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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1889)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1889. l. FRED. E. THOMAS, UNDERTAKER l A Nil Funeral Director. 121 S, 12th St, Lincoln, Neb, Awitt A I tfeff world, uir Kh,t17i.u .uliJ BB ... IklMilua Mabatt. 0lj ! 1tllt It Mat WWM Mil MM tl I hi thanrt. n ran urn Matin Unn Mht tll jew lboTt nun it imw r imi it and Itaoat imM t, lktbt Kalac tf till) MnfllMMtm wt lit until t4 tf Ikt Kit tna moan fv. a- ' Mrt. th Muut m tttt mt mMiw m wgtiu ,v u. imtik tt tf iu ..I. ji it ,2i;";l' KVJS fta ir tt it ttar It f trrrt Wt " nntw - ? 21?Mk.ritn M iVtitr aUwti, fri.tiiart,r(i. llT'arl.n a. SunttmHt 11 anet. Wtptrtn I" ''I" AMiUtff.ll AttSrr CO,, Bat rVoMl.Dl Mum. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. ladles -and- Children's - Ualr - Cutting ASPJC.A.TY. t COR. 12 Si (I STS NEW IIURU IH.'K Roberts & Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers andEmbaimers. Telephone. Office 145, Residence 1 5(1 Open Day nnd Night. E. T. ROBERTS, Manner. lilNOOr.N- wpt axd iKiriTVTK or rEousmur, Wiorthnml, nml Typewriting. U the Ixtt mul Utvrat CullefO In the Went. tu Students In altrniUlice lut ytu. ruuitmu iirvnurtMl for uuslnrM In from :ltu Sontht. hswrlrnosM faculty, l'rraonal Inilnictlon, sautltul llliulrttotlcunlomir, iMllri Inunialt. unit pactmont of pvnmnlili, win free Gy llr Ming- ULUniUlMIK UOOSK, Lincoln, Neb, OUR MKW IHSKAlltl ffankBie wtlck In tha wo.M. Pafhat llat.kt.IMr. W.rranlMl ka ntOllt OOID kantlnr rata. H I llw h U Jl.' tad f tat alltt, vllh warkl tad ttttt af fraiial nlat. Oki riktoila prar VM-tlllr ran tttara ant frre, Itnlhtr wlia aar Una I alnlblallaiarMaiaahnl4 M.aaBnavn ai,n.w,a. in". -,n.y...a. iv.ll n1 Iilh.l..l.LMAwi. llllk.Mub.u .JUltUUwUta.n.l roula Ikott vikotall jaar rJnd. and n.lghbora tnd thaat tbAut ran that alwtra rttattt fatlatlttra4af.ita.wMrliaMruf jraarstinancatlarttd, tud Ikut vvt art rtpaUI. Wt My all tiptttt. frtlfhl, tit. Afttt ywt knaw alt. If yan maM Ilka la t la .o.k litw tit. ran tan am from tt'dO la UU nrr ra.k andaanardt. AddraM, aWtaaun.tcC'oMuxMl, lurf ltttl, Mttlaii, The New Yost WRITING MACHINE, WESSEL A WHEELER, Agents, Writ far Circulars. Llucola, Neb EYEm AYIMTmnSakVts 1 ( ijln f s 7tf cfimt BlSwl nH4'.41K nny UKB tnnnnnnfrnfjfHnv V,tnnHnnVnTnWaii SOCIAL AND PEKSONAIi. Tim rr-Rtilnr hop of tho Cointi". chili wfntliclil nt Temple hnll Tnpixlity ercnlnR. Tho pro Rrntn Inehulnl tlm Ilorlln, 01m of the iimr tlnt.cct not yet nttempttxl by nny othpr club here, Tho nttoMilnnco tvn Inrso mnl tha en Joyment Roncrnl, AnioiiR Ukmo irecnt vroro Mtxwm. V, 0. Hoinmerlitil, Will Lottrldne, Will Mbtckltotiko, Will, (Irinitln, Frntik K, rrk, John W. Meyer, 0. 0. llnettclier, AV. A, Heltit, Uny Wlimiow, (), W. Chlltl, 1'. (I, lllnl, M U Illncktmtv, J. L. CotlltiRtou, !:. Mlehener, Will Ktilfiht, T. K. Htownrt, C. K. rerrln, 0. H llnilniorv, W. Wnrnko, J. II. Iielter, J, 0X'iiholittir, CI. II. Unrnen, MIMa Wntmii, Bhnrii, HlmcklriB, Htovctiwm, HfmIo brcemnn, Mny lliomiwoiii Jennlo M, l'nrkcr, Ilerthn HukIimi, Illnllo HurIich, Dorrx Hnll, Ittlo K, Iloufoy, AmmOrinU, MnttlodrinU, IIIMn Uoeluno, Amm HngAti, Nellie Cornell, Hattle Mnittcininn, Mnry (llonn, Jenulo Joneit, Iottlo Milter, MeMlniuoftC. 0. lloottcli er, Iliiwli) I'mMock nixl J, II. loltor. At Inntl Lincoln I to hnvo n chili for tho xttuly of tho inyiitlo HronnltiK. At a nieotltifc held In the Flint 1'renhytei'lnn church Inkt WnliieMlay ovoiiIiir nelectlonii nml ttiliiremnnt were plven by Itov. Dr. Curtis, l'rof. Bhor limn, Prof, Hunt nml Itov. K. N. Chnpln. Minlo vn prorhleil by l'rof, Meunmlorf, MIm Cochrnu, Itov. Chnpln, Mm. Will O. Jones nml Joneph wnrztmri;. A motion to orgnnlro a IlruwnliiR club ivn mloptetl. l'rof, Rhennni), Mm. Lenvllt, Mm, lltnoy, MIki Moore nml Mr, Chnpln were mmle n commit tee to ilrnf t n comttttutlon, l'rof, Bliornmn, Mm. A. J. Bnwyornml