Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 30, 1889, Image 8

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    SfirsTWKTpr vfj rsr" "MassaasisWpgpsJvS ' " " ,iiif-'lW1i6iiVi!Vlt
' !
1 fi
h I?
i. -
Saturday Evening, Nov. 30 '89,
The OountKH will not lie rcsionlblo for
Any debt mndo by nny ono In I In imino, nil
laas a written onlor iicconianlci tho snmo,
properly signed.
I. WKRtticr., Jr., Prop r.
Crnr I Oth and F Streets.
Dry Goods
The Courier Cnn hn Found At
Windsor llotol Now Stand.
Capllnl Hotel NowHtnnd.
Odeir Dlnlim Unit Now Hlniul.
ThMlotlmin NowBtnud,11t Houth llth Ht,
R4rt Ituimor, III Noilli llth Btrcet.
Kl. Younit, l(WO O Hlroot.
Katon AKrnlth. I120O
littto Bport Cigar Hlore. IIS N. 18th BU
1137 O STREET.
ASfaehlno Tlutt U Superior to tho Item
liiKton orRnllgruph.
Tho Weasel Printing Conimny hnvebceu
appointed agent (or tho now nnd popular
Test Typewrite for southeastern Nebraska
Te many of our render this new mauhlne li
toady known, and nil who Imvo teen It pro
awuace It far superior to nny of the older
chine. Ai far an utility and speed are con
a it li kivmk ueiier sausraciinn timn
r tho Remington or the Cnllcrrnnli. be.
f.r point of convenience, improve
ami ffenimi nniiKtniotlnn It rr
assynHiig in mi lino over invented. Thl may
ma broad assertion and doubted by thoto
-wfco aro using the above machine, but when
Ilia known that Air. Yost, the invontor, ha
far year built the Remington and Callgraph,
II la reasonable to believe that being con
aaatlv In tho business ho ha had opportunity
4 aote where improvement rould be made,
a accordingly la able to furnish n better
writer than either of tho other. Ou tho
) ho ribbon is used, each letter or figure
tricing the paper direct, and by a very valu
able new jiatent Hre in oxact rtiid perfect
avstojMient. If preferablo elthor Cnllgroph or
Bssatflgton keyboard will bo furnished. All
wfce have seen this new machlno In Lincoln
.renounce it a gem, and we shall 1m pleased
to have all Interested call and nee it. Onico
wtofaTmt Oaktai. City Coumkr, 123-134
yertfa Twelfth street, new Burr block. and Personal.
WkJtebreart Coal and Lima Company.
Lincoln Ice Co., 1W0 O Bt. Telephone 118,
Jfeewa's restaurant for meals.
Taka Turkish at 1010 O street.
Telephone at the Couhixh otHce U 35a,
K. BaiieK, leading jeweler, 131 N.y.i
Mtaaral water used for batWsfl010 O st
Laasjas, come and see us atba 00-cent store,
iva Betta & Weaver, the new coal firm, a
YJt the Wrat (tort, 143 South Twelfth
Look at the 6c, lOo iayX Jttc countern at the
lile C, J, Gullmette'A dret making par
w, lW O street
Try pame of the Dn'e fnah flh served every
jDaaea City Coal against the Whltebreast
Oaaland Lkne Co.
Heaai meat, and vegetables of all kindest
Oaaterea' Lunch Houae. ,
wperior quality Anthracite coal at Rett
at Weaver's, Call up 440.
The oM reliable Canon City Coal at Hutch
Is Hyatt's, 1040 O street.
' baproved shower for Turkish bath at 1010
O street, basement Union block.
Oaly place In Lincoln that uses mineral
water la hath i at 1010 O street.
Try as oyster stew or oyrter In any style
ml Den Cameron's. They are fine.
Dr. R. C. Trogdon, Dentist, 90S South llth
street, over Elite studio, Telephone 4X1.
Brown to ready to servo bauquoU, wedding
Maiimin and other spread on short notice.
Canon City, Mendota, Ohio Block and Col
r4o Coal, at Betts & WwivorV, phone 440.
Kow ia the time to lav in vour rlntip aim
fljr ot coal. Hutchlna & Hyatt1, 1040 O
Wash mined Larkawana Anthracite nnd
4acr tee coab at Hutchins & Hyatt's, 1010
O street. '
LJ4e will 8nd a complete lino ot fine shoes
aad aM the latest style at the proper prices at
tar win's Boston Shoe Btore.
