Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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v- Wbf- "vap"' w"i
sell the I'.nrllrat of Alt the Present
Member. il Congress Tin lUrottl of
VtilMetu Ymr How llrntli slid the
flftr-Mir ill I'nnMrt Slow Mlntrtuifit.
Hilnl CoiTMIxmilrnon
.Wakiiimiton, Nov. 14. Congressman
Nathaniel I. Hanks, of Massachusetts,
ctlvo mid genial notwithstanding his
seventy-three yours, wns seated In the
Mtcroom of tho ofllco of the secretary
f tlio interior nwnltiug nn audience
wllli Mr. Noble. Near by was McKlu
Icy, of Ohio. Tlio pair reprcioiitod gen
erations widely separated. Ilesldo tlio
Tctorau Dunks, who had In-on speaker,
as McrClnloy aspires to Im tho latter
looked llko h hoy. On tho wall over tho
desk of tho, prlvato secretary hung a
chart published thirteen yearn ago, nud
called "Tho Centennial Government."
In thin chart Mr. Hankn evinced moro
tlian ordinary Interest. Ho looked It
over and over, rising first on tiptoo and
Uicn mounting n chair in his eagerness
to scan all tho name. It soumod to Im
press Itself upon him as an old friend.
"Ah, McKlnloy," exclaimed tho vet
ran stntesman, "what n knleldoscopo of
men, of human ambitions, of success nud
of tllMipK)tntmunt thin Is. Hero nro the
games of my friends of thirteen years
ago. I IxjIIuvo that no innro than 93
of tho 1)70 Rcnators and representatives
of tho centennial year aro still in con
8o tho veteran Banks and tho younger
McKlnloy sat down to comparo notes.
Banks know tho old congress and Mc
Klnloy the new ono.
"Let us Ix-gtn with Maine," thoy Bald.
They found that of tho sovon members
f congress from that etato in. tho con
teental year but two remain. Halo and
JVyo, who woro then representatives,
bow sit ns senators In placo of Hannibal
Hamlin and James 0, Dlalnc, "two men
who have mado history, and arc still
making it," as Mr. Hanks said. Of Now
Hampshire's II vo centennial stntesmen
but ono remains. Probably" thu country
at largo bus forgotten Senntors Crngin
and Wmllelgh. Henry V. lllair, then
in tho house, is now hi tho senate, and
somewhat famous as tho author of the
Blair educational bill,
"Llttlo Vermont la pretty constant,"
add Mr. Hanks', "sho la tho only stato In
site Union which has hero now tho samo
senators who represented her In tho con
tennlal year. May my old frionds Ed
munds and Morrill bo hero thirteen
years honoo.
"That reminds me," added tho ox
speaker, "that In talking about Massa
chusetts' representatives you should not
forget me. I havo tho honor, sir, to bo
sho member of tho Fifty-first congress
with earliest experienco In national legis
lation. I was a member of tho Thirty
third congress, which makes It just thirty-six
yearn sinco I catno down hero a
green, fresh statesman. Judge Kelloy,
the father of tho house, did not come till
Mm Thirty-seventh congress, or eight
years later, Senator Morrill, of Vermont,
fast camo to congress two years after I
4ld, and Senator Dawes, of Massachu
etts, four years after. Out their service
ttas been continuous, while mine baa not.
Only threo Massachusetts members of
(be centennial congress aro now hero
Mr. Dawes, Mr, Hoar, who was then a
representative, and myself."
Rhodo Island has no survivors of tho
period of thirteen years. Both of her
centennial senators, Henry D. Anthony
ad Gen, Ilurnsido, aro dead. Connecti
cut fares no better, Her senators were
William W. Eaton and William II. Iter
uh, tho famous Democratio leader, who
tied a few months ago.
Time has worked magic changes la
Hew York, Thirteen years ago Itoscoe
Conkling and Francis Kernun repre
sented tho empire state in tho senate.
Both aro dead. Fernando Wood, the
text most conspicuous member of tho
delegation, Is also dead. Samuel Sulli
van Cox passed away but a few weeks
CO, Strange that in thirteen years all
f the thirty-flvo statesmen from that
state should disappear from tho congres
sional roster. Not ono "remains. A. 8.
