Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    o If
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4 J1'" "M ttJ " .v-Tt c
a np-Tr
V-1, "W
-d? wfpfrm
U, P
' Saturday Evening, Dec, 7, '89,
The Couiukii will lint Ih reiohlblo for
any debts mnilo by nny one In ltn nnmo, un
less n written order ncivmpmtle tlio same,
properly signed.
Jj. W'khuki., Jr., 1'rop'r.
Otrner 10th and P ttraata.
Dry Goods
Tim Courier Can tin Found Al
"AVlmlnor Hotel Ntiws Hlmi.l,
-PnpHnl Hotel News Miami.
(Well's lllntiiK llnll News Wand.
The (milium NovrsStnihl.iti Month II lit HI.
llorl lluinicr. lit Noiih llth Hlteot.
j Kit. Yuuiir.JIWIO Hired. .
Knltm AHmllh, UilO
- Utile Bport cigar Hlort. 113 N. 13th M.
1137 O STREET.
A Maehlne That Is Superior to the Item
Inston or Gallg-raph.
Tho Weasel Printing Company hnvobecn
jkMiauited agent fortho now unil jwpulnr
Yost Typewrite for southeastern Nebraska
Tommy of our readers thlsiuiw machine is
already known, and nil who liovo seen it pro
Bounce tt far suiwrlor to any of tho older
Ijsachlne. Ai far as utility and speed ore con
tented It I giving butter satisfaction than
HKMr tho nemlnftton nr the Callgrnph, be-
ftr points of convenience, improvo-
i and sreneral construction it far excel
ttKyWiliiflH this Him ever Invented. This may
seat a broad assertion and doubted by those
"Who art using tho above machine', but when
tt 1 kuown that Mr. Yost, tho Inventor, hat
for yean built t Remington and Callgrapb,
tt H reasonable tobeUeve that being: con-
ttaaMr In the business lie ha bad opportunity
I note where improvements could be made,
m accordingly hi able to furnish a better
pswriter Mian either of tho othors. On Uiu
. Mt ae ribbon U used, each letter or figure
striking the paper direct, and by a very valu
able new patent are in exact and perfect
alignment, it poorerabio either Callgrnpu or
Remington keyboard will bo furulMied. All
1 who Wave wen this new machine in Lincoln
proaeuueu tt n gem,nud we shall Ih pleased
to have all lilterebted cull mid eo it. Offlnt
with this Oavital Citv CouniKii, 123-1S4
North Twelfth utiwt, now Hurr bliK-k.
l.itcHt and Pernoual.
U'hltebre&st Coal andLlino ComiMiiy.
Lincoln Ico Co., lOKl'o St. Tolephouo 118.
a IrovvnVi'uaUuiautforincal
Take TurkMi t mill O utreet.
...frtejihmie at Hie Counted oitico la 3.V),
X.' Hallett, "leading jeweler, 1U1 N. llth.
htiaeral water wed for bathing, 1010 O rt.
Ladtea, come Mid nee u at tlm lft-centtore.
Slve Bettn Hi Weaver, tho nuw coal Uriii, a
Vtttt We MKoent ktore, Ui Boutli Twelfth
llmkiV v
Leek at the ftc, 10c and 25c counters ut the
mi rtrtA
IMmC. J. Gulbnette's drew
on. 19W O street
making par-
T7 aome'ot the One freeu fkb aerved e,very
day atOaweren'.
Oanon City Cud again at Urn Whltebreaat
Coal atid Lime Co.
Roaat BiettU, mid vegetables of all kindsat
CMHeron's Lunch Houm,
ftfrior quality Anthracita coal at Belt
AWeaVerV. Call up MO.
The old reliable Canon City Coal t llutch
1m & llyaHV, 1041) O itreeU
Improved ehower for Turkish batlu ut 1010
O utreet, lH8euiet Union block.
Only plco in Lincoln Uiat uhch mineral
water la lUw fa at 1010 O ittreet.
