Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, December 07, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    VtI' 1?TCfi
. . w
&old Coin "Baso Burners
Gold Coin Hound Oaks
Gold Coin Heaters
In Endless Variety.
M. & D. Round Kire Pot'
Wrought Steei Ranges.
The most Practical Range made fur
llnnlCoal or for Soft Coal,
Sec them Before Hiding I
HW V HI , I ii. I'nMoitlce.
And "OLD LEB" Anthracite.
a. lOth Stmt. Tehphone 360
LADIES this line of Fine Shoes
wo place on the market ami claim them to
be the best line made. We WARRANT
ctcijrpntr. They are Ilnnd-mndc In every
respect and ar the Latest Style.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00
this special line. Please call and see for
youtsclf, nt '
Boston Shoe Store
1026 P ST.
Better and Nicer than Ever I
Lunch & Oyster Parlors
HT Now re-opencd nnd ready to serve
friends, patrons mid the public. Call and
see us I
Y. A. CHEVRONT, Prop.,
1016 OS Union Dlock.
ia inrriTOTK or rsxniMiiir,
Btefthssd, and Tytiewrlt'iw.U Iho txtt nd largett
CvlMmla lha lt. tiUO htuJrnl. In allcuiLiniw l.u.1
ywr.lHBd'nu prepared for bu.lnm la (rem Xtol
. uiwwipii incniij iipoaauuiiruction,
i Hnitti d o lalosur. count i jnums't. ana
f pcamuuhl's Mut (rw by lUr Ming
UU.lWtllHiK KOoaK. Llaoola, Keb.
r , L
aI t rr
fe 1
li fr t
A li)m(r ltir of Motltrn 7Vmr.
rit'McnUTluNi On Year lijr Mall or Cnrrlir f J,00
Six mouth, f 1,00, Thrrti months 80 Ci'iitN. One
month SO Cents IiiTRrulily In Advance.
AiiVKkTiSKMKtrrst Jlntc furn Wit-d on application
nt tlm ofltct'. Hpt-clsl rntt-s on Time Contracts.
I'tiNtninimoMnl Short lc)' Hkelchn, kiiis and
storlr solicited. Personal and Hoclal liott-n sro
rsiwclalty desirable.
rmimini We make a specially of Kliw Vrlnllnit
In nit tin Itrnnchi'ft. Hooicty work n np-tlsHy.
Address nil coiniminicatluns illrrotto the ofllce.
Wichsicl, Printing Cd
Now Iltirr lllook, Cor. Uth nnd O Hlrerls.
U U'KHHKti, Jn., Editor nnd Hole Proprietor.
I'ltKti llKNZlNUKn, Associate Alitor
TllliRK riiilnililililn twinter have Just ro
eclved decorations of chevalier In tlia Legion
of Honor froifi tlio Frein h Kovcrnment.
It In Intimated Hint Lincoln's now post
master will Imi iiiH)ltitttl next week, mid In
dlrnttous olia to ICdltor Orro of tlie.uiiriHiJ
a tho coming man.
Tiik secretary of tho navy snys tho United
H'nte has lil.WX) iiiIIch of hii const with tu on
ty dig cltlcH liable to Iw htockaded and Hindu
to Niy blit ransom.
Tiik W. O. T. U tlm I. O O. T. nnd tlio
third party rrohlhltlnnhlHot Nebraska lmvo
JuHngrtcd to unite In ll(?htliiK for tlm pro
hibitory nn endment.
Tiik superintendent of census linn divided
Nebraska Into three districts. Lancaster In
hi tlio third dlstilct, which comlids of iilnu
counties In tlm southeast corner of tlm state.
Tiikuk ni o two lurgu cities In Ilraxll with n
optilatlon of over 160,000 Rio tie Janeiro,
'Jift.Uti nnd Ilahln which uuudi. ml about
160,000 n ft w years iiko; though the c lliuatc
of iopuliitlon tin ro vary considerably.
Tiik nnvy of the United Htntc cnmpriCN
cloven armored vessels, of which only throe
nro designed for flulitlnt; nt ten, and thirty
ono tmttrinond vcmmIs, miiklui n total of
fnrtytwo. UiiRhind hnn 807, Krnnco 800,
numla 108, Gennuny 105 mid oven AinttrlnoO.
Omaha jobber, hnvu been trying to Induce
the rulluwiilM to uliollnhthoB wlnl frtltjlit into
from ChiciiKo to Lincoln that ptiU thin city
on a pur with Onialin an a wholeallng point,
but the II. Si M. and U. 1. refuse to whethe
rates. Lincoln JobWrn wideotiHetpiently con
tTnuo to live.
