'", W"C ja inlt -v ' '7"' 'Tr-'T'srf CAPITAL CITY COOfclER,' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 88( ALL THE Hew and Finest KKanrr.x" Ti-i WRITING PAPERS AT THE lessel Printing Co. "V itiiraa Courier Office, Burr Block, UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION ! Over a Million Distributed. I aVaaL H .H Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y. Incorporated by tho Legislature for Kdu national nnd Chnrltuhlo purposes, nud I In f rnnchlso made n part of tho present stnlo constitution In 1871) by mi overwhelming pop ular voto. Its MAMMOTH DRAWINGS take Clnce Semi - Annually June and Decern er), and Its Grand Single Number Draw ings take place In each of the other ten months of the year, and arc all drawn In public, at the Academy of Music, New Orleans, La. VAMKI) FCIK TWP.NTY YKAIIH, 1'or Integrity of It Ilritwliigs, mill I'rniupt 1'uyiuoiit of 1'rlzes, nttcstcd as IoIIowh: "Wo do hereby certify tbnt wo supcrvlso .tho nrrnngoments for ull the Monthly and Heml-Aiinunt Drawings of Tho Ixnuslnnn : State Iottory Company, and In perxon innn- .Hgo nnd control tho Drawings themselves. .nnil that tli samo nro conducted with lion- .csty. fairness, nnd In rood faltli toward nil fnrtleB, mid wo nutborlzo tho Cor.innny to uho bis cortlllcate, with fnc-slmllles or our slgun AtrcH nttnebod, In Its advertisements." &C-j Commissioners. Wo, tho undersigned llankH nnd Hankers will pay nil prizes drawn In tho Louisiana Htato Lotteries, which may bo presented at our counters. . II. M. WALMSLEY. I'res't LoulsanaNat B'k I'lHIlUK LANAUX, I'res.rstnto NntTonnl Il'lc A. BALDWIN, Pros. Now Orleans Natl Hunk OAULKOIIN. l'rcs. Union National Hank Grand Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Mntlo, New Orleans, Tuesday, October 16, 1880. Capital Prize, $300,000. 100,000 Tickets nt $20 enchi Halves $10: Quar ters, $5; Touths, $J; Twentloths $1. I.IHTOK 1MU7.K3. 1 PltlZKOKJJOO.OOOIs $.100,000 I lMUZE OK $100,000 Is 100,000 11MU.KOK GO.OOOls 60,000 1IMUKOK -iiOOOIs 23,000 2 I'lU.KSOl-' 10,000 nro ai.oou 8 I'UI.KS OV 6.0O0nro 23,000 25rilI.KSOK l.OOOnro 25,000 100 l'UI.KM OK 600 nro 60,000 9M PUI.KHOK .100 nro (S0.OU0 WWPHIZKHOK SOOnru 100,000 Al'l'llOXIMATIOX 1'IIIZKS. aOOPrlzos of $600 nro $.V),000 100 do. UOOnru 30,000 100 do. SOOnro 20,000 Tkhminai. Phizes. 099 do lOOnro $99,000 999 do lOOnro 99,900 3,134 Prizes nniountlug to 81,054,800 Notk Tickets drawing tho Cnpltnl Prizes nro not entitled to terminal Prizes. AGENTS WANTED. ftf For Club Untes or nny other desired Information, wrlta legibly to tho undorslgncd, clearly staling your rcsldenco, with Stnto, County, Street nnd Number. Mora rnpld re iturn mnll dollvery will bonssuredby your on closing un Bnvolopo bearing your full nd .dress. , IMPORTANT. Address M.A.DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, I ji. Or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. By ordlnnry lcttor containing Money Or der Issued by nit Express Companies, Now York Exchange, Drnrt or Postal Nolo. Address Registered Letters containing Currency to NEW CHILEANS NATIONAL BANK, Now Orleans, Ln. UEMEMI1EH that tho payment of tho Trlrcs Is guaranteed by Four National Banks of Now Orleans, and tho tickets nro signed by tho President of mi Institution, whoso char tered rights nro recognized In tho highest courts; therefore, bownro of nil Imitations or anonymous schemes. ONE DOLLAR Is thoprleoofthn smallest uart of n fraction nfn tlci CK et IHSUKD HY UH in nny drawing Any thing In our unmoor- fored for less tlinu n Hollar Is n BWlndlc, VOICE from Ohio. Urn It jiurtrtil of Mr (inrrt,, on. tit Hatmii ill. i . ,ll write "Wtt it Horkuii a farm f-c 1$ 1SII a month i 1 now have an ajrtnrv h C Allen A. Co allium ami t.uhtl' atlum and oftu make H'-iO a day. tu,"t l II UAHKItUX UfllUm K1.n, lUrrliburir. Ta miin " nave nrvrr kiuxiii an) thliif lo it-1 1 lk your allium i fklvnlj J took onlrr viimiif )i to iy m urrii.V' V J. I more, lUniror, U.. Mriirt ( ukv aiionltr fur )unr atbuniHt oi vtrr nouav t mil )ijr iiiutlliiunenatntuilmilHlO fur a alnvla ilaviMuiL OihtriaiffitoluiruuiiDaiHrll w data nut kiiara tu g ri- Irirli Ir.iiii iKi-lv lailr. !.