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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1889)
'Tj-rm 13. -n- tr-wr ;-sfnr iw'""' fliyry,n,t')f-ryi'iyTS1'' ''g''lJryfy?'1r - y r?- 8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER ai, y I889 1 lLi JOPUtATIOHJP LINCOLN 80,000. Saturday Evening, Sept. 2189. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. TAKE NOTICEI Tho CouniKn will not Iw iroilltla for any debts made by nny one In It name, un less n written order accompnlo tho same, properly signed. L. Wkrhki., Jr., I'rnp'r. rfO Crner I Oth and P Streets, Dry Goods, -AND- CARPETS largest Stock in the City The Courier Cmt tin round At Windsor Hotel News Htnml, Capital Hold Now. Htnml. Odoll's Dining Hull Nairn Htnml. Clnon A Fletcher'. HO South 11th Street. Tho Unthnm Now Stand, J1K Houth lltli Ht. Keith Iltix., Ill Noith lltli Utrrat. Kd. Young, ltwio Htrcct. Eiilon AHmllh, 1120 O Diamond I'lini-macy," 18th nml N RU Westorneld' barber shop, lltirr block. Little Bki t Cigar Htore. 1 13 N. V.'tli BU FALL STYLES I DUNLAP HATS NOW ON BAI.K AT W. R. DENNIS, Open limine lllnrk. e l.acal nml l'rrnoiml. Whltebreast CoiU and Llino Company. Lincoln Ico Co., 1040 O St. Telephono 118. Brown's restaurant for meals, Take Turkish at 1010 O street, Tolcphono at tho Coumcn olllco Is 253, E. Hallctt, lending jowclor, 131 N. 11th. Fall DrrM Good, at II. It Nlssley & Co'. Mineral water used lor bathing, 1010 O st. Ladle look at tho Lo Banoy shoes at Per kliu Bros. Try iomo of the flno freth flh served every day at Cameron1!. Canon City Coal again at tho Whltcbroast Coal and Lime Co. Roast meats, and vegetable of all klndsat Cameron'. Lunch House. Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O atrcet, basement Union block. Only place In Lincoln that use mineral water in bath i at 1010 O street. Try nnovsterstoworoyrtcr In any stylo at Dm Cameron's. They aro line. Dr. R. C. Trogdon, DontUt, 235 South 11th (treet, over Elite studio. Telephono 43:1. Special sale of lllnck Bilk. Call nt onco for best value at II. R. Nlssloy & Co'. Patronize tho Klkhorn's new Chicago train. Fastest time on record. Through deeper. Drown U ready to arrvo bauiuet, wedding collations and other spread on short notice. Old pajMirs, lergo and clean, to wrnp up bundle with or put under carpet, for nlo at thi ofllco nt S5 cent per hundred. The dining room at llrown' cafo I tho finest In tho city and tho culslno U tho bet and, to tnako it better, tho price aro reasonable Ruy your con) of the U'hltohreast Coal and Lime Co., and It will always te wellscreaLod, ull weight, best quality and at right price. Families desiring pure ico cream or ice tor Sunday dluncr or any other timo can bo serv ed with a superior quality nt Morton & Lelghty'. The best place In tho city of Lincoln to get good board U at Drown', cafe. You have n great variety to select from and tho price are reasonable. Tho oyster season is open and Drown' res taurant, In keeping with It established repu tation, is supplying large, fat and delicious Oystet In any style at reasonable price. The new Ice cream parlor of Morton & Letghty will alo be headquarter for Oyster thta winter. They have one of the finest oy ter cook In the west and can serve you with a delicious dish In any style desired. Try them. Handsomely embossed card with emblems of K. of P., U. A. 11, & of V., Masonic in 11 degrees, O. of R. a, D. of L. F., 11. of L, K. B. of II. R. B., P. D. O. E., I. O. O. F A. O. U. W U. R. K. of P., T. P. A. at the Courikr office, in new Burr block. We have just received a very pretty line of paper for covering pantry and closet shelves, etc. They are In cream, salmon, orange, mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, sky blue, Kile green and other colors. Ladies should call and see these paper. They are the new est thing out and add greatly to tho appear ance of shelves. AVe have a largo stock of Canopy top Sur reys, Phaatona, light buggies, etc., on hand and aro making very low price on all our work. It you are contemplating tho pur chase of a carriage of any kind, coiuo and see