CAPITAL CITY COURIER. SATURDAY, JANUARY it. 181)0 Handkerchiefs LEAVE YOUR BURDEN AT DE BOTTOM OB DE HILL. I ii i I r Expecting that a lnjtlic pant, Ladles' Handkerchief would continue thcJ iiioit popular of articles (or Holiday Gift, we secured such n line n c are CD mire was never before displayed In the city. Among them French and Irish Embroidered Hemstitched, From ioc. to $3.00 each. Swiss Hand Spun Linen, Hand Embroidered, From $j(o to $1000 each. French Silk Bolting Cloth, Hand Embroidered, From $1.25 to $3.50 each. Hand-Made Duchesse Lace Edges, From $1.00 to $it.(0. If vou arc In iloubt as to what to buy this It your chance. 1 1 Respectfully, " " j.,1 I , Tliinttd.U 1 r JwIhAxJu 133 to 139 South Eleventh Street. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Canon City Whitebreast Walnut Springs AND ANTHRACITE. A l.ttllf Ntilitensn. "Uoy, ho wise, hero coino. n fooll" ox elalnod 11 grent theologian, ceasing to uiuiiw aimolf by Jumping over chair ntul table, M ho saw n solemn, pedantic friend approach III);. "You don't know tho luxury of playing the foot," said Iord Chancellor Kldon, as ho Jaiiccd In hi own drawing room to n tune )f lilt own singing. "You nro n futhor, Honor Ambassador, iiul so wo will llulsh our ride," said Henry IV of Franco, whon-thiv8prt4iWmlUilttr dl xj ercd liltu riding round tho nxnn on n stick with hi. sou Dugnld Htowart, tho philosopher, was oncn found by a friend trying to balance 11 jmii- nek's feather on Ills 1100. Ills iiiinpotltor in this contest of skill was rntrlek Frnser Tytlrr, tho hiMorlatu Donn Hwlft utl to nmtiso himself by har nessing his servants with cords mid driving them up and down stairs, anil tliroui;li tho room of tho deanery. Faraday played marble mid Imll w ith llttto txiys, and took wrt In chanu'os, playing oneo tho "learned pig." William Pitt delighted to romp with Will lnn. Ho wns oncti playing with his nlvco ind nephews, who worn trying to blacken his fnco with n burnt cork. Aservnntnnnounoisl that two inomlicni of tho cabinet desired to too him on business. "I't them wait In tho tther room," said l'ltt, ontehlng up n cushion ind bolnlioring tho girl mid IxiyK They got Him down mid were actually daubing his face, when ho wild. "Htop; this will do. I amid iM'at you all, but wo must not keep these grnndoos waiting longer." A basin of nntcrmid a towel weru lirouglit In, mul the irtuit lirline minister washed hisfnee, hid tin tosin,iiud then received tho two lord. Dr. lluttle, mi eminent Uiudou ihHluiau, used to nmtiso hiuiM'lf by gazing nt tho Punch mil Judy show. Mo wait Mich 11 suivcKsful mimic of "Punch" that ho ouco saved a latient's life by imitating that clmraotor. riio patient was sutlcrlng from 11 swelling 11 tho throat, mul the doctor, turning his wig, npK'(iivd nt tho bedside, with tho face mil voice of "I'iimcIl" Tho sick man Imigheil to heartily that tho swelling broke, mid it :omplcto cure followed. Mini is thoonly mil win who can laugh; he, therefori, relishes 11 little nonsense. Youth's Companion. Telephone 34. Lime Hair Plaster Cement Ofiice, 109 South Eleventh St. For 1890 Consider Sckihner's Magazine when you arc deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low $3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine U high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are Interesting and of the best. There is not space here to give even a summary of the feat ures to appear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DEPARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects: African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes In City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Ho'ines through Building Associations, The Citizen's Right, Electilclty In the Household, Ericssolui, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer, Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested arc urged to send for a prospectus. 