Buwitt still lives, but In private life.
William A. Wheeler, then a congress
man, rose to tho vice presidency and
disappeared. Thomas C. Piatt was then
(he congressman from Tioga. 8ubse
ejttoatly he entered the senate, resigned
with Conkling, failed of re-election, dis
appeared from publlo view, and later on
bobs up serenely a power Jn his party.
Slbridge G, Laphau. then a representa
tive, succeeded the great Conkling In the
senate, served his term and disappeared
while Conkling was yet living and fa
asoua. Not one Jerseyman survived the period
skat was composed of years to tho un
lucky number of thirteen. Of tho nine
men in tho New Jersey delegation of the
centennial year, but one, Frederick T.
Frellnghuysen, subsequently rose to
higher distinction.
Pennsylvania, conservative and rock
ribbed, tenacious of her political views
and favorites, presents a greater number
f survivors from .he centennial era
than any other commonwealth. Though
SitHou Cameron, tho Nestor, has disap
peared forever, Samuel J. Randall, Will
iam D, Kelloy and Charles O'Neill re
main. A remarkable Instance, this, of long
Mtinued service of a great municipali
ty Kelley, Randall and O'Neill have
together' represented the city of Phila
delphia in congress for a quarter of a
century. Congressmen Mutchler and
Walsh ate the other survivors In the
Pennsylvania delegation.
Even HtUe Delawai in which tho cltl
sens had coma i te look upon tho Bayards
and thu Saulsburys at lifts senators, has
felt tho Influences f this period of
change. Thirteen , ars ago Thomas
Francis Bayard, tlio ilrd of his family
to cvcuhyH seat in tho senate, was ono of
tho most actlvo statesmen of tlio day.
Now, after serving years more as
. stHwtr r nnd four as secretary of state, he
Is icucwliig his youth as a pilvato
and bridegroom, Tho fjaiilsburys, too,
havo retired to prlvato life.
Maryland lintl no representatives In
'70 with enough vitality to span tho thir
teen year noriod, nor had Virginia.
West Virginia shows but ono survivor,
C. J. Faulkner, then in tho homo, now
In tho senate. Henry I'. Davis, who Is
building; til'" family wealth to rlvnl that
of tho VnuderblltH, lepresentod West
Virginia In tho senate thli teen years ago,
as ono of his sons-in-law will bo likely to
represent it thirteen yearn hence.
Tim two Carolina kkmcs but ono
member of congiess wIioho service span
tho centennial and tho present year. Sen
ator ItauHOtu, of North Carolina, U the
veteran. Of Georgia's great delegation
of '70, but a sluglo survivor (Congress
man Mount) remains, Alexander II.
Stephens and lleujainiu II, Hill nro dead.
Gen. John II. Gordon Is a
Senator Norwood of '7(1 hccauio Con
gressman Norwood of '80, and Is now out
of public life.
Florida has no survivor. Her best
known senator of tho centennial year,
Charlen W, Jones, la now a poor outcast,
half demented, Only William Henry
Forney, of thu Alnbama delegation to
tho present congress, wan In tho con
gress of tho centennial year. Georgo E.
Spencer, now u clerk in ono of tho gov
ernment department In Washington,
was n Monator from Alabama in '70.
Mississippi has but ono survivor, tho
gallant Gen. Hooker. Lucius Q, O. La
mar, n congressman in '70. is now on tho
supremo bench; Dlanoho IC. Ilruco, n sen
ator, is a lawyer in Washington, nnd
John It. Lynch, who wan born n slave
and became u lawmaker In tho centen
nial year, is now nn oflloial of tho United
States treasury, Senator Gibson, of
Louisiana, was In tho houso from that
stato thirteen years ago, but none of his
enrly colleagues remain in tho Capttol
witli him.
In 1870 Texas was represented In tho
souato by ono Republican nnd ono Dem
ocratHamilton and Maxoy. Both havo
disappeared. John II. Reagan was then
n representative. Ho la now n senator.