Try an oyster stow or oyfr In nny ttyle
alWn Cameron'x. They ai-e flnu.
Dr. R. C. Troadon, Deutfat,'ikM Bouth llth
street, over Elite tudlo. Telephone 4X1.
Drown is ready to serve hauqueta, nodding
collallmiK and other spreads on shot t notice.
Canon City, Mendota, Ohio Ulock and Col
,ra4oCvl, at Detts & AVeaverV, phone 4 10,
Now la the tinio to lay in your winter up
ply of coal Mutchlux & HyattV 1040 O
Freh mined Lackawana Anthraclto and
other tluo coala at Ilutchiiui & Hyatt's, 1040
O street,
Ludle will find a complete lino of Ono shoes
aad aM the kteet sty lea at tho proper prices at
MmtwIhVi Boston Shoe Htore.
steal nA gannenU at II. R. Nlnley & Co.
AU siass asMl kagthfl In Snccmex, Modjeska
aa Jaokets. hi Hue grade of plu-vhtw.
IktyVwir coal of the Wbttebreast Coal and
Line Co., aad It will always be well tcreaued,
taU wsigbt, beat quaitYiiad at right prices,
Asaby 4fc MlHupaugh are offering their eu
tfrs ateek ot Una dress goods and silks at cost.
Mew It Mm ttcae to buy a nk drees for very
fafaSkaaa MattaV
faaaaBj awKa-a
MsHk K. lUssell, artbt in China, Oil, Pas
ts) aad Wator Color palBting. Studio, room
Mi Joaes Woek, eoraer Paud Twelfth streets,
satraww U9 aorta Twelfth stmt.
TM oyster watoit to open and Brewa's res-
t, M assping WHa Ha attaoiisaea repa
, tossjfailyiag large, fat aad delletotw
i la aajr syJe at rsasoniw pnees.
l??"WirMYc'V'Sv1JS5,iWl I
m r
Ono of tho imwt srclahlo mid siirrrwfiit of
tlmri'li nffnlw wn tlm Tnrlor Ittc'ptlo;i Hilo
held. by tho Isdlm of tlio First 1'niibyU'rliin
rhiircli Inst Wnlnealny. I'erwinnl lis well ni
puld'o invltntlons weio ImikvI nmt iinnied tlm
hours f nin'JtolOp, in, Tno nirnlr Inclinlnl
tlmMIInu of fnuov nrllolm mid tliosyrvlimof
lofrisliinnitM.iiiidonn tiniM Imiilly IiiihJmo
nolnircli thnt would lend liself to the purpowi
iw we'i ns mis iiemitmil linuso Tlio Itlg jmr
tltlou mis Id down bctneeii tlio iiiiitltniiinii
pnHT nnd tho Huiidny Mihnol ilepnrliuent.
In tlmlnrgeitiouiof tho Inter wem M'Vernl
tnhliw limileil with Hid l.ouillful ImiidlwDikiif
tho IiiiIIim, mid tliesnrtlelw hiM pVndlilly,
0x.iiing from the largo pmlor Is n nuiuherof
suihIi ems nxiius, TliiMe weio occupied ns
refnnliimiit booth nnd worn den mimed bv
dllfemnt iiilnii. All with oliiburntely ileco-
rntil, tlm pniloiiiln int eolur giving tho imino
to ench hut thu eiindy comer. First nt the
right, nfier entering, ivns n sumll nnrtmeut
f i om which .Mwm Ollvo taltn mid Lulu
Llnrku ilisNiiiMvl swott of lioiiin iiiMiiufno
turo. It wnsilevoiiitd with funs mid How
its, Tlii'ii on i no thu Hluo liootli In ehiirgo of
Meliumi Lain, J.N T Jonw, II. I. Tom
win, L. F. M. KjslPtiUy, Al. Boott, ClmrloH
Iliirlon.T. U, Miiiigernml It L. Howell. It
wa Itnudftuiuely m.d olnlnirntely docurnttil
withliicuvurmiH, itorilens, runs, Heroens,
rmmnnd pltiMh lumitiiio In which n bhiutono
wns piodoiiilneiit, butits pi Momiil glory ivnsn
sot of bluo cliln i. Tliuy m-u n fmuliy lit Irloom
thnt Ims coiuo down to Mrs, Knsioidiiy, mo
veiy old nnd of course highly prlr d. Next In
lino cnina tho Yellow booth, wuoso preslling
giHOoi weru Aliwl iin.s II, II. Patrick, Miimhi
Ureg, W, C. Mills mid I)r, Crini mid Mn.