Bk.natoh Manukiihon han Introduced a
resolution In cougreMi citing that whtroa tho
Miiourl ltnvtn IU bed for now courto (in ono
ctto putting a ttlieo of Nebraska on the east
Kldoof the river) tho itecrotary of tho Interior
ho askrd to irunn n boundary lino between
Iowa and Nebraska that shall bo llxed, dotcr
inlued and unfluctuating.
Tiik eleventh centum, while comprising all
Investigations undertaken In tho tenth, will
neludn two udilltloiml anil important feat
uiea: An Inquliy in relation to tho recoided
Indohtf dure of private corporations and In
dividual, mid a llt of tho names, orgunUi
tioim and length of Mirvlct of surtiviug nol
dieiv, sallorH nnd mm Iiuh and their widows.
Ah an Illustration or tlm mugultudo of tho
eleventh coiibuh it Isonly ueo ivuiry tomontlon
the fact that it U estimatetl that thoro will lu
employod In taking tho centus 4'J,0()0 enumer
ntors, 3.000 eleiks, from 800 to 000 special
agents, 1US supervisoi-s and 25 oxperta. The
number of published volumes will probably
exceed tliMO of the Tenth census. The calcu
lation has been made that It the Inquiry in
regard to veterans should yield 1,1)00,000
names It will take tight quarto volume of
1,000 pages each to contain them.
1'HK Evening Star of Washington, D. C,
had tho following tho other day: "'Mm. Sen
ator Paddock will spend a part and erhaps
all of the piosent winter at AtlantloClty with
her daughter, Miss Fannie, who has Leon for
somo time mid still is iu iwor health. There
will bo great regret for tho illuow of Miss
Paddock, who won many hearts here last sea
son by her winsome natuiahis mid grace,
and much disappointment that Mr. Paddock
and her daughter are not to lx) seen in Wush
Ington socletv for a m9 months at least."
Brazil iis an empire was comoscd of twen
ty piovl cv, which now Lecomo ktates. Bra
zil comprised two-thirds of South America
and has an area almost equal to that of our
own country. Its population Is about 11, 000,-
uw. nearly a in lllon llvo In cities. There
aio many races, In the north thoy are most
ly Indians, while in tho routh the neero cle
ment prevails. Only one-third tho whole con
pio ore wiute, the other two-thirds being
mameluco or inostictw, mulattos, cafuzort,
or Indian and negro mixed, civilized and sav
age Indiuns, and Africans tho last compris
ing the most numerous unmixed race hi Ihu
Tiik repoit of the commissioner of pensions
for the yeur ending Juiif 80, 1SS0, shows that
thoro wero on tho roils 480,5 pensionein,
classified as follows: 851,481 army invalids,
07,600 anny widows, minor children and de
IKjndent relatives; 4.W7 navy iuvalldH, 3,200
navy widows, minor children and dependent
relatives; 003 survivors or tho war of 1813;
0,0m w Idows of those who served In that war;
17,005 survivors of tho war with Mexico, and
0,300 widows of those who served In thnt war.
The names of 51,031 pemlouois wero added to
uioromancl the names or 1,754 pensioners
drop(ied from the roll wore restored, making
nn aggregate of 63,075 jiensloners added to
the roll during the year. Tho names of 10,607
lieiislonera were dropjied for various causes,
leaving the net increase for the year 37, 104.
Holim tntrrrslliiB OlMrrvnllmm from th
I'rn of "linger lllnriliin."
From an article In Tho Art Amateur, sign
od "Roger Illordau," the following oxtrnets
nnd cuts are takou
Tlio nlmiinllty of mint of tho flxtlarrnuR
monts 3f curtains adopted by Kreueli decora
tors nrd thnlr fullowem In other countrle Is
ns npiHireut as that of tho old faxhlotird
colrfunw which were tho pride and the tor
moutof ourgrmt-grandinothont. Tlio fanldon
of nrrauglng the hair In tall structures, stllT
enod with pab mid xiwder, and Intended to
Inst for several days or a week, h:i happily
gone out, never to return, lnt the nlinoit
eipially lim'hartius practice of ionnuneiitly
draping curtain nnd ortlm'c, mi that their
folds become londed with hnl mid thoy are
prechtdeil from rendering any servlco except
ni nriiaineut. Is still, imfortiuiately, In ex
Hi lTt"s-' ,--,viwV
fill lW4'"y7fB
This ridiculous fashion leads to tho Intro
ductlon of curtains whore nono are needed
and to their duplication where thoy uru. It
is easy to see, therefore, why It should bo fa
vored by upholittcrcr, but not m easy to hn
nglno why houxokocors should suffer them
selves to 1ms ruled by It. There aro several
modes of tasteful arrangoinent of draiery, so
simplo that tho most modest hoUMiwlfo need
not fear that If onco undone slm may not
lmvo tho skill to reieat them. Curtains
should lie ho hung that thoy may bo drawn
cIoko or apart, may bo allowed to fall in
straight folds or bo loo)ed back as required,
but should not bo gathered up with stout
cords and titMels at points out of roach or
nulled In set shaos so that they cannot be
shaken loose without tho uso of n ladder and
a pair of uippors nnd tho certainty of being
covered with dint
Curtains should always bo of use either as
screeiuorto shut out unnecessary light or
cold draughts. Tho most sensible way of
limiglug them Is by menus of small unohtru
slvo in-ital rings, strung on a metal or wooden
rod, which uoed seldom bo moro than ono
Inch l:i diameter Tho chance of too much
air blowing in betwoen this rod and the top
of tho wind w frame Is, If tho window sashes
are well hung and fastened, too small to be
of any reul account
example 3.
