than a prtJiahlllty that tho
remedy was gixjd mid tho prox-r thing in tho
prox.T place.
Tlio Idea that cheap medical advice li
worth anything. Hu who sells himself for
nothing gels all ho is worth, and ho who buys
anything for nothing gets all ho pays for.
Tho Idea that a knowledge of medicine la
gal nisi in nuy other way than by hard study
and constant application. Thu seventh sou
of a seventh sou knows 110 moro than any
other son unless ho has worked for It, In
stinct may I mi Intuitive, but kuowlislgo Is not,
and ho knows most who qualifies Ix-st.
The Idea that a big brass sign tells w hero
tho best doctor Is. Sometimes thu sign mid
tho man nro of tho same material character.
Hrass signs nud self assurance nru Ixith cheap,
not always ludicatlvouf worth within. Cheap
gixxls sometimes havo a gaudy exterior;
washed rings do not wear well, and a great
big glittering diamond is sometimes tho most
brilliant part of tho man who wears It. I Io
wa re of show and blow.
Tho idea that a string of amlwr beads will
ward oir brouchiul trouble; tho idea that n
horse chestnut in tho pocket will ward olf
rheumatism; that a piece of money that Is
found will bring more money; tho idea that
a horsohoo will bring luck mid tho Idea that
we should lock arms 011 thu street to prevent
the devil from passing between us and leav
ing a quarrel, with a host of other siixtrstl
tlous, aro just as foolish as these fallacies, but
in spite of soU-r sense wo cling to a great ilivd
of nonsense and find Joy nud comfort in our
blind faith.
Tho idea that thero aro any "laws of
health." I'.very man is a law unto himself.
No rule without an exception. This state
ment Is a lille, and therefore has Its oxcc
tious. That which has mi exception cannot
Is-a rule, theiefore there are no rules. Having
reached this end with a fallacy, tt Is time to
stop ulth this farewell fallacious idea thatall
advice is-grxxl advice.
Many gtvu advice as tho priest Is said to
liavo given his blessing, Ix-causo It was worth
Utile and cost less. Solxtwareof those who
are free w ith ad v ice, mid do not Ixi misled by
fullac), but go to the nearest doctor when
you lire sick, but better keep well and dl.v
pensu with Ins services. Whatever you do, do
not go it blind, but slop and cogitate. Humi
liate ideas as thu cow docs her cud. Cows
never huvo indigestion, lxs.'ause they take
time, mid jou would do well to follow their
example Charles Kverotl Warren, M. I)., in
Huston Globe,
I'oln'v lor the Signal Service Man.
A man with many Indications of the crank
came into tho room Wednesday and in a hulf
hearted manner wishisl me a happy New
Year, "lly the way," ho said, "that's not
what I came In hero for. I wanted to say to
you that it would In) a good Idea to havo the
signal service man Interviewed alxiut thu
gooso Ixino of tho wild gixi-'. Somu folks
think thul it indicated cold weuther. They
simply guosMxl at It. If your signal service
man here hud only got a wild gixise in No-
veinU-r he could Have told you folksall alxiut
the mild weather in December. Tho gixiso
Ixiue was unmistakable on that I may Is-late
in giving you this, but I'm modest. It mo
givo jou a pointer: The spring is going to Ixj
the earliest you over saw in this latitude. It
Is in the gixiso Ixuio.
"Get a gixiso bono," ho hU-ssl, as ho oued
tie- door, dlsnpeared and shambled down
tho hall. Chicago Tribune.
U'luit (IixmI "lien Iive.
!souic1xh1 wiin-s a word of advico to
oung Ameiicaii women winch Is that if they
want to nlli net (Englishman they must not
lie athletic mid ros cheeked, that Knglisli
men are so much that way themselves that
lli-' I l.e Ir.igile, clinging creatures w ith pale
ei.-i I,,, w le turn tlio scale at a huudrisl and
le 1 pounds Don't Ik-Ih-m- it. girls Neither
I'nt,llhiin n nor Amein-aiis, or tlio men of
any nation, love you because you are tell 01
b it, tat or thin, pale or rosy They low
- 11, if loe U the question, Ihs'iiiiso you ale whut you me. New Yolk Comiueicial
.d . . 1 ii -r
llnijleu- Mill
i'hi-i-v is a lull eallisl liiiryiiig hill in Ply
mouth, Miss., w heru many of tho Pilgrims
utrc Iniried On thu hill, "Inch eoiuumiiils
a line mow nf thu harb rs of Plymouth mil
OnM-ui , iiinl tlie adjacent country , a forti
tie I chinch was built in ItfJ, with six can
110 1 on its Hat roof.
