Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 11, 1890, Image 1

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"PoPdlliXR PAPER -op AV?Pl:RN 'TIMES "
Vol. G. No G
Lincoln, Nichkaska, Satuhdav, Januawy 11. ldOO.
Puiou Fivifi CiCNTa
K "TT liP J&&-.. ,?HK .. . iW.rfi&i?
M?cS a3D7;a ArfsSSfi .
: SLA-. r !a6ME& ffi
ciWfyi pu'aovi-nrjwAytir va( umwjxt. .z's a svv.?. -i.vvxc' v - '
& sMfflresijfcv
T1--Q ""li r ' ! Ii i li III r '- r w -j - wtt -
Henry Lahouchero comes nearest among
Englishmen of whom wo know to our Amors
lean Idea of things. Itnynlty has no divinity
tlint lin Is hound to grovel hcfnro In lillnil, tin
quostlonlng worship. Aristocracy has no
mortgage on Ms soul. He is n man with tho
full dignity of iiinnliooit. In Mi imper, Lon
don Truth, ho derides tho suobliery of tho
aristocrats mid rides hi ful! tilt against thy
demands of tht pu'iii ami her cxchid-ofniu-lly.
Ho Is with tho burdened nmun against
tho pamR'ml classo, hut ho Is not a ileum
goguo. Asa member of parliament, n rich
limn mid tho owner of a powerful paper ho
doesn't have to lie. Ho Is an ally of Glad
stone, and n friend of homo rule. And tho
sharp digs ho gives royalty and Its pretensions
why, it Is enough to inuko an Amciicun
throw up his hat for tho fellow. His iiuduci
ty is delicious, for in tholsittnmof our Amer
ican hearts fsu secret griidgcngalust the snnh
lilsh Insolence of tho Englishman whotypllles
to us tho focinl system of his countiy. In tho
Forum for January Mr Lahnuchero has an
article reviewing tho political situation In
England, and he concludes that that country
Is drifting steadily towards democracy. He
handles the subject without gloves. Hero Is
an extract thnt might have havo been written
by an American hmi :
IajiiI Salisbury Is an aristocrat to tho back
Imjiio. Ho regards tho IIoiuu of Commons as
n necessary evil Among his lieutenants
there is no man whom oven flattery could call
a statesman. Ono or two of them are fairly
ablo administrators, but most of them nro
aristocrats who would find it dllllcult to earn
n living, If without prestige or protection thoy
were to endeavor to maintain themselves lis
clerks In a commercial establishment. Thoso
flies In amber havo all tho prejudices of their
Tory predooessnrs, but they are greedy and
needy. Thoy thoroughly appreciatotho value
of tho spoils of olllco; nnd there Is no baseness
that they would not commit, no principle that
they would not recant, no iKillcy that they
would not adopt, In order to retain their hold
on these spoils. As for tho Torj ruck in l'nr
Hnnient, they havo prejudices but they havo
no opinion. A more contemptible set of
men It would bo dllllcult to conceive. They
seldom either take iwrt in debates, or listen
to discussions; they hang alKiut tho library,
In tho tea room, and in tho smoking room of
St. Stephen's. When n division Is olout to
take place thoy crowd Into tho House, and
they aro directed by their whips to tho gov
ernment lobby, Into which they Hock with the
docility and stupidity of sheep.
A pretty pleturo of tho great nnd wlso Eng
lish parliament, Isn't itf Wo havo heard n
great deal of slush in thin country about tho
Influenco of women In English politics of re
cent years, particularly of ono or two Ameri
can women who had married Englishmen.
We have had moro or less incoherent accounts
of tho Prlmroso League, hut wo havo seen tho
thing ittelf only through u mist of senti
mental gush or a slobber of fulsomo flattery.
Mr. Lahouchero lots us ieep at this band of
snobs through tho eyes of an Englishman.
This is his account of tho Institution: Tho
conception of the Prlmroso Leaguo was a
veritablo stroko of genius. This association
consists of "knights" and "dames," tho former
playing a subordinate part to tho latter. In
almost every town or district throughout tho
kingdom there is n "habitation," as It is call
ed, of tho league, and Its headquarters aro In
London. Tho "grand council" consists of
duchesses, countesses, nnd such like. During
tho season they glvo receptions to which tho
"ruling councilors" of each provincial habi
tation aro invited. These ruling councilors
nro moro or less great ladles in their own lo
cality, and each ono on her return homo In
vites tho leaguers of her Imbibition to fetes.
