If- JL "A-PoPtJlR PAPER 'OFM9PCRN -TIMES " Vol. G. No O Lincoln, Nishuaska, Satu)ijay, Janijauv la, I8DO. Phioic Pivic OitN'ra Till! FIHST CIIAItlTY HALL. ITT tliu greatest of those isChuilt), wild thu nll wtso Muster when liopm serllxsl Fnith, Hope mid C'lmrlty ns tho lull's of human con duct. Of tlio three graces of thu Hfo Bplr- It,,,l1 Cli.ifllv In tint ,Tvj' I. most concerned In the (ij, ) in u ii material. No (t st J ol,"'r vlrtuo ,H HO r,cn mankind or so blessed, surely, In tlio sight of lll'llVCIl AllinilgclV- lllesl nut Ions tho gov ernment, tlio chinch nniljtho lodge hnvo filled nil" hinds with ngonclox for tho min istration of thu Hi eat irtue, but tlio cry of distress Is nover stilled It even reaches ImisIi lon, UMinlly henrtles to nil tlmt docs not mill ister to its own plensuie,nnd moves It to pity In America Pushkin's ti Ihuto to dun it)Vtho clmrity Imll. On Its floor Pleasure nnd VI ty meet ns pnrtuors In tlio diuicc, clasp bunds In friendly nccord mill "chose tho shining hours with flying feet." Tho clmrity bull of tho largo cities Is usually tho great event of tho social season, mid generally it nets u hnnd soino Mini for tho relief of liumnii woc. Lincoln hml its first clmrity bnll Tuesday evening. It w lis tho largest mid, ns n whole, tho finest dancing jwirty o er held In the Cap ital City. Tho gentlemen in chorgo wero ox coedlngly fortutmto in securing tho uso of tho Stuto House, wlileh afforded mngiilflcent nc commodntlons mid gnve mi nildd dignity mid chnnn. Tho hall of tho IIouso of Representa tlvos was used for dancing. The room had lieen In tho hands of nil oxjiorleneed man for erol dnys, mid was handsomely decorated, although tlio hall is lnrgo and tho walls lofty, requiring a great deal of labor and material tomnkonn effeotivo showing. Conspicuous among tho decorations wero tlio nationnl col ors. Tho upior w Indow back of thospeaker's desk was hidden by u ling draped vertically. On either sido was a huge flag sprend out hor izontally with tho stars next tho window. Ench of tho four corners was broken with another big ling drntxxl vertically. Noxt to nttrnct notice wero two ropes of fir fcstoonol in parallel lines, nbout flvo feet npart.nround tho walls of tho hall. Tho upper ropo wus caught by loops thrown over tho ornamental keystones In tho window caps on threo hides of tlio room. Across tho gallery tho jxosts served ns points of attachment. An over green ropo nnd two evergreen rings hanging from tho loops mentioned supported tho sec ond parallel rojie. In each of tho angles mado by tho festoons hung a pondnnt rojxj w ith a tassel of fir at tho end. Tlio posts in tho gal lery wero also twined with evergreens. Tho sjienkcr's desk wns drniied with n flng.nndnn evergreen ropo bridged tho spaco between tho two upright lamps. Wreaths of evergreen crow ned tho Inmps on tho chief clerk's desk, and similar garlands of holly ornamented tho brocket gas Jeta in tho three walls. Tufts of fir mid holly relieved tho panels between tho upper nnil tho lower tier of windows. Tho walls wero hung with oil pnintlngs loaned for the occasion, nnd n cluster of evergreen branches reared tlulr heads from tho recess back of each picture. Tho windows wero draped with laco and chenille curtnlns (nlso loaned), giving, with thepictures, ahome-llko nlr to tlio big hall. Tho grand central chande lier was studded thickly with iwndont fis toonsof evei green, mid 11 liell nf fir swung from tho centre by a ropo just high enough toescujio thoheadsof thedanceis. Tho front of the gallery was hung with interlacing flr ropes. Midway of tho two sides wns the date, "Jnnuary 14," In largo letters of ruby nnd gold on n dark background mid thu w holo IiouikI in uvei green. Hut tho gem of the decorations remains to bo tleseiibed. Across tho enstwnll, out the speaker's ilmk, wns n long, narrow panel oiitllueil by n trimming of fir. Within tho lines the panel wns filled with snow-white cotton. Veeplng out of this soft pure bed of down wero scores of glnss bulbs, incandescent electric lamps, arranged to spell the woitl "Clmrity" In great, lutnlnouslutters. Tho Cnpltol wns found to bo most admir ably adapted for tho puriososof tho occasion Admittance wns gained at tho east door, and inside wero Messrs. 