Dr. Curtis Were innilo n ooinmittco to recommend nn nrKnnlMtion nt another nicotinic to U) cnllel by thctu. Tho ICnt Lincoln noelnl club flxeil Its llmt pnrty for limt nluht nt tho homo of Council nmii II. M, Wee. Following nro tho now ofn llcem nml members, who nro lltnlUtl to fifty cou pie 1 l'nwlilent, II. M. Rleoj Becrolnry, B, J, Ttittle; tronxtirer, Cnl Thommon; inns tor of ceremonies, C. A. Wlckershnm ; execu tive eommittee, Mm. II. M. Wee, B. K. Hnlo; memtteni, Cnl Thompron, C. A. Wickershnin, II. M. Wee, 8. J. Tuttle, L. C. Pace, diaries Keefer, A. W. Jnnwn, T, L. Murphy, Mr. Clulhrte, 0. K. IKitnls, Bam Mellck, Ana I'tiee, J. T. MoFarlniul, Dr. Holyoke, Mr. Bui llvnn, Chnrles Puce, Mr. Btovens, W. L. Pick ett, B. K. Hale, John Lyons mul their ladies. Mr. D. Wlw gnvo nn elegant reception Thurmlny evcnlns to n few friend) In honor of Mm. K. M. Klsfeld of llurllngton, In. Dur ing the ovenlnR nnow gamo of cards was Intro duced, known as "In tho Soup," It Is played the reverse of nn old-tlmo fnvot ito by tha namo of "Klopfou," and proved a moit Inter ontliiR pastime. Tho refreshments norvod nlx)ut eleven were of special merit nnd Jint such as the hospltablo homo of Mm. Wise al ways nfTonls on nn ocensiou of this kind. AmoiiK thono present wore Metars. and Mes dames M. Ackermau, B. llemhlvr, M, A. Nowmark, David Wiso, Mm. K. M. KWeld, Mis Frauck nnd Mr, D. QoldberR Mr. nnd Mm. K. K. Ciiley riivo n itetlght fill prnimiwlve euchre pnrty Tuesday uvenlng at the Windsor hotel nrlorn with luncheon served iu the hotel dining room. The prlzM, jiiio of tho fluent over kIvoii In Lincoln, were nwnnlcd as follows: ThoniyaUtoMrs, Ilald wln nml Mr. Walsh, tho goose on to Mm, Iluffmnii nnd Dr. llalley. Tho quests were Mcsirx. and Mesdaines Wolcott, Bholton, Jail son, llnldwln, Cook, Cocknll, Mootv, llalley, Ilrnvoort, Thumvson, Maxwell, MoutriMe, Mvmlames ZoliruiiR, Iluirman ami Crlmcy, Misses Oukley and llalley, Messrs. Wulsh, (Irinith, ehruiiR, Wchter, Axtater, Bpnhr, E. N. Crlley and M. Ilaldwlu. Oov. Thayer, on Invitation of Lieut. Grlf llth, rovlwetl tho cndel battalion of thoBtnto uuivemlty Monday afternoon. Although n thlnl of tho cadets wore raw recruits they inadoticrtditahleapKyiram.'o, and tho gov ernor KcclaUy compllmentoil tho olllcera. Members of tho governor's stafl and quite n nutuler of a'lliens were siKctat'im of tho re view. Lieut. Grllllth, by tho way, contem plates conducting a t-chool for olllcera this winter. Miss Hlhol Mumland of lvast Lincoln enter tained tho young people of tho First nnd Sec ond Presbyterian churches at her home 011 L and Twenty-eighth streets Tuesday evening, Iloth churches were well rcprosoi.tcd nnd scorned to appreciate the op'iortunlty given them to become better acquainted with ono another. Tho ladles of CI race M. E. church gavo nn oyster soclnl at the church wrlora Tuesday evening. A largo inimlwr called nml wi-es-tled with the festive oyster during tho even ing, and ulwj enjoyed a short program com posed of music, short readings, etc. Among tho dolezates apoiutcd by Oov. Thnyer to the national .liver convention to bo bold tn St. Louis next week are aro John H. Clark, 0. W..Moshor, A. B.Bawycr, tt. M. Iviuiberbioii nml 11. U. Grnham. II. F. Lincoln, for several yearn with tha Lincoln AVicj but now -manager of tho AVie at Emporia, Kansas, was an over Sunday guest w ith his wife atcoiig old friends. He Is prospering finely iu bis new home. Cards nro out for tho wedding of Miss Hollo Weavor and Mr. Gorhani F, Detts, which will take place noxt Wednesday evening at tho homo of the brldo's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Weaver, 1J510 II .treat. Julius Woitermun has gono to Benttlo to take a place in the offices of the Paget Sound railway. Ills brother Hans has arrived In Lincoln and relieved mm of the business of circulating tho daily AYii'.r. A. II, Wolr. president of the recent, UaptUt Sunday School convention nt Grand Island, lius leen complimented by the Massachusetts Ihiptists with n tcquestto rie(t his address Iu Boston In February, Mr. George P. Stabler, tho opular night cletk ac tho Capital hotel, and Miss Minnie E. Moore were married Wednesday afternoon by Hev, C, II. Nowiian. Miss Minnie Chamberlin of North Loup is visiting her brother, K. E.Chamlieillu of Eist Lincoln, prior to Joining her father at Taeoma, Wash. Mrs. D. Housell of Lincoln won n second pi ize on a butter dbplay Iu tho American Dalryimm's exhibition iu Chicago this woek. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Maxwell entertained several friends nt dinner Monday evening, among them W, L, Jansen of Aurora. S. W. Burnham, the newly elected county treasurer, was given a banquet by hU coun try neighbors Satuixlay night, C ngremaii Iaws loft Monday nfteruoou for Wiwhlngtou. ills family will not move to McCook before sprin f. W, L. Janhen, furimrly of Lincoln but now of Autora, wus In the ity Monday 011 his way to guincy, 111. Mls Lulu Bo in, the guot of Mrs. W, II. AVcavor, left Sunday for her home at Bloom Ington, III Mrs. D. II. Wheeler, Sr of Onaho, came down Monday to visit Mr, and Mrs. M. E, lYiioeicry Miss Etta Scanlau was "surplsed Tuesday evening to commemorate her nineteenth year. Mrs. Westerman of Decatur, III., is visiting her sons, Frits, Max and Uaus. Miss PrltzA Barnard was n guest nt tho Co tillion club's swell gernmti In Onmlia last week. Mm. W, L. Van Alstynohislieen entertain ing her sl.ter, Mls Nellie Wlnteniteeiiof Fre mont, Among tho recently ndmltted pharmacists nro J, E. Pennington and J, B. Thorp of Liu roln, J, Austin Young of Rochester, N. Y,, iont Sunday visiting his mint, Mi, B. D, Iceland. John Fnlrlh'ld rcnt Sunday with his brother In Omaha. Miss Ella Whlto returned to Platttmoutli Sunday. Aildltlomtl Sncht anil Vrsondt on Mt(e H. In a recent article In tho lonA's Compan ion 011 "How to Cure 11 Cold" tho writer ad vised n hot lemonade to be taken nt bedtime. It Is n dniigcrous treatment, csH-clally during the severe cold weather of tha winter months, as It n,Kns tlm Krcs of tho skin nnd leaves tho system Iu such n condition thnt another nnd a much more severe cold It nlmost certain to Iw contnicti'jl, Many yearn constant use and tho ox(ierience of thousands of crsons of nil ages, has fully demonstrated that there Is nothing better for n revero cold than Cham Iwrlnln's Cough Itemrdy, It acts In tMjrfect haimouy with uatuiii, relievos tho lungs, I Iq u Ides the tough tenacious mucus, making it easier to cxcctorate, anil restores tho system to 11 strong and healthy condition. Fifty cent bottles for alo by A. L. Blinder. Old trunks made as good as new or taken Iu trnde for now ones at trunk fnctory !.'03 Bo lllhsl., lei. m. Wlrrlck & Hopper. Also a lino line of trunks, valises, eto, Hlinw Cases I'nr Hale, Several counter show of several sires all for salo cheap at tho CuUltlKH olllce. Call mid see them, Prices will suit, .A Nut of Dickens' Work free. Being nnxlous to mnko n showing of 1500 now sulworllK'rs added during 18811, tho CoU HIkii has decided to make an unprecedented ofTer In order to accomplish that end. Com mencing October IS wo will give too very now subHcrllH'r paying t'i.M, n set of liJ-TWELVE VOLUMES-13 of Charles Dickens' works, and scud tho Couhiku from now until Janunry 1, 1W1. AtldroKsos mny lw chnnged nt any tlmo with out extra charge, In case of removal. Tha books nro neatly bound iu paiwrcovcrs nnd n psragon of oxoellcnco generally. Now Is the tlmo to sulwcrllw. Tho CouiUKit for nearly ilfUs?n months nnd a sot of Dickens works for only 3.W. Just think o Itl Tho CouiiiRn from now until Jan. 1, 1)1, would cost $2.fi0, nnd thus by ordering now you get n young library ire. Old sutfecribors may nlxo tnko nil vantage of this by paying up nrrcnra, if such bothocase, and tho amount oh nlxivo