b. Will take your old buggy in exchange at It fair cash' value. Camp Brother, comer 10th and M. Bend the name of your friends In the East whom you wish to visit you, or who are seek ing new locations, to J. R Buchanan, Gen'l Passenger Agent of the Freemont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb., that he may send them Information relatlvoto the "One Faro Harvest Excursions" which oc cur August Oth and 80th, BepUmber 10th and iMth, and October 8th. octl Parent should bo careful that their chil dren do not contract cold during tho fall or early winter months. Such cold weaken tho lung and air passages, making tho child nsueh more likely to contract other colds dur teg the winter. It U this succiWon of colds that eauM catarrh or bronchitis or paves tho way for consumption. Should a cold be con tracted lose so time, but euro it as quickly as posutble. A fifty-cent bottle of Chamber late' Cogh Remedy will euro any cold in a laydays awl leave tho respiratory organs etrong 4 healthy, For sale by A. L. Bha Jer, druggist. Tho social event of tho week wa the recep tion given Thursday evening by Mr, nml Mr. Henry Stohruug nt their homo on O strrct. Tho host and hostess wcro mnrrled Kept. 10, 1WU, and the "at home" marked their silver wedding anniversary, though no hint of that fact had boon given tho guest. Tho house was clnboiatvly and beautifully decorated for tho occasion, in tho hall was a bank of foil ago plant whoso lrntcs hail just Ix'on touch ed by Jack Krot and turned to nil tho color of tho prism. Over tho entrance to tho ixir- lor were tho slgtilflenut llgure "18fli l88ir' In orergrecti. Tho large grntu wasllllcd with plant thickly Interspersed with marigold hlmmmis, whom bright yellow face against tho dark Imekgrouml Uiro n r.wmlilniico to tongue of flro. 'i he picture were wreathed with Madeira vine, nud the chamlellors were twined with snillnx. Cut (lowers were scat tered about tho room In great profusion, nml a great dish of jmnslw resting uK)n tho holf of n plor-glas attracted xolal attention for iw ucu eiiccu ino grounds outsldo were brightly Illumined with ehlmwo lantern. Tho arriving guest were greeted with the strains of Curtis & TI1I01V orchestra (stationed uk)ii the vermida), which later in thoovoAlngllllnl the homo with It melody from an upper hull. Tho guest were received by Mr. nud Mr. Zehrung, assisted by Mr. John SCchrumr nud Mr. Frank O. Zclmintr. Tho host nud hoM.-iw have a high placo In tho esteem of their friends, and tho greetings nml well wishes wore twxrtlcularJy warm -hearted . Tho guest mingled In social concourse, chatting merrily ujwn toplcii suggested by tho happy occnilou nud the beautiful surroundings, but pausing long enough to do jtutlco to a tempt ing table. The Indies found a special Interest In tho floral environments, nud a well pro vided smoking room on nn upicr floor minis tered to tho pleasure of tho gentlemen. Tho Invitations bore no Intimation of tho anniver sary marked by tho reception, but n number of friends hapjHjned to know of it and sent handsome silver romuinbrnncos. When tho guosU learned of the commeinoratlvo feature or tho evening, Ilov, Lowl Gregory of tho rlrst Congregational church wa Induced to address Mr. nud Mrs. Zoiirutig with senti ments prompted by the occasion. As an im promptu speaker nt marital nlTalrs Mr. Greg ory Is notably felicitous, nud ho was jwrtlcu Inrly happy In his remark in this caso.About n hundred friends, most of those Invito! from tho city, called to jvny their respect and r ticipato in tho Joyous utTalr. Following ii tho list of Invited guoti Dr. nud Mr. Bailey, Dr. and Mrs. Rlghtcr, Dr. nud Mr. Bowman, rrot. ami sirs. Uruuer, Dr. and Mr. Cano Wr, Rev. Lewis Gregory, Mm. Bonnott,Mr. uucKiiigiiam, ur. ami Mr. Hart, Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Dohb, Mrs, Foreman, Messrs. nud Mea dntnes John Doollttlo, Coffroth, Cha. Llppln cott, WcJguwood, Morton, Durnham, W. Q. Bell, L. Clark, T. J. Curtis, John Mockott, II. R, Wlloy, Huffman, Bocson, Bnlloy, M.B. Cheney, Clason, Stillnuin, Campbell, Ernst. Tulley, J. Mockett, Jr., Zlcmor, A. T. Still