CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY n ts9o SKATES SKATES ! SKATES I SKATES! SKATES The Host Assortment in the City. Frank E. Lahr, 936 1 Street. North Side Postollice Square Safes, Boilers, ANII Heavy Machinery! If you HAVE ANY TO MOVE be sure nml Cnll on Lincoln - Transfer - Co. Telephone 166. Office 121 N. Ninth St. TOtroilC ROCK SPRINGS L E A LEAVITT I T CAWON CITY TRBHTOK And "OLD LEE" Anthracite. IIS S. 10th S1n$t. Ultphont 360 OUR WARRANTED SHOE I LADIES thU line of Fine Shoe we place on the market and claim them to be the best line maile. We V A R R A NT every pair. They are Hand-made In every eipcct nncl aro the La tent tvles. OUR PRICES: $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 We can AVE YOU MONEY on tkts tpecial line. Please call and sec for yourself, at E SHERWIFS Boston Shoe Store 1026 P ST. Moyve When you are ready to move your Pianos and Household Goods GET THE Lincoln - Transfer - Co. Telephone 176. Office 121 N. Ninth St. C O L V cr J F &' l 1 Or '1 riilws l lnhr ii;i(T 0 .Huifrm Tiiwrn HUHhoiiiitioNi One Year by Mall ori'iirrlo liOOl Hlx Month, II nOiThrco MinilliM, NV. Olio month VU Cents Inv.irnlil) In Aihnncr. AnvnTiKMKMT: lutes furnished on nllc t ! at the office. Hpeclal rates on Time fontriioli.. Cohtmiiitions: Hhortiploi sketches. h'iii nml Merles solicited. lVnuiiml nnd Social imtes re especially desirable I'riktimiii We make specialty of Klnr I'rlntliiit In nil Its branches, twiety work n H'tlnll) . PubllHliud Saturday. A Mn44 nil cominiimottlin direct tn the nrttce. WlCNHlCI, PWINTtNO CO., puiii.iHimiM. Courier lliithlluit, t in j N Street. TKI.KI'HONKttti li. VVkhski., Jh., Editor mid Hole I'niprletor. KllKIl llK.VZtNdKU, Associate Editor. POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. HKi-OHTsnyi Hint fS.IKK) have Immmi sub Hcrihcil towards the proocd 1iof parking house. 'Down Wtnt Mcdinty" Iiiim triik Miicnln nt last It Is Ih-Iiir Ktuijt this week by I'cck'n llnd Hoy nt tho l-Meu Alllvr. Jl'Iiok Maxwkm. of tin supreme court has declined 11 n)Kiitl'm to become the nttor uoy of 1111 Oiunhn concern nii'l mIII remain on tint Iwiicli. Till: comniltt'cN soliciting for the state fnlr fund lire iucctlu( ultli lu'iuty riHout, nml Iiliieoln will doulitl'M get 1 licit' for iinothcr HvoyeniN. ry - .jr TllKjtldgeHOf tho Miiprt'iiii ....... . ....... m it-ill . nni' - , ... ... "j: IuivIiik fnlkd to iigriH) 011 11 clerk, t.. W.I 1 ...1 ' ... T- "''''.. I.IIS iKH'll INHltllUlllI, .Vm M,l to ,my T.lkm a yen.-. An ntiiMitof the llnish eleetrle llKlit oiiii lnny win In thu city the other day trying to iit'KOtliite for the piiielino of tho Lincoln xiicot mlhvny HyuU'iii. Tho hitter value In plant mid friiiiehlw nt riVUKM. Tin: llnt Imlliliy iiiiiiiImt, la tinny le MK't, which Iiiih eimui tothul'ouiiiKii llh .t of hWuniVt Miotic im'l Drtimtt, The cover Ik 1111 exipi nlte tiling eg nliell paper pr.nttMl m gold and delleiti lint. lliovelity-tMO pngrH lire lllll with line iwrtuiltnof netonntiiUlng DiK.hlogrnphlfiinitdiithernpproprlntoiit elm, all In IminU'iin.. style. Aiiout the !lrt of Mo iv 1 1 .1 1). Cnlhoua wllUtnitn Mit-kly mHiv In Lincoln. Willi him will lie inwx'tute.1 Ml. Coiell otIKbioa. Thu now ntK'r, preNiiiuably, will lm of the dcauxTiitle faith. Cull oun Is n man of Mens and of foice, and be U a Ihiviit, vloroim w i Iter. He enjo) the inlMonee iind renieet of hlspjuty, mid will uniluulitelly eoiiimninl conlderab e imlruimge from ouUlilo thucltj. Thk man nlioiiiTidiungu liiu taken along to write IhkiiiiIoU write Irom Athens of uuetlngn Lincoln man: Or. Irving J. Mil ium, consul of the United Htutw of Ainer.e i, at Athens, ild Dr. T.damju mtirku.1 atloii tlun, mid did all in I1I1 power to bo of Kirvleu to him. The e)iisul U a liUhly liK'iited gen tleiiinu, a very eimneiit Orivk Ncliolnr mid until recently he tided acceptably tliepwltloa of clmueellor