Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 18, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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On an ntul operates A.VK) iiiIU'h of tlmrmmlily
julppod nt.ui hi Illinois, Wim-oimlu, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota anil Ihikotn.
Ill tint Host Direct llnuto botwun nil l.'u
PrlUOlpikl I'.lllllK III lllU NllltllWCSt, Southwest
and Kur West.
For mans, tlmo tables, ruli'N of immauo mid
frolxht, etc.. HHply to nmirol station niiriit oi
way, or to any Itiillroml Agent anywhere, l
llio world,
(liMicrnl Mtyr. (len'l I'iiw. .VT'kt Am.
Vsp'.don' -lirr. Asst.M. t'.AT. At
Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
MTKor Information In roloronce to '.amis
aiiilTowns owned hy tlio ClileiiRo, Milwau
kee A Ht. Paul ltnllwny eoiiipiiny.wrtu to II.
U. HAUOAX.Uiinl Comuilxloncr.Mlllwiiukco
Atclilson, Leavenworth, St. Josepli.Knnsaii
City, St. Louis nnd nil Points South,
East mul West,
The direct lino to Fl. Scoll, Parsons
Wichita, Hutchinson nml nil
points in Kansas.
The only road to the Grent Hot Spring
of Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers and Free
Reclining Chnlr Cnr on nil trains.
City Ticket Agt. Gcn'l Agent
Cor. O and tath Street.
TO -flOCXj
1044 O STREET.
m Tins
ATI? InnovMloimln the
dancing lino nru social
Items of gi'iicinl Inter
.,t U.wilntv In llimtiiat.
mJj linn ngoln liiki-n up the
xilkii. Ilnvleil, revived
mid b.'iiutllled, It Is now
Mio rngo In x)llto soci
ety. Tim revival of
popul if Interest In Mm
Milkii im a fitlilouitli1n
who deftly trip
Mm lUlit fmitrtilli' tools
Olltlllf till' OVl'lllH Of till'
present ilnni'liiK season. Tim dance linn once
mom iiiMiimil It oliMlino hold on Mm mpu
nrlnnrt Dancing masters nic vying In thl
oomitiy In Mmi'lToit lo IntiyU'rn what Mmy
I'litl N)piilur "I'uiMlfs'' of Mm dance, mid
composers .uf iffiisli' mn Hooding Mm iiinikct
with. tfow ilsnco iniHc set to twilkn Mum.
ITiiIh rngo for Mm dance hns iivcii cro-wed Mm
ocean, mid Umiloti innipnHiii rlirtmlolu n
mi Interesting lilt of social news tli'it tlit
1 fashionable are mulling again" thu dunce
Mint was nt Mm height of populiully there
J half 11 century ngo,
Thi' pn sent sudden liking for tli" dnnco U
'nil Mm uioru ii'iunrknhli', consldfilng how
c iiupli'U'ly It w flit out of fashion miiim thi'iides
nAo, Its revival Is ci edited to the H. elcty of
Viiii'ili'im DiiiicIiik .Mintcrs, mid tint m iti r
I say tlint tl'u I'tTurt to restore It to jiop'ilni Ity
was Mint Hindu fully fix jenritngontiinolllclnl
gathering of Mm society nt New Yoik.
