Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 25, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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' Milwaukee!,
OnllH UlKlopontlCH nttll'N of tlllrMIIllly
nulppeit ro.ul In till iiotx. WiHcoimlu, lowu,
Mlnoiirl.Mliini'iiolii iiml Ititkotu.
It In tho llexl Direct Itmiln liot .!! nil tli
Prliiolpnl 1'olntB In lliu Northwcitt, Boulliwct
and Far Went.
For imipn, (Into IiiIiIch, rate of iiinutnito mill
trelitlit, etc.. apply to neiircHi Million uncut l
way, ortminy ltullroiul Avonl nnywlicru Ih
the world.
(liMiorul M's'r. (Icn'l 1'iikh. AT'kl Aiit.
p.. (Ion' Mitr. Aiwt. (. V. A T. Aitl
Milwaukee, WUcoiihIh.
MT-For Information tu rclercnce to '.atuli
iiu Towim owned by tliu UIiIuiko, Milwau
kee A Ht. l'mil Hallway L'oiiimny, rto to II.
(I. llADOAM.Ijind Coinnillnner,MII)watikeo
Atclilspn, Leavenworth, St. Josepli,Knnn
City, St. Loul niut nil Points South,
East nml Went.
The direct lino to Ft. Scott, Parson
WIchltn, Hutchinson niul all pilnclpal
point In Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free
Reclining Chair Cars on all trains.
City Ticket Agt. (icn'l Agent
Cor. O and 12th Stieet.
TO ufrT.Ti
1044 O STREET.
City Passe n :er Aircnt.
fu the rig,
M Tin
'1 linn linn Ixvn Minn ilcxnllory talk by tliu
ICIksof n Inillm'MK'Inl wmIoii, Imt an yet It
tins not UMtcrlitllrcd. At 11 recent meeting of
thiilklml In Mlhwiuk.'o IVMuinMcr Novell
mule n witty hccIi Hint vt III I hi npprcclntcd
hj everybody who tins attended 1111 Klk wx'lul
hci-kIoii, not to tiH'lit loll thn l-'lkn thi'inwlviw.
After n few Ititioiluotory iciiiiiHm ho siilil:
"Tho nuhjct t Is ouu of hi much Intercut niul
(Mirloxlty In this room and at this moment,
that I will try to toll J 011, ho far ml can with
out (xnhIiik thn secrets of tint order, what an
Klk Isn't mid what nil Klk Is. There Is a mih
ulnr delusion nuiniiK the irofnmt iiiiiiwu- that
tliu ICIks tiro niemlx'ts of 11 hlhiilnui iiclcty
When I hear this I am lemlinleil of tint reply
idili old Kcntncklnti In tho iiieiiilous criti
citiu of a traveler from New Knlam!, who,
'if tec a pi'i'lmiKed ciitci-lilou in regard to the
o-xiilitt'it niul priNluets and history of the
eoiiutiy, reiii'irked l li'ivo always heard that
the ciiple of ) our state nut a lilhillous eoin
inillilU ' Tliodenlreii of the lilne grns legion
riilcd Ins (01 III In dlgnltlcd tcptlillntlotl, nlld
icpllcd, 'No, hiiIi, the ciple of Kentucky are
II H lilhillous, snh 1 1 don't helleve there are a
hliiidled hlhles In tho whole state, sail!' U't
usdliNl tliedehl'loii Unit v. lien the Klki meet
III hts'lal session tliu rfuilled lllit steals
IIiioiikIi Hid mist of iiptuiiii'dliiei'KliiiNesniid
all the air is henvj with the kii of cm ks and
the gurgle ot fountains of wlue thatgush
foi th fr )tn tho attenuated uorks of green glass
liiitUi'H. The IiiiIIim do not like tliu picture,
and I assure them, 011 the honor of a hIIU.
