Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1889)
f- 1? t ! ' T r'T,1Tl CAPI'lAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889 U.V Mv !' :x K?- raft ' - I lft'L ,lE 2i' I,Vm ' mj4. u :.f-- IM4 v .1 L w Don't Fail to Look A big Cut in Prices throughout our Entire Stock ! Overcoats Cheaper than ever known. The prices on Suits are way down. ' UNDERWEAR, big assortment and prices down. MEN'S ALL WOOL CHINCHILLA OVERCOATS at $7.50. Cannot be bought elsewhere for less than $10.00 to $r.2.oo. We back up every statement we make. Call and be convinced. Globe One-Piice Clothiers, Cor. O and Tenth Sts. To Owunrs nf I'ltio Homes, TI10 holiday Issue of tho Couimkh will con tnln nmoug n largo uumlicr of nrt engravings a vullovtlon of nlwut thirty of Lincoln' most elegant home. Thotlmo Intervening liotween now and tho date of publication In limited, nml no Hint noiid of our projierty owners hav ing line loslileucv tlmt they would llkn pub lished In that Imuo shnll Ik) slighted, wo ro nuest nil such to Iwxvo Information nt this olllco not later tlinn Dec, Ath. No orders for i'iiU will lie rccelioil nftor that date, ns tlioro would bo no tltno for engraving. If you want your homo represented cull nt onco. Summons Inul n nohhy window for Thnnks. giving. It wns n tnblo Hot In tho east window with four ornon seated nround It, tho hond of ench liolng thnt of 11 turkoy, hut M largo In sl.o tlmt of n uiikii. Tho work is n credit able showing of tho skill of llnrry Uom, tho hond salesman. We Offer No Baits But Give Full Value for Evory Dollar. Our Sl.OO Ladirs' Kid Shoel, like other houses claim they have i educed from $1.50 have always been sold by us nt what they term n "discounted price." Our $1.50 Ladies' Donprola. Wc never sold this shoe for $2.00 or $2.50 ns other houses claim they have nnd then reduced them to $1.50. ZS" Tlmt Is our REGULAR PRICE. Wc nrc satisfied with Reasonable Profits. Rents nrc cheaper In our locality, ex penscs less and if you will Invcbtlgute we will show you thnt our every day price more than equal the "halt offers" made by other houses. J. Z. BRISCOE, Sols Agsnt for Gray Bros, ladies' Shoes. 1329 0 STREET. Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Canon City Whitebreast Walnut Springs AND ANTHRACITE. Telephone 234. Lime Hair Plaster Cement Office, 109 South Eleventh St. In Temporary Quarters. Barfs Jewelry Store Removed To 1036 N St., het. 10th and Tith. A new nnd elegant line of Jewelry just opened Including WATCHESi CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, ETC., FOR THE In our precent location rent is very low and wc are therefore enabled to sell nil goods nt a much lower price than other houses. Don't fall to call and sec us. For 1890 Consider Sciuhnrr's Magazine when you are deciding upon your reading matter for next season. The subscription rate is low $3.00 a year. The standard of the Magazine is high, Its spirit progressive, The illustrations are interesting nnd of the best. There is not space here to give even a summary of the feat ures to appear next year, but among other things there will be a NEW DEPARTMENT and ADDITIONAL PAGES and groups of illustrated articles will be devoted to the following subjects: African Exploration and Travel, Life on n Modem War Ship (3 articles), Homes In City, Suburb, nnd Country, Providing Homes through Building Associations, The Citizen's Rlghtf, Electricity in the Household, Ericssohn, the Inventor, by his Authorized Biographer, '- nuniing, Humorous Artists, American and I-orelgn. There will be 3 serials. Robert Louis Stevenson will contribute In 1090. Each subject, and there will be a great variety this year, will be treated by writers most competent to speak with authority and with interest. Readers who are interested are urged to send for n prospectus. 