&.. an. ho l.kv ItoM ortlil. Br.ml l.u.ln... u In up ri..'l infill. Minll we start YOI' in this kiusiiiusi.. .'.E, . ..iiipiuui.hu ir.rn .11 .itoui it foryuurtrir I'lu.h tliriiiliiliUcor.ltdlinl.lf..lUinl.iiii.,i.lbuiinliii hoiM Urn.l Slto. Ilrr.lr,! b.rimlii, irf knunn Ari II I lit aillid Llltrrul Ifniim. llhr m.ta..v r... - .... i.... ..... .con,,,,,,,.,., ruU,.,i, HfluilMlf un ,lil,-llil. or no .-.-.. ..ir-M..7 nmiriir vnunu, vvrrr un. Haul, lu .ur Fainllv lllblra. Hooka anj I'arlutlkala After you know .11 abouljyou ruucluil. la (una fuilli.r, w li no liann la Jonr AiMrvaa li C ALtt .U Alul.tA, MHt (j ZS" if "a Al 3 H .WM n qi-iHK B ir ' HUnJJHI I III -.......... ...7. n. win ,, you IT ruuUuHl drUV until . i."' '!"M'" ''"!"' 'tf-o lii Jur .tl of Hi. ri'unlr If r..u uk. Iiul.l )(iu will bu .1,1. iu lik u. vuU fM Of-ltvml-On .iiuuiilor rumdiu.iiur.durrf.Hl. l!ift,OIM leu tlilllm; I'liiiliiuiiii.li Allium. rtlo b. uM lull., Ilrulll. fur MIS t.rlt. Ilniiml In lt.i.1 ........ dll,. l... emu. Alriiui... iiiuuuinli uronlrrt Hub r.IUIlr lutif Iwror. kuuwu. Urr.l rufll an.ll .,,, urkc. Afinl. arr fiiaklugfurtuura. Ijidira mak.. a niucb aa inru luu,riailr can do aa nail (a an ou. I ull hifurni.lluu .ml Itiuia 1 1 ie. CO Iboa WllU Hrll. fur Bam.. Hill. liarllruUr....! .... r... ..! WITH RUSSIAN CONVICTS. Ortvlil Iter llrlnlr. mi Adventure un tb CiwpUii Spiu Sxvlftl lrrosionilencn. Nkw YoitK.Hcpt. 10. ' Wo Russians," wtltl the governor of StirntoiT to mo ono evening uflor dlnnor, "nro in ndvnuco of western Kinopo In ono thing wo don't conilemu our criliilnuls to denth." "No, you condemn them to life, nnd I don't wonder Hint they sometimes wish tho rientenuo commuted to dentil." There wiw no apparent mason why those words should Hash kick ukii men wook later nn I stiHMl on tho deck of the steamer llint was ciurylng mo ncroiw tlio Caspian sea from Petrovsk to Astrakhan, watching tho mighty peaks of tho Cau casus melting Into tho golden' splendor of tho western sky, nnd tho llrst shadows of evening over tho broad, smooth sur face of that strange outlawed lake, which seems to belong neither toKuropo nor to Asia. Hut tlioy did haunt mo strangely, nevertheless. Thcro were only ono or two otl.-jr ailoon passengers, who wero nlready bt low, making elaborate prewirati&ns foi being coinfortnbly sick, so I had tho lppor deck to myself. On tho lower leek, just beneath me, n group of hahd lonio ydung fellows (In tho embroidered A-hlto tunics, high slwepskln caps, crlni ion girdles and baggy velvet trousers of Sircnsslnh mountaineers) wero playlhg amis witli four gray coated Itusslan sol diers, and greeting tho ill luck that seemed to nttend tho Intter with bursts of boyish laughter, in which the Russians good nattiredly joined. A sudden chinking from below, llko cups and rjuueers heing Bet out, brought mo down in liaste, a special correspond ent's meal timo being whenever ho enn get food. Hut there was tio sign of ten In tho Baloon, nnd I turned savagely upon tho steward (a lumpish looking Tartar half ensto from tho Crimea) to domnnd tho cause of this false nliimi. Tho worthy savago took some tlmo to understand mo, but whon he did his heavy mouth opened in n grin so broad ns to inako his Hat brown fnco look just llko a penny with a hole through It. "If you want tho cups nnd saucers that made that chinking, father," said ho, pointing to tho lower deck outsido, "you'll