elan, that I have never known an Klk to cx
perleiuvn einitig for strong drink after the
evening of his liiltlou Into the order. I have
Ihvii imked If the Klk playsenrds, aiidarlhald
wietch with no appreciation of the grares of
III national gum, profanely hxpilrot If they
ip "ii Jack pots with prayer or a knlfel This
anothei slander. Another accuser who
minis to Iiiiui lIMcucd at the kcjlmlit pro
lends to IhIIuvii that thn social session Isa sort
if chestnut factory and that the proceeding
111 e minuet luil III this stj lu: Ilrother I), asks
tliu cliairiiiiiti, whom ho addresses as an lucor
rUlhle idiot, 'Why tlio tiro tug Cataract
iiiiuh) a (lip out oil tliu lake last iilKlitl' and
the elinlr helug unahle to reply calls tlio bro
ther Ii) a vt uniiio itpially euphonious, and
elu its the solution that the purpinu of the
voya(!ii'Hastodrag tho Isittom for tlio re
uiiliis of Jlcllhity.1 Then thu ehalrmaii
Ioiiiih f 1 0111 Ilrother A., who fainlllnrly nil-divs-es
him us '(Icorgi',' that tho atiiateur
spirtsnieuof thoguii cluh are slitting their
dogs' t .utiles ho that their punts will comu III
pili-s. Now I have nodouht that thislniider
Is the Invention of kohio fellow who was re
fiiHsl a complimentary ticket to the Klks'
IhmiuIU concert. In addition to tholMMievolent
and iimteetlvo work of tho order, there Is a
social feature of which this nssemhlago Is Il
lustrative. The nicmlK'rHiiicetnmund the fes
tlvo ln)anl and with an hour or two r.f speech
mi1! song and story Imulsh tho cares of llf,,.
MiMclmnts, liankers, teachers, editors mid net
nrs unite lu Innocent mirth, or philosophic ro
lloi'ttnn. Tho old ainoni; us feci young and
art won't to exclaim In tho words of the gray
New Knglaiul jsvt, Holmes:
"Old Time Is 11 liar,
We're twenty, tnulutit I"
An ancient Persian proverb says: 'There
are enly two hcnutlful things 011 earth: wo
men and roses ' The Hist we creel hero to
night for tlio llrst time and Into their laps wo
IHiir the roes of our hosp'talltv; wo thank
them fo"" their proeneo nud their ludulgeueo,
and ,isk them to learn that tlio Kk Is a Mug
that Is good and true nml harpy and nohle."
Perry Heath, tho Washington cnrreniid
ent of IheOuiiha fee, glvrs this picture of
N hiiuka'sluippy longn-Hsloanl family: The
Hi'iii aiiumuico lu their society gosalp thut
Mm. Horsey, w ife of tho eoiigres-suian from
mo 1 1111 11 uisinci or a'elmukii, will retvlvoon
Tiiwlays dm lug tne reiiuilmleror tho present
season, Mih. l)ers.i's nmny frlemls hi Ni
btaska will lw giutllled to learn that she has
mi greatly lmprovisl In health ns to lw al.lo to
o out aniong her nctpialntanceH In Washing,
ton and elsow hem alio is us popular hoi o as
nt her home. Mm. Doi-miv nml At p,.,.,ii
Iiavo lKVinitf wry unrni friends and innko
their calls together and will fntiiiently re
ceive, tonether durhiK tho season at the Port
laud, whoro Mrs. Mandereon lives and re
ceives. All or thu ladles as well as the. initio
iiirmbtfiN of the Nebraska ilelegatlon lu Wash
InKtnn lire the best of pergonal friends. It Is
a harmonious family the state has sent to
Washington. Tho two senators nud throe
moiiilM-rn work lu perfect harmony In nil mnt
totv. They are a unit in mlectlngj npitulut-in-nufor
Nebriiskans and work as one man
In wem lug the adoption of legislation for tho
state at large or any imrtloii of Nebraska.
1 he repi esentat I ve of 0110 dist rlct lends a help
ing hand to the lepresintatives of tho other
districts in nvurlng local legislation, and the
three inemKrs or tho house find ready and
willhigeoMiporntorH In Senators Manderson
ami Pnddoikin the upjier branch of eongrt.
Tho unanimity of tho Nebinsku delegation is
a subjtct or universal admiration nud com
ment among tho delegations from other
states. Tho Nebraska delegation Is nover di
vided upon any subject. Mr. Horsey, who U
tho senl-r in.jnlH-r of the delegation in the
house, is fieiruetitly consulted iwto thoiroper
Ups to lie taken and methods pursued in mj
curing legislation for other districts than hU
own and ho never Urea with tho work. Messrs.