Thus each member finds herself recognized by
some ono whom she regards as her social su
perior. Tho shopkeeper's wife is brought In
to social contact with tho wifo of an owner of
a villa, tho wifo of an owner of a villa with
tho squire's wifo, tho squire's wifo with tho
wifo of tho local magnates, and tho wifo of
tho local magnate with tho leader of fashion
in London. In order to capture electors, the
habitations glvo entertainment, to which tho
poorer classes of high and low degree aro in
vited; nnd tho dames, like tho apostles of old,
go into tho highways and byways to bid men
and women to their feasts. At these enter
tnlment, refreshments are provided at far
below their real cost, tho youths of tho aris
tocracy sing comio songs, ami tho daughters
dance and play on tho Imiiijo. Selfsresiectlng
persons In America may wonder at tho effect
of all this tomfoolery; to understand it tlwy
must have resided in England suillclently
long to have realized the ingrained snobbery
of so many English men and English women.
The CouniKH Is enabled to make iU patrons
another handsome offer for tho yeurlMK). Iiy
a special arrangement with tho Cosmojwlilim
that beautiful magazine mid tho CouitiEimro
offered for one year for f3. In other words,
CouniElt subscribers who jay n year in ad
vance can for an additional dollar get one of
tho finest magazines published in America.
The Cosmopolitan is a comparatively new
magazine, but it has made wonderful strides.
It recently came Into tho possession of John
Urlsben Walker, an experienced Journalist.
Besides having a literary tasta Mr. Walker
has great wealth, and it is his ambitiou to
ninko his magazine second to none. With
thnt in view he is 8iaring no expense, and
Hye-the-Ilyo considers it one of tho best mag
azines published. For tho price at which it
can be had In connection with thu Couhieii
there is no periodical in America to compare
with it.
Tho t'().vi;i(i7(in is at present backing a
notable enterprise, that of sending a courier
around tho world In teventy-llvo days or less.
A secial interest attaches to this event by
reason of tho fact that tho traveler Isa young
woman, and that Interest is doubled because
she is racing around the globo not only
ugalnsttlmo hut to outstrip another young
woman on a similar errand. Tho Now Yen k
World started Nellie lily out to U-nt tho
record of Jules Verne's famous trip around
tho world In eighty days, Hho left Now York
by steamer bound eastward. At last accounts
she was at Hong Kong three days abend of
time, and at this date she is probably on tho
Pacllle bound for Han rVanclsco. Tho t'iw
tiwiolitttni roproM-ntatlvo li Miss Klljihcth
lllslaud, who started on less than six hours'
notice. .Miss lily probably had tho advantage
of having studied routes and Htcd up on tho
timo of steamers, maklnga start ami arrange
ments accordli gly. Miss llislaud could haul
ly do this Hho left the Orand IVntial depot
In New York tho same day as Mtsti Illy, but
took the rallroadwestward. At last accounts
she was also two days ahead of her scheduled
time, and at present she is pioliahly some
where near tho Suez Canal. Kxcrloneed
Judges predict that she will maku the circuit
ill seventy-two days, thrcfdays lees than the
time allotted for the H'oWiV icpicsoutnthc
.Miss HWland's olservations and experiences
on this notable flight around the world will
lo emlsHlied in a half doen aitlcles in the
Cosmopolitan, which will bo illustrated from
instantaneous photographs taken by herself.
