Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 04, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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I '
-i ,
,i ns and operates J,VW mile of thormiKhly
Quipped roflii In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iown,
Missouri, Minnesota and iJaUoia.
It Is tho Host Direct llimto bet u en all tho
Prlurlpa) Voints In the Northwest, Southwest
nl Knr West
tor limps, tlmo (allien, rate of pansnca and
freight, etc.. limply to nearest Mutton agent ol
WAY. nrtonuy Railroad Auont anywhere In
tho world.
t.OMiorM M'u'r. (Ioii'I Pass. A I'kt ugL
W'.Uon' Mitr. I',v T. AkI
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
, fMT-Ko; informational referentr-tu '.Hud
uWTnwns owned by tho Chicago, Milwau
kee A Ht. l'mil Knlhvny Company," rlc to II.
U,'llAVaANllaml Commlslouer,MII uuukco
Atchlion, Leaven worth, St. Joscph.Kansas
City, St. Louis and nil Point South.
Edit ami Went.
The direct lino to Ft. Scott, Parens
Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil principal
points In Kansas.
. The only road to the Great Hot Springs
ol Arkansas. Pullman Sleepers nnd Free
Reclining Chnlr Cars on all trains.
JL G. HiNKl, R, p, R. MILLAR,
City Ticket Agt. Gcn'l Agent
Cor. O and nth Street.
TO -fiuX.Xj
1044 O STREET.
Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
tSTOperates and con
trols Its own service
between .,
VB Through Tickets and pggage Checked to
U points In United States and Cud&.
wfVwtbulo Sleepers, Palcttfal Dining Cars and
Ifniou Depot. , ,
IU South 10th street, . . . LlncoU
t GEO, N. F0RE8MAN, Agent.
. ;'."sirtlHW. aen'U'aiM. AVt
Them nmy Iwmoro iiltrn fnshlonablonrfalr
thnii the York club party on Now Year'
Eve, hut It may well ho doubted If nil)- chili
itnnro lint heed more keenly enjoyed by those
pirtlclpiitlug. Tlio ladles cro mostly In
light ovcnlng toilets nnd ninny of tlioiu wore
llo worn, Tho handsome program Iwro four
IrtMi number, Including tlio Herllu nnd tlio
Loomo. Tho lnttor Ik llko tho llerllu except
tlmt tlio K)lkn movement give plneo to n
nnlu. Dancing began with n march di
rected by Mr. E. J I. Ilruwu, Into of lhir
llugton, Iown, hut now spending tho whiter
In Lincoln vtlth her parents. At tlio hcnil of
tlio room wasn lingo punch bowl llllcd with
lemon fraponnd pteslded ooi by n colou-d
attendant. Tlio gentlemen did tlio handsome
thing by having refreshment nerved nt the
mlddlo of tlio program, nml It win
dono with such smoothness ns Imj worthy
notice. At tlio signal two trained col
orod w niters u imumuilnto white
brought from tho llttlo vubhy.holo ut
tho lido of the stage, .fifteen Miinll folding
fable wjlh cantor under tho logs. They wcro
setup, winded nut 011 tho diluting floor nnd
four chain drawn up to omii, Wlillo tho
young folVs wero taklnj their seat tho wait
t nt placed Ioim mid takes heforo them w Itli n
(loft qulckm m tlmt wns surprising, Tlio com
pany woro gnthorod In n eoasy group, mid ilia
cussed tho delicacies In comfort. It wns In
gnitoful rontrnst with tho stnnd-up, sxll-ymir-lroHi,
grnb-lt-pilcli stylo of serving ri
frcHhhioiiU, It wis n pivtty party nnd n
hnppy nfTiilr throughout. Among tho pnr
ltoiinnU woro Mewro. Ollleplo, Hentoii, lll
tt, Hcott. Beyholt. Will Clark. Unle. Tos
dhlo, Woods, I)ve, Johnson, C. 0. Clnrk,
Hatch, llrmlloy, Covort, Will 1'hllllpi, John
l'hlllliw, Hole, CmneiT, Ontld, WockUieh,
Kliuhell, CoK', Joyeo, linker nnd I'lumtner;
Allfemi Lllu Weeks of Hastings, Unylonl, Kiln
nii(l Killtli llilndloy, Clnrko, Scott, Hyatt,
linilott, Aiulni", I.VH0, Com Weaver, Nnnml
Wonvor, Avery, Illemltli, lloelimo, Hnrcli,
Hill, Hntoi, ll.nfonl, Morgan, Unle, lmg,
Mason nn.l Mrs. Drown. Among tho sjivcta
tor wero Mr. nnd Mm. Weaver, Mr. nnd Mr.
