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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1889)
,'W r'rti' T"" 'TTrv't, "t rtr ""-r CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889 A l V . r. 1 W V i r r fr. - s. j( 1 H ij. j ' . K ) i i J. a J" u 1 1 2 K ; I- WAITED! Everybody to examine the plans and standing of the Un ion Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, before insuring. It has the lowest continuous death rate .of any company. Realizes the highest rate of interest on in vested assets which enables it to pay large dividends. Policies inconttstibc and non-forfcitablc after third year. The Union Central issues endowment policies at ordi ary life rates; these policies .are now maturing and being paid in from one to two years earlier than time estimated by the company. They protect ithc family and estate during the younger years of life, and the insured in old age at regu lar life rates. Other desirable policies issued. Call on us or write for plans. . if. KDillSTOS, State Auenl. 0. L, UBSIUBIl, Att. State Aotnt. O. T. PUUVELLY, Ctly Solicitor. lloom 22 llurr Hlook, LINCOLN, NEB. P ast All Precedent! Over Two Millions Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated ly UJ lasuMiuuro for Kd il eal loiml nnil Clmrltublo purpose, nnd lw franchise minion jmrt of the iirexi-nt ntnlo coiiBtltuilon In 1870 by nn overwhelming pop ulnrvnto. . . Its Grand Extraordinary Drawings take place Scml Annuallv (June and Decern, ber), and its Grand Single Nutrnier Draw lngs take place In each ot the oilier ten month of Ihe year, and are all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. "Wo 1I0 hereby certify thnt wo siipervlno tho iirrnnRoinoHtH fur nil tin- M iitlily ami rieinl-Aiiniiiil Dmwlups or Tho Louisiana fltate Uittery ninnniiy. nml In person man ago nnil control tho nrnwIiiK" tliciiiMolvcH. jwiu thin tho sumo nro rniuliiolvd with lion nty, fnlrnois, nml In i?mmI fulth townnl nil pnrtloH, nnil wo nuthorUotho Company to use 4lils cortinciite. with fiie-nlmllluii of our slgnn ircH nttnilifl, In llmi IvprtNoiiicntH." Cununl66loncrs. Wo, tho unilorHlmioiI linnkN nml llnnkom will pay nil prizes ilrawn In the IjOuIsIiiwi Hlnlo Lotterlun, which inny lw prcHonted ut H. M. WAIjMSI.KY, Tres't Ixiillsiinn Nat Il'k I'IKUIIK f.ANAUX, 1'iWtatu Nntlonnl Il'k A. IIALDWIN, I'reH. Now Orleaim Null Ilnnk OAIUiKOIIN. Pre. Union National Ilnnk MAMMOTHDRAWING At the Academy of Mnrlc, New Orleani, Taeiday, December 17, 1880, Capital Prize, $600,000. 100,000 Tlokets at W- Halves 20; Qunrtero $10: hlglith. Ws Twontletlw f.'j KortlothH 1. MHTo;i'itizKa. 1 iMUZKOKjnoO.OOOlH tm.0(X) 1 lMU7,HOKf.,ni01s UMtr.KOP 100.00DI8 1 1MH.K Or ft),O00U &0.0CM 2 PRIZES OK a.OU0 nro 40.00U 6 l'UIZKH OK IO.lXaru GO.00U 25 1MU.KMOK 2,IM0nra 60,000 J00 IMU.KH OK HOunre ,J0 W PRI7.KHOK OOOaro 120,a &00 t'Rl.EH OK JOOaro 200,000 Al'l'llOX IHATION IMtlZKH. 100 Prizes of 11.000 nro I'PJMiX 100 do. SOOaro 80,000 100 do. JOOaro W.000 TWO NUMIIKU TKIIMINAI.8. 1,098 Prizes of M0 nro 303,000 3,144 I'rUesnmountlinrto a,lfiU,oo AGENTSWANTED. MW For Club Raton or any further Informa tion desired, wrlto legibly to tho uinlanilKiicd, clearly Htatlnif your renldonre, with Stnto, Oouiity, Htreot and Number. Moro rapid re turn mall delivery will bo assured by your on. cloning an Knvulopo boarlng your full ad UroxH. IMPORTANT. AddroHS M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Ork'ims,I.H. OrM. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, I). C lly ordinary letter containing Moi.oy Or der tssiiod by nil Kxihcbs CompiinlOR, Now YorlC Kxcliangi', liraiior i-oiai etwu. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NUW 0UMAN8 NATIONAL HANK. Now Orleans, I.n. UEMKM1IEU thnt tho pnymont of tho Prizes Is iruanintei'd by Kour Nntlonnl Hanks or New Orleans, and tho tickets are signed by the President ofnn Institution, whoso char tered rights nro recognized In tho highest courts; thiTtforo, Imwiiro of nil ImltntloiiM or anonymous schemes. ONKDOM.Alt I tho price oflho smnllest part or fraction or u tlcket'ISHUKD HY UH in nny drawing. Any thing hi our iinmo or fored for less than a Dollar ti a hwlndle. e i - I can cheerfully rccommoni Ur Beth Arnold's CoiirK mwmir. Killer l)lnc;aflrat-olH(4 remedy r Courhs ahiI OMa, b.r 'K M ! M III W" ' vrltuverygrcatBAtUfactloa. iwlikuilU In uuniut17Hml Vi usedlt In my owiifuwlV f. H. 1V MnluMO. StugglsU, 2Cc, Wc., and 11.00. 0fc4 MPS By MAX O'RELL, Author of "Jonathan and Ills (bntlnont," "John Dull and ITo Inland," "John Bull's Daughters," Eto. IV-LOVE IN FRANCE. All I'iciirlimcii liu' llccimiu, Thny Cnn't Help It llcntrlclluiiii on tliimnrrli-d "Young 1'itlkn" l'rcnch Mnirlugn Cue toms. There id probably no Uin in whom tho bump of iimutlvonvM li moro tluvcl opoil than it is In thu Frouulimiin. Tho ioor fellow must lovo; hoennnot help It. At 13 yours of n;;o ho is deeply in lovo with u llltlo Kid lie l1'13 mct w'"' Icr miimmn in one of tho public gardens of IIil town, and to whom ho pmttily lifts IiIh hut Iwforo bi'gliiiiiiij; u g:imo of bull orhldoniid soi'k. II01I00.4 not ilocl.iru Ills lovo. In tho illstiinco ho throu'H raptinoiiH klssci nt "hors" whon near ho costs down his oyoj nnil I.ioks Hilly. IIo ('ri-'tiiH that hla llttlo hily lovo ii being carried oil by tomo miscrvnnt, that ho corned to lior rescue, iuivlm her, throws biniRolf at her feet, and declares liiuiRelf her bIuvo forever. At fifteen ho loves a portly matron of jomo forty summers, to whom ho nonds anonymous verses. Ho loves in sllenco otieo moro. From eighteen to twenty ho loves pub lic characters. Actresses havo drawers full of poetical clfusioiis nddrom-d to I hem by tho tipper forms of our public M'hools. At twenty well, at twenty tho less wo speak of what ho lovus tho better. The (nut oxoiiso that can bo advanced in his favor is that his education, us I have attempted to explain in another chap ter, does not prepare him for manhood. Indeed, tho trench boy 8 change from youth to manhood is like a shooting of lipids. IIo has Dover known what it is to 1x3 free; how can ho bo exacted, as a nile, to make good uso of liberty the ,"irst tinio ho is thrown into tho world? Tli:' break is isudden, n plunge that often threatens a capsize. From twenty to twenty-five ho bcldom marries. When ho docs ho often makes a bad match. IIo has noticed a pretty little milliner passing ovcry Jay at the same placo. IIo has admired her; by and by ho follows her, proposes matri mony and marries her. Tho parents at llrst grumble, will havo nothing to do rtlth tho young couplo for boiuo time, ami generally relent on tho arrival of tho llrst baby. As a rule, tho Frenchman does not marry Imforo ho has reached tho age Df thirty. From thirty to thirty-five Is tho ngo at which ho takes tho great step. Old bachelors aro not impervious to Cupid's darts. You often see Frenchmen ?ntering the holy estate for tho 11 rat timo at fifty or sixty. Their decided lovo for ,m d cookery and white linen frequently beguiles thorn into marrying their cook or laundress. Theso are tho brides often led to the altar by retired ofllcers, and Installed In apartments In somu suburb of Paris. The Frenchman has his characteristic feature in common with men of all coun tries: each time that ho loves, it is for ever. When crossed in love, ho seldom goes tho length of committing suicido. IIo does not go in for such extreme meas ures: ho generally prefers resorting to homceopathy: ho loves "another." Like curb like: similia Piiuillbus curantur. Flirtation is not a French pastime A few "married women may indulge in, it; but girls, whatever may bo said to tho ooutrury, very seldom do. A woman isc fiirtwl would pass in Franco for giddy, not to say fast; she knows her countrymen too well for that. She is aware, whon she coquettes with them, what shu is exposing herself to. If French girls felt inclined for a little flirtation, how could thoy indulge in it? Good