Miss Hlslaud is a writer who has won an
honorable placo amongtho literary women of
tho east. She Is not a senatloual writer, but
a lady of the most charming manners, of
thu greatest relhieiuent, as well as of con
sldcruhlo pel sonal beauty, as may be seen
from the portrait which wo piesent to our
leaders. Hho is well known in tho most in
tellectual circles of New York, and numbers
among her personal friends many of tho 'end
ing writers of tho Continent. She belongs to
ono of tho old families of LnuMatm, to whom
reverses camo in consequence of the war, and
her childhood was spent upon a plantation
near New Orleans. As she grew up, recog
nizing tho necessity for action, ho went to
Now Yoik and entered iion such literary
work as sho could procure. Her progress has
loen steady, her eii giving her access In New
York to some of the leading dailies, and to
thu weeklies and magazines until Ukiii the
clmnguof management in tho CoxmojHtlitun,
shu was offered a osltlon In tho book review
department, mid has besides, contributed u
series of special articles on "Studio Life in
New York," "Tho Ontoora Club," "Tuxedo,"
"Co-oHTatlvo Housekeeping," and (in the De
cember number) tho "Flower Market of New
York," all showing her successful style and
permanent command of English. In tho Jnn
nary number is an illustrated article from her
n upon the "Wolrl's Henutles," to which
wmu of her friends claim sho should 1k ad
mitted as a typo of creolo beauty. .Miss Ills
lond's picturesque little home is ono of the
prettltst literary interiors of New York, and
at her occasional leceptlons may IxMiiet ninny
of the most interesting literary and nrtlstlc
people of tho city. When Coquelln was there
her library was one of tho few salons which
ho visited, and tho only place where he ever
gave an impromptu recitation, a most deli
cate compliment to the charm of manner
that her French extraction made kin to his.
There aro not many, however, among the nu
merous admirers of Miss ftlsland's talents
who aro familiar with tho noble struggle by
which shu has attained her presont success.
With this journey, Mis Dlsland commences
to give all her time to tho Cosmopolitan, un
der contract at a liniulsomo salary.
Tho proportions of this enterprise and the
interesting results growing out of it, are
characteristic only of the intention of tho new
management to bring tho magazine before
tho public trusting to tho magazine's own ex
cellence to do the rest. Plenty of crisp arti
cles on timely subjects, with a host of Illus
trations and a complete Illustrated novel In
each number, aro its stiong points. Tho Coi
mopolitan has tho advantago of vigorous
youth, with no traditions to hamper itsnetive
progress. It has a mission in aiming to fur
nish a homo magazine brimming with the
liveliest of wholesome reading, devoid of long,
dull essays, and accompanied with a monthly
library of tho best modern fiction. The asso
ciation of such men as Edward Everett Halo,
editor of tho department of "Social Prob
lems," Prof. H. H. Iloyesen, ono of tho con
sulting editors, and Miss Dlsland, with a long
array of eminent nuthors and artists who
contribute to its monthly contents, constitute
a Bplendid array of talent. Mr. Walker's
management of tho magazlno has Ixt'ii ro
nmrkable. It is today the brightest, breeziest
nnd most readablo of the long list of month
lies. Think of it! Tho Couiueii for a year and
the complete works of Shakespeare in t2G
largo pages handsomely bound all for $:.&0.
For particulars read tho advertisement else
where. Speaking of Bhakesjwaro, Dion Uouclcault
gives us a new view of tho dramatist in tho
Arena tor January, the now Boston review.
Uouclcault Is a writer as well us n player, has
mailo a study of the drama and is a compe
tent authority on it. Ho quotes old Ben Jon
son m saying: "Tho players havo often men
tioned it a an honor to Bhakesiiearo that in
his writing (whatsoever he penned) he nover
blotted out a line." and Bouclrault argues
that that ought "fairly to settle the question
recently advanced that ho was an Illiterate
IHjrson, scarcely ablo to sign his own name,
mid orformed a life-long lmKsture, thus
befoolluir tho famllv of ilramii tw,i.
amongst whom ho lived in dally intercourse
mr iw!iiiy years 01 Ills lire."
But that to which Bye-the-Byo wished to
call attention is Bouclcault's assertion that
the plnys during Shakespeui o'h timo were for
tho most part composed us the French dramas
of the present day and written in "society;''
that is, three or four authors collaborating.
Uouclcault then lilts our god in the hem!
with this blow;
It seems Indisputable that wo havo scarcely
ono dramatic work bearing the name of
Kliakspere, which we can feel sure was of his
unaided conqiosltlon. Greene, his fellow
dramatist, taunts him with being a Journey
man scribbler, tinkering at the works of
others, mid olnt him out to his companion
authors as "an Uwtart crow lieautifled with
our feathers." This childish squall, however
absurd It may be, reveals the factthotShaks-
pore up to that timo was known as ono who
prepared the wot Ks of others for tho stage.