find 'cm there!" .lust then tho card players arose, nnd I saw with amnzoment that tho men in Circassian dress woro heavy fetters on their ankles, nnd that their wrists wero lmndcutrod and linked together by n short chain, which, without materially Impeding their ordinary movements, would effectually dlsnblo them In n light. At tho Batno tlmo I noticed that every man of tho "gray coats" hnd a short sword at his side and a loaded rlflo with in reach of his hand. Then tho truth Hashed upon mo. Thoso merry gamesters wero a convict chain gang bound for Siberia, and tholtustians with whom they wero playing and jok ing so gayly wero tho soldiers who guarded them, nnd who wero ready to kill them without mercy at tho least sign of an attempt at escape. As I hurried down tho ladder for a nearer view of them tho hard faced old Bergeant commanding tho party, across whoso brown cheek rnn tho bear of u Cir cassian saber, caught my oyo nnd smiled menningty. "Your honor hasn't often traveled In such company, I fnncy," said he. erect ing with a stiff saluto my Russian foratro- cap nnu wnito military jacket. "Oftener than you think, my lad; but who are theso caged birds of yours?" "These Circassians aro brigands from a gang that we've just broken up in tho Daghestan mountains; most of tho others aro murderers. That fellow sitting yon der by tho mast has committed twenty threo murders, if not more, for ho may havo forgotten a few." Tho murderer, guessing that wo wero speaking of him, smiled complacently, whllo I looked keenly nt him for somo outward sign of tho ferocity which could porpetrnte Bitch unsparing slaughter. Hut I found absolutely none. "Hero's another," resumed tho Ber geant, pointing to a big, slouching fel low, whoso heavy face had no oxpresslou beyond a coarse good humor. "Ills baby disturbed him at night by crying, so ho got up and strangled It, and then went to sleep again." (A fact.) Just then a girlish voice, clear and joyous as tho carol of n skylark, roso from tho forecastle, singing an old Rus sian wedding song: Heat the tea urn, mother dear bako tho cakes lor ten j Oucsta today to thoo will como wooers gay to me. Unto then they'll glvo a bow, unto mo a kiss, And a merry day we'll have, merrier e'en than this. Then tho singer appeared from behind a pile of chests a slender young girl who seemed hardly 10, though really sovernl years older, with a fnco so fresh, and bright, and puro that It might havo taken its pluco among tho child angels of Raphael's wonderful "Slstino Madonna." "Good heaven!" cried I, starting; "what can that child havo done?" "Murdered her husband," wild tho Rus sian coolly, "a drunken old roguo of a monoy lender, old enough to bo her grandfather, and ugly as tho dovil him self. Ho used to como homo drunk overy night and swear at her and beat her, and of cotiihe bho didn't like that; and there was perhaps some other man whom Hho liked better; so ono night sho filled iii 'ho old follow with liquor till ho was quite helpless, and then laid him face downward on tho floor, with his head In a pan of water; and so" (with a chuckle) "ho died of aoplexy!" So ghastly was tho contrast between this hideous story and the sweet, child llko face of Its heroine, that I had no heart to pursue the talk any further; and It was an ttusieakablu relief to mo when, a littlo after midnight, tho bhadowy hull of a half seen vessel glided toward us through tho gloom ns wo neared the mouth of tho Vo'lga. and the clank of chains told mo that this load of crime nnd misery was being transferred from our deck to here. This, however, was not to lo my last meeting with Russian convicts; but tho story of mv further ex perleneusof tho Siberian chain gang is too lung n one to be told hero, David Keu. Caught nt Lt. Father (shouting do mi stair. In an Angry voleo) Mnryl Mary (who is with hor boau who lias boon waiting on her for nbout threo years) Yes, Ir. r P. Is Mr. 81owcoftch therot a M.