Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 16, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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Funeral Director.
121S, 12th St, Lincoln, Neb,
1114 oo H. 11th
Domestic, InX)rtctl niil Key Went. AIm)
a) I the best grades ol Chewing nnd Smok
ing Tobaccos. Cnll nml cc us.
llox trmlc n Specially.
Transient work at Regular Prices.
Office, 138 North Eleventh Street.
Telephone No. Cu, LINCOLN, NUI1
Palace Bath Shaving
ladles and Children's Hair Cutting
Roberts & Co,
212 North 1 ith Street,
Undertakers andEmbalmers.
Telephones. Onico (45. Residence 1 56
' Open Day nnd Night.
E. T. ROBERTS, Manager.
AXD miTITVTK or rCXMA.ftllir,
horthan1.uil T)rperrltlii. U (ha best and Untnt
Collem 1 In the Vet. UU Student In attendance lout
70r. Students iiropaml for bunlnc In from a to
goo"!. fcxtwrlenord faculty. lVmonsI Inttrucllou,
Beautiful llliuiratnl cMlotie, ivllcwj Journal., and
padmcoi of prnmanthlp, mm free Gy addn-Mlnj
The New Yost
Write for Circulars. Liucela, Neb
Among tlin nudlciico nt the bnllnd concert
Inst Hntnnlay ovcnlng wore Mr. liishop, iiiaii
itgor for tho Htmulanl oil company ntOmnhn,
nml MIm Knto l'ltnoy, daughter of tho well
known Itnnkpr nml ox-congiwsiiiBii nt Coun
cil muffs. MIm rnisoylsnchnrinhiglAdynud
a fine singer, who returned but a fow week
nRO from musical studies In Kuruix. Mr.
Bkeltou linn tieeti visiting MIm I'ttsoy, nnd on
Frldny otenlngof Inst week they nnd Mr,
Ilrlghnm gnvo n musical nt Council Muffs In
n prlvnto hotiito plnrwl nt tlmlr iIImhwaI for
tlio occasion. Severn! numbers hy Mr. Hrlg
linmnnd Mm. Bkeltou were rcoated In this
rlty, Tho visitor returned Sunday morning
to Uninhn, where Mr. llrlghniti sang In n
church choir. Tho IndloH nnd Mr. Hrlglmni H Mnlutosh Inn
drive over tho city beautiful on Saturday nf
tomooit. Mr. nnd Mm. Otis M, Drusu's daughter,
Miss Dot, completed hor elovuiith yen run Fri
day of last week, nnd tho ovcttt wns celebrated
hy n Jolly children's pnrtynt tho family homo.
Tho following young folks wuro entertained)
A1111I0 Law, Kdlth Jones, Kmnin Outcnlt, Inn
Ilntch, Allco Kimlgn, Josln Itedwny, Kmlly
Carter, Clnrenco Hoggs, Lena Ilellkunp, Mon
tic Ilellkunp, Hufus Fletcher, llnrry Stctirung,
Joe Hoy co, Hum North, Frnnk Quick, Frank
DoIkoii, Itexlti llcnnctt mid Adiu Fletcher,
Btislo flcrtrnm, lbhm Cuitis, Clnrn Quick,
l'enrl Uliiiiinti,Mary I'mlolford, Nolllo Fletch.
er, Mnryetta Cook, Knto Klmlmll, Urnee
Fletcher, Mnuilo Tvlor, Jesslo Lclntid, Jeiinlu
lloll, Kiln Iloyeo, Jennie Cnllioun, InnF.m.Uu,
Francis Mnule, Florcuco Mnulc, Kntle 1'ndel
ford, Tho young people of tho Unl vcrnnllst church
celebrated tho return of tlio pastor's wlfofretn
n xlx mouths' vMt nt Morlden, Conn., with n
leceptlonnt tho church Wednesday evening
for Hov, nnd Mm. Chnpln. Mr, A. A. Foucot
mad" nn nddrcM of greeting nnd tho pnstor
rcKimlol. A musical nnd literary pregrnm
whs piovldixl hy Mm. Dr. linton, Miss Kdun
Fwiton, Dr. Katou, Mr. lloratack mid Miss
Ktlicl Ilowo. Tho reception enmo ns n suo
pilso to Mr. nnd Mrs. Chnpln, who hnd hoen
Invited out to Ion nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mm.