0. J.Ernst and John Phillips to take tickets. Justbojond, at tho foot of tho stairs lending upward, was an olllcer in uniform to direct tho nrriving peo ple. At the heod of tho stairs were two of ficers to give directions as to clonk nnd toilet rooms, mid n fourth olllcer was stationed nt the door of tho cloak room to give any furth er Information that might bo needed. The rooms adjoining Representative Hall on tho north sido of tho corridor (assigned to the sjienker nnd tho chief clerk during tho besslons of the legislature) wero given over to the ladles for toilet rooms. Tho representntl es' cloak room on tlio south Bido of the corridor was used for a similar purposont tho bnll. One of tho governor's npui tmenU wus sot nslde for the gentlemen's toilet room, nnd tho other executivo chandlers wero open with n wide welcome for reception and promenading uses. Tlio long corridor between tho two leg islative halls was lighted its entiio length and mado a line promenade. In tho cross cot ri dors and tho nooks ubout tho rotunda were scattered tete-a-tetes, lockers and chulrs. The gentlemen found thuin oiy convenient for it lounge nnd n smoke ut least such of tho less shadowy letrenU lis weio not monop olized b) sentimental voting eoupks who had letlied fiom thogluio mid thu till on,; to ex chuniM) sweet nothing. Hut of nil (ho lovely places for u quiet confidential chat tho gov ernors opaitnientH had thu best. They we o filled with easy chillis mid sofas and tho sev eral rooms woiobewiiaud fiomencli other bv not times. Needless to sny that thcsi splendid conveniences wero put to excellent use during tho latter pint of tho evening, after tiio looms weio dcscited b) proine iiaders. Representative Hall made n migulllcoiit place for dancing. Tho desks, chairs mi I railings hail been remove I, letv lug a hroa I expanse, of enrM?tesl floor, w hleli was put Into elegant dancing condition by a ho ivy, well laid canvas covering. Although throe or four hundred HHiple wero In nttiidaiH'o tho hnll wns so lnrgo that at no tlnu wusthuro iiciush on tho floor Thu inuslovviis stn Moms! on the platforms occupied by tho desks of sx'ukor, clerks mid l eporlers. Tho Philharmonic orchestra, twelve pieces, loudcrod n particularly flue program. Tho music was of n high order mid filled thu glent hall Tho classical solectlors wero so m ranged us to mnko the tliuo lKat imitlculnrly emphatic, which, after nil, is a most Impoitaut matter in dmiciiig music. Tho gallery held quite an iirmy of spectators, nnd nITordcd a gixxl view of tho beautiful kaleidoscopic iniiro on the floor Ixdow. The company begnn nssu uhllng nt half past eight o'clock, nnd just nil hour later n cornet call nunouncisl the grand uiirch. (lovernor Tlinjor had consented to lead tho match. Ho selected Mrs A. C .lomoi to assist him hi that plcuslug duty, ami they made u very sti Iking coup'e. Thu gov ei nor is a flno looking geiit'eman, of dlgnillc 1 bear ing and mi erect military carriage Mrs Kleiner lookol queenly In n regal roh'i 'of black velvet, en trnlno, low neck nnd h1iou sleeves, black iiiouxqtictulru gloves, dlnmo'ids, hand mid corsage, Ixmqucts. As the gov ernor mid his lady stepped out iixm the dniieiug floor tho other participants formed in column nfter them. Violin mid cornet nnd cello broke forth in n Joyous fnnfnic, tho word "Charity" Hashed out upon tho wnll mid flooded thunlnndy brilliant loom with a white electric glow, tho company burst Into tfxintnucous,ippInusont thu Umutlful sight nnd Lincoln's first charity ball had lx'gun The long column wound in nnd out In slu nous lino until, ut tho signnl, tho music chnngtsl from march to wait and sent the participants whirling around tho room In onetw o-threo time. Thu program comprised twenty iiumlicrs. In order to give strangers nnd Into comers liettor oportunities for dancing, progrnin cards were not provided Instead there wnsii Iwinncr on tho wnll back of tho orchestra reading "Tho Next Dance Will He," unrjuHt"lK'l()w was hung a placard giving tho iinmo of one dnnee. Following is tho program of dnnces nnd the music played to them: Ornnd March Arlon Carnival I'aust Vnlt7. Pln motes Ilticnlloxxl Qiiiidrlllo Frolhs AlKiutTown . .. Ilocttger Polka Selection from Oolnli Tohanl Lancers A leanr II rooks WaltzHliie Daniihe Htrauss Qundrlllo Kazzlo Darzlo llrooks Wnltr Qiiiulrllle-I.lfo u Dream Zllcoir