r,.rr yw-jfS p-trmtsr-ivU, nrsjfl 3!J5I!lwv, i-rr' wiiMM--ij- ; BTr,'i',i"'Mm(i'"l",'"l'''W f' '"'"W'pySjjjs jnfiftqyn i" CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1889 if, ' 0 , & P1! - m V ' Gold Coin Base Burners Gold Coin Round Oaks Gold Coin Heaters In Etui less Variety. M. & D. Round Fire Pot Wrought Steel Ranges. The moil l'rnctlcnl Umigo made (or II mil Conl or far Soft Coal. See them Before Buying I FRANK E. LAW,, aw 1 HI., Opp. I'odolttee. The uniform excellence of the business houses advertising I The Courier is splendid evidence of its popularity as an advertising medium. HENRY M. D01ESTIC ROCK SPHIHGS t ,, L f G E "o A LEAVITT CANON CITY TRENTON And "OLD LEB" Anthracite. 115 S. 10th Strttt. Tthphont 360 OUR WARRANTED SHOE I LADIES thU line of Flue Shoes we place on the market and claim them to be the bct llrio made. We WARRANT every pair. They are Hnnd-mndc In every rcpcct and arc the Latest Styles, OUR PRICES: $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 Wc can" SAVE YOU MONEY on hls special line. Please call and sec for .yourself, at E SHERWIN'S Mom Shoe t Store 1026 P ST. After the FirjsI Sitter and Nicer than Ever I CHEVRONT'S Lunch & Oyster Parlors Now re-opened and ready to serve friend, patrons and the public. Call and ee us I Y. A. CIIY101T, Prj., 1016 O St, Union Dlock. 111 1 & i K ftAHHflHiftjHUl IsTUTAfdsslsflSHsr A liimhtr liitfr of ittnhrn Timm, Fuulimiiud Satuhday Uwenirrio! Ono Year lijr Mall or Carrier 94,00 KIk months, $1,(0, Three, month M Cent. Ono ninnlli UO Cent Inrnrnhly In Arfrnnee . AnvKRTiRMr.NTm llnli'H fiiniUlied on application t tlm oMcn. Heclat roles on Tlmo Comrncl. I'o.vrninimnNsj Hliort sploy sketches, poem nmt ntoiliut tMi1lclt.Nl. IVraoiml and Hoclat hotei are fKixHilAlly desirable, CntNTticit Wo inako a specially of Klim frliillng In all lt hmnolii. Society work a etlnlty. A1 1 ox aII oominimti) Ulna direct to tlm office. Wichhicl, Printing Co, I'Ulll.lHIIKUH. Now Hurr lllock, Cur. I 'J 1 1 1 nmt O Hlrrr . Tki.ki'iionk'M L. U'khhki., Jii., Hdltornnil Hole 1'ioprlotor. Kiikii Hknzinuku, Associate IMItor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 00,000. To Advertiser mid C'untrltiiitiir. Tlio uuxntisfnetory ilollvcry service which tlit) CoUltlKH lin IiiiiI of Into, Iiiim mmlo It necessary fur n cliniiKu mid bogiiinliit; with till Imiio nil jwper will tie delivered by U.S. mull carilni. In oiderto supply subscriber In dm suburbs, it In neco-wury tlint tlio Conn 1KU l.t nt tlio I'oitulllro nt seven o'clock Btturday moiulnir, therefore wo must nsk tlint everything Intended for publication ha nt this c tllco tint Inter tlinu .'I p. in,, I'rldiiy, ns the foi in nro closed rt7 o'clock sons to ho tendy for tlio press. Advot tliwrs who deslro to cunngu their ad, mid nil Mends who liniul in personals, etc., will please kovui n tliciusi Ivcji nccordliiKly, Hoiiack II Houddkii of Ilentrlcc, Neb., hns Ikhu nppolnttMl conil Icntl tl Necretnry of Juiliiw OnilT, tlio coimulmloiH-r of tlio uuiicr.il 1a d olllcc. MlMHOUIII hns n luw fotblddlnir irnnuM In dmiiwhopH, tint in a recent stilt OKiilnst two nouiHU IvmmjM Ully JudKK ilecldetl tlint n hotel Iwir unt not a drnmslion in tho meanlnir of tho Inw. Jkvv Davih had n nnnow uwnpo fniin death lnt week, but 1 now In Now Orloniw mid Improving;. Ho hud n H'jvoro attack of nmlnrlnl fax er mil Id rj stun tiehijj feeblo ho w m Mivrr.il dny In n very ei Itlenl coud tlon. "lliKiow.hitl.ni In jtr kII romovoi tho Knit tmmnrvhy In Nurtli mid South America ex cept tlio llnthli itilo. Itovou mikoM tlio moimrchlw of tlio old wt rid tmnli'o, mid In l'ortu;nl wii.fln ly there U fern-of n lmlli.r tipllfllVlll. Tiik voto for congifhH nmi In tlio mvoiul dlitti let linn lKn)iicnnviimIniid 1ioh a7,775 forUws (U p.). ai,ai fir Camper (Dem.) and 1.8IIJ for Ilently (Prohibitionist). Iit ym-ltvtw!IO,lWl for Lilnl (It), SJI.iMI for HiutltiK (D) n-id 4,18 for Seott (P), ijulto u fnllitiB oir lor tho prohibitionist. A LKTTKit from no of tho covernimiit mtr oyoiHfxplaliiliiKthoKroit Yukon Hvi-r In Alaska says, under dnto of Aug. 10 4,It is dimculttoMluvootifhelf In mi Arctic Inud when you olisorvo the luxuriant forests.Kreen gniRs, tluwem. mid wminlli of tho lnv Iii.t dig down ten Inch' Hnnyw hero and th'eground wm do irozon linnU" Much Interest Is bvluir inaiilfeKtvil bv tlio Amoi lean pcoplo In tho piiN.nt foreign trip of llv, T. DoWitt TulmuRo. Dui lug his nl svueo from this country, tlio place of dlatlno tlon n tlio most proinliient divine ii left blank, Hut our renders have tho consolation o' liolng furnished with his reaulnr Hoimons ind In Ibis Iimuq wo in hit his able wot k dono nt Hi in. dUI, Ituly, last Sunday. Read It. Tiik I'an-Aiuericnn comrreM.4 mot Mnmliiv. and tho k-ojmj of it work may bo Infci retl ruiuiureioit recommending committee)) on tho following subjects: On a basis for an American customs union j on tho means of oxtendlng and Improving facilities for trans portation, postal and U-legrnph communica tion; on railway communication; customs regulations; a uniform system of wolghUand mwsunvs; win tary legulatlons; protection of patents, trade marks, etc ; extradition; an oxtenniou of Uie banking and credit system; international law; arbitration and other top ics. It moiiis rather oild that I'arueU'H mother should lio living In America, Tho Irish loud er tolls tro New York lltruld thut Mrs. Pur ncll has always declined to rosldo any where but in America, although hor son has fre quently tried to Induco her to live on tho other stdo of tho Atlantic, where ho Mould have nioro chanco of taking care of her. Eastern papers havo hod u great deal to say about tho tlnanclal straits of Mm. Parnell, who lives at llordentowu, N. J.,butstiesro:ii8 to havtt concenleil hor troublo and jioverty from her son and to havo written him in n cheerful spirit. Tiik sensation of I bo week las been tho o oi throw of tho Uatlllau monarchy and tho eMUbllhhment of a republic to bo known a tlio United SU.UM of Hraxil. And ltwasdono apparently without bloodshed or serious ob stacle. Tlio ruvolutionUU linprlbonwl the mliiUtem, iiroelalmed a renublla and sent word to tho emperor, Dom Pedro, to Uuvo tho country. 1 he peopla geuorally acqulo ce In the change, Tho men who havo rut them telycs in charge of HfTulm at a piovlslonal government havo IssuhI n proclamntlon dl-n-ctlng each statu to mjiuI represontatlveti to acoii;re which will conveuo sliortly and tho final dtxUlon or which tho ptoviUonal govrrmuent will await; lu tho moantimo tho governors of tho states will adopt moans to uiainta'n order and protect litizeus' rights. When notified to leave Dom Pedro was com posed and niado a dlgnlilod icply. Ha do clinod to aWIcato but aaid ho would yield to force. Ho waa given an hour to nrenaro for his departure and took hlp for Portugal. Ho wm ue given a Handsome allowance to live OB. .ICTUM.SQUK DIIKSSING. A 8AMPLE THEREOF DE80niBCD DY OLIVE HAflPEn. Ilnw a (llrl Willi lliu Not M llrniitirul Fnrn .'nil Mnnnna In (llvn Her Coitiiinrt Inillvlitiinllty Happy Knn or (tin !) of Crrtwln 'nln Trlflrm (HxHlal CirrmiKjnilmioii.l Nrw Youk, Nor. 31. You wouldn't bclicvo that wnn n nnl git I, nnil that alio looked just bo If you hadn't really rccii hen but I miHUro you that I met this pIcttircHipio iwraon tho other tiny, nntl stared nt Iter from behind n ptlo of dry goodH until ovury detail of her t'ontiuiic wnn Itululibly fixed ttKii tny mind. This person was not n pretty woman, hIiu had n rnthcr willow complexion, alio was over no, I know, and her dmk oyrx wcro Hitnkcn nnd had clrcloa around thorn tlint told of ill health, or tearful vigils, and tho costumo wnn daring, yet It wna so well adapted to tho wearer, ftomohow, that it nil mado up n plrt'.ro to remember. A I'lCTUURSQUK I'KltSON. Tlio material waa n Real brown plush, with tho