of tho Nebnukn Ht.ito uiitvetni ty. He called nt our hotel ipute fuipieiitly. A mjiiiiku or citizens of Hoea lme peti tioned for an Invetlgnttoa of the Income of Bhoiiir M-lloU. Unlirtlie law lie wan en title I to take f 1,100 fiom the fees of theollleo for the milm leu of himself and two ilo;.utiea. Home pintle think the ollkv took la 3,000 a yiiir. Mr. Mellck kept no exact account, bat merely innile a statement that the fees hud not exceeded the amount due for Milurles He now hays ho has ottered to put up $1,000 to have Ills account investigated by au expeit. Thk annual review of the Omaha llee U, like ItH predeoevior, a notable Issue. Yearn beforo coming to Nebraska the writer's lm pressiou was toimed from iieiiisiiu tho Illus trated aiuuiaU of the Hee, and hls fact I. uue of thoustiuils of ienous in the enst. It is hardly n co-wary to add that that lmpr.vlou win ileip and 1-isiiug. figures nmy be Jug gled, facts oxnggeratisl, but the Utuies of umsslve building and great lmlujtiles pub llsheil in the life convey Incontrovertible evi dence of tlio lusty vigor of tho young giaut of the (ilaliM. Tho wist looks to tho east for Immigration and capital. HuudreiUof thous ands of eoplo on tho Atlantic seaboard aro yet unable to see beyond the Alleglianles, even tiy faltti. Into that rinu Held the 7re goi-s with its gosjiel of western vim and proi perlty. Its missionary work has undoubtedly brought back to Omulm all it has cost tea times over. A rnOMi.NK.vr politician is quoted by the Omaha lite as wiyii g: "The work of taking the ccnsu4 u ill begin in earnest on June 1. I understand that all the supervisor of the cen sus have orders to report the population of their respective districts to tho head of the bureau at Washington on July 1, so that tho total population of tho United State nitty 1m) given to congress at the earliest possible mo ment. Congress will then make the appor tionment by which we Nebriukaus hope to get three to four additional members of con gress. This work will b completed, or It is hoied to have it done by the middle of Au gust, when I have ths best of assurance for saying that Governor Thayer will call a se clal session of the legislature ot this suite to re-district thu state. Tho pieent Intention Is to have this work all doao by thu middle of September or the 1st of October, so that at the gtntral election of lb'.K) Nebiaska coplo tuny vote for now menders of congress mid at the next session thu state n ill bo represented in congress in prortlou to her present jop ulatlou." Uut Governor Thayer say that there will hardly be un ox tin sIou called for the purose of re-dlstrlctlng tho state, us the udditioarl congressmen can easily I k elect ed at large. 1 CURRENT FASHION NEWS. OUre llnrpor Vrllrs of Nrrk l.ncs nnd Uiiihrrlht Slicks. Hwlnl Cornitpomlnicit Nkw Yoiik, Jim. 0. "TIiiWh nothing no rory now In 'jooltihiit If you'd like to look at thu Intont In umbrella IiuniHc. now yoiiM hoo novoltlen," tho very jiollto Mlemimn Raid In a Icrullng Jewelry limine, and m I left tho wonderful nrrny of flaflhliiK dlninondH liohlnd inn nml took n look nt the umbrella bundle, which qulto jiiRtllled tho clcrk'n eiitliusliisiii. flAMPM: tJMIlllEI.UA IIANDI.HH. Thu umbrella Hllokn uro four mid llvo fwt long, hoiiio even inoro, mid tho hnn dies uro enormously large, twlnted and tortured Into every Hhape when of wood, mid carved and oIiiisihI In tho mont iih toulHhliiK and olaUnato jmUUtiih when of metal. There aro half iikxiiim wIiomj tln nro certainly six Inches apart, and thero nrogrotentio fancy heailn curved of Imiio "V.Vtilf with iiIhIdIh in ineljil. velileli "puyv, .i. .,,.1 ,1,1,... r ...1 1 1 nnil otherM luivo hwohIh, daggera and cat o' iilno tnll.s In dllferent inctulH, and oiio oi incui i nniieis.t nail a real cunning little oxidized Hank on tho cud with a norow top. Of counm thla In to hold co logne, wo