Mo.rUon. Too ontinnco wns drn)ol with
Vllllo InOUinrtlllhS. Ivhlch ifil.nw furli.tnn nf
the proiorshnilo turned Into yellow to tho
oyo. llio t.blo Imixi h yoilov scurf mid yel
Jo.v ihrjiuintiiuiiiuius. Tno w.ills woiu omn
menlo. wlih yellow fmis nnd clilim silk
uinped, mid golden lulls prompted witty io
murk. Tho Indies of tlm Oivon b mth Mcs
liuiita II. T. Vim Iliunt, V. II, Wocott. C.
II Ho mw, Clinrlcsl, Jonos mid O. W. U'oli
ster wero not in keeping with tholr surrounding-.
In tint they uerondeptmnl clmrm
lug hnnU-scN. Qroeti tm letongnvo tlio proHir
tonoto tlmlnco (iirlnlus ut tlio entrance to
tho iKHith. Smllux, peacock feat hers, plants,
n table unter plico of fruit, git-ou candlvs,
green pnor tiliumluRsigieeii pluh nnd other
dicorutlnns pn stilted pretty elTecti mid gnvo
tho.rtght color, Tho presiding gtntuo4 of
the Ormigo booth were Mewlauies Frel Hild
win, C B. HulTiiinii, E K. Cnl.y, II. It.
Wilfyj Win. II. Hrevoiirt mid II. K. lllll
moj t r-A At the entrance woi o Juiiaiieso ior
tlorosmiddrnplngii of chlirt silk. Tho Into
rlor wus guy Ntidertlstlo In china silk cur
tains, chrysanthemums, rugs, Howors mid a
grout xmii'ty of orengo colored duiefl. Tho
motto of those 1 idles ns' We (Hyo Hinltcfor
Bnlle," winch was onibroidnred oil n sitlu
i Ibhoii. At tlio oxt renin let t of tlio circle cauio
tliu lied booth, ono of tlio Inrirrst mid mrwt
clnbornte, uudor tho o ii o of tlisddnieii C. E,
Yntes, Win. A. IVeslon, Gnirgo Cook, 8. E.
Moore, U. O. Dawes mid Gipt, Pulne nnd
Mrs. Uloriic 1 ho ontinnco was hung with
iol clion Un portleroi nnd Midrni curtains
relieved liyxhlt'. lace, Tlio windows Insldo
wiro wound with red bunting. Tho table hid
n 1 1 epical plant surrounded by scarlet out
flowi rs for a center piece. A rd Inble scarf,
Jtipunea i Iwnner, screen, rugs nnd nuiuerouH
drnM added to the jjoueral effrct. IWfieeh
nienU were served In U IhebO Uioths. ColTeo
and wnfeis were provided for nil froo of
chaige, and persons wishing wiraeihlng more
snUunUul oouldgrt vrcnm nnd enke. Tho
reception nolo was not only pretty mid prof
itable. It was excel dlngly iwlablo, nnd tho
ladles scoiod a groat suicoss lu every way.