facing of moiro of tho same shade, nnd down tho front of tho idclit wcro threo bands of mahogany plush, nnd this saino nhudo was also used for fncjngn to tlio rovers of Ihudircctoirc collar. Thcro wcro caps to tho alcoves of tho same. Around tho neck was worn i full handkerchief of crepe IUc, and deep rufllcs of tho sumo material wcro at the wrists. Tho hat wan largo, of ncal brown plush, with tho crown completely covered with ostrich plumes, shaded from black through brown to cicain. With this was carried ti Tosca parasol. This is all right, but it is not every body who could make that rather utilT looking costumo appear a part and par cel of hcisclf, nnd it is this which I wish to impress upon tho minds of my wo men friends, tlint each ono owes it to her self to tttudy hcrsolf nnd her dress in re lntiou to herself. Many very pretty and individual efTcctH can bo achleed by tlio understanding usoaf tho vain littlo trifles in tho illus tration. Tlio hair can bo arranged in u becoming manner with hoiuo dainty little pin, nnd this stylo adopted nnd continued until tlio sight of it is fixed in thu mind of every beholder. Tho new jewels nre, nftcr nil, tlio samn old jowcls reset, but they uro wonderfully pretty, and tho beautiful nlgretto would bo n dcsirnblo addition to any ovening toilet. Tho hair pins, the lace plus, tho necklace nnd bracelet are all beautiful, nnd nre, aside from their Intrinsic value, just us hand some in garnets nn in diamonds, uiul they can be mado to servo in adorning beauty just as well. But ifover wear fulso dia monds. They deceivo no ono, and no lady can respect herself wIiIIobIio knowB sho baton imitation Jewelry. How pretty the embroidered crepe jabots are 1 leavo my aminblo readers to Imnglno. They are of cream crepe, with tiny (lowers in colore, nnd with "bit ribbon bows," ns n Scotch saleswoman said. Tho other ono is of Mechlin lace and crepe llsso, with a tiny bow of rib bon ns n finish. Theso littlo additions to a .toilet uro very dressy, and, whon bought ready mado are very costly, but ladles can inako them with very littlo troublo nnd ex pen so. There are what are called "pineapple handkerchiefs," and they can bo dotted all over with col- TI1K8E I1K VAUIKTIRS. ored ailka in n very short time, and whero there Is not nn embroidered edge, a rufllo of flno laco can bo sewed on, This,, then, is caught a little nbovo the middle into a careless bunch nnd shaken and let fall in natural folds, which are then tacked into that form and, with u -''bit ribbon bow." It is mado into a pretty jabot that is always a dressy ad dltlon to a plain gown. So then, let us all remember that we can bo pictu resque, atately, graceful or harmonious, if not handsome, according to the care we beatow upon our garments, and their f tM to our ntda. OUVK lUsfKK. ly MAGAZINES AND PAPER8. Hulnerlbera to tho A 1 1 Interchange get with each iiuiiiIht nn nrtlstia study or design. Tlio study with tlio last Issue wasn wnter color of an Arnb's head, a very striking thing, by tho wny, 1 Dntkii't Maynxtne niters uku Its eighth year with tlio current numlier of November. Tho oHnlng sketch, Now York "Illver Pl rnto'' nnd how f hoy ore suppressm!, Is n cap ital one, "Old Petuhoi ton's (llrl" Is a Thanks giving mystery by T. C. Hnrlxiiixh. Arthur Howard Noll contribute mi interesting estny on "Pulrpie," tlio nntloual drink of Mixlio, Tliooignulzntlonof fiirmem into Or nuts. Alliances, Wheels, and couiblnatloiis by other iiniurH, has for two enm been going on nt a tmieh inoro mpld rnto than ovorhoroit. Tho limit of tho old (Jrnnga movement has long ngo boon pj'sod. Thoo organizations now rontnlu a meiubomliip of ii million, and n movement is on foot to coiiMilldnto the Urmigrs, tlio Alllancci and nllothereomlilun tious. An explanation of tills movement, iih well ns the nhns nnd methods of each organi zation (all of whluli nre secret), wilt In) put, Hulled in tlio