Council and Laws ate taking hold of legisla
tion and their duties In the doparuuents like
old wheel horves. Tho nlawnee. from Wash
lugton of the ladles of Senator Paddock's fam
ily is noticed and regretted by all of tho Ne
braska delegation in Washington. The w Ives
of tho Nebraska senators are very jwiiular at
tho national capitol. Mrs. Padduek and her
daughteisnroiit Atlantic, City for their health
this winter.
Lancuaco is hunllv mmm. i, ,,,.). A
preM my ndmiratlon of the in 1 1 1 1 ham
berlaln's cough remedy It U the Ut reuuw
ilj- for citoup and whooping cough I have ever
used. Hurliu the si eighteen years I have
tiiiHlneailyall the prominent cou,(li medicines
on tho innrket, but say, and with pleasure
too, tint Chninbei Iain's cough remedy Is tho
lient of all. Thonms Ilhodes, HakerslL-ld, Cal
For sale by A. I. Slmder, druggist.
I What It llrniiulit to Two Topt-kn lVoplu--
A loriillio wisnly lllNenled.
On TueMhiy, tto I'.'th of NovemU'r, tho
egular monthly drawing of the Louisiana
Statu lottery occunod and It hi ought luck to
two persons in thlscliy, v,eli of whom held
one-twentieth of tho ticket bearing the num
ber "Ki," w hleh drew the first capital pi Izo of
tVIOO,XiO. A Democrat n p i ter took pu:ns
yiktenluy to uscertain what tho fortunate
holders of No. ft! hud done with tho inouov
they got.
Mm. Maigaiet Vllleplipie, who resldts Just
outside thu eltv limit. r.. Iv.i nt...,..
1 . . l"",iv.iin tl","V
LfirtsUjul dejMMited fi.WH) in tluee illiro ent
'" "' " ciiy, ami entrusting the inatttr
of its Invfstiuuiit to a Oeiniuii friend, who is
loaning it out at 8 er tent, interest on up
proved real estate necurlty. Thu income will
inako Mm. V. iiideiwn.leut for lire. Mr. and
Mrs. Vllleplipiecnuo tioiu Kunas City tluco
yearn ago, where they had met with it heavy
los They had considerable property, which
was heayily mortgiigisl. and Mug unable to
clear It off lost It by foreclosure It Is tislay
sscirtli f0,(X)0 though then It was lieMntnnly
fllMKX). Arilvlug lu ToiM'katheylsiiight live
acres of laud, pa) lug flM) down on it, and by
1 iiMng garden (1 tick, wtiloh llivy sold In the
city. siipiKii ted the funilly, and had the debt
nearly paid oir when Mrs. V, drew the f In,
tsXI on tho ticket. It may 1 10 Imagined that
life looks much brighter to her than It did 11
month ago.
The other oiicMwrntlcth ticket was held by
Dcnulf Nnrthliigtnu, n colonsl nmn, engngisl
in delivering coal for the (Ireon coal compa
ny. He Is a hard working eciinoiiilcnl man
nml it had been his ouonuihitlon to soinoilny
ho utile to buy a ICaiisas farm and leave the
city lor more sacefiil life lu thocouiitry. He
little thought this nmliitlou would Im reallred
so quickly, hut 011 Novvtuher Ul, theday after
the drawing of the UiuUlana State lottery,
he found himself the winner of 11 forttlhit
ami a farm. Ho consented to remain 11
month longer with the (Ireeu coal company
and continue his learning and hols ineantliiie
011 the lookout for a gissl farm Ho received
bin money (f .'),IMii) tlnoiuh one of the banks
and has it wifely deposited until hols ready
to use II. He startisl in life 11 slave and the
lottery bus made him a rich as well us a fiee
eitleii of the Sunlloer state. ToKka (Ivas )
Di'mocriil, Dixj. II
lall(lllC Out for the I "n 1 11 IT.
Tho olhor uftoriuxiii Willie cntnu nm
nlii Inline f 1111:1 ocIiimiI in a great hurry.