Tin re nil Mn objection to Mm old fnnlilnueil
f rm of iolkn U'eie fully mid Intelligently
(IIm'U'hi'iI, nml the roiiiluxlon iiiniiliiumnly
reached thnt If cnrefully dlMKtil of Mm
wi-iiiyluit monotony mid tortiioim cyuuuiNtlc
h 1 mil or ltd 01 litlunl M vie It could tin rovivetl
I 1 frenh opuliirlty. TliereuHin Mm iiiiih
t I'm put Ihelr thinking niH on mid evolved
Mieprettvmid vnrled coiuhlimtloii of IitiihI-
e uiiviiii llim tlint N now knoiu im Mm
p lkn I lei revived ilniii'o It iviilly it merging
of Mm old 'lolieiulnu lieel-iinil-too polka with
11 lde-itoi glldo Mint eitthely relleveii It from
ItK former ohjeclioiialilo uioiiiitony. It l Mm
mvlwd nnd liemitlful dnnco tlint Ihim utrttck
Mm iHipuIwr fancy of liudou fnslilonnhltT',
mid Mint linn obtained limueiiMi favor In MiU
country during thu preHttnt sciiwm
Olio of Mm lendi'iM of thu Km'Iety of Anierl-
can Dnnclug MiuU'is dnuciil thu new Mlka
lieforua reiNitter In Itx ilnl-linl hIiiiih. mid
nfU'rwmdn dnuced it, im it nvie, Htep liy Ktop
to uxplniu It cunt Ivntliii: (Mull fully. In ltn
comiiletvno'wit wnna llvv-.itop divertU inniit
dnncwl In "mIx uulit" time, Tim put
nK-ued lth a fpiiugy heel nnd too introduc
tion, ending with u "Jut le," which wai ngi'ii
Ho "one, two, three' tiiiuilug eniplin-li with
the feet, thnt wih not a ktaiup nt a I, hut
rnthor a gentle p it lug or cine.- of the Moor
w Ith thu dnuclng pumps 'I IiIh llit pm t, thu
prefeHNoruxplnlued, wiin merely tlitiiloliemlnu
iHilku of Mm old dnn. Tl.o kccouiI unit. I.u
unld, wnii the delightful iiKnlf rn Innovntloii.
He ilnncod It by letting onefiKitglldeoutwnrd
from Mm other with guu-eful tuo twice, and
then reiHiitod thu lltllo'Mettlu" llnak'. Kverv-
thhig nlwiit thu movement hh uxecute! by his
trained foot wiudlntlncMy iipport'iitiuul pliiui
lng to thu eye, nnd in poifect rythm with llio
You see," tho piofewor wild with cnlhuil-
a in, "It In not linn! to understand whv Mm
Nilkn I ngiilu iMHiulnr. In It. t An ilineixl to-
day there lit a hnppy and plwulug variety lu
um, inoveuniiii, u peru-ct xiinpntliy with the
unidc, aul auoiituv iibsviicu of thu trlng
tuoiiotony that inndo thu old polka n torture
nuiiuunneor. tiiumiIiiiiciiI, Iiu polkn must
nvoNniiily nlTuid tihiiMtirn to thu cultured
d nicer, nnd iteeurea grntlfjlng olinngu fitun
.110 wan, it ought In iiu ilniictHl every day.
thu Mlkii and Mm waltz aru now oxipilKltu II
lustint.o mof thipoetryof motion. I'huy mu
inlntlu, relluo"! and uiiiko Ideal recreations for
tho culturiil."
It should be Mild that Mm Society of Dane
.ng musters Mint I iwtored tie olknto favor
'I'tidliito cunipletoly iih iioiiiIcm-i Ipt and
finudu ent tho VHiiotUM of llvo step coinblim
tlons Mi it are cnlliil Hpoclal stilw of Milkn.
Tlioy nay that It stands by Itself, oxipilsltu,
alone, Incapablo or fiutlur improvement.
ThoHjclety dancing iniuter tnlkwi enter
tfliiiingly of tho hUtory of thu polka ami of
Iti sudden decadence. When first in'ro
dueud, Half u coiitury and more ngo, thu
sjih ito I tunu of Mm Mlkn, hu said, took Ixni
don literally by st tiii. Tho tunu was w hU
Med by men mid Uiyn every where, and the
ilnneo itself was ilniicwl at the imiks and In
the stntits by nil who Mt young enough for
that Kirt of diveislon '1 hu muster snld that
Mr, Hart, n famous master of London who
arinngud thu llgtires of the Hist Inticar over
dnnceJ nbiond, to'd him thnt thu (lolka's du
cllno in popularity dated from thu night of u
great ixl ball given by a lndy of ipml.ty.