Thu charity lull committees have held sev.
ernl meetings this week, and tlio piepnratlnnj,
are going forward 'flnoly. Tlio iuvlUilions
havo beriiordeicd nnd will bo issued noxt
week. Tlio officers and commlttcca have leeu
elected at dlfforent times and betn nnnouiir-
id piwo-tno il. For tho benefit of the muny
InUreMnltho Courikr herewith ghostho
nmt mil nnn ouio'al IM; riclilent, Gov. J.
M. Thnyer; it-o prw-ident, A. (i. ZK-mcrj
secrotury, Jost-ph Uoehmer; treasurer, 8. II.
Ilurnlimu; oxecutlvo conuulttco, A, C. 'Ac
jner, clintriumi, Allwit Wat kins, John Fitz-
gornl(l,ThomasII Denton, Robt. II. Qinlmui.
Finnnco commttteo 8. II. Du'iilnim, chnlr
man, It. II. Oakley, E. II, Audi us, A. J.
Bnwjtr nnd J. II, Hnrley. Q option com-mlttee-Oov.
Tlinyor, O, C. Dnrr. D. R,
Cowd.y, J, E. Hill, Joseph Doehmer, John
Btwn, O. II. Gere, D. E, Thompson, R. 8.
McIutoh ond F. M. HnlL Floor managers
F. Cv Zehrung, C, E. Magoon, A . J. lice
ton, G. N. F mnmu, C. R. Rlohttr and. T.
W, Gilfllih. rrlhtlngvomnilitco-C. II. Im
hoff, F, U. Zehiung, Dr. II. F. Rnlley. Mu
slo conimltteo L. crsc1. Jr., John D.
Wright; C. II. Initio)!, II. J. Hall, W. E,
Hardy. Ccmmlttoo on decorntlons W. E.
Hm-dj', H. R- Nlssley, O. Mohrenstecher, 0.
J. Ernst, Robt. MuReynoldt. In vital Ion
ODnnnlltrtv-C. R. Rtchler, C, E. Magoou,
0. N. Foreuunn, A. G. Demon, T. W, Grlf
flih, F. 0. Zehrung.
Tlio Elks aro sotiliil In their new quarters,
which w civdt scribed at h ngth In tho Cochiru
of several weks ago. Tho first meeting wa
held lost Monday evening, mid the (members
wero delighted with their now rooms, JThey
occupy tho whole of tho third floor of thenow
Harris bloek on N treet, nnd nro mperior in
all ways to the old quarters, Tho rooms aro
much more conveniently mrnnged, and In the
matter of dining room facilities there Is no
coiupttrlson. The new quartors are hand
komely furnbliocl, well llghteil mid provided
wlthtinliiodnttcndmiU. Tho caterer Ugmi
serving lunches eurly In tho weuk nnd is now
pi o pared to f urniMi a fine inonu to order. As
already explalued in tlieso coIuiiiih. tho club
has pruned ilk meinbei ship of all dead wood,
nnd it starts unew with n very choice list of
membem. It comprise a lot of gentlemen
with whom It U a credit to bo nsKOclnted, nnd
they will undoubtedly give it a hih pionigo.
Aliomly fourteen or tllteen applications nro
In, mid inemboivhlp in the Elks will lo n dis
tinction mgcrly sought. At Monday's meet
lug It was decided to given social tax-sion for
the l'ostnge Stamp company Thuisday even
ing. Nochaiignwasmnde In the secretary
Mup, Miornl members having attended to tho
workduiingMr. W. 8. Huffman's nbtnco.
Mr, Frank C. Zehrung has ben doing It In
the wit, niuVMr. Al. Hurgrcavee is about to
tako iv turn at it.