Tlnowliij; Mi U)l;i hi tho closet ho
nsked I1..1 uinilicr if them wna anything
for I1I111 to do. Mniiiiiia, very iniicli
Rtirprisivl, ivplioil that theru wna, and
our joiing friend win kept running hero
nml there until nearly an hour hud
claimed. Then, wolng liy tlio cxpreaaliiii
on Ills iiiotlier'H face that tlicro waa
nothing else to he done, ho anid:
"1'h been uthxxl lxy to-night, IniHti'tl?"
"Yen," wuh the reply. "Do you In
tend to help niu thin way every evening?"
"Well, not Vju'tly. You hco I tored
my paiita on the way homo from nchool
today niul 1 had todo Hometliing ho'h you
wouldn't wallop inc." Philadelphia
Till Ynurxir In Ills lines..
Tho Terror (after a hcuiicu with jiajMi
In tho wih)iIhIii'(I) When you wero 11 lit
tles hoy wero uni had like 111c, papa?
Papa No.
"Nor you didn't gel walloped lll;o I do?"
"No: J did rot."
"That'll the ic:im)11."
"What'H tho reason? What do you
"Why, you enn't understand tho Hltu
atloti na I do." Philadelpliia Iniuircr.
.Mnlilni; 11 Nolo of It.
First Poet What tiro you entering in
that little hook? An inspiration? A
happy thought?
Second Ditto Not cxnctly. I'm inak
lug a memo of tho fact that I nto today.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Ducking Vlrtorj rriim DrfrHU
Jlothcr Why, Jolinniol What on
earth have jou Ikhmi doing?
Jolnnle Fight'n'. 'N' say, you owe
mo hulf n dollar on it. Know that tooth
you was goin to pay a feller to jerk?
"Woll, nillv Diller knocker 'er out."
Texan Siftiuga.
Tlio attnitinii of our leadem is directed to
tho advcithcmcnt 011 iii;o eight, hiuiom.c
iug tho greatistt and most lilieral Tdiulum
ever olTereil with any weekly pnjer. Just
tlduk of it for f'J.oO we ge you a year's
uliKcrlptlon to tho COL'UIKU amlthecoiiiplele
woi ks of Shakespeare, DUtl iaues bound In 0110
volume, of cardinal cloth and gilt lettering.
The book alone sells 1 cadlly ami is cheap at
(5 00; call and see It.
Desk U00111 mill Ottlccs,
In our new counting room which is carx-t-ed
with liody bruhels and otherwise hain.
Kiinely furiilsheil, wo have built a neat rail
ing, giving loom for two olllces, or dek
room, which wo will lent leasonalily to tho
right parties. Olllces kept clean, heated, and
use of telephone given. Apply at olllce.
Weiol Printing Co.
"Courier" llullding, lllfci ll!H N St.
To New- York vlu Witslilngton.
Two elegantly cqulpicd trains leavo Chica
go dully, via H. & O. 11. It. for Washington,
lialtimore, Philadelphia anil Now York. Tho
Vestibules! Limited leaving Chicago at 2:55
p. m. arrives at Washington tho next after
noon nt 4:05, Daltlmoro at 5:'J0, Philadelphia
at 7:'J0, and Now York at 10 o'clock. This
train carries Pullman vevtibuleil sleeper lo
tween Chicago, Washington and lialtimore,
and Pullman visstlbulcd parlor car Washing
ton to New York.
The morning limited, leaving Chicago at
10:10 a. 111., arrives at Washington tho next
morning nt 11:45, lialtimore at 1 o'clock,!) in.,
Philadelphia 3:'J0 and New York 5:55 p. in.
This train carries Pullman vestibulcd sleeper
Chicago to New Yoik without change.
An equally elllclent service is maintain. xl
between St. Louis mid Washington, Haiti
more, Philadelphia and Now York via Ohio
& Ml-siNiippl H'y and 11. & O. The O. & M.
vcHtdiiilcd expiess leaving St. Louis at 8 a.m.
arrives Washington in the afternoon of the
next da) , nt 1:50, lialtimore at 2:55, Phila
delphia at 5.50 and New York at 8:'J5. This
train carries pat lor car from St. Imlsto Cin
cinnati, sleciHT Cincinnati to Washington and
Dnltlmorc, and arlor car Washington to
New Yoik.