I ho polka tiud bvou ussIkiui! n place of honor
a.iiiialnn thu progmms. Hut a numlier of
Jt'alims fashionables, uiinblu to sei-uiu invita
tions to tho Iwll of thu select 40J of that day
contrived to get hold of somut ckots, and sent
Homo coarsj-br d mon in lino ooIm o break
ujttlio InlL Theiuuiirellneddnureiseiiiei-id
ihh thu k Uii Iniicingfioin tho very mr ,
ilid htanisl tlmlr feet so vigorously wli. n
they cninuio thu ""llnnlu i.f thu polka thi'iriluiiiKiy lolitoiousniMs fairly shook
too Inaiv and niado a discord that toiriuVd
ho go itler quests. The lady of quality was
yi iionliUil at thu discovery Mint tho iwlka
v-ojid t o tl.m vulganred that she IsmkiI a n
ml ediLa ngniiibt thu luckless dance, thnt re i
u I lis fate. It was bnnlthed from pUlto cir
les, mii sank rapidly In public estimation.
Another reason assigned for tho deca
n ueoof the olkn in thu lost llften or twenty
yu hi is that tho waltz, being tin easier and
uore graceful dnnco, far less trying to tho
ph.sipiaof thodnncir, swiftly crowded out
iliu old-fiishloned k)lku.
Iinatiaso Is hainlly strong enough to ex
,) s my iiiliuirntiou of thu merits of Cham-
rlnln's cough remedy It is Mm best remu-
lor croup an I whooping cough I hnvouver
hiil, DurliiK tho nin eighteen yeaw I havo
i I'll Hem ly all tho pn)tuliioiitcougliinllelnw
in thuinaiket, but say, mid with pleasure,
oo, tint (.'hninU'i Iain's cough ivinedy Is the
i it of all Thomas llhodes, I) ikerslhld, C:tl.
For ni.u by A. L. Sliader, druggUu
The .Monthly ltoeiinl.
Ticket No. flSJM drew thu first capital prize
of f 000,000 In thelSHth grand mammoth draw
lug on Dcceinlier 17th, lu tho Loulslniia State
lottoiy It was sold fn fractional arts of
ortlethsat! each, sent to M. A. Dauphin,
New Orleans, Li. Ouu to Agency lunik of
Mill i'h North Amerloi, 0'J Wall street, Now
Yoi k city j one to Z. A. Hakes, Cairo, 111. jono
o Aithur Ilnrrlson, Now Yorkj one to Chns.
E. Wmxlson, .Memphis, Tenu.; one to John II.
Young, Hamilton, Out.: ono to Merchants'
bank of IVnsocola, Fin.; one to First National
niik, Corsiciiua, Tex.; on to K. T. Hollls,
i.'i Walnut siieet, Ht. Iiulsj oim to Janim
tkssiitto, Worcester, Muss, ; ono to Arthur Wi
ll r, W West 1 1 street, Now Yoik city ; ono
to bunk of Wyanot, Wauct, HI.; ono to Nib
lock & Lane, riilladolphlajone to Toxns Na-
liual hank, San Antonio, Tex. ; one to F, W.
Hansom nnd V. fl. Mllix, .Morelnnd, Ciwk
countv, III., etc. Ticket N MI.HII drew Urn
second cnpltnl prla of fK),(KHI nnd was told
lu fractional eluhtlis at V each. One- ton d -posltorTradeis'
bank, New Oileatm; two to
OI Hartiiinu, MiioiikIi Jrwlu's bunk, foliun
bll", llid. "Iiu to u ili'lHwItnr New Oilealis
National bank, New Oi leans, etc Ticket No.
JO.imi drew Mm third cnpltalprluof IOO,XK).
Il iv ii a uilil lii rrnnllniinl mini Iits nt til) rnph.
