Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1889)
r IJV. T7 " rjgffr 'ni(ii V-'T CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1889 1v u- IjO" 'J 1 ,1 . Bold Coin Base Burners &old Coin Round OaKs Gold Coin Heaters in Endless Variety. M. & D. Round Fire Wrought Steel Ranges. The most Practical Mange made for llanl Coal or for Soft Coal. Sec them Before Buying ! FRANK E. LAIIR, I1.M 1 HI., Opp. l'aslortlce. HENRY M. DOMESTIC ROCK SPRINGS E LEAVITT T T CA10M CITY TRENTON Anthracite. Ttltphont 360 Aid "OLD LEE1 US S. 10th Stntt. OUR WARRANTED SHOE I LADIES this line o! Fine Shoes wc place on the market and claim them to be the best line made. Wc WARRANT every pair. They arc Hand-made In every respect and arc the Latest Styles. OUR PRICES : $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 wc can save yuu mum is y on this special line. Please call and sec for yourself, at H. SHERWIN'S Boston Shoe t Store 1026 P ST. After the Fire I Setter and Nicer than Ever I CHEVRONT'S Lunch & Oyster Parlors ty Now rc-opened and ready to serve Mends, patrons and the public. Call and ee us t Y.J. CHEYRONT, Prop., 1016 O S Union Block. LINCOLN1 4iD BHTmmt or raatuamr, flhertttsad, sad Tywirrttln, is tb tmt and Urrat Oullim i tho . tsa WaJMU la atlcii.Una.lMl Mir. twlts ywtmrert for tmrtn In from 4 to ikaMhf. MttimtA HtmHr. Prruonl tntnclkm, sssiwhl WKhiwIxI fhm, xUrm Jourul, u4 ,, f MSSilM ot wisM t tn bf itonilni ,tf iTTWUDQ k UOOVL, Ltoeato. Vt. Poll c o A L V (r V- Cr P;IDEAL 2X mfc i-MtJj .1 lilli ltirnf Mmfcrn 7Vhim PUUMSH1CIJ SATUWDAY t'lucuiiTiost O110 Year by Mall or Carrier f J,X) Hit months, $1,00. Three month 80 Cents, One iiinnlli Uu Cent Inrnrably In Advance. ADVXHTIHKMKNTIII lUltl. flimUhed Oil Il!lll0 Itl'll At tlm oniee. HHtcta1 rnti'it on Time Contracis. I'oNTWiurnoNsirthorl spicy skelelics, oenis nnd stories solicited. IVrsoiinl and Hoclnl nolo urn rpecllly dolrnble. I'nlNTlint Wo mnko n specialty of Hue Printing In All lw brandies. Society work a specially. i lriM4 nil nitiiiiiiiiiiicntliiii direct to th onion. WitNaitL Printing Co, I'Ulll.lnllKllft. Now Ilurr llliick, Cor. Ulh nml O Hirer'.. TKt.KPIlOMKim li. U'khhki,, Jit., Editor nml Solo 1'iupriutor. 1'llKII IlKN.INOKIl, Associate Editor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. Mm. Joseph Watklusof tafnytttc, I net. t Is visiting her Irlcnds, tho Misses lllalr, l'JOl street. Jok Eahtkiiday, lowlstnnt secretary of I ho Nebraska sennto list whiter, Uio Washington weiring u ixxltloii hi coiiRrwu. Tiik fin to Im.irri of transportation linn con- foi ivil tlio honor of Iti ctinirmaushtp on Aud itor llciiton Tiik stnto boniri ( pharmacy has chosen lor I to chairman nml Mr. J. E. Hlggsof Kcimard & IUggs of this city itM mi examiner. L ' -3 HuMMONHthooudlttcr thowori his iyniNi. thy for Iho poor In a Hutntiutlal manner liy giving EUer Ilowo ono bundled loaves of bread fortllKtrlhtttlon. Nkuuabka hm made another record. Ono of It counties did not cant n Democratic voto nt tho recent election. It was Manner county wllh SOI) voted, nil Heptihllcnn. Onk of the ublqiiltotiti Omaha correspond ent has discovered thnt State Librarian Lccao has coiuxm1 n minrtot called "Depth of Mercy," which will lw rendered nt ono of tho churches tomorrow. Sixer. Inst January n Lincoln Ami, Hnr grvives llros., hns Iktii Importing tea direct from Japitii, ThtKt gentlemen Imvo brought over S,(0D packages, u lolnl of nearly 200,000 pounds, reprwrntiiig n vnluo of nlwutf 75,000. TitK state board of tramportutlon hns or dered tha rnllronds to put lis reduced coal rates Into effect Dee. 15. Tho schedule reduces tho procnt frolglit clmrges on coal from 40 to A3 per cent. Tho railroads must now accept tho rates or light. Juduk NonvAi,, tho Itentihllcnn candidate for tho supremo court, had n plurality of 10, 000, Tho regents of tho Bttto university ro- wlvetl nbout 2.1,01)0, nnllottlug tjttlto n light on tho head of tho t'ekut, Tho prohibition voto was about K,r00. lliur.ii.'rt example 1 spreading, lloth houses of pm llament nt Hldnoy havo ndorted nn nd iIiim exprexsliig the Inut thnt thoprescntdls. cusMonnf thuruhject of fitlorntlonby tbocol onlivi would le.ul to tho creation of n federal Australia on n Iwms of mutual good will and enduring friendship. 