Tho O. fe M. express leaving St. Louis at
8.0-J p. in, m rives Washington the boconl
morning at!!: 15, Haltlinorout 4:50, 1
ph.a 7: 10 and New Ytak ltl:5V Tliistialu
cnrrles Pullman sleepers from St, Lou s to
NowYcrk and Irom Orafton, W Va to
Washington and Haltlmore. Pussenger for
Washington and llaltimoie tianslir to tlio
local sleeper at Oraltoi at 7;!l0hi iheevcnlng
ami avoid ui-leg Usl uk)ii airiMil at
Washington until T a. 111.
Tickets via 1! it O. It. It. me on wile at all
couoii tlekol elllOfs tin ought the we.t.
Ihiy Uullck'. In end
a . ,A
mw vol
AiiIiiIih tie Van lliH-scii Vrlt" of thn ln-
mints "Woman I'rrnrlirr."
l:t"dal CoiTtstisjisli'tiee )
t'liiCAOo, Jnu. 811. My first limiting
with Klly-'ik'th W, Oreenwood wuh a
pleiiKjint hitrprim'. I knew that nhe was
a woman of unusual erudition mid deep
piety, mid my preconceived Idea of her
was very dlircrent from the fair, Mender,
radiant fiu-isl woman who, with quick,
nofl footats'p, came through a curtained
doorway Into the elegantly nj xiinted
drawing room to meet 1110. H!ie was
born in the IiiiikIkoiiio ilrisiklyii home
where alie now Ihes, and lian ulways
IxM'ti Hiirroiiiukil with the comfortauud
luxurlea of life. In her mulling cordial
ity mid bright, fiwcinatlng convcrwitioii,
one quili) forgeta the wjliolar, preacher
mid reformer and wiw only tho dellaite,
K'rfirtly hied woman, who ptita nil
with whom nhe cornea lu conlaci 011 the
Ih'mI poshlhle terms with themselves.
lu tqienklng of the Jirep.irntory jciim
of her life. Mias fln't'iiwood aalil: "I
llrst went to hcIiooI, iw most young ho
plo do, im a matter of course, hut later 1
went for a lovo of learning." Although
her father's iKisilion ni a prominent law
yer and a wealthy, aeholarly goiiileiniui
gavo her ahutidaut cntrco to the world
of Hocioty, fashionable life, as mi end of
existence, had no charm for her.
Whcti alio had graduated from tho eel
ebrnUil Hrooklyn I Iclghta seminary of
Dr. Charles K. Went, alio took a mjsI
graduatoeotirHC. Thlswaain 1801), when
she waa not yet twenty years of age.
She then Ixi'mnoa teacher of the higher
brunches in her Alma Mater, giving
weekly hvturea to tho junior and senior
living iMissoased of a deeply apiritual
nature, alio waa cancclally fond of ethics,
inet!ipliHics nud philosophy, and with
no particular aim. hut only "for lovo of
it." ahe took a thorough eotirho in the
ology. Shcaays,
with the gentle
dlrcctnosH which
iaonoof herchlef
charms: "I nover
nought my work;
the doors oeiieil
and 1 entered."
However, such
thorough prep
aration iiH was
hers in any given
ft.-yv , "KJM' I, -, --
Nv v--- V-VAVi' ........ l..:.,l I
.WT7TrjL -r 1 1 11 11 111 --nu.wjt
llir-,fc Illiau Illlll
E. v. nitKKNWOOD. giddy pa cod
tlinea," iusiirca ita Hsaes.sor n fitting
Hphere of action. To ouu who haa listen
ed to her, it seems perfectly uatunil that
from at llrst aiK'aking in the cause of
tcni)eranco and giving Hlhlo reailings to
a group of earnest women sho should he
cordinllv Invited into tho churches of all
denominations. Even tho Preshyterinus
uid HpiM' ipallans, wlio hold so firmly to
the sileucti of women in tho congrega
tion, accord her mid her Dlhlo readings
hearty welcome.
