CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1890 I . .': v. !, r; Useful and Appropriate H0LIDAYJIFT5! Neckwear of every Kind, Linen and Silk Pocket Handkerchiefs, Mufflers,. Night Shirts, Silk Umbrellas, Etc. Will not attempt to describe patterns or styles, suffice it to say we show the greatest assortment of novelties in the city. Your Inspection Solicited ! Globe One-Price Clothiers, Cor. O and Tenth sts. We Offer No Bait But Givo Full Value for Every Dollar. Our Sl.OO Ladiels' Kid Shoe, like other houses claim they have reduced from $1.50 lmvc always been soldbyjus nt what they term a "discounted price." Our SI. 50 Ladies' Dongrola. Wc never sold this shoe for $2.00 or $2.50 as other houses claim they have and then reduced them to $1.50. C That Is our REGULAR PRICE. Wc are satisfied with Reasonable Profits. Rents are cheaper in our locality, ex penses less and if you will investigate we will show you that our every day prices more than equal the "bait offers" made by other houses. J. Z. BRISCOE, Sole Agent for Gray Bros. Ladies' Shoes. 1329 0 STREET. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Canon City Whitebreast Walnut Springs AND ANTHRACITE. Telephone 34. Lime Hair Plaster Cement Office, 109 South Eleventh St. In Temporary Quarters. Barfs Jewelry Store Removed To 1036 N St., bet. 10th and nth. A new and elegant line of Jewelry just opened Including WATCHES CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, ETC., FOR THE lESLOXJUDJIT TZEeZDIE.. In our present location rent is very low and wc are therefore enabled to sell all goods at a much lower price than other houses. Don't fall to call and sec us. For 1890 ODDS AND ENDS. Consider Scribner's Magazine when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low $3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting and of the best. There is not space here to give even a summary of the feat ures to appear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DEPARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES, and groups of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects: African Exploration and Travel, Life on a Modern War Ship (3 articles), Homes In City, Suburb, and Country, Providing Homes through Dulldlng Associations, The Citizen's Rights, Electricity In the Household, Erlcssohn, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer, Hunting, Humorous Artists, American and Foreign. Two lioarta and two Hvem wero taken from ft chicken killed nt Lock Haven, Pa., recently, Tbo general committee of tho Mothodlit church lias appropriated (1,223,778 for mis sionary purposes during tho coming year. A man of Van Wert county, 0., on a hot whcolcd 11 barrow containing 150 cats throe nillcu through n muddy country road. In 1000 thcro wcro no potntoe In England. Now tho total yearly crop of tho United Kingdom is valuod at tO,i!00,000, ami that of Eurojw at 100,000,000. Last year's grow receipts of tho railways of tho United Kingdom amounted to 73, 000,000, a sum not far short of tho total treas ury receipts from tho customs and Inland rovouuo takon together. Llttlo John makes good uso of observation and reason. "Mamma," ho said, one day, as thoy were driving along, "a Iioito has moil's legs In front aud turkoys' logs behind." Stout ofllccrs nro unknown In tho United States army. No ninn weighing over 100 pounds can Join n cavalry regiment, whllo officer lu tho general iwrvloo are llablo to bo retired for obesity. In autumn huge baskets of snails for xalo may bo soeti In tho Lisbon fruit market. In Madrid and other wealthy Spanish cltlos as many as fifteen dllTorent kinds may somo tlincs bo counted on tho slabs of tho dealers. A mass of rock, weighing about COO tons, fell, Nov. 20, from tho high clIITs 011 tho Canadian side of Niagara river to tho banks below, within a fow yards of 0110 of tho sup ports of tho old liowlston bridge. Had tho iuunouso rock struck ouo of tho stono pillars, tho brldgo would undoubtedly have given way. Artificial gotns at tho Paris oxposltlon aro laid to havo surpassed anything over Iwforo ihown, somo of tho spoclmons puzzling oven doalors and oxperts. Tho artificial pearls wcro especially successful, no means being found to distinguish tho genuine from tho artificial oxcept the uso of a Mo. A llttlo girl of my acquaintance saw a par rot for the first tlniu in 0110 of our Ico cream parlors; as alio was looking at It, tho parrot said, "IIcllol" Tho child gazod in astonish ment a moment, then answered, In an awed touo, "Hello, schlckonl" To dyo pearl buttons, wash with lukowarm solution of iotash, then place In a strong aqueous solution of tho desired color and let them stand, w 1th frequent stirring, in a warm place. To cause tho color to pcuutrato, an Immersion of two weeks may bo needed. Uso tho nnllino colors. A Now liedford clergyman, who has lecn In servlco a long tlnio, advertises 700 sermons for salo, covering all subjects aud appllcablo to nny locality. Ho only wants $t apiece for tho lot, If taken In a lump, "w hlcli Is ono half off regular price and a decldod bargain for tho monoy." Tho other day an account npieared In tho nowepapcrs concerning a uatlvo of tho chief city of Hungary, who had roachod his 81th year, and then attempted to commit sulcldo because ho was unable any