Baal Rush garment at II, R. Hlsdey & Co,
AH atasa and lengths 4a Bacques, Modjeska
aa4 Jaokete, bx ne grade ot plushes.
Buy your coal ot the Whltebreaat Coal and
IJmm Co., and it will always be well screaked,
taM weight, best quality and at right price.
Aahby &. lHIIpaugh are offering their en
Mm stoek ot Itee drew good and silkaat cost.
' w saw sum to Day a nice Urras for very
i K. RanoH. artist ia Chliu. fill. Piu.
1 Wator Color naintiiur. Rtiulln. rnnta
Ml Jftaa Woek, earner Fand Twelfth streets,
aaawiiieo W nerta. Twelfth stretL
Tha aystsr aaaaoa to open and Brown" re
m,m apuig wihi iis estaoiunea repss
, I aaiyni kK(ri ft 'd delicious
I ia ajr ye af reaseaable prices,
Mr, Oorhnni I'. DMts nnd Mrs. Bella Rctcu
were ninrrled WedneMhiyi'venliignttliohotiio
f the lirlloV parents, Mr. and Mro. W. II,
Weaver, l!M0 11 street. Tho hoimo wan Ix-nu
tilled with n profusion of (lowers for ilia oc
casion. Tho largo mirror In tho parlor was
huiift wllh llkdMHrlrnmtlloroltilimiihif;.
Tim illiilnir mom Mns liniiiltiiiiiielv ilet'orntnl.
- --j --,
flfirnl irnlliiliilft fnllltuf In iHttulntila flnlit llm
rhnnJoller to thu corner of tho tnMu, mid cut
Mowers and smllax irlinmliigii nlioumled on
all hniids. Tho ceremony Ma vrformeil at
wiven o'clKk by Rev, l)r, Curtis of tho First
itch i leriau ruurcii. i no undo was gownoii
In whlUi silk nnd lace, nnd, with ninny ior-
sonai riinrms, maoontuosiioveiy npiienrnnco.
Her gown was brightened with lirMo'n row
nudshonUocnrilod n hand liouqucL Aftor
tho ceremony tho coinjMtuy woro called to n
lino wedding supwr. It wns n happy nlTalr
throughout, In wlilrh tho Joyous spirit sult-
nbtn U snnli nn rwrnlnii tmrvniln.1 nil llntl.
lirldo nnd groom have nmny frlouits mid thoy
woro hanilwmely remembered with rich nnd
cmtlv DlftJL Mr. nnd Mm. Unit;, tuil tin.
ovonliig train for a woddlug journey to Den
ver nimuio wesi, ana win return in two
Week. TIlPV will Ihi nt lininn In filnmla mi
Thursday In DnvmlaT nnd Jnuunry at 1)0
11 strict. Tho groom li of tho firm of Weaver
A; Rett, nnd Is ono of tho energetic, prosper
ing young business men ot tho city. Tho
guest woro Rov. Dr. and Mr. Curtis, Messrs.
and Mmlaino Clmrle U Hall, H. U. I'ncu.
A. 8. Raymond, Hnrry Downs, Chnrlenl'nco,
Dr. fStanhopo, RortBnttsnnd Hoiman Colo,
Mr, mid Mrs. Nesblt, Mr. nnd Mr, Richard,
son, Mr. nnd Mr, lloulck, Mi. J.J. Wilson,
Dr. nnd Mis (MlTon, Messr. John llotts, W.
L. Picket. J. II. MnMnrtrv. Hlini-lw. Wnn,..,
I). K. Thompson, Hnrry 11111,1 Weasel, (Jeo.
P. Rett nud Horacn Orr, Mr, Krb, Mlse
Balrd, Wilson, l'nce, Tntt, Mendenhnll, Orr,
CrOWOnlld BottH.nlsO tho Arlnil irlxn nlnli In
Tho second nartv of thn l'lmuinf irnurnlni.
