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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1889)
- . r f- t T-- afc-nt-"" WAITED! Everybody to examine the plans and standing of the Un ion Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, before insuring. It has the lowest continuous death rate of any company. Realizes the highest rate of interest on in vested assets which enables it to pay large dividends. Policies inconttstible nm'. iton -forfeitable after third year. The Union Central issues endowment policies at orcli ary life rates; these policies .arc now maturing and being paid in from one to two years earlier than time estimated by the company. They protect the family and estate during the younger years of life, and the insured in old age at regu lar life rates. Other desirable policies issued. Call on us or fyrite or plans. .. M. KDM13T0S, Statt Aoent. G. L. MKSIIIKH, At. State Aoent. a, T. PUMPELLV, Cltu Solicitor. tloom 23 Iiiirr Illock, LINCOLN, NEB. P ast All Precedent! Over Two Millions Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated ly tho UMiiftiro for K'lu .oatloiKil niul ClmrlluMo purpose, mid It frnnchlao minimi imrt of the irraoiiL Rtnto .cnnatltuilon In 1871) by nn ovprwUvlniliiK Pu ulnrvnto. Its Grand Extraordinary Drawings take Elacc Semi Annually (June nnd Decern, or), niul It Grand Single Number Draw Ings take place In each of the oilier ten .months of the year, and are nil drawn In ipufollc, nt tho Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. "Wo do hereby certify Hint wo mipervltie itlio nrranKCinoilH fur nil Hie Mjiithiy ami rioinl-Aniiiiiil DniwIntiB of Tho IjuIhIuiih .fitiito Uittcry niiipiiiiy, mill In pemon limn- ago mid control tho limwliii; tliemxclvc. jind thai tho 81111111 nro comluoted with lion JMy. fnlrneHs, nnd In mmI fiilth toward nil pnrtles, nnd wo milliorlnu the Coi.iimuy to into 4hU cortltlcuto, with fnn-MlnilllcH of our Hlgnu- iron nttnehed, In lit mlvcrtloineiit." Commissioners. Wo, ttio timlcrMRiioil Itmilttt nnd llnnkorH will pny nil prlzex drawn In Hie LnuiHliinn Htnto ixitterlt'H, which may bo presented nt our counter. It. M. WAI.MHI.RY. J'reH'l tauliuuia Nnt H'k FIBHIIK I.ANAUX, I'reH.-tale National H'k A. HAI.nWIN, Pre. New Orli'iniK Nntl Hunk CAKI. KOIIN. I'reM. Union National Hank MAMMOTH DRAWING At the Academy of Molo, New Orleans, Tuesday, December 17, 1889. Capital Prize, $600,000. 100,000 Ticket ut f 10: Halves 20; Qunrtrr 10; hlyhlliH, .'.; Twentieths .'; Fortieth 1. MHTOK 1MIIZKS. i prize op lononoi nno.ooi) 1 t'IUZKOKJ,ilHJlH 200.01)0 ll'IU.KOP 100,000111 100,000 ii'iu.kok wm 60,000 2 PKI.K8 OK a).tXX) nro 40.00U M'KIZKH OK 10.iK)0nro fiO.OOO ffiPHIZKrtOP a.OOOuru A0.IXX) lUOIMtlKHOP 800lir tti.OOO 9)0 IMUX.KS OK HOOura J20.UW JSOUI'IU.KHOK 400nro 200,000 AI'l'UOXIMATION I'llIZKH. 100 Prizes ofll.OOO nro $100,000 J0O do. 800 are 80,000 sOO do. JOOnro 40,000 TWO NUMllBIt TKIIMINAI.8. J.098 Prizes of i lire 309,000 2,144 I'rlxe amounting to .. a,iat),too AGENTS WANTED. jM-ForCIul HatcH ornny further Informn. iToii desired, wrlto Ienllly to the unilorslKiieil, clearly mating your residence, with tiluto, County, Htrcet and Niiuibor. More rapid re turn mall doll very will tioniwuredby your on. cloning mi Envelope bcnrlug your full ml ilroHg. IMPORTANT. Address M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, Ln. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, WiiHhliiKtnii, D. C. lly ordinary letter ciintnlulliK Moi.oj- Or Act Issued hy all Hxpress Companies, Now York Exchange, Draft or Postal Nolo. Aldress Registered Letters containing Currency to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL HANK, Now OrlcuiiH, La, IlKMKMIIKlt that the payment of the Prize Ik iruarnulccd hy Knur Nulloiinl Hanks cf Now Orleans, anil the tickets nro Hlgncil by tho President or an Institution, whoso uhnr terod right nro recognized In tho hlehcsl courts; therefore, bownre of nil hnllatloiis or anonymoiiH schemrs. ONH DOIiI.AH Is tho price of Hie sumWest part or fraction or n ticket IHHUKD HY VH In any drawing. Any thine In our unmoor, fered for less Hum n Hollar Is u swindle, I can cheerfully recommenA ll)r Helh Arnold's Couch n Killer ia belnganrst-claii remedy for Coughs oMd Colds, hay. very great satlsf action. L. If. llmll IV lfiilnaa. Iowa. ' ' JDroggllU, 26c., tSOcand J.pp. HOI II By MAX 0'ItELL, Author of "Jonathan nud Ills Continent," "John Bull and H'a Island," "John Bull's Daughters," Eta III-THE WOMEN OF FRANCE. A (Niiiipri'li-iinlvK, IMrrrtlna nnd limtruct' lvi Description of Her Who Holds Jhi'iiiio Honlioinitiii In IHdlnc Strlnc. Tlu iintloiinl clmrnctiT of tliu Froucli Inn Kri'iitly nltunsl hIiiui tlio illKistvm of 1970. mid no imc need womlur nt it. Tlioy I ui v u becotuo man; Husceptiblu; tlii'.v inv now tlio most nonsltlvo people mi earth. Tin rniro for eiitmllty In often nrnnl- fwtiil ly u ferocious jonloiiny of those wIhi ilso. either in litornture, tlio line uitx or olitic8. All tlicait are fallltigs I hut wo H)ssc83ed beforo tlio I'Vanco (leriiuin war, hut In n much I cm do Krw. What him not changed, fortunately, ii tin clmnicter of the Kreuch women I nii'iin eHpfclally tho women of tlio peo ple. (liMid Hocloty la much nliku ovury wheie lllco hoti'la; It Ih n (juuHtlon of moroor lean innnnera In tho foliner, of mora or loan liens in tlio latter. Oood so ciety In Franco is no uxceptiou to tlia rulo. No mora nro tho hotels fnr the contrary. Hut what is thero to bo learn ed in what Is termed "high society" ex copl gusilp from club Hinoking rooms mill from iHiudoIrs. which might, cr haiw, furnish u fow pages of Sciindalous Chronicle? It is tho people who preservu tho traditions or u country; therefore it is tho middle clnases, tho working classes In town and country, that tho observer must turn to. That tho French women of tho upper classes aio tlio leaders of fashion nil over the world, everybody knows: but 1 can not pass them over without dwelling upon tho reason why our best men nre stilt at tho feet of our women "If I wero queen," salil Mmo. Itecamlcr ono day, "1 would command Mine, dc Stacl to talk to mo nil day long:" and a contemporary of this celebrated author-ot-s relates how ho and some friends of his wero driving with her ono day, and wero suddenly surprised by a violent storm bursting over their heads without their having noticed n sign of its gather ing, so absorbing were tho charm and vivacity of her conversation. There arc plenty of French women of wlioin blnii lar things might bo said. From tho Seventeenth century thoy have continued to hand down this charming sovereignty of converse. Mother bequeathes it to daughter, or it is transmitted in the blood: and, to my mind, this Is what chielly distinguishes them from tlio wo men of other countries. In spito of tele graph uiul railways, ln spito of politics, which in these days absorb all ranks of French society, people still causent in Franco; ami this, .thanks to French wo men. Excuse mo for using tlio word causer, but you havo no equivalent for it in Huglish. Clint is perhaps tho near approach to it, hut oven that falls to render its meaning. A causcrio is mark ed not only by interest or subject, but also by a lightness of touch which the French languago eminently lends It self to. Can you imagine a drawing room attractive without the presence o( In dies? Ilavo you never noticed that, left to themselves, tlio most clover men fall into argumentation, that their oratory falls to interest or convince you, nnd that there is a general feel ing of coldness and restraint? Hut let a woman come in, n womunof tusto, and gaycty comes with her: .conversa tion becomes unlimited and attractive. It runs gracefully from ono subject into another, like a huttcrlly from spruy to spray. It touches each lightly, rises to