Schotllschi' SomolKMly's Hweetlinart.. Moses Lanorrs Tho ltrlgnnils Tohnnt WnltzOolah Moms Quadrille Hcotch Ilitihlmids Hoottgor l.smcraldn Cleiiuntliio Conterno Virginia Heel Original Waltz Dream on tho Ocean (lungl Lancers Oolali Tolianl Polka-Hlelgh Julian Wultz Thoiisnud nnd One Nights ..Htrnuss HLhottlsehe"MuKliollll Moses LnmcrsClover Toliant Wnltr -Lovo'sTrensuro Wnldtenfcl Itefreshiiunts were niiiiounced as ready nt lev en o'clock mid nt tlio iiildilhTofTluTi i ro - gram nn Intermission wns given for tho bene fit of thoso w ho could not tear themselv es nwny from tho dancing. Tho Senate chain- lier wns ustsl ns n dining room. Tables were scatterel alsiut tho floor wont to lj trodden by statesmen and a light luncheon wns served under tho direction of Mr H K. Criley of the Windsor hotel. Dancing "was resumed with fresh vigor and It was after three o'clock when tlio last carriage rollod"hvv ay from the Capitol and tho janitors began to tin n out thu lights Thu nirmigeiiients wero so admirable that thu bull passed oil4 without n hitch or a disagreeable Incident of any kind. It wasu brilliant social alTalr, ngiiuid HUUCS8 In all respects mid tho handsome sum realized from it will be a most welcome mldis ,tlon to thu funds of the relief society. Many willing hiinds helped to nchiovo that sum sx, but one man was so conspicuously thu dom inant spirit ns todexcrvo sixslal mention Thu first suggestion of tlio bnll came fiom Mr. A. C. Kleiner, nnd upon his shoulders wns put the but deu of resoihil)lllty in car rying It into eirett. Tho plans were his mid hoxrsoiiiilly snw to the execution of ninny of tho details. Bo largo was his shnio in thu work that all uiilto In giving him the gener ous praise his work deserves. The ball w as a dressy nlTnir, mid, nlthough a liner display might have been mado witli tho cordial co oerution of all the social leadeis among the ladles, many handsome gowns wero worn. Among the more liotictuble toilets were tho following: Miss Luttn, pink faillu mid tulle, ieail trimmings, pink gloves, gold necklace. Miss Luther, pink faille, Persian trimmings, blnck mlts, fnn of roses, diamonds. Miss Onkluy, ornngo China silk, white nnJ silver tullu w ith fringed ribbon, black mlts, jellow roses, diamonds. Miss Puce, black lace, pink roses. Mrs. J. J. Hutler, white silk and gray cusluneie, Persian trimming, tan gloves, diamonds. Mrs. John H. Chirk, gray silk trimmed with white passninenterie, diamonds. Miss Gruuinger, whlto ulpucn moire, rib boos nnd white lace, blnck glovis, profusion of pink mid white roses m ranged across the shoulder nnd down fi out nnd bnck of coisage. Mrs. Mcl'arland, whlto silk mid w hito tlsli net, tiiimued with ribbons, tun gloves, diamonds. MIsh Hertie Hmr, jellow enshmere, trliiiiuisl with blnck velvet, blnck velvet girdle, diamonds. Mls Maud Hmr, black lace, low neck mid slim t sleeves, tan gloves, diamonds nnd l llbies Mis Captain Phillips, black silk, diamonds. Mis. lliifliiiuii, black silk, bonnet, pink flow ei s, diamoiiils. Mrs. Hillui)er, gray silk, Pvilniiu Inocailid front, dinmoiiiU Mis Ionium!, black cloth, red velvtt bon net, diamond. Miss Maltha Puiike, light blue China silk, acconleoii skiit, mil ion liblxm trimmings, led loses, tan gloves, diamonds. MluMterliiij, nl (uhuir, no trim, tiling, white rows. Mrs II -Inrl OVdl, lnlintrijM velvet, broi'iided n ili't, u In slui)VJ4, di i u mil oru i incut s Mis. Hlckey, light pink silk mid light gt ecu i llili in tiliumlngs; fan Mrs, I)r Cuitls, black lace. Miss .lemcr, cieaui Ai.ili'lla silk, tan inous quutulro gloves, largo hand and coinage lou -iplets of white loses Miss Jeiiimettu Wilson, white embroidered cishiuoro, whlfo moll o sash, tnu gloves, fan Miss I.uiiii Dundy, whlfo silk and dotted lace, wild daisies, diamonds Miss May lluir, light blue Arabella silk, tan gloves Mix lliiruhmu, ihiikgtcon velvet and while lace, Persian passami'iiterle. Miss Hnthawny, white mull with scarlet tlhuiiilugs, scarlet sasli nnd mils, diamonds. Mlssdeorgln Ciiiup, black laeo nnd inoiie, black uilts. MIssNcott, wlilto cishiipio with 'Persian tiiiumlugs, light gloves. Miss Niioml Weaver, lAltosllk id, pink loses and handbouquet. hand paint Mrs L. Meyer, black silk, whlto laco, Ibou let, diamonds Mrs. Newmaik, daik green cloth, bonnet, diamonds. Miss