spccllleil, Addrisw all communications relative to tho nliovo to AVcssel PrintlngCo., Lincoln, Neb. P. B. If you would like tho hot of Dickens nnd don't enro for more papers than you aro now taking, the nliovo oirer also holds good for papers to bo sent out of town. Parents should lo careful that their chil dren tlo not contract colds during tho fall or early winter months. Such coltls weaken the lungs and nlr passage, mnklng the child much man) likely to contract other colds dur ing tho winter. It Is this succession of cold that causes catarrh or brouchltlsoravcs tho way for consumption. Should a cold bo con tracted lose no time, but cure it as quickly as xiMtlhlo. A llfty-oont bottle of Chnmlicr laln'a Cough Remedy will cure nny cold iu n fow days nnd lonvo the respiratory organs strong nnd healthy. For sale by A. L. Hha dor, druggist. With the wants of social clubs In mind tho Couhiku olllce has put iu a largo lino of pro grams. With tho experience of furnishing tt-e-H) goods to ilunclug organizations iu years past wocomblno tho ndvuntugo of having had nccesH to the latest designs nml novelties. Per son's charged with tho selection of programs, should not fall to see tho Couhieii'h Hue of goods. California, WitsliliiKtnu nml Oregon. Before deciding ns to the mute you will take, bo sure and jHist yourself nn tho magnifi cent servlco, quick time and low rates ohTered by tho "Burlington." Aro you nwnro that we aro making tho run to tho Paclllo coast In less time than any other lino is doing itl Do you know that our trains aro vostlbulod, thereby avoiding the usual annoyance of dust and smoke, and enabling you to pass from ono cur to another with per feet security, nnd Tree from rain or wind. The only change of cam between Lincoln and tho Pact tlo coast Is at Cheyenne, where direct connection Is made for nil points In California, Washington nml Oregon. Our trains aro composed of new and luxu 1 ions coaches, free reclining chair cam, pro vided with hot and cold water, mirrors, toilet articles, carpets, etc., Pullman's tlnostBteopors and tho ever popular dining cars. You take these trnius right hero at Lincoln and avoid a tedious ride over some stub line, and tho likelihood of mlsilng connection with through trams, incident to inferior and cir cuitous routes. You may obtain further Information of much value at tho B. & M. depot, or city of llco, comer O ami Tenth streets. A. C. Zlemor, C. P. & T. A. Compare tho :entury original drawings with the Illustrations as they apear in tho magazines, which tho Hnydou Ait club has for inspection in tho Sena to chamber. Notice of Itemoval. December 1st. 1RS0. tlm Nnrinvlorn lm P., E. & M. V It, It. City Ticket Office, now iwiiiHi ai 1 10 ctouiii Tentu street, will Im re moved to No. 1133 O street, at present occu pled by tho Golden Eagle Clothing Store. Geo. N. Foresinan, Agent. Dr. C. B. Manning, olllce rooms Ot 07-03, Burr block. Telephone 330, Residence Cor. 30th and F. Telephouo 330. Oooil Train Hurvlcn. The Northwestern Lino's new fast train now makes the best time between Lincoln an 1 Chi cago. It leaves at the most convenient hour, 0:30 p. m., dally. It carries through sloepem there aj-o none tiotter. It reaches Chicago at the best time, noon, Just euily enough for dinner and making fawt train connections east. It Is mado up here nnd leaves "on time. Breakfast, the only meal necessary on tho train, is served on dining cam. It s not nn exaggeration to say their reputation for ex cellence is unsurpassed. The morning tialn for northwestern Ne braska, tho Black Hills, central Wyoming, and Chicago and the east leaves a t (!:M a. in. Before making up vour routes call on us. We sell regular railroad tickets to nil points, and steamship tickets by all flm-cla&s ocean linos to European elites at lowest rates. Geo. N. Foresinan, Agent, A. E. Fielding, City Tkt. Agent, 1IA South Ten h Street. The best place in the city of Lincoln