Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 04, 1890, Page 4, Image 4
"""tr A1 ! ' 'wlin1 ' i.iiM.inMf i iiin i i it y r CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 1890 U K I i' . r . r , - ill .a ff- IF' frV mm Ice Skates, Rogers Plated Knives and Forks, Carving Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives nnd Razors. Scissors and Shears Bread Boxes, Cake Boxes, Washing Machines. Clothes Wringers, Nickle Plated Tea Kettles. Decorated Tea and Coffee Pots, Hanging Lamps and Stand Lamp. Q3S DP St. North Side Posnofllce Square. Safes, Boilers, AND Heavy Machinery! If you HAVE ANY TO MOVE be we anil Call on lincoln - Transfer - Co. Telephone 166. Office 121 N. Ninth St. HENRY M. C'"Kilttz rmm ISijrkK&K." ,bm .1 itywliir liptrof Modem Time. .... jyr 'a .-- ImM v mbmi blj W IM mmimmm im.....sia'';i-- x-a HuiiHCUlfTinNi Ono Year by Mull or Carrie J0Oi Hit Months, ftoi) Three Months, (Wc.) Ono inantli SO Ueiil liirarnulj' In Advance. ADvanTisMOfTsi Hate furnished on nppllctln at tho omeo. Hpeclat rate on Time Contract. CHTiunurion! Hhort splojr sketches, oeiii nnd torlo solicited. IVraoiml nnd Hoelal notes aro Mpeclally desirable. l-nitrmnt Wo nwdco a specialty of Kino rrlnlliiR In nil Iti branohiu. Hoclety work n specialty. Published Saturday. Aitlrw nil coinniunioatloirt direct to tlie offlre. Wicssicr, Pkintino Co., I'UIIMHHKIIfl. Courier Ilulldlng, 1UU N Htreot. TKI.KIMtONKiM r. Wkrhkl, J lt Editor nml Solo Proprietor. Kuku llKNXtNORn, Amoclnto KtlItor( POPULATION OP LINCOLN, 60,000, Title men employed by Stout oi lUickstnlT In paving linvo received f S.1,000 during tho past season. Title cntliuatnntit linvo promised Lincoln n lirnnch of tho Hock Island system by Juno I. It In to connect the Iunn lino nt Council Willi with tho Denver lino nt llcntricoor Fnlrbury. DOMESTIC ROCK SPRINGS C o E LEAVITT I 0T0 O.NK of tho very fluent holldny numbers was thnt of tho Ht IjOiiIm .VirefHf or. It lmd many social artlclot nnd lltiHtratlon, n number of tho littler printed In colon with pleasing ef fect. ITilK Now York .oiirnoffsf linn n c.tnlrond nil! " 0. W. Koer, tho original Oinitlin M'orM hutnoi Int. mentioned by Max O'Uell In 'Jonathan nnd HI Continent.' Personal address, Mnuch Chunk, Pit." Thk KrtninuXneH Inn added Iti mlto to wards spreading the good tidings of Lincoln's continual piwiwrlty. It review for 1S8U nj n illltl ult work well executed, nnd re dound to tho credit of Its stab. Thk Iilncoln Packing nnd Provldon com pnny employes 110 lwrsoim. From March 15 to Dec. in It handled over 103,000 hogs lh ing 1,000 pound, for which 1,U0,00 were paid, Dining thosnmo time It ililp'icd 000 caw of meats. GAY MIDWINTER'S GARB. FAnM OLIVE HARPER TRACES THE FINE LINES OF FASHION'S CHANGES. IIom No Longer Lead Now It l Collar, unit They Ar Known n the , ItiiMlan, Pari mid Merlin Style Mush Walking Coat Henrietta GooO. BccIaI Oorrcsponilrjice.) Nitw YortK, Jan. 2. I suppo-w It would not do for fashion to romnln tho samo nil tho tlmo, though It would rcquiro tho oyo of nn oxport or n wontnn to toll just exactly wherein ono otylo illlTnrn from another, no thnt it enn Ikj known na "in" or "out." DARN AND HENNERY. to the Agrleal Thl Will He nf Interest tnrlit. Thla Illustration gives a correct Idea of a country farm barn, from Pnllisor & Pallia er, Now York, which will Intercut thoso who are agriculturally inclined. To tho farmer It U ono of tho most important things how ho shall houso his stock and provldo storago for his grain, fodder, etc, nnd yet do it in nn economical manner, nnd tho many farm barns thnt nro to lo seen, with their chopped up nnd checkered apparaneo, Indicate that this matter has not had a proper amount of study nud forethought. Q ii'JliiiiliT B yr M3 The Oinnhit Mercury lamed nil Interesting holldny numb.'r, thu distinctive feature of which wits a large numlerof portrnltnof well know ii young buluoH ur.d prof ess lonnl men of thnt city. The paper was bound In n col ored cover with mi engraved title. CiKON CITY TRENTON Mits. Al. Faiiuiuothku of thla city had an nrtldo in last Sunday' Omahn Ilea In which ho wields a vigorous cudgel In t lcfonso of tho people of tho south, who linvo been accused by the lice of lutolermn-e hi thulr treatment o( the negro nnd of Cable for