Roger Q. Mills, chairman of tho ways
and means commltteo of tho house, has
iwon In congress sinco 1873, and David
1). Culberson, tho best constitutional
lawyer in tho south, sinco 1874. Arkan
sas' senators and representatives of '70,
nmong whom wero Powell Clayton and
Stephen W. Dorsoy, nro known no moro
in tho halls of legislation.
Senator Cockrell and Congressman
Uland. tho father of tho silver dollar,
aro Missouri's only survivors. Congress
man Whltthomo is nlouo among the rep
resentatives of Tonncssco who was thorn
thirteen years ago, as Joseph C. Black
burn, then congressman, now senator, Is
tho only survivor in Kentucky.
Time's record In Ohio is like a ro
mance. Dut two of tho members of the
delegation of tho centennial year aro
still in publlo llfo John Sherman, then,
as now, a senator, and Henry B. Pnyno,
then n member of tho houso and now in
tho senate. Allon G. Thurmuu, thou Mr.
Sherman's colloaguo, has lived to be
come tho patriarch of his party. Will
lam Lnwrouco won national fnmo as the
watchdog of tho treasury. Frank Hurd
became u noted orator, and was then
pressed back and beaten In tho raco for
placo. Charles Foster, afterward gover
nor, has twlco or thrico had tho sena
torial cup dashed from his lips. James
A. Garllold, a congressman thirteen
years ago, then senator, president,
martyr. What changes in a timo so
Veteran Banks looks in vain for the
fnco of Senator Oliver P. Morton, It
seems a long timo since O. P. Morton
was n Republican leader, and yet hero Is
Joseph McDonald, "Old Saddlebags,"
an older man than Morton, and Morton's
Democratio colleague In 1870, looking
forwnrd to tho possibility of a presiden
tial nomination in 1803, nfter spending a
decade In prlvato llfo. Queer tricks timo
plays in this merry-go-round of political
Indiana's only survivor of tho centennial
congressional delegation Is William 8.
Holman. the objector. In 1870 an Indi
anlan, now pretty well known through
out tho country, Benjamin Harrison,
had held no Important publlo office.
Michigan's present senators and con
gressmen havo all come to tho front In
tho last ten years. Tho leader of Illinois'
centennial delegation was John A. Logan,
then in Ids prime. With him in the sen
Uo was Richard Oglesby, then an old
man. Only tho latter still lives, but In
retirement. Cannon, Henderson and
Springer are tho threo congressmen from
Illinois who havo remained steadily at
their posts. Scott will now make his
reappcaranco after several years of re
tirement, Morrison, Stevenson and
Sparks wero famous members of Illinois'
delegation In 1870. Only Morrison is in
tho government service How time
mows them downl
Wisconsin's congressmen are all of re
cent growth. The only momber of her
centennial representation who has sur
vived tho slings and arrows of remorse
less timo Is Jeremiah M. Rusk, then tho
member from Buffalo.
In 1870 William Wlndom was In tho
senate from Minnesota. After leaving
congress ho served as secretary of tho
treasury, and then retired to private
llfo. as he supposed, forever. Ho Is
again secretary of the treasury, made
such without an effort on his part, while
half a dozen men wero running their
legs off for tho honor. Time brings luck
as well as adversity.
Only Senator Allison remains of Iowa's
centennial statesmen, only Ingalls of
Kansas' deputation, and only Teller of
Colorado's first representation. Jones of
Nevada and Mitchell of Oregon are the
only survivors of the Pacific coast.
"So you seo, McKinley," said Mr.
Banks, on counting up tho result of his
careful examination of tho centennial
chart, "my guess wiw not far wrong.
Less than forty of tho 1)73 senators and
representatives whoso names appear on
this chart are in congress "today. In n
dozen years death and tho fierceness of
(ho struggle for. political honors have
nwept away nine men out of ten. Mc
Klnloy, uliero shall you and I lien
dozen years hence?"'
Walter Weluian.
Tim Average Kngllih Cook Iter CI nod and
Unci Points Tlio Tills Which Kngllih
RervnnW Hind Social Until lifter
mhifil hy the ScrTiinU.