know. Thcuo ninbrellaH aro carrkil by the ultra faMhionahle and by dtulcH and the glrldof tho H.'riod, and while un um brella in tiHiially nn iiuol tnwlve inveH nlty tho prenent reniarkable Htyles inake them take an undue prominence, and ono would Im) very apt to notice micli un linibrclln more than tho jornoii who car ried It. These fancy ntylos and highly decorated liaudleti make them very ly, and hoiiio of them really aro iieautU fully wrought, but wheio tho owiiuntlilp of a nice umbrella in micli a precarious thing it in more Kcimihlu to buy cheaper ones, and in licltcr taste to have less oh trunlvu HtylvM. In thlH city there are wveral largo housea which make u Hcelalty of lace accensorlca to tho toilet, and iih hiii-Ii drcswy llttlo trllles are very necessary to it lailyV wardroU', ami very ilear to "buy reiuly liiado, 1 pivMnt Biuno inodola which aro titilly made, and if done at homo will cost certainly four times khs mid lo quite as prettj. There nre ninny ladies who hIwiijh wear crepe Hkho niching, others who llnd that plain linen is more liecoming, and others again who prefer rlbUm, with u feather edge in white or color, and who wear nothing else. It is ipiite iuIiiiIhnI ble to distune with any kind of neck wear with high necked outdoor wear, but all ladies would gain by having a narrow lino of while between the seveio outing of her ilrot,s mid her neck. Tho plain still collars aro for outdoor wear, but in the house tho hico trimmings and fancy btyles aro far preferable and more drossy and becoming. Tho jaUits of silk mull in cream or white, with or without riblnm Ihjwh, nre always pretty and can lie worn with any homo toilet. Tliosu who have pretty necks can make them without a band, the frill falling on the shoulder from the base of the neck. A very pretty fancy is to make a plain collar by turning the points, and where tho collar meets in front have a short plaited fall of tho same lace. CulTs to match can bo made. Another can have 'i ribbon band over which is fulled e piece of lace, and in fiom it is made into n cascade jabot, with a Iww of the Burnt kind of ilbbon. .&: l'rii ' If W& m-m ' u LACE ACCISSOItlUS. Another very pretty fancy for n young girl is to make a foundation of silk and cover it with dotted net in a siiunro oinpndour shae and bind the edges all around with a Hatband of ilbbon. A standing collar covered with lacehnsu dainty bow on the left side of the neck. This gives tho effect of a low cut drebs. A very pretty fichu is nindo with a band ono Inch wido which reaches around tho neck, and from tho top edge falls u frill of deeply pointed point lace. At tho front of tho neck nre fastened two hemstitched falls of silk tissue like a bishop's tie. These nro long enough to tio in a full liow with ends or to reach to tho liottom of tho wnlst ami fasten with n ribbon or a bar pin. OUVK IlAIU'EIt. Yielding to tho solicitation of his frlonds, Count Tolstoi has resumed his pon. ITo Is now working on it novel to lx called "I Souato do Krentzer." It is a famUy romance- and" will bo very long. oil tho oihIh of iminy of tho innhrel: do. hIbiiwI not only for men but, ffilol' .muor tin.,,, ugly .,,,.,; iK,, 7rJR children, y-. . .,,... .,... HUH ifi' .i J) sm irrys. A HOUSE IN 8TERUNG, ILLS. II V4 Dr.lgncil by Pnlllter ft I'nlllier, and Cot S3,0(H). The renr extension of this house was the previous residence of ltn on tier, containing but two rooms, and was put In the present position to answer tho puriooof kitchen and pantries the roof, etc., being entirely new to corrcsoiid with the new houso. view. Tho room on tho first lloor Imvo all open fireplaces, each being provided with a neat ash mantel. Tho library I? au excellent room, with good front nml side views, and the ver anda is ivncliisl In an easy manner by win down fii.iii this room, making It a pleasant retreat 'ti hot weather. Thero Is a variety