I'liinlt, scat let small, whlto lace, bon net Miss Hard), Ncnrlet ci'lmnie, nccor leou skirt, rlblxiu trimmings, botmet.; Mrs Benton, striMsl and eieaniclmlle, din nioiids, feather fun. Mrs. Haiitu, lavender silk nnd dotted lace, en traiue, black gloves and roses Miss Anim Kimkc, white Artbella silk, Nile green ribbon trimmings, white mlts mid pink i oss. Mrs. Mm tin, black silk, Persian trimmings, while (Mtrleh lips In hah, diamonds Mrs Curr, blnck silk mid wlilto lace, black IxJliuct, gloves, diamonds. Miss Huddiith, helhtropu uiid laveude; eC: faille mid velvet, Maieclml Nell rows, Mrs. II C. lMdv, miiiivo surah, black vel vet trimmings, black velvet Ixinuut, blnck gloves and gold ImuW. Mrs. Flunk Perkins, scai let henrletta, black tritumiugs. Miss Cm inody, black heiirletta, velvet trim mings, Ixuinet, diamonds. Mrs. H. P. Ktovens, black heiirletta, whlto sash, pink roes. Mrs. Harry Perrlmnn, blnck silk, red velvet Ixmnct, (llamonils. JIlss lbxsler, llglitgrey heiirletta mid vel vet, vvixxl violet flowers, grey hat, diamonds. Mrs. Coons, ilurl. green velvet,nudirornn- meiits, iKimict, diamonds. Miss Giahnm, pink fnlllo nnd pink strlpisl tulle, tan gloves mid pink rocs. Miss Miller, blnck lace, black gloves mid diamond, pink roses. Miss May Dundy, black laeo, low neck nnd short sleeves, lemon surnh sash, diamonds. Mrs. L. C. Hurr, white satin ami black net, diamonds. Miss Lilllhridge, blnck silk, nccordeontklrt, tnu gloves, diamonds. Miss Maggie Million, white silk skirt, pink and whlto strlixsl overdress, pink roses. MIs Nellio Million, light bpto strljx'd skirt anirchnllo overdress, grey gloves mid fnn Miss Aiken, blnck silk skirt and Nile green waist. Misx (iertlo Iivvs, whitesilkuccorduon skirt nnd lluirj sleeves. Mrs. A. D. Hmr, black silk, laco and dia monds. Miss DePite, w bite silk mid strixsl tulle, tilmiiHil witli daisiis. wlilto mlts, pink and white loses mid feather fan Mis Dnvid Wise, blink silk and lihhon trimmings, white lxinnet, ilininoiids Miss Mmido Oakley, MdcmluiHre, princess stjle blnck velvet trimmings Miss Aug) Hnuudeif, gin iietsilkmid velvet, tun gloves Mis. A. K. ltajmond, white cnshmeie, trlimiird in In own velvet lihlxmx. Mis. Allsdoif, pink faille, pink mils, pink roM s. Mis C. II, Inihoir, gresn faille, strited skht, bouiut, diamonds. Mrs. Davis, black lace, diamond ornaments. Mrs. Hoxselman, gray striiiesl silk, white vest, pink roses. Mrs. Oeorge Chirk, stripesl chnlie, luce and velvet. Mrs. Criley, black silk, dotted loco, pink rose. Miss Carrie Hill, scarlet surah and tulle, tan gloves, K'arkt sash, bracelets. Miss English, nllo gres.-n catlnnere mid white sash. Miss (iertnide Hill, lemon surah silk, icnrl necklnco. Miss Outcalt, black sil!, heavily trimmed with Jet, diamonds. Mrs. Wnlcott, blnck lnco, white fnn, Ison net. Miss White, gray enshmere embroidered in blnck. Mrs. Crawford, pnlo lilncsllk, brown front, white rose s and smilnx Mrs Tjiell, black ellk, nsl velvet lxinnet, diamonds. Mrs, Kheldon, green nnd block silk, gray lint, diamonds. Mis George Ccok, brown xllk, tiimmed with blown velvet, hat, diamond ci miliums. Mrs Poster, Nile pieen silk, light laco ovenliess, ji t tiimuiiugs, diamonds, brace lets and lucklace. Mrs. Nesbltt, rubj velvet, en traiue, pink In (nailed fiont, white and pink hjaciuths, ixail gloves, ilhililLinW. Mis. Dennis, block silk, diamond orna ments. Mis J. 1) McDonald, bine k hemtetta, low Disk mid blunt tlccvts, diamond necklace and (sails Miss Lull, gin) cnslimeie, daik gin) velvet tllmnungs, elbow uleeves, pink iomk, tan gloves Miss Lulu Clink, gray xllk, white Unify shoves, soft white wish, feuthei fan. Mrs. Maxwell, white cusluneie, pason meiiteilegiidle, llglit bliielKiiinet and gloves. Miss Lottie Audriis, black nut over black silk, black gloves, white roses Ji Mix. Iliickstair, blown brocaded faille, IVislau tiiiumiugs, point laco collar, bonnet, dlnuioi. ! Mrs. llajden, gleen cloth, biocaihsl fiont, velvet tilmmlngs, bound, diamond Mis. Wlluy, light (It nb sin ah silk, laco and roses, tan gloves. Miss lleitlo Penis, black silk and Jet tiiiu mlugs, pink floweiH Miss Lilian Feiilx, wliitociisliiiieioliiumiisl with black velvet, pink lines. Mrs bin, black Iiicm, dlnmonds, pink fan. Mix Judgn Cobb, black velvet, Jul tiiin mliigs, black bonnet. Miss Slatteily, led