Tho Yorko gave tu third party at Tomplo
ball la&t night, and, ns usual, it was a gnat
suceets. Alter a pretty grand march, in
Which 'the wave figure was tlio principal
movement, tho program of 14 numbors was
danced, Tho Philharmonic) orchestra, assisted
by Miss Willoughby, furnished tho mudo,
Among thoto present wore: Miwes l-eal Dew
and Addle. Russell of Tecumwli: Jennie
BuBcher, Clara Carmody, Mlnnlo DePue,
Cat-rie Deunls Mlmilo Gaylord, Alico Gadd,
Margsretllallelt, Jennie Morgan, Bersle Ma
sea, Naomi Weaver, Myra Trott, Fumiio
Blnfoti), KaleLeese, Jcl Winger, Beid
Freemau, May Tibbies, Ella Brindley, Hattle
Decker, Ina Durcli, Ida Durwlrtb, Mertle
Moeller.Mattle Gillespie, Miss Hatch, Messrs.
Fred Gadd, O. AiCianccr, E. E. Oli'espe,
iC Htatou, Guy Hals, O. II. Frow, P. A.
Hallett, Mark Woods, Hugh Baker, A. 0.
Cope, C. M. Camp, Taos. Teasdale, Will
Johnson, Chns Clark, Will Clark, C. Hi
(IoihIoII, 11, A. Hlimmoii, John riillllm, Wm.
I'lillllpi, Fred Plmmnei', K, I). Dlnfonl, Goo,
t'overt, J, MeUrosky, H. M. Joyce, J.
Klniholl, E. Bradley, Mr. Hatch.
Mr. Joeph Bwnn's elegant homo was
thrown ojien Mnudny nvenlng to n large mid
u-ry enjoynblo progrosrlve ruehrti party. A
novel fenturo wns Introduced In tho form of
n small vvhistlo nt cm h tablo Instead of a Ml
ut the first, 'iho whist Icsciiusol n great deal
or sHirt mm wero prouoitncnil n great Im
prnveineiit over tho old s'nglo hell, Tlioro)nl
piires fell lo Mr. I'. II Wing mid Mlxs
MtohlM, tho consolation irrm to Mr. O. C.
Iltirrmiil Mrs, IlochtiH-r. Tho guesbi worm
Missis, nnd MecdmiicH Hnrgrenves, Cnjl
Ftiuko, C. U. Burr, Iloehmer, Ogden, Motiy
rose, Benton, Wnrren, Iz-onard nnd
H. II. Burnhmu, Mr, W. U. Furst of
Donver, Messrs. IL E, Jloytx, F. Uoutc, Al
gnrs, I), E. Thiuupwn, Fmiicom, Wing, 0.s
luuikn, Mullen nnd Altken, Mlws Volght of
Builington, AnnloFunke, Hninmnud, Miller
mid Graham of Chicago, Bishop mid Italian-
iiiki or umnhn, ii'ivvs. Htohlw. Urnce mid
Gertie Aiken, Mrs. Ilnnl mid Mis, Little,
Mr. nnd Mrs, Carl Ftiuko entertained u
small company vi ry ilellghtfully Thursday
ovenlng. Tho enlertnlnment was progrewiivo
euchiv, nnd it novel fcituru WMnbcllon each
tnlilo to bo rung by tlio couple making fl.o
H)lnts IliTtt. This nvolded tho Usual delay
mid deliberation nt tlm head tnblo mid was
voted n great improvement over tho old
method. The guests wero Messrs. nnd Me,
dames L. C. Burr, W. J: Marshall, A. C. Zlc
mor, It. II. Oakley, 0, W, Wokrfvr, 8. M.
Bartlott, Dr. Rlghter, Joseph Hnnn, L. Holv
kell mid H. E. Mooio, Mrs. John Zehrung,
Mrs. Otto Fllllkomid Mr. Illnbnv.. Mm M.u.
WOII 0110 of tho roVnl lirlrn ii .fniuimu.. ,.),,.-
ato ot, nnd thu othr ,n clioeso scoop, went
to Mr. Iluir, Tho second prlxos, mi nftcr din
ner colfeo onp nnd wilieer mid nn oxydlceil sil
ver cigar Ilght)r, wero won by Mrs Rlghter
and Mrs. Mmshull respwtlvely.