Wn held Thntlksirlvliiir nlirlit nt. Tomtiln l,nll
nud hrouuht out nn ezceedlnulvilrrMuiv. Iinml.
some company. Among tho guest wero many
strangers, gentlemen n well miladies, nud tho
dntlcoVras in overv nnv n n(Tnl
Among thoNo present wero Mwisr. and Mi
ilame LIpiMincott, Uonnrtl, Dennis, Hholdon,
Reeson, Foster, iluckstaff and Mr. LUBurr;
MIssimi Dundy of Omnhn, Volght of Burling
ton, Miller ot Chicago, Luther or Albion, N,
Y., Hnwklns, Clara Funku, Bnlleutluo, Mnr
imitto, Anua Fimko, Florence Brown, Nolllo
nud Browulo Raumof Omnha, Martha Funko,
Frllrn Barnard of Omaha, Maud Burr, Oak
ley, Sterling, Walsh, Bockor, Crnhnm of Chi
cago, Mny Burr and Lulu Clnrkej Messrs.
Reeve, Bwhr, Iiw, Holdon, Foruemau, Alt.
ken, Wnlto, CariMir ot Keokuk, Trogden, An
derson, Allen, Finnk Smith, Zehrung, I'olk,
Mcfloon, McAtthur, Alnnsfle!, Rlchtcr, liar,
dy, Uwton, Nimloy, Grlflltli, Henkle, Tcm
plotan, nnd tho follow Ing gentlemen from
Oninlmt Arthur 11. Smith, Clnpp, Burleigh,
Dales, Miner, Robert Q. Hmltti, Huteson, Kd
ward McCaun nnd David Bnuin.
Marshall division, Uniformed Rank, K. of
P.. nro iilnnnlnir ia iro tn ilm Miitvni.i.. ...
enmpmout noxt spring, nnd nro already bo-
HiiiiiiuK wj nusuaiiii mo smews of war On
Wudncsdnv uvonlnir llm illvlulnn ....v.. i......
mill ROlcct bull nt Uolinnint'ii Imll T ,,ui
a highly snt.sfactory nlfnlr, soilnlly nnd
lauviniijr, miu ion a iiniuisomu RurpHu for
tho exiwnso fund. Tho hnll wm nr..ttiiu ,i.
orated for tho ocenslnn. On Mm .n i..i. ..
tho muslo hung tho triangular emblem of tho
order. Tho hall hn four st, enclosing a
largo squnre, nnd they wero connected w Ith n
colored ropo at tho helghth of ten feet from
tho floor. From tho celling, nt tho top of tho
central chnifllellcr, hung many gay-colored
ribbons, which were tied In long pcndnnU to
tho ropo, Tho effect wa.s that of n largo can
opy nnd wn very preity. Two hundred or
moro took pnrt in tho ball, and thn knight
wero In uniform. Super wn served nt
Brown's. Tho floor wns munnged by Messrs.
E. R. SUrr, Hnrvey Bell, H. K. Downs, Jno.
Jeiikln mid F. II. Bohnnan. Tho cummltteo
of arrangement wns Mmn i.v,.i ii.
flus, Charles Mayer and T, J. Hen ley.
Tho regular hop of tho Pleasant Hour Jun
ior was held nt Teinnlo Imll W.i,.i....
ovenlng, nnd wns ono of the prettiest of tho
nciwou. no jnuie uijiinj et their handsom
est KOWIIS. nil UnilRllnllv lnrn -
stranger added new llfo and Interest nud all
went nt merry as a marriage bell, Tho par
ticipant weroi Alls ziemer, Mnrquette,
Oakley. Luther of Albion. N. v ri,i.
Hnthaway, Nellie nnd Brownie Bnum of
Omatm, Hammond, Theo. Laws, itallentino,
Mcunuo, uunop of Umnha, Ollie Lntta,
ttOurier. Gertrude Law. MrOiul llmt. u..n,.
FunkO,yingcr, Wlilte, Clara Funko, Volght
ot llurllnVon. Wanner of firnn.l Ttn.i
Messrs. Stnuthas. Hnll. Frank Hnrr Hm.n,.
;, Cw-por.MW, Charles Burr, Hathawny.