One to Myron I). HoiiKhtoii, 0weiio, N. Y.,
etc tickoi ito, i,Kvi urew um iuiiriiicniinii
piln of f.Vl.Odl). It was Mild III fractional
parts of fortlellmntfl each: One to lliltton
fii ICooutx, Natchez, Mlm,. one to ('hriitlnu
lC.ililer, NntclieZiOim lol. Melnnnll, forIouls
ti, b'Vln, KWCiilinl street, New York city;
olio to Thomas llolnud, llintoii, Muss.; one lo
H. ..lalediniiu, IM Kim stiiel. New York elt ;
o. o to I, V. ilandoif, :M Matih'ii Lane, Now
Vurl nil v .um in .liilm Mill iiri lit. II f'lmb-
... n . ,j , ...... . . .
win street, New York el'y Tlm!SI?tli grand
liiomiuv iirawiUK win iiikii imit-ooii iuesiia,
Feb. I lth, of whlih all lilt iiitlou will Ui
luin-licd onnppllcatloii to M. A. Dauphin,
New Oi leans, m,
Tim imputation of Japan Is Just under -10,-000,K0.
Tho (liirmau relchstng lias votisl to exempt
students of theology from military service.
Tim South Devon hounds took their follow
ers a cliaso of tweuty-llvo miles lately, tho
fox lltially lielng left to coutluuo his gallant
run lu the ilarl.ues.s,
Thu mpnl Milillci'H have given up their
former headiheKs ami wear helmets after thu
atteru lu iimi in Mm (lermnii army. Tim
rest of their u nl form remains unaltered.
Tho Haiidwlch Islander's plxi Is mado of
virgin cork lined with meerschaum, mid is
curious by reason of Mm pattern on thu cork
mado by the Insects that feed on thu trees.
It Is llkodelleato lace work.
Tim last return of Hngllsh naval courts
martial shows that an ordinary seaman was
sentenced to eight j ears' hmiiiI servitude for
striking an olllcer and two others condeimusl
to llvo years' oiial mr itudo for n similar of
fence. A gentleman lu Indiana who was so indis
creet as to lfao:!0,(X)() for Mm establishment
of a homu for niaideu ladles, has Imhiii ad
Judgisl Insane by the courts mid thu w ill is to
Im! M't iisldu.
During thu year ending Oct. Ill there were
no fewer than -IIS!) suicides in thu Austro
Hungarian army, of which twenty-tlirco
were nlllcors, and thu remainder non-com-ailssiontsl
olllccrs and privates.
Tho Calcutta Public Health society nro
igitatiug for legUlntlon to prohibit Ichts
U'lug employisl lu washing clotlics or irepnr
lug nny sort of food. Tho nntlvo isipiilntlou,
however, objects to Mm law nlTcctlng any but
Hy tho liplromutur (or lung test) tho nver
ngu lung cnMiclty when corsets were worn
wnslill cubic inches; when tho corsets were
removed Mm test showed an average lung
capacity of 1117 cubic Incln; n gain of tKJ
cubic inches.
Ilobert Olffen hns read a juijicr lieforu tho
Hoyal Statistical Society of England In
which ho estimates the wealth of thu United
Kingdom in 18M nt JL 10,000,000,000. This
would give each Inhabitant jUTO. Making n
comparison of thu richest three nations of tho
world Mr. OHTou finds that the wealth pur
head of population stands as follows; Great
Hritaln, LtO; Frnnce, 1IO; thu United SUtos,
Tho ktandurd of sizo forn lndy 's watch U
little over an Inch lu diameter. A lady's
watch usually has n hunting caso or a half
hunting case, a circular opening in tho center
of thu lid showing thu hands, and llgurcs ure
enameled on tho outside; thus the thub is
soon w itliout oH'iihig tho wntcli. Chntelalno
wntchui usually havo open faces. In Hiino
cast's tho monogram of thu owner Is engraved
III long, slender letters on thu outsldo of the
smooth ease, or tho watch Is olnborately dec
orated hi ennmels or Jewels,
The wife of George ICemian is, like tho
wives of so many literary men, the busiest
momlier of tho domestic Arm. Holng without
children, shu dovotea her wholo tlmo to Mio
interest of her husband, has solo charge of
tho Nile, distribution and receipts from his
work, and acts as prlvato secretary, banker,
reviser, critic and translator. She is a few
years her husband Junior, a companion nnd
copartner as woll as wlfo, and a lady of
strong character and great personal attrac
tiveness. At Atlanta, two wolV dressed men stopiod
on the corner of Ilroad and Marietta streets
nnd began xiuting upwurtl, one of them
often H)lntlng to u telephone Wire w lth his
ctuio, as if trying to maku his companion seu
something hu wiui looking at. Thu other
shaded his eyes with his hands, but shook his
head, nt which thu llrst man mentioned
cauglit him by thu arm and led him back
ward a few step. Thoy kept up thulr antics
until a big crowd collected. Finally, w hen
ask is 1, thoj said: "Wo were Just experiment
ing to see how many gaping idiots wo could
collect lu ten minutes."