It. lllnfonl, .Mis. JnuiM Ilentou, Mn, M. II.
lllnford, Mr. mid Mn. W. 11. Uoeson of Mnr
slialltown, Iowa, Mlwea Alice nnd Kitty Cow
lry, MIm jhm Henton, Misses Tobln, Mnr
ipiotto and Cnrrlo Hill, Mesiru, John Uorguu
nnd Oeorgo I'ompolly.
Prof. J. W. Paulson gavo two llluitrntwl
lecture nt th-. Congrogntlonal church Friday
mid Hatunlny ovonlng, under tho nuspleiiof
tho Haydou Art club. Tho subject wero
"Dignity s. tho Aosthctlo" nnd "What to
Didld, When to Ilulld and How to llulld." In
tho former tho lecturer said n houso or u pul)
llu building should bo considered ns n monu
ment Which characterized Its builders, A
home should bo dUtluctlvoly "nMtful;"npub
lln building dlgiiillcd. Tho simple mid tho
liiiprcsslvo should bo combined. Ornaipcii'n
tlon shouM never Inteifero with tho Integrity
of tlio gciioi nl outline. In tho second lecture
some valuable ugestioiis wow offered re
gnnlhig platthfg n city, I'arUwas taken as
luiox.uuplo toilltutinto both tho advantage
of diagonal streets mid tho added cuVct of
hiiviil uu Impresiivu building at tho cloo of
a stn or. Prof, l'uttlson thought It would bo
profitable to open up diagonal streets in Lin
coln, I iidlntliig from the cop.tol. Those hav
ing clmro of tho plans or publlo buildings
should remember that In no way Is tho archi
tectural taste of a community educated so
well aa by one or two tiohlo buildings by the
bent architects. Storeoptleon views of tho
buildings diMlgued by suclwirchltecU ns Well
anUou nddo.1 greatly to tho enjoyment of
tlioio prowut.
A. C. CarKr, lately of Zlemor' ticket of
flee but now of Iiurlhigtou, Iowa, appenrs In
i ho list of guests ut a Christmas party nt Ce
dar ltnplds. The Cedar Ilnpids colony in
Lincoln, numbering twenty or thirty persons,
will bo Interested In kuowlng that It was given
under the patronage of tho following gentle
man and their wlvoi: 0. J. Ives, president of
too U., 0. It, & N rnltway; Cot. Clark, one
of tho brainiest and best known lawyers in
Iowa; Cnpt. Putnam, cashier Merchant' Na
tional bank. The refreshments were served
by tho crews cf two Pullman dining cars.
Two of those cars on tho Northwestern rail
road, one from Chicago and tho other from
the west, Ho our nt Cedar Rapids every
night, nnd their facilities are drnww on fre
mieiitly. On special occasion, when a dance
i held ut the Clifton house, ono of the dining
cars Is drawn up on a track within ten feet of
the hotel side door, and n special menu gives
tho gny revelors one of tho finest supers that
Mr. Pullman's service can spread. Tho extra
spice and Jollity may bo imagined.
The 8tate university class of 'SO held a Jolly
reunion Now Year's Kvo at the homo of Miss
Edna Uullock. About half of tho class was
present, namely: Messrs. Allen, M, I. Ulge
low, Baughmin, Newcomer, Collins, Fifer,
Gerwigj Misses Haggard, Uullock; Airs. Ful
tner. Tho following wero guests: Professor
Foliuer and Misses Mockott aud Marshtud.