heavens! What would her mother and father say if thoy saw her taking a walk by herself during tho day If it camo to their knowlcdgo that a young man had actually dared to whisper words of lovo into her ear licforo ho had laid bare his heart and inado a clear btatc ment of his finances to them in the first place? Even when he lias obtained con sent of tho parent, and his visits to tho houso where his llanceo resides nro per mitted, tho young couple arc not allowed to see each other oven for a moment without the presoncoof n third party. Tho pleasant operation familiar to Eng lish lovers by tho term of "spooning" is absolutely unknown to courtship as practiced in Franco. As sdon as two young French peoplo aro in lovo they want to dlo, unless their parents Immediately consent to their marriago, which is very soldom the caso. Well, to wish to dlo undor these circumstances is a trifle irrational, but lovo and reason seldom go together. Of courso thoy nover do dio. Thoy livo all tho while, and are almost inclined to think that in lovo matters plain sailing Is not so sweet or so romantic as obsta cles to oveicomo. What lovely letters crossed love hu-jests to them! Letters invariably written at midnight French lovers never write by day midnight, "when all is in repose around them." Letters full of "All is known; wo aro lost! What will become of us? Ah I for get me us hoon as ton can; we shall never be each other's. As for mo, I shall die of it: I know I shall. Then you will marry another woman. I will pray in heaven for your happiness, Per haps now and then you w til comn to the cemetery and lay a bunoli of vlnlcU on my tomb. You know, beloved one, that violets are my favorite (lowers. You won't forget that, will you? I weep, 1 weep and I weep. Farewell!" And this shiver giving letter, how to poit it the following day? Tho imkji-child cannot ! go out alone. The housemaid is coaxed aim united, one ueooines mo conn dauto. She posts the letter, jeoel ves the answer, and plays tho part of love's messenger. Cupid may delight in mystery, but this Is not busitie&s. However, thitics ootiio right in timo, as wo shall seo pres ently. When tho Frenohman In lovo has an opportunity of making a viva voco deo faration to the mistress of his heart, he generally sots nlxmt it in theatrical fashion. IIo goes down on his knee. Now, n man, except ho bo very young, with irreproachable features, can scarce ly atTord to do this; ho runs a thousand risks of appearing ridiculous and show ing Ids little defective iwlnts. While he is on his feet, that small bald spot on the top of his head is not noticeable, and the ttnplcturetwpio male attire of tho Nine teenth century looks well enough, Hut let a man who is no longer a slim AkIIo get down on his kueej, and pour pas siouatu protestations to u woman with tho slightest sense of the ildiculous, and I maintain he is running a risk of killing what llttlo tender sentiment she may have for him. His face is red, or pet haps purple, with tho tin wonted ex ertion nml excitement as he warms to his subject. Out of this red face gleam two eyes that show all their white. All tho tlmu the little demon of ob servation may take inventory of all these blemishes. No, no; a man should not allow a woman to contemplate him in such a sorvile attitude, lie should not abdicate his dignity in going on his knees to Implore favors that the dear fellow is probably destined to pay enough for. All this puts mo in mind of a play of Euillo Augler, in which nn aristocratic lady relates how she was saved from a foolish entanglement of heralTections by her lover goilig down on his knees and declaring his passion. He had on ills noso a llttlo wart, which at ordinary times was scarcely noticeable; but as the poor fellow grow moro and more carried away by his fervor, redder and redder grew this Innocent llttlo excrescence, till at last tho comicality of the thing struck Iter, and she could not help burst ing outlaughing. "That