high thoughts, comes to earth oguin, passing from lofty to lowly subject, from grave to gay. with infinite mean ders. Every ono is moved to show him self at his best, and draws from his vo cabulary his choicest expressions, Ida happiest rellectious, surpasses himself, uml is surprised to rind himself inspired us by a muse. Just now they wero kill ing time; now every ono is enjoying himself. All constraint is gouo; each ono gives f reo expression to his thoughts. In u word, just now they wero talking; now they causenl. And in taking leave of their hostess thoy might repeat tho expression that a certain courtly nbbo of tho Eighteenth century used in speak ing to u grand dame who had communi cated to him something of her irresist ible spirit: "Madame, I um but nn in strument, on which you havo plaved with skill." So much for tho French women of tho upper classes. Now let us pass on to tho different working classes of society. There, too, we find woman's sovereignty indisput able, and tho men in leading strings. In tho French household the woiiinu is queen. Her empire over her children is )erfect, and she leads her husband by the nose. He does not complain of this; on tlio contrary, he enjoys it. uud ho thinks that, after all, much worse might happen to him. Tlio wife knows ull her husband's uifairs, and when he htu a fewKivingato invest ho does not think It beneath him to ask her advice. Sho knows, as well as ho, tho current price of stocks at the Ilouio, and if he should iw seized with a prurionny to embark In speculation, she brings to hear nil her In lluence nvor him to induce him to buy console or any other government secu rities. Call on her husband on business, and If hw is from homo you will not need to make a second visit on that account; she has nil tlio affairs of tho Arm at her flniror'? ""! Every little bourgeoiso keeps a memo randum boob, in which alio writes down all her expenses. Nothing is forgotten, not even tlio halfpenny to tho blind beg; gar who plays tho fluto at tho street cor nor. ' Tho French woman lias a genius for cookery, and is thoroughly awake to the fact that it Is good policy In married JACQUES CAPITAL CITY COURIER, IHo to sec that monslonr dines well. 1 belluvo thero Is n saying In England that tlio way to a man's heart Is through his stomach:, but 1 fanoy thero nro many English women whodonot ttso this path way as much as thoy might Tho politics of tuntrlmony Is a sclenco Inborn In our women. Let a French wo man ho rich or jioor, sho has always tho charm or femlnallty. Sho Is always smart, always alert, and has a littlo llut lerlng, hustling wuy with her that is liotind to keep awnko your Interest in nil she does. Sho may Ik) sometime a little nlfected, hut sho Is never vulgar. On Sundays nnd holidays she dresses still n little mora elegantly than usual, but nho never appears to bo In Sunday clothes. Tlio middle class French woman Is.lady. liko, not only in her dies, but In Iter speech. You will never see her loaded with cheap jowolry, this great stamp of vulgarity: and when sho siK-aks to you, you cannot guess whether she Is tho wife of ri gentleman or of a miml! truiloMimn. Notice that she often changes the stylo of her hair. That is becauso oho knows that lovo lives on trllles, and that the best dishes liccomo insipid if they nro nl ways served with tho same siiuro. Even If her stock of clothes is scanty, her clover brain mid lingers help her to cover Its deficiencies by constant littlo changes. Willi two or three dresses in her jiosses siou, the denr littlo humbug will inuko you believe that sho has a well tilled waidrobe. I havo often in England heard French women called frivolous. Hut this Is the height of absurdity, and, in my quallly of Frenchman, surely I ought to be as good a judge of the olnt ns the English tourist. How can French women, who uro perhaps, of all women in tlio world, tho most initiated