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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1889)
w MMMMfWMnan S!SSS?M MUMMUilMjl HM'H'II nn.iiii)Si tWBMI'Ww'; TM CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1889 I II ' m v I , . r ! a ik v Jc lvf- I ") t t W H, Kr it, ;;.: ijf fOPULATlOW OF L1HC0LH Sttardty Evening, Noy. 16 '89. TAKE NOTICE1 Tha Oourikr will not be responsible for any dew mado by any ono In ltnnme,un less a written order accompanies tho n, properly signed. I. Wkmkx, Jr., IVopV. PSft Oomwr I Oth nj P trt. Dry Goods -AN- CARPETS. The Courier Can be Fonuil At Wlmltor Hold Now HUxnd. Capital Hotel New Htand. OdeirslHnlna Hall Nor Bland. The Gotham NcwsHtnnrt, IP Houth lltli Ht. Wert Kuffher, Ill Noitn lilli Htreot. Kd. Young, IMO O Htreot. Baton AHmtth, USOO .. , little Sport Cigar Htore. 113 N. 18th Bt. FKLL UNDeReHR W. R. DENNIS, Hatter and Furnisher ' 1137 O STREET. A NEW TYPEWRITER. JL Machine That U Huperlor to the Item Ington or Callgraph. The Weasel Printing Comny hare been appointed agent for the new timl popular Teat Typewrite for southeastern Nebraska. To many of our reader this new machlno la already known, and all who bnvo seen It pro ssonnra it far superior to any of the older machine. A far as utility and speed are con- it is giving better satisfaction than the Remington or the Callgraph, be for point of convenience, mprore- landKeneral construction It far excels avtahur ia thla Use ever invented. Thta mmv asam a UMd assertion ami aouixea oy wb Wke are using the above maobiae, but when at ia known that Mr, Yost, the inventor, hai far year bulit the llemlngton and Callgraph, at to reaaonable to believe that being con aaaatly In the business be has had opportunity to Bote where improvement could bo made, A accordingly to able to furnish a better typewriter than either of the other. On the Teat no ribbon h) used, each letter or figure striking the paper direct, and by a very valu able new patent are In exact and perfect argument. If preferable either Callgraph or Remington keyboard will be furnished. All who have Keen thto new machine In Lincoln pronounce It a gem, and we shall be pleased te nave all Interested call and see it. Oflloo withTHK Cm-ital Crrx Coumikh, 12J-124 Horth Twelfth street, new Burr block. SOCIAL ANJ) l'KHSONAI, Lincoln's ability to turn out large and swell coniuy forn club jwirty was hand somoly demonstrated Wednesday nt tlio opening dnnco of tlio Pleasant Hour. Tlio senior Imvo n happy custom of compliment Ing n newly married inombcr with n ree lion, which varies from an ordlnnry party In this respcett The bride nnd groom provldo n list of their friends, who nro Invited In tlio immn of tlio club In addition to tlio regular momlier. Wednesday ovenlng's affair was n reception to Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Maxwell, who wero for several year In tlio Pleasant Hour Junior set. Tholr Invitation went largely to tlio younger people, nnd tlio com pany therefore comprised a largo part of tlio circles represented by the two lending chilis of tlio city. Many of the married jieople among tlio Seniors, apparently, had not yet rovlvod enough dancing enthusiasm to at tend, but tlio young ooplo wore out In full force, nnd tlio reception was qtilto an largo nnd a dressy ns previous affairs of the kind. In addition to the dancer there was a largo number of elderly people, who beamed on the festivities ns Interested spectators. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell (the brldo in hor wedding robe) stood at tlio head of tlio lnrge ante room to Tcmplo hall, nnd wero assisted by President Hardy, Miss Lllllbrldgo nnd tolw Hard'. Tim arriving guest wero presented by Lieut. Clrlfllths, U. B. A., nnd Master of Ceremonies Forcsmnn. The program coim prised twelve number nnd two extras, and Ices and cakes mada an ngrooabla dlvortlon. Muslo and floor wero flue, many rich nnd beautiful toilet wore displayed by tho ladles, the glamour of youth nnd gnyety wns over all, and tills reception posse Into tlio history of tho Pleasant Hour club (wlioso traditions go back almost to tho beginning of tlio city) as ono of It happiest, efforts. Among thoso present wcrat Messrs. and Mesdnmc Hoi yoke, Holikell, Oarber, Ooffroth, Foster, 0. T, Drown, Beeson, Carl Funke, W. Hnr grenves, O. H. Oakley, McDonald, Hooper, J. L. 0, Burr, Jansen, Crlly, F. W. Bald win, B. K. Moore, Ben. Dorr, Hhelnondcr, W. II. Dennis, K. K. Hoyden, 11. II. Oakley; Mesdames Clement Cliasa nnd J. E, Uaum of Omaha, Ilonnott of Washington Barracks, D. 0., llreevort, a 0. Wljson, Kelson Ilrock, Bteve Ilrock" W. J. Marshal, Chas, Ham mond, Misses Miller of Chicago, Clara Funko, Hardy, Orlfllth, Hooper, OIlvo Lntta, Helen Million, Whlto of PlattamouUi, Hatllo Ice land, Florence Drown, Lllllbrldgo, Heed, Zlomor, Gertrudo Law, Maud Burr, Grun Inger, Hammond,' Hawkins, Beon, Cook, Martha Funko, Walsh, Dorris, May Moore, Graco Oakley, Bindley, Anna Funko, Mny Burr, Alton Oakley, :Racliel Brock, Lillian Sterling. Messrs. Mahsfleld, Wright, W. F. Meyer, Foresman, J Ang worthy, J. IS. Thompson, R, K. Cooper, Wait), D. E. Thomjison, VanDuyu, Holdon, Tompletou, Northuin, Wheaden, Pickett, Bpahr, O. F. Funko, Orlfllth, Hooves, Nlssloy, Geo. Mc Artliur, Clarenco Hniltli, Polk, Hlrhter, Houtc, Law, Hammond. Frank Bmlth, R, 8. Molntosh, B. T. Bt. Johns, 11. J. Hall, Ev erts, C. K. Holl,Dorgan, Trogden, Iju W es se!, Clio. Burr. leal and "Personal. WWtebreast Coal ami Lime Company. Lincoln luo Co., 1010 O Bt. Telephone 118. Browu'i retttauraut tor meola. tain Turkish at 101(1 0 street. Cateh the Rabbit I TUioae at the Cocfcua oAce k aftS, at Hallett, leadrng JewsW, 181 N. 11th. MlBral watamatd lor batWng, 1016 Oat Liaate, eoe and wa m at the B9-cent store. CHra Betta Weaver, the new eoal Arm, a .TtrttiMW-OMAatera, 140 Bonth Twelfth Lank at the Se, 19e an te oounWr at the saaking par- i C. J. GnUmette's dreat 4an.UMOtreet, Try aoM of the se freak Ibhatrved every taratCiaernn'. ChetiCHyOoalajtaatthA WWtebreast Oatiaad Lima Co. Aeast taeata, and vegetable of all kindest tijBrea' Lanoh Hous. Mtaarier qaality Anthracite coal atBett Weaver1. Call up 440. Tka elst reMabie Canon City Coal at Hutch- laaac HyaH1, 1040 O ateaet. Iasproved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O atreet, tsMeiaent Uon bieeK. Oatar plaea ia Llaeeln that use mineral water Ia hath it at 1M O atreet. Trr an oyster stew or oyrtere in any stylo at Daa Cameron's. They are fine. Dr. R. C Trogdon, Dentist, !att Bouth 11th street, over KHte studio. Telephone 43.1. Brown U ready to serve lauqueU, wedding cwHatlnr and other spread on short notice. Castes City, Mendota, Ohio Block and Col tate Coal, at BeMs & Weaver's, phone 440. How I the time to lay in your winter sup lyefcesX Utttebins & Hyatt's, 1040 O Mr. Stephen Dougln Shilling and Mir Nellie Giles Graham, daughter of Mayor and Mr. Robort D. Graham, wero married last Titeaiiay under very happy auspices. The