25 cents a number; 1.00 for 4 months. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway, New York BETTS Sa WEAVER, MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. Telephone 440 llrteo Hu) unit I lie Oplln Nerm. llerr Eliers, n Oeriuau o.Teriineiiter, lias found that the hum-in oyo i more sennit I vo to gieen rnHor lulu than to red rays, mul to red more than to bhio rays. Hlucothorcd niNiilv those of longest wnvo length, ami the bhio those of shorttst wnvo length, it fol lows that tho oyo It most susceptible to tho HMMiit 'dlinii length, Tills fiict tuny ex plain why It is tliat wiine s'o in inslilg li 11 hedge or p'lllug through which the sun I shllllll',', sMUlotluii-sseonsnoeisson of green imLretl II-lJk in tho eye. Tlio groun rays if tho sunlight which pierce tho oon(ngs In the fence may stimulate tho optic nerve first, wliilothe red rays nro Tcelved n moment later. Again it may account for tho beautiful phenomenon of tho "green rny" (niyon vert) 511 which Jules Verno Im built ono of his mnrmiug tales. Tlio green ray is u Hash of )iuerald liglit which npoars to proceetl from the glow lug disk of tho kiiii Just as Its Uint limb Miulshes buloiv thu kpii. It is only seen in certain stntct of tho weather, and tho Kcd n I n good place to watch for it. Homo nave Hiipjioscd ittliio to n reaction of theoptic nerve, 011 tho withdrawal of tho Minlionuis, luit slneo it can bo Him just beforu tho sun -ises from tho sen, or even from liehlud a nouiitnlu, it is morn likely to bo n conse pienco of tiio greater mmisIIIvuucsm of tho eje to tho green light of tho solar sp-trum. Ex haiigo. Tho VI- tin Workers. Ill Markneiihrichcn, with Its surrniinding rlllngTS, ICllngenthal, Klelsscn, Uohrhaeh mid 3rcslitz, in Saxony, nro ulioiit in.utx) jieoplo iho do nothing else tiny after day hut mal;o riollns. The inhnhiU'iuts, from thu little archill to tho old gray headed man, tho small Irl and tho old grandmother, all are en ;ag(.tl in milking some part of u ltddlo. A jood Instrument consists of sixty-two dilTer nt pieces. Tlio older men miiUo tho finger onrd 'rom elxjny, mid tho string holder or .ho screws. Tlio small Iwys uiako themselves lsuful by looking after tho gluo t. A mnn .vltli strong, steady hands and a clear oyo onts tho dliTerent piect-s together.'nnd this is :ho most dilllcult task of nil, Tho women generally occupy themselves is iKjIlshers. This rispilres long practice, ind a family who hits a daughter who is n ;ood jiolUher i considered fortunato. Even 1 young man, wlien ho giH's n-woolng, in julri-s whether tho youns girl is n gooil jsjI .slier, and if sho is, It certainly will Inereaso lis affection for her at least twofold. Tho lolNhing tnkesngoo-1 deal of time, soino of tho Ix-st violins lving twenty and oven thirty times jKilUhetl. Every family has its pecu liar stylo of s)lls)iing, and they never vary from that There is ono that make nothing out udeep wine color, another u citron color, yet another an orange color, and so on. Uwltou Journal Shinto;- Shoes by Sleum. During 11 recent trip to Now Vork city n lign in frmt of u Kixtli nvenuo tmrlier shop, rending, "Klioes shlii'jtl by steiim nhllu jou wait," nttractetl my attention, mid wonder ing wliat next uoulil l) intrtxluced in tho lino of