Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 04, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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it '
Saturday Evening, Jan, 4, '00.
Tho Counixn will not Is? responsible for
any debt nmilo liy nny ono In It nniue, un
Via n written order nccomiwnle tho nunc,
jroporly signed.
I Wkmkl, Jr., Prop'r.
Oernwr 10th and P Streets.
Dry Goods
The Courier Cnn be Founil At
Windsor Hotel News Htnml.
Cnpttnl Hold News Htnnil.
Oucll's Dining Hnll Nows Htnml.
Tlio (lotlinm Nmvs8tn.U(l,llH Houth 11th Bt.
llert Itutruor, lit Noith 11th Utrcot.
Kit. Youiik, 10) U Htrcot.
Knton ABmlth. 1180 O
Ltttlo 8)ort ClRiir Hloro. 113 N. Kth St.
1137 O STREET.
l,cnl nnil Personal. Coal rutd Llmo Compnny,
Lincoln let) Co., 1040 O 8t. Tolephono 118.
Brown's restaurant for meals,
.Take Turkish at 1010 O street.
Telephone, at tho Coumeii ofllco Is 233,
E. Hallott, leading jeweler, 131 N. 11th.
"Mineral water used tor bathing, 1010 O st.
Ladles, como and tco us at the W-ecut store.
Olvo Betta & Weaver, tho now coat firm, a
Visit tho W-cent storo, 143 Bouth Twelfth
Look at the fie, 10a and 25o counters at tho
M-cent store.
Miss O. J. Qullmotto's drew making par
on, 1833 O street.
Try some of tho Ono fresh fish serrod every
4T at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebroast
Coal and Llmo Co.
.Roast meats, and vegetables of all klndsnt
Cameron's Lunch Houso.
Superior quality Anthracite coal atDetta
Weaver's. Call up 440.
The old reliable Canon City Coal at Ilutch
kw & Hyatt's, 1010 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Only place in Lincoln thnt usee mineral
'water in baths is at 1010 O street.
Try an oyster stow or oystors In any stylo
at Den Camoron's. They are line.
Dr. R. C. Trogdon, Dentist, 8SS Bouth 11th
Mreet, over Kilt- studio. Telephouo 433.
Brown is ready to servo twiuquets, wedding
collations and othor spreails on short notice.
Canon City, Moudota, Ohio Block nud Col
orado Coal, nt Uetts & Weaver's, phono 440.
Now Is tho tlmo to lay in your winter sup
ply of coaL Hutchius & Hyatt's, 1040 O
Fresh rained Lackawann Anthracite and
other flue coals at Hutchins & Hyatt's, 1010
O street
Ladles will find a complete lino of flno shoes
and all the latest styles at tho proper prices at
Bderwln's Boston Shoo Btoro.
Ilardy & Pitcher, tho furnlturo men, aro
stow showing the largest and finest lino of
leather rockers ever brought to this city.
Buy your coal of the Whltebroast Coed and
Lime Co., aud it will always be well screauod,
full weight, best quality and nt right prices.
Ashby & Millspaugh aro offering their en
tire stock ot flno dross goods und silks at cost.
Now is tho tlmo to buy a nice dress for vary
little money.
Edith E.Russell, artist In China, Oil, Tas
te! and Water Color painting. Studio, room
110 Jones block, corner P and Twelfth stroots,
trance 139 north Twelfth strott.
A preventative for croup. There no tongor
exists any doubt but croup can bo prevented.
Truo croup never appears without a warning,
and if Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given
m directed as soon as tho first indication ot
croup appears, it will Invariably dispel all
aymptoms of the disease. This can always be
done It it is kept at hand. 50c and $1 bottles
tor sale by A. L. Bhader.
To the Public.
Having changed tho location of our city
ticket office from 115 Bouth Tenth street to
the more central one ot 1183 O street, near
Funke's opera houso, wo. take this occasion to
offer our thanks for the generous patrouage
fbe North western Lino, Elkhorn road, has re
ceived, and to solicit a continuance of tho
same' in the future.
As a matter worthy of attention the state
Bsent is made that,.whereas. the first service
OB this line between Lincoln and Chicago con
aumod nearly ?4 hours, several more than by
competitive Jines, the time is now 17 hours
and 90 minutes, or fifteen minutes less than
any other service.