ceremony was performed nt ono o'clock in the afternoon, by Rev. O. A. Williams, of the First Baptist church. The Graham home was handsomely decorated for tho wedding. Tho bridal party stood In ono comer of tho front parlor, wbicn lisa been roailo Into n beautiful bower, From tho center of tho ceiling string of smllox were drawn to the sides of the corner, making n large fan-like canopy. Against the wall stood throe cen tury plant, flanked on either side by a pure whlto chrysanthemum plant with its nodding plume almost touching the emerald creepers on the celling above. The floor was a bed of whlto fur rugs, In pretty contrust with the colors of tho plsnt and flowers. Tho window draperies nnd tho portiere were trimmed with whlto water lllllcs and smllax, nnd white chrysanthemums wore scattered about the rooms in great profusion. Bride and groom camo from upstairs unattended, but their coming was announced by Mendels sohn's wedding march, Miss Goodln nt tho Instrument. A ring was used in the cere mony, which was witnessed by about seventy ilvo persons. On account of limited room no cards were Issued, and tho only guests wero relative and near friends. Among them were Mrs, A. Hilton, of Bt. Louis, tho bride's maternal grandmother; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Booth, of Bt. Joe, and Miss Ina Burch, of Grand Island. The bride was attired in a sleevelet gown of white silk, with low cut corsage laced in the bock and trimmed with white ostrich Up. The front and sides of the skirt were in accordeon pleating, and mouaauetalre glove reached to the shoulders. Her ornament were diamond ear-drotw and a gold necklace, and she carried a large bo- quetot bride' roses. The bride is a blonde of such a pure type as to attract attention anywhere, and: hi her wedding attire she looked exceedingly fair and lovely. Tho groom, on th other hand, i a pronounced brunette, ana the contrast maue a suiniugiy handsome effect. After receiving tue con gratulations of the witness, the brldo and groom passed through the compuny with a heavy silver tray, from which they distrib uted boxes of wedding cake. The bride then changed her dreat for a traveling costume, a combination nearl and irreen sown, and in re turning to tho parlor threw her boquetamongj uer girt menus, x no nower suu weir mar ital omen fell to Mis Burch. Mr, and Mrs. Shilling loft on tho 4:90 train for Chicago, and will visit friend of the groom at Lex ington, Bloomlngton and Bpringflold, 111., re turning about the 1st of December. They will occupy pleasant room on M street, near Thirteenth, that have been handsomely fur nished by the bride's parents. The groom is tho Junior member of the nrm of Shilling Brothers, and has a prosperous, growing bus iness established. The bride's family are among the pioneers of tho city, with many friends, who testified their esteem by sending elegant and costly gifts. grnernl comfort. A hnvy muslin laid over tho carpet will glvo a good dancing surface, and tho cloth can bo cleaned afterward and distributed among tlio poor, Messrs. Urlfllth, Hardy nnd Rlchtor wero mndn a committee to rco If thoso halls can bo secured and to mal:o recommendation ns to tlio prefnrablo one. Tlio price of tlckoU wns flxixl at f5, and tho froo list was rusemted. Tlio oxccultvo committee, wns empowered to appoint nil other iicwssnry committees. An ndjournod meeting will bo hold next Thursday evening. An unusual Interest has been manifested In this undertaking, nnd tho