Hircll Oorroiondence.l
I'mt.Anr.i.i'iiiA, Nov, M, English
housekeepers, in that method which Is
tho soul of management, aio far nnd
away ahead of their American sisters.
An Englishwoman, ns a rule, when sho
has any accounts to keep, keeps them
with nil exactness which is, or ought to
be, mi oxamplo to tho rest of tho world.
Tho questions which nn English cook in
search of n placo nska about dripping,
broken bits, cold victuals and the like,
nro apt to bo Hohrow to tho American!
Indeed, English servants havo comu to
understand this, and demand perquisites
and privileges from American mistress
es which they would never think of ask
Ing of an English ono. If you have been
well coached by your English friends,
nnd stand up for your rights, your ser
vants Will havo much greater respect
for you than If you glvo Into them. If
you nro wlso, howovcr, you will not en
gago nu English cook,
Good cooking is not nn English talent,
though tho Briton is firmly Hrsuaded
that of all nations of tho earth his own
is thu only ono which understands the
first principles of gastronomy. To a
French or American palate all English
dishes, excepting curry, which, by tho
way, is an importation from India, aro
nearly tasteless, and it is safe to add unit
to any dish of meat or vegetables served
you ut nn English table. Thu best res
taurants In London, from a foreign stand
point, nro tho Italian; Indeed, It was a
great day for tho English when tho Ital
ians, who in tho first plnco taught tho,
French to cook, enmo over to open eat
Ing houses In London. There nro several
such, if you know where to find them,
whoro you can got u good dinner n la
carto at an oven lower price than you
would pay In America; whoro, too, tlia
service la good and tho n apery clean.
If you do got uu English cook, try to
havo n "bluo riblon," not a cordon bleu
that Is, but u member of tho temperance
baud, who will drink nothln;; stronger
than ten or ginger nlo. Tho first caution
given you on arriving in Loudon is to
drink anything rather than water; and
tho peoplo, In this respect, carefully
practico what thoy preach. Every serv
ant, man or maid, exacts an nllownnco
of beer, or its equivalent in money, nnd
drunkenness Is tho national vice. The
fundamental point to bo ascertained in
tho character of your cook is, is she
sober? Else, sonic day, when you hnvc
n dinner party on hand, sho will absorb
the wine intended for tho sauces, and be
found dead drunk on tho kitchen floor
while your guests wail in vain for their
It is rather comforting to find that
after all English servants aro good and
bad, jilst liko ours. If, however, you
get a good one, you havo a treasure; n
well trained English servant is a bit of
perfection. Good or bad, whatever their
virtues or fallings, they know their plucc,
and their respect for you Is In exact
ratio as you keep them in it. No Eng
lish mistrcsR ever permits a servant to
sit down in her presence under any cir
cumstances, and if, yoivcarofor tho good
opinion of your lodging h'ouso keeper
you will never condescend to olTer her a
Tho chief wuy, in which English ser
vants rob their employers is in tho tolls
which they exact from tradesmen. In
great houses whoro tho upper servants
order thu various supplies, thoy have, or
aro supposed to have, control of the
patronage of tho household, and In order
to keep tho custom and gain thoir good
will, each tradesman gives his especial
patron a robato on tho amount of his
bill. Thus tho butcher fees tho cook, tho
grocer stands in with tho steward, the
dealer in hay and corn makes a present
to tho coachman, and so on through tho
whole establishment. Naturally, tho tax
to paid is added to tho original amount
of tho bill, and thus In tho end conies out
of tho master's pocket.
Oulda's sketch of tho American born
duchess, who, by ordering all supplies in
person nnd auditing all accounts, saved
Iter noble lord from penury and recouped
his bank account, is scarcely so much of
an exaggeration as It seems, and has
been paralleled in somo degree by more
than ono prudent woman in late years.