consorting with I trous them. I-ATKST FANCIES IN FUK3. IJoas nro no longer tho grent dcflldora tuni. Now It la collnra, nnd thoy nro pccullnrly biiiir nnd trim for furs, nnd nro of Russian Imro nud nil tho medium phort linlrcd furs. ThothrcocollnniBhown nro known by tho iimnon of IlusHlnn, I'nris nnd Horlln ntylcn, Thnt which ia nliku on Iwtli iwlntH ia tho Purls, thnt which cornea very closo to tho throat tho Uerlin, nnd tho ono which ia qulto open nt tho throat tho Kusslivii. These can bo bowii ujion jackets, wrnps or Nowmnr kcU, or thoy can bo detached, nud thus nro nvnihtblo for nlmost nny ocension, oven to wenriug with tho long Hk wrnps lined with squirrel furs. Tho mulls now worn by thoso ladles who liko to linvo something it littlo dilTorcnt from "tho common herd" look some what liko n spool of cotton In shnpo. Thoy nro entirely without ornamenta tion, nud tho cuds, Instead of lelng faced with fluted satin, nro covered with Bcalskin or beaver, or whntover fur tho rest is made of, nud tho very small placca whoro tho hands go in nro lined also with fur. This makes them very heavy, but very comfortable. Tito different collars nro very conven ient nud dressy, nud ndd just that degreo of comfort that is considered necessary to nit outdoor winter garment. A plain Nowmnrket is umdo into a handsome garment by tho addition of ono. I had n eep at some lovely now spring goods. Thcro nro new combinations in silk mohair brilliantino which render that usunlly harsh material as soft nnd I plinblo its camel's hair, while it Is ns lus- na silk. This cornea in sovernl VIKW. Let your tinrus look liko barns, your houses liko house. Wo would not for nny thing linvo your Iwirns Ira mistaken for houses or your housos for barns; for such things we liavo seen, and It makes us fool as If thcro was n screw loo-o somowhere. Doras should not Ira built for show. Thoy should, of courso, tw mode to look well, nud tx pleasant spot In tho landscape, and built in tho most sub stantial mnnner powlblo should bo arranged to snvo ns much labor as Ksslblo in tho caro of tho nulmnls thnt nro to bo housed nud fed in them. Let them Ixi woll ventilated and lighted, proierly floored; tho stonework of tho foundation thoroughly built, not dry, but laid up In good cement mortar. Don't Invite tho rats, ns thoy will como without. It has always loon n mystery to tho writer why tho farmers havo not, In a gouernl way, Ihx'ii wldo nwako enough to tholr own Inter ests to properly houso tholr fowls, Instand of lotting them run wild over tho wholo plnco, nud roont on wagons, carts and agricultural Implements whou not in uso nnd stored; to i:.r ii.---3C.-i- js i -i - jz .- DRIVEWAY HPjHl- L . to H . L' s Q o r o I In SHED Handkerchiefs Expecting thnt ns In the past, Ladles' Handkerchiefs would continue the most popular of articles for Holldny Gifts, wc secured such a line ai we arc sure was never before displayed In the city. Among them French and Irish Embroidered Hemstitched, From ioc. to $300 each. Swiss Hand Spun Linen, Hand Embroidered, .00 to $10 on each. From S French Silk Bolting Cloth, Hand Embroidered, From $1.35 to $3.50 each. Hand-Madc Duchcssc Lace From $1.00 to $:i 00. If you are In doubt ns to whnt to buy this Is your chance. Respectfully, Edges, iAuIhAJXj, !33 to 139 South Eleventh Street. Lincoln Savings Bank and Safe Deposit Go. CAPITAL, $260,000. LIABILITY W STOCKHOLDERS, $000,000. Iutorost pnld on itopnslt at nny rut of 3 per eont per annum for nil full cnlnndar month Safes to rent In burglar proof nud fire proof vauiu, ul nimutil rentnl of $5 and upwards. Money to loan on renl estnto nud collateral. YOlMt HA VINOS ACCOUNT SOMCITKD. HEXUY K. LEWIS, President. A.l H. STUAIIT. Vleo I'renlilent. .INO. II.MrfM.AY. Ticnsurcr. It. WUL8IT. Teller lid" OLD LEE "Anthracite. IIS S. 10th Strut. Ttltphont 360 OUR WARRANTED SHOE! ill t BB.!AL.,lbjV LADIES this line of Fine Shoes we place on the market and claim them to be the best line made. We WARRANT every pair. They are Hnnd-madc In every etpect and are the Latest tylcs. "What mnkos Lincoln growl" isnstnndlng conundrum, but tho record proves thnt it does grow, nnd at a wonderful rate, too. During 1880 over two millions were spent for new homes, nearly n mlllhn f( now business blocks. The