man, Wolcott, Mlchelstottcr, Rnmlall, J. W. Bell, Whiting, R. Randall, N. Fodrea. W. N. Abbott, K. K. Hayden, Holm, Heuklo, Misses Aiinnio uma, unite Uxlta, Hattlo Curtis, Badle Young, Geno Btlllman, Mamie Wedge wood, HowoU, Jones, Bailey, Ednn Curtis, Messrs. Charles Magoou, Frank Polk, George roresmnn.rerry, uicnter, Young, Campbell, L. C. Dunu,Elder, Badger, Montgomery, Wea sel, Henkle, Eil Mockott, Wnlte, L. Chonoy, Henry Curtiss, Fred Mockett, Paul Holm, nnd Dr. Morris E. Jonea, Mr. nnd Mis. Waugh of PlatUmouth, Mrs. R. W. 8. Crotvell of Omaha, Mr. and Mr. J. W. Danes of Crete, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Sweet of West Point, Neb., Mr. F. C. Stevenson of Terrace Park, Ohio, Mr. and Mr. Rlordan of Eagle, Neb., Mr. and Mr. W. B. Tuell of Toledo.O., Mr. and Mr. Thornton of Omahn, Mr. nud Mr. J. Roach of Nellgh, Neb., Mr. and Mr. J. B. Dully of Vermillion, 8. DMr. and Mrs. Doollttlo of Colfax, W. Ter., Dr. and Mr. Bummer of West Point, Nob., Mr. and Mrs. Applegnte of Toledo, Iown, Col. and Mr. John Conuetl of Toledo, Ion a, Mr. and Mr. Robinson of Seymour, Ind., Mr. and Mr. Crnwf jrd of West Point, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Cobb and Mr. nml Mr. Gilbert of Denton, Neb., Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Wood of Truer, In., Miss Gilbert of Denton, Edna Sncvt of West Point, Gertrude and Carrie Dally of Vermil lion, Mr. E. W. Dally of Spring Valley, Da kota. Mr. Will O. Jones nnd Miss Edith Doollttlo Were married Wednesday evonlnjr at tho homo of tho brldo's parent, Mr. nnd Mr. Ellshn Doollttlo, 1418 L street. The ceremony wo performed by Rev. Lowls Gregory of tho Cou- gregntlount church, who Invest such occa sions with a peculiar charm of hi own. Tho bridal couple stood under a beautiful floral yoke, and the window opK(to them wa handsomely decorated with flowers, plant and vine. Mr. P. V. M. Raymond played tho wedding inurch. Llttlo Fred Doollttlo, u cousin of tho brldo, acted as page, and tho two llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. II, Gere preceded tho brldo and groom strewing roses In their pathway. Only relative and a few Intimate friend were present After tho ceremony the company were served with a dainty luncheon, and the wedded couple took the D. & M. night train for a three weeks' wedding journey. They will visit Salt take, Denver, Manltou And probably stop at Hast ing on their way homo to see the Republican state convention. Both bride and groom have long been prominent figure In tho social life of the city, and they have an exceptionally large circle of friends and acqualntances,who wish them health, happiness and prosperity. Mr. Jone 1 a graduate of the State univer sity, and three years ago went on the Jour nal as a reporter. By industry and force of character he ha gon to the front and be come successively city editor' and associate editor. The bride i a refined, amiable and accomplished young lady. She is especially proficient as a musician. She has been the accompanist of the festival chorus In Its pro llmlnary practlco and has also acted a tho accompanist for the Society of Christian Ens deavor at It meeting and entertainment. Among the briao's numerous gift were a fine piano lamp from tho chorus and nn elegant escritoire from tho Christian Endeavor socit ety. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Joue will make their home with the brldo' parents. Tho ladles composing the Woman' Relief Corp-, who, like angels of mercy, provide ways and means for the succor of unfortu nate soldier and their families, felt that Lin coln hod been honored in tho selection of ono of their number, Mr. Emma Manchester, to bo the senior vice-presljent of tho national or ganization, ami in tho bountlfulness of their pride and gratitude they decided upon a re ception to Mrs. Manchester, that they might pay their respect and tender congratulations. Wednesday evening was named n the tlmo and the capltol as the place. Tho building was brilliantly illuminated and the Univer sity band made the halls ring and echo with stirring air. The