into tlioafTnii-H of their husbands, bo frivolous? If frivolity con sists in trying to remain young nnd at tractive ns long ns ikmsIIiIo without be coming ridiculous, then tho French bour geoiso Is frivolous. If, again, frivolity consists In making a homo cheerful nnd gay, and prevent ing a husband from being nhsorlwd by tho cares of business, then sho is frivol ous. Hut this is 1)0)1801180. Is she friv olous, this woman who is tho friend and confidante of her husband who, in im portant matters as well as in the small est, has lioth a consultative and deliber ative volco In the household? It Is she who knows, with her economy and good management, how to faco tho danger when, from ono causo or another, tho family revenue diminishes; it is she who knows, with her energy, how to ward off ruin from her threshold. If this woman wero frivolous, how could you explain tho adoration for tho mother which, oven to the lowest of tho low, you And In French children? How could this bo, unless she wero the exam ple of all domestic virtues? If a French man of 40 would hesitate to tnko an im portant step in life without Arst consult ing his mother, surely it must bo that ho recognizes in her a wlso guide. It would bo inero uatveto on my part to dwell longer on this absurd churgo of frivolity. Take now tho shop keeping classes. Thero you will sco tho wife tho active partner of her husband. Heboid them 1)0 th oa the commercial traveler displays his goods on tho counter. Tho wife is supreme. Hor objections nro without appeal, her opinion Anal. It is she who generally has charge of tho books and the cash box, and neither books nor cash wero over intrusted to better guardian ship. Sho is not a mere housekeeper, with or without wages; sho is the part ner, not merely a sleeping partner. This not only ennhles her to Iks of great help to her husband, bill it nlso enables her, if sho happens to becotuo a widow, to carry on tlio business without her hus band, to bo independent nnd to bring up her children. Sho has not, to obtain her living on her husband's death, to become a working housekeeper or a nureo; she is the mispress of Iter own house as be foro, and now tho head of the Arm. In her shop sho is most polite, but never servile; and if you wish her to tako you for a gentleman, don't keep your hat on while you nro engaged with her in a commercial transaction. I havo still present in my memory tho following littlo nnecdoto: A well dressed man onco entered a per fumer's shop whero 1 va3 purchasing a pair of gloves. Keeping his hat on nil tho time, ho addressed tho perfumer's wlfo in n most offhand manner. Hut what exasperated tlio dear woman was that, after inquiring about the price of Bomo score of articles, ho prepared to retire, saying: "Ho didn't think ho wanted any thing." "I think you do," replied tho woman, who was not to bo wholly without a re venge; "you want a fow lessons in po liteness, nt ull events." It is said that Louis XIV, the most haughty and magnificent monarch of modern times, used to lift his hat oven to tho female servants of his court, If so, no man need think that ho derogates from his dignity by keeping his hat off in a respectable shop when ho is served by a woman. I might Bay n word or two on tho drawbacks of the intluonco of women on Frenchmen; but thero is no doubt that this influence has polished our man ners. You cannot obtain n perfect notion of French industry unless you pay a visit to our peasantry. I must say that now the woman ceases to b attractive. She does not even attempt to look o. Sun burnt, halo and hearty, behold her, dear English tourist, that is tho fortune of Franco. She has a coarse scrgo gown on and simple snowy cap. She is clean and tidy and the personlllcation of Industry. I do not doubt, however, that, thanks to tho blessings of gratuitous and compul sory education, tho tlmo will soon come when she will want to