wart wived mol" shu exclaims, to the delight of her lady friends on the stage and of tho audience. Let us now como to matrimony, 1 havo already said that young peoplo in Franco cannot marry without their parents' consent, nml that at no matter what ago. Uowover, when a innn is over twenty-live and a girl over twentj-one, they may compel their parcnU to give them that consent. This extreme measure is very seldom resorted to, for it has to take the form of n summons through a notary: but re lentless parents sometimes wish to re ceive such summonses, In order to be able one day to tell their children, in case the match should prove an unhappy one, that thoy wash their hands of It. As soon ns tho young lover Is accepted by the girl's parents ho In received in the fumif); not. however, on terms of in- timaoy. ns ii Engiaud. IIo pays frequent but olllclnl rlBits, brings presents to tho young lady, many of which afford him tho opportunity of convoying to her n llttlo billet doux. Tho day before tho wedding ho brings tho corbcillo; thai is to say, a casket containing valuablo pres ents of laco, jewelry, etc. Tho contrnot of mnrriago, settling money matters, is signed before a notary and in tho pres ence of the relatives and tho most inti mate friends of tho bride and bride groom. As a rule, thoy aro married by tho mayor of tho town on that day. Tho real wedding is a religious ceremony til takes placo tho following day in tho morning. People with a little pretension to stylo havo for many years followed the Eng lish fashion of going away for tho honoy moon as boon as the wedding breakfast is over. Hut twelve or fourteen years ago such was not tho practice: high and low spent their wedding day much allko; that is to say, as the lower middle classes still do. This is how the eventful day is passed: The morning is like the proverbial April one, all smiles and tears. Tho process of tho claborato toilet is Inter rupted at overy moment by tender em braces. Mamma between the pauses of tho petticoats, must clasp her dear Fillno in her nrms, and listen to iter assurances that "she can never, nover bo so happy as she has been with her dear petite mere," at any rate not happier. Out neither tears nor embraces havo hindered the little whito robed figure from being decked very effectively. At last nil are nuito ready, and tho bridegroom having arrived, tho bridal party seta out for church, (ho bride and her father occupying tho first carriage, and tho bridegroom and his future mother-in-law the second. Tho friends fol low, and In this order tho little proces sion marches up to tho altar. Tho ser vice is followed by a short address to the happy pair a sermon on matrimony by one who knows nothing about it. This being duly administered, tho company proceed to tho vestry, and no soonor nro they thoro than mamma falls again on tho neck of her sweet child, and again gives way to her feelings. Indeed, by this timo tho event is felt to be a great one nil round, and one that demands much outlet for tho feel ings. Everybody kisses everybody elho. and there is a general chorus of felicita tions. The next item in the programme is tho wedding breakfast, a simple nlfair given in tho family appartement to the members of tho family only. If the fa ther lives in Paris, and his purse will ad mit of tho carriages being retained all day, the bridal party drive to tho Hols de Boulogne or Vincennes to pus tho after noon; but this time the young couple aro not separated, and mamma has to hand her daughter over for the (list tete-n-teto with Adolphe. It is awful to think of, but she has to bear it. Tho most festivo part of the day's pro ceedings conies in the shape of a dinner and ball at a great restaurant. To this entertainment acquaintances to tho uum tier of a hundred or two nro frequently Invited. Of course, in tho caso of a bride taken fiom a home Inrge enough to ad mit of it, this takes place in her parents' rooms. At midnight, when nil are en