velvet, iimus Mis Ciichinu, black silk, lace and diamonds Mis, Hudy Ithcluuilcr, bilck nsl liemletta, pink loses Miss lleleu.Meiillieu, blai ksllk nnd ft Inge, white I leeaud iikos. MKs McCluie.whlftffallliiniiilstilDod tullav, plllk loses Mrs. A W. Juiisen, pink faille, briH'nihsl skht, diilut) ilbboii ttimmliigs, elbow sleeves, loilg-tnll gloves, ill ituomls, liilgu feather fan Miss Hammond, wlilto cashmere, hhluilb bon tihmuiugs Miss Murqiiette, )ehoiv velvet and strlpisl toll", diamoiiils MlssOllvo litta, white cashmere, Persian trimming, tun gloves Mm l-'mike, gray silk, wlilto Persian trhu mliigs, diamoiiils, pink rosebuds. Miss Motcnlf, soft white Grecian costume, pink roses. Miss Fny .Mnrsliall, whlto cashmere, blnck velvet trimmings, black mlts mid fan It Is almost Impossible inn company num bering hmidnsls of persons to give mi abso lutely full list, but the following is hollovod to liu as complete a record of those present at thu charity ball us could lie made under tho circumstances: UveinorThn)or, Htuto Auditor Ronton, StAto Treasurer Hill, Messrs and Mosdnmoi ), C. Zlumer, J A. Huckstnir, Ges Hosxcl man, Prank Perkins, R. ICostka, Iule Mejer, A. 1). Hurr, J. I) Macfarland, II. T. DobbhiH, Geo. A Clarku, II. P. Ijui, U U. Richards, Judge Ainasn Cobb, A. W. Juiisen, H. H. Ruriihain. W N. Leonard, Dr R. C. Trogden, C. 1). Pitcher, C. A. Wlrrlck, U U. Hurr, Thou. Curr, T. W. Kruno, T. M. Mnr (luutto.T. J. Hlckey, H. H. Mix)ro, A. G. Ilill meyur, I). Wise, Jose)h Ilixilnner, C. T. Horfgs, W. A. Alsdorf, Gesirgo Thiers, J. J. Rutler, Gesirgo Camp, John R. Clark, 12. L. Vlekors, I). W. Mosuly, 11. P. Foster, W. II. Walcott, W. R. Dennis, R. Rholaondur, W. Henry Smith, J W. McDonald, M.Corcoian, NcirrU Humphrey, C. J. Krnst, C. O Laws, J.V. Maxwell, H. K. Crlloy, Dr. II F. Uulloj, Dr. Clins. Ooodell, Paul Holm, I. C Elliott, II. C. Eddy, C. II. Inihoir, H. J'. HUiveus, Frank Hhuldou, Gesirgu Cexik, John Slwsly, R. O. Phillips, R. O'Neill, T. M. Cook, J. 11. Ilni ley, O C. Hell, Goo. H. Ijuiu, C. II. Gere, L. M. Gilchrist. II. A. Hulxjook. Messrs. Henry Miinsflold, Clmrlos Clark, C W. Wesjkbacli, E, Heaton, P V. Howe, G. C St. John, II. Nlssley, Oscur Funke, Geo Hid den, Frank Zehrung, C E Mngoon, Frank Polk, C D. Vnil Duyn, R. H. Onkluy, F. D Saunders, Thomas Ew lug, Charles Cnxu, J . Ilushol U'inlst, C G Cixlnmii, C. R. RlcliUir, C. E. Wiilto, S. T St Johns, John Dorgnri, J. M. Knox, Cluis. Algers, Dr Hooves, Dr. Irfivvton, Dr. Spuhr, A. F. Walsh, A F.WIng, Rohm 1 Iird, Charles Hurr, Gesirgo Craticer, E. 11. Audi us, Will Stiill, Frank Hurr, G Hil ton Aiulrus, Will Clarke, Frank Walluu, Charles Hall, J. II. Nadeii, George Foresiiiau, R. S. Mcintosh, P. W Sin) ser, Tlios. Iiwr), J. E Ihomp'on, Dr Hay, W. Morton Smith. 1) h Tliomi-iiii, Kd Midler, Frank K Iiuis, Will Hammond, Flunk Hiithnwu), J E Per il", Lieut. Oritllth, A T Clime ron, Dr Ker man, Chns Mn cr. Henry Mn) ei. M I Alt ken, II S Rose, J M Thuver, Jr , Otto Mnhienstechir, PiedShohs, G Walsh, E E Gillespie, C I) Iljatt, M Ackennnn, John Fitzgiinld, El Cngney, Chnrles Siiillh, John G. Phillips, Mrs IIii)ileu, Mrs. J Heaton, Mis. I. Put nnm, Miv E. 11 Coons, Mis Iliiiriimii, Mis Cnnfleld, Mis. Neshit, Mis Wile), Mrs. Joel Dnvis, Mrs. Hoppei, Mrs. bittu, Mrs. J J Imhoir, Mix Forenmn. Mrs. O. it. Oukley, Mrs. Hard, .Mrs. Dr. Sobln, Mrs. Chus. Ham monil, Mrs. Crlsey, Mrs. A. H Raymoiid, Mrs. II. I). Hatliaway, Mrs I. Hrooks. Misses Clara Fuiiko, Martini Punke, Min nie Depue, Clara Curmody, Edna Heaton, Gcrtnidu Ijivvs, Maud Oakley, Maud Hurr, Anglo Saunders, Ahbio Covert, Naiinlu Lilll bridge, Heleno Imu, Nelllu Ijhi, Olllo Lntta. Naomi Weaver, Wilson, May Hurr, Corn Hurdy, Clnra Walsh, Lllllnu Sterling, Lottie Andrus, Fay Marshall, Nellie White, Hertlu Hurr, Clorklu Pace, Gertrudo Zlemer, Min nie Nnden, Mmnlo Latta, Lulu Grunlnger, Alien Oakley. Pearl Camp, Georgia Camp, Lulu Clarke, Ednii Scott, Libido Sencrest, Helen Merriliow, Mnud Minitli, Anna Funke, Maud Hammond, I.lllle Hathaway, uenio rerns, imiian rerrls, Theo. Ijiws. Alice Hennlsley, Gertrude Hill, Curolu Hill. Slngglo Kngllsh, Hortha Cook, Cora Out calt, Helen Million, Margaret .Million, Annio Pardee, Dora Hurley, Rosa Franck. Anna Dick, Alice Cowdery, .Minnie Slattery, .Mrs. Pel r) man of Sioux Pulls, Dnk Jessie Suildltli