Wages aro considerably smaller with
us, Ten shilling otweek is the price of
a plain cook fja French mart cook will
chargo 3), from $30 to (70 a year that
of a good housemaid, and for twenty
shillings you may command tho services
of an accomplished valot. One of the
best waiters In n Regent street restau
rant told mo that ho received no wages,
and was required to pay for his meals;
lodging being furnished him, ho was ex
pected to And hU compensation in the
tips of his customers; nnd in Loudon,
except from an American, fourpenco is
fully nn averago tip.
Peoplo change servants much less
often than with us, for there is nothing
which a good servant so dreads as a
"short character' anything under n year
being considered as prima facie evidence
against tho person who has been unable
to keep n placo longer. Tho servants In
a household aro u pretty good Index to
the social status of the household, and
for this reason society climbers, who
abound in England, as elsewhere, spare
no pains to secure servants who have
lived with great people, and are charmed
with the reversal of a ladies' maid from
the Countess of Comeupstair. or a foot
man who can tell how things are man
aged In tho ducal mansion of Pinnacles.
The number of servants and retainers
employed in great families is something
to marvel ata reminlscenco of the
feudal period.
Wo were talking of tho four rich dukes,
and somebody mentioned tho exact
amount of tho income of tho Duko of
Westminster, "Myl" exclaimed an un
sophisticated American, "what on earth
docs ho do with W Tho answer came
from a family connection of tho duko
and was mail.) w Ith crushing dignltyt
"If you had three hundred gardeners
to pay every month, I fancy you
wouldn't find It ony moro than you
"Three hundred gardeners!" ejacu
lated the American, nnd then subsided
into silence.
There is nothing In London answering
to tlio American boarding liotue, If you
dislike hotel, and do not care to take n
whole houso and go regularly to house
keeping, you go into lodgings by tho
week. The drawing room floor, up one
flight of stnlrs, Is regarded as the best In
tho house. Tho rent varies with the lo
cation nnd tho timo of year, rents during
the season from the first of May to the
middle of July being, In fashionable
neighborhoods, three times ns much,
and in others twice ns much, ns during
tho rest of tho year. Tho sum named ns
tho prico of tho suite is tlio rent ulonot
everything clso will bo extra service,
Arcs, lights, linen, baths, blacking boots
and of course nil meals.
You will be expected totako breakfast
in tho house; your other meals you can
havo there or get you prefer.
Ono ami sixpence in tho usual chargo for
a plain breakfast, i. e., bread and butter
(if you nro wise, you will insist upon
French bread, for tho homo made is de
testable), ten or coffeo if you order it, and
two lulled eggs. You may order any
thing you llko in ndditlon, on condition
of paying for it. When the chargo is
two shillings, jam will bo added to the
bill of faro. Jam is ono of the national
dishes. Tlio English breakfast is a thorn
In tho flesh to the American visiting
London. "If I had my way," said a dis
tinguished American, who had suffered
many things because of English cookery,
"If I had my way, I would chnngo tho
British coat of arms. Tlio lion and tho
unicorn should bo n cow mid n sheep,
and Britannia should bo represented ns a
dirty servant girl holding n pot of jam."
Tho critics who objected to tho free
and easy method of serving breakfast in
ono of Mrs. Langtry's plays (as though
Mrs. Lnugtry wero not familiar with tho
UBagcs of English society) mado a dire
mistake. Tho presence of n waiter in tlio
breakfast room is not considered obliga
tory. Tlio bell is there, and tho mnn or
maid comes nt call, but It is quito en
reglo for tho guests to wait upon them
selves nnd to hop up and run to tlio sldo
tablo for tho cold meats set out there; a
very convenient custom, as breakfast
goes on for nu hour or moro and guests
conio down when it suits their plcasuie.
Luncheon la usually an informal meal,
with cold meat, jam, bread nnd butter,
enko and ten. Thin Is served at about 1
Five o'clock tea is nn English institu
tion. Not only English women but Eng
lish men feci n craving for their cup of
ten at that hour, nud u leading London
actor told tho writer that in America he
always felt homesick nt 5 o'clock in tho
afternoon, and had "a yearning for some
good Christian to take ma in and do for
me to tho extent of n cup of tea."