of outllno la tho exterior of this house which cannot fall to give a pic turesque nml pleasing nppcarnnco to tho whole. The chamber above library projects slightly beyond tho face of the octagon bay, mid thu ecullar maimer In which the side aro stiportisl Is odd, but gives the appear ance of stability and limitless, tho construc tion U'lng erfoctly sound. The upier sashes nro tilled with stained glass, nil round tho snsh being .vi-rK-Jwrip!! ter light has tho figure of a flower in white on blue giound. This milliner of treating windows must Imi seen to Ikj appreciated, mid no blinds nre used except on tho lower sash, mid when the blinds nro closed it gives a mellow tono to the light of tho Interior. jlpwrfir rp NTCHEN anousD rLOOit. The back hall Is reached by sldo porch, nnd the batlnoom is placed so thnt nay ono com ing into tho house enn step Into bathroom, nml prepare the toilet liefore entering the mnlii hoiiv, the second story rooms are full height, and there Is a well lighted utile aboo. A Inmidry Ls provided In tho cellar; also prnvlsli u Is made for tho stornge of fuel, etc. CVt, yJ,rsTO. There nro tiobliudsou this house, mid some hold thtitouUide blinds nre ueltlier useful nor orunmeiital. They aro forever rattling on the outside nnd always In the wny of cur tiiluson tho Inside, and whero wo hne mull lou wiivlows, they must lo kept iii"Msl or they are In the way; and If wo uso outside blinds, they nro forever hi tho way of milling a bit of detail hero and a hood or a b.ileony there, which would add greatly to tho effect of the w hole. Rolling Venetian bilniN should Isj iicd; they slide up and down and are out of tho way, mid will cover tho whole or a p-irtof tho window, ns lequlrcd; but theso aro a llttlo inoi o expensive, you say, than rr j CHJMBER d sneoxn stoiiv. onliunry insldu blinds, but wo am llnd a sub stituto which Is ispinlly as good wo can make a shade of heavy cloth, to roll up by pulling a cord, or, better still, slide it with lings on a bar, Tho shades should lit tho window, and hnng II it and straight, or nearly so. The ma terial may lie cheap and coars?, and offers au excellent oportun!ty for embroidery, whero It would show to good ndvaulnge. Ulch browns aro tho most available colors, which might bo either coarse Juto cloth or burlaps. Then there is an endless varloty of materials which may lw used, according to taste and depth of iKwkot. Palllser's American Archi tecture. Notes un House Iliilldlnc, A reception room may bo tho ono room in thu housu w hleh Is always in order for re ceiving calls. The parlor has its outgrowth from the social life of the time, and its uso in tho larger entertainments which go there with. A reception room rnny bo small; a parlor Is essentially a largo room. A dining room should lie a long room, say not less than 17 feet, and from 12 to lax feet In width in moderate cost houses. Such a shajH) conforms to that of tho table. A grate lire Is out of place in a dining room. It Is always too warm on some one' back. If a grato bo placed in tho middlo of tho wall space, it limits tho availability of the room to the extent of its projection from the wall. rollings aro lower than in times past be cause of tho rational spirit In modern build ing which bus such high regard for utility. A high story ls expenslvo to build, furnUh and decorate, to say nothing of the worming of tho house hi winter. Stories from niuo to Jteu feet In height are as common us those of eleven niul twelve of a fow years ago. Thero Is no i ccsou why tho second st v flic uld bo lower than tho first story. If a y difference, it should le higher. Thobedroo s are occupied constantly for a longer than tho other rooms of tho house, anil usu ally are not provided with tho means of natural ventilation which belong to tho rooms of tho lower floor. The kfuiiu jMuitry Is tho proper place in which to place