In general tho wooden boxing, or si called
window cornice, with Its dependent lambre
quin or valance may undispensed with, saving
much trouble from duU and dirt, and doing
awny with what Is commonly a m.t dls
ngrccablo feature as well as most of tho ob
Jectionable formal arrangements of draMry
which dlxttuguUu modern French Interiors.
Out, If continued in uso from habit or for the
sake of Its comfortable apenruticc, tho val
anco should be rather plain and not bo de
veloped so that It may look like an extra cur
tain Intended for show only
It Wasn't of Any Ciiii.eiiirnee.
Customer (returning) Dldu't I give you a
flvo dollar gold piece just now for a five cent
piece I
Merchaut (jwsltlvelyi No, sin
Customer (turning to go) It Isn't of any
particular conequenca I had a counterfeit
five dollar gold piece that 1 carried simply as
ft curiosity i must have lost it some
Merchant (hastily) Walt a moment; I'll
look ofnlu. Danville (Vn.) Register
m$ - M
Jm If
m m
Bom of tlm Thlnr Wlilrli Mnka It Itii
ntnnius for Oiilnldnrn.
An uintisliiff rIcIo of journalism in
Germany comes to liglit wliun a nuws
pupcr in coudficutcd by tlio trovcrn
incut for political reasoim. llint is,
it is umtisinp; to pvoplo who lmvo scon
tlio way tlio thinfrisdono I liu owners
or publishers of tlio confiscated paper
don't look at tlio funny sido of it. Tlm
first copy of every nowRxiKr must bo
soiit to tlio "SUiats Anwnlt," or public
prosecutor, wlio is the censor of tho
press. Uerr Slants Auwalt, with tlio
press laws befom liini, carefully reads
tlio paper, wlillo lio sins liis mug' of
beer, liis oyo suddenly light on a
pa.sNip;o which ci'iliciscs adversely an
action or a remark of tho emperor.
Ho reads it through, and rereads it,
and begins to (ret mad.
"Doiinerwctlcr noch ein mal." ho
wivs. "That must bo btopped."
lie hurriedly draws a blue itencil
lino around tho panip-raph anil slops
up to his Iclcphoiio. ilo asks central
to connect him with tho chief of po
lice When this functionary is at tlio
other cud of tho 'phone, Mr. SUiats
An wait orders him to send a squad of
iiolico to tho printer of tho paper, for
bid its further publication, and fcizo
all tho copies thereof ho can lay his
hands on. Tho chief answers "Ja
wohl," and repeats tho order to his as
sistant. Tho ussi.sUiiil turns to his
"sub" and transmits it to linn, who in
turn tells his "sub" what is wanted,
and dually, after a lougdelay, boveral
policemen htart for tlio olllcu of the pa
per in a hired llacrc. In Germany,
when tho polico aro engaged in any
special work, thoy do not rido in tho
ordinary street cars, nor do thoy walk,
but thev must liiro a llacro or a conch.
This adds secrecy and dignity lo the
nlluir When tho policemen enter tlio
publication olllco, they intimidate tho
frightened foreman into handing over
all tho copies ho lias in the place
Thcso aro taken down stairs and
thrown into tho (lucre. If thero are
very niuny of ilium, another llacro is
called. 'Iho printers must take tho
objectior ablo matter from tlio forms,
and tho polico muko "pi" of it.
Usually thcso olllcers bear n war
rant ftir tho arrest of tho editor. Tlio
German editor has been thcro before,
however, and on tlio editorial pago of
most papers, right under tho terms to
subscribers, ho keeps n name, say,
"Joliann Schmidt, responsible editor."