reception commlttei), con sisting of Mesdame Jauny, Crawford, Ltitta, Jolly, Frnnkfort-jr and Bperry, awaited tho caller In the house of representatives, which was appropriately decorated for tho occasion. On the speaker's desk stood a picture of Gen. Grant. Tho wall back of It was draped with a largo flag, and above It wa the motto "Welcome W. R. O." The reception took place in tho executive apartment. Mrs, Manchester received tho visitor standing In tho governor' puhllo room, She wa attired In n lihio brocaded plush with pink vest front and n train, nnd wore n largo corsage bou quet. Sho was assisted in receiving by Mr. nnd Mr. D, T. Cook, Mr, and Mr. Hiellnmii, Mr, Manchester, Rov, Stein, Mis Ida Smith, Prof. Lllllbrldgo nnd Mr. Frnnkfortcr. A hundred or more called and after jmylng their recrt to tho distinguished lady lingered for n chat with friends. Tho cool weather of the past week has been n reminder of tho approach of tho dancing season. The reorganisation of tho dancing chili has become a subject of conversation In social circle, but tho talk Is rather desultory ns yet. Tho senior Pleasant Hours linvo lo gun to wonder where they are going to get their membership from, but It 1 the baiho old dlfllculty that vanishes m hen they get down to business, nud another month will tirolmblv II in I thorn In thothroosof organization. There had been some talk of n secetwion of leading members of tho junior Pleasant Hour to tho older club, but tho party of lust week made such n good impression that It has dove locd n strong fooling for tho maintenance of tho old Hue. In fact It I Intimated that certain of tho seniors will knock nt tho door of tho younger organization for admission. It seems to bo settled that tho junior will reorganize, nnd they are likely to havo a stronger club than over, Tho members whoso opinions usu ally "go" nre already talking up n program for tho season, nml just now they nre discuss ing tho ad viability of gUlng six ordinary dancing parties and two or three germaiis. There nre serious objections ton cotillion okii to thu membership of n largo club, but tho gnrman fover Is very alluring nnd not easily nllnycd, Mr. Will O.Jones marked his farewell to bachelor llfo Tuesday evening by summoning tho memlwrs of tho Journal's editorial staff from labor long enough to do justice to a flue banquet spread nt Brown's restaurant. Tltoe present with him were Messrs. O. II, Gere, James Mnhonoy, J, M. Thompson, C, E. jVloxonder, O, W. Flfer, Watson Baughinnn, D. W. Murphy, Fred Hurd, F. W. Hebbard, L. II. MorKnn. Hush MoVlckor nnd J. E. Howo, It wa not an occasion for speech mnkliig, but Mr. McVIcker Interrupted tho proceedings nt tho tablo long enough to pre sent Mr. Jones with n gold-headed cane on Iwhalf of tho member of tho staff, as nil ex pression of their good will nnd a tnemoiito of tho occasion. Miss Lulu Clark gavo on elegant card par ty Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Maud Rcmlck of Los Angeles, who Is n guest In the Clark home, Tho program for tho evening was progrecslvo high flvo, ivhlch was Intcis ruptod only long enough for tho discussion of delicious refreshment. Tho ladle' prize, a beautiful perfumo cose, wo won by Miss Grllllth and tho gentlemen's, a hamlsomocnrd case with cards, by Mr. Young. Tho favored guests were Miss Jennie Keith of Cbk-ngo, Misses Ethel Mnrsland, Grnco Grllllth, Denn Loomls, jVnunFunke, Bertie and Daisy Clark, Messrs. Oscar Fuuke, H. R. Nissloy, Unl O. Young, C. II. Ilnuun, Hal Northam, II. T, Folsoni, Frnnk Everota nnd R. D. Mulr. Mrs. F. E. Perkins nnd Mis Cunnodygnve a very pleasant card party Wednesday oveus lug nt tho former' home, 173 M street, In honor of Miss Grace Perkins of La Pierre, Mich. Tho favored guest wcro Messrs. Jolce, Wcckbach, Scott, Brown, Harper, Perkins. Aitkin nnd Hall and Misses Dorrls, Bcott, Lceso and Stein and Mrs. G. K. Brown. Tho boys' branch of tho Y. M. C. A. gave a pleasant reception and entertainment W educs day evening. Tho program Included selec tions by tho Three Eds' Orchestra (Ed Frlnk, 1-M Walt and Ed Young), an address