8K.VATOU Paddock Iim n llttlo hill to pro scut to congrem thnt w ill provide for tho erec tion of government building fur postonico uso In towns Hchiyluled ns second clns.1. It N only a qtiiwtloii ot tlmu when thin will 1m tho policy ot tho government, nnd Nehrnskatw unturnlly h tvo a Uta prllo in knowing thnt ono ot their representatives Is taking tho Inl t'nl move. A si'kciau from Washington dated Inst Tuesday soys: "W. II. B. Stout ot Lincoln loft for Lincoln laKt night, having been east as far ns Boston nnd Now York. With Bongs & IlitU, ho is interested under tho sundry clv .. i ... ..... ....... . . . - it appjuprinuou liii oi iron in n claim (or dnmngrg on tho ground ot the annulment of a stone contract with him for tho new (0,000, 000 library building, congrcM having con cluded to allow Uie chief of engineers to han dlo tho who!o mattor." DtKAffOiNTED ofllco sevkerit In this stato should tuko heart. Senator Paddock is going to reintroduce his bill for tho establishment ot two new laud ofllces in Nebraska. Tho bill pawed tho so.into without any trouble In tho last o tigress, and nl-o got a majority voto In tlio hotue, but was Unten by Mr. llolninn, who dentatulwl a quorum utiles tho bill was changed to make only ono laud ofllco, Instead of two. Senator Paddock Is confident of b -lug ablo to pass tho bill thlsfosslon. Tiik mother of Parnell, In tolling or her jtoverty the other day, gave utterance to these, hoi o!c, patriotic sentlmonU: "Charles Steu art Parnell doe not own a dollir lit tho world. What money ho hns has been tml 8crlb?d for tho cause ot Ireland, and not ft r tho purposo ot my support. Ho has no right to use such mono) n for me. True, ho has epent his prlvnto fortuno for the raueo, but what is thnt it he Wins home rule for tho na tion. When my boy entered Irish polities I gave up my i uhllc dowry for him and his aiuo. I married nn Irishman nnd lovo Ire land." . Poutioau goKsIp Is nver eixlmz. Master Workman Powderly Is quoted as saying It was very piobablo tliat wmo form ot conwl! da t Ion ot tho knights nnd the Farmers' nil auro would bo nccmplUhed hooii. Together tboy will have, ho says, about tbreo million voters, an army so vast that tho politicinus will not dam to spuni it. Tho combined ors ganlzatious will wield such political powjr as to control tho preside itlal chair. "It tho amalgamation Is brought about I think tlio American Federation ot labor, tho engineers and other great labor bodies will want to be merged Into It, It will probably tnenn the birth of a new political party which will have MOlctent strength to control tariff revision asul other UgUUUon." nkw vonic FAsnrrows. THC MILITArtV STYLE, SO 0ECOM INO TO VOUNO 0IRL8. AImI Smua Old Woman Will lnll or. Adiintliiu ll, TIiiiiibIi Tlmy Ctti t Admit TtieniMiilvi-4 In It Thrrn l.lllln llrl nnd riinlr lliilnly DrrliiB. Hkm:UI Oornwixindeni-.' Ni'.w VoilK. Nov, 29. -If ll Is Iruotlmt limn wuiiIh hut llttlo hero Iwlmv In tho wny nf t'lnthoH. thnt amo In not trim of woini'ii, for tlii'y wniH it gixnl ileiil, nml of nn liillnllo vnrloiy, w Hint it coiiioh nlxnit 1 1 nt t iIidm' Ik not n putt of tho world, I'Ulll-il or mil, Unit does not fnriiNIi Hi ini'oil for UiocmlMilllslimnnt or fi'iiiliilin' Utility It Ih ii very irood thing, too. for coin. inoroc would lucolvo koiiio rudo tdiockn If then1 vvmh u now law piiKHod oxolmllng ovi'i'.vtlilnn thitl wiih Intended for women 'n tlu ii'iniiliiit tlcgnti. TIIK MiUTARY HTYI.I'.. Bxplonttlon of now cotinlrlon, too, would Ioho much of iu jiopiiliirlty In