-Yes, sir. F. Is ho proosing to you thnt ho Is stay ing; so Intel M. (to Mr. Hbwcoacli hi n frightened whit sjr) Ohl whnt shall I say! Mr. S. (trembling hi his liooU) Bay yes. - M. (to her father) Yes, pnn. F. All right, nil right; ozcuso mo. Toll hhu ho can havo you. Dless you both, my children. Ho needn't hurry nwny. Uoston Courier A Night of Terror. Miss Debut Do you know, Mr. Rcliner, I dreamed lost night thnt I wm rending your poetry! Mr. Helmer Indeed' you flatter mo highly, I nm sin o Miss Debut 1 don't know nlwut thnt; I ro momher thnt I tried w ith nil my uilglit to wako up and couldn't. Ouco n Week. Hit by it Ciilnrldcnro. Tho owner of n place on Second nventio stood In his luiru dour on tho alley tho other dny when n mnn with a wooden leg nnd u crutch camo along mid passed tho tlmo o' dny niulfhmlly Nildi "Say, I want you to do mo n fnvor. I want to leavo my leg with you for a fow minutes." "Whyr "I want to go around on Second iivcuuo nnd work a house for half n dollar hi money, I've got a jHiluter thnt tho folks nro very Byiupnthctlc. If I go with ono leg I'm suro of it," "Very well; just leavo your leg hero nud I'll tnko enro of It." Tho wooden substitute was unstrapiml and handed oyer, and tho crlpplo used tho crutch to help himself down tho nlloy. Flvo minutes later ho rnug tho doorbell of a house around tho nvonuo, to have it opened by tho man ho had seen nt tho barn. "W wha tthntl" ho gnsjwl Innstonlsh tncnt. "Very symjiathctlc family lives horot" quietly replied tho other. "You sooni to havo met with n sad loss, and I'm amxIous to help you. Hero Is n wooden leg which may lit you." Tho leg was handed over, tho mnn snt down on tho steps and strapped It on, and as ho got up mid stumped through tho gate, ho said to himself t "I've heard of coincidences over since I was kneo high to a hop toad, but this is tbo llrst ono that over hit mo with both feet to oncol" Detroit Free IVess. Tho Itascal Promptly Iteaponded. Up In n certain town tho grocers under stand all tho littlo tricks of tho trado. A gentleman bought six (ouinls of sugar, nnd found It sadly adulterated with sand. Tho uoxt dny n notice was ixxstcd reading thus: "Notice I bought six pounds of sugar of a grocer In this village. From It I havo taken ono pound of sand. If tho .rascal will send mo-six pounds of sugar I will not oxposo him." Thonoxtday flvo six pound packages of sugar wero left at tho gentleman's residence, thcro bolng just flvo grocers in tho village. Boston Record. llchlml tho Scenes. Manager of Fako Show Well, what's tho mattor now, Jehu i Projicrty Man Everything's gouo wrong. Tho crocodile bays ho'll light out if you don't pay him his Iat week's salary; tho bearded woman wants n plug of tobacco, and ho'smad because I won't lend him u dlmo to get it with; and tho fasting girl says sho'd rather fast than eat tbo steak tho butcher scut. Yankee Olade. A Summer Arrangement. Jones So you ami Kntlo hnvo fallen out. Can't you inako up with lierl Brown Not till tho leo croatn season Is post. I've no money to wnstu on that luxury, so I turn my cold shoulder toward hor during tho summer. It is tho beat I can afford to do. Omaha World. Didn't Cure to Boo IU Artist Now, you must not go until you havo seen my lost work. I wish to show you a plcturo that was exhibited 1n tho last Paris salon. Miss Porclno (of Chicago) Excuso uio, Mr. Atelier, but I don't care to oxamlno any sa loon pictures today. Judge. Hut Probably Lom. Nomby I just lent ten dollars to Pomby; I wish you would mako nu Item of It, Mr. Bookkeeper. Bookkoojwr Shall I debit It to cash I "I guess you don't know Pamby very well. Put It