The Hulgiquo Mllitniru in Its last numlier
described uxjierlments mndo with the defen
sive cuoln, (icslgmsl to protect guns of Inrgu
caliber ngahibt artillery the, Tlio trials wero
carrlwl out at Antwerp, nt Forts Phillpo
and Santo Mario. Tho cujiola is like mi en
larged domo or metal cylinder, retting uikiii
n foundation of masonry nnd revolving like
u ship's turret. Tho cuxj)ii stood every test,
and, although struck by the largest projec
tiles, remained uninjured Im Its mechanism to
the last. Its weight was :J0 tons.
Thu French government seems determined
to mako thu "plea.viut land of Franco" as
unpleasant a land as possible for foreigners
to llvo in. An order has been Issued by tho
minister of tho Interior with a viow to ren
dering still more stringent thu existing regu
lations about tho residence of foreigners.
According to this, a foreigner domiciled in
Franco will now havo to go through tho
whole elaborato business of reiiortlug him
self to tho police every tlmo ho wishes to
movo Into another commune or department.
l'rmlucU of (Ireecc.
"Tho Hellenes apH-ar to havu no coal
mines,'' sajs Thu Glasgow Herald, "but their
lignite deposits nro nearly as good, some de
scriptions yielding in pure carbon two-thirds
of mi equal weight of KnglUh coal. Mllo su)
plies sulphur; Zanto springs of excellent e
troloum, used by the ancient Greeks and 1 to
mans; Seriphos, one of tho best kinds of
magnetic iron, and Laurf uma abounds in sing,
derived from tho old lead mines of tho an
cients. Tho dairy industry of Greece is very
lniKrfect, nnd tho flour mills are worked by
water nnd wind. Hut there nro distilling in
dustries of considerable force in tho produc
tion of alcohol nnd liquors, nnd Greeco pro
duces 1,800,000 hectoliters of wine, one-fourth
of which is oxortod to Kuroenu countries.
There are also metallurgical Industries, naval
construction, erfumlug, dyolng, tanning
and cotton ami silk Industries, allko lively
i and euccessful, tho cotton spinning mills sup
I plying thu uumticni 1 to 13, which now come
In place of English threads. This lis ief nnd
j rapid survey would lie incomplete without
i some not Ico of tho splendid marbles, which
I ore yet only slightly dovoloped, so rich are
1 tho fields."
I'rrslun I.) lug.
Thu forms of untruth which prevail among
a jieople are always highly characteristic of
mental, If not of moral, qualities, Tho hu
morous exaggerations of our people nro In
strong contrast with tho bold Inventions of
tho IVrslnus, which resemble tho extrava
gances of tho "Arabian Nights." Tho author
of "From thu Indus to Mm Tigris" tells tho
follow lug ns a fH-clmcn of 1 Vrslau mendacity i
Ono of the Persians of our escort nssured
us that the wind often prevailed with such
furious force that it knocked ieoplo oir their
"Why, only Inst j enr," said he, with most
niihnated gestures, "It tore up thu sand lu
that hollow away to tho left with such force,
and swept It away in such quniitltles, that It
exHi-isl tho remains of an nucleut town of
which nolssly ever dreamed the existence lie
fore. Tim houses wero discovered In rnro or
der The chambers were clear of debris nnd
clean swept of dust, and, marvelous to re
late, thu furniture was found just as it stood
when the city wns swallowed up In tho
"You astonish me," I said, "this Is some
thing very wonderful."