By our fast train, connections are made at
lUssonri Valley with tho Northwestern's ves
tibule limited, composed ot Palace sleeping,
dining and reclining chair cars, also with tho
8c. Paul limited for Bloux City, Minneapolis,
St. Paul and the northwest. Bleeping car ac
eewroodatloa ore reserved in advanco for
St. Paul and the northwest, Chicago and the
east, when desired.
A eordlal Invitation to call k extended to
M ikske latorsnaUon concerning our
MasJeC -Uwy, assured ot its being cheerfully
jhwlslna. flta. N. ForcMftaa, Agent,
A. i. FfeMiag, CHr tieket Agt,
Ten days befora Now Years tho Couimen
nnnounced ono 0en hou-o runt tho following
week two. Other Indies Joined tho movement
subsequently, resulting In quito a rovlvnl of
tho old custom nnd giving promlso of n morn
gencrnl olworvnnco n twelve, iiioiiin iionco.
Among those formally nt homo woio tho fol
lowing) Mrs, Poster, assisted by Mis. Mny
(if Chicago, Aletulniuos lleeson, immoiii mm
Dennis, Misses Hnthawny aud Mlnnln nnd
Ollvo Lntta. Mrs, Kleiner, assisted by Misses
(Inmlnger nnd Zlcincr. Mrs. Mnrquett as
sisted by Miss dishing ot Columbus, Misses
Inland, Mrtrquott nnd Klttlo nnd Alleo Cow
dry. Mrs. 11. 11. Oakley, nsslstwl by Mrs.
Mnxwell, Miss Luther of Albion, New York,
Mlsso Hooper nud Onkloy, Miss Dorrls, as
silted by Miss Metolf of Ban Diego, Cnl.,
Miss Biuldlth ot Wnusccn, Minn., Misses Hap.
dy, Wnlsli, llnrr, Ltlllbrldgu nnd Laws nnd
Mrs. Dnwes. Miss Martha Funke, assisted by
Miss Jennnetto Wilson of Free-tort, Illinois,
Misses Ilnmmond nudMnud llurr.Mnny othor
Indies received Informally, In somo cases in
grouHj ot two nnd three. Most of tho houses
wore prettily decorated nnd dainty refresh
ments wero served, but In no case wero these
carried to tho extremes Incited by tho rival
ries of years ago. Everything was In excel
lent tnsto, nud tho hundred or moro gentle
men who colled wero met with a good cheer
thnt did not pall. Tho most clabornto lunch
eon wns thnt of Mrs Foster. Tho center pleco
of tlio initio wns a mirror glims laid lint upon
tho cloth. It wns edged with smllnx nud boro
n vnso ot flowers, from which ribbons twined
with smllnx ran up to tho chandelier, Tho
Dorrls homo was very prettily decorated with
ovcrgreen nnd holly, nud tho Funko parlors
wero lienutlful with cut flowers, plants nnd
greens, Tho most unlquo entertainment wns
nt tho Kleiner residence Tho cnllors wero
ushered Into tho dining roam by tho young
Indies nud presented to tho heads of tho house
hold ns Col. and Mrs. Sellers. On taking
their seats at tho tnblo thoy wero confronted
with n IkjwI of turnips, a pinto of rutnbngn,
cups of water nud brown dishes. At each
pinto nn a botttonierro ot pner flowers, nnd
tho tnlilo wns lighted by cnudlos. "Col. Sel
lers' Menu" wns written on wrapping pnier,
nnd rend ns follows! 'Turnips raw, sliced,
whole. Rutabagas, Water hot, rain, lee,
cistern,, worm, artesian," After recovering
-from thoir surprise und tho consequent merri
ment, tho guests were usheicd Into an ndjolu
ing parlor, whero lucre attractive delicacies
niado nmplo amends. In ono of tho cakes
were concealed sarcrnl tickets, each entitling
tho fortunate holder to nn exquisitely dainty
sachet bog or handkerchief case. In several
other homes tho callers wero presented with
flowers or other souvenirs. Both indies nud
gentlemen who participated wero delighted
with tho day's festivities.