II. W, Drown, where they vrcro detained un
til tho cousplrntom wo 0 ready for them.
Mr, nnd Mm. C. W. Hoxlo woio married
ten J earn ngo Wuduewlny nnd In tho evening
celehrnted tho nnulvemnry with nil Informal
but pleasant reception to n few friends. Tho
guests were Mewm. nnd Mcwlaii'Cfi K, H. HU
ter, J. 1. Walton, W. A. Belleck, J. D, Hnr.
rls, II. K. Moore, II. M. ltlco, T. F. Lnnch, A.
M, Trimble, J, K. Montrow, A. W. Imo, C.
K. Qould, John Howltt, Kilns Unker, Mm.
Rowland, Mrs. Wilter, MIraoh Mnry Wnlton,
Nolllo Oould, HesslnBlur, Mcssru. B. K. Frost,
Kd Collins, Master Win. A. B rer.
Mr. Jnmen Cnrtcr, who recently returned
from tho coal llelds of Wyoming, Is about to
ro-rnter the drug store of Zehrung & Dunn,
nnd on Wcilnesilay ouMilug lie ciit.rtnlfc(l u
compiuiy of young coplc, who sieut 11 happy
ovoiilug with dancing, cnnls mid ref ixwlimeiu.
The guests were McNtm. Johiison, Ileutou,
Gregory, Kih, Kdily, Mellck, Ijilnl and Ilnl
latt, Ml we j (lu)loid, Aimstroug, Hoover,
llnllett, Mnvou, nnd tho Mlsxcs Mellck.
Mm. Daniel Damn nnd dnughtem, MIhsos
Nelllunud Drownle, nml Mm. Jnmoi Kdwiu
Haunt were honored In Qmulin last week hyu
receitlon given hy Mrs. Clement Clmse, Mm.
Chnso nnd Mm. Diiutel Daum wore nttlred In
hlnck law. Mm. J. K. ll.iuin wuro n trained
gown of lavender nllk, trimmed with a doll-
cnto shndo of pink. Miss Damn's gown wuh
net over l.i vender 1 11 r, and Miss lliownlo wore
scarlet ci do Ukhu, very becomingly made.
Mr. nnd Mm. 0, W. Welnter enteiUlucd
friends nt tea Wedued:iy oveiiiug, mid tho
company Micut u plensunt ovonlug. It in
cluded Houalor and Mm. Ilnyiuond, Mexsm.
nnd Mivdiunes J, D, MoFnrlnnd, V. Henry
Bii.tth, Joseph Doehmur. llutKem Vnu III tint,
Alosoit Uregg, It. K. .Moore, Air. Charles Al
ger, McMaiucs Hiiro Iiippiucott, & !' Cur.
"nnd C H. VnnUiunt, Mm. Kjwey, Mm.
I'ugh, Mr. nnd Mm, l'rcsiou.
Invitations hnvo boon rocelvwl In Lincoln
for tho wedding of Miss Mnrgery Gundry of
Mineral Point, Wis., who will bo pleasantly
remembered ns th- sister of Mm, O. M, Lam
btrtsoit who visited In this city Inst spring.
The event will occur Nov. Ut Tho groom-to-bo
Is Mr. Hnrry W. King of Cleveland, nnd
tho happy rouplo will bo nt homo at I'MX)
Kuclid nveuuo lit that city after Jan. 10.
A. C. Carper returned to Lincoln Wednes
day from n vMt to Chicago nnd left for Bur
lington tho following tiny. About the flmt of
tho month he will take a position nt Keokuk
In tho general ofllces of tho Be Louts, Keokuk
& Not thwestorn, n lino owned by tho C , 11.
& Q. Ho oxiKscts to return to Lincoln for tho
Thanksgiving hop of tho Pleasant Hour Jun
iors. Tho Irving noddy, nhlgh school Institution,
gave a Saturday evening entertainment. Tho
program was sustained by Mlsscn Hoyt, liar
ler, Anna Dunn, Edith Floyd, Allco Hlghter,
Corn. Henry, Jennlo Underwood and Maud
Hammond, Messrs. Frank Woods, Qus Ctia)
man, 11. C, Matthews and Mr. Btrnussmati.