Do.Miubcr Forum, by W, A. Peirer of Kansas. Ksj)eclally notleeablo In tho December num lier of l)rmoreV Is an article nlMiit "Undo Ham's Monoy," giving a description of how our coin is made, tho Illustrations starting with a view of tho Mint, and going through every process until tlio coin Is nut Into circa latlou. Tho "Day Nurseries" taken usnmongst tho worthy poor nnd shows us what can Iw dono for their littlo ones. Tho other llltts trntod articles nnd stories nro too iiumeroiH to mention, ns can bo appreciated when wo say tho December number contains over two hundred Illustrations, and every member of i no rnimiy is thought of. ThoOlilHplt. Ill tho days of our grnndinothois, meats, turkoj sand chickens vtoio rousted on tho old fashlonoJ pit, Iwforo tlio tiro, and thoy wero o)eu to tlio nlr. It had free circulation In front, lielilnd, nlxivo and below, nlr all nrotmd. And you remoiulier our gran I mothcra wero great cooks, and tlio'r roast moats wero long to bo reniemboied. And tlm oj on spit, llko tho open lire p'acos were gelmlno productions of henltli, Ux-anw tli'T. was a fno circulation of oir. For year nftir thonihcut of ktovosgood lions j wlvi-h bell on to tlielr old spits, bocamo tho meat roasted In them was tlio' best, but tlnstovo was so handy and tho spit so unhandy, tlio riilng generation relegated tho spit to tho garret and tlio stove was supremo, and will remain so. llut the stovo his had to keep pado with the onward march ami ovciy im provement tlio ingenuity of man could do vise, has been added to it. Hut all have seonuil detei mined to make tho oven as tight at possible, so that not only no boat should get out, hut no fresh air get in, forgetting all tlio tlmo tho old spit, which, liko tho Irishman's shed, "was pretty much all out doom;" hence tho gnat wasto in tlio article cooked. How. often a good sized picco of meat has been put in tlio oven and how small whon it caino out; not only the Juice of tlio meij extracted mid ht by evaporation on account of tho oxpntid cl dry air in tho air tight oven, hut tlio wnter placed in tlio pan to try to overcome this, aN wo it tlio same way. Such meat Is not as heUtliy nor palatable as whon roasted I with n large ercentagoof its julco remaining ' in whon cooked. These things caused think ing, thinking oxperimont, and experiment produced ivsults that practically demon-, struteil tho fact that tho cook stove anl raiuo of today lack an essriitlal feature. It iuoJh to havo tho old fnililned spit 'hitched on to It" and then how to do that litis lietn the good fortune of Mr. Giles F. Fllloy of St. Louis todU:ovoi, and it Is very implo. Tlio oven door is mado of okmi work ana: lined on tlio Inner side with very flno wire gauze, which admits of a fioo circulation of mi , liut in very small Juts, so small in fact, thai they do not in tlio sdgUUvt derive cool the oveni, but sui round tho urti clo being cooked with u continuous supply i f irosii a r, wlilcli p ovei.t, t to w-nsto will, h It absolutely corUlu m all ovens with tiht doom. ThU has boon deiiioustrated publicly by actual weight to thu extent of over 30 ( er cent infaiorof tlio wire gauzo doom of tlio t e Chatter Oak stoves und ranees. Tlio CliarlerOoikUholdby H. J. Hull & Uro., liai O street, where it has been demonstrated 1 1 the satli fiction of hundreds of people that thus nro facts, ami they havo dono It in tho good olu-fashlontsl wuy 'Tliat tho proof of inepuuuiugwusm tlio oatlnir" bv koeniii. open houso and conking overytlilug before you. Wo regard this ono of the great discov eries of tho age, uud tho ieopl i who have been slow to recognize its merits, slow to free them selves from inherent prejudices, the practical demonstration now afforded must convince thorn. All are invited to inako a visit and ox ammo Into the merits. The exhibition closes today. Saturday, Nov. 23, nt 5 p. in. A Neat unci Useful ruuiphlet. We nro In rwtiil-. nt n dmi IIul..lnl(aot.A.i by "Semmous, the Outfitter to Mankind,' entitle! "floriwt Tln-wi Tl- ,l..,.