standing of tlm gen tlemen who have taken hold of It Is ngunrnn tea of It high chnrauter. Chairman Klemer has appointed tho following assistant on tho executive coinmltteoi Mayor Graham, Post mnstor Watklns, Btato Auditor Benton and Hon, John Fitrgernld. Mr. Ilurnhnm 1ms so lected It. H. Oakley, A. J. Sawyer, J. H. Harloy and K. H. Andnis to completo tho IN nnnco committee, and tlm following gcutlo men were appointed as floor matingorsj Frank Kehrtmg, Mngoon, Foresman, Bccson, Rich termi'lGrinith. Mrs. Tlionms H, Hon ton gnvo two compa nies for Indies within tho past week, and the bijou homo of Auditor Benton was tho scene of delightful affairs on both occasions. On Saturday last Mrs. Ronton gnvo a flvo o'clock tea In honor of her guest, Mrs. W. L. Brown, of DosMoluos. Tho guests wore Meednmes Thayor, Doweeso, Imhoff, Bnwycr, J. B. Trlckoy, K. L. Trlckey, Alfonl, Whoolor, L. C. Clark, Davis, Wolistcr, Baboock, Ogdon, McArthur. Putnam, Calvert, Boehmor, Hill, Pitcher, Rlggs, W. M. Ronton, John R. Clnrk, Mollck, Hammond, Hathaway, Man ning, Turner, Hon Is, Morrison, Swan, War ron, Casebcer, Mills, Johnson, Hard. Goodell, Altken nnd Talbot, Mhscs Gertiudo Altken, Furst, Saunder nnd Kngllsh, On Tuenlny Mrs. Ronton gnvo an olrgnnt ono o'clock luncheon, nfUr which tho ladle ludulgoil In six-hand euchre. Tho guests wore Mtnmwi Townloy. Iliini ham, Howell, Iiomlng, H. 1C Mooro, Patrick, Bnlrd, 11. H. Wheeler, Uoo. II. Clark, R. K. Moore, Cowdry, Ileeson, Wlso, Iaws, Minor, It. O. Phillips, Kwlng, Cook, Btowart, Btcari.s, A. D. Marshall, 0 O. Burr, L. C. Burr, A. D. Burr, Hnrloy, Bnrtlott, Mosher, Gregg, Irvine, Leonnnl, CarU-r, Doollttle, MrBrlde, Gere, Noble, Boggs, Holmos, C. T. Brown, Geo. Br6wn. Btull, Maul), Little, Hargreavos, White, Allen, Kitchen, Glllllau, Odbertand Tlpllng; Mrs. Baum and Mrs. Chaso of Omaha, Miss Miller of Chicago and Mrs. Brown of DeaMolnes. Tho prises were won by Madam Hnrley, Phillips and Moore. Bnpt. D. JC. Thompson, who tins handsomo apartment In tho residence of Mrs. Otto Funke at 1091 D street, entertained a compa ny of friends at progressive euchre Tuesday evening and proved himself a royal host. Musicians wero stationed on tho stair landing, and tho strains of mandolin and guitar filled tho house nt frequent Intervals with a sweet concord of sounds. A delightful Incident of tlm ovonlng wns the playing of a largo muslo box, a magnlllcont Instrument brought from Switzerland by Mr, Thompson on his return from a trip abroad. At half past ten a halt was called In tho mad rush of the exciting gamo nnd a flue luncheon dlscutsed with keon relish. The favors wore exceptionally rich and pretty. For a royal Mrs. C. C. Burr was awarded an elegant cut-glass vinegar cruet, and Mr. Wing n French chins mustacho cup. J or a consolation prlzo Mrs. Ziemer received a dainty Havllaml china cup and saucer, and Mr. Foucon got an enormous JnianesospIdor. The guests wore: Messrs. and Mesdames W. M. Leonard, O. C. Burr, Carl Funke, Walter ilargrcavee, B. II. Buruham. A. C. Zlemor. A. M. Bird. K. K. Hnydcn. Jos. Bwau and O. M. Thompson, Mrs. Prof. Little, Mrs. J. K. Baum of Omaha, Mrs. Lieut. Bennett of Washington, D. C, Mrs. Clem C. Chare of Omaha, Misses Tlllle Furst, Cora Outcoltand Jeunette Miller of Chicago, Messrs. C. D. Mul len, J. P. Foucon, M. McKlnnon, A. B. Law and P. L. Wing. Outfitters d) to 1: kll Viankird. 