Mr. Witt. A. Graves and Miss Delilah E.
Lint will be married next Wednesday even
ing. Mr. Grave U a salesman at Baker's
clothing store, and hundreds of Brown's w
trons will recall tho lady pleasantly as the
cashier of that cafe.
Tho Couiueu nunouucod tho charity ballon
Saturday hut, nnd by Tuesday 0110 dry goods
denier hail sold the goods for lour gowns for
that ball. The ladles are entering heitt tlly
Into the proposed entertainment.
Mr. and Mm. F, Gregg left Saturday for
Bait Lako, where Mr. G. will make his head
quarters for sumo time to come, though he
has not abandoned his Interests or his resi
dence In Lincoln.
The wedding announcements of Mr. nnd
Mm. Al Fnlrbrothor, mailed from Washing
ton, wire received In Lincoln Monday. They
w 111 be at home uftcr Dec. 1 at 1010 Maple
-Mm. Lieut. Bennett, sifter of K, K. Hay.
den, left Thucxluy for Omaha to attend a re
ception, and today starts for Washington bni
racks, D. C, where her husband is stationed.
The east Lincoln C L. 8, C has the follow
ing now members: Mr. and Mm. Tho. Dar-
nail, Mm. B. M. Woodley, Mrs. Bauerman,
It, W. Maxwell, Mr. Orr mid E. K. Mllmlre.
Mm. Dr. F, C, Hinman and daughter of
Friend have boon vfoltug the family of the
former's brother, Otis M. Druse. Tho doctor
was a Sunday guest,
Tlio boyn say that Mr. J. P. Foucon will
train the Japaueso shldcr that he captured at
a euchre patty the other night and exhibit it
at the Musee.
Tho East Lincoln social club was re-organ-lxel
Wednesday evening and will holdiUtlrst
meeting next Friday nl tho homo of Council
mtn Rice.
Mm. W. L. Pickett loft Tuesday for Evans
vlllo on a vllt to the "old folks at home" and
will remain there to pans the holidays.
Elder Howe Is at Nashville, Tenn , attend
ing the national prlf on congress. He was ap
pointed a delegate by Gov. Thayer.
J, W, Chnffln of the Marlon, Iown, JHM
has leased his noworwiir nnd come to Lincoln
with tho Idea of locating.
Mm. F. M. Wllllnms wns "surprised" hy
friends Saturday evening and pretwnted with
n fifty-dollar cloak,
P. W, Copnlnnd has been entertaining his
pnifiils, Dr. nnd Mm, Copeland of Wlnnoba
Mm. R. II. Oakley will glvo n reception
next Frldny for Mr. nnd Mm. J, W, Mnxwell,
Mm. Murry, mother of Mis. J. A. Huddlo
stono, Is visiting nt Ktilghtstown, Iud.
Mm. J. D. Hunl returned Wednesday from
Aililltlomtl Soclixl ami Vmowif on lt(e D.
In n recent nrtlelo lit tho 1'oiifV Coin;xm
fon on "How to Cure n Cold" tho wilter nd
vlsed n hot lemonndo to bo taken nt bcdtlluo.
It Is n dangerous treatment, especially during
tho severe cold weather of tho winter months,
ns It opens the Kres of tho skill nml leaves tho
system Hit such n condition thnt another nndn
tmich more severe cold Isnlmont cortnln to bo
contrnctril. Mnny eam constant uso and
tho oxcricnce of thousands of pemons of all
nges, tins fully demonstrntod that there Is
nothing better for n revere cold than Cham
bcrlnlit's Cough Remedy, It nets in iwrfnct
hnimony with iintitre, relieves the lungs,
liquifies tho tough tenacious mucus, making It
ensler to exiectoriite, nnd restores the srstent
to n strong nnd honltliy condition. Fifty emit
bottles fornlo by A, L. Bhmler.
Old trunk made us Rood 11s new or taken
In trndo for now ours nt trunk factory 203
H 11th St., tot. (MM. Whrlck & lloper.
AIko n Hint lino of trunks, valises, etc,
Hliow Cnsvii For Hnlr.
8overnl counter show cniM of several sizes
nil for sale cheap nt tho CouitlKH olllce. Cnll
nnd soo them. Prices will suit.