Any ono who drops in nt that hour ex
pects, ns n matter of courso, to be offered
a cup; and besides, every English ladv
lias her "day," when, after 0 p. m., she
may always bo found in her drawing
room, n low table, which just readies
comfortably to her elbow, at her sldo.
This is daintily spread with an embroid
ered cloth, nud holds ten, with the addi
tion of chocolnto and two or threo kinds
of cako, and bread nnd butter. cut thin,
na wafers. Thero Is a good deal of pride
taken in this fairy llko bread and butter,
and Punch has celebrated it more than
Perhaps tho best apropos is of a little
girl, whoso mother took her to drink tea
with two very particular old ladles. Ma
bel behaved" beautifully, nnd the proud
mother was listening delightedly to the
praises bestowed upon her by tho old
ladles, when, horror of horrors! Mabel
was discovered in tho act of pocketing n
slice of bread and butter. "Oh, Mabel!"
gasped the mortified mamma, "how
could you? I beg you will excuse her,
dear Miss Sinythe: really, I never know
her to bo greedy before." "I um not
greedy now," responded Mabel with dig
nity; "I don't tako things to eat, but I
thought 1 might havo just one slice of
this beautiful bread and butter to take
homo ns a pattern for nurse." And,
strange to Ky, tho nice old ladles did not
seem to bo very much shocked nfter all.
Tho tea is scalding hot, so hot that you
aro apt to wonder whether it la not taken
from tho (lro at tho very instant that tho
doorbell rings. It is deliclously fragrant,
such ten as wo never havo in America.
.Tho. English have a theory that a long
sea voyage destroys tho flavor of tea, no
matter how carefully It may bo packed
for transportation. When you praise
their tea they says "You should taste
tho tea in Russia." Following out this
theory, tho choicest teas aro
overland through Russia from China,'
and only cross tho English channel on a
fast steamer, They suv, also, that Amor-
leans have no Idea how to make tea. "I
am going to Mrs. 's, nnd I shall have
to drink her tea," said nn Englishwoman,
plaintively, "It is Biiro to bo lukewarm!
Do you nover serve tea really hot n
America? The Americans over hero
hardly ever do!" Iced tea they consider
barbarous to n degree; indeed, they look
upon Ico water as a suicidal beverage.
Dinner Is tho great event of tlio day,
when the cares of business aro dismissed,
and your Englishman resigns himself to
enjoyment In the serious manner in
which ho Is used to enjoy himself. He
always dines in his dress suit, and re
gards tho American who wears a dress
ing gown and slippers to dinner with his
wife and children as a Goth and outside
barlmrian. Mrs. M. P. Handy.
Tim NotcI as She Is Head,
Mlnnlo How do you like that book I
lent you, Julia?
Julia Well, I've only just begun It,
but I'vo rend the last two chapters and
had a peep Into the middle, and it seems
moat Interesting.
Mlnnlo It'-) u delightful bopk, I nssuro
you, You'll havo n good cry, I know,
before you get na far aa the first chapter
-at least I did. Pick-Mo-Vp.
Kadloat French Women.
A I'nrls cotTMpomient, writing to Ths
Woman's Cycle, nwwts Hint French women
ars becoming clnmcrou tor a sent In ths
chamber of deputies, nud dMcrilxa a moot
ing of tlio "Women's Protective Imruo and
Socialist Republican Federation," which was
bold to nppolnt tho foiimlo cntiilldntes to lit
brought forwnrd nt tho elections Although
000 women wero present, n mnn, M. Jules
Iloque;, of Tho Courier Frnncnlnj, was called
upon to prcsldo. lime, D. Bt, Uilnlro opened
tiro by a sjiocch hi the lengthy prcnmhlo to
which sho deplored having nwxted rn tnnny
yonri in tho writing of verncs hoforo sho
came forwnrd to vindicate tho rights of
women, nnd was about to proceed whon a
ruttlo of silk wns benrd nnd n slim, elegantly
dressed Indy, with A dagger In her yellow
hnlr, itoppod upon tho platform, nnd Mine
St, Uilnlro wns obliged to retire, uuirh to her
This Indy vested with so much nuthorlty
wns Mine, do Valsnyro, famous In Franco for
her opposition to M. Pnstciir, her fonduen.
for dueling, nud her petitions to parliament
for tho privilego of dressing In nmlo attire,
which privilego, although granted to Ilosa
Donhcur, Georgo Han Mine. Dlciilnfoy, tho
eolobrated Persian explorer, Mine, Fmicnult,
tho beardod woman, nud two femnlo stone
cutters, for tho nnnunl sum of $10. has hcon
denied to her.
