Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 19, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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n (i
POPULfflOH OF L1MC0LH 60,000.
Sitndai EienTng, Oct. 19, '89.
The Courikr will not lx? iwHnllilo for
any debt tnnde by nny ono In It name, tin
m a written order necompanlea tho miiik
properly signed,
I. Wkmki., Jr., 1'ropY.
0mr 10th and P Streets,
Special opening of imported
novelties in our Dress Goods
and Silk Department.
Extensive lines of Silk and
Woolen combination suitings
in new colorings.
Carpet and Drapery
partmene on second Moor.
The Courier Can tin Found At
Windsor Hotel NcwnHlnnd.
Capital Hotel NowsHtnml.
Odell'a Dining Hall Now Hlnntl.
The Gotham NowaBtnnil.llH Houth lltli Ht.
Bert Huinier. Ill Noilli Utli Htroot.
Kd. Young, iwoo Htroot,
Kton AHmllh. U80O
Lllllo Bport Cigar Wore. 118 N. lith Bt,
Hatter and Furnisher
1137 O STREET.
l.tical ii ml lVrotml.
Whltebrcnst Coul niul Mine Company.
Lincoln Ira Co., 1010 O St. Telcphono 118.
Brown' restaurant for meals.
Take Turkish nt 10111 0 street.
Telephone nt tho Couittxn olllco is 033,
K. Hallott, lending jowelor, 1U1 N. 11th.
Kid Glovos nt H. 1U Nlssloy & Co..
Mineral wnter used for tattling, 1010 O st,
Give DetU & Weaver, the new coal firm, a
Vlait tho Decent store, 143 South TweltUi
Look at tho do, 10c anil 85a counters nt tho
tt-cnt store.
Ball's Ladles' and Misses' Walsta at II. II,
MUriey & Co.'. ( ,
Try tome of tho One f reah fUli served every
4av at Cameron's.
Oaaon City Coal again at tho Whitebreait
Oeai and lime Co.
Roast meats, and vegetables of all klndsat
Cameron's Lunch House.
the the dogon Doraestlo Bowing machlno
advertisement on page five.
Superior quality Anthracite coal at DetU
Weaver's. Call up 440.
Ladles' 811k, Worsted and Cotton Hosiery
i II. 11. Nlssloy & Co.'s.
Tho old rvllablo Canon City Coal at Huteh
im & Hyatt's, 1040 O street.
Groa Grain nnd Surah Silks, black and col
en, at II. It, Nlssloy & Co. 'a.
Improved shower for Turkish baths nt 1010
O street, basement Union block.
8m tho dogon Domestic Sowing machine
advertisement on pago five.
Warner's Health, Coralluo and Nursing
eracte at II, It. Nlssloy & Co, 'a.
OnJoUott In Lluooln that usee lulneral
-wtr Si ba&i to at 1010 O street.
Tiyauora4aiteworoyrtera in any style
'MIMA uamerouUiX&oy are Hue.
Dr. H. ft TroadonVftjntlAt, S5S South 11th
street, over Elite stufllilM Telephone 4!K1.
Patronise the ElkhovrWhW Chicago train.
Taeteat time on records l'!ough sleeper.
Brown is ready to servo ifcfiqueU, wedding
mUatloB and other spread! 'tja short notice.
Now is the time to lay f if your winter aup
ly of coal. Hutcblns M Hyatt's, 1040 O
srset. .,0,
Tmk mined Iacknw(vvS Anthracite and
etW too coal fit IJifViVtoa & Hyatt's, 1040
Olt) 'papfcrsIurge and clean, to wrap up
toadies with or put under carpets, for sale at
Me office at 35 cents per hundred.
The dining room at Brown's cafe is the finest
1 a the city and the cubvlne is the best and, to
snake it better, the prices are reasonable.
Buy your coal of tho Whitebreait Coal and
tloo Co., nnd it will always be well,
tfMtt weight, best quality and at right prices.
"The best place in tho city of Lincoln to get
good board is at Brown's cafe. You have a
great variety to select from mid tho prices are
The oyster season Is open and Brown's res
taurant, in koeplng with its established repu
tation, Is supplying largo, fat and delicious
Oysteiu in any ktyle at reasonable prices.
Handsomely eiiibossod cards with emblems
of K. of 1, O, A. R., & of V,, Mosonlo in
all degrees, O. of It. G, D. of L. F., B. of L.
E. B. of B, It. B., V. B. O.K., 1. 0.0 F
A. O. U. W., U. B, K. of P., T. P. A. at tho
CouniKi' ofllce, in new Burr block.