25 cents a number; $1.00 for 4 months. Charles Scribnefs Sons, 743 Broadway, New York. Thino now ton kettles Just received nt II. J. llnll&Dro's. ll'JuO street, will nttrnct tho attention of every lady. T hoy nro presented In brass, copper or nickel. Ht-o tlieui in our show wlnikm. I.mlliV Complexion I'omltr. MIm .TiiIiiwIjiii. tho Imlr dressor. tilt 0 street, 1ms hut road vol nil Invoice of tho Felix UovliiK'H rnco powder, or mo wi Duchess" make. ThU powder Un mint de lightful ndjunet to tho toilet nnd owing to Itn UKxIlcnl imnlltlefl Is of Rront vnhui In tho euro nf nrnillrltlcm nf llllllllloi. blotolll'S, tliolo, r.blnu Mil U llllTlllll III lITlH!t flt)lll Ull ottivr coinploxlon powders, In tlmt ltdoon not produce n ilry nun piircnwi npiienrnnce, uuv clvuu llm turn Hint. MlfL mill VolvotV look. SO nnturnl to youth and good liraltli. It Is lr Hired in inreo colors viz: iimn, wiinu "in hrunetU', unit Imparts n Umiitlful trnnsmr oncy thnt Is froo from nnythliiK tlmt could possibly Injure tho skin. Hnmplos choorfully Htveil to nil In'lltw nl MIrh jonusioun imir ilroHslug luirlorn. Our C'lirlntinns Nuiiilxir, Kvcrv r'Kiilnr sulMXTllwr w III bo iiruMJiiUil fuo with n copy of our hnudsoino Clitlstum edition. It will bo "n thing of bonuty nnd n Joy furovor." If you nro not n stilwerlber wild In your nniuo now nnd net thnt excellent number free. You cull HUUhcriDO ior inreo months (only fiO cent) nnd try tho pajicr. I Ait mm hear from you. Tho nutotviNM on oxlilbltlou In tho Scimto chnmbor nro reproiluetlons from many of tho greatest musters. Nothing Is more npproprlnto for n Christ niAh present for n tunrrlod friend, than one of those tint) carving Hdts. II. J. Hull K llro. have a Ixviutlful lino of those, of unlipiudo slgn ut pilees tlmt nro very low. I.nit lit' Itfiiintiil. Lenvltt. tho coal limn, tho man who first ill" triHlucisl " ltavltt'n Domestic" (and which Is now considered ouo of tho lluost coals of Its kind In tho market), is moving his city olllco tolliEiO street nnd on nnd nfUr Monday next will bo found there ready to servo his patrons nnd tho public with nnythlng they tuny want hi thu coal nnd wood Hue. Ko tuembcr tho new place and call often, 11113 0 street, first door west of Dennis' oM.arn house lmt store. Lndle will find n complete line of tho celo hrnted Oniy Bros.' Indies' lino shoes ut J. .. Briscoe's, 11EKI O street. Compure tho Century orlglunl drawings with the illustrations as they npiear In tho mnguzluex, nhlchlho Hnydou Art club lion for Inspection In tho Hennto chamber. Tho nobbiest turnouts thnt nro seen on our thoroughfares nro from tho I'nluco stable. Telephone No. I.Ti. Htublim on M street op txisito Masonio temple. Among the incidents of chlldhsod thnt stand out In bold relief, its our memory re verts to tho dnys when wo wero young, nono are more prominent than severe sickness. Tho young mother vividly remembers that It was Chnuil)erlnhi'M Cough Remedy cunsl her of croup, nnd In turn ndinlnitern It to her own oirMprliig mid always with tho bost succew. Kor sale by A. L. Hlindor. Pocket cutlery, In Ivory, pcnrl oml fancy wnxl handles nnd the very loHt steel blades In largo variety nt II. J. Hall & Bra's. 1111 0 street. Wo sell n ludles' kid shoo overy day for $1 such ns other houses claim thoy hnvo reduced to 1.&0. Wo are satisfied with o small profit and therefore sell all kinds of boots and shoes ut such prices that wo cannot give n discount. Cull nnd set us. J. 