Bho Is a forclblo speaker, with n strong,
mnscullno volco, nud sho insisted that men
had no right to consider whether it would bo
wlso to enfrnnchlfo women or not, for by tho
vory net of paying taxes woman lins enfran
chised horsolf nnd mado herself equnl with
mnn, Sho also claimed that Koplo would
quickly get used to seeing n woman solicit
votes ns n cnudMnto for election to tho cham
bers ns thoy hail to many other things, tomn
toes for uxnmplo, nnd thnt when tho electors,
convinced of tho eligibility of woman for
ofllco, should put her iinmo upon tho tickets
uccpm follows.
Mine, Normnnd nud Mile. Itoulnngcr no
relation to tho general nnd other apostles of
equnl rights nddre-asod tho meeting, nil agree
ing thnt tho only way of Improving tho un
satisfactory stnto of nffnirs in Franco wns to
solid several womon to parliament.
The Chicago Auditorium.
Curtains, stngo, and everything clso In the
theatre nro operated by hydraulic power,
thero being sixteen hydraulic jacks, four of
which nro telescopic, under tho stngo. Stngo
In this cnxo should bo plural, for thero li n
doublo nrrnngemeut by which ono stngo can
be sot while tho other is in use, nud tho trans
fer mado liistnntunoously. This Is not nfter
tho style of thu Mndion Square theatre,
where thu ono stngo is abovo tho other, but Is
modeled nfter tho lending thcutro at Hilda
P.csth, considered to bo tho most convenient
In oxtxtenco. All thu sconcry U hung over
iron frhenvos, with iron cables and Iron coun
ter weights, thero being over ton miles of
cnblo used. Tho t-oats will ho ojiera chnlrs,
upholstered in n ruber plush, nnd in tho gnl
lerios every ono will havo a chair
A siecial fonturo of tho hall will bo Its
spacious lobbies. These- aro four in number
-0xl'J0, 00x120, 40x120 nnd 'JOxliX) foot. In
tho basement nru two smoking rooms,, and
thero and on tho second floor will bo the
cloak rooms and retiring rooms for ladles.
Tho seating arrangements aro such that a
full viow of tho stngo can bo had oven from
tho highest sent lu tho uppor gallery, and the
acoustic projiortics of tho hall aro pronounced
perfect. Thu archos of tho roof nro treated
in gold nnd Ivory, nnd this is tlio lending
foaturo of tho decoration throughout. Over
tho prosceuium arch figure pieces havo been
painted by Mr. Ilolloway, whllo tho side
panels aro filled In with landscapes by M.
Floury. Tho paintings aro of a superior kind
and will attract much attention. Chicago
The Itujralty of Europo.
It Is tho same ull over Europe, Evry now
and then tho direct lino falls; then tho pow
ers in church and stato havo to trnco away
back up tho genealogy to where some daugh
ter of a king married somo commoner or for
eign prlnco of a sturdy stock, and trnco down
thnt lino to find tho right heir, tho all im
portant "next of kin." At tho top thero Is
rapid nnd perpetual decay; from tho com
monalty fresh blood Is constantly Infused into
the lower nobility, nnd ttieuco in timo It goes
to recruit tho higher nnd the royal line. An
aspiring knicht "marries well," and bis son
becomes a baron; that baron's son an earl
nnd thnt enrl's son a duko; a duko marries a
princess, and by tho failure of tho malo line
Lis son or grandson becomes a king.