"Yc," Iiu continued, "you speak thu truth
It Is wonderful God is grent, nnd his
IHiwcr Is inlhilte. lint I will tell von the
most wonderful thing of all I've.-) thing
looked perfect mid most substantial, but the
moment -i hand was stretched out to touch
'in object, thu object nt oucu crumbled to
powder. Thu plucu Is only a fuw milts off
our road: would you llku to gallop over nnd
"Your description," i said, "Is so complete
that I see the place lieforo my mind's cyo.
Why Incommode ourselves In this rnln for
what Is so apparent!"
I saw that hu felt tho sarcasm, though,
with genuine Persian nonchalance, hu cov
ered his retreat with nn "As you willl TIuto
the place is, and If you llko to see It, I am
ready to accompany you." Youth's Com
luulon. Too aitirti "Solomon."
Dr. Mulchmore, editor of Tho I'resby
I'l'lm, while making a tour around tho
eoi Id, win painfully Impressed by thu fact
that a iKipulnr piece of music, lu which there
aru "vnln reietitioiis,n tuny become Irritat
ing. HoHlJHi
On our tour, in nearly every church w hero
o preached or worshiped which had a choir
i f some, pretensions, wo heard tho piece,
'Consider tho Lilies," which hi song, liold
and lllghty, told us five or six times that
Solomon was "not urrajed."
For tho llrst two or three times wo did not
consider the gravity of the matter, but finally
became a little restive over Solomon's con
dition, w hen it wns related and emphasized
in moderate tones, in tenderness mid lu hhtli
sounding tones, in trills, in shrieks, thnt
"Solomon was not m rayed;" mid what wns
more embarrassing, the singers sometimes
looked nnd bow-ej to us, as if wo wero to
blame for It
When we reached Hin Frnnelsco, wo
thought, "this will end this Solomon busi
ness.'' Wo supKsed that It wns n favorite
In thu east because he had his bringing up
there; but, to our amazement, wo heard it in
three churches in Mm Occident as woll as
orient, that "Solomon wns not arrayed.'
In tho east (here was appropriateness in It,
w hero nobody is much nrrayed. Hut when
wo heard ngiilu In Saratoga, on different oc
casions, that "Solomon was not arrayed,"
from four to six times right along, nnd In a
mniiiur that could leave no doubt, mid when
significant movements of tho head were mada
at us, we felt that It was tlmothat something
should lie done without fail. Lot n collection
bo taken up for Solomon.
Vuliinlilo Hi olis.
3omoof Mio best bargains thnt swell the
pursoof n second huudliook seller co::io about
by pure luck; at least, so It seems to, con
sidering the time. I havo been hi the business.
One iliy a man came into my hoo!;stnll and
inquired for a certain book on thu entomology
of Missouri. I did not hnvo It, mid learned
that it wns published no more. Ho told mo
to sou if 1 could find the book for him.
I kept n "skinned eyu" on tho lookout for
tho volume, but yet know lug It was uext to
lm)ossiblo to II tul it. Purely by uccldent,
though, 1 hapixmed to see the identical book
w hllu I wns purchasing severul volumes hi a
private library. I olTered fifty cents for tho
book, nnd It was accepted, tho man saying
that It was of no use anymore. Two days
after, my customer who was Interested iu en
tomology called, and ho couldn't get a (A bill
out of his pocket quick enough to satisfy his
hasto hi exchanging that for the book. There
wero S l.fjO clean prollt made on n liook that
will not lw called for onco In two years.