Thursday evening occurred ono of tho most
delightful events of tho season In ft dancing
party given by Mr. anil Mrs. Frank L. Shel
don In honor of their guest, Miss Underwood
of Dixon, III. A largo dancing surface was
provided by tho canvassed floors of tho draw
tug room nnd parlor nnd tho jollshed surfneo
of tho court, above which, in tho second bal
cony, concealed from vlow, wns Bltuntod tho
Philharmonic orchostrn. Tho houso was
trimmed in smllnx, and a specially pretty
feature was tho refreshment tnblo. It was
beautifully decorated with roses and smllax,
a rope ot tho smllax forming nn lmmenso"S"
In tho center of tho cloth. After tho first half
of tho program tho doors ot tho dining room
wero opened, and Ires nnd enko wero
served during tho rest ot tho evening. Tho
Sheldon home Is ono of tho most hospltablons
well as ono ot tho most elegant In Lincoln. It
is presided over by a gracious, experienced
hostess with luxurious surroundings, all min
istering to tho pleasure ot her guests. Tho
Invited guests wero: Messrs. nnd Mosdnmes
Hamlin Eddy, A. O. Beeson, C. S. Llpplncott,
Lieut. Townloy, Chas. Carter, Q. M. Lam
bertson, J. D. McFnrland, W. R. Dennis, II.
P. Foster, K. K. Hnydcn, R, J. Green, E. P.
Ewlng, Hudson Imhoff, J. A. UuckstntT, W.
B. Ogdeu, It. II. Rhelander, C. O. Burr, L.C.
Burr, A. D. Burr; Misses Mlnnlo Lattn, UN
Han Sterling, Martha Funke, Ollvo Lntta,
Clara Funko, Bertlo Burr, Maud Burr, Frltrn
Bamnrd of Omnhn, Lulu Orunlngor, Anna
nawKins, Mlnnlo uundry ot Mineral Point,
Wis., Lllllo Hathaway, Jesslo Budduth of
Wnusccn, Minn. Messrs, Zohrung, Mngoon,
Hardy, Forusmnn, Hall, Rlchtor, Polk, Le
mlst.Orilllth.Sivihr.FrnnkBmith.Wm.Clnrk, Chas. Clark, Frnnfc Burr, Chas. Burr, Frank
Hathaway, Robt. Mulr, Aaron Buckstaff and
A.B.Smith of Omaha.
Tho nostiMinml hnllilnv luirtv nf tlm lUni.
ant Hour Juniors was held at femplo hnll
last evening, and special Interest was taken
In making It a moro tbnn ordinarily brilliant
affair. Quite n number of strange, young
ladles aro visiting In tho city, and a number
oi uow gowns was pnown to bo In prepara
tion. Tho COUIUEH'S fornm nrn nlncn.1 tnn
early to glvon list ot tho participants, but
tho following wero somo of thoso confidently
expected: Messrs. William and Charles
Clarko, Hathaway, Stout, Wost, Wheeler,
Fitzccruld. Smvser. Chas. Hurr. Frank Purr
C.Y. Smith, Marshall, Winger, Dorgnu,
iinmmonu, nail, uoiuen, HouU, MuBrlde,
Audrus. Mulr. Movnn. IVimriAllv xrt-
Ollvo Lntta, Hathaway, Moud Burr, Martha
runKo, unuerwooti or Dixon, m Oakloy,
Luther of Albion, N. Y., Hooper, McBrldo,
Wilson. Hammond. Hill. Mnmnniin Iji.
Zelmer, White, Wusmer of Grand IslnndJ
jvHiiu ami Alien Aiarsiiau, urock and Mrs.
John West
Thovounc men boardlnir nt Mm n t.
Carpenter's, 231 south Fourteenth street, gave
ouo oi uio largoei ana merriest card parties
of tho season on Now Years night, Tho royal
prlres wert won by Miss Emma Harris and
Mr. George Covert, tho boobies by Mrs. Fred
Draper and Mr. W. O. Phillips. Among
thoso present were: Missee Mendonhall,
Coffman, Morley, Freemaii, Avery, Boecher,
Sun dean, Burch, Lev?, Depuo, Naomi
Weaver, Cora Weaver, Emma and Laura
Harris, Buncher, Scott, Sterling, Usher,
Barnaby, Orr, Hallet, Morgan, Blerworth,
Thomoson. Eisenhardt. AlcWhlnn ivv.
of Hastings, and Mrs. DePuo. Messrs Pomp-
euio, Aiuner, juiminson, nummer, Ileaton,
Johnson, Finney, Beach, W. O. and J. O.