gaged in the whirl of a waltz, Fillno is discreetly led away from tho ballroom by her mother and an old lady of stand iug of tho family, but not lofore the bridegroom has had n whispered Intima tion of her departure f rem tho lips of the lady who Ii now signed nml boiiIou "Ills inother-ln-law. This last part of the comedy Is the most solemn of nil. Arrived In tho home which Is to be her daughter's abode heneejorth, of course the dear soul can not help feeling moved once more, and this time terribly, The process of tho morning's toilet Is reversed to tho name accompaniment of tears and embraces. The honor of taking olf the garter Is claimed by tho old lady (jienerally mi aunt of the bride). Adolphe, punctual to the whispered rendezvous given him in the ball room, arrives, ami it is mainmn who comes to op-u tho door to him. This scetio may bo more easily Imagined than described. Tho moment is awful for all concerned. Tho poor mother throws herself into licrHon-lu-law's nrms, mid, with all the fen or of her heart, ex horU him to take care of the treasure she has handed over to him nud make her life a bed of roses. And she goes. Adolpho nml Fillno aro happy at last; and now wo will take leave of them and wish them long happiness and pros perity, There is something to bo said In favor of all this. The ceremony of matrimony is the prologue to courtship, Instead of the opt logue, as it not uiifrequeiitly Is in coun tries where society Imposes no restric tions upon engaged coplo. 7'o Ufi Conffnitfi', In n recent article hi the Youth? C'lmi'xni fim on" How to Cure u Cold" tho writer nit vlxod a hot Icmonailo to bo taken nt bedtime. It Is a dangerous treatment, iwHeliilly during tlin severe cold weather of the whiter months, us It opens tint lioi-es of tho skin and leaves tliu system In such a condition that another audn much moro severe cold Is almost cortnlujto I in contracted. Many years constant uso nml tlio oxH'riPiiee of tlioiisands of iminons of all ages, has fully demonstrated that there Is nothing iMitler for n Mivcro cold tlmn Cham berlain' Cough Remedy, It nets hi )erfiKt harmony with nature, relieves tho lungs, llqullU-s thu tough tenacious mucus, nmklugit easier to exiiectonttc, nud lestores the system to n strong and healthy condition. Fifty cent iKittles for alo by A. L. Hlmder. A Hot of Dickons' Works l'rer, Doing anxious to make a showing of 1MM) new siilscrllK'rs added during lBHtl, the Cou IlIKIl has decided to make mi unprecedented oirer 111 order to accomplish that end. Com mencing Octolwr 15 we will give to every now MultscrllKT paying if'-'.W), a set of IS TWELVE VOLUMK8-13 of Charles Dickens' works, and send the CouiitKii from now until January 1, lbtH, Addresses may lw changed nt tiny time with out extra charge, hi ease of removal. The books aro neatly bound inpiipurcovt'iii and n paragon of excellence generally. Now Is the timo to subscribe, Tho Couhieii for nearly fifteen months nud a set of Dickens works for only f-'.W. Just think of itt The CouuiKit from now until Jan. 1, Mil, would cost fifiO, and thus by ordering now you get a young library free. Old subscribers may nlso take advantage of this by paying up arrears, If such lw the case, nud tho amount ns nlxivo specified. Address all communications relative to tho iiIkjvo to Wessel Printing Co., Lincoln, Neb. P. 8. If you would llko the set of Dickens and don't care for moro pnpers tlinn you are now Uklng, the nlxivo oirer nlso holds good for paters to lw sent out of town. Dr. C. IS. Manning, office room GO 07-09, llurr block. Telephone iKM. Resilience Cor. IWth and F. Telephone JKJO. The best place hi tho city of Lincoln to get eood Iwanl Is nt Hrown's enfo. You havo a Krout variety to select from and the prices 111 o reusonablo. Old trunks inado us good as now or taken in trade for now oik's at trunk factory 203 80 ltth St., tol. 00.1. Wirrick & Hopper. Also n lino lino of trunks, vuhses, etc. Hliow Ciim-k For Hale. Soveral counter