of Wiihccii, Minn , Miss Grahuin, Miss Viiiiuiiid .Miss Miller of Chlcugo, Miss MiUnlf of San Diego. Oil Miss Luthirof Albion, N. Y Mlxses Maggie nnd Mnttie McClure of Jit. Pleasant, In A S Hiulgei ofChlengo, Mr nnd .Mrs Ed Hniiin, Misses Mn) ami Luim Dtind), MKs Millie Rixsler. Messrs Edgnr Eiwurds, A L Roislur, II Curtail, D. Moigiin. Isaac Coles of Omaha Ft inn-K (. THK IIAI.I. Alxmt HHHI Invitations u,u Issued Hie piollts will Ui ovel f.VK), xilinp neni er tMM) 1 lie floor ma niigi is weio distiiiKUishcd b) hmiilsoiue lmdgix Ihe (tiH'iuatiug wns done Ii) Mr Win. 11 Giesn, who gnve tell da)x time to it at u mod el life pike Now that wehuve had the llrxt nnd Lincoln know s more nbout w hut a chin ity Ixill u all) , ., . ,, . , Is, tin. next will be vv oi Hi living to eiijov. Tlio sf nte house never showisl Itself to such excellent advantage lxifore. Thoseeno pro setilisl when the merry gatheilng weio danc ing could nut) be iinpi eclated by xrsounl ob sei vat Ion Tlio ladies who sold tickets did u noble wink Miss Luttn tin msl over the largest sum, f Ifi'i, Miss Joiner vviisn close sis'oiul withal Pi nnd Miss Nnonil Weaver wns n good thlnl wlfh Pi Thoeleclrlc light company airangisl tin panel with tho wind "Chailty,"ilonutllig the uso of the light and tho material mulching lug only fin thu ciisl of fhollubor lit making Hint eirectlve piece of ilis'orntlon A nuiubei of mei chants who had noilexlr" to paMlclpate in tho ball dountisl goods lo the amount of a ticket. These due bills, which inchiihsl conl, grocerliw and nlliir gtxxls, weio tuiiiisl over to Elder Howe, mid he lins iillcudv made gixxl Use of soiun of them Mr E K. Cilley or the Windsor took chaigoof theicfieshmelits ut a lute date on account of tho Illness of the interei eugagisl fur the work. And he did the hiiiiilxnnio, geuetoiis fhlug nbout if, too Ho llguinl the itelual cost of the materials in the luni heon and turnisl the piollt, a siiiig litflu sum, Info thu chm It) fund Many "kickers" hiivoiiseurtnluesl since tho airnlrtlmt the model n day clmrity ball Is not n cheap daniii where men and maidens congregate in ciillcoiittlie 'I'Lo pin llclpants all unjii)esl the aHalr as they have none other ever given In Lincoln, unit It would Ixi dllll cult now to get even the gruiubleis to sxnk of thu iilfulr other thui us a pleasant, social mid llnanclal success lIulTman.t Ricliter nnd their nsxlMtant, Mr. Wiley, wero most active workers In milking the bull the biilllant success that It was, Mr, Rlchter, Indissl, deserves to rank second only to Mr. lemcr In tho gixxl work. Ho put heart mid soul Into the iiiuse, and brought mi energy, nil enthusiasm mid nn Intelligent ef fort to lxnr with telling circct Mr. Illchtcr, with hissuavocoiirtesy, gixxl seiisonud whole hearted earnestness, Is a host In any cause that enlists his services. Among thosei who hximsl pictures, flags mid other articles for thu decoration of tho hall wire Hon A. J Hnwjer, Prof. Hogg, Hon. E. P. Roggen, S. E Mix.ro, Miller C Paine, A. M Davis & Son, II. R. Nixxloy oc Co., J. C. Stlre, A. T. I-emlng & Co , G A. Cnincer & Co , Hnnly & Pitcher, A llloch, Polk & Hell, Fox fc MiUhell, Hnrgronvos llros., James llalloy, Thus. Ewlng, HerxU shelmer i Co, H. P. Stevens, (leu. H. Pcxihlir, Chus. II. Rolimau and thu Gixxl Luck grexH'ry. He It said with credit to Lincoln, that thu music furnished by thu Phllliiiimonlo orches tra wus oxi client, mid hud the i omuiltUs) se cured music from abroad It would certainly have lxn mi Injustice to both Lincoln ami the home orgiinizutlou. It wus the first time tho full orchestra of twelve pieces had Ixs-n heard, Thu circct wax Ixith pleasing mid thoroughly satisfactory, and many u compll meiitwns given them during tho evening. There Is perhaps hut one fault to lliid mid that is in tliu execution Thu time Is all that could Ixj uskisl, likuwlho thu harmony, hut It has Ikh-ii suggested that if tho orchestra wero to mid a llttlu more life and net! m, It would complete thu otherwise excellent work. How over, they did well, mid tlio Coi'ltlKIl urn grutlllutes them on thu success they achieved. Thu cloak room arrangements were about perfect. Thu waiting, tlio confusion and thu mixing of clothing, usually anno) lug lucN dents of mch lnrgo guthcrlugx, nil these wero avoided, thanks to the planning