the refrigerator. It shou.J have u zinc drain to carry thu drip water to thu outside of the buUdlug, not to tho sewer or drain, us Is sometimes done. Such a ecu nectlou may coutamlnato tho contents of the rsfrigerator. louts II. Oibsox, MGl HAllH DlNiYCfiWf MmthCJ'"1 I gy " r ' nr f piB0 R00M -L I I w porchI J , - J '.U ll -I j ; I ,TT,C ' fin mm rjr I TrJ Bcwhbeh MAURITIUS Charity Ball. Monday Morning, January 13th, we will open the Finest Line of PARTY GLOVeS Ever si. own in the city. Imported Ruchiny in all the Latest Novelties. J. II. MAURITIUS & CO., THE LADIES' FURNISHERS, 131 South MAURITIUS Ashby & Millspaughs Are Closing Out their Entire Stock at Cost. Now is the time to Buy Goods at Wholesale Prices ! ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Office. Tolophone 253. Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $260,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. I liferent puid on deposits at uny rntn or; per cunt per annum for nil full calnndar iiiniit u Snfen to rent hi burKlnr proof and lire proof vault, nt nun mil rental of $.5 and upwnrd Money to Iniiu on real estate mid collateral. YOlUt .SAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. 1IF.NUY K. LKWIH, President. A.I'.H. 8TUAUT, Vice IVcxItlont. TO THE PUBLIC: IIKWA1IK-AlKiut 10 montliH ago I cm burked In tliocoiil IiiihIiicsh and adopted tho I niiiuo nnd cdal Icnowu ns i Black Diamond; Ah my bent Cook Htove Coal nnd have built up a fnlr trade under tint uliovo name. About 3 month nno n certain Mi. Vivian or Vivian A Co., pliieed u cheap Ilftli or clxtli urnde coal on the Lincoln mnrket and now have an employee nt work ciiiivohnIiik the eity trylnit to work off their low iuuiIo coal under the name of llt.ACK DIAMOND, lie mire you not TRESTER'S Black Diamond Coal! Which I Kiinninteo to ho ns itood ur better than nuy soft coal fold In Lincoln un der any inline whatever. M. L.TRESTER, City Olllce, 1217 O Ht. Telephone IM. Yard, Tweuty-Heventli nnd M IV rail road, Telephone ril. Fine Writing Papers! We have just opened a beautiful line of artistic correspondence papers, which are of the very best makes, including a full line of the CELEBRATED WHITING PAPERS Ladies in particular are requested to call and sec these goods. They com prise everything new, nice and stylish Wessel Printing Co. COUIUKIt IIUILDINO. 1132-1131 N St. MAURITIUS Uth St. MAURITIUS New Burr Bloc J NO. II.McC'.AY, TiciiBiirer. It. WKMJH. Teller ! LOST ART DISCOVERED AGAIN ! Security! Saietyl Relief! For All eyesight! of optical complication, hy the Introduc tion of iiKclfiillllo and Hkllful Hvstem; mathematically nilJiiHted com liluatloii Spectacles and liye Glasses, Kqimllod to all meiuiiilltlcs of the EYRSIG HT : EXPERT OPTICIAN, : PROF. STRASSMAN &S:M!: ! 26 Years Experience ! chI authority In IiIh xpcclnlty; can now lie coiiHlllieu ireo or elinrnn for the next thlrtv day. Olllco lit the KLl'lK HTfDIO, 5SM Houth Kleventh Htreet. Lincoln. Nolirimkn. His reputation and hiiccch lu endnrtiod hyover 6,000 Persons In this State Alone on ffl tho Ilni'Nt collection on this continent; liun dretlHiif varletlcH tniieloct from of elaborate workmiuiHlilp, highest polish and IHiIbIi, ad mirably Hiittnl to every expression of the fnco. Okkick Ilouim: l)tol2a. in.; Ho 5 p. m.: 7 to 8 p. m. fv?'vii'-ivvs For further rererenco read circular or ad vertUomout In Slate Jvtmutl. I'itOK. HTHAHSMAN IhiIoIiikiiii Immonxu buslnens thnuiKliout the t'nllcd Mates, lv Iiik tho best of mitUfiictlon and ili'llnlit to hundreds with defectlo Hluht. Hlsknowi edceof the human eonnd his hklll of mlJiiHt Iiik tho Kliisnes Is marvelous beyond lmnelua tlon. Lndorned by all thourent moo of tills country and Kuropc MlMcaso read circulars for a complete list of references, Olllce at SVU fc'outh Uth street, at Klttu Htudlo. yai- - ltjbv ?? M ?Iiftb( f '"iac.-ai.y'-'g"1"-'"'- M-'g r f&KWtitmm