Capital City has outdone nil pre vious ctlorta. Lincoln now has n real estate exchange that includes most of tho live dettleis in tho city, nnd thoy nro fitting up tho CouniEit's old quarters in tho Burr block for olllcos. This oxchango will do something more than sell dirt. Ouo of Its first efforts la thnt of hoeklug I uducomeuU for tho location of a fctove and mantel factory In Lincoln. OUR PRICES : $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 Wc can AVE YOU MONEY on this special line. Please call nnd see for yourself, at H. SHERWIFS Boston t Shoe t Store 1026 P ST. Thk state library has over 30,000 volumes, but 25,000 are law books. The State univer sity library hns 11,000 volumes, not Including the !),000 belonging to special departments, Tho State Historical society has a collection of 2,(100 Iwoka nnd tho city library has over 0,000. The Wesloyan uud the Christian universities havo alsomado beginnings In tho same direction. Thk master of cercmonios at last week's sparring match was R. J. Clancy, railroad reporter for the Omaha lite. Hob is the man who "brought out" Kollen, and, though nn nil-round port, ho U n gonial, clover fellow, an energetic, sharp repot ter. He hns Just engaged to go to Chicago a railroad inuu on tho now evening edition of the Herald at a salary of 1,600. Oscau Calliha.v, lato of the State bank of Itenkolman, has been elected cashier of tho Fint National In D, D. Mulr's place. Ho alto goes on tho board of directors, and T. M. Marquett takes tho late A. K. Touznlin's place. Mr. Calllhan has been at Tecumsch and lienkohunn for six years. Previously ho was in the government roveuuo servlcolntho St. Louis district. I tvmAna nml la vn, (Ifill Tf Id tr. tts. b.....u ....i. .u .w.j .,v.. .......... .. . .u w largely employed In making traveling dresses, mid for other uses which do maud tho best wearing qualities. Thcro aro sovcral now designs nnd styles in tho always beautiful Bilk warp Henrietta goods, some of them so flno and perfect that language fails to prop erly depict them. Tlioy aro dead flno, strong and with an exquisite surfaco bloom. Thcro is among tho spring de signs a now sheer material, semi-transparent, with stripes which aro simply in tho silk weave, nnd not overlaid, and theso stripes havo open work which re sembles hemstitching, making tho wholo bo light and graceful that tho namo of zophyretto is qulto appropriate. Thcro aro now effects in brocado patterns. Ono has a looso, straggling pattern of tho finest grasses, and these aro so perfect that thoy seem to lio carelessly upon tho surfaco of tho material, and all this is cunningly woven in black, tho weaving giving tho effect of lights and shades. A pretty now stylo in coats for young ladies is a rough and ready mado of bison cloth, worn with a Tarn O'Shantor cap of tho same color. This is very jaunty and becoming to tho jolly girl, llor reserved and prim Engllsh-you- know sister looks equally pretty in a drab clastic tricot, with a long, slim Newmarket and half a dozen little capes over tho shoulders, tho wholo sur mounted by a brown felt English walk ing hat. But fashion is so variablo, that if a girl put on her brother s Inverness capo it would not bo thought at all out of tho way, aud many would call it fetching. onouND Fuxm. let them lay their eggs whoro thoy pleaso, and then havo pleasuro of hunting for thorn, nud often (lading them nt n Into day such certainly must tra tho case, oNa why so many lad eggs nmongst thoso "nice fresh country cggxl" Chickens aro ono of tho most profita ble adjuncts to uny farm, and it is n very cosy matter to keep them where thcro is a numbor of cattle to feed. Tlio hennery here shown was carried outns nn addition to barn at hlllsldo farm, Now Mllford, Conn As tho shod Iwlow is a neces sity In connection with bnrn, nud n root in dlspeusnblo, tho only nddltlounl expenso Is tho floor, ono side nud cuds, with tho interior fittings, to muko n hennery which will nc commodato easily 100 to 200. Tho floor should bo tightly board od, then covered with a coat of boiled pitch and tar, on which spread soil two or throo inchos in depth. This will glvo an elegant scratching and wallowing ground. lATJRITmS J. H. MAURITIUS ft CO, Ladies' Furnishers. Agents for P. Centemeri (& Co.s