tlio nibliu inliul ir It wtw known that It would io tiaclcHH to bring hnok fur, feutlmrH, fnhrloH, toxtili-Hor jowols. Ar It Is, thorn la nothing Unit grows or la found on laud, or In tho sen, or Hying through tho ulr thnt could, liy tiny possibility, ho of Rcrvlco to womankind Hint In not enro fully authored mid tenderly treated until It reaches tholr pretty luindH. Iiow iiincli pain, troubto, dnngor und privation it litis cost to bring to tlio mar kutri Urn fttru that ndom tho Hoftor hox, IM'rlmps not ono of tlioni over tlilnkn. They tiro llko sweet, unrciwonlng liuhlos, tnklng tho prettiest and lust of ovrry thing ns ti natural right, without unking from wliunuo it coiiioh or whut It cost In tho wear nnd tear of human llfo. Thcro la not enough vurluty In ma tcrliila of which to iniiku bonnets, mi iiow nomo ono lias Invoulml tho iiho of kid, omlirolderctl in hIIUh tinil gold nnd allvor tliiuuil. 1 ttnw ii boiiuet tluy iHtforo yra tcrday by jotting upon n chair nml bor rowing tin oporti ghiHH on ucoiuitil or tho couipiiulnohH of tho crowd iiniiinil it, It wusof )cii grocii kill, oiiihmhh'iril in palo pink Hilk IIohh null allvoi tin cud. Tho crown, which wim uliiiosl iim big nnd na Hut tw n pinto, wiih tMiihroidorcd In ii kind of couvtiitlonuli.i'd Hour do IU pattern, nml tho commit hiiin wna worked In tho Haiuc way. Thoiu vvux u siniill Ihiw of pink nml given vulvcl rlh Ikhi on Hid lop, which huroly kIuiwimI nbovu tho ooiouct Thcro wcio no Htringa. TlmiHMti glass, powerful iih it wan, could lmt iiiiignlfy the prlco. H wim tilrciuly loo hlg to conn' within I In focus. Iist night I went to tho theatre. I do this ovcry timo tlio attito of my II minces will iicriult; und I sat just behind two lovely military girls, with u lovelier young man, who seemed to Ixj joint property They woro juoketa brnldeil in military Mtylo, which is quito u rago iiiuoug young girls who llko to bo thought dashing und guy. Tho huts worn mtiull but protty one trimmed with n wreath oT velvet rosi-s. Tho old "Katieer hut" Ih evidently coming uroitnd again The young limn hiw ii blond that Irt, his head wits. I didn't eo his face. I lis hair had Ik-cii clipped close, nnd looked ho llko ercuin coloietl pluah thnt I hud the hardest work to keep from IMHsing my hiiml over it, just 1 like to do with the rtfiilrtkiii couts und beaver capon of my friends, to sen how xoftttioy reel These st'iiil-iulllttiry btyloa nro very jmmty nml lajcoinlng to most girls, but iihial old women will wear I hem xomo- limes, thinking Hint what Is pretty for the girls must bo pretty for them also. They nro of dark blue, drab, black, gray and rod hcuvcr cloth, und onco In nwhllo you will see tin Ivory colored one. They niv trimmed with iiuy kind of braid that suits tho wonrer lx:st. Tho fur collar enn Im? worn or not, nt plensuro. Tho pretty velvet basque twrtniyed in tho middle or tho picture is of dark bluo, with Ivory surah pulTa nnd vest. 1 put that in Tor contrast, ami us n very beau tiful thing to wear with n plain skirt for home tolleta. liluck or tiny other color would be us handsome. ANUK.bH OF TIIK HOUSEHOLD. 1 hope mothers will to pleased to see tho tin co little iiinids in their pretty nml easily made dresses. Household nngels they nro, though their A'Ings nro fortu nntely In visiblo. The llttlo gowns tire ol plain material in twilled wool, colored llnunel nml cashmere, with full straight skirts, with tho exception or tho middle one. which tins a full vest front waist, nml the front of tlio skirt Is ncconleoii plaited down to within six Inches of the edge of tho skirt, which throws tho full ness into the edgo In n ruQIu To this is n sash of velvet, to match tho culTs nnd collar. All three or these pretty llttlo gowns can bo tundo nsily, nnd they are very dressy with a small outlay of time und money, Uuve IIaupkr In New Hampshire working children between tlio ages of 14 and Itt years