imituto tho ladles of tho town in her lmbits and dress, and thut her sous will despise the dear land whoro they were boi.i, and will all want to bo clorks, and swger In town with high stand upcollu;. tight trousers -and sticks. Thank good.icss, this sickening spectacle is not yet to bo seen in Franco I This good, hard working, thrifty wo man is tho backbone of the country. Tho amount of work oho can get through SATURDAY, NOVEMBER M simply prodigious. You will ahvnyi bi hor busy, either working In hor Aold, soiling tho produoo of liar littlo farm In tho market placo of tho nearost town, or engaged about hor littlo housohold. Whether she takes her cow to tho Hold or Is on hor way to townj whether sho Is sitting behind her wnres waiting for cus tomers, or In a railway station waiting for hor train, look nt her lingers busy on a jxilr of stockings. Sho does not know what It Is to bo Idle for a slnglo moment, Sho has never loft her denr village, nnd for her the world Is made up of her "three acres and n cow," Hut sho lias got them, and, thanks to her frugal habits and splendid management, her family cun live and thrive un thorn. She Is not attractive, but sho Is a picture of health and contontuieiit. Shares nud bonds may go up or down without disturbing her peaco; she holds noiio. She trusts her savings to nobody, Hankers, sho thinks, company directors nud stock brokers, may bo very respecta ble persons: but when tho old stocking Is swollen with II vo friino pieces, sho rounds oir her little family domain nud buys a now Hold something sho Is qulto sure to And in its place when she wakes up in the morning, Hor daughter goes Into service, and makes n capital ser vant. Like her mother, shu thinks but of ouo thing saving her wages. Sho docs not gel a new hat every month to get photographed in It; she puts her money In tlio savings bank. Let mo givo you an example of her frugality, and nllow mo to take it from a personal recollection. My mother has n housemaid who has been with her twenty-live years. Not long ago, whllo In Franco, I took nstdu this old servant: "I know how devoted you havo been to my mother," I said to her. "You are not strong, unit I dare say you will not wish to go Into service again; but make yourself easy about this. If anything should hapHn to my mother, I shall seo that you urn comfortable for tho rest of your life. Hut," I said Inquiringly, "I have no doubt you have something of your own by thbj tlmo?" Imagine my surprise whon I heard hor tell mo sho had saved ovor 10,000 francs, nil well Invested, including ono share in the Suez Canal companyl Since I havo mentioned tho Suez canal, why should I not tako the opportunity for trying to explain tho uneasiness that was some tlmo ago created In Franco by the Hrltlsh jwlloy in Egypt? You must tcar in mind that tho Suez canal was not made by big capitalists. It was made by tho savings bank of Franco; by the "old stockings;" that Is to say, by tho small bourgeois, tho working pcoplo nnd tho servants. When wo rcilect that tho riches of France ariso from the econ omy Imposed upon overy French houso hold by tho women, I might even 'say that tho Suez canal Is tho work of the French women. This canal is essentially n national enterprise, nnd tho least French mechanic will toll you "wo havo mado tho Suoz canal." You will And very fow French families possessing as many as ten shares. Thoy aro spread all ovor tho country. Well, let a few unscrupulous jour nalists attempt to prove to tho pco plo that the English want to annex pr protect Egypt in order to soizo on tho Suez canal, and you will easily imaglno tlio effect. What a pity it seems that nations can only talk to other nations through their political press! Whatu pity it is that tho British Ceoplo cannot let their French neighbors now in plain words that they admlro them for the gigantio work thoy have mado, and that thoy will novor dream of