f . fc f,. if V It v: &' ' P, f & WfrfrPrrPvpTTr-Fr'vr" Krnri'tt$W f i -jffsft pir it -WT, ! , 'J 3 W . -- -v Mit( . ' npp jfit CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER a, 1889 THE DAILY QUESTION. DU FRAGS1 MICH TAGLICH. t i ' i. Published through The American Press Association by permission of Richard A. Saalfichl,41 Union Square, New York. 1 1 ERIK MEYER-HELMUND, Op. 6, No. 6, & Con molto etprett. ijfazGzp 7v ggn-M-ei TIit dal Iv question, lovo. Is " lxiv'et thoa mo T " Tlio namo ro nlv I nmko thco uv . cr 1 Dufragtt tnkh (JglicJi, " Liebehen, licbtt du miehf Und tan-tend mal mutt ieh dir ta gen: 3K m td time to J CzlT C "I lovo thco, dear, bo ten-dor ly j" Wilt thou bo-Ho vo mo nov . crT "Jeh lit be dieh to in- nig-lich:" Wo-eu dot vit It Fra gent n jet- 3t tF' 3 -Sh r fP? 3 w :ftftnfc ipf gaa3SBa 3 3 -x q- I'vo told my sto - ry to ron dor moon, leh habf Ja Al ' let den aond er tdfdt. p .Pj t aUJ-LU- n 800, there nho wan dura a bovo thco j Fly Von tin 'term Lit bet-gt trie - to iTn 3!e5E i PPS :Bl n red.'. T m f s TPifA ckKatfo Aumor. (&AattAql.) ' y amr (! c-dfcif-ifea up, swoot maid, and bid tho moon tell How for Behatz, geh' hin, und frag' den if and. . . Wit in vont-ly I lovo. nig ieh dieh lit thool bet m to- 6 P? W -F-H- W Sd j j g j-W5 sS 3 rrni -i5- PH zr ifc WE ARE UOW SHOWIM THE Handsomest Line OF Fall Overcoats EVER DISPLAYED IN THIS CITY. FALL SUITS AND- FALL x UNDERWEAR In large assortment, and Prices Positively Lower than elsewhere. GLOBE One-Price Clothiers, Corner 10th and O Sts. ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to say to Lincoln Ladies that we sell The Celebrated Gr.iy Bros.' Shoes. We handle the best makes in all styles of Ladies, Misses nnd Children's Shoes. BRISCOE & COOK, 1329 0 STREET. A Now Hook lu tliu AUmitlo. Tho discovery which was announced yog. tordny of a now rock In tho Atlantic U the latest information which tho admiralty hu thought proper to issue for tho warning and Instruction of mariners. In n year wheu Croat preparations aro being mado to ccsV brato tho fourth centenary of tho famous iuJ venture by which tho American continent wa brought to tho knowledge of Europe, a fow squaro feet of gneiss live und a half fathoms under water may seem but ft scanty addition to tho now world. But a rock covered by tho son Is to th sailor often of Infinitely greater Import ance than an island nbovo It. For, whllo it is not oasy to run against the land, oven in the dark, it required a grout deal of caution to avoid splitting n vessel on a bank over which it cannot float. Considering that ships havo been plowing almost every inch of tho Atlantia for tho last throo or four hun dred years, it forms a curious problem in tha mathematical theory of chance that up to data not one has grazed tho rock In question. Nevertheless it lies only twenty-two miles oft? Capo St. Mary's, on tho soutbeni coast of Newfoundland, and though covered by thirty-throe feet of water, is right In tho track of vessels making for tho mouth of tho St. Lawronco, and when a heavy sou breaks might form a serious danger to navigation. Up to two years ago its existence was not suspected In ofllcial circles, but thero is rea son to bclievo that for a long timo past ono of tho fishermen of St. John's has Ixxm well acquainted with its position. liut as it was a favorite haunt of cod, this prudont ersou kept his knowledge to him self, only revealing it when its discovery was luevltablo by tho survoying ship sent to search for it. As anticipated, tho spot was soon