In tho profit nnd loss account." Yan kee Itlade, Tlio Iteaion Wli3 Jinks I called nt your boarding house to day and saw tho tablo nearly bet for dinner, nnd I must say things looked very neat. I novcr saw a whiter tablecloth in my life. Blinks No, sho doesn't mako her ten, coffoo or soups strong enough to stain. Now Yorfc Weekly. A NuUunco. Ooo of tho worst of nuisances Is Tho chap w ho's up nt early dawn MaLluL' tlio lawn mnrr zItItI.I Hasping tho whiskers off tlio lawn. Tho hateful whir Of tho llerco machine, Tho buzz and tlio burr Kxclto tho spleen Of tho inau n hoMi sleep Is driven an ay, And with curses deep Ho begins the day. Hut tho lawu mower cliap His ardor whets. And ho's nuu-r so Imp- l'y as when liu gets Up close to tko room Where his uelghbor lies In tlio morning gloom, Wlthktarlug ejes, And twists aim turns, Till, half Insane, At Lut ho learns TliallliMaln. Ho caunct sleep, All hope U dead. And with a leap Ho bounds from bed Oh- Ono of tho worst of mitauiccs U Tho elinp n ho's up at early ilawn Making tho Uuu mower zlzlzlzlz, llasphig tlio whiskers of the l.imi, Somen I llo Journal. A II l i"jk' i4j ct 7w I 3ai. . iV 1CaiV 11 tLlyv ODDS AND ENDS. Upward of twenty-eight largo bales of hu man hair now brought to Franco In tho last iteamer that nrrlved from the Orlont. Tho richest man In tho houso of commons Is said to bo Mr. McKwnn, Homo Hula mem ber for ono of tho dlvlnloui of FMInburgh, worth JtW,000 wr nunuiu. It Is not generally known that Mr. Olad etono has only threo Angora on his left hand. Tlio Index linger was shot off forty-novon yoars ago by nu accident hi tho hunting Hold. The art of putting tho right men In tho right plncM Is llrst In tho science of govern ment; hut thnt of Mailing place for tho dis contented Is tho most dllllcult, Tnlloyrand. A recent cargo of Java sugnr, Innded nt Philadelphia, was Infested with iwnrin of tugnr Ilea revmhllng potato hugs, nnd in fllctltig n sting llko a bee's. A tiro that broke out In a shaft of n coal mine nt Birmingham, Ala., Imprisoned n miner nud sixteen mule. Tho miner wns reached nlwut ten days afterward and wns found to bo dead. Eighteen days nfter tho flro tho mules, which wero much further back hi the mine, weio reached, nud nil hut one of the sixteen woro nllvo, although too weak to stand. A Kan FrnnnUiNi tiniv.twitwM rl.lt.La tl.n. It'J.OOO.OOO" Is yearly "drained" by tho Chi nese through various channels from n city of 800,000 InhnbltnntH. It figures this wayt There nro 40,000 Cuinuso In San Francisco. Theso iwrsous earn nt least (I a day each over nnd iiIkivo their Iward. That Is 10,000 a day, !,() 10,000 a mouth of twenty-six days nnd over M!,000,000 n yenr. Moitof this money, It thinks, goes directly or Indirectly to China, uovur to return. Tho highest structure of masonry In tho world Is snld to lie tho national museum re cently complotisl nt Turin. It was originally designed for n synagogue, but It proved 111 tulnptul to thnt purpose, ami wns bold to tho city. It was then converted Into n museum ns n monument to the memory of Victor Kmmnuuel. On top of the dome rises n splro nenrly ns high its the whole of the rest of tlio building. The gilt stntito on the top of this splro stands KM feet from tho ground, An Indian called Old Gabriel, living nt tho Montoioy County hospltnl, Cnl., Is liellovod to lie 130 years old. In 1770 Unbrlol wns nl ready n grandfather, and In 1771 assisted In tho construction of tho first clinpel nt Monte rey. In 1813, when ho mnrrlod his sixth wife, ho was said to lio over 110 years old. In Cypress tho eggs of locusts lira gathered, nnd tho developed Insects uro caught In sys tems of screens. Tho quantity of eggs col lected was U7X tons hi 1870, 217 tons in 1880 nnd 1,3;!0 tons In 1881. More tlinu 0,000 screens wero used In 