Those who lu. crest themselves In bugs nro
fow, but they seuin to pay good prices for
their books. Uut this wasn't a skin game on
my part, for tho book was actually worth C5
to our trade mid to tho man who makes a
study of bugs. Another peculiar trait of
those who buy second hand books was dis
played by this entomologist. Ho had a book
containing tho same text from tho nuthor,
but from an edition which omitted ono pago
on which several plates or pictures of bugs in
their natural colors were represented. Hence,
ho literally nld i!i to get that slnglo pago
out of my book. Dealer In St. LouU Globo
Democrat. Elcctrlo Alarm.
There Is no end to things jwoplo w 111 try to
contrive w lth tho aid of electricity. A queer
looking little old fellow came Into my otllco
last week with a liox thnt contained a scheme,
ho oxclalnod, w hich, by attaching to a door,
or drawer lock, would ring a bell which could
bo placed anywhere chosen. This bell would
keep on ringing, too, until some one on tho
inside of the door would shut It olf, Hy a
simple combination latch, the electricity can
be shut oil' iu tho daytime. Hut most pecul
iar Is It that the old man proposes a scheme
by which ho can surround a window or other
oiitrauco so that, by sensitized plate, If n per
son jmsses through It tho boll will ring and
keep on until stopped. This, too, can bo shut
olT at tho will of tho occupants. It seems
feasible, mid if ho succeeds will yield an ef
fective and cheap security against burglars.
Interview In St. IauiIs Globe-Democrat.
1'laster of Pari l'loorlni;.
Plaster of Paris can now bo rendered hard
enough to bo used for flooring pui'ioscs by
menus of a process recently communicated by
tho French Acado.ny of Sciences. The
piaster Is mixed with one-sixth of Its weight
of freshly slacked lime of good quality, mid
this mixture worked and applied with as
little water as possible. After it has thor
oughly dried It Is treated with a strong
solution of Iron sulphate, which, gradually
oxidizing, lea in tho floor Impregnated with
u yellow colored substance which develops a
flue Imitation of mahogany under nil npplica
Jo'i of Unseed oil. Wushlugton Star.
Took lie- nt Her Word.
indlgvnnt l'uso ,ger (to omnibus conduc
tor, -Phviso understand, sir, unit iou nro
patu to mis ner questions, and not to ask
them. Tell mo when wo havu possod fk'uth
amptoii strejt.
Conductor (ten minutes laten W havo
i passed Southampton street now, miiii;. It's
' about tbreo-quarti'U of a mile back, o;i tbt
I left hand side. Pin M Up.
Shelton & Smith's for Fancy Rockers.,
Shclton & Smith's for Willow Rockers.
Shelton & Smith's for Pedestals.
Shelton & Smith's for Children's Chairs.
Shelton & Smith's for Hall Rockers.
Shelton & Smith's for Office Desks.
Shelton & Smith's for Ladies' Desks.
Shelton & Smith's for Libran Chairs.
Shelton & Smith's for Library Tables.
Shelton & Smith's for Bookcases.
Center Tables at Shelton & Smith's.
Children's Beds at Shclton & Smith's.
Folding Bed's at Shelton & Smith's.
Chamber Suits at Shelton & Smith's.
Music Cabinets at Shelton & Smith's.
Blacking Cases at Shelton & Smith's.
Sideboards at Shclton & Smith's.
Dining Tables at Shclton & Smith's.
Dining Chairs at Shelton & Smith's.
Parlor Goods at Shelton & Smith's.
At the Very Lowest Prices.
234-238 South 1 lth Street,
Carpets and Draperies!
The bulk of the Carpet trade for 1S89 is now done. We
still have six weeks left in which time wc propose to reduce
our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Spring
trade. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST
SELL the goods. If you are in need of anything in cither
CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before
placing your order and you will find you cannot afford to
purchase elsewhere.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
-o 1119, 1 1 2 1 and 1123 N Street. o
Meals 25 cts. $4.50 per Week.