In some of his gieatest plays wo
may delect another anil very Inferior hand
nt work he-ilde his own. Tliote are
twomithois who write bildehlui who occa
sionally resemble him. These seem to U
Fletchei-aud lien Joiison, it Is dllllcult to lie
lievu that certain passages throughout the
works of these two khIs were not coiitllbut
eil by Hlmkss'io. Wn Hint Ills ilin
nmtlc woiks were iK'muddlisI, not only dur
ing their incubation by collaborating authors
hut during their production, by wanton act
ors, and subsequently they wciodl'pi'rHodnud
lost, to bo exhumed III parts seven M-ars after
his death; the Ismes as it were, collected and
put together mid so prtxeuted to the woild
by his self-constituted literary executors. Wo
must accept the conviction that KliiiksMrc
attached no viiluo to his plnys, excepting as
pot-hollers. He knew they weie not wholly
hlsow-i How differently he acted toward
the llrst born of his invention, the poem "Ve
nus and Adonis," upon which hir reputation
during his life had clilelly rested. It was
printed and publlslusl under his own direful
Miperriviuii look at It now It Is not defaced
by explanatory notes Interfering at uvery
line: he leaMs no ihiubtsas to the clearness of
tho text. Thosauie may IhsuIiI of his "Ltiv
creco" and tho "Sonnets " There ate no oIh
scuilties here for commi'iitatois to wrangle
over. Of tho tnlrty-ilx or thiity
Hoven plays that form tho collection usually
under his uiiiuo, two-thirds mo either merely
edited by him, or helped along by hispi'iiheiu
and there. The plays In which ho seems to
havo boon so largely concerned that his spirit
occupies and Inspires them wholly, aie Otliel
lo, As You Like it, TheTeinK'st, Midsummer
Night's Dieam, Maclioth, The Merry Wives,
Borneo ami Juliet, Coiiolnuus mid Hamlet,
This last, mid tho most iKipular of all his
works, seems to mo to betray occasionally an
other hand, or some wanton interpolation of
tho actors.
Till. tinPilllfrutt-d if UliflL-nltinnni I, ...... ...,n.t
a.i. vm i....i. n w. IJIIIinrfVIIIU 111117 (,li.l-l
ited liini with a knowledge little less than ml-1
,Bia?.rtVi, ' v
S3.TJVtWf r-
fBtaJLv It
Oolng Around thu World In Hovonty-two Days.
roeulous in n man whoso education had lieen
neglected, uouclcault thinks that apparent
knowledge is readily ncconnted for when wo
reflect that bis rnllnlmrntm-u mnv l,n. ..
sessed and supplied it. The French scenes in
ueury me mm, me modern thliiKs, wero
SO Contributed boVOtlddmiht. Itllilmitinnitni-
Shakesjiearo's legal and medical lore may
havo como from others. This certainly puts
our idol in a new light.
That none of Shakesj ware's manuscripts
have survived does not feem strnngo to Uou
clcault. The dramatic author hands in his
play to tho theater, where a prompt copy js
made that is of moro Importance than the au
thor's scrawl. If the author's copy goes to
tho printer it Is usually cut up and defaced
so that its remains are not worth preserving.
It is even moro remarkable that none of the
manuscripts of Mollere, the French drama
tist, survive. Ho lived nt a later time nnd
among n jieople whero literary eminence on
the Btaco was recoirnizFil. H un tlu iw.p.
sonal favorite of a great monarch. Hut the
original copies or his plays havo lieen lost.
After live weeksof upheaval, consequent on
moving Into and fitting up new quuriers, tho
Wessel Printing Co. mid tho Couueu are set
tled in their new quarters fora term or years.
The business of tho Job printing ilemrtinout,
which was Interfered with by the general de
moralization, is now in Miiootli i tinning or
der. Herenlter work will be turned oit
promptly mid delivered, and of course the af
tlstlc excellence for which tho CofitiKii prliit
is noted wllllto maintained,
A word to the ladies and others using tine
corresiKMdeneo stationery : Tho CnritiKH of
fice has greatly enlarged its stationery de
partment mid is now displaying one of the
largest and finest stocks ever liiniii.lir i I i...
coin, The front of Its long stoie room has
neon iiuvoted to that purpose mid is separated
from its printing department by a partition.
Tim stationery room has been lilted up In ele
gant stylo, Mth Issly hrussols caiMt, ple-
niies, mirrors, cuiieii maple snow cases and
the wood woik haslieeii painted aputewhlle
The stock of goods comes direct from the
mills In Now Ciiglaud and Includes the
novelties anil newest, styles In vogue In the
cast Tholadiesmo linked to call and In
spect the goods a"d tho Cot'lllKli'H elegant
new others. 1'ivpiirailoiis are under way for
a formal opening in the near futuie.