Young Sherman Wilcox has au editorial In
the Omaha JfrtuMfcau of Tuesday jMiylng
his compliments to a "worthless rascal who Is
traveling in tho western counties in tho Inter
est of the Worhl-lltmld and lying about tho
diameter and ihumiial standing" of the older
Wilcox. The, "worthl.HM t-nnl'l t, ,,nn
otlur than our quondam friend, Whig Allen.
Cards are but for tho marriage of Mr. Al
bert Katzeiistein of this ritv tn Ml T.'i.u.,,.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ivl of Neural
k vny, on ivounolay, Jan. 15. Tho new
couple will beat homo at 1000 L street after
Mr. II. C. Eddvntlil Jl-n Plnrn Ami,, !,....
surjirlsed their friends with tho uunounce
uient that they were married somo time ago
nt Kanvis City. They nro occupylug a cozy
uume on v sircei near i wenty-eightli.
V. F. Movers, tailor Of tlinnrinnnNnllnn.
al, Is liack from his visit ut his Qulucy homo.
uui iuj; uis uuaeiicv ua iuuuk a run up 10 Chi
cago to see tho Auditorium "and hear Pattl.
Dr. Heeves of tho B. & M. rolief depart
ment returned Sunday from a Christmas with
ids family In Qhlcago. Of course ho saw and
heanl Pattl tho divine.
W. L. Stephens, who graduated from tho
Stnto university last summer, has been mado
principal of tho Union soininary at Bennett.
Mrs. Ji-mes Mnhoney, assisted by her sister,
Miss Bond, entertained a company very
pleasantly Tuesday evening.
A Lincoln gentloman has boon nutborlzed
to send a list of names for Invltatlous to tho
Omaha Guards parties.
Miss Anna Chosney of Kansas City Is a
guest of Mrs. A. II. Talbott for the holiday
Mr, and Mrs. Oeorgo Smith, now of Oma
ha, were over-Sunday cuesig nf fi.or.A
Dr. II. C. Victor, who had len called east
by tho sickness of his father, returned Mon
day. Hon. and Mrs. B. F, Cowdry roturned Mou
day trom their Ornnd Island visit.
ItfS, Mcintosh went to Council Bluff Mou
day to attend a german.
Mrs. Charles M, K.vfor IseniertalnlngMlM
Jeslo (lellatty of Fnlrbury.
MlMKthllila Hush of Auroin is visiting
Mr. P.. T. Qadd.
Mlm Ilettlo Burr Is homo from her school
J)i Trogdeu Is homo from his Illinois vllt.
Tho Hnydnu Art club exhibition Is closed,
(For uthur Social Now 8eo Pago 8.)
Among tho Ineidouts of childhood that
stand out In hold relief, ns our memory re
vert to the days when wo wero young iiouj
nro moro prominent than severe rickueiM, Tho
young mother vividly remembers that It wa
ChamU'rlaln's Cough lteiuedy cured Mr of
croup, mid hi turn administer It to her own
olf'prlng nml nlway with tho liest success,
I'orwtlo by A. I Hhador.
You enn save 'JO percent on yourliatilwn e
and get n chance nil n (1 00 sewing maiiilno
for uvery dollar' worth you huytitltalid
Coiupnro tho Country original drawing
with the llluMiatlons ns they npHMi' in tho
uiiiKnzlne, which tlio Hnxdou Ait club has
for lim)oetloii In thoUeunto cliamler.
llalrd llroH. nre giving -0 per cent discount
on nil cash snlos and a chance on a 1 15 sowing
machine on wavy purchase or hill ild to the
nmouutof 61.00.
Mr. Margaret Lathers, of Shoploro, Wis.,
died Dec 7, ngisl 01 yenrs.
An Albany (Vt.) man has shlpjied to west
eni markets this year 8,000 tons of maplo
sugar, valued at 107,000,
"You look so much llko your brother,"
said Dennis to Phollm, "that I could toll yez
was brothers If I'd nlver socn nlther nv yez."
Baron Douuczal, n French olllcor, proposos
that Franco mid Germany should fight on a
now princlplo, each country to liavo 100,000
men on Its sldo only.