being connected with tho Suez canal othcrwiso than as good customers to help thorn got good dividends! These samo women of Franco did something grander than this. It was thoy who redeemed their bolovcd coun try, and paid off tho Prussian eighteen years ago. To lie Continued. A provcntetlvo for croup. There no longer exists any doubt but croup ran bo prevented. Truo croup never appears without a warning, nnd if Cliambcrlnlu's Cough Ileuiedy is given ns directed us soon ns tho first Indication of croup nppears, it will Invnrlnbly dispel nil symptoms of tho disease. This can nl ways bo done If it Ih kept at hand. 60o nnd 1 bottles for sale by A. L. Blinder. Winger & McOuliy for Coul, Coko and Wood. 123 North Eleventh street. Tele phone !i00. Notlro of I'lihllcutloii. To Millard T.HIovens, non-resident defond- nnt: You will tako not Ico thut on tho 10th day of September, IK8II, UeorKi) O. Willie, plaintiff" tiled Ills petition In the. district court of Iiu enster lounty. Nebraska, nirnlnst you tlio ol- Ject nnd prnyerof which nro to foreclose u eer nun innriKaKO executed ity you io iieury (J IIIHoiibenitcrnnd bvsatd Hlttenbundor duly, assigned to this plaintiff, upon lots ono (t) uud two CO. In block fifteen (jf) In Martin's Heights, Lancaster county, Nebraska, to so euro tlio payment of two promissory notes dated July '.7, 1K87, for $75.00 each, Interest S por cent, and 10 per cent, coupon attached, iill duo. ' You nro hereby required to answer snld pe tition on or before Monday, NovciiiImtU."). 18.SU. J. H. HIrtllOl', Attorney for i'lalntlff. Hated, Lincoln, Ncb.,Oct. 18, (10-10-41) I Notice of I'ubllciitloii. To Chnrles Holland nnd John N. llaldwln, non-resident defendant: You anil each of you will tnko notice that on tho Uth day of Octolcr, IKM), David a llama, plaintiff, filed his petition In tho (lis trlct court of Lancaster county, Nebraska, against you nnd others, the object nnd prayer of which are to foreclose a certain morli?iio, executed hvtho defendants, .lames K. Iliiuin and Tllllo llaiini to Daniel Ihuiiii, upon Hint certain piece or parcel of laud situated In tho county of Lancaster nud HUto of Nebraska, nioro particularly known nnd described as fol low", io-wit: Tlio southwest quarter of Hco tlon nutnbir Twenty. novel! 187), Town num ber Kleven til), Itniigo number Six (0), bo lug one hundred mid sixty ueres more or less according to tho government survey thereof, to secure the-payment nfa certain promissory nolo dnted May '.rid. A forllio sum of f-JiOO. mado by snltl JHiues K. llniiui to snld Daniel llaum.nnd which nolo nnd mortgage luivo Ihhmi duly nsslgned and transferred to Hits plain Hir; thut thero Is now due tiM)ii said nolo uud mortgngo tliosum ori-'JVU, with Interest from liny it), 1HS1, ut tho r.ito of to por cent, per an num, for which sum uud Interest tho plaintiff prays for n decreo thut tho defendants ho re quired to pny the smno or that snld promises may Iw sold to satisfy tho amount found duo on kiild note uud morigago; Hint tho mortgage which snld Chnrles Holland has or claims to havuousald premises may bo decreed to lm object to plalntlirs iiinrtRtiiro and fie mild (Jlmrles Holland nnd John N. llaldwln may Ikj foreclosed and barred of nil equity of re demption and right, title nud Interest In nnd to said premises. You mid each of you uro required to answer said petition on or before llioi'ith day of No vember, issii. davih a, haum, Hy Pound Jt Hurr, hlsuttornoys. Dated Oct. 18, Itjuu. (lO-m u 23, 1889 oE. HIIvIv,t liATK OK HIlOOIUiYN, N.Y., Tailor and Draper GENTLEMEN: I shall display for your Inspection a new nnd very carefully iclectcd Stock, compililug mnuy of the Intcst nnd newest designs of the Europran Manufacturers, and I nm now prepared to take nil orders for making up garment for cnt In the Intcst style. LADIES TAILORING: Having for seventeen year met with grcnt success. In Ilrooklyn, N, Y., In cutting and making Lndlci Jackets nnd Hiding IlnblU, shall bo pleated to receive patronago from the ladles during the coming caion. I nm nlso prepared to receive order for nil kind of Uniform and Smoking Jacket. 