to get good board is at Brown's cafe. You have a groat variety to select from and the prices are reasonable. THE AMERICAN NEGROES. thslr rneullnr Capacity for Mirth, Merri ment unit Melody. ((Special Corresponilence.1 Nkw Yoiik, Nov, 31. Those brought Intlmntoly tn contact with tho negro nro wont nt times, when care or concern bears heavily on them, to envy Mm his rapacity for unjoymeiit. With Ills lifo ''.ant In HOiultcr IIiich. tho tlnrkcv Is over (iri'(llHM)scd to humor, vivacity nnd n satisfaction wltli tho ilecroos of fntn. The smile on his face anil laugh on his lipa nro strong bulwarkn against tho Ills that bleach tho hair nnd dig furrowH In thu brow To "cat, drink unci bo merry," Is nn Ingrained capacity of tho ilnrkoy. stronger nt birth than 11 theory, nml tin article of faith through II fo. though unwittingly. He is built that way, mul Is never bo happy us when In any degree enabled to lllustrrate the In clination, It Is with tho approach of tho holidays, when, having received his iiionoy for his crops, ami fooling that ho can get ad vnnccH from "tho more" during tho noxt summer, ho Is us improvident as tho fabled grasshopjicr, and Uvea like a lord, Of course, It must be understood that tho country darkey 1 4 referred to hero. Ills town brother lives a hand to mouth existence, ami rarely tins enough money at any ono tlmo to Indulge his In clinations. Tin tack of funtls docs not detract from tho tlisKsltion, but curtails tho boo po of Indulgence, Tho nttturo of tho negro makes him a charming factor in literature, whousomo student of history nwtikens nn echo of tho past, or a ilolicntely attuned romnuco or lay treats tendorly of Individual jives. Tlioso of tho north who know tho diirkoy only through Pago, Edwards, Johnson or Cable have little oportuntty of seeing In llfo tho characteristics depicted, unless they Icavo tho beaten route of southern travel and stray off Into tho bypaths, where tho scenes nro irreconcilable with tho days of modern progress. Thero, wending his way through cool, umbrageous lanes, carpeted with noo dles from tho tall, soughing pines, or un der tho BoruW cypress, tho travolor may meet a family of darkies going calling or to tho village to sell lierrieB. They will pass down tho road iu Indian (Ho, and, though tho wayfarer boa total stranger, ho will bo tho recipient of tho most courteous and cordinl salutation. The mother will beam on lilui from be neath her bright bandana, which matches, perhaps, a vivid pink gown. Ho will meet many other faces liko hers at tho cabin doors, where tho cultivated taste for vichy, seltzer, or carbonic will meet with a plensurablo surprise when quailing deep draughts of spring water from a "sweet gourd" dipper. To appre ciate a drink of water, ono should drink it from tho gourd. The singing and dancing of the darky on the plantation is in striking contrast to that of the drawing room performance of the whitu folks. I havo seen a group sitting quietly, holding their hands, when one of the party would tnko up soiuo queer chunt, the words of which would be lost iu persistent dwelling on the aspi rates. At llrst the measure would be slow nml halting, but, us others joined iu and took up tho chorus, tho rude melody of the song would bo rounded out and swell with a penetration carrying its burden to others at work in thu fields, who would take up the familiar air till the neighbor hood would pukfttto in song. Some of these BongB nro largely recita tive, with n weird, lonesome chorus; others breatho danco steps so plainly that only a fow burs aro finished before tho singers are putting for some of their number, who aro on the boards or sand shuilllng, "cutting tho piko," "tho pigeon wing" and other popular steps. The negro is a lover of melody, and it is not an infrequent thing to find them grouped about tho front piazzas when there is company at tho "big houso" ami tho piano is giving forth a favorite Chopin, Strauss or Oottsclialk. Long nfter tho echoes of tho melody have died away on tho night thoy will remain spellbound. Manuscript music was a suro puzzlo to our general utility man, who was styled Cupid, for tho reason, perhaps, that he wus totally unliko that mischievous llltlo god both iu appear ance and prowess. 