Phillips, E. Comstock, Cranccr, Orr, Harvey,
Uallot. CamD. Woods. Potter. (Yivnrt. Jnvna
McGoogan, Calllnan, Bcott, W. C. and J. H.
uigger, viison ana Wecknacn. Messrs. and
Mesdames Rogers, Comstock and Draper.
The Calumet club, cnmnmuvl nt ninn-io,!
people, have accepted the invitation of tho
xoung juarriou i-one's club or Umalia to Join
in a dance in that city on January 10th. This
is llkelv to load to a return vlalt fmm tlm
Omaha organization, and this exchange of
sociui amenuies cannot but prove cnjoyablo
to all concemed. Tho Calumets celebrated
New Years with one of thoimloaiiant nnrtlm.
Tho participants worot Messrs. and Mca-
uames. U. A. JJower, T. W. Tnlt, a M.
Keofer, Chas. Colwill, O. M. Hands, N,
Hogo, O. R. Stephens, E. R. Bizor, A. DUlou,
O. W. Hoxlo, T. R Sylvanus, O. A. Crancer,
W. L. Pickett, Zade Hale of Wymore, W.
R. Cambridge, F. L. Pollock, H. M. Rice, T.
J. Hlckey, W. G. Lewis, Fred Wilson, O. II.
Badgley, Mr, D. B. Cropsey, Misses Hatch,
Lathrop, CoraCroisey, Glllatby and Ashton.
The Denver Republican of recent date con
tained the following: "Among the prettiest
n Hairs of tho week wero tho nrt receptions
glvon Tuesday, Wednosdny nmi Thursday by
Miss Faunlo Clnrk nt her home, 123 wnst
Saventh nvouup, for her friend nnd fellow
nrtlst, Mrs, Kininn Richardson Cherry."
Thon follows a description of tho rooms nnd
tho works exhibited, closing with this state-
moiiti "Many, Indeed nearly nil tho prom
inent socioty people or tlio city ntlemlod tho
receptions." Mrs. Cherry wns nrt Instructor
nt tho Stato unlvorslty Itfforo her marriage,
nnd has mnuy friends In Lincoln, Miss
Clara Link has Just returned from Denver,
whero sha took lessons from both Mrs.
Cherry nnd Miss Clnrk.
Mr. Oeorgo Smith, now stationed nt Omn
hn ns tho corresM)ndcnt of tho .otimaf, sends
tho following Item of special Interest to Lin
coln peoplo: When A. E. Touznllu died ho
left nn estate valued, It Is reortcd, to tho
worth of about 5,000,000. J. M. Bnrr, tho
now iurlntenlent of tho Nebraska division
of tho Union Pnclfio road, is ono of tils heirs.
Before leaving Choycnno to como hero, ono
week ngo, ho received nn Intimation that his
shnro of tho fortune would amount to nearly
half a million. Ho wns Mr. Touznlln's pri
vate secretary n long tlmo, and when his llt-
un noy, now rour yenrs old, was christened,
Mr. Touralin placed 5,000 to his credit in a
Imnk, which Is to bo glvon to hlni, with tho
nccrucd Interest, when ho becomes of ngo.
Tho Young Men's Boclnl club held tholr
hop Thursday night. Among thoso present
wero Messrs. W. T, Sprlngmoyer, Ij.
Bnmpson, O. W. Gunnison, A, E. Athoy, F.
Anderson, E. C. Warner, A. J. Mosher, F.
M. Shlun, A. Goldsmith, C. II. Adams,
Wnlter Ames, Chnrllo Odell, J. Goldsmith,
J. M. Gustfson, nnd O, L. Tyler. Misses
Clnra Hhockoy, Clnrn Blnlr, Kntlo Merrick,
Alleo Green, Loulo Pnrrln, Ornco Akin, Mng
glo Glenson, Mlnnlo Holnnd, Fnnnlo AVnnicr,
Carrlo Robertson, Klttlo Warner, Alllo Cor
lott, Lena Warner nnd Mrs, Springmeycr.