'A. Urlscoo, 1!.MJ 0 stieet. Tho loan collection of pictures which tho Hnydon Art club pluced on exhibition in tho Senate Chamber lust Tuesday evening will bo okmi every dny from 2 to 0 nnd from 7:!S0 to 10 p. in. One of tho members of the club will be in attcudnnco each dny to receive visitors and It Is hoped all interested In tho work of tho great nmsters nnd tho liost lllustrntoni of tho present day will nttend this exhibition. Pi of, Seidell's Orchestra furnishes any number of pieces for concerts, balls, iwirties, weddings, etc. Olllco RM South 13th. lcle- phono C'Jl. Ve Are the I'uoplu. Buslurss men from Nebraska for Chicago, Milwaukee nnd nil entern cltlei will please note thnt by tho now time schedule (in eifect from and uftcr Nov. 17th, lebO), they can nr rlvo ut Omaha nbout 4 p. in., can do business or visit with Omaha merchants nnd friends for nearly two hours, nnd can then take the Through Pullman Sleeping carof thoChicngo, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway Short Lino tiut train, nt Omaha depot of Union I'acldo iiiihwiy, daily at 0 p. in. (supixT served on dining cur leaving Council Blulfsntlhno p.m.) nnd arrive nt Chicago at 0:30 n in. (breakfast nlso served on dining car) In ample time to inako connections with tho fast morning trains from Chicago on the principal eusteni nnd southeastern lines; or, if desired, passen gers from the east can remain over In Chicago it few hours for business or ploisuro nud ro sume their Journey by the nfteruoou fast nud limited trains of ull tho Eastern roads. In addition to tho foregoing, another through shot t lino train leaves Omaha dally nt 0:15 a. m., and Council HlulTsatlUOn. m., arriving at Chicago nt lIsTiOn. in., making clow connection with tho express trains of all eastern roads. For tickets and further information apply to the nearest ticket ugent, or to John K. Mo Clure, Western Pussenger Agent, 1501 Far nam street, Omaha, Neb. Adams, lousing He Scott, nttornoys, rooms SO, 21 and 22, Lattn Block. Fine carriages, boggle, h i die horses and tho best livery stock In the city at A. O. BilU meyer & Co's. Palace Stablo. Telephone orders (No. W5) receive prompt attention. Ladles who desire tho latest hi fine kid gloves no matter what length or shade, will tlml n complete and attractive assortmont at Miller & Pulne's, and prktw nro reasonable. They nro just now huving n special sulo on some slightly damaged Alexandre goods and you may find some In the lot that you want. Book orders ahead for Sunday livery In order to get a rig at the Police Stables. THE MBRMAIDKN. Arranged expressly for The American Press Association. t Words by OWEN MEREDITH. Muslo by CHAS. ZIMMERMAN. 7jminA, mf mmmiz l JfegifffdglgBi -. " ii mm 1. Ho wiiii ft I'rlnco with gold . on 3. Tlmro'n until lug no fnlr In tho M'n down , i 5 P iig mm 0- ss ft linlr, In n pal . nco Iw aldo tho en And I but a thore, An tho light on Ids gold on trcw w j. Thoro'H notlilng no nwootnn lil I jaag& 0- . z: jl . ..:. ffmk-i 1 i-tirr ztt!mz pi F-r--!-r jjpEfeJsbpgi ylfefeEJ loor iner inald-eu, And hotv nhould ho enro for mo T. voice, Ah I nothing 00 warm as tho warmth of his kino w, Last BUintuur I I could not help t3iSfc3pi - p I - mk0g. -S!l. : pH m Pmm CrU m I Irip camo In tho long bluo nlghtp, To Bit In tho cool sea cavern Lart but lovo... Llm. lovo him. Till my lovo.... grow pain to mo; Audio- Prrft rfh$.-.M..M M " I p 0 m m I W33fef euni-tner be cntno to count tho Btore From Ida tcr raco a . bovo tho wuvoa.. morrow he wods tho Prln ceea In that pal -nco bo -aldo tho nca.... i L 4 1 -ly Jg.Lg-.i n 1'- jpNgaai tkC 7? EBBmp m ii v IBMII i. "Ht- lpi m jDQQ OopjrrIlit. 1089. by John do Witt PIANOS All the Latest and most Popular Musical Compositions may be found at ORGANS CURTICE & TI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TH STREET. SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars, Piano Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to. NOYELTIES Will Remove December 1st, to New Harris Block, 1130-32 N Street, 7 WESSEL PRINTING CO. r