-'Mankind" was one of (hose English meln
dramas, The feelings of the audience mo
Inn -ii wed tin oiighsevei. acts, dining which
Vlituoi..; I Villainy havo a rough and tumble
light, llrst inn, 'n top and then the other, but
In theend Vlrtii" i ;iitimphaiit as a matter
of ilianmtle course. 'i play has an Inter
minable dialogue mid the i 'uaxes are some
what weak, but tho company "as much
stiiinger than tho aveiage There Wi.i not a
positive stick In (ho lot.
"Around the Win Id In Highly Hays" diew
a top heavy house- of couise It was a hs)
play poorly preseutisl
'My Aunt Ihldget" will he given this even
ing at Funke's. The New Yoik World says
of it- As a musical comedy, "My Aunt
Bridget" Is the best American pusha-llou it
has been our lot to witness, (lent-go Monroe's
delineation of the gissl untitled, uncouth Irish
wi'innn Hying lobe "a nlco lady," Is unpar
alleled in brilliant .eccentric character palnt
lug. Bridget studying etiquette from u liook
to avoid Improprieties while cutci mining
some guests, whom she Invited esiMrinlly to
"show off" hcroio,iiudiiwukwarilly stumbling
into tlio blunders she studies to avoid, gives
opiKirtunltlcs of del lea to bits of humorous
satire, which Monroe's quick, kccuH)rccpllou
takes advantage of and keeps his auditors In
a constant uproar. Nature gifted Monroo
with a wonderful versatility of fuclul expres
sion. He pantomimes his satirn mid comedy
with n breadth and depth of facial gesture
that needs no words to Impress tho most ob
tuse. His satire tickles tho fancy because his
Insidious suggestiveness leaves Just u Ilttlo
something for our Imagination to complete.
Hlco Is a comedian of the nlry, silky naturo.
He touches us w itli n feather mid wo roar.
Ho sines mid dances h.,,i hi,.
IScmilan, his gracefulness has made him a fa
voruo wiin "divine woman."
lUslmnnd te Harry will present "Hermlnlo"
nt Funke's Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Tho piece Is mi adaptation of two French nov
els "Ln Vlvandlere" and "Lu Croix d'Or."
The first act iasses on tho German frontier
during the FruncoOerman war, and tho other
three acts aro laid in Paris fifteen years later.
Tho hero, Paul Durand, marries tho vlvan
dlero of tho regiment. Ho is captured. To
save his life sho is tempted to steal a miser's
hoard, of which sho lias discovered tho hiding
place. Sho resist the temptation, and thu
money, together with the golden cross, is af
terward stolen by a German spy, who charges
her with thotheft and sho Is condemned to Im
prisonment for life. Her husband escajies; is
promoted to a generalship, although he had
lost hlseyeslght in Imttle. For thosakoof his
son, Victor, and believing his wifo dead, he
marries again, but his second wife prove un
true mid loves tho spy. Ilernilule, released
from prison, conceals htr identity, enters tho
service of the faithless wife, and prevents tho
attempt on her htisUiud's life by tho second
i. if.. i....i I.. .... .
' urn-, i nui uvuvvrs ins sigui ny an oeratlou
I and Hermlnlo nt last exioses the spy through
I the medium of the golden cross, mid all ends
1 happily. Tho Boston Transcript says. Mr.
IU-dniund and Mis, Bairy are both too well
kiiomi to Boston plny-goeik to need any ex
tended words of commendation mid Indorse
ment. As It is, with the illlclent aid of such
a company, a strong and thrilling drama, re
plete with intense dramatic episodes, Is ren
dered doubly Interesting throughout.
