MWW i , ( h- t o r- t i l.i' h'A wmmmmmmm ( FAST MAIL ROUTE ! 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -ro- AtcltUon, t.cavcnworth, St. Jocph,Kanns City, St. Louis and all Points South, . ' East and West. The direct line to Ft, Scott, Parson Wichita, Hutchinson nnd nil pilnclpal point In Kansas, The only rond to the Great Hot Spring of Arkansas. I'utlntnn Sleepers nnu Free Reclining Chair Car on nil train. H G. HMiNA, S. P. I. MILLAR, City Ticket Agt. cn1! Agent. Cor. O and uih Street. on SALE TO ATiTi PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT XO44 O STREET. ," rt 7 ' W t'. (MlIWAUA miii SS5I Owa and operates &S0O mile of thoroughly .Quipped road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri, Mtnueaola and Dakota. It Is tho lied Direct Koute between all Umi Prfuclpal Point In the NorUiwoat, BuUwort and Far West. M For map, tlmo tables, ratea of uaaaaoa and freight, etc.. apply to nearest station agent ol OHIOAU, UlLWAUKKK A Br. l'AUl. tUlL way, or to any Railroad Ageut anywhere la She world. K.MILMCR, A.V.H.OAUPKNTKU, General MVr. Gen'! I'ruu Tkt Agt. F.TUOKKlC OKI). 11.11 KAKFOUI), iM'-Ueii' Mgr. AukU. I'.aT, Agt. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. JM-Ko? Information In reference to !and auuTown owned by the Chicago, Milwau kee & HL Paul Hnllwny Compnny.wrto to 11. a. HAUUAM.Land Comml4loncr,Mlllwaulceo Wisconsin. Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo. Valley ii-a.iijo.r). iy Operate and con trol it own tcrvlce between "-UNCOLN, NEB., and, OMAHA, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, SIOUX CITY MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. gr Tbrough Tickets and Baggage Checked to aH points In United State and Canada, Vestibule Sleepers, Palatial Dining Car and Union Depots.. ,. , CITY TICKET OFFICE ; J 13 South 10th street, ... Ltoooln OEO. N. FORK8MAN, Agent, O. H. BUBT, J. It. UCCHANAH, r Ueueral M'ger. Oen'l Pans, Ag't OMAUA. NKU. TiBlriTsTf ' V MTiffitS I N IIANDSOMK AND BRAINY. THE GREAT MEN OP A LITTLE PUDLIO. RE- Ceell I. Cliarlr Write of tho ribllo Men of CiMlit lllca, Who Arc. In HID Opinion, Mfin of Whom III Country May Wall Iln Proud. IRpcolal Cnrrofipondenee. San Johi: ntc Cohta Uioa, Oct. 7. No whore, poilmpi, on tlio entire American hemisphere Ih to Ira found n moro ndtnlr able combination of mental, moral and physical excellence tlinn In HiIh wonder ful lilt of country, forming tlio Houthcrn extremity of North America. Thero In a dlHMflllon tlio world over to sneer at a man If any otto ncctiRO him of good IooUh. Now ll uittrit bo set down an a fact that tlio handsome nteti of Costa Ulca uro far from Mug fools, (leglnttlng with Prosl- MAXIMO FKUNANUKK. I'UKStDKNT BOTO. dent Soto nnd scanning closely nil tlio figure prominent in public llfo.ono can not fall to comprehend Micro as tlio pro duct of good birth, right living for Reit erations back nnd education of tlio beat sort. President Soto Ih but DO years of ngc. He Is tho son of den. Don Jesus Soto, a fino looking man of fifty odd. President Soto, whoso administration comes to nnuud in December, has made n very satisfactory executive. Wero it not that tho constitution forbids tho ltn rocdlnto re-election of any president, it is very probablo that ho would remain In oflleo for a second term. Gen. Soto in rather quiet, but uxceedlngly shrewd ami far seeing. Ho was married a fow yearn since to tho daughtor of tho then president, flen. Don Prospcro Fernandez, and has ouu beautiful little child. OflNSS MAX VtyUKZ. DON KKMCDON. Don Cleto GntiMilor. Vlmicz, who has Just ittilgnetl from tho ministry, haa fig ured brilliantly at homo nnd abroad in diplomatic relations. IIo is a man of singularly ncttto and nlert mental pow ers, much moro lllco an American in this resKvt than like n Spaniard. ' As minister of foreign affairs ho has borne weighty responsibilities in tlio Nicaragua canal dilllculty during tho past six months nnd borno them ably. Doing a monitor of Acting President Esquivors cabinet, when tho latter de cided from motivos of delicacy, having boon nominated na tho Liberal party's candidate, to givo back tho presidency to Ocn. Soto Inst week, Sonor Vlqtioz nt onco resigned, aa did tho various other members. Should Senor Esqulvcl bo elected t'onstitutlonnl president in Do