Tho Southern Pnclllo Ilnllroad company
has mado preparations for fencing both sides
of It trncks lu Oregon. It will require 700
miles mid w 111 cost $108,000.
"No, darling," said mother to her sick child,
"tho doctor says I mustn't read to you."
"Thon, mamma," begged tho llttlo girl,
"won't you please read to yourself out loudl"
A well known doctress, member of Sorosls,
positively forbids tlio promiscuous kissing of
children nnd tho blowing on food to cool It,
both common nnd bad practices, for tho rea
son that tho breath Is often tainted mid dis
eases nro theichy transferred, Now York
It Is being noted by the London press tlmt
the sou of the Archbishop of Canterbury tins
become stage manager of n theatre, and that
tho daughter of the BUhop of Gloucester will
appear in tho Christmas pantomime nt Her
A remarkable spot In Vermont Is tlio form
ing town of Wiilthnm, which contains 0,7t
acres of laud and lias H Inhabitants. It has
no jtfwtollleo, church, town Iioumj, jioor
house, store, lawjer, doctor, blacksmith's
shop, nor oven n bridge, nnd yet It Is ono of
the thriving towns of Addison county. Its
taxes mo merely nominal.
Thomas Hart Benton was a lighter by
temperament and exciiencu. Once, hi the
senate, n senator had referred to w hat he
called "a quarrel" of Benton's. "Mr, Presi
dent, sir," wild tho groat Mlssourlan, sternly,
"tho senator Is mistaken, sir. I never quar
rel, sir; hut I sometimes light, sir, nnd when
over I light, sir, n funeral follows, sir!'1
Bill Nye, on a ncont visit to Philadelphia,
called upon n well known muslo lover, nnd
while thoro was nsked to wrlto In an auto
graph album. Ho did so, and among other
tilings wrote the follow lug: "Wagner's music,
I have been informed, is really much better
than it sounds."
Tho wisdom of planting willows has boon
Justllled during the recent Hoods, says a Now
York luqier. Tho government engineer In
charge of tho Potomac rlvor Improvements
states that where willows were plautul the
land wns from washing, and prac
tically no damage was dono, while in tho im
proved hinds not so protected there was
groat loss.
In his messago to tho South Carolina legis
lature, Governor Richardson rocoiumonds
tlio separation of tho two races In railroad
coaches. ThJ collection and preservation by
tho state of .all tho tings of tho Confederate
army and navy Is also recommended. The
governor says these ensigns represent tho
honor and valor of tho pooplo, and tho state
should take care that they aro roverontly
preserved ns honored memorials of tho gal
lant mid self sacrificing dovotion of her sous.
Tho Berlin court will bo exceptionally gay
tills year, new that tho mourning for tho two
emperors is at an end. Besldo tho formal
state ludls and receptions there will be fancy
dress balls, tableaux vtvants aud private the
atricals. Eniieror William lias mado nu
merous alterations In court dress and cere
monial, which havo been solemnly communi
cated to tho foreign ministers. As to tlio
German officials, two columns of The Olllcial
Gazette ore devoted to their gala uniforms,
specifying every button and scrap of em
broidery. Of nil roynl personages the Prlncoof Wales
U tho most noted for the enormous quantity
of luggage w hich ho cause to lie sent with
him on his journeys. Ho takes w hole boxes
of hats aud huge trunks of drtfes suits, morn
ing coats mid other changes. Ho makes a
point w hen visiting nny where of not being
seen t ice, In the same coat, nnd tho varioty
of his garments is as nstoiilshlug as tho tailor's
bill for them must be long.
Parents should bo careful that their chil
dren do not contract colds during tho fall or
early winter mouths. Such colds weaken tho
luugs aud air passages, mnklng tho child
much moro llkoly to contract other colds dur
ing tho winter. It Is this succession of colds
tlmt causes catarrh or bronchitis or paves tho
way for consumption. Should a cold lie con
tracted lose no time, but cure it as quickly as
possible. A fifty-cent bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy will cure any cold hi a
few days and leave the respiratory organs
strong and healthy. For sale by A. L. Sim
der, druggUt.