show cases of several all for salo cheap at tho COUUIKU ofllco. Call nnd seo them. Prices will suit. lust Issued. Tho passenger department of tho Union Pa cific R'y has just issued a pumplilot entitled "Outdoor HporU nnd Pastimes" which gives the correct rules for bnso ball, lawn tenuis, croquot, polo, cricket, rackets, quoit, lacrosse, football and curling. It will lw found especially convenient ns a leforenco Imok for these games, im.i by send ing two cents In stngo stamps to E. L. Lo max, general mssenger agent of tho Union Pacific R'y, Omaha, a copy will lw cheerfully mailed to any address, free, 11 U0t3 Winger & McOahy for Coal, Coko and Wood. 12-2 North Eleventh sireot. Tele phone !500. Notice of ruhllciitloii. To Millard T.Htovens, nou-roshlout defend- nut: "Vnu will liiknnntlco that on tho 10th dov of Hoiiteniber, IHSU, (leorito O. Wnlto, plulntlir II led his petition In the district court of I.iin raster count v. Nebraska, mriilnst you tho ob ject and prayerof which aro to foreclosed cer lain moriKiiKO oxecuieu or you u neiiry - lllttcnhender and by sold lllttcubondor duly. usslKiied to this plalutlir, upon lots one (I) nud two CM. In block II f teen (If.) In Martin's IlclKhts, Lancaster county, Nebraska, to se cure tho payment of two promissory notes dated July 'J7.1IM7, for 76.0il each, Interest H per rent iiud 10 per cent, coupons nllachod, all duo. You aro horoby required to answer snld pe tition on or leforo Monday, November'., 1&89. J. H. IlldllOl', Altoruoy for 1'lalntlir. Hated. Lincoln, Ncb.,Oct. IS, issy. (10-liMt) Notice or l'ublliiitlou. To Charles Holland and John N. Ualdwln, uou-rcsideul defendants: You and each of you will takn notice that on tho ltth day of October, 1ns9, David A linn 111. plnlntlir, tiled Ills petition In tho dis trict com t of Iiiicaster county, Nebraska, UKafiiHt j oil and others, tho object nnd prayer of which aro to foreeloooa certain innrncm;o, executed bv tho ilefondauls, Juiiies K, llnuiu and Tllllo llauiii to Daniel llaiim, upon that certain piece or parcel oflaml situated In tho county of Uinemter nnd HUto of Nebraska, more particularly known and described ns fol low", io-u'tt: Tho southwest uuarter of Hoc tlou numhr Twouty-soveii ('.'7), Town mini ler Klovendl), ltnui;o number Mix 01), bo hiKoui) hundred and sixty ncres more or less acconllui; lo the eovernmout survey thereof, to secure thepaymentofa certain promissory nolo datid May -M, IKS,',, for the sum of ifiS, made by said James K. Ilnum lo said Daniel llaum.and u hlch nolo and mortiuiuohava beon duly iikslKiied and transferred to this plalu tlir; that I hero Is unwdueuiwm said note nnd morluaKi) tho sum ofty-Vi), with Interest from xay ). IKS',, at the rlu of 10 per cent, per m uum, for which sum and Interest tho plnlntlir prays for n decree that tho defendants lw re quired lo pay the same or that said promises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found duo on said note and morlrmte; that tho inorlk'sijo which said Charles Holland has or claims to havo on said premises may ho decreed to lw Mibjecl to plalatltrs mortKiiKo and t'lo said Charles Holland and John N. Ualdwln may bo foreclosed nnd barred of nil equity of re demption and right, title nud InUrest In and tOHuld premises. You and each of you aro required to answer snld petition on or Wore ihoiMh day of No vember, isstt. David a. iiaum. Ily Pound & llurr, his attorneys. Dated Oct. 18, IhcW, '10-ltf-lt E. HIIvIv,tx I.ATK OK llUOOICIiYN, N, Y Tailor and Qraper GENTLEMEN! I shall display for your Inspection n new and very carefully ictcctcd Stock, ciniipiUIng many of the Intcst nnd newest 'designs of the Etiroprnn Manufacturers, nnd I am now prepared to take all orders for innklng up garments for yenls In the latest styles. LADIES TAILORING i Having for seventeen yenri met with great success In Iirooklyn, N. Yi, hi cutting and making Lndlei Jackets and Hiding Habits, shnll be plcnicd to receive patronage from tho Indies during the coming season. I Atn nlso prepared to receive orders for all kinds of Uniforms and Smoking Jackets. 