Parents should bo careful that their chil
dren do not contract colds during tho fall or
arly winter montlis. Such ooltUt v, enken tho
lungs and air iiaauigcti, making tho child
such mora likely to contract other colds dur
ing the winter, It i this succession of colds
Hurt cauKOH catarrh or bronchitis or paves the
way for consumption. Should a cold bo con
tracted loso no time, but euro It as quickly as
foariblo. A fifty-cent Iwttlo of Chamber
Iain's Cough Itemedy will euro any cold in n
term days and leave tho respiratory organs
strong nnd healthy, ForwilobyA. L. Uha
4sr, druggist
j, llargalns In Fine Stoves.
At Uiia season of the year nearly everybody
! interested in what is that beet stove and
wfcero U tho best place to buy It, In another
ehHin in this Issue will be found an adver
taasniMit of the Hart Hardware Co., whole
i flalers of stoyea. They have a few of the cel
brated Sterling Immm burner stoves left which
they will sell, retail, at wholesale iricos.
Hare's a chance to get a stove without paying
4 retailer's profit..
Under tho spur of Manager Mclleynolila
and his prUohorwi tho people of Lincoln turn
ed out tnrro nlghU to "I.ost In Now York."
Tlio play Is n inol(Mlrnnin mostly mellow. It
la not as lurid ns noma Nor or hysterical.
Hut It'll do, It consist of five sol and ono
Actl-MyUodl I'm blind I
Act II-My Oodll I'm trapiKHlll
Act Ill-My (lodllt I'm not tnadlll
ActlV-My (lodltll MustllioRlin
Act V-Tliaiik(lollllll Wo'ronllrighttlltl
And tho tank never nays n word.
Tommrr'H ricnronMANCE.
The piny nt KunkoN tonight Is "Three
Wive to Ono Husband," n now comedy,
which Is claimed to bo tho latest success in
this lino, In Now York nnd London, nt both
of which places it has had long runs In tho
former 000 night and In Now York 1011
night. Tho piece Is mado up of Incidents
centering on throo bachelor relative and a
llko numticr of lady friends, nil of whom In
some manner become engaged to ono of tho
iMichelors. Charming inuslo and rich pure
comedy go to innko up an enjoynblo enter
talnment. Milt O. Barlow, Into of Barlow.
Wilson, Primrose & West's minstrels, Is the.
leading comedlnn of tho company,
At Funko's opera house next Monday even
Ing Mlrs Jnuo Coombs will present "Bleak
Hoiiso." Tho Cincinnati JUnqvirtr says of
hen As Lndy Dedlock nnd Hortenso in Chas.
Dickens' "Bleak House," sho achieved success
In two entirely dlsimllnr characters. Bho Is
an Ideal tady Dedlock. Charles Dickens
heroluo was ono of tho most beautiful and
accomplished women in his day, full of dash
and courage In trying situations In which alio
was placed. Cold as nn iclclo nt ono moment
nnd warm with Hisslounto lovo for her child
at another. Miss Coombs thrilled her audi,
enco In her oworful scono with Ttilklnghorn
in the third act, whero sho defles him to do his
worst, and won n magnificent recall for bril
liant rendition of tho scone. As Hortenso,
the crafty, cruel and relentless French wo
man, sho displayed nn Intensity, n thlitt for
revenge, n subtlo cunning entirely in keeping
with this wonderful creation of Dickens. Tho
supporting company wo excellent.
"Tho Stownwny" will bo given nt Funko's
opera Iiouho next Tucwlny evening. This Is n
mclo-drnnin of nlmorblng Interest that has
been constantly played In England for tho
Inst flvo year. It Is said to linvo nchloved 11
grt'ntcr triumph in London than did tho
"Light o' tondon," "Silver King," "Tlio
World" nnd other plays of it claw. It is re
plete with stirring situations, startling cll
maxea nnd is ervnded with n vivid spirit of
comedy. It wo one of tho greatest succcshi
over known at NIblo's theater, Now York,
where It won Mattering commeudatlon from
tho critic and played to tho largwt rtelpt
taken nt this theater In year. Tlio nows
paivrs of New York praised tho pmluctlon
In glowing languago. It Ii conceded that
"Tho Stownwny" I ono of tho strongest melo
dramas ever written. That It cast Is ono of
tho liest over seen In n similar plrty. That Its
scenlo effect (xirtlcularly tho yacht in mld
ocenn nro uncpinlod fortieautyandrt'nllsm,
nnd finally, that tho elements of popularity
that It contains would servo as foundation
for n down average plnys. Ono of tho strik
ing feature In "Tho Stownwny" Is tho Intro
duction of two genuine burglars In nn net of
safe-breaking. A real Rafo will lw blown
open at each performance.