crowded with fishing boats, so that tho original discoverer will low) tho profits ho has hitherto reaped from his monopoly, and must remain content with tho modest roward ho has received und tho barren glory of having tho rock named ufter him. liut what will strike a great many seafaring men U that, v. 1th all our charts, which aro understood to bo continually revised, navigation along even tho bct known shores Is still by no means froo from from preventable, risks. London Nows. lust I.lko In mi () peril. A short time ago n young student applied for admission ns pupil to tho priests' seminary nt Kulocsa, Hungary, and, being duly pro vided with examination ccrtlllcates, was at once received. Tho now pupil led exactly the siimu life as tho other Inmates of tho es tablishment, and showod u marked dUpobltlon for ktudy. A fow days ago Cardinal Hay uald vUlted the seminary, mid in tlio garden met the newcomer, who bowed resectfully, but, contrary to custom, did not kiss the car dinal's liund, His eminence not only noticed the omission, but It led him to examine the cundldnto priest somewhat closer. Tho of femluute fiicoof the uning student turned scurlet mxler tie cardinal's scrutinizing gaze, uluruuK)n tho proluto uttered n fow word lu 11 low tone that caused the formor to return quickly to tho house. Kive minutes ufterwurd this mysterious personage had left the premises, and luu not since gone back. Rumor says tho individual was a lady, who felt an irnUstlblo vocation to become a priest, Exchange. PP )gHJFfe And if nhn will not toll thnn tn l UndioU te tr't tvr get', ten ha . ben, Tlion ask tho ntnrn that night -ly 6V rag dit goUl ntn Bier n &d JZJ PP !8: : 4 Ved.-"- X r- 1 1 1 jCD drp -t. ft, , t -nt PP . shlno;. mm. Ono Bum-mor oyo I nhow'd thorn nil Tho troan-urca of my bo . crot Ieh wiht tit ei - net A lend all Tn't 0 tu tit (ft - Mm niu 3E -Kfr- 3? zs$z r- -r w -- -Y5- D. 8. at () to. . . , -- f ! MUMit ritt molto. z&z smm JSlt t'v. t'"R'ltH' fn,t'1 to t,lt0i"'y own 'oct lovoj Ieh hob ja tut - gt Irew tcr-tpro-ehen dir; nt 1 s Xj rit. molto. tT7, re J i J ri J I I I 1 Wmmm ld s&y js4- sm W7.,VOmI 80ul t0 ",eo I'vorIv . onl..... Vohl un-ter hei titn Won . nt - kOt wn... sw My ulow-lng nyes may tell theo in met- ncn Au-gen tienu uu P Sid p-ai- Ped. -iJTS, i Tm Js $$ f T Ped. m w PIANOS r- 3353 -i p -J ; I moro, melir. Than moon or starn in hoav on I Alt Mond und JSter -no wit ten.' JTT7 - J ' rit molto. T PP 3 ,... L-- 1 rit, molto. f mm -?- :j , h . 1 1 3 -t9 "ET m All the Latest nnd most Popular Musical Compositions may be found nt ORGANS CURTICE & THIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TK STREET. SHEET MDSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars. Plnno Tuning nnd Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES FINE v STATIONERY WE HAVE JUST OPENED IN CONNECTION WITH OUR PRINTING DEPARTMENT A COMPLETE LINE OF THE CELEBRATED Whiting s Writng Papers And would be pleased to have you call when in need of anything in that line. All the latest styles both in size and finish, as well as novelties in our stock. Call and see WESSEL PRINTING C0o, Courier Office. New Burr Block. ' After the Fire! Better and Nicer than Ever ! CHEVRONT'S Lunch & Oyster Parlors tSiT Now rc-opened and ready o serve fi lends, patrons and the public. Call and see us I Y. A. CHEYROHT, Prop., 1016 O St. Union Illock. BETTS St WESyER, MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K OAN'N CITY COHL . WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. Telephone 440 f w s i