comlter, as It Is vory probablu ho will bo, Senor Vlqucs will doubtless bo recalled to tho ministry. DON ntCAKDO J1MKNKZ. DON MORA. .Doit Maximo Fernandez, ox-sccretnrv ct nubllu works, and n few dava slnen Appointed to tho supromocourt, is a vory puro upantsit typo as to. appearance IIo liasitho regular yet softly molded feat urea, itho dark, dvcatny oyos, tho courtly and chivalrous bearing of tho old Cos tlJiatis. Don tCarallo Mora, governor of the ,San Jose, la oi handsome man rt 83. During tho past year civil mar riage lias bocQino an institution in Costa Hie. Don iCamllo, as governor of tho provluco, is (tho, gentleman who performs all such dvU.CQremonies. It is said in this xnuectlon (that moro than ono bride ban almost .wavered tin allegiancoto her flanco Atid lialf way repented and hesi tated on CAtcuing sight of Don Camllo, who, by the way, is a (bachelor. Don Pedro Perec .Zclcdon Is tho Costa Rlcan minister In Washington. It Is he vho has been lately compelled to refute certain statements tnado concerning Cos ta Illca'ri altitude in lko canal .matter. Senor Zeledon is an able representative of his country. It may bo enld that Ida pictures do not do him strict justice. He, too, I bclievo, is a bachelor. AKD1IK3 VEKKOAS. MAMURL J. JIMENEZ. Don Andres Venegas, tho now minis ter of public works and govommeut af fairs, U what tho Spanish call sltnpattco a word signifying everything that is "nice," "as women folks say, a kind of combination of all attractive qualities. Handsomo in appearanco, of brilliant in tellect and ranking high In tho legal pro- p? w w'? wa CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER foaslon, kind, courteous and com In I in hli manner, Sonor Venegas Is much ad mired nnd beloved by acquaintances and friends. Don Manuel and Don Illcnrdo Jlmcncs nro ions of ux-Prcsldent Don Jesus Jim enez. Don Manuel J. Jimenez resigned from tho cabinet last May, nt tho tlmo when President Soto's henlth compelled him to call Honor Ksqtilvcl to mtsutuo the presidency. IIo Is thcruforo ax-mlulstcr of foreign affairs and religious mnttors. Soon after resigning ho was appointed to tho su premo court. Senor Jimenez Is tall and itralght. IIo has Uwitlful hair and board, chiseled features and melancholy dark eyes, Don Itleardo Jimenez, his brother, is the shining light of Costa Illon who was chosen for president of tin; Central American congress sotno months since. Ilolh these gentlemen nro bachelors. Don Itleardo is said to have n law practlco worth $20,000 per year. Tho brothers both havo something repelling In their bearing a mixture of coldness and shyness, osslbly, Get doner to them, however, nnd you find tnein extremely lovable. Cecil L. THE PflE-RAPHAELITES. A Clinrtnlng Kvpnlng with Uimlon Mt- tirary nnd Artlntln Muhtm (Hpeclal Corrnipotulcnco.) London, Oct. 7.-Ono henrs less of tho Pro-Ilaphaclito society of Ixndou than formerly, yet tho society, mado up of tho best literary nnd nrtlstlo circles, still exists In London, nnd holds its meetings as heretofore. Among them thoro nro Bovernl persons whoso unities nro house hold words in America and many moro who nro famous in tunny walks of llfo which do not bring them Into such prominenco in America. To gain nn en trance into tho charmed circle of liter ary and artistic London ono needs to bo of tho guild, but onco 'in a while it docs happen that an outsider, I lko myself, who only pretends to sing n little, gets n peep nt tho lions. Recently I wns invited to a delightful home in a suburb of London, not far from '"Amstead 'Eath,"aaourcnbdrivor called it, nnd thoro wns ho fortuunto as to meet among n number of artists, play wrights nnd litorary people generally, Jean Ingolow, tho sweetest poet who over wroto about children, and Christina Itosctti, tho nlmont inspired woman who writes poems which nro llko sacramental wtno nnd bread, nnd thnt dear whlto haired old lady, Mrs. Trollopo, besides Lady Mary DutTtts-IIardy and her daugh ter Iza wero there. There woro n num ber of famous men present, but I only learned tho names of Dr. Egmont Hako nnd Mr. Watts. Dr. Hako is tall and slender, but so gcntlo nnd kind that every ono loves him, nnd his silvery hair is an attraction to ovory ono of tho wo men, although, perhaps, his beautiful poems had first mado them his friends, for