1029 O Street 1 03 1. Place on sale their entire stock of clothing larger than any two combined stocks In the city, nt a -V n Discount of 15 Per Cent. From the marked price. All ourgoods arc marked In plain figures and the discount will be taken off the marked price. Nothing reserved. This include nil our men's, youths, boys' nnd clilldcrn's suits and ovcrconts.nnd separate trousers. Wc hnvc too much clothlnu and wo must cloic It out. We have no stock, soiled goods, no accumulation of "leavings" from past seasons. At' the low prices Hint our clothing Is already marked willi this discount of old S per cent you emit afford to miss this unparalleled SLAUGHTER OF CLOTHING. ifyf 1029 0 Street 1031. jgfojttjp 1029 0 Street 1031 Tlre Bargain Giver. Special Slioe Sale ! We have decided to close out several lines of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice. these goods arc new, having been received this Pall and are of the very best makes, prices below : Most of See the- Grays Ladies' French Kid Turned Button, E. C. Burts Ladies' Hand Sewed Welts, (button) Ladies' Hand Turned Opera, (button) ( ( u tt Welt, tt Hand Sewed Kid Welt, t3TAlso a full line of $1.50 and $2.00 Shoes. Regular Price. 6.50 6.00 6.00 5.00 3-5 3oo Cut Price. 5.00 5.00 5'P, 4.OO 3- 2.50 a and The above goods are all new and wc carry them on all widths and different sizes different shapes of toes. Our odds and ends we will close out at a greater reduction in price- REMEMBER THE PLACE 1 Webster St Rogers 1043 O Street. Frah mined Lackawana Anthracite and svsfctr ilae eoal at Hutehins & Hyatt's, 1040 O street. LaJiM wis! And a complete line of fine shoe s4 aH th latest styles at the proper prices at Massrwla' Boston Bfcoe Htore. OM papers, large d clean, to wrap up ami air with or pat wader carpet, for sale at sJtst'cJaea at 96 esat per hundred. istay year coal of the Wbitebreaat Coal and IitM Co., and it will always be well screai.ed, taM weight, best quality and at right pries. Ishsj t MlUspangh are offering their en Mm taaek of ftn drsss good and silk at cost. Haw to Mm Mismi to buy a Bice drew for very n With K. RaMeU, artist la China, Oil, Fas ajljsjki WaW Rotor painting. Studio, room Sat Jawss Wook, eorasr Paad Twelfth atreet, isitwsii'w 1W north Twelfth strett. , The Ity ssaaoa toopen and Brown's res jHsrmslaet4MgwUh it established repu aia; si saaylytag. large, fat ami delicious OjsstaiK to aay style at reasonable prlcoi An cnthuslastlo meeting was heldnt Huff man tz Ulchter's Thursday evening to organ ise for the lironosed charity ball. Gov. Thay er was made chairman and Joseph Boebmer secretary. There was an interchange of opin ions, remarks bning made by Qov. Thayer, Messrs. A. C. Ziemer, O.J, Ernst, Thomas II. Benton, Lieut. Griffith, Harry J. Unll, 8. H. Burnbam, R. II. Oakley, W. . Hardy, M. I. Altken, C. It. Rlchter, E. H. Andrus and others, and all were heartily in favor of the enterprise. A permanent organisation was made with Qov. Jno. M.Thayer as president; A. O. Ziemer, vice president and chairman of the executive committee; Joseph Boehmor, secretary; B. H. Burnhsm, treasurer. Mr. Ziemer was authorised to select four gentle men to act with him as tho executive com-, mittee. Mr, Bumbam was empowered to or. ganUe a finance committee in similar man-, ner, No date was (tied on but New Year's night was mentioned. Two halls were dis cussed: that of the Grant memorial building at the State uuivvrslty and the house of rei reeentat've at the capital. The preponder ance of soutlment was for the latter, because of its location, she, ample cloak rooms, long