GLOVES, The Best in tne World. MAURITIUS MAURITIUS 131 South lith St. MAURITIUS HAY DRIVEWAY Ashby & Millspaughs Are Closing Out their Entire Stock at Cost. time to Buy Goods at Now is the Wholesale Prices I ASHBY 8c MILLSPAUGH. AFTER THE FlREl iitt&r and Nicer than Ever I CHEVRONT'S Lunch & Oyster Parlors Mr Now re-opened nnd ready to serve frlands, patrons and the public. Call and "", "" I I CHEYROKT, Prop., IA6 O S Union Dlock. Thk State Journal has published Its annua' rovlew of Lincoln's building nud commercial growth, and it shows n much greater progross than auyono suspected. Tho Journal has put n great deal of work in gathering Its sta tistics, and it debcrves tho gratitude of Lin coln people in presenting in so couiiact aud Impressive a statement the story of the Capi tal City' growing greatness. Tmc annual meeting of tho Nebraska Stato Press Association will bo held at Kearney two days, commencing January 23d. Theasiocla tlon was never in a more prosperous condition than at.present, aud it is to bo hoped that ev ory man who cau possibly got nway will turn out to make this tho eer of all past meetings. Kearney extends complimentary hospitality to the Nebraska press nnd bids all quill drivers welcome. There is no class or profession that Is so little in union for its own welfare as tho newspaper fraternity, aud simply because of lack of interest in organisation. At this sea son of tho year ono mnu out of any otllco can get away for n day or two. The holiday sea sou U over, business U comparatively quiet, and a better time could not be asked tor. Turn out if posdble. V4 t V I .atflsL. Jrffi!fr aaBBajsBBBS UKrkj79if BLHLV Pwlsyl i I BHm jLr i HSHL fcjf fi$X if flKii3ii7 v (F nil A i in 'IfjpiiJ HJ-W STMWT-aFEED LOFT P HENNERY J pt-'ems I I TUB NBWK3T VHA3. A dressmakor told mo recently thnt I ought to writo it down as a law that a dark complexioncd woman ought never to allow herself to bo crsuaded to buy n green or purplo gown any moro titan fiho should take jolsou, or smoko a pipe, or any other such thing, for no matter what trimming sho put on thorn, tho wholo run of greens and purples would mako her look sallow and old. Only fair women ought to wear them Olive Haiifeb. LOFTS. Tho windows all arrnnsed to slido sldewavs. tho openings on outside being covered" with wire netting: tho food bin built so as to hold soveral bushels, and arranged to take caro of. itself, by constructing tbo bottom so as to empty into a small trough into hennery, in front of which is placed a porch; the chicks to feed in spaco adjoining marked chickens, which is Inclosed by pickets, open enough for thoin to ruu through. Nest boxes aro ar- raugod In tiers, ono nbovo another, nnd looao, so that thoy can bo tnken through into nost room aud emptied, mil for setting hens, turned around and fed from nest room. Geo. A. Crancer & Co. Art and Music. f$jiL LiiiLmV.3sB. vHmmibibiBVII H flsT,!E3MiSBiM?y ' idr JHjfififiufiflflnBBygMgaMaHjffJnii laMHaaBliK.liiMMirP'''' aWaWlsa7'T"SIr Notes on House lltlllillnK. The windowsof tho kitchen should be placed three feet from tho floor, so that a sufficiency of wall spaco may bo provided. Such height penults a tnblo to bo placed under tho win dow. Spcakiug tubes save moro steps In a houso than anything of small cost which may bo added to it. The amount of running up and down stairs which thoy save is hardly to bo estimated. Thcro should bo a tubo from tho family bedroom to tho kitchen, ouo from the sitting room to tho family room aud one from tho sitting room to the servants' room, and, possibly, ono from the family room to tho servants' room. Showing Jotiu Hull Around. "Ard what is this!" asked tho visitor. "This U Wall street. It is the most cele brated of all our American watering place. " Fa wncy I" Epoch, Buy your wife a Nice Picture for a Christmas Present Our stock is now complete, consisting of 'Etchings, Engrav ings, Photogravures, Oleographss, etc. Artistta Picture Framing. Picture Easels at Reduced Prices. SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. 2l X BETTS St WEKiZER, , : j MENDOTA O&L'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY WOOD yNT3 BEST ANTH'CITE HpsBBsasaaaaiBBiBMiltssasasasBMai . BBajaaaaaBJBBMBaa 1045 O Street. Telephone 440 S -C- ' i w A