thny aro puro and sweet nnd elevnt lug. Mrs. Trollopo has grown out of tho fretful Invalid state, whero, shaking with chills and fever nnd suffering from a multitude of Ills, she wroto that ravage. book about America as it was in tlio wild west fifty years ago, and now, If sho could wrlto of this country, it would be with u pen flipped In honey, for alio I ripe and full of all tho tenderness thnt many yeaiHtmd much wisdom bring. Many Americans know Lady Hardy, for hIio has always been tho friend of Americans in Loudon, and sho has also traveled very extensively in our coun try. Sho has written, perhaps, twenty novels, all three-volume, cloth bound, nnd a book of her travels in America, whero sho went with licr daughter after the death of her husband, tho lato Sir Thomas Duffus-IIardy. Lady Hardy is n largo woman, with a lino flguro and a genial, good faco, sur mounted by a crown of snow whlto hair. Her daughter Is vory slender and tall, with largo bluooyes and very long, thick hair. Sho was considered ouoof tho most beautiful girls in England n fow years ago, but, I was told, a sorrow of som kind fell upon lujr and sho has changed gtcatly, but nothing can ever tako from hor that touching graco of face and man ner, though it is somewhat melancholy. She also has written many novels, some of which aro very sweet and interesting. Their homo at North Bank, Regent's park, is cralxnvered in trees, and is most charming in its truly English type, and is the resort of all tho best and brightest minds in London. I began by speaking of sweet Jean Ingelow, that lovely, lovable little old maid who writes tho beautiful mother poems. Sho is a tiny body, with almost Infautilo hands and feet and soft gray eyes. Her faco is ono marked by genius, yet sho has a timid, quiot manner and such a swcot, low volco. She woro a gray surah dre6s, mado with a surpllco waist and a plain full skirt and leg o' mutton sleeves, with muslin cuffs and n tulle tucker around her nock, and this was fastened with a llttlo oval pin with a lock of hair in it. Her hair is gray, but thick and wavy, and gathered into a knot at tho back of tho neck. Christina Rosetta is dark, but her skin is clear and puro, llko ivory. Her hair Is abundant and wavy, and her forehead low and broad, over a pair of oyos like thoso wo nro so familiar witli in tlio pic ture of "EvangeUno"ileop, dark, pa tient and steadfast, Feeing things alxvc and beyond us. Situ is slow of speech and chary of words, ami somehow makes you think sho is always listening to an- el voices. Sho is slight and f ragilo, and Oresses in soft heavy black silk, with a llttlo rare lace at tho neck and for cuds, and Jets her pretty, blue veined hands lie utterly idle in her lap. Her smile is slower than that of Jean Ingelow and not so taking. - I had meant to say much moro of our ovening but shall be obliged to defer tho rest to another titno. Dlancub Somchs. Almonds Its North Georgia. Capt. J. P. Wilson'showctl us a day or two since, some nico specimens of al monds which grew on tho farm of Mr.' Chllds, a few miles from this-placo. Clnrksvlllo (Ga.) Advertiser. A 6IQN OF MAN IN THE APE. Knockdown Argument for Darwin Afforded by an Ancestor, Showmen from Now York and Boston have swornicd In Connoctlcutnll thosonsott. Borne wen' street fakirs, who sold salvo nnd bunion ointment, tootlincho drops, nnd flftcon-ccnt razors, nnd delivered gaudy upooches under a goftollno torch In tho streets nt nlghtt but most of thniohavn Ixxmlmml organ men, with monkoys nnd erforniliig bears, or bovlcs of caimrlcs that ran up nnd down tiny and frail wooden ladders In nu ocn enrt, and amused coplo by doing audacious tricks. Tlio Inst genaral nMoinhly paused a statute ngalnst boars nnd other roving nnlnmls, but thoy como Juat tho same. Tlio most novel show cntuo this week. Two Italians, a hand orgnn, n yellow informing goat nnd n tnonkoy wero washed up out of tho storm, Just as tho clouds rolled by. Tho cool sunlluht and toulo nutumn air stirred both gont and tnonkoy to do tholr Ixat, and thoy did It so very well thnt even tho Italians, n woiias tho iwpuinee, grinned with delight, Doth wuro hlirhly educated Tho tnonkoy was dressed In n buff colored cont, with Jaunty pockots In It, nnd ho woro belli J tho gnat woro simply his own undressed kid. First tho