A Not of IHokrii' Works Free.
Being noxious to miiko n xhowhig of 1WK)
new huImutIIkth nddid during ItJHt), tho Cou
HiKithnsilecldel to tunko nn unprecedented
offer In order to accomplish thnt end. Com
mencing OcUiber 15 wo will glvo to every now
HubNcrllxT paying t'J.M), n net of
of Char Ion' DIckoiiH' works, and send tho
CuuntRii from now until January 1, 18111.
Addresses may lie chaugetl nt any tltno with
out oxtru charge, lit coso of removnL
Tho books nro neatly Ixtund In paiK-rcovem
nnd n paragon of excellence generally. Now
isthotlmoto KubNCtlho. The CoUIUKK fur
nearly fifteen inonths nnd n set of Dickons
works for only 'J.W). Just think of ltl The
CouiiiKit front now until Jan. 1,11, would
cost (2.50, and thus by ordering now you get
n young library free.
Old Hulwcrtliere may nlxo toko advantage of
thli by p tying up nrrcnm, if such bothocuso,
and tho nmotint on nlxivo siiccifletL
AddroNH nil comtuuiiicntioiiH relntlvo to tho
nbovo to WcmhoI Printing Co.,
Lincoln, Neb.
P. 8. If you would llko the set of Dickens
nnd don't enro for more pnpera than you nro
now taking, tho nlxivo olfer nlxo holds good
for papers to bo sent out of town.
Parents should bo careful thnt their chil
dren do not contract coldt during tho fnll or
early winter months. Such colds weaken tho
ItiugMniul air pnxNtgcs, making the child
much more likely to contract other colds dur
ing the winter. It Is this Httcccaslmi of colds
that causes catarrh or bronchitis urpavea tho
way for consumption. Should n cold lo con
tracted lose no time, but euro It an quickly na
Kishlhle. A fff ty-cont Ixittlo of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy will euro any cold In n
fow days nnd leuvo tho respiratory orgnus
strong nud healthy. For Mile by A. L. hihn
tier, druggist.
With the wants of social chilis In tittnd tlio
Couiueu olllco has put In n large lino of pro
grams. With tho oxpcrlcttco of furnishing
tteo goods to Untieing organizations hi yenre
pust wo combine tho ad vantugo of having had
access to the latest designs and novelties. Per
son's charged with tho selection of programs
should not full to seo tho Couuikh'h lino of
California, Washington unit Oreeon.
Before deciding ns to tho route jou will
take, bo sure and postjoumeltnu tho magnifi
cent service, quick tltno and low rates, olfered
by the "Burlington."
Are you awnro that vA ore making tho run
to tho Paclfto coast In less time tlmiinnyother
llne Is djlng ltl Do you know that our trains
nro vestlbuled, thereby avoiding tho usual
annoyance of dust and smoko, nnd enabling
you to Mtss from one car to another with per
feet kocurlty, and freo from rain or wind.
The only change of cam between Lincoln
and tho Pacitlo coast Is at Cheyenne, where
direct connection is made for nil points In
California, Washington ami Oregon.
Our trains are comiKwed of new ami bun
1 10118 coaches, free reclining chair cam, pi o
vlded with hot nnd cold water, mirrors, toilet
articles, carpets, etc., Pullman's llncst sleepers
and tho over popular dining cars.
You take tlioso trains right hero at Lincoln
and avoid a tedious ride over some stub line,
nnd tho likelihood of misalng connection with
through trains, incident to inferior aud cir
cuitous routes.
You may obtain further Information of
much value at the B. & M, depot, or city of
fleo, corner O ana Tenth streets,
A. C. Kleiner, C. P. & T. A.
Compare the Century original drawings
with the illustrations as they nppenr In the
magazines, which the Haydon At t club has
for Inspection lit the Senate chamber.
Notice of Keiitnvnt.
December 1st, ISSO, tho Norct.torn line
F E. & M. V R. R. City Tlckt Olllce, now
located nt 11.1 South Tenth street, will tie re
moved to No. 113.1 O street, at present occu
pied by tho Golden Eagle Clothing Store.
Gtco. N. Fnresniun, Agent.
Dr. C. B, Maiming, olllce rooms tW 07-08,
Burrblook. Telephone 830. Residence Cor.
ouiu ami r, telephone uso.