Of the various comedies presented Ht
Funko's last season, fow equaled that of "Keep
It Dark." Mnnyof our theatergoers will
recall this funny pieco as being tho ono pre
sented by W. T. Bryant and a strong compa
ny of comedians, and bis not expression "I'm
so weak" still rings in tho oars of those, who
almost convulsed themselves with laughter at
tho brisk dialogue nnd funny situations of
tho play. This popular attraction will be soeu
ngnln nt Funko's Wednesday evening with
a stronger company tlmu evor. Mr. Brjant,
who Is tho original Mr. Vtuuillne, Is still on
board nsslrted by such clever people as J, J.
Qululln, Lizzie Richmond nnd others. Tho
musical numbers Include all of tho jopulnr
airs, and tho dancing will bo even liner than
heretofore. Beats go on aalo Tuesday morn
lug nnd as there Is likely to bo a full house It
would bo well to secure seat early,
Ono of tho popular now plays of tho dav Is
a comedy drama In flvo net by Don McCais
thy, entitled "Dear Irish Boy," which appears
at Fuuke's next Friday and Saturday even
ings. In tho cast the author take tho lead
ing role of "Teddy O'Nell" nnd Is nbly sup
ported by Gustavo Reynolds nnd other talent
well known In the Irish drama. Tho compa
ny has played in Omaha the pat week and
tho lite of Tuesday gave It tho following no
tice! "Tho play ia In five acta and shows a
great deal of skill on the art of tho author,
who himself acted tho role of 'Toddy OJ2Ul,
and was ably supported by his co-atar. Mr.
Gustavo Reynolds, as Mike McClutcUev. The
special scenery, notably among it tho ruins of
uastm Dars by moonlight, is very effective,
Tho company is a very clever ow, and will
no doubt draw good houses for the ramalndur
of it engagement."
"Muree parties" are one of the fads of Lin
coln society, and scrcely a day passes that
company of young people from swelldom
doesn't visit the Eden Musne. The post week
has shown some excellent attractions, chief
among them being Giovanni and his troupe of
cocatooa, which tho ladle all say "nro just
too lovely for anything." They waltz, march,
lire guns, ring bells, climb ladders, open doors
and tell tho tlmo of day by looking at a wuteh
taken from tho audience. They look at tho
watch and ring tho number of minutes after
the hour upon n bell. Theu they strike tho
hour. It Is n remarkable performance. The
Madagascar people, tho two survivors of those
brought from Africa by Banium, ore curious
looking with pluk eye and flaxen white hair.
Next week will bring ono of the most marvel
ous freaks of nature yit kmmi bore. It will bo
Charles E. Illlllard, who seems to bo nil
joint. He can at will dislocate hlw, neck,
knees, ejhqws, ankles and shoulders. As an
Illustrations ono positloiuesulta in the body
uud head facing ono way, whllo the lower
llmbt, nro fanxl in un entirely opposite direc
tion; tho head faces west, the trunk oast, the
legs from the hips to tho knees faeo east, and
from the knee to ankle faco west, whllo the
feet faco oast. Manager Lnwler Is arranging
a special exhibition for two o'clock Monday
afternoon for the benefit of physicians and
newspapor men. Among the other attrac
tions will bo Ben Butler, a trick pony; Gar
cia, the Mexican troubador; Young Shields,
rope walker; Martin, Reno and Mack, the
French clowns; Eddie Troy, the one leeced
song and dance man; Ed and Belle Stanford,
sketch artists.
Parties making preliminary arraiiKoments
for weddings will do well to call at the ofllce
of The Wessel Prlnlng Company. We haven
beautiful Hue of wedding Invitations, Wed
ding Announcement, Reception Cards, Wed
ding Cake Boxes, etc. it will be well to give
us n call we can always 00 of otslstanco to
J 011.
Mr. Harry Frnnkton I homo from St,
I Oil Is,
Mis Nelllo Graham returns from St. Joo
Iaoii Baker's father has returned to Colum
bus, Pa.
Mr, and Mrs, J, I), Html hnvo gono to Og
den lo visit their sou.
Mrs, M. W, AVItter returned Monday from
her visit nt Wyinoro.
K. 11. Blrk of Buoyriis, Oho, is visiting Paul
Holm nnd J. II, Meyer.
Judgo Houstln resumed duty Monday after
nn IlliiCK of two week.
Mr. J. Lntahnw of Woodbury. Pn Is vis
iting her father, Dr. Hosmnu.
Mr. J. B. Trlckey returned Monday from
her visit to Jefferson City, Mo.
Mr. K. J, Hanna and daughter left Tues
day for their homo nt Cadis, Ohio.
Mrs. G, U. Wnlte Is entertaining her moth
er, Mr. Sawyer of Syracuse, N. Y,
N. A. Hanna or Cadiz, Ohio, father of tho
Hanna Ixiys, went to Ht. Joo Monday.