1 believe 1 could havo con fey d to him uioro clearly an undoiftnmlluy of tho cosmogony of "Paradise" than of tho method of writing iiiubic. With 'their naturally joyous tempera ment one might behove that allegro would lo their favorite musical move ment, but onseroso is more frequently voiced iu their efforts. When by them selves, safe from an audience, thoy yield to tho spirit of song, and a pathos of yearning, pleading and protesting is thrown into their homely lay, and comes to the hearer as tho voice of a soul in travail. With the end of the song a merry laugh will dispel theso vague fan cies and deepen tho perplexity of the curious listener. Beginning witli the advent of tho Christmas holidays, which tho darky signalizes by investing in liroworks and Indulging his foudnesa for sweetmeats, and continuing until after New Year's, there la no work performed on thu farm. It is one round of gayety. Hunting in tho day and dancing at night. Tho New VearV, which iscelobnitod by thut queer custom called "wulkiug Egypt," comes all too hoou. This custom U a religious ceremonial, hut Is generally denounced by tlu clergy uh unorthodox. They llndit a relic of Voodoo practice, ami the frenzy which its music and murchlug fem to bring on I discountenanced by tho pul pit. The congregations in many in stances, however, Insist on "walking" or make their pastor wulk, uud thoy gener ally have their way. Tills "walking Egypt" Is nothing moro limn the entire congregation forming in line and Ming up one albluaiid down the other to tho measure of chants which work on tho emotions nml result in all manner of excebses and ultamlonment. Under the Influence of its spell tho marchers- seem insensible to pain, and will oftentimes spring through tho win dows. The women aro more susceptible to its intoxication than tho men. "Walk ing Egypt" marks tho ending then of the season. Thomas P. IIknby. Christmas FaDCy R0Cl(6rS lcad thc VM f artistic and useful presents 1 and our line of these goods is remarkably full and complete, and our prices range from $3.00 to $50.00. An early selection will be the best. Chamber Suits great Eastern Novelty Finish, Cremona, Violin, and XVI Century. We arc over stocked with goods in this line and until December 1st we will offer our entire line at a very low figure. DlMIlfi Hail goods are also offered at prices to coin- mand sales. Wc desire to close out as and Parlor, An inspection of our line SHELTON 234-238 South 11th Street, LINCOLN, Carpets and The bulk of the Carpet trade for 1889 is now done. Wc still have six weeks left in which time we propose to reduce our stock as low as possible before purchasing for our Spring trade. In order to do this we will make prices that MUST SELL the goods. If you are in need of-anything in either CARPETS OR DRAPERIES get our figures before placing your order and you will find you cannot afford to purchase elsewhere. iiiii?lA.M.DAIS&S0Nj1II St cam and Hot Water Heating. mKm Jty .tJjSJlLpannnSnvnnHHHnHnnnnflHnW nkrlinL. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S - DINING - HALL MONTGOMERY BLOCK, -o 1 1 19, ii2 1 and 1123 N Street. o Meals 25 cts. $4.00 per Week. is nppronchitig and in anticipation of the great Holiday wc have placed in stock a line of goods that will be suitable for all classes. in all styles and grades, including the much stock as possible before January 1 st, so that wc may have room for spring gopds, is respectfully solicited, & SMITH, NEBRASKA. Draperies! PlJJMBINGr F. A. KORSMEYER & CO. Telephone 536. 315 S. Eleventh St. "' f 1 i -t J '-. ... I 4 ,J. t i oatu..j