Tho nobbiest turnouts that are seen on our
thoroughfares aro from tlio Palace stables.
Telephone No. -i'M. Stables ou M street o
poslto Masoulo temple.
Flue carriages, buggies, s (idle horses aud
tho best livery stock In the city at A. G, Bill
moyer & Co's. Palace Stable. Telephone
orders (No. -IM) receive prompt attention.
A Wauderlng Arab ami n Spanish Truck
man Win ','(), OOo.
Two tickets sold in this city for the October
drawing of tho Louisiana State lottery drew
big prizes. The lucky ticket holders were
Hansa Mohammed, one of the Arabian jug
glers, and Anthony Somei I vn, who does tho
trucking of Hnwley & Hook8, confectioners,
371 Mulberry street. Mohammed hold one
twentieth of ticket 71,333, di awing second
cnpltnl prize of ?100,000. Tho ticket held by
Somerlvn was number M,8M mid drew one
twentieth of the first capital prize of fcWO.OOO.
Tho inonoycame through Wells, Fargo& Co's
express, New York Dally .Veins, Nov. 0.
7 ' fcvrf1!$nF$' ft:
No. 710. I'l of tlm Hensiui.
BreJmuco clesos no etli ceens
D,in hwtn prapea hot mothsu uogo stapf
Stagmerfu fo mcti wichh cone hcav benol
Desuchigco lowly, Ifed oto fats!
Thlro mlenut. shour, dan sayd jiareap
LI vow ess ul hatt malls tlnop, a ryea.
No. 730. A Charade.
Lord Ronald burned the famed Yulo log
With wassail lu his hall,
And first wns wrentlied In many n fold
Wlieiu tho Christinas moonbeam fall
Ho Miiired tho second In n glass,
And pledged tho Christmas glow;
And tlio whole In tlio garden lay dead
Under the gleaming snow
N'. 781. Cross Word Kiilgma.
My first Is lu March but not lu Spring,
My second lu Eaglo but not in Wing;
My third Is In Power but not In Strong,
My fourth in Wnrblo but not hi Song;
My fifth is in Rose nud nl lu Loaf,
My sixth hi Summary, not In Brief;
My seventh Is In Hummer but not lu Joy,
My eighth lu Golden but not in Toy:
My ninth Is lu Apple but not In King,
My tenth lu Whisper but not in Sing.
I como from tho woods, If thoro you espy
A (lower or n bird tlmt Is sweeter than I,
I glvo you permission In April weather
To servo mo on snow nnd cnt mo together.
No. 793. i:nsjr Transpositions.
Trnnsposo n part of n musical Instrument
Into a stain; nlso Into cooking utensils; also
Into the highest pnrti; also Into n placo.
No. 733. Mental Arithmetic
No. 734. A Kiddle.
I sing hi the woods n gentle song;
I lurk hi tho glens, or the brook nlong.
I glvo to the sparkling stream n huo
Tlint artists would love to paint so truo.
And in thb student's don I dwell,
Wlillo o'er tho boy I cast my spell.
Tho i-cliolnr loves my soberest fnco;
Tho nrtlJt paint my prettiest grace.
I'm black und white yollow nnd gold
Mnylw red or green, maybo gray and old,
No 733. How Is This?
In a staso coach on tho nay to a Christmas
gathering nt tho old homestead wero 1 grand
mother, a mothers, 2 aunts, 4 sisters, 2 broth
ers, 4 daughters, two sons, 6 cousins, 3 nieces,
2 nephews, a grand-daughters and 2 graud
fons. How many persons wero there?
No. 730. Numerical Eiilemn.
My whole, containing 22 letters, Is nn old
saying often heanl by girls.
My 10, 15, 2, 10 U huge.
5Iy a, 4, 0, 13 Is n prong.
My 18, 0, 22, 81, 3 is odor.
My 17, 1, 2, 5 Is ono of tho points of the
My 14, 7, 13,- '.2 Is one of Noah's sons.
My 0, 8, 10, 11, 0 Is relating to n city.