I shall not soon forget tho llrst time 1
heard her s)eak in public. Ilcllucd mid
wo nanly, even to the last detail of her
costume, ami delicately modest, jet with
the grace of quiet certainty in her iimii
nor, as she appears !eforo an midiencc
she is most pleasing. As she stood lean
ing slightly forward, with a rapt earnest
ness of expression, speaking without
notes mid with an eloquence which, like
Chrysostom's, might ho descrllail nt
"golden mouthed," 1 could understand
how all criticism, on account of her Ih.
ing n woman, is silent before her cleai
anil subtle reasoning, her jierfect diction
mid lier evident self ciracomcnt in hei
Although licensed to preach, sho hat
never sought ordination. It win old So
journer Truth who said, "What's do use
o' inukin' such a fuss about ycr rights!
Why dun yo jest go 'long an' take 'em?'
This is precisely what Miss Greenwood
haa done. Seeking no iwrsonal honoi
nor advancement, sho brought excep
tional fitness to her work, mid has Him
ply gone forwnrd with its achievement.
Her public sinking she simply cnlh
Hible readings, altliough these am
"readings" aro so iwrfect, Iwth in man
ner and matter, that they each of theiB
aro a mott logical, polished nud eloquent
.Although a mcmlerof the Methodisi
church. Miss firvcnwootl has very little
denominational bias. In her immedinu
fainily ore incinliers of tho Dutch Ho
formed, the Episcopal and Methodisi
churches. In regard to creed alio saj-sol
herself: "I lielleve in God our Father
Jesus our Saviour nml an indwelling
Holy Spirit, mid 1 do notbelicvo in build
ing thu walls closo and high about 0111
own littlo plot, for so wo keep out th
sunshine of God's licst blessing."
While (lorfcctly gentle, unobtrusive
and womanly, ius a successful projectoi
nnd organizer Miss Greenwood hoj
proved herself the equal of any woman
of the day. While she was superintend
cut of tho department of scientific tern
Iieranco instruction of tho Womcn'i
Tomncruncu union, in the state of Now
York, she organized mid concluded ar
elTort which eventuated in the passage
of the bill by the senate and usiomblj
which provides that "physiology and
hygiene, with csifecial reference to the
elTect ol alcoholic drinks, stimulants unu
narcotics upon the human system," shall
lw tnuglit in the public kchools of the
state of New York.
Miss Greenwood systematically ar
ranged every county nud township in
the state, and by means of circulars and
letters tecured the signatures of 57,tl
persons to a ietition asking for the pass
ago of this hill. Sho also wroto a per
sonal letter to each of the senntors and
Hut after all has been said of Mist
Greenwood as an able scholar, a success
ful philanthropic worker nml mi elo
quent preacher, it is pleasant to iccord
that she is still a sweet ami winsoinu wo
man. Antoinette Van Hokskn.
The Portia club has. been formed in
Boston. It i composed of women law
yers and tlioi.o engaged in the study of
law. Uoston University law Echool '
now eight young women law students. ot thorn expect to practice.
Shclton & Smith's for Fancy Hookers.
Shclton & Smith's for Willow Rockers.
Shelton & Smith's for Pedestals.
Shclton & Smith's for Children's Chairs.
Shelton & smith's for Hall Rockers.
Shelton & Smith's for OtTice Desks.
Shelton & Smith's for Ladies' Desks.
Shelton & Smith's for Li bran Chairs.
Shelton & Smith's for Library Tables.
Shelton & Smith's for Bookcases.
Center Tables at Shelton & Smith's.
Children's Beds at Shclton & Smith's.
Folding Bed's at Shelton & Smith's.
Chamber Suits at Shelton & Smith's.
Music Cabinets at Shelton & Smith's.
Blacking Cases at Shelton & Smith's.
Sideboards at Shclton & Smith's.
Dining Tables at Shelton & Smith's.
Dining Chairs at Shelton & Smith's
Parlor Goods at Shelton & Smith's.
At the Very Lowest Prices.
234-238 South 1 1th Street,
Carpets and Draperies!
The bulk of the Carpet trade for 1S89 is now done. We
still have six weeks left in which time we propose to reduce
our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Sprino
tradc. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST
SELL the goods. If you are in need of anything in cither
CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before
placing your order and you will find you cannot afford to
purchase elsewhere.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
ii 19, 1 12 1 and
Meals 25 cts.
1123 N Street. o-
$4.50 per Week.