Thoattiiiellon at Funke's for Wodiinnhii
will ho ",lg-ag." An exchange says: It
has boon played in all the principal cities of
Aiueiiea. it alioimds in tho Jolllest of fun
ami song mid daiico, There Is no end to tho
coinisly surprises which create loud shrieks of
laughter. The Mythological Minuet Inlio
bleed In the third act Is a pretty feature. The
whole of I ho stage Is draped with nmsslvo
black portieres, whllelhoclnsslcally costumed
ilaueeis glide throuuh tho uiaeeful minuet
.Miss Anna lloyd sustains the part of Kllrt
Willi chariiilug ubauilon. Her snugs mo all
sparkling nnd her dancing sprightly mid ex
ceisllugly clever. Miss Mario Boekell pla)s
the part of It i Hliiluy. Mls Boekell Is a
favorite vocalist and capital actress, while
Miss Allen Viino makes a very droll and mis
tern Mis Hopper. Hainuelltisslsirtinysnno
of Ihiijayestof Jays friini .laysvllle, and his
quiet humor is convulsively funny. Then
Iheiols Alfnsl C. Wins-Ian, whose Hearing
Bill is a lino bit of character acting. No les
clever in o Messrs. Frank Fisher mid Gisirgo
Claik. Their "I'haiitoni Htalicasu" act Isa
inarvelously clever performance,
It In.s been soiiiii time sluco the Fiiuko has
had a inlusirel H'ifoiinani-e, but a company
of black faco H-opI' will hold tho Isiards of
that house next Thuu.! y evening. GimkI
yoar.Cook & Dillon'sconipaiiyiu . '-ookislfor
that date. This is a comparatively now jr
gaiilatloii, but It is said to include clover
TIIK kiik.n mi'ni:k.
Theblgfeatuieor the week, and one of the
most Intelestlng of many weeks, is Coco, tho
survivor of nit ni tic expedition. Ho dlnplays
many souvenirs of his voyage lo tho laud of
tho midnight sun mid gives a lecture of cons
slderablo length. Ho tells not only of his own
o, I'rluiiccN, but gives an account of tho In
habitants of tho froen regions, licnst mid Huh
as well as man, For example, ho exhibits a
piece of tho Jaw of a w halo, showing whence
tho whalebone of commerce comes. In his
lecture ho ridicules tho Idea of a wlmlo swal
lowing n man us an absurdity. Unsays tho
leviathan of tho deep feeds on n small star
IMi, mid he showed how its food wo strained.
When tho Jonah story is put to Mm lie thrown
up his hands. Tho big stage Is given up ton
ierformanci) of "Peck's Bad Boy," and a va
riety program holds the boards up stairs.
Among next week's attractions will Ihj
Charles and Llsetto Pescadn, introducing
"Swiss Monk of St. Bernard," "Hescuo of a
Traveler Overcome with Cold," "Monastery
Bells In tho Distance," "A Hindoo Thuit,
whoso religion Is tho sacrlllco of human life
to his heathen gishless. "Tho Grasp of Death.''
"A Mexican Serenader," plnylnir uiwin n 13
stringed bniidiirrln Imported fiom Spain, also
using ii Mexican guitar mid silver liells; "The
Dying Zounve." A message from thu dead to
tho loved ones at home. Another big feature
will In) the whlteglant'ssof Cullfornln,welgh
lug m iKjunds. Sho is 'i years old and the
mother of seven children. Shu weighed 10
M)iinds at birth mid 1WJ at the ago of seven,
was married at nineteen and weighed !)7
s)iiliils. Sho Is t feet ft inches high, measures
III) Inches around the arm, 18 Inches around
tho thigh, i'M Inches around the calf ami t) ft.
nround tho body. Other attractions combine
to make n strong program,
Cedar Kaplds, Iowa, has a theatrical man
ager who stands up for hit rights and tho
right of Ms people. Chat tells of a recent
episode: IjisI wis-k when tho Cornel. I osrn
company was hero tho malinger of tho com
puny coolly Informed Slanager Simmons that
they could not put up their scenery on ac
count of its claliorato character. "Very well,"
said Mr. Simmons, "the oH'ra house will not
he ojieiusl tonight." 'I ho argument lasted
three hours and when It was over our local
manager had given tho Conreld man to un
derstand that Cedar ltaplds was no Jay town
ami that unless the scenery wns placed as In
Chicago tho opera houso would not Imioh'Iks1,
and furthermore, the luiggugo of the compa
ny would Is) attached for damages. It was ft
o'clock before a dray was called, and tho au
dience was kept waiting until 8:1ft More tho
scenery for tho llrst act was placed.