Dr. R, C. Trogdcn, who went to his old
homo, Mnttoou, 111., for tho holidays, sur
prised nig friends by returning this week
with a bride. Tho lady was Miss Laura B,
Doran of Mnttoon, and tho wedding took
plneo December 20. Tho doctor has mndo
many friends In Lincoln, whoso well wishes
go out tobridons well ns groom, Dr. nnd
Mrs. Trogdcn are nt present nt tho Windsor.
A gny jmrty danced tho Now Year in at
tho homo of Mrs. Hognn. Tho comjxnny in
cluded Messrs. nnd Mesdames James Kolly,
O. J.Dnuboch, J.A.KIIroy, B, V, RolllyjIIon.
A. Halter nnd wife, Misses Hellwlg, Mary
Slattery, Brady, Annn Enrlght, Nora Fitz
gerald, Messrs. Hclhvig Shepherd, Mngher,
Smith, Brady, Morrlsy, O'Goriunu nnd J. J.
Lincoln chapter, R. A, M,, has elected tho
following officers: L. M. Iluiwrt, II. P. ; W.
B. MoArthur, K.; W.J. Houston, S.; It. P.
R. Millar, treasurer; L.B.Tremnu,secrotnry;
W. C. Davis, C. II. j A. II. Hutten, P. B.; D.
E. Green, R. A. C. ; F. R. Waters, M. Third
V.; I. G. Chnpin, M. Second V.; A. K. Day,
M. First V.; O. J. Hendry, sentinel.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Stout of tho Webster
block conceived tho happy Idea of bringing
tho OCCUnaUtS Ot tlin lilnrlf tocntlinr In n wlnl
gathering, nnd for thnt purpose gnvo a pleas-
uiii, prvKrussivo cucuro iariy .wow Year's
night. Tho royal prizes wero drawn by Mr.
BtOUt nnd Miss Morrill tlin pninmlntlnna l,v
Mr. Thonins nnd Mrs. Downs.
Tho ladles of tho Holy Trinity church aro
Jirciuirluc fnr n mnalrnt in lw rl-inn mv
Tuesday evening at tho home of Mrs. Charles
jiiiiuiuuiiu. iv iiiiu program is oemg arranged
by Mrs. C. B. Llpplncott, and will bo nn
nouncvd In tho dally jwipors. Tho admission
feo will bo twonty-flvo cenU.anda general in
vitation is extended.
A parlor recital under tho direction of tho
Woman's Christian association was given last
evening nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J, J.
Imhoff. Tho program was provided by Dr.
Goo. E. Andrus, Mrs. P. V. M. Raymond,
Mrs. Knto B. Cheney, Miss Anna V. Motcalf,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Weber nnd Mrs. J. M. Motcalf.
A party of Lincoln's society young peoplo
nttcndod a ball at Weeping Water New Year's
Eva Amonir thorn worn n It Rlnnt n it
Floyd. T.R. Edgar, B. Bpringmyer, s". a!
turner, j. u. lyicr ana a. u. wnrnor;
Misses Fnnnlo Warner, Bndlo Ivors, Clara
Bpringmyer, Klttlo Warner nnd Alllo Corlott.
Gov. Thayer nnd tho oxcursionlstH with
Supt. Thompbon nro oxjiectoil homo from
Mexico tomorrow. On their last dny In tho
city of Mexico thoy wero granted a reception
by President Diaz followed by a banquet, nnd
lu tho evening wero given another reception
uy uiiuwi oiaies .Minister i.yan.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Rnv Mifnrtnimwi i,
incmlieni of tho board of education, tho Coun-
iv DUDcriniomiKiir. nmi hia tvir.tni.ii ti... i...,i.
ers of tho city schools Monday night. But-
tOllholo souvenirs. mnltlni- nt n iinntL.tup...
ed pleco of rublior hose, wero tho novel feat
ure ui mo ovemng.
Tho ladles Of Lincoln nrn imnptnllt lnt-v.
od In tho result of tho holiday drawing at
- urcuiau co v-roffcs. i no elegant sora pillow
Was drawn bv Mrs. F.E.IVrklni l. .i.,ni,,n
handkerchief by Mrs. John Zehrang and tho
Hiuab wi, uy iurs. 1TOI, ItllllurlUge.
Misses Julia nnd Lnurn Unnvnn v,.m.i.i.
ed by Misses Lizzie and Emmn Ham acker
Delia Armstrong, Comiskn, Gertlo Warren
and Qunckenbaneh. Min M'noin-- -..,....
mid Glenn In watching tho old year out with
nppruprinie jouuies.