-ll,. .,.. styles for buslnejs, ovening and pai ty dress, aim snows cuts representing tlio proiwrsliaiies in collum, scarfs, etc. The book is filled w lib Interesting points and will not only bo appre ciated by tho man who would bo "in tho swim," but the ono that likes to appear lu stylo without lielng dudlsh. It contains 10 wges besides a neat cover, und Mr. Semmons win oo pieaseu to present one to any gontlo man interested. Peerless Laundry Hulil. The Poeiluss Kt.-nni T.nniulrv wlilxti fn- tho ast four j cms bus bion tlm jiroperty of .". v.. u. miiv, was som last Batuiuay to Mr. J, K. Evans of tho City Steam i-aundiy of Omaha, and possesion was given on data of rule. Mr. Evans, tho now proprietor, is an old resident of tho metiopolls, and is thoroughly posted in tho business, ho having tho luiget and most valuublo plant or tho kind In west. Mr. J. J. Qulgley, Into of tho Evans Luundry of Council Dluffs, wilt have charge of tho 1.1m olii office, uud as ho is well versed in that lino nnd un ugreeubly pleasant gentleman, tlurols no reuiou to doubt thut tho now man ugement will bo in evoiy way successful, und tho COUMkii oxtouds best wlshrs for that For Wmlilmga. Parties making preliminary arrangements for weddings will do well to call at the office of Tho Wessel Prluing Company. We have a lieautlful Hue of Wedding Invitations, Wed? ding Announcements, Iteception Cards, Wed ding Cake Boxes, etc. It will be well to give us a call we coil always be of assistance to .jou .Elsewhere In ton' Issue Messrs, A. M. Davis & Son announce that as the season is well avauod fcr Onrts and Draperies, they will make it an object to Intending pur chasers to buy of them. Their line la the largest in the btuto, and us their order for spi lug goods will soon arrive, they must have room. Don't fall to call . Ladies Kid Gloves. Wc arc now showing a line of the finest goods in this line, embracing all the LATEST EVENING SHADES AND IN ALL WIDTHS From 12 to 30 Buttons. When asking for perfect fitting and most durable Gloves sec our superb line of A-lexeinclre Kids. They have no equal and always give satisfaction. Ladies will always find an attractive line of Furnishings at. cyivtoGw -33 to -39 South Lincoln Sayings Bankjnd Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $200,000. LIABILITY JF STOCKHOLDERS, $900,000. Interest paid on dopoiln at nny rnto of 5 per cent per annum for all full calandar months Hafes to ront In burglar proof and nro proof uults, at annual rental .of 3 and upwards. Money to loan on real estato nnd collateral. YOUlt HA VINOS ACCOUNT SOLICITED. HKNItYK.r.KWis, A.P.H. STUAIIT, JNO. II. McCLAY, It. WELSH 'resident. Vlco 1'rcsldont. Treasurer. Te MAUEITITJS STAMPING FREE) Wc linve secured the exclusive control of n New and Perfect System of STM7PING nnd in order to Introduce nnd advertise the same, we have concluded to give our friends nnd customers STAMPING FREE (except on woolens), on Monday and Tuesday. J. H MAURITIUS & CO., LADIES' FURNISHERS. 131 South MAURITIUS Closing Out Sale at Cost ! Ashby & Millspauglis. Special attractions this week.. Some choice nattems in Dress Goods. An elegant line New Dress Trimmings New ASHBY 8c BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K OAN'N CITY COHL WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. "Will You. Buy a, JPia,no ! Until Jan. 1st, Special Prices made on Pianos and Organs Not cost Our Stock is Complete, So Don't Fail to Call Before Buying Geo. A. Crancer & Co. Art and Music. Pictures, Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc. Eleventh Street. Teller MAURITIUS Nov. 25th and 26th. 11th St. MAURITIUS of Cloaks in Cloth and Plush. Furs and Seal Garments. MILLSPAUGH. WEHVER i Telephone 440 but near it. r r t- -i 9 t 5 rx- LtA '.vte.waAV.v. -jiti'WSaBujufcirt.i!. -. n.JJtA J.J" P