It is Ixjtter Knglisli to say "You would lx.'t
lei'' than to say "You had Ix-lter," but tho
latdi' cprcssiou is -olloquial, and, If good
tsiie can sanction a viong use, Is allowable.
I wo l.iirue Slili.
Though Galveston U a kii t of consMcrnhlo
importance, thero nro no nhlis of any great
magnitude that the nation's highway
owing their paternity to (Inhesion. This
cotidili uef things, however, will nut exlit
u ue!i Ion er, as two large vessels of 1,'JtXI
(linn each ale now Ix-lng built, with a view of
their cs'liil adaptability to the Oalvcslon
rail-1, and will plow tho msi as hailing from
OnUestou. These shlis mo alxiut X fixt In
length, M7 fis't Ix'aui and III fixil hold. One
is Ix-lng buill at flntli. Mo., and Is now nearly
icily to Ixi liiunchisl, the other Is In course
01 i 'instruction at the shipyard at Nowhtiry
oit, Mass. They will cost alxiut fir,(KiO
These ships are being built with tho view
of I lovldlug touunge for Galveston's trade,
and Ix'iu 1 under control of the lornl shipping
iiili-iest they will aid very luaCiTlally In sup
pl lug tonnage during tho busy season here,
when fielght Is ficquotitly olferisl in execs
of tlie toiiiiage capacity of the shlH. Ver
fri iciitly slilps thai como to this xirl with
ciiiikvs are chin tensl for the round trip by
uoitheiii and eastern brokers, aifd Instead of
being ilimterisl for return curgixi from
Galveston, they uro under coutrort to return
with 11 cargo of lumlx-r fiom wime of the
liliulx'r jxirtson the gulf coast. Those are
by fur tlio largest sldis In which Galveston
owners aro Intel estisl - Galveston News.
CliioiUlllC Hull's.
Of course you ale all going to havo trouble
when you Ix'gin 11 letter. Ono gets on such
gixxl terms with n year that when II Is gone
ho retains iisMx-lntlous of the old friend
which are Hot nvidlly shaken oh". So you
will write "I SSI," scratch it out, write "imio"
mid throw away tho shis-t of wqs-r. You
will catch yoiirwlf doing this until you take
a big shivit mid scrawl all over it "New York,
Jan. , IHIKI," and again and again. Now
you think you 1110 safe, but you nro not.
When you Ix-gln to write another letter the
year has quite slipl out of your mind.
Perhaps yon get through your letter Ixiforo
you discover the mistake.
"This lx (ixi bad," you say. You wonder II
you will over get used to tho new your. No
doubt you will, and very simiii at that. It
was Just as b id a year ago, and a year from
now you will II 1 11 1 IKIK) tagging after you
when you waul tho company of IMU. Hut if
it is dlllhult to change tho year, how will it
Ixi with thu century? Think of ten years
from now. You could always iIckiii on tho
"18." Hut when you havo to write 1001
there will Ixi 11 chaugol And after you have
Ixsjii w 1 Itlng It for six mouths It will look so
natural that when you run across a date
with mi "IK" in II, say IKS", It will mx-m odd,
oil fashioned to you, as 17711 d(x now. Af
ter thu first plunge cold wnter is not so chill
ing. Now York Tribune.
A Story from the llliiiniinil I'lrlili,
Traveling in tho Trans von 1 a fow wcoki
ago, I hud, writesa corresK)iident of a South
African Journal, mi opxirtiinlly of mooting
tho old man (J'Hellly, wlio can certainly claim
to Ixi the llrst Individual who proved that
diamonds existed In South Africa. Hut for
this man's thick skinned x-rtluaclty tho Jl'MO,
UOO.OOO worth of diamonds which luivu Ixm-ii
unearthed since the discovery might still
have Ixsiu In tho place where they had lain
foragei. Yet this man has gained nothing
by the discovery, ami is now working for lib
living; Indissl, his constant complaint Is that
hu was ruined by the diamond fields. Prior
to the early stunixsles to thu fields hu was a
successful ti udcr amongst tho natives, but
with the advent of thu thousands of Hiiro
k)uiis his occupation lcuirtil. O'itollly
HtaU-d to mu that prior to lWl'J no idea what
ever existed III the minds of the colonists of
South Africa that tho coii-itry was rich in
diamonds and gold. Tliucountry was then In
a condition verging iixin a general financial
collajiNi mid commercial bankruptcy.
.Itillai In umi llmun MuiiU.