Marslial, Uwkl?, Htorrs, Bort Wheeler,
Hauts, McBWIt, Vammond, Clarence Smith,
Winger, DorjJMi, W1II Clarko. Wiug aud
Chits. Clarko. &V nml Mrj J,m tir...
the following fh VJmaha: MesBr. Smith,
McCann, Allon, Ms, Burleigh aud Lovoll.
r. j . a. uucwvnil wa rormally at homo
Wwlneaday afier.SJWi to her lady friends, and
over one hundrfsthem were received be
tween the hourKJrt Hiree and six. Tho Buck-
stafT hnmn at RAiAUviniitli ..! r .
licautifully diyjCM with flowers and plant.
en-Bank reirmy,'.Knvs wero served, and the
guoUweriifMoredln a novel manner. In
Order that Hit" ftnn mli.l.f tu. n,..ui,ui
dainty wjilte ribbon bow was pluued on tho
wuiuer oi cam iauy on leayuig tho dining
room. Mr. BuckstafT U l,lv nr ,...,,
graces of mind and person, U a most charm
ing nostess, anu uio reception was a most ele
gant affair. She was assisted in recelvlnir bv
Mrs. McFarland. Mrs. Sheldon. Mr ru,,t
Mr. Ueotwn, Mr. Haydcn, Mrs. Leonard!
MIssos Miller and Graham of Chlcnro and
Miss Clara Funko.
One ot the feature of thn wiwlr nr ir, Kn..
ter bns been tho lx parties, which are notlce-
uo wr uieir scarcity. Wednesday evening
a party consisting of Lieut. Orlfllth, Mr.
Foresmnn, Mr. Zehrung, MlwMlllernndMIss
Graham pf Chicago aud Mis Clara Funko
dropped In after tho reception at Mrs. Buck-
Stntt'o. AtThurstlnV'fl matinnnn lv n....
cupled by Messia. Dales, Minor and Burleigh
vi umaiiu miu Aiissos Aiartiia runke, Maud
Burr nnd Theo Iwa. Thursday evening Mr.
and Mr. John 8. West cntcrtalnoil nnattrno
tlve x iarty comprising Miss Wartner ot
uranu ismiui, ansa white, Miss Hathaway
and Mr, John K. Stout
Tho entertainment glvea by the Antlnr
camp, M, W. A lat Tuesday evening at
their hall, comer Vine aud Twenty-seventh
streets, wa a success in every way. A
largo number wa in attendance, for all tho
evening was nutie stormy. Maglo lantern
scenes, muslo and a genuine bamUhrMug
were enjoyed by all present.
The Peaked Hamllv will unnm ,... ri....
day evening at Conservatory hall for tho
beneat of Trinity church. Their novel per
formauce tncludes a Vocal and instrumental
program. It will bo under tho management
of Mrs. CorTroth and -Mrs. Hubbard. Re
freshments will be served and a good thno is
Apollo lodge of Knlghto 'of Pythias has
elected the following new otllcers: p, C Ed
P. Keefer; C. O., F. BHarrUftV. a, J. J,
McClellnnt I'rel , A, II. Hays; M. of Ex., O.
E. Waltoj M. of F.,W. E. Churchill, K. of II.
nud H V. H. Bcottt M. A., It A. Oorostrus
teo for threo yenrs, Elinor Stephenson.
Tlin following Indies will I in nreaittiK In tin.
Sennto Chniultcr tho ronilug week to lecolvo
visitors nt tho nrt exhibition! Monday, Mrs,
Wndoj lutidny, Mlw l'lorcnco BrfHcoo
wiiiineuiny, Jlrn. W. H. Klrker; Thurmlay,
Mis. II. II. Wlbon; Friday, Mr. Prof. Hick)
naiui nay, Airs, lanmeil.
Henry Smith, formerly with Enton &
Smith, and IMwnrd S. Smlthsoii, formerly
innnnoer nf llm T.liw riln hlimi al.rn tft tn.t
0. , ... ... ........... .-..uw .'....v, ..w funv
Tuesday for a trip to Tennessee, Alalmmnnnd
fleillL'In. Tlmtf will In irntin turn n. (limn
tiinnths nnd will keep nil eye open for business
ClinrltV lodlfll (if thn Ilnmrlitnr. nf lllw.lnt.
has elected tho following olllcersi N. (I,, Mm
Jninr llnlshnwi V. O., Mr. II. W, Randall (
Secretary. Mrs. J. ll.f'nrrlekt frriiannir. Mr.
Jacob Smith', trusU-ea, Mi. Frank Howe,
Mrs. J, I). Frndenlicrg nnd Mrs, Shoemaker.