promenades, its gallery for spectators and Its Although a dnnco by tho Yorko club was given about n month ago the regular own ing of Uie season occurred lost night. Every member wns present, and tho young ladles mado n very attractive appearance In their Nirty drctMe. By spoclal invitation Mrs. E. II. B. Brown supervised tho grand march, and fow prettier marches have leen executed In Temple hall. Tho program consisted of fourteen dances, which were just enough to fill tho evening most enjoyably. Among thoso present wore Misses Merta Moellor, Ina Burch of Qrnnd Island, Mabel Long of Csrtbage, (111.) Bertha Avery, Ida Bitrwith, Minmo uerao, 1'uullno Friend, Mlnnlo Guy lord, Ilaydeo Blorwlth, Maggto Hallett, May Melick, Maud Haror, Joslo Vreeman, Jon nlo Underwood, Mny,Tibblea, Jennie Morgan, Eflle Luse, Maud Scott, Naomi Weaver, -Jessie Goodell, Besslo Tuttlo, May Gund, Clarklo Patv, Lnulso Pound, Carrie Hill, Clara Car mody, Mlnnlo Mollck, Fanny Waldrou and Ella Brmley, Messrs. K. E. Blnford, F. A. Hallet, E. E. Gillespie, 11. A. Shannon, C. B. Goodell, Chas. Clnrk, Will Clark, Fred Gadd, R. M. Joyse, Mark Woods, J. W. McCroskey, A. C. Cope, E, H oat on, Fred Plummor, George Covert, O. M. Camp, John Phillips, O. II. Trow, Will Phillips. Guy Hale, Thos. Teasdale, Hugh Baker, E. Brads ley, J. K.imbalU Mr. and Mrs. George Cook threw open their cozy parlors on L street last evening for the entertainment of a company of married friends. Progressive euchre furnished the motive for merry enjoyment, and it goes without saying that Mrs. Cook mado a charin' lng hostess. Those who strove for the prises wero Mr. Cook and Miss Cook of BatUo Creek. .MJch.,Mesara, and Meedatuo L. C. Burr, B. E. Mooro, John Doollttle, C. C. Burr, Dr. Goodall, Dr. Bailey, E. E. Brown, Georgo Clark, A. Uulburt, E. K. Crlloy, Fred Bald win, Frank Hall, A. C. Zlemor, Thomas II. Benton, O. M. Thompson, O. W. Webster, Mason Gregg, Cal Thompson and Gen. An drews. The second party of the series of tho Calu met club will be held at Temple hall Wednes day evening, Nov, 'JO. Curtice & Tholrs or chestra will furnish tho music, Tho grand march will start promptly at 8:30, and it is earnestly desired tliat members bo on liand promptly. At Its last meeting tho York club elected the following new members: Messrs. II. A. Shannon, K. M. Joyce, Fred Plummor, Floyd Heybolt, John Phillips, IlugU Baker, Wiu. Phillips nnd J. Kimball. Mr. and Mr. W.B. Hsrgroaves entertained a number of friends at a luucbeon Saturday ovonlng. Irfrficionai Society Newt on fligea 1 and 3. vr w TS. xi & I r I 0 0 td x D Eastern society has a now fad. The pros pective bride and groom who would in sure lasting happiness wear In one form or another the jewel dedicated to the month of birth. For the brldo whose natal-day falls in July, for Instance, lira beautiful rings, brace lets and lockets set with glowing rubles; while the groom's luck is also preserved with a "charm to hang on his watch chain, For tunate, indeed, Is April's child for then mutt diamonds be exchanged; while hapless Octo ber, on the contrary, calls for tho exquisite, but woftobearlng, opal. For February It Is amethyst and for January garnet. Fair maidens and brave men who desire these nov elties or anything else in the Hue of jewels can have their wants supplied by Hollott, the Eleventh street jeweler, O X f A , ,-fr . 'iPf-1j' t tStsHssaJsvi Tsvj iJsnsTsv KVI , BlBBBBBBSCBSVat VV.i' Lt "-' u ;.-,Tr . Ami M f-' t MLjLJ'jt !tei A A iMfa(Ji'l .. , ".