Miss Edith J. Itmlrrnr irni n.nn.l.v.1 rri..
day to Mr. William II. Trenchard of Deland,
111. The ceremonv was ivrfnrmn.1 nt n,
bride's homo, 600 south Eleventh street, by
her brother, Rev. S. D. Bndgor of KnoxvllJo.
Miss Clara Smith, lffll V .tf o .i.
llghtful party Thursday evening and enter-
-.- m..u, iuiBMjn iime, uuxoru, Jr"owior and
Beckor, Messrs. Becker, Hale, Hatch, Frow,
Clark and Hallett,
Mrs. Lnurn Woods, daughter of Mr.
Robert Mitchell, was married Wednosdny to
Mr. Charles Penn, sheriff of Custer county.
Their homo will bo nt Broken Bow.
A moetini- of tho charltv 111 mmmMAu
called for 7:30 this ovonlng at Huffman &
lucuwr. a mil ana prompt attendance is
F. W. Bartruff, circulator for tho Joumni,
was "surprised" Now Year's day by his car
riers, who presented him with a silk umbrel
la. Mr. Matt Baldwin entertained his friends
Thursday evening at a card party at tho
Windsor hotel , nnd did it In princely style.
J. II. McMurtry has been speudlng tho
holidays with his family nt Colorado Springs,
but is expected back within a day or two.
Henry W. Orth, familiarly known as "Fit"
when ho lived in Liucoln, was married re
cently to Miss Ollle Oleson at Denver.
Harry J. Hall will leavo in a day or two on
a trip of veveral weeks, visiting Chicago,
Clovelond, New York and Boston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McArthur have re
turned from Ottumwa and Des Moines, whero
they visited during tho holidays.
W. F, Alsdorf and bride have arrived from
the east and taken up their abode at 417
south Eleventh street
Misses Mnliel nnd Clnrn Brown of Norfolk,
Conn., tho guo-ts of Mrs. W. B. Wolcott,
will return uoxt w.ek,
MIm Mnud Coleman Is SKudlng tho holidays
nt tho homo of Hon. John A. Dempster, Gc
noVn, Neb,
Dr. nnd Mrs. Lntta wont to Plnttsmoiith
Now Years to attend tho wedding of a rola
tlvo. Tho East Lincoln social club wero outer
tnlned Inst night by Mr, nnd Mrs. II, B, Saw
yer. W. E. Hardy left yesterday for nn extend
ed trip enst, nnd will bo absent several weeks,
C. M. Hands, who managed Jinx Meyer &
Co.'s Lincoln branch, has removed to Omnhn.
Mrs. C, E. Yntoi has 1hi cntertalnlncr
Misses mini nun Uertlia riuillpl ot Omnhn,
Mrv, W. R, Donnls hns leon enjoying n vis
it irom ner sister, Mrs. Mny or Chicago.
Mr. nud Mrs. II. B. Gordon havo returned
from a six-month stay In Now England.
Mrs. John Zehnimr has been confined to her
room by Illness for n week past.
Miss Gertlo Culbortson has been appointed
organist of Grnco church.
Miss Clnrn Wheelor is visiting her sister,
Mrs. E. II. Curtis.
W. Q. Bell returned Thursday from his
visit in Illinois.
C. R. Rlchter has lieen in Chicago this week.
Tho Comus club will dnneo Tuesday.
(For other Boolnl Nows See Pago 2.)
A well known business man Is tho proud
possessor of nu opnl ring cwtlng 1100. It Is
very rarely that a Btono of tho slzo is seen.
This ono como from Hnllett, tho Eleventh
street Jowelor, during tho holidays. This calls
attention to tho fact that Hnllett has come to
bo recognized ns the Lincoln dealer in dia
monds and precious stones. Ho sold n sur
prisingly largo number of diamonds during
tho holidays, many of them of great slzo nnd
purity, so many in fact that thoy cannot bo
individualized. Hallott carries an unusually
flno lino of diamonds anil cnn suit almost any
tnsto nnd purse. His trays show a grent ni
ray of rings, pins, enrrlngs, chnrmsnnd othor
nrtlcles set with thoso precious brllllnnts, nnd
it Is enough to mnko one's mouth water to
look at them. Hallett can supply nny kind
of u diamond wanted, and will provldo a set
ting to suit tho most fastidious.