Lincoln lodan. I. O. O. 1,' . Ima lnr,t,ul tl.
following nllkersi N. 0., W. II. Balrd; V.
O., 11, O. Hntlett; R, B J. M. Thompson; P.
8,, J. D. Hurt!; treasurer, James HivtUni:
trustees, It B, Hytlo, T. F. Latch nnd B. F.
Mr. nud Mr. Mnsnn nritfttt'a tinmn wna
thrown open Tucwlay ovenlng for tho First
iresuyierinii ciiurcli hoclablu. Jlr. Hurr
mnn, Mis Ijoughrlilge, Miss Florence Holmes
nml Miss Aila Gray gavo a pleasant program.
Tho now looms of tho Elk Club In tho
Harris block on N street nro ready for uso
mm win uo opened juonnny evening, when
tho regular monthly meeting of tho club will
1)0 heltl, A full attendance Is urged.
Christian Frederick Dninrow, well known
In business circle ami a man highly esteem
ed, died Thursday nt tho ago of 03. Tho fus
nornl will Ihj heltl from tho residence, lifcW P
street, nt two this nfternoou,
Mr. aud Mr. It It Brown gave a dinner
Thursday to Air. nml Aim. .T D l'lillllnl t,.l
Mis Tnylor of Omnhn, Mr. nnd Mr. C. It
xaioH, Air, and AH. Ual. Tlionipsoii and
Messrs. Friemnu nnd Watt.
Tho East Lincoln C. L. S. C. wns entertained
Tuewlny evening at tho homo of A. G. Green
lee, Messrs. Greenlee, Orr nud Bell nnd Mrs.
Wood toy woro lender In tho program.
"Toss" Eldridgo, n popular shoo drummer
from Rochester, N, Y., traveling for A. J,
Johnson & Co., I In the city nnd willpass tho
SnblMith hoi o among friends.
Wedding work and otlnr lino priutod en
graved Invitation and announcements nro
our sneclnltv. Call nnd sea nhnt. wn Vmvn
tlouo for others.
At n iwuntl party given for Rov. Brudt of
tho Second Prvstivlpi Inn eliun li Inat. Tn,ili,r
evening there were two package tilled with
stiver uoiiaiH.
Mr. Frank Rolertson. Misses Grnen Vnln
Ix)ii O. Rawle ami AInbel Colton ot Beatrice
spent Thnnksclvlmr dnv at tho hotnn of linn
J. E. Hill.
AlrM. Ttrilui, t. Hltfin.lB Urlinu...,rtltn .lt.wl ha.
ccntly at Brooklyn, hn returned accompanied
uy mu iuuNvn tTaiie, wuo win remain lor tho
Dell Brnucli of tho R. & M. depot ticket of
flco has cono to tho Omaha ofllco. nml thn
Omaha man, F. J, Kuapp, hn taken Dell's
Mr. and Mr. N. F. Handy of Tojioka ar
rived Tuesday and were guest over Thanks
giving of Air. aud Airs, Sheltou.
Tho charity ball committee aro planning to
havo nn Invitation that will bo handsomo
enough to wxvo a a souvenir.
An unusually largo number of out-of-town
young jHwp.'o woro In tho city thl week nnd
figured In tho social gayetles.
Harry J. Hnll, tho Misses Hill nnd several
othor went to Bentricn vnt.tnlnv tn nttnml n
swell Imll In tbo evening.
Dr.'iM. II. Kverettnnil Indtr. nftnr n ui.ral
weeks' prolesslonnt and plonsuro trip east, re
turned Sunday.
Mr. and Mr. W. C. Hawloy aro entertain
ing Mr. and Mrs. Will N. Hawloy of Herring
ton, Kansas.
A. C. Carper, now In tho Q ofllccs nt Keo
kuk, camo vo Lincoln for tho Juniors' Thanks
giving party.
Mr. K. D. and Mis Fanny Blnford enter
taitutl a company of young friend Tuesday
Mis Mary Uallowoll, who J about to re
movo to Roca, gave a farewell paityTuceday
ovenlng. "
Miss Knthleen Hearn wa pleasantly "sur
prised'1 Tuesday evening by her pupils in Park
Misses Sarah and Nelllo Manslleldof Peoria
are visiting their sister, Mrs. C W. Moshor,
Misses Satla and Nellie Mansfield of Peoria
aro vitltlng their sister, Mrs. C. W. Mosber.