Tho following attractions were announced
for this week in New York: Ix)iidon Gaiety
coiuHiny nt tho Broadway, Fanny Daveiqiort
in "Iji Tosca" at the Star, "The Brigands" at
tho Casino; Dlxey In "Seven Ages" at tho
Standard; "A Tin Soldier" at the Bijou,
Richard Mmislleld at Palmer's, Miss Mario
Wnlnrlght In "Twelfth Night" at tho Fifth
Avenue. "Aunt Jack"at the Madison Square;
"Drifting Aimrt" at tho Windsor; "Tho (Jon
dollers"atthoPurk. "Shenandoah" at Proc
tor's; tho Haulons'"Fantasinn" ut tho Four
teenth Street, "Tho Old Homestead" at tho
Academy; "Knjanka" at Niblo's. Evans &
Hoey at the Grand, "As Ycu Like It" at
Daly's, "The County Fair" at thu Union
Square, Vaudeville at Tony Pastor's, "Tho
Charity Ball" at the Lyceum.
John Hall, ut present stage manager at
Funke's, has of late had a mmilwr of excel
lent offers to join some of tho best companies
on the read. Ills last was from the Stuart
Hobsou company, w hlch made him two tempt
ing offers by wire, one of w hidi ho had almost
decided to accept, but Manager McHcyuolds
holds film by coniract, and appreciating his
services refused to release him, thus comjK'l
ing him to decline. Johnnie, Is a valuable
man alsuit tho theater mid tho many fine set
tings that Llucoluites enjoy aro his original
After the perforiuunce last Saturday night
at tii aew ork Casino "hrmiuie" was with
ill awn for good and all, and the company en
gaged in its representation went on tho road
in "The Diuni Major'' and "Nadjy," osnlng
in Boston. "The Brigands" has been revived
at the Casino with now costumes and several
new faces lu thocast.
The publishers of Suuthrm Swivty and
Drama, No. lid Main stieet, Norfolk, Va., de
sire a correspondent in this section to attend
theaters and moiety meetings mid forward
reK)it of sume. Credentials for admittance
flirniiht-d Address with stamped envelope
for leply .
Joeph Jefferson mid W. J, Florence began
their western tour in "The lUvals" in Buffa
lo Thoy will be seen in St. Iouls January
1M; roach Chicago at MoVlcker's theater Jan,
SJU; Denver Feb. !l; Omaha Feb. 10, mid ICau
sas City Feb, II.
It Is likely that Annie l'lxloy will play mi
cugngi ut In bunion this spring, Marcus
Mayer Is negotiating for a theater ami ox
pcels to present Mlfs l'lxloy lu "M'llss" on
Easter Monday.
I'aullnn Hall tall.s of Imh-oiiiIiil' thu l..llnr
attraction of a German opera company next
mnKiiii. .hiss nan sped ks uernmii with n
quaint (iliiclmmtl "over tho ItliliuY'iicccnt,
Fanny Hlco Is looking for it musical coin
isly, mid If sho finds a unliable plcco will prol
ably blossom out us a star hi tho near future.
Gcrulilliut llliior iiiiiiniira in lini.. in, nt., ii
genuine lilt lu "Tho Gondoliers" at the Savoy
theater lu Ioudoil.
Mario Walnvviluht Is In Mm fooi-tli u-i.l '
her New York engagement
Clara Mori Is Is Imokiil at Funke's tor nmt
Bob Hlavin lias left tho IYIiiimmo and West
Parents should 1st careful Hint ..lill.
dren do not contract colds during tho fall or
mny winter months, much colds weaken tho
lllllL'S and all- hiikhmui.s. miilltur id., i.l.ll.l
much more likely to contract othercolilsdur-
ing me winter, n is nils succession or colds
thil causes catarrh or lironrlilltmir,hi id..
way fin i. iisiimptlnii. Should a cold Isicon-
iracnsi ioso no um. nut, euro It as quickly us
M)sslbii. A llfly-cent J-'tlo of ChamU'r
lalu'N Cninrh Itenuslv will mnv o.M in ,.
few days mid leave tho respiratory -irgans
strong and healthy For sale by A. L. !-:
tier, druggist.
Seward llrporlvr: Tho holiday edition of
tho Capita i. Citv CofiiiKii Is ono of tho
handsomest paper that ever camo to this of
llco, mid Is In every rcsect n credit to the
publisher. A handsomely llluiuluabsl cover
renders Its outward apisarauco very attrac
tive, and It pages nro tilled with contribu
tions from first-class writers, making It n
highly Interesting mid entertaining publica
tion. Tho nttentlou of our readers Is directed to
the advertisement on page eight, announc
ing tho greatest mid most Ills-nil premium
over offered with any weekly paper. Just
think of It for f.'.ftO wo glvo you a year's
subscription to thu CouilIKH and thucomplete
works of Shakesjieare, (K.'d pages Itouiid In onu
volume, of cardinal cloth and gilt lettering.