goat crawled up tho small wooden performing pedestal, clumsily pulling his foot after him, and did what ho could do, rearing nnd pawing tho air; but ho looked foolish and stupid. Ids wisp of board fluttering In tho wind. Then ho got down nnd tho monkey got up. Tho latter mado somo funny grim ncos,whlch oxcltod npplauso, and his wrinkled llttlo face put on a w of til or gleeful look ac cordingly as his master said "Uravol" or IKikod him In tho ribs with a sharp rod. Dut tho best of tho performance took place after tho show. After tho monkey got down ono of tho Italians slyly stepiwd out of the crowd, slipped Into a corner saloon, and pres ently emerged bearing n foaming glass of boor. Ho didn't Imbtbo any of it himself, but with a grlu took It to his friends, tho goat and tho tnonkoy. IIo ol!toly offered it first to tho goat, but that unsophisticated cronturo turned any his faco In disdain and would not look nt tho flowing bowl. "IIo, hoi" oxclnlmod his Tuscan master, "non-nhavo boor-af Hnl Oont-a no know what 00s goot-a, oh I Monk-nco havo somo boor-af Say-a yeosf 80, so, tnonk-n know-a goot ting; goat-a dntnplionl-al" Tho "inonk-n" took 110 risk of losing tho drink. With tho skill of n practiced toper ho raised tlio fluid to his thirsty mouth and drained ovory drop m tho glass. Ho even held tho upturuod mug a momotit aloft, his lips at tho odgo, so as not to miss a globule of tho precious liquid. Then ho gracefully hnndod It back with n poll to bow, wiped his puckored faco on his sloovo nnd tho crowd roared. "Ouly nionk-n In to Mcrlky, gousholmens, tat drlnk-a roos boer-n zoo ov'ry tiny," said tho proud master, glancing admiringly at tho llttlo boast. "All of which shows," commented n street Clillosophor, "tho wldo Intellectual difference etween 'too monk-a' and '200 goat-a ;' ex hibits tho susceptibility of tho monk-a to tho Influences of civilization, and is knockdown ovldonco of tho 'origin of man.1 " Now Haven Is still hi a tustlo with n per forming boar. Both tho benrand his master, a shrewd Frenchman, wero nrrostod and lodged in tho police station charged with vio lating tho "boar statute" of Connecticut. Tho Frenchman had nionoy enough to pay the fines Imposed, but uot enough to hire a wagon in which to transport tho bear from his prison. IIo couldn't lead Bruin through tho strcots without violating tho statuto again, so ho had to go awny without his pot. Tho pollco station still has tho boar, which is feed ing on tho fat of tho laud nnd is happy, but tho pollco don't want him. Thoy may bo nblo to sell him, and thoy may kill and eat hitn. Norwich (Conn.) Cor. New York Sun. With "Unit Show." "I read your story tho other day about Ep stoan'a oxperionco with a circus among tho tough pooplo of tlio south," said Ilnrry Morti mer, of tho Larking company, yesterday, "and I toll you I can appreciate It. I havo boon down there myself, but not with n cir cus. They called ur enUrtalnmont n 'hall show' in that region. I was manager, nutl In that cajiaclty I wns obliged to look after tho door. Ono ulgut wo struck a tough moonshiner town and we had a sort of frco-for-oll nudlenco. A wicked looking fellow, with long ringlets on his collar, camo up nnd started to walk right in. 'Tickets I1 1 said. He looked tough, and I was not very loud in my demand. He oyod me contemptuously, throwback tits coat and exhibited a United States marshal's star. Of courso I passed him. Then two more camo along, and I let them by without making them show tholr stars. The wicked looking marshal camo out to talk with me, nnd Just tbon 1 noticed bo had been smoking. 1 asked him not to smoke, as there were ladlosto thebouso, 'All right,' he said, nnd ho tossed his cigar away. As he stood there up camo throo toughs w Ith tick ots. Thoy wore all smoking, and I told them they could not smoke Insldo. Wnl, I gass wo'll smoke,' said ono if them. The marshal heard tho remark. Stepping up to tho man who made It, ho Jerkxl the cigar from his mouth and threw him down tho stairs. Tho other two threw away their clgurs mid tlp tood in, Thnt marslml looked vvlckid, but he kept his people right hi line. It's a croat country." Chicago Herald. niack Royalties at Paris. King Dinah Ballfou, who attracted so much attention here during tho visit of the shah of Persia, bos boen replaced by