longer to support his father aud mother. An almost miraculous escape from death is rejiortod fiom Jackson county, Oa. Last Saturday two men wero working in front of a circular saw, when ono of them reached over to remove a chip from Ixihliid it. Tho saw caught his sloovo and dragged him over tbo shafting. Round aud round ho went un til his follow workman could run aud stop tho machinery. When ho was taken out not a bcratch or bruise was found ujton his body, but tho saw had torn ovcry thread of cloth ing off him. Consul Turner writes from Cadiz to tho state department that farming In Spain is In a prluiltivu stato. Grnln Is cut with a small reaping hook and thrashed as in tho thno of tho Casars, by tramping it out with assos hitched to n stono !oat. Tho plow Is a crooked stick tinted with Iron. In tho towns nro to bo soon hoavy wooden carta drawn by oxen. Most of tho carrying, trans ferring, etc, Is done by donkeys. Band, brick, lumber in fact, almost everything that has to bo moved is carried on tholr backs. Ono of tho strangest things in India Is tho multitude of deserted capitals. Thero nro throo old Dolhls, tliroo successive capitals of tho cast, all closo to each other, all south of tho present city. Ono of tho three is Tug luckabad, a marvelous city 011 n hill, roolloa and absolutely deserted, but solid and gigan tic. Tho second is Ferozebad, with a hand ful of Inhabitants. Tho third Is tho old Delhi of Kutub, who was born a Turkish slavo and died emperor of India. His iiamo still sur vives lu tho finest tower in tho world and in tho oldest mosquo iu India. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute in 1890. Each subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest, licaders who are interested are urged to send for o prospectus. 25 cents a number; $1.00 for 4 months. Charles Scribner's Sons, 743 Broadway, New York Mlllals' Portrait of Gladstone. Sir John Mlllals' rtraltof Mr. Gladstone, which was subscribed for by tho women of England and which has been iu tho bands of tho eugraver, has, says tho London corre spondent of Tho Northern Echo, only Just reached Hawarden. In acknowledging it Mr. Gladstone writes: "Now that tho plcturo has arrived, It calls for fresh and now words of gratitude Wo cannot express all our foellugs, but tho kind donors, thrmo who havo Joined In this boautif ul gift, will caro to know that It has brought Joy and deepest grati tude Will you mako known to them that thou gift has brought Joy aud gladness into our dear old homo I Wo shall never look at it, blending as It does tho present and f uturo, without thankfulness." Lady Abordocn, who was tho honorary treasurer of tho fund, Is now making up her accounts. She finds that somo 3,000 ladles contrtbutod a sum of about 1,000. A thousand pounds was Sir John Mlllals' fee, whllo tbo ostlmato for en graving tho plcturo comos to 000. Thero is, therefore, an additional 300 required, which Lady Alwrdecu ho-us to rocclvo before March, when tho engraving will bo complete Tho Comnilttoo In Congres. To tho member of congress a committee place means almost everything. Upon tho assignment to committees dopond lu largo measure his usefulness, his prominence in tho affairs of tho body of w lilch ho Is a member, his success as a statesman. If bo wants op portunity to make soochcs, ho will do well to get on ouo or other of tho committees In control of Important legislation. If ho wants influence in tho department, lot him bo care ful of his committee, assignments. A curious Illustration of tho power of committees lu tho executive departments is found In tho fact that Mr. Randall, an Democratic chairman of tho comnilttoo on appropriations, was able to secure many ap'Kilntments of friends to office under Republican administrations, wlillo Mr. Camion, u prominent Republican mem ber of tho same committee, was able to find places for several of his followers under a Democratic regime, Washington Letter. A 11o.mi1 Uuku's Stumps. Tho d iko of Edinburgh Is an anion t stamp collector. When in Lisbon, during tho obso qtiles of tho late king of Portugal, ho visited a shop iu tho Praca do Luiz do Camoos, and made a considerable purchase of raro spocl mons which ho had tiot hitherto boon ablo to obtatu. Ho has now ono of tbo finest collec tions extant, Pall Mall Gazette. ?i THE THIRTEEN CLUB WALTZ. Arranged expressly for Tho American Prett Association. By nlCHAHD OENEE. Piano Arrnngomont by CHAS. 'ZIMMERMAN. R Tempo M Tab. , I r Vj. , . , S 1 rTail -n '., -:i-rrrga:-rrK-rMrrT---riH H 7vmiH iwm. i a -. !il!llClilSi5IXlpll 10 Lji. M. Jt. A ir igagsi P nf -fc & & c azj-gilny P rtf - tm m ttr l-a sv -t -t- -..-,, .- ,),, , j-, 1 P tnf " 3 i mmtdsspm 3i -"- "v p : - rav5r:ijr gy-;, iliz'Jtizt:5i IHgi lmkkm E-St-. i ' Fin. WBfeSqfe if ppijai SB as 14 m&mmmim&mmsmmss ffr5 irKK3 Copyright, 1883, by John do WIU. PIANOS All the Latest and most Popular Musical Composition may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & TI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TI-I STREET. SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars. Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES NOW AT HOME IN Our New Quarters tHnK WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courier Building, 1130-32 N STREET. COME AND SEE US. l "W