1882, nud 103,000,000,000 Insect wero destroyed; whllo in t88() there wero moro than 11,000 screens nud 13,000 traps, tho former representing nu nggrognto length of nlwut 313 miles. Nineteen huudrod will not bo a leap year, because the longth of tho year is not exactly auSX days. It is really a littlo less (cloven minutes nud fourteen seconds), and ns the difference keeps Incrensing from yenr to year, it W nocussnry to drop out the oxtra dny overy hundred years or so to bring tho COleildnr rllfht. Kvntl till. rnrr,w.flrm ftf.n qulto exnet, but it will servo for a groat ninny centuries, so thoro is no pressing need ui ruiurni. Tho features of tho poetess Sappho havo porhnw been dlscovena In a mosalo recently unonrthwl nt Sparta. Tho greater part of a mosalo floor of a private house, in fair preser vation, contains a square with a woman's bust labeled Sappho. Tho head Is crowned with n wreath, nnd the fnco Is hnndsomo. Other jwrtrnlts wore hi tho same mosaic, but unfortunately that which was labeled AI koiadoH IiicIm the portrait Itself. Apropos of tho story told nbout tho shah mistaking ono of tho smnrt silken programme? provided for him nt tho ojiern for a i-oeket hnndkerchlef, It is said thnt that fumoiu pi ratical Princess Ornnna Nuillo (Grace O'.Mal Joy), when at Queen Klizaheth's court, was decidedly primitive in her habits. Observing this, a lndy in waiting, fancying draco had forgotten her pocket handkerchief, handed her a cambric ono. draco, who had a bad cold, used it promptly, and then threw It In tho flro, doing so every tlmo n fresh nioucliolr was lent her. Tho export trado In matches Is a most lm jwrtaut oi w to Japan. China, however, Is almost her only customer. No less than 043,000 yens' worth wero oxjiortcd to tho flowery land la 16S7. Tho matches uindo In Japan aro all "safety matches," and, although they aro given out to bo Inferior to tho European arti cle, tho prlco Is so low ns to defy competition In tho Chinese mnrkots. Tho country homo of Mr. Charles A. Daua Is an Island, called Dosork, on tho north shoro of Long Island. The Island ooiisists of lorty-uvo acres umior a high stato of cultiva tion, being ono Immense gnrdeu. Tho pas ture and forago lauds uro on tho main land. A sea wall, over which hung festoons of vines, runs around tho entire Island. Tho bouse Is an old ono, but it Is largo nnd comfortablo, nnd surrounded by vine covered piazzas, A perfect fan u.n fron runs down to tho sound, glimpses of which nro to bo caught between tho trees. ClirsHiitheninuu. Assuming that tho plants aro by this tlmo In their flowering KU which tlioy should lo, If they nro being treatod with a view to nuking tho best of them chrysanthemums will be grow Ing.npaco nnd nppronchliig a ,o rlod when they want skillful treatment nnd core. If very largo blooms nro desired, a se lection must now bo made of tho shoots that nro to bear them. If the main stem has been stopud somo tlmo ago, or whether or not, in many cases their natural tendency Is to break into side shoots at tho top. When theso side shoots make their upjienrmice, threo nt most should bu selected to bear the flowers. This fcoluctlou should bo inndo as soon as the char acter of each shoot enn bo determined, nnd the stoutest nud shortest jointed uro thoso thnt should be retained, tho others belug rubbed olf before they gather so much strength us to rob the plant of much of Its energy, as n ruio llie imeo nearest the H)lnt of the ninin stem uro tho most deslrnhlo to lenve, but tho principal jiolnt U to hnvo them relieved of nil competitors with tho least iolblo delay nfter they nro distinguish nblo in regard to their strength. Horticul tural Times, lUtbiT Contagion. TIihii lleredllitry. "Whllo It U true that a Inrgu number of consumptives acquire tho dl-oaso by