Mrs. Fred A. Miller is entertaining her pa
rents, Air, and Mr. F. L, Prouty ot Peru.
Tbo Comus club will dance next Tuesday
evening and the Yorko club on Friday.
ifriL P! M. flllfntfl anil arm Xfnrlr arutnt Phii-
day in Omaha with Mrs. Jno Heath.
The invitation committee for tho charity
ball is figuring ou U.000 invitations.
A movement Is on foot to organize a Con
gregatlonul club In this city.
S.T. St, John has been elected a member
of tho Pleasant Hour club.
Miss Beth Luther of Elmlra, N. Y., is visit
ing Miss Aileen Oakloy.
Wing Allon has gone on tho road for tho
Omaha U'orM-miW,
Miss Wasmcr of Grand Island is visiting
Mis Nelllo White.
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. O. Paco are visiting at Or
ange City, Iowa,
Mr. and Airs. Mason Gregg visited Kansas
City this week.
Mr. Douglas Shilling and bride havo re
turned. Prof. Ellinwood spent Thanksgiving In Chi
cago. Miss Agey to confined to her home by ni
nes. Mrs. J. 0. Uerrick U visiting ntOgdou.
J. A. Buckstaff is in Omaha.
Additional Society New on fttges 1 ami 2.
This wxmis to bo the silver age In the mat
ter of articles uuuin fnnn thn nnvlnnin,.t.l.
Tablowaro, jewelry ami many fancy art Idea
am uvmg iimiiu in uxyuireu silver In endless
deslKU. Although this warn la tint nf rn.1nv'.
growth ono Is constantly surprised with nov-
viwco, envu pruuieriuuii file proceeding, U
you will step Into tho storo of Hallett, the
Eleventh btrect Joweler, you will find caso af
ter case fllletl with beautiful goods and you
cannot fall to bo struck with the many hand
somo things In silver. In this connection It
may bo well to remember that Mr. Hallett is
a reliable, honorable man. He to not adver
tising to sell for loss than cost, but ho is satis
fied with a -reasonable profit and auy repre
sentatlon ho makes may bo relied on.
To those that want a good Suit or Overcoat our advice to you is "conic early," our stock is
bcitiLr rapidly broken, a the frond th mru n vnn L-n, ,. w wr i ?.'. .. A T. Ib
business of Lincoln, our 15 per cent discount sale is doing it. b
Just think of it, you can buy the best tailor made suit in our house in Sack or Cutaway
otVIe at Jh2I. 2;. A hundred rmtrnrnc in enlist fr--,,,, :.. 1 t.-i r . -.1 .. J
Aft.A ' a. 1 A 1 --,------ ;w .,....t ..w... ... iin)t)m;u viissinieies, ncvoits or
Worsted in the latest colors and shades. We have no old iro ids to sl,w vnnll n,.c cn.
sons productions. Ihcn we have elegant All Wool Suits from $6.80 and upwards, and
Overcoats until you can't rest, we can dazzle you with the different varieties and styles, and
at prices that we know will prompt you to buy.
Parents this discount sale runs through our entire clothing stock, nothin" reserved.
Your boy -wants a Suit or an Overcoat, if so, inspect our line and prices. rCSCrVea'
Outfitters to Mankind. ,1
1029 O Street 1031,
Special Slioe Sale !
We have decided to close out several lines of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice.
these goods are new, having been received tin's Fall and are of the very best makes.
prices below:
Most of
See tha
Grays Ladies' French Kid Turned Button,
E. C. Burts Ladies' Hand Sewed Welts, (button)
Ladies' Hand Turned Opera, (button)
t i u H
" Hand-Sewed Welt,
Kid Welt,
EgTAlso a full line of $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes.
Regular Price.
6.00 .
Cut Price.
.4'? ,A
3 .00. y.
2.50" '
The above goods arc all new and we carry them on all widths and different sizes and
different shapes of toes. Our odds and ends we will close out at a greater reduction
1Q43 O Street.
in price,-
(s? . sy
1 afaisssssssssssssssssssssssss
aW ft'
ri TE T
,i,:t, i