Good Train Kervlce.
Tiio Northwestern Line's now fast train now
makes the best tlmo between Lincoln nn 1 Chi
cngo. It leaves at tho most convenient hour,
0:30 p. nt., dally. It carries through sleepom
there are none better. It reaches Chicago
at tho best time, noon, just eurly enough for
dinner and making fast train connections
east. It is made up hero aud leaves "on time,
Breakfast, the only meal necessary, on tho
train, is served on dining ram. It is not an
exaggeration to suy their reputation for ex
cellence Is unsurpassed.
The morning train for northwestern Ne
braska, tho Black Hills, control Wyoming,
and Chicago and the east leaves at 0:M a. in.
Before making up vour routes call on us.
Wo sell regular railroad ticket to nil nclnts.
and steamship ticket by ull Hrst-class ocean
linos to European cities nt lowest rates.
Goo. N. Forosmau, Agent,
A. E. Fielding, City Tkt. Agent,
115 South Tenth Street.
The best place lit the city of Lincoln to get
good board in at Brown's cafe. You ItaVe a
great variety to select from and the prices re
reasonable, '
llliiatrntlotm of What She Its Achieved In
the World of Ingenuity.
(Special Correspondence.
Nrw York, Nov, It. If ono entertains
doubt itbout tho capacity of woman to
ovolvc from the realms of Iter brain
power Inrontlons thnt, In their way, nro
quite ns useful and ingenious as roiuo of
tlioso thnt hnvo coma from hor stronger
armed brother, an examination of tho
records of tho patent olllco will sot the
question at rest. Thesa, however, do
not tell tho whole story, for, with ths
confiding nature of Iter sex, shn tins given
to husband, or friend, or speculator,
hints nml forms of devices that hnvo
subsequently become of largo niercantilo
vttluu and been adopted ns the creations
of third parties
Few people Inlooklngnt the handsome
desks with rolling tops and massive
doors, thnt when opened present to the
eye groat nests of pigeon holes, Btispcct
that an Idea so novel vninuntcd fiotn the
brain of n lady highly cultivated in nil
the graccH of a home. Vet it is even so.
8evprnl years ngo n Mrs. Tracy, then of
South Carolina nnd 11 relative of the fa
mous Rhctt fnmlty of that statu, con
ceived the plait of building such a cover
upon and attaching tho deep, swinging
uoors to Iter sowing marAfue, and what
Is still more remarkable, she mado the
drawings and acted as her own mechanic.
Tho device, Intended solely for Iter own
convenience, being seen by practical
men, wnstttonco adopted, improvements
wero added, patents were taken out, nnd
in n few months the tcsult of her in
genuity wns in tho market coining money
for a lot of pcoplo In whom sho had no
earthly Interest nud from whom sho has
derived llttlo or no profit.
Sitting nt that samo sowing machine
onu day thu thought occurred to Iter that
instend of withdrawing tho thread from
the needle with a pair of scissors, ns was
usually done, It would bo easier to em
ploy a curved surfaco for the purposo.
Sho accordingly took her button hook,
sharpened Its concax'o edge, and, presto!
her object was accomplished. This uso
suggesting another, sho applied tho
outer or convex sldo of tho hook to a
grindstone, and In a fow moments had
converted it into a tool that nt onco bo
canto a picker nud ripper of stitches, an
ink eraser and envelope opener. Tho
wlro handlo was then adroitly twisted
Into u shape that served to mako it use
ful for fastening gloves, and, for might
the writer knows, pulling tacks or teeth.
Tho llttlo trick served its purpose admir
ably, and many musands wero Eold,
but not for the be. lit of tho Ingenious
woman, for she di not sec tho color of
a fifty dollar bill to compensato her for
the Idea.
Soon nfter her arrival in Now York, n
largo llto occurred in a fuctory, front the
upper stories of which it was Impossi
ble for n number of the inmates to cs
capi?. This Incident directed Mrs.
Tracy's nttention to the desirability of
a contrivance that, being attached to the
wall inside of a window on the different
stories of a house, could bo easily swung
Into tlio window opening, and then, be
ing loosened, fall to tho ground in tho
shape or n (luxiblo cylinder with a wire
ladder attachment down which the im
prisoned people might easily tdide as
through u shutc without danger of bodi
ly haim fiom either lire or bruises.