My 20, 10 denotes position.
No. 737. Uoverscs.
1. Roverso n luminous body, nnd havo tho
plural of an animal.
2. Roverso "a conflict," and havo "un
cooked." 3. Roverso a boy's nnmo, and havo tho
homo of a wild beast.
4. Roverko a vegetablo which grows within
tho earth, aud havo a month.
5. Roverso tho plural of a kitchen utensil,
and havo "to break with n quick sound."
0. Roverso a klud of weed, growing near
tho water, and have an nulmal.
An Alphabetical Wooing.
Let others talk of I. N's eyes,
And K T's flsure, light and free,
Say I. It, too. Is beautiful
I hee J them not while TJ I C.
U need not N V them, for U
X L them all, my M L E.
I havo no words when I would tell
How- much In lovo with U I B.
BosweetUR, niyUllE,
I loe your very KEO;
And w hen you speak or sing, your voice
Is like a w lnsonie L O D.
When 17 It I-C, ho; D K's,
I am a mere nou-K T T.
Such r E K C has your smile,
It slileKls from N K N M K.
Tor lovu so deep as mine, I fear,
There Is no othw M E D,
But that you lovo mo luick again
O, thought of heavenly X T CI
Bo, lest my M T heart and I
Should sing for lovo an L E O,
T's mo no more n Y's, n kind,
O, M h E, U B, I C!
V-St. Nicholas.
Key to tlio Piim
iw, m. x uiiiiuruuiini i "opo
deified, solos, gig, pup, tenet, deed!
a,, , Y. .1.. n t
No. 712. A quostton of making
Tho grocer gave his quarter to
stauder, nnd his fifty cent pleco to tho pu:
Tho bystander gave his two dimes and his
ono cent pleco to tho purchaser, and his five
cent pleco aud his two cent pleco to tho grocer.
The purchaser gave his ono dollar bill nud
his two cent pleco to tho grocer, and his three
cent piece to tho bystander.
Thus, with the fowest possible changes,
each man received tho exact amount ho was
entitled to.
No. 713. A Pictorial Rebus: Ono day In
paradlso is worth a thousand years on earth,
No. 714. Doublo Central Acrostic:
No. 715, Going to Murket:
Pepper, gin-
ger, rice, syrup, spice, soda, currants, sau
sago, starcu, sugar.
No. 710.-What Is It: A button.
No. 717. Anagrams. Historians: James
Anthony Froiido, William II. Prescott,
Oeorgo Ilawlhison. Authors; Edward Ever
ett Halo, Charles Egkrt Craddock, James
No. 718. Empty vesseU mako tho greatest
v -AS.
- i r
yt, nun
Shclton & Smith's for Fancy Rockers.
Shclton & Smith's for Willow Rockers.
Shclton & Smith's for Pedestals.
Shclton & Smith's for Children's Chairs.
Shclton & bmith's for Hall Rockers.
Shclton & Smith's for Oflice Desks.
Shclton & Smith's for Ladies' Desks.
Shclton & Smith's for Library Chairs.
Shclton & Smith's for Library Tables.
Shclton & Smith's for Bookcases.
Center Tables at Shclton & Smith's.
Children's Beds at Shclton & Smith's.
Folding Bed's at Shclton & Smith's.
Chamber Suits at Shclton & Smith's.
Music Cabinets at Shclton & Smith's.
Blacking Cases at Shclton & Smith's.
Sideboards at Shclton & Smith's.
Dining Tables at Shelton & Smith's.
Dining Chairs at Shclton & Smith's
Parlor Goods at Shelton & Smith's.
At the Very Lowest Prices.
234-238 South I Ith Street,
Carpets and Draperies!
of the Carpet trade for 1889 is now done. We
still have six weeks left in which time we propose to reduce
our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Spring
trade. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST
SELL the goods. If you are in need of anything in either
CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before
placing your order and you
purchase elsewhere.
MostlPopular Resort in the City.
-o 1 1 io, 1121 and
Meals 25 ctsA ,
will find you cannot afford to
1123 N Street. o-
$4,50 per Week.
ttUi. -