O. B. Hopper Is enjoying n visit from his
mother, Mrs. R B. Hopper of Bristol, III.
Mr. nnd Mrs, T, B. Gauter returned Mon
day from n year's jouuoylugslnthoold world.
Mis Tllllo Spirt, ono of tho ofllclent tele
phono girls, is visiting her mother at Green
wood, Mr. nnd Mrs. I, O. Wlso hnvo gono to Cin
cinnati in tho hoio of Improving tho former's
Mrs. A. E. Touznlln will spend tho winter
In Washington with her mother, Mrs. Jus
tice Miller.
Charles E. Mottrnm of tho Jo. W. Thatch
er coal company of Omaha was In tho city
Mis Lou Van Valkonburg of LockKrt, N.
Y., tho guest of Mbs Clara Wnlih, start for
homo today,
Bupt. Alsdorf of tho stock yards had a ve
iling friend this week In tho person of Mr.
Boll of Utlcn, Ohio,
Mr. Albert Wntklus has had n lslt this
week from n cousin, Fulton Dnlo, n Itunhor
dealer at Savannah, (in,
Homer J, Ediniston was nt Bloomlngtoni
111., this week representing tho State univer
sity at tho untlonnl convention of tho Phi
Dolta Theta fraternity.
M, Straus of tho Do Moiue wholesale
millinery firm was n giuwt of Councilman
Meyer this week. Mr. Straus Is nlso presi
dent of tho State Saving Iwnk In his city.
Lieut, nml Mr. Edgar B. Dudley nro in tho
city on tho wny to their station nt Ft. Leaven
worth. Tho Lloutonaut was formerly In
chnrgo of tho cadet at tho State university.
Mrs. F. W. Bartrtiff, superintendent of tho
Womnn's Christian Association homo, I nw ay
for n vocation of two months, which sho will
Send In tho cast Her dutle will lw assum
ed by Mr. Redwny.
Recent nrrlvnls In Lincoln for tho study of
inuslo nro MIsh Florence Carx'iiter of Valpa
raiso, Mis Jenny AVntoii of Wntson Siding,
Mis Tllllo Osterburg of Ong, Mlsse Nelllo
and Knto FIshor of Geneva nnd Mis Lily
Hoover of Brownvlllo.
J. E. It. Millar, tho well known oxpixss
agent, who was recently transferred from
Lincoln to Kearney, has Itocu appointed city
ticket ngent of thoM. P. to succeed Hany
iianna, un Wednesday evening n party or
friends Invaded Mr. Millar's homo to welcome,
him back to Lincoln.'
Chas I. Jones of Jones. Douglas & Cc, tho
cracker makers, has gono to Cedar Ripids,
Iowa, and will nlso visit in Wisconsin nnd the
cast before returning n month hence. Ho is
accomiMnled by Mr. Jones nnd llttlo Anna.
Jime U. Douglas of the Cedar Rapids facto
ry is expocted to take chnrgo of tho Lincoln
business during his partner's absence. Mr.
Douglas Is ono of tho society 111011 nt homo
nnd Is not without friends In the Capital City,
made on n former visit,
J. E. Cowgtll of Dubuque Isouo of Lincoln's
newest acquisitions. Mr. Cowgill has the su
pervision of tho south Platte country for n
life Insurance company, but ho U something
more thnn n man of "premiums" nnd "exiieo
tanclea." Ho is of intellectual cost and liter
ary turn nnd ho uwriesof lectures for v. hi -h
several Nebraska societies hnvo nuuU requbl
tlons. Mr. CowgllL Is well known in Iowa,
whero be is recognized as 11 man ol force who
always has something to tmy.
Old trunks made ns go hI ns now or taken
In trade for now one nt trunk factory 208
So. lith st., tel. wa. Wit rick & Hopper.
Also a fine lino of tt unks, valises, etc.
This cut represents the hanger of the
Cothing mado by that firm and is a guar
antee of
Superiority, Fjne Workmansbip and Perfect Fit,
Remember we arc the only dealers in
Lincoln who retail these goods. Stop in our
store and sec the styles and prices.
Wc can say without exaggeration that we carry the most complete stock of Fall Over
coats in the city, comprising all the new makes, styles and colors that are desirable.
If you need an Overcoat now's the time to buy it.
For ojdjrien, for young men, and all kinds of shapes and sizes. Don't spend a center
Clothing or Furnishings until you sec the stock we carry and show you how much wccan
save for you on every purchase.
1029-1031 0 Street.
"Outfitters to Mankind."'
Whiting's Writing Papers
And would be pleased to have you call when in need of anything in thr.t line. All
the latest styles both in size and finish, as well as novelties in our stock. Call and see.
Courier Office.
New Burr Block.
v .11 I
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