CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1889 5. r r " VI' WE AEE SOW SHOWIM THE Handsomest Line OF Fall Overcoats EVER DISPLAYED IN THIS CITY. FALL SUITS AND- FALL UNDERWEAR In large assortment, and Prices Positively Lower than elsewhere. GLOBE One-Price Clothiers, Corner 10th and O Sts. ANNOUNCEMENT! We wish to say to Lincoln Ladies that we sell The Celebrated Gray Bros.' Shoes. We handle the best makes in all styles of Ladies, Misses and Children's Shoes. BRISCOE & COOK, 1329 0 STREET. BETTS St WEKVER PEN, PAPER AND INK. Charles Wnrrwi HtotMnnt lina n pniier of onrly Hnwall In Novemlier Orerlanil .Month ll tlmt will l rend, with much InU'ivst, Homo Interesting rpnilnlscvncw if tho ear ly editor of California written by Jriiim O'Monrn, wlllnppear In ta Overland SlontH' lit for Novomlior, Unvtt foresight mu iiliowu by Demon? ftimffv Jfitpitii In publlnhlng, ton yoant ngo, when nil IiitonmUoiml KxlilbltUm wn then talked of, 11 mnp of tho identical Rita tlmt. linn now Wn rhoson liy tho Now York Connnltteo for tlio World's Fair of 1BU In tho NoremW number of tlim fninom inagn Kino (J'tKt Irauod) thin plan Is reproduced, handsomely executed, nml on extra lino paper. It Includes nil tlio buildings mid tho lnylng out of tho grounds, niul. to mnko It moio cotnptc honslvo, n mnp of Now York City In nl given. Tho donor) it ion tlmt nccoiiinnlos those designs gives n bettor Men of tho slU) Minn anything tlmt linn yot liecn published. Thorn is nrolwbly no subject on which In formation Is more nought, or inon needed by tho good, pooplo of tlimo United Htntos tlinn tho fixing tho mutunl rlRlitH of limb md nml wlfii; tho respective claims of ench on th. property of tho other during tho coiitltiuniic) of tho marriage rvlntlon, mid it r tor Its tormU nntlnii by death or divorce; tho lnw governing contrnctv by married wouieii; their ability to suo nml bo sued; to onUsr Into business mul trnilo relations; to form business pnrtnershlps with tholr hushnuds or with others; Intelli gence ns to Kopnrutlou nml divorce, custody of i-hildrou, alimony, nml kindred mutton. A vnltinlilo work covering tho eutlro rntigo of tliuso topics, by Ioll J. IlohiiiHou, ntoiiiiier uf of tho HulTolk llnr, Is In presi by Imi ,fc Shop mil, lloston, entitled "Tho Law of Ilushnud niul Wlfo." A hnloolil iiimi, Mr. Jan. Wilton of Aliens Springs, III., who is over Rlxty years of ngo, nays: "I have hi my tlmo tried n great ninny medicines, Koinu of excellent ipmllty; but nuver lieforo did I lliul nuy tlmt would ho completely do nil tlmt Ih claimed for It ait ChnmlH'rlnlu'M Colic, Cholera nml Dlnrrlui'ii llonioily. It Is truly n wonderful medicine." For niIu by A. L. Blinder, druggist. Mlhvnukco girls liavo struck n now fnd, which they nro playing tiion their duillsh ml iiilreni for nil it Ih worth. They olitnhi by llattcry, Iwggary or nuy other uvnllnblo moans, iih in-iny or their gentlemen ulemlv ncnrf plus ns thoy enn conx or Imrrow, Thono they wear ill front of their IkmIIcch nt pnrtlos and other occasions, ho t lint tho greater tho fnvorito 11 young Indy mny lo iiinong tho Ixiyn, tho nenrcr her meiiiblnuco to nil nut mated pin cushion. There nro homio objoo tioiiH to this now practice, not tho leant of which Ih tho (lunger of nppronching within tender proximity of tho inulden of your urn hltlon for fear of getting scratched. Dr. C. 11. Manning, ollico rooms 00 07-OS, Hurr block. Telephone H-'Wl. Uosldenco Cor. !Wth mid F.Tolephono 1130. Ily subscribing for tho CouniKii leforo No vcmbor 1st or old subKcrlbcrs by paying n year in ndvnnco will get this paper until Jan. lit, lb'Jl, for S'J.fcOnnd n Ret of Dlcktins' works included, free. Subscribo note and don't wait until it l too Into. llrlsco & Cook Bell rIhkii. lttJU O fltrect. 'V . i -jfrgJL-t DIVERTISSEMENT FROM THE BALLET OF SYLVIA. Arranged expressly for Tho American Press Association, 11 v. '''!v. AndanU. ,S y' By CHA8. ZIMMERMAN. -M. . M. m AUtort. M Htrtfra.rai i "3 T safeBlterfeBlHpiaBgippi tnclto itaeeato. teajgsgiAaBN MMmmmmSms&a&m&l&giaEBS&a v w ' ' c"r ' ' r ) imh0s glNpggoHp tejzjgm jjgiiSiN rm X3C2J. ; . ;. m ft.f . -i-j-t-r--i-- -r---w-w r ,- r r-r-g-t- f- ni mz-jZSx zizzir W'lf'j j'spzil i ' ' .J ipl It ep. su ggp iiigiPfepg paiilfc ftni. p tottenu School Shoos nt Ilriico & Cook'n. MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K CAN'N CITY WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. Telephone 440 Mm. Laura Diilnty, tho well known ronder nml nctross, hns Ini'ii engngwlby tho Itedpnth burtmu for 100 nights with thollnrvnrdqunr tet, which is to tour tho west nml northwest, beginning onrly in November. .Show Canon Ktir Hair. Sovornl counter show ensos of several sizes nil for Ralo cheap nt the Couuiku olUco. Cnll nnd nee them, l'rlcus will suit. How fort line Nmlteil Ho (luyly mi n family A numlK'r of Indies nt IlollUtcr, Cal., In a club jointly purclmsed a ono-twentleth part of ticket No. 87,8:r In tho Iiiiislnun Htuto Lottery. On tho tftth of August Inst they wero nlmost thrown Into joyful hysterics Ihj cnuso they drew tho capital prlro. Snu Frnn cIko Kxaminer, Sept. VIO. W mi r i I ii i -1 qj y aaft j:JLlt-, (rgilSg5iS . St ae s & i r-di-rw- k ft NO LRDY Ttiat Considers Her Own Welfare Will Her Fall and Winter Shoes WITHOUT FIRST CALLING ON PERKINS BROTHERS. PIANOS All the Latest niul most Popular Musical Compositions mny be found at ORGANS CURTICE & TI-IIERS, LEADING MUSIC DEALERS 207 SOUTH 11TH STREET. SHEET MUSIC Large Stock of the leading American made Guitars. Piano Tuning nnd Repairing promptly attended to. NOVELTIES 100 Engraved Cards $2.50, Courier Office. vmsmJnm nm xn ii The Light-Running DOMESTIC" will do a WIDER RANGE of work than any other. Don't buy until you have seen the Steel set of attach ments and Genuine Bent Wood Work on the Domestic. The Star That Leads Them All ! Nearly Two Millions now in use. The "Domestic" is sold for Cash, Notes, or on Monthly payments. Needles, Oil and parts for all Machines. W. A. DOGGETT, Agent, &reea Store Eront. 142 North Eleventh St. PHIL. JACOBS, State Agent, Lincoln, Neb. n 1 J.r.l my I 4 J