by Roy Long, n dialogue (Tho Rival Orators) by Will Prultt and Alva Towusend, a recitation (Tho Frenchman' Flea Powder) by Frank Fisher nnd refreshments. Mr. nnd Mrs. John B. West returned last Friday from their bridal trip, nnd at tho matinee were tho center of n throng of con gratulating young friends. Thoy returned rather sooner than thoy expected, satisfied tlint, after nil, there was no place liko homo. Thoy havo settled down in tho homo-circle of Mr. W. H. II. Htout on V street. Mis Edith, daughter of Mr. U. M. Letch- ton, was mnrrled Wednesday morning to Mr. Snmuol Hall of Watortown, Wis. Tho cere mony v ns performed at ten o'clock by Rev. Dr. Curtis In tho presence of a few relative. Mr. Hall is tho manager of tho Watortown shoo company. Miss Grnco Grllllth gavo a small Informal but delightful dancing imrty last Wednesday evening In honor of her gucet, Miss Jennie Keith of Chicago. Tho participants wero Messrs. Mulr, NUsley, Young, Sclieldeiiheliii, Lnw urn! Funke, Misses Loomls, Clark, Laws and Anna Funko. Mrs. E. P. Roggcn'a carriage was run into Thursday evening by another wagon careless ly driven by two men, and MIsh Helen Rag gett was thrown out nnd under tho wheel. She was severely shocked and bruised, but fortunately no bones were broken, Miss Grnco Anderson, tho guest of Miss Cora Outcnlt, left Monday to visit friends In Omaha before returning to her Now York homo. Tho young ladles wcro childhood play mates lu MUsouri. Mis Ida Young, the new instructor in mu sic at Wesleyan university, Is a sister of Hal Yountr. and her arrival the other day wa a surprise to htm, because he did pot kuow of her appointment. Tho minister of tho city havo accepted on Invitation to assist hi tho chapel exercise of the state university during tho coming year. Thoy will officiate on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Mr. and Mr. C. C. Burr gave a pleasant progressive euchre party Wcdnesdny evening. The prise were won by Mrs. Lewi, Mrs. Whitney Marshall, Mrs. Hauley nnd Mrs. 0. II. Clarke. Mr. Charles F. White, traveling salesman for Plummer, Perry & Co., wa married last week to Miss Clarino Frank of Salem, Ohio, and they aro making their homo at 1203 N street. Tho friend of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Spencer, who are about to remove to Bait Lake City, gave them n surprlso party at their homo Wednesday evening to bid them godspeed A number of tho young friends of Mlts Mario Marshall have been Invltod to spend this evening nt tho family residence, from 5 to 10 p. in. St Paul' M. E. church has iwksed a resolu tion asking to linvo Rev. F. 8. Stein returned to Us pastorate for tho next year. O. M. Eosterdny's birth unnlversary was celebrated Tuesday evening by his parents with a ten for friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F, Clark aro now nt homo to their friends nt their cottugo on Thlrtloth street. Mr. Cliarles H. Clark and Mrs. Mary A. Allen were married last Saturday by Rev. J. Zimmerman. Mrs. J. II. Oraddock of South Twenty-seventh street gavo n pleasant tea Tuesday oven Ing. Governor and Mrs. Thayer arrived Sundny from their sojourn In Mashachusctte. Old trunks made a good a new or token In trade for new one at trunk factory 208 80. Ilth t to!. 003. Wlrrlok & Hopper. Also a flao line of trunks, valises, etc. SEWING7VYMCHINES. gftgsw jja,. ATS. agggrRiigHIP ' m? KV'jjtf4GUk JHJggr'""'iggggV Mr L w. tM A. DOGGETT. Arent 7 o 142 North 11th Street, Green Store Front. JmLLlIiM?snL taummz . ' . ?& , V rjFi WftV (-' The "Domestic" is the Star that Leads them-All'. .. A j i B iivKsilHVii Km8H'4f V 1 s .P. gggw mKUKi: ' I'H(HIH,'i'1ltS I )H ggggggggflggggggggggggggglaBBBBBBBBBB 'K1,V h- J ( -.jgMg Z it i k i j w r ggggHp: gl ! .K' 'Bv sMtismWmm j igggggW V JaMM n&im.iW&mMMiUUM mmK & ij-gKlD'HI' mmmKmm ggggggggggggKI ';'f.H HI .flaiiiiiHiiK IIbbbbbHb 'm' IbbbH tHf1! UHggggggl HBlIbbP bbbbW MjklaH bHS lgccflH ..HHIwH 'bbHHHBBHBHBb I "HPijiiMiiiaBBBH bF IbbbbbbbbbbhbbbbIbbbbbbbI -bb IJHHHVbSbSbbSbpbVbbVHIbhBbIHbbIbbIH fr M fjrgikl tf t ?.i Ml l1 m X D s O X ll BBB I 1 h ' K v ,airf oiVi- iOL-