And when there is any arresting to bo
done tho polico must wreak their ven
geance on Uerr Schmidt, who in most
cases is somo petty writer on tlio pa
per. When ho is in jail for writing
something which ho didn't write, tho
paper pays him u good salary and
looks out for his family. The liberal
iiowspapersaud socialistic publications
always keep n couplo of responsible
editors on tap, und when number ono
is iu the lockup tho namo of number
two takes his place iu the paper until,
through somo trouble with the polico,
number three begins liis inning. This
functionary is culled a sitz reduk
tour, or seat editor. Tho seat re
fers to his sojourn iu a dungeon. Tho
penalty of tho law increases with each
ofl'ensc, nnd after tho unfortuuato edi
tor has sat several times a now ono is
appointed, who shirts in with tho mild
est punishment for tho first oll'cnso.
Tho real editor usually gets wind of
tho intended visit of tho polico and so
crotcs sovcral copies of tho publication.
When thoy arrivo, und he hns read
thoir letter of authority, ho hands over
tho rest of tho pawrs, 'which join their
companions iu tho llacro. Tho olllcers
read to him tho warrant for his ar
rest. When thoy llnish, tho editor
''Well, nicino Ilorron, I am only a
salaried writer here. Thero stands
tho responsible editor."
Tho polico scowl at tho speaker and
march oil' tho responsible editor. It
frequently happens that tho uows
paper has ulrcady been sent out and
distributed throughout tho city, in
which case the polico must travel
around and get hold of all tho copies
thoy can. Thoy visit ovcry reading
room uuu caio in tlio city, and cut
tho obnoxious paragraph out from pa
per on tho lllcs. In Vienna thero aro
700 cafes, and ono can iinngino what
a job it is to visit each ono and look
for tho unfortuuato uowspupcr.
While tho polico are going tho
rounds of tho city, tho editor is pre
paring a second edition omitting tho
article which provoked tho wrath of
the Staats Auwalt. In tho center of
tlio simco this omission naturally cro
atcs tho word "Confiscated" is usually
inserted. A Berlin paper from which
a speech had been taken out, read in
tho second edition:
"Tho speaker mounted tho platform,
nnd began in a clear voico,
In Russia publications aro coufis
cated with greater regularity than
thoy aro issued. At tho frontier towns
tho foreign newspaper mail is regular
ly opened and read. When tlio old
cials come across something which
thoy think would lower Russia in tho
estimation of tho reader, to say noth
ing of political utterances, they lmvo
a very cll'ectivo method of doing away
with it. A roller, mado for tho pur
poso, is dipped in printer's ink and
carefully rubbed over tho paragraph,
after which tho paper is wrapped and
sent on to its address. Many a Russian
reader of German and American publi
cations has received his paper bearing
tho black mark. If tho olllcials noto
that somo ono person is repeatedly re
ceiving such forbidden ui tides, thev
report tho fact to St. Petersburg, anil
tho person stands an unenviable show
for Siboria. Now York Sun.
Will llrcumo n Crnzo.
Some fellow has invented u toy
whistlo which, being b!.vii into,
B'vcs tho oponing notes of "Where
id You Get That Hat?" stopping
short with tho opening lino iu n most
aggravating manner. Tho thing will,
of courso, become a craze, "and as great
n nuisance as was years ago tho pocket
telegraph sounder, lutor tlio automatic
cricket, or tho wooden return ball,
with its rubber, which overyono from
first to second childhood scciuoj to
havo iu hand. Interview in St. 1iuis
Ladies Kid Gloves.
We nrc now showing n line of the finest goods in this
line, embracing all the
From 12 to 30 Buttons.
When asking for perfect fitting and most durable Gloves
sec our superb line of
Alexandre Kids.
They have no equal and always give satisfaction. Ladies
will always find an attractive line of Furnishings at
3 to x39 South
Lincoln Sayings Bankand Safe Deposit Co.
Interest paid on iloposlt nt nny rata of 6 per cent por annum for all full culandar months
Hafea to rent In burglar proof and llro proof vaults, nt annual rental of 5 und upwards.
Money (o loan on real estato and collateral. YOUK HAVINdB ACCOUNT SOLICITED.
IIKNIIY E. I.EWIR, , A. V. H. 8TUA ItT, JNO. 11. McCT.AY, It. WEI.8H.
President. Vlco I'icsldont. Treasurer. Tel
Ladies' - Furnishers.
"Agents for
P. Centemeri & Co.s
The Best in tnc World.
131 South
Ashby & Millspaughs
Are Closing Out their Entire Stock at Cost. Now is the
time to Buy Goods at
Wholesale Prices !
1045 O Street.
Geo. A. Crancer & Co.
Art and
Buy your vife a Nice Picture for a Christmas Present.
Our stock is now complete, consisting of Etchings, Engrav
ings, Photogravures, Olcographss, etc.
Artistic Picture Framing. Picture Easels at Reduced'
Eleventh Street.
lltb St.
Telephone 440
. "w,
If i
i $.r i.
mummm trinvmait