Wlngor& McGnhy for Coal, Coko and
Wood. 122 North Eleventh street. Tele
phono 800.
When you arc ready to move jour
Pianos and Household Goods
Lincoln - Transfer - Co.
Telephone 176.
Office 121 N. Ninth St.
Security I Safety 1 Relief I For All
of optical complication., by tho Introduc
tion of usclontino und skilful system;
mnthomatlcnlly ndjustcd com
bination Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Equalized to all Inequalities or tho
"""'y "J ""' 1 28 Yflflrs Exiiftplflnr.A!
,w..ui.,,j, ,,o,llK w -.... .!. W..WMWW
est authority In his specialty; can now bo
consulted frtio of charge, for tho next thirty
ilnys. Olllco at tho ELI1E STUDIO, 2M
Houtli Elovonth street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
5,000 Persons In this State Alone on ...!
tllB flnpftt fvtllfwttnn nn tills nnnHnnnl a ..,,.-
dredsof varieties to solcct from of claborato
workmanship, hlstiest polish nud Hnlsh, ad
mirably gulted to every expression of tho
OWInR ItnilllH- Olnllll in 1nKn n. ,
7 to 8 p. in.
For further roforenco rend olrculars, or nd
yortlsoment in State Journal.
lMlOlV. MT1IAUUM AMI- .1.1. 1
business thnniKhout tlio Unlled Btatos, clv
n tho bent of satisfaction and dellBhl to
lilimlrAila url4l. .l,ir..n,l..A .,,..1.. -...? '" V4
edgo of tho human eyo aad tils skill of adjust
Ing the rImsci Is marvelous beyond Imairina-
coau,ntrfedTuP;?1UUOBr0tttWo1, ofe
,,WPlenso rend circulars for a completo
l'SAe0t,rafi1l?toStud?o'!,CO " 80U,U
The Greatest Sale Yet
Having Purchased the Entire Stock
Wc propose to offer Shoe Buyers the best chance
to buy new, fresh goods at a
Discount of 25 per Cent.
It is well known that these goods were bought for cash by
one of the best shoe buyers in Lincoln. We have now
moved these choice goods to
we will close out tho entire
Store " at a discount of 25 per
deceived, but examine for
marked in plain figurs. Call
1043 O
Complete Works of Shakespeare
Oomprlsinghls Flays, Sonnota and Fooms, with tho noted
-v profaoo, by DR. JOHNSON.
a QLossAnr ahd an aooouht or -uon tlat bt rac
KffBftBKKpr3,rM&sttwKiaK --,,sss,tM
Wc will give each subscriber a copy of this $S.OO book and a year's
subscription to the paper for $2. xj in advance.
This is the greatest legitimate premium offer ever made, and is possible only, be
cause, in this age of invention, with its improved printing machinery and meth
ods, the cost of production in large quantities has been reduced.
This book is a wonder of typography. It is beautifully bound in rich cloth,
extra, with artistic stamp in gold on side and back. The book contains
926 PHGES,
Slzo, 8 Inohoa wide, 1 1 Inches long and 3 Inohoa thick.
It is embellished with a portrait of the author from the celebrated Chandos
Picture, engraved on steel. It has other numerous illustrations. No description
can do justice to this magnificent premium. It must be seen to be appreciated. It
is no cheap or commonplace production, but. on the contrary, a book that its
owner will have every reason to be proud of; the most suitable thing in the world
for a present; a volume that will embellish any library or center table in the land.
nt nn ? ft? cv.cry ."c wh know ,"- appreciates a good thing, to respond
at once to this extraordinary offer. When you have the book and your neighbors
sec it, thev will also want it, ' b
We will give the book and pne year's subscription to our paper to any person
sending us $150. Old subscribers who have already paid for their paper, and who
send us f.2.50, will receive the book and have their subscriptions extended one year
from the date of their present expiration.
Nete-Ifthc book hu to be stent by -sail or exprcaa, add K5 ceau
to the reaUHaacc to cover coat or traaapertatloa.
our store, 1043 O st., where
stock of the " Lincoln Shoe
cent. Shoe buyers don't be
yourselves. Goods are all
Christ College, Cambridge, England
-- -