Mrs. Joseph Bwnn ontcrtalneil nlKUit fifty
ladles fioni 'J to fi Wednesday nftcrnoon nt mi
elegant luncheon, Mnny nuw features were
Introduced, and It proved n charming nfmlr
throughout. Thoso jfront wero' Miwlnmes
IVrry, Hnimiinml, Jiinseu, Coons, R, G. Out
cult, Otto Funke, Nlibot H. Ii Moore, Cul
vert, II. T. Bmlth, nillingsloy; Manning.
Hart, Invltt, Atklusoii, Bawyer, Gov,
Tlinyor, LltUe. Holmes, MoFnWimd, Hnr
greaves, OgdeiPBoehiuer. Mdrshnll, Benton,
Warren, Mills, Twining, F. A. Browny Bart
lott, Buckstair, Becjoji, Green; Zehrung, Doo
llttlo, L, q. CI irk, A. D, Burr, Cowdry,
Hurley, L. 0. Bui r, Morrison, Leonard mid
Cm ter, Misses Miller and Graham of Chi
cago, Blhhop and B illantlnoof Omnhn, Volgt
of Burlington, Annlo Fuiikoiihd Btobbs.
Tho ladles of tho Plymouth Congregntlonnl
church will hold a fair nt Temple hull Mon
day, Tuesday nnd Wednesday. Many iluo
nrtlchw suitable for Christmas ntlfts will Imi
offereil for sale nt reasonable prices. Tho
IwotliH will bo In charge of ladles In rostumo
to repnseiit chnrncters from Dickens.
Among the featuros will bo n novel
quilt to be voted to u miiiltter; a flno rock
er, dountod by Hardy & Pitcher, to bo voted
to a lady, mid n cnblnot book coso to bo
votol to a phj Rlclnn. 0 stcrs will Iks served
during tho fair, nnd lunches beginning Tues
day noon.
The exhibition of tlit Hnydon nrl flub nt
the state house will ho i clinrgo of tho fol?
lowing ladles next woeki Monday, Mrs. T.
McGnheyj lucKday, Mrs. Prof. Klngsley;
Wednesday", Mlrs UmU Hitchcock; Tlrarst
dny, Mrs. O. Ilolimnn; Friday, Mra.Bchwnli;
Saturday, Mrs. Culvert ' - -
If some prominent social affairs Jiavo
been overlook-d fnthls Ifiajo of th6 Cotrnkn
l's friends will make allowances, liecauso tho
woi k or moving and settling In now quarters
has absorbed so much tinio mid attention.
G. W, Gerwlg, ono of tlio brightest State
university graduates of last June, has return
ed from his home at Pittsburgh, to tako a
jiost graduate courso looking to a master's de
gree. Mrs. M. E. Wheolor wont to Omaha this
week to visit for n fow days with Mrs. D.
H. Wheeler, Jr., and to assist that lady at u
reception on Fridnj evening.
Tho Pleasant Hour Juu(orH have reviveIan
old rulo that birs Silois us well as other
nou-inetnbors from tho floor nt their parties.
Tho Elks, assisted by the "Soetnl Session'
company, unvo an enjoyable social session in
tho nuw cluo rooms Thursday evening.
Miss Can ie Wnsuier of Grand 'island, tho
friend of Mlfs Nellio White, has- returned to
her school, Brownell hull, Oniaba.
Mrs. W, N. Leonnrd gave n ladles' recep
tion yesUrdiy afternoon, nnd in tho evening
entertained a company ut canK
H. C. MeArthur's homo Wurf thrown opnn
Wednewlay evening for a toclul by tho ladles
of tho Trinity M, E. chinch. (
Mr. Andrew a Young mid Mlfs Ma M.
Bmlth weio married WotlnesdajKevening,
Rev. Dr.CuitUoOlelatlng, . -
Attorney Goneral Iieoso nnd family nre
about to remove to a largor home on G stieet
near Eighteenth. .