nnd the erne of Mr, II R. Wile). When ho vuhmttcicd to take charge of the (linking ho Ugun lo make sev end bundled chei U In order tolxi sure of huv lug i uniigh hooks liosiipplemciitcd those of the ( loak loom IIm If b) ens Hug u Iaigesquiile riume In theeeiitir of the floor mid filling It wllh mills Then he hml thu as sistance of six bright, ah it )ouug mm Mtsrs. Pi is I Iingwell, Lhiis Ciiiup, Jiiines Carter, Pi link Seiicicst, Alden Mcnihcw mid Foss Siucrest, who volumes itsl iheli seivicisi, A bar at the door kept impatient x-oplu out of I ho loom The result of I In so uiiuugo meiits, with thu prompt, Intelligi ut iitteiitlon of tlio gi nth mi ti in chnij,e, was u seivico so iiiiiiirusurcbl) siixrior to thu ordlnur) expe rience us to make it stand out us a particular ly successful feature. To New York via Washington. Two elegantly cqulpesl trains leave Chica go dally, via H. & O R R for Washington, Hnltlmoru, Philadelphia mid New York The Vestibules! Limited leaving Chlcugo ut SB p. in. nrrivesnt Washington the next after noon at 4 (ft, Haltimore at.'. '.'!, Philadelphia at 7 'JO, mid Now York ut 10 o'clock. This train curries Pullman v esitlbuled sleeper l tween Chicago, Washington and Haltimore, and Pullman vetdlbulcsl parlor car Washing ton to New York. Tho morning limited, leaving Chicago nt 10 10 n m , nrrlves nt Washington thu next morning at 11 P., Haltimore at 1 o'clock, p in., Philadelphia .'I '$) mid New York .'. .V p in. This train carries Pullman vestlliuUsI xhxjptr Chicugo to New York without change An espial)) efllcient service Is maintalii,l Ix'twisni St. Iouls ami Wushliigtoii, Hulti more, PhiLidelphiii and New York via Ohio &. Mississippi R'j mid II .tO TheO it M v extiblllisl cxprt ns lea v lug St Iouls at h a m nrrlves Wushliigtoii fu the ufternixm of the next ihi), nt 1 .V), Hultliiioie ut MM, Plilhi delphia at .'i Wl and New York nt is i"i This train carries pallor ear fiom St ImixtoCin eiiiuuti. sIkk'i Cincinnati to Waslilngton and Haltimoie, nnd jxirlor mi nshington to New Ymk TheO it M expn-ss Itnvihg hi Iuiis nt "'tr.' p m airlves Washington the msoiuI morning nt . P., Haltimore nt I .VI, Phlliuhl- pliiu 7 Id and New Ymk 10 .V. 'Ihistiuin ciiiries Pulliniiii hlevKis fiuiu St b.iiistn , New Ydk and from (nuft W Vn , to WnsliMigton and Haltinu re Pnsseiigu. foi vv iiiunkitn ami Haltimoie truiisfei to tho "c'uuirs see luivertiseinent on igt eight lixul sl(s's-i at (inrtoii at 7 :,(liu thuevtiiuig , mid uvolil tieing ili.tuilKsi upon in i iv al ut T,u nobbiest turnouts t hut uie eni i u our Wusliiiigton until 7 a in thoienghfiires ni-o from the I'nlnee .tables Tn kvts v in II ,v O R. It. me on miIo at all I't'lfpliotm No. -i:. Stublts on M tm-t op coupon thket i lllces thiouglit the west. JHislto Mnsonlc temple Di R. C Tiocdmi. Dentist. South Mil. I !,"". 'Vlllll, o OOlllll 1 till I j treet, over Elite studio Telephone 43.1. MUSIC AND TIIK IMAM. Tho week has seen several good perfoim mices at Punkii's hut a light attendance, "lieiiulnlo," Monday nnd Tuesday, wns a Httong, I'lemi play of tho legitimate older, nnd tlio Iteilinunil-llai i y company wns made up of nrtlsts "ig-,iig," Wiiltiesihiy, wns a furco comisly Ixitler than the nveingu. It glow fiom tho stmt ton strong climax In tho last nit It had absolutely no plot, but tho eonipniiy iticiiiitisi some veiy clever uctor who IHInl thu eviiilug with their business. Among them weio Alfnsl C. Wlieelnn, Miss Anna llo)d and Miss Alice Vnue, tho mother of hay Teniplelou. I ho iiiliixtrels.Tlnirsdny, weie poor I NIIIKItlA. 'Hie altrnctlon at Funke's njixt Wediies dii) evening will be "HinenJi?' An exclinnge sa)s: "Sllx'ilu" Is b) no meal s u new pin), but it does not si em to lose opitlnt It) , mid is nl wn)s nsHiinsi; iiowdul houns As In lllus tuition or convict llle in Sibil In (lie pla) Is veiy emiiH'tiiiid full or liitoioxt It Is hut ptlslng how lilslorhnll) coinet Ihenuthor's Idensol Hlbiilail life Welc, und how lltfleex nggeiutloii was Usui In the eonstrui lion of tills phi). "SllxTlu"irtiii)sliivlvlii;toiielusi the vicissitudes of Rtisslnit lire, with Its nihil Ism, Its despotic tide, lis I. liter wrongs und lis firilhlelnjiisfliis 'Iheiompnnv fsn le iiiiiikuhly stiong one, mid Includes Missis P.leunor Moiicltl, Lizzie Mny Uliner, Cm lie ltadcliire, und