Meanwhile, tho firemen might be using
the lire ladder for carrying up and sup
porting their hose. This machino nt tho
timo attracted n great deal of attention
from some of the authoiities, and u num
ber of successful experiments wero inado
from the roofs of tall buildings, but as
In the other cases mentioned, tho idea
fell shot t of perfect consummation ow
ing to the Indisposition of those who
proposed to supply the working capital
to do more than pay tho inventor 11 small
royalty. Unfortunately, sho was a wo
man. Mrs. Tracy's ingenuity also found em
ployment about this tlmo in the con
struction of an elevator for hotels and
other public buildings, thu salient feat
utcs of which weie, Hrst, tho impossi
bility of its dropping more than two or
three inches in the event of tho breaking
of cables or the displacement of the
usunl safety cogs, nnd, secondly, its au
tomatic work in dropping or taking up a
section of the floor as it moved from
story to story in its ascent nnd descent.
Tito object was twofold, namely, to pre
vent carek'33 people from falling when
the elevator doors wero left unlocked,
and to shut off the inevitable draft that
of itself carries tiro from basement to
roof through tho big open fluo,
The arrangement was so Bluiplo that it
seemed n wonder manufacturers had not
adopted it in the beginning, The stop
page of motion was caused by that de
vice fnmiliar to the simplest mechanics
known us "the devil's grip," nnd in its
simplest form is every day illustrated in
the tongs of the icemen. In other words,
the greater weight it held tho tighter it
gripped. One of these was placed at
each upper coiner of the elevator and so
connected with a wire cable that 110
matter where a break occurred, it was
bound to assert Its force and hold the
hugo object in place. The portable floors
referred to wero of light but stiong steel
that dropped into place on going up or
coming down, and in their
uso practically ma the door of an elo
vutor unnecessary My Impression is
that the Invention was successfully ap
plied in a big soap factory, and was re
garded us n marvelously clever thing,
especially ns it cumo from only a
Riding on tho elevated cars on ono oc
casion, she witnebaed the skurry nnd
rush of the crowd getting in and out.
Uefote reaching home sho had inndo a
draft on tho bundlo that had been tied up
for her in a dry goods store of a set of
easily movable gates that being pushed
to the space between tho cms, effectual
ly barred the passage until the cars wero
emptied under tho direction of tho con
ductor or brakesmen, With n few sim
ple improvements of her own, it acted
with nil tho intelligence of an old fash
ioned turnstile, and accident uftcr the
gutes were closed became impossible,
FaDCy ROCkCrS lcul thc lt of artistic and useful presents
ZZZ: and our line of these goods is remarkably
full and complete, and our prices range
from $3.00 to $50.00. An early selection
will be the best.
Chamber Suits
stocked with goods in this line and until
December 1st we will offer our entire
line at a very low figure.
DlIllDR lld.ll ffoods are also offered at prices to coin-
mand sales. We desire to close out as
fllld Pflflni1 mucn stork as possible before January
- 1 st, so that wc may have room for
spring goods.
An inspection of our line is respectfully solicited,
234-238 South 1 1th Street,
Our stock of Carpets for this season are all in and wc
are prepared to show you full lines from the best known manu
facturers in the country. These goods have been selected
with great care as to design and Colorings, and cannot fail
to please any and all who may be looking for new and fin
est effects. The line embraces the following grades. Wil
tons Moqucttes, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Extra
Super Ingrains, Three Ply etc. With increased facilities for
doing work quickly and properly we are in better shape
than ever before to please you in this department. Call and
examine before placing your fall orders and be convinced.
In Curtains and Draperies wc are equally well prepared and
can certainly interest you if in need of anything belonging
to this department.
mi 0 st.
Steam and Hot W
F. A.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
-o 1 1 19, 1 12 1 and 1123 N Street. o
Meals 25 cts. $4.00 per Week.
is approaching and in anticipation of the
great Holiday wc have placed in stock
a line of goods that will be suitable for
all classes.
in all styles and grades, including the
great Eastern Novelty Finish, Cremona,
Violin, and XVI Century. Wc are over
Hil 0 ST.
315 S. Eleventh St.
;." 1
... .. T T 1
rr 1