lalwr saving machinery, I walked In. On a lioot stand, such a nro found in all tlio hotels, was n row of nickel plated machines, about two foot square. I placed my foot into an ojiening, my foot resting on an iron stand; tho man in attendance turned on tho steam, and 11 set of stiff revolving brushes weru w.'t in motion, and in u jiffy my boot wiut clomied )f tho accumulation of mud and dust. I then took out tho foot and placed it an 11 rest, while tho o-ierntor up plied tho blacking by hand in tho Did fashioned wuy. I then stuck tho foot into another machlno just like tho first, and in 1cm than n mlnuto my boot shone like ?bouy, and tho shino lasted all day. Thu w hole operation of denning mid shining was Jouo in less than thn-o minute. Thu brushes iro 011 cylinders liku those which weru used in tho hair brushing machines so iopu1ar fif teen or twenty year ago, Interview In Rt. Iiuis Glolx'-Democrnt. PIANOS All the Latest and most Popular Musical Composition h may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & XI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH UTi-i STREET. SHEET MDSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars, I'lano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES Roland Hears Great Song published through Tho American Press Association bg especial permission of Ncwhall 16 Evans' Music Co., 171 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 13 Words nnd Mualo by FRANK L. BRI8TOW. -?:TFy IS Sea. 1. You may JJ. You may ayfefa D tnf '... ?fe aTjr -1 -- ,..-, . ("-ttr - -- - ---- W 1 a If . I t1 . II . . .... ciieni, ii jou pieasc, ror 10 uo nt your easo ; on may yank In do nick - els Till your oat np - pin jam Wld do mag- no- lla liiuii, lint It gots 'gin do tin- turn, An' you M rZrH & 1EE 0 0 . Ji i5t t- mf y . y. -?. -" N , k Ts- Jj 0 -p-, -K 0 T - Elgip-s 3833; inon-oy pus-ws All; Hut your wiul will bo lost, Het ter count up do cost, At. 1 l.'ab your Buro-ly will lio 111; For do ham It will spile, Ciuifo your up - jw- tlto to rllo, And Icult your A". ' ' ' .... ... . V,-f- m ' 4 ' J I J T T B T T T- ji i 7$TS ' , , I ' , 1 , w bur - den nt do lxi - torn ob do hill! bur -len at do hot - torn oh do hill I When do cum - cl can junhV Will his For u long tlmo a - go, Lived' n P J- l-0-i r- T 5 T T 6 ;rH u I " I r-4 4 4 r-J 1 , fitTrjSlm -f ste gBajtl two - cor-ncr'd hump, Thro' do oyo ob do nco-dle, An' den back a - gin nt will, Den do big whale, you know, An' ho swallow'd Ma - m Jo - nnh Llko nn an - tl bll. ious pill ; Jo - nah ii m s m w w 1lfc I& lfrg-' -rft 0-rf-0- iiN r-tt 1 - rlch en -ter In, Hy do ucth ob do skin, And lenb do bur-den at de hot-torn ob do hill I would not dl-gest, Mmlo do wlmlo henvo his chest, And leab do burden at do hot. torn ob dtf hllll S-i p 1 j 1 . mbib , , Jf 5t CITOItUS. First time, Sop. Soto ; Secorul lime. Chorus, r r-H 1 rf s-1-" -- r -T-- L 1 S-- I Sw1 I LTp do hill keep cliin-in', cliinin', Wnggin' a - long, Wiu-ry do fittl Don't you hear them chimin' chimin'. ! c--rrv-r r It 1 r -r -- "-r.d., pfrlx u ;; ::dhm- r rzcEB &ir -10: I J a 1 1 -msz r34dtai ' 1-53 53-SSJKfcJ w -0 r w w -. 1 sH 'hJ . ' -3 I -1 - ii . - Wl . H". Jirfratn after Ctl verse atul Choni. ml l!h. J7mr.1i ii, I HL Hinging do IxjIIs so sweet? Doo chiinnin' bells, so swivtlDosi. charmin', cliarmin' boTtt.:.T!T a r 1 - 1 10 1 mMniitMa -& 'hkm- k I VT 1 ' M -i J L 1 eiTj 3-fc is &2f?r Piano or ilehtfojtnorui Accnrnp 0 'WtW f HI. & 3- ttr , , lJJ 1 '. A 5 HS!3ZS5-5'hJL; 3Z3!f3 3EE5 - fci. -w- - "- V w c A A A -1 z- nr- -Of mr I i CopyriRlit. J9SJ, by The Ooo. D Newhall Co. J Sta .,