Messrs, Adolph Jackson, John Dnlley, Chns II, Wnlte, W. M.'JFnlrbnnkH CIiiih, E. Gotfliold. Thoscenety tistsl In the pnxluctlon is elnlxiiute, mid tho same cmeftil attention which has marked former presenta tions isglviti In eny detail. ol'KHA. (Iran's Opera coinpuii) will Jpn sent "The Ililgniids" nt Funko's noxt Thiiisdny even ing. Tliu Atlanta ('iiiisfifiiffoiirii)softhem Otreiihiich never wrote music that wn not beautiful, und tlmt of "Tho Hrlguuils" is up to Ids usually high standard Some of tho solos nre particularly cntrhy mid pretty, the choruses nre grand The opera mov es ulong vv ith ihish, tlio (Iran company giving a very line presentation of tho great Cnsliio siiccem. Thorn Is Mime miggntlwi of tho thieves of "Prtnliile" In the four hiigniids whono nntlcs furnish the hulk of thu fun. Miss Grrrn wood nnd Miss Hosimr dlvldid tho honors accorded tho feminine portion of the enst, Ixith by their singing mid nctlng Miss Aid rich made a pretty young fnrmer; Miss West wns u holld-lookltig pngoj Harry Hrown, tho comedian, kept over) bod) laughing from thu time the curtain rose. Ho Is undoubtedly the Ix-st eoincdliin Ornu linn over hod. Ills topi nil song, "It's ii Mutter of Tnste," is one of the lxxt of tho ninny with which tho ntngo Is flooded. HI IK. Tho drnmntlzesl story of "Shu" will Is) given ut Funko's noxt Friday and Saturday even lugs, with a Saturday matinee. Tho Evans vlllo Courier says of It- "When the curtain rose upon thu first sceno after tho piologuo tho audience testified Its approv ill by a i oimd of iipplniise for the flue fcttlng revenhsl, mid ws the iictiun progressesl, mid ono scenic eirec-t lifter nnothorvwisdlspm)isl, Itbeciimeevident that the author hud taken as much udviintugu or llie posKllillltles us could well 1st utilized, und tlio issiplo Ix-cnmo eiitliiislustlc 11uo M-enlc eilis'ts, oven to the smalhwt, wero ud mliiibly urrungisl und foimed ninny Ix'iiutl f ul und linpiesslvestiige pictures. 'Iluieirccts me tousldelesl us tho equal of niiysxs?tnculnr piixlticliou yi t Hen In this cit) The excel leuchsof the JxTfoi malice wile not conllned to the scenic i tricts, though It wax supposed that tin so would (institute the chief merit. Tho ciiiiuiiv developed u stieugth intiiely iiuuxxx't(sl 1 1 n spectiictilur piece, mid guvo the dialogue and ini lilents in nil e nt in I) ine-lo-druiiiutlc inanuii, ipiite In kin ping with tho stor) itself und Itsiuliiptntloii for the stage. TIIK KIIK.N Ml'HPK Mnniigei Lnwhr Is keeping his reputation nsnn mmisemint rattier ami piesentxto tho Muste visitors tliis week a show tlmt is seldom excelled In the. cuiio hull Mmliiiii Niioml, tho fnt wniiinn Is Indeed a curiosity. Mr. Duncan culls her tlio Olieso Wonder. The lad) Is u native of California nnd shows that tho state can Ixjoxt of lurgu women ns well as large trees She Is one ixjrson living who is actually as bioad as she Is long In thiatro No a Tom Mcintosh mid his Uilinttsl son present n vei) funny sketch In tlie then toriuiii Erul, tho ono-leggcsl skater, Warren, the Dutch comedian nndMiirkloy nndObcrly, the musical artists, are all gixxl p.ir foi huts while ixirtlciilar attention is culled to tho Hitinells, who produce n novelty tlmt every one likes. Next week will biing fevernl stiong fent ures, chief niiiong which will be the South Sin Isliuulers They were secured b) P T. Hurnuin for his congress of nntlons, und nre said to Ixj representative of the on)) trilx now known to be cunnibnls or man eaters In one tliiater will Iw piesenttd a comesl) per formance entltlesl "McGintj's Terrible Or deal " McGlntv and his woes nre the talk . f thu enst, mid Lincoln people will liuve mi i. IMirtiiuitr to Ix-come iicipialnttsl with that unfortiinnte mini and lenrn of hU iroubhs Among tho other attractions iinuomiecd nre Hen Hum, tuiujoiatlc comedian, Jennie l in rol, the mule lin)irsonater, Morton slat, i in n comisly sketch entltlesl "Siuq In in Fresl Hiiith, tlio legmnstic coincslinii .Mm Tru) nor, Kih still clog dunct r; Cam I tin ventriloquist, Gllmoro & Mort n in lush Klovntlon." Uje, l.nr, Nose und lliroui , i ImIUI. Di dairies E Spnhi, No. I.'l . list l m siiltutioiis in English nnd Geinmn hhukespeni e complete und a v . nr s miUe rq. Hon to the Cot'ltiMi for onlv .' Vl lor Mir Fine vvatihiepaliliig ut Ptir) HutrU, IWtO stiec t.