are compelled to go to school thrco months of tho .year. A THANKSOlVINQ ROMANCK. WAS nfter dinner, on the day Undo famous by roo1 living. They broke tlio wish iHHie, Imlfln play. In honor of Thanks Klhig Kind fate, Hint furors thtMO who dn ro ily Otipld nercr clftlillted- Allotll him tlio larger shnm Tho ort that sho had wnnted. Her prrtty lips set In a twin, HheslKhod- "Ah me, I'm fated' Out tell inn whAI you thought About? Your wish you haven't stated." "Alasr' bo crlwt, "It's been declnrod That when tho bouo H broken, Tlio winner's wish must not bo shared. It must remain unspoken. "This fatal nilo domnnds thnt I Tlio secret slmll rvfuso you; Yet If I'm mum (he beared n sigh) Tho cIiaiicos are I'll loso yoiL "Oh, cruel fntol what shall I dor (Ills hand began to tremble.) Tho fact U that I wished for you. Why should I, lore, dUsctnblot" Fho maid replied, her head Ixwcd low, Half hiding Cupid's traces: "Iteganllng rules, thero are, you know, Exceptions In all cosos." Tom Massqm. Appearnuces Are Oft Deceit fill. Boforo ThaukRglruis day thcro sat, A turkey who was well and fat; &&. Tet this fact warrants no presumption. Ho died next day ot quick consumption. A TlmiiUclvlni: Menu. Oysters on half shell. Puree of pheasant, consommo royalo. Umall game patties. Drolled Mack Das Steward sauce. Turkey and cranberry sauco. Prime ribs of boof. Sugar corn. Mashed potatoes. Sweetbreads. Lanlet. Escalloped Oystors. Orecn peas. Plneapplu Sherbet. Saddle of venison on Jelly. Redhead duck. Chicken salad. Mlnco and pumpkin pie. Plum pudding. Catawba Jelly. Roquefort and Elam cheese. Coffee. Does Tier Tart. As wo sit down to dinner on Thanksgiving day, With never a caro to harass; Wo laugh and wo oat, nro Joyful and gay, And the servant girl gives us tho sass. A Mtxlent llequrtt. Unclo Ezra, who weighs SOU pounds, Is, talc tug Thanksgiving dinner at tho Sliuuous. Llttlo Willie (from foot of table) -Say, unclol Unclo Ezra Well, my boy. LltUo Willie Trade stomachs, will you I !iHH,j JmkaFT ZS? tftfrw untA. . iuzz. V4Z& WnWiHI)ki?JBS Ladies Kid Gloves. We arc now showing a line of the finest goods in thii line, embracing all the LATEST EVENING SHADES AND IN ALL WIDTHS From 12 to 30 Buttons. When asking for perfect fitting and most durable Gloves see our superb line of Alexemclre Kids. They have no equal and always give satisfaction. Ladies will always find an at tractive line of Furnishings at (MjJIImj 4- 33 t J39 South Lincoln Savings BankjnrJ Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $850,000. LIABILITY OP STOCKHOLDERS, $600,000. Interest paid on deposits nt any rntn of5 per cont por annum for all full calandar months Hafcs to rent In burglar proof and nro proof vaults, at annual rontal of 15 and upwards. Money lo loan on renl nstnlo and collateral. YOUIl HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. II KNKY K. LK WIH. A. 1 H STIJA ItT. JNO. II. MeOLAV, It. WELSH I'rcsldont. Vlco 1'i-csldont. Treasurer. Te IATJRITIFS STAMPING FREE We have secured the exclusive control of a New and Perfect System of STAMPING nnd In order to Introduce and advertise the same, wc have concluded to give our friends and customers STAMPING FREE (except on woolens), on Monday and Tuesday. Nov. 25th and 26th. J. H. MAURITIUS & CO., LADIES' FURNISHERS. 131 South MAUBIHUS Ashby & Millspaughs Are Closing Out their Entire Stock at Cost. Now is the time to Buy Goods at Wholesale Prices ! ASHBY & MILLSPAUGH. BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY COHL WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. "Will You. Buy gt JPieino? Until Jan. 1st, Special Prices made on Pianos and Organs Not cost Our Stock is Complete, So Don't Hail to Call Before Buying Geo. A. Crancer & Co. Art and Music. Pictures, Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc. Eleventh Street. Teller MATTBITITJS 11th St. MAURITIUS WEKVER, Telephone 440 but near it. A v r