Most often, however, tho foreigu line come
In, nnd so It has resulted that ovcry country
In Europe, except Turkoy, has a foreign or
half foreign monarch. Thus tho reigning
British house of Brunswick is German. Be
fore It tho houso of Orange was Dutch, and
before that the houso of Stuart was Scotch;
the houso of Tudor was originally Welsh, and
while the preceding monarchs of Yorkist and
Lancastrian linos were English, their com
mon ancestors, the i'lantagonets, would bet
ter be classed as French. The royal family
of Denmark .is not Danish, though that of
Greece k Tho king of Sweden is French.
The czar is not btrictly a Russian. The Ger
man onqieror is Itusso-British-Germau, tho
king ot Uulgaria Is a recent Importation from
Germany, and the king of Italy it from the
same original stock as Queen Victoria, J, IL
A New Amerlcnn Conservatory of Music.
M. Tbeophile Manowry, tho well known
baritone of the Grand opera In Paris, who re
cently arrived In New'York, will shortly bo
gin bis duties as director of the vocal depart
ment of tho new National Conservatory of
Music in New York city, of which Mrs. Jean
netto M. Thurtier Is president. Mrs. Thurl t,
who U now abroad, bearing that M. Manov y
had graduated with first honors at the Paris
conservatory, and having him recommended
to her In tho highest terms by such well
known musicians as Gounod, Baint-Saons,
Massenet and Ambroso Thomas, persuaded
him to give up his brilliant professional ca
reer abroad to accept tho vocal directorship
of this now National conservatory, In which
the is so much Interested. Mrs. Thurber's late
efforts to establl'sb national oiwra in the
United States will naturally inalie this now
movement of hers of great Interest. Her Idea
is that America, which has dono so much for
education In other lines, should establish and
endow a musical university, open to rich and
poor alike, where art Is not subordinated to
uionoy.and wbero Americans with talent can
obtain musical Instruction under tho directlou
of the best masters nt reoaouablo cost.
An Elderly Gathering.
At South Paris, Me., tho other day, Uncle
Robert Gray, b7 years old, haruessod bli
hone Dick, 34 year old, and, accompanied
by his wlfo, b.1 years old, drove to North
Paris ami visited Sullivan Andrews, 82 years
old, meeting whllo thero Mrs. Edward An
drews, 8d years old, who has Just returned
from Euroito, and Mr, Pottlo, tl years old.
Tho art of living a long llfo evidently has
been successfully cultivated In Oxford coun-(
ty by man, woman and beast. Exchange.
1 ' 4
There Was One.
Applicant (to editor) Havo you any vacan
cies Just now i
Editor Yes; tho waste basket was emptied
this inomlngt I bell ive. Time.
-10-Atchbon, en worth, St. Joseph, Kansas
Q City, St. Louis and nil Points South,
Ent-t and West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Pnions
Wichita, llutcbhiFou nnd all piinclpal
points in Kansas.
The only rond to the Great Hot Springs
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quipped mud In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa.
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Prluclpnl Points In the Northwest, Southwest
and Kar West.
Kor limps, timo tables, rates of passage and)
frelitht, etc., apply to nearest h tut Ion agent of
Chicago, Milwaukkk & Ht. Paul Uaii
wav. or to any Hallroad Agent anywhero Id
the world.
Ueneriil M'u'r. Gen'l Pass. AT'kt Agt.
YhHi.Uen' Mur. Asst.G. P. AT. Agt.
i Mllwuukeo, Wisconsin.
Ut'Vo- Information In reference to J4.nds
Hid Towns owned by tho Chicago, Mllwuu
keo A Ht. Paul Hallway Company.wrto to II.
G. ItAUOAN.I.iind Coinmli'Hloner.MlllwuHkco
Fremont, Hlkhorn & Mo. Valley
SSTOperatcs and con
trols its own service
betw een ..
Hr- Through Tickets and Ilaggsge Checked to
all points in Un.ted States and Canada.
Vrtitlbulo Bleepera, Palatial Dlulng Cars and
Union l)epols.
115 South 10th street, . . . Uucolii
O. II. BuiiT. J n. JIuciUNAK
General M'ger. Oen'l Pass. Agt,