Tho Haydon Art club has nrranged for two
or throe lectures by Prof. PoteMon during
tho holidays.
Tho Plofisant Hour club will have its noxt
pirty Friday evening nnd will meet ogaln
Die, 28.
Fritz Wcsterinnn, Frank Ii, Rose mid F.
W. Sliepenl were admitted to thj) bar this
MlsaMattlo Wlnaus,tho guest of Mrs, E.
Dakor, hn returned to her homo at Los An
Mrs. F. W. Baldwin gavo a pleasant curd
pmty nttho Windsor hotel Tuesday evening.
Dr. Trogdaii left yesterday fcr a week'svls
it among old tinio friends at Mattoon, III.
Tho East Lincoln C. L. 8. C. wa entertain
ed Weduoulay evening by Mm. Truax.
The hoMay vacation in the schools will )e
for two Weeks, leginulng Dec. 20.
A theater party of young peoplo sawJnr
bciu and "Starlight" last night. i
Mrs. Jay White's sister, Mrs. DrPalmer,
has roiurned to Grand Ifclaiul. e-'
Mr. and Mrs. D, D. Mulraroaxpoctod tack
from Callfoi ulu today '
Miss 0. F. Link has gone to Denver to study
water color (minting.
Tlio Haydon Art club has ad led forty new
memoers this s-usou.
R. O. ElUwortb of Clavelaud U visiting the
Humphrey brothers,
A. F, Wolthis back after several, weeks',
visit to Boston. . ' "
The noxt Pleasant Hour Junior party wilt
be held Doc 27. '
Mrs. Goorgo D, Coburn Is visiting at Lovv-
ellf Mass,
Dr. G. E. Audrm )izs retumU to Lincoln'
U,,llve. . "r . v ffl
The Misses Cowdry spent uunday iaCoTum
bus. - ' ,.
To rhos
ase thnt want si good Suit or Overcoat our advice to you is "cc
rapidly broken, all the good Miings as you know go first. We
iss of Lincoln, our 15 per cent discount sale is doing it.
ucing ra
ui.aMiv.ooui jiiiv-uui, uiu iv,
jusi ininK 01 it, you can buy the best tailor made suit in our house in Sack or Cutaway
btvlc at : $21.25. A hundred patterns to select from in Imported Cassimores, Chevoits or
Worsted in the latest colors and shades. We have no old goods to show you all this sea
son s productions. Then we have elegant All Wo..l Suits from $6.80 and upwards, and
Overcoats until you can't rest, we can dazzle vou with the diffrmnr vnrioHW mul at-uln.. a
at prices that we know will prompt you to buy. ' ' '
v Parcnts t,lls discount sale runs through our entire clothing stock, nothing reserved.
Your boy wants a Suit or an Overcoat, if so, inspect our lino and prices.
Outfitters to Mankind
Special Shoe
We have decided to close out several. lines of Shoes at
these goods are neio, having been received tin's Fall and are of
prices below:
Grays Ladies' French Kid Turned Button,
E. Q.'Burts Ladies' Hand Sewed Welts, (button)
Ladies' Hand Turned Opera, (button)
Hand Sewed
Kid Wjfy
EST Also a fulminc of $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes.
The above goods arc all new and wo carry them on all
different shapes of toes.
IflfeBsiiER St Rogers
' ' 10v43 O Street. ; "
'-Us. i. , 'fi&
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jjui luiu uiseount saie is doing
1029 O Street 1031.
odds and ends we will close out
come early," our stock' is
are doing the Clothing
Sale !
a Great Sacrifice. Most of
tho very best makes, ,Sec the
'-,t 1 .
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Regular Price. Cut Price.
6.50 5.OO,
6.00 v yg.O0
6.00 5-oo
5.00 4.00"
,3.50 3.00
3.00 v 2.50
widths and different sizes
at a greater reduction in-price.
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