another sable Senegalese sovereign named Ousman Oassy. Parisians, however, nre no longer curious about negro mouarchs, as poor Ous man Gassy, unllko his predecessor, Is loft to languish tn his lodgings in tho locality of Gronollo, where be is surrounded by an en campment of his subjects. King Gassy has fought and blod hi tho cause of Franco, and has accordingly received tho Cross of the Legiou of Honor, which ho wear proudly on hi whlto burnous. Ho rules when at homo over 200 villagi-M, containing a opiilatlou of 800,000 snblo subject. Like most of tho su perior typos of blackamoors who havo bcon invited to see tho exhibition, nnd to repie sont hero tho natives of tho French colonies or dependencies in Africa, Ousman Gassy is a highly intelligent looking man, anil his royal honors, although meagre and mediocre, sit well upon him. Paris Cor. London Tele graph. Rucced am Kldarly. Therdwos present at tho rounlon of the Thirty-ninth regiment yosUrday nt Modford William Field, & years of age, the oldest Grand Army man In the country. IIo was born in Decrlleld. Ills mother was Mehlta blo Amos of that place, supjiosed to bo a sla ter of Governor Ames' grandfather. IIo is a machinist by trade, and lives at Franklin. He was married to a Miss Huldy Smith, of Harwich, and bus been the futher of four children, all of w horn nro now doceasod, Tlio old gentloman Is strong and ruggod ap peal lug, and when ho was presented to the invited guests he was received with a storm of applause. Boston Herald. The production of soap In England is abcu't 45,000 tons per week, of which between 3,000 and -1,000 tons are made In Loudon, 19, I889 CHRP6TS FALL Our stock of Carpets for this season arc all in and wc arc prepared to show you full lines from the best known manu facturers in tnc country. These goods have been selected witli great care as to design and Colorings, and cannot fail to please any and all who may be looking for new and fin. est effects. The line embraces the following trades. Wil. 'tons MoqUCttCS, Body Brussels, TaDCStrV Brnqc.nk "F o T l . ,. ,,,, ' ,.. . ' L" otipcr Ingrains, 1 lircc Ply etc. With increased facilities doing work quickly and properly wc arc in better shape than ever before to please you in this department. Call and examine before placing your fall orders and be convinced. In Curtains and Draperies wc are equally well prepared and can certainly interest you if in need of anything belonging: to this department. AJ. DAVIS & SON 1112 0 ST. T? " M St, opp. Masonic Temple. Stylish Carriages and Busrgies, At all Hours C2T iiorfcs Boarded and BILLEMEYER Call and Soo Us. jE' """v "'t-j?SsSGf HsBBBsVHQIsiHHlBSil HuDMHnBjpi Nates reasonable. Korythini; new nnd complete. riomptcrIcc and the best menu ln Oinnlia. Hot and cold water In every room, onice nnd dlnlnK.ball on find lloor. All mod ern improvements. I.lncolnltes always receive a innllnl welcome, ("nil nnd ceo us while lir Oninhn. You can Ret Into tho enrs at depot and tnko IIAHNKY rT CABLE LINK DltiKOT TO THK DOOIt. Cor. 14th and llnrncy. Ika I'. Hioiiv. Clerk. ii. HILLOWA.Y, Proprietor. fAMAM TOAOQCTAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY Or THE OOtTHTRY, WILL OBTAUf'' tm muunauu tnzoHWATIOH THE CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND ft PACIFIC RAILWAY, SSS&LS: iffisreffira&iffij r JA?NIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS THAINSV c?uPOtTh " StePfc"001. well ventilated! and' V,A THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Bplld Express Trains dallv hnt.nraon nhi.n . , ... . Sm5ffJia.5 and Sioux Puiin trio. j t . .VI a&eifoiS- K5fi8g OmPor,U8n,felaFrrecia0 t. ST. JOHN, Qorurol Mansger. CHICAGO, 1889. Extra for H12 0 St Finest in the City S-THE NEW-4 Palace Stables Day or Night. bcsl of care taken of nil Slock entrusted to us. J PRICES REASONABLE. & CO., Proprietors. Tolephono 435- THE- MURRAY Omaha's Leading Hotel'.- Opened Sept. 1, 1888. Finest Hotel in the West! FHOM A STUDY OP THIS MAP OF" luscatlno. rih ff&i.FS.r.Cari;BaB) and rora thoso points and ien Otinlr Car and Sleeper botwoon Peoria BniHr r ii: i,cl0,B5d- Th0 voritc Tjlnc? to TplpostonS Twto?' and tho Summer naanrtji Rnrt w.,niK tJiH?Jfl'a.t.or" w&msi g .facintioa to . II..U JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oen'lTickot&Pass.Ar; Ti. I ,R.