1230 O Street. LINCOLN, NEB. 1 -'-m TA'trV Stylish Carriages and Buggies, At all Hours Day or Night. t3f" Horses Hoarded nnd best of care taken of all Slock entrusted to us. fff PRICES REASONA1JLE. BILLEMEYER & CO.,. Proprietors. Call and Soo Us. Tolophono 43& 100 Engraved Calling Cards And Copper Plate, for $2.50. If you have a Plate, wc will furnish 100 Cards from same, at $1.50. WESSEL PRINTING CO. Courlor Offloo. Tolophono 253. Now Burr Block fAMAM UNACQUAINTED WITH THB GEOGRAPHY or THB COUNTRY, WILL OBTAD MUOH VALUABLE Df FORMATION THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, Including main lines, brancbos and extensions East and West or tbs Missouri Blvor. Tho Direct Route to and from Chicago, Jollot. Ottawa. Poprta, La 8aUo. MoUne, Boole Island, ln IULINOIS-DavWport, Muscatine! Si"0"?'0?!00,8.' DosMplnos.Wlritorsot, AudubonJIarTan.and Council M1880Dm-Omaha.Palrbury,and Nelson, In NEBlUBKA-Horton.Topekat Hutchinson. Wichita, Dollovllle, Abilone, Caldwoll. In KAUBAB-Vond Creole, Klnjrflshor, Fort Rono, ln tho INDIAN TERRITORY-and Colorado SprtnRS, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Rocllnlngr Chair Cora to and from Chicago, Caldwell, Hutchinson, and Dodgo City, and Palace Sleoo lntr Oars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses now and vast areas or rich farming and grazing lands, affording tho beet facilities or intercommunication to all towns and clUes oast and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Soaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors ln splondor of oqulpmont. cool, woll ventilated , and froe from dust. Through Coachos, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Reclining Chair Cars, and (oast of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally botwoon Chicago. 50LM(ilP0J?' Co.,u,JcU Bluffs, and Omaha, with Froo Roollnlng Chair Oar to North Platte, Nob., and botwoon Chicago und Colorado Springs, Donver. and Pueblo, via St. Josopb, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels (furnishing meals at soasonablo uours) west of Missouri River. California Excursions dally, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt ?fi5& S)gXoJl'JforXiS?a Ji98 Angeles, and 8an Francisco. Tho DIRECT LINES to and from Plko's Peak, Manltou, Gordon of tho Gods, tho Sanitari ums, and Soenlo Qrandoura of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, 55lldmE?J?X!?58,Tl5,no.dal,y botweon Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. With THROUGH Roollnlng Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and Kansas City. Through Chair Oar and Blooper botweon Peoria, Spirit Lako, and 8I0UX Falls, via Rock Island. Tho Favorlto Lino to Plpostono. Water town, Sioux. Falls, and tho Summor Resorts and Hunting and Fishing Grounds or tho Northwost. THE SHORT-LINE VIA 8ENBOA AND KANKAKEE! offers facilities to travol botweon Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs. St. JoBophjAtcbluon, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. Por Tickets, Maps, Folders, or doslrod Information, apply to any Ticket Offlco In tho United States or Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN. CHICAGO, Qtoaral Ihatgtr. LINCOLN IIRANCII OF Max Meyer & Bro,. Wholmlt nd IUUII Dtsltr In PIANOS if ORGANS Oonornl western ngont for tho Htoln wuy, Knnlm. ChlokorliiK, Voso, Krnst fUbler, llohr llros., Nowby A. Kvnns, nnd Hterllng. ' rhino mnrkod Hi plain rhniros-iirlee nlways tho lowest for tho grado of plnno C. M. HANDS, Manager. 142 North llth Street Finest in the City THE NEW- Palace Stables M St, opp. Masonic Temple. FHOM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF JOHN SEBASTIAN, ILL,. QM'lTickttftFAa.AesC. I I 5 4 i 1