A few years ago a lady residing ill a
healthy part of St. Petersburg fell ill of ma
larial fever. There was no doubt as to the
nature of the malady. Novcrtht less, a mys
tery hung over the case, for tho lady lied
not lately visitisl any malarial district, but
hud Ixs3ii living at homo hi 11 Ix-allty purely
non-malarious. Thu mystery was further
Increased by the fact that so long as the pa
tient icinuiuod in her Ixslrixuu thu disease
yielded to the usual remedies, but oil remov
ing to tho sitting iixitii a reIiiiso Invariably
followed, and fen-or with all the character
istic symptoms sot In once more l'or sonic
months these alternations continued, until
the doctor's suspicious wero arousisl by ol
serving that w lulu plants were growing In
the sitting rixiui they were absent from the
Ixttlrooiu. Inquiring Into thuir history, hu
'ouiid they had Ixsii sent direct from a dis
trict know 11 to lx malarious. On getting rid
of the plants a complete lecovery followed,
nud the mystery was explained. Niuctcnlh
Noti'llst umi I-L'lilator.
Perez flnldos, Ixisides beluga novelist, Is a
legislator. Ho is 11 iuemlx.r of tho rhamlxT
of deputies, sitting ill that b'xly as a repre
sentative of the distant island of Pol to Rico.
Not that ho is a resident of that island or has
any very ss-lal alllliatlous with it, but, as in
most other nurojxiau countries, one may
stand for any district that pleases to havo
him. Nor is he mi orator, nor yet an active
man In tho xilltieal way. I have heard It
said thai he had himself clcctisl 11 deputy
merely in order to get mi opxirtunity to
study legislative manners nt llrsl lian l in
his next Ixxik, therefore, we may x-rliaps
huvo mi Intimate and thorough picture of tho
corb-s of Spiln, as wo havo of tlie govern
incut olllces in the last. Fancy an A"i 'lean
literary man getting elected to congress tu
secure material for a new novel or, indtshl,
getting clcctisl thereon any score whatever'
"A Day in Literary Madrid," by William
Henry Hishop, in February Seribuer.
All Ilillnen.K Ortptu.
All organ which would apxar to bo un
precedented 111 some of its jxirts und apx)lut-
meiiui uas ihs-u erccusi in i.inuu, Kiissia. If
sUe is such as to occupy thu whole width if
the i lunch, alxiut sixty fis-t, and lias the no
iqilulcd llUUlln-r of 1.11 teglstels, li iHHI pls.
Ulld I I Is-llowsof lnlge !.. nil-i tin n 11 iiIm
four Inn psiclioi ils iiimI oiiu s-.l,n 'lii' i.i( t
plx is foinusl of plunks tliice in. him 1, .
and thirty one feet 111 I- ugtli, tin- .
M-M 11 sUiin mi Ins. ai.d wcil.- i nt
1-ollllds ll. iidibtlon to I he lui i umi
lelslel s tliei e ill e also twenH . 1, ci rv
stop, wl.nii permit of eonl , , 1
I l Its of tlio iiisll limclll wain 11: 1 o 1.
Ii-Coiirse to the leglslels. n 1 .
ne u nutic combination tlie
tlie tour hai isiclio"il, lluis 1 I :.. 11 1
lug n-siiits l.iiiiviil Star
ioi r sii t'oiiipi ini
A gieat disCoeiy of foMil ! 11 ,
Jllst Iks-ii 11 .ele at iiosWorih ipi 11
yoke, ileie i a clean ui face . 1 - ,
III) by 10 loot, on wlucli ares.. , , .
trues. Neiilya'lot tliemine 1
nge-t ono coillu.nlii soventis li 1 1 , s- li
tracks ai .-from ' to eight it- i . - in l.-uin
and were protKibh made by i i thai if
It hinl trout ftst, jddoui used tin in Tills Is,
without doubt, tho largest un . . wring of
traess siniv tue days ot 1'residii.i Hit .icock
Spl'lllgtleld i. Mass I Hepublicaii
Everybody to examine tlie
plans and standing of the Un
ion Central Life Insurance
Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio,
before insuring. It has the
lowest continuous death rate
of any company. Realizes the
highest rate of interest on in
vested assets which enables it
to pay large dividends.
Policies incontvstihlo and
non-forfcifabo after third year.
The Union Central issues
endowment policies at ordi
ary life rates; these policies
are now maturing and being
paid in from one to two years
earlier than time estimated by
the company. They protect
the family and estate during
the younger years of life, and
the insured in old age at regu
lar life rates. Other desirable
policies issued. Call on us or
write for plans.
.. M. KUM18TUN, Slulr .lynil.
V. 1.. MKSIIIKH, Awt. Slate Auad.
O. T. 1'UMVKU.V, Ctlu Solicitor.
It-Hini Si Ilurr llloelc,
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladles and - Children's -'Hair Cutting
Roberts & Co,
212 North nth Street,
Undertakers anMmbalmers,
Telephones. Office 145. Residence 1 56
Open Day nnd Nl(;nt.
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager,
Funeral Director.
121 S. 12th St, Lincoln, Neb.
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