The book alone sells readily and is cheap at
ft.OO; call and see It.
Ilrth Itoiiin anil Ofilcc .
In our new counting room which is cnrjiot
cd with body hruisels and otherwise hand
somely furnished, we have built a neat rail
lug, giving room for two ofllces, or desk
room, which wo will rent reasonably to thu
right parties. Ofllces kept clean, heated, and
uso of telephone given. Apply at olllco.
WiwkvI Printing Co.
"Courier" Building, 1KKJ llftt N St.
Tho nobbiest turnout that are seen on our
thoroughfares nro from tho Palace stables.
Telephone No. 4!15. Stables on II street. oj
jioslte Masonic temple.
To New York via Washington.
Two elegantly tspilpod trains lenvo Chica
go dally, via B. it O. It. II. for Washington,
Baltimore, Philadelphia ami New York. Tho
Vcstlbulcd Llmltisl leaving Chicago at litftft
p, m. arrives at Washington tho next after
noon nt 1:0.1, Baltimore at ft:'J0, Philadelphia
at 7:'Jt, and Now York nt 10 o'clock. This
train carries Pullman vestlbuled sleeper lie
twoou Chicago, Washington mid Baltimore,
ami Pullman vestlbuled parlor car Washing
ton to Now York.
Tho morning limited, leaving Chicago at
10:10 a. in., arrives at Washington tho next
morning at 11.4ft, Baltlmoruatl o'clock.p.m.,
Philadelphia 8:) mid New York fi:ftft p. m.
This truth carries Pullman vestlbuled sleeper
Chicago to New York without change.
An equally elllclent service is mnlntalnad
Isjtween St. Louis and Washington, Balti
more, Philadelphia and Now York via Ohio
& Sllsslsslppl It'y mid B. & O. Tho O. & M.
vestlbuled express leaving St. Louis nt 8 a.m.
urrivos Washington in tho afternoon of tho
next day, at 1 :.V), Baltimore nt 3:ft5, Phila
delphia nt ft;ft0 mid New York at 8:!Jft. This
train carries parlor car from St. Loulsto Cin
cinnati, sleejK'r Cincinnati to Washington ond
Baltimore, unci rlor car Washington to
Now Yoi k.
The O. & M. express leaving St. Iouis ut
8:02 i. m. arrive Washington the second
morning nt It :1ft, Baltimore nt 4;ft0, Philadel
phia 7:40 mid New York 10:55. This train
cnrrlo Pullman Bloopers from St. Louis to
New York and from Orufton, W. Vo., to
Washington mid Baltimore. Passengers for
Washington and Baltimore transfer to tho
local sleejier at Grufton at 7 .110 In the evening
and avoid Delng disturbed upon arrival at
Washington until 7 a. m.
Ticket via B. & O. H. H. are on sale ut all
eouoii ticket otllccs throught the wewt.
Book orders ahead for Sunday livery In
order to get a rig at the Palace Stables.
Show Cases I'or Sale.
Several counter show coses of several sizes
all for salo cheap at the CouillKU olllco. Cull
and see them. Prices will suit.
I Dr. C. B. Manning, olllco rooms t)o-07-iW,
t Burr block. Telephone SEW. ltesldeneo Cor.
Udth and F. Telephone !CW.
I Adams, Ionising fi: Scott, attorneys, rooms
I :J0, 'Jl mid S3. Ijitta Block.
The Promptness With Willi li .Mr, Hums
j Itriilvtil Ills Mono).
I The fact of tho winning of tho flft.tuxi by
our townsman, Henry Harris, lu the last
! drawing of tho Louisiana State Lottery is not
new to our ex-sheriff, lie replied. "That tho
j money had promptly come. I am not seeking
fame, and giies 1 will invest the money in
real estate in the Ust county in California
rvupa. .asi iCal.i IlrjHirter, Nov. IS.
Shakcsiiearo complete and a year's subscrii)-
tlon to the Coi-hick for only ( S,ftO. For par
ticulars see advertisement on page eight.