1230 O Street. T5 " Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. 1ST Hones Hoarded nnd bed of care taken of nil Stock entrusted to in. JB PRICES RIJASONADLE. BILLMEYER & CO.,, Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Tolophono 435 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate,' wc will furnish 100 Cards from same, at qJi.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courlor Offlco. Tolophono 253. Now Burr Block 1A MAl UNACQUAINTED WITH TBS GEOGRAPHY or THE COUNTRY, WILL OBTAD MUOn VALUABLE INFOHMATION TBOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP Or THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main llnoe, branches and oxtonslona East and Wost of the Missouri Itlvor. Tho Dlroct Itouto to and from Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa. Poorla, La 8alle. Mollnn, Rock Island, in ILX.INOI8 Davenport, Muscatine. Ottumwa. Oslculoosn, Dob Molnos.Wlntorsot, Audubon. Harlan, and Council Blutra. In IOWA-Mlnnoapolls and St. Paul, In MINNESOTA Watortown nnd Bloux Fallo, In DAKOTA Cameron, fit. Joseph, and Kansas City, la MISSOURI-Oraaha, Falrbury, and Nelson, In NEBUASKA Horton. Topoks, Hutchinson, Wichita, Bellovlllo, Abllono, Caldwoll, In KANSAS-Pond Croek, KlnjrflBhor, Fort Bono, In tho INDIAN TEBUlTOBY-ond Colorado Springs, Donvor, Puoblo, In COLORADO. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwoll, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palace Sleep ing Cars botwoon Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Travorsos new and vast oroos of rich farming and grazing lands, atrordlng tho boat facilities of Intercommunication to all towns and cities oast and wost, northwest und southwest of Chicago, andPnclUa and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splondor of oqulpmont, cool, woll ventilated, and froe from dust. Through Ooochos, Pullman Sloopors, FREE Rocllnlng Chair Curs, and (oast of Missouri Rlvor) Dining Cars Dally botwoon Chicago, Dos Molnos, Council BlutTB, and Omaha, with Froo Reclining Chair Car to North Platto, Nob., and botwoon Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denvor, and Puoblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topoko. Splendid Dining Botels (furnishing meals at soasonablo nours) wost of Missouri River. Callforola ExcurBlona dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake. Ogdon, Portland. Lou Angploa, and San Francisco. Tho DIREC7 LINE to und from Pike's Poak, Manltou, Gordon of tho Gods, tho Saultarl ums, and Scunlo Qrandours of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Express Trains daily botwoon Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. With THROUGH Roollnlng Choir Cora (FREE) to and from thoso points and Kansas City. Through Chair Oar and Slooper botwoon Poorla, SplrltLako, and 81oux Falls, via Rock Island. Tho Favorito Lino to Plpostone, Water town, Sioux Falls, and tho Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds of tho Northwest. THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offora facilities to travol botwoon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Josopb.Atchlaon, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. ForTlokota, Maps. Foldors, or desired informaUon, apply to any Ticket Pffico in the United Statoa or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, Ottur) Xwogtr. LINCOLN, NEB. LINCOLN HRANCH OF Max Meyer & Bro.. Wholcule nd RtUtl Dealers in PIANOS ORGANS Oftiioral western nuonls for tho Htcln way, Kimlio, ChlckerlliK, Voso, Krnst (lahler, llohr llros., Nowhy A I'viius, ana HlorlliiK l'lauos mnrkod In plain lliruros prlcM always tho lowest for tho grade of pliinot C. M. HANDS, Manager. I -12 North 11th Stroot Finest in the City J-THE NEW-S Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple. JOHN SEBASTIAN, CHICAGO, ILL,. Oto'lTickrtftrMLAccvCr I .1 s