heredi ty," saltl Dr. PnrUh, "tho number of conta gious cases, I IkjJIovo, is much greater. A unhand will frequently transmit the dlsoubo to bis wifo or u mother to her child. Any one who is in attendance upon or who Inhales the breath of a consumptive Is liable to at tract the disease to himself, A consumptive will refrain from marriage if he has any wUlom, If the unfortunate marriages that tnko place too frequently lietween a strong man nnd u wenk lunged woman, or vie versa, could be prevented, the quota of con sumptives would bo lu time appreciably re duced, but consumption would never be ex terminated thus. 'I hero aro too ninny other causes that play their part lu )or,etuatlug the dlfiKMO." Herald of Health. A NEW TYPEWniTEn. A Mnehlnu Thnt Is Hilprrlor to the Item- Inglon orCiitlgrnpli, The Weiwol Printing Coninny hnvolieen npiKtlnted agents for the now and popular Yost Typuitrltu for southeastern Nebraska, To many of our renders this new ninchlne N nlready known, and all who have een it pro nounce It far MiHrloi to any of the older machines, As fur ns ulllllyniid speed nrorou reined it Is giving Initer Kiitlsfncllou than either the Remington or the Cnllginph, be sides fir points of convenience. Improve ments nnd general eonstiiictlnii It fur excels anything lu this line ever Invented, This may seem n broad nsxcitlon nnd doubted by tlio.ii who nre using (ho iiIhivo machines, but when It li known thnt Mr. Yost, the Inventor, has for years built the Remington and Ctillgrnph, It is reasonable lo believe that being cell stnnllv In tho business he bus had opportunity to until where improvements could bo made, nud accordingly is nhle to furnish n better typewriter than either of the others. On the Yiwtiio ilhhou Is used, each letter or figure striking tho nper direct, and by a very vnlu nhle now patent are lu exact and perfect alignment. If preferable either Cnllgmph or Remington keyboard will bo furnished. All who havo seen this new machine in Lincoln pronounce It ii.gem, nud we shall be ple.ised to havo nil Interested cull nnd see It. Olllce withTiiK Uapitai. Citv Couiiikii, lW-l'JI North Twelfth street, new lhnr block, The llrst Yrt. In addition to the uucqimlcd dining car service between Council Hliiirs nud Denver, the Union Pacific, "The Overland Route," will on Sunday, August 18, mid dally there after, i nu dining cars between Council Hind's nnd Portland, Ore., on "The Overland Fly er," leaving Council llluirs at 7s33 p. in.. Omalin 8:15 p, in. These cms nre models of excellence, nnd the U'st meals the market nirords will ho fur nished at 73 co'its. I0-'JI8! Noticed! Amateur Printer, We have about a dozen fonts of second hand Job type and some rniimu, which we will sell cheap or trade. All lu good condi tion. Call and see siuno nt our olllce in Burr block ami specimens of work done with It. Wkhhki, Phinti.nh Co. Tho Union I'aiillo R'y takes pleasure In nie ununchig that It will run Harvest Excur sions to Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho nud Montana on the following dates: August llth and JiOth, Kept. 10th nud IMth, anil October 8th, For theso occasions n grant reduction lu rates has beam made, thus giving you u splendid opiortuulty to visit nenrly every place lu the great west. Do not miss It. It nirords the business mnn, stock raiser, mill ing prosector and fanner nu unequnlcd chiiuce to see the unlimited resources of the western country. For tickets, rates, pniuph ets, etc., npply to your nearest ticket ngeut. (Oct. 3) The choicest brand of cigars, tho finest fiiilt nnil ftinfoctlmim-v nud the various llnv- f.m nt tilim lrt nriMttil mnv Imi found nt Mnr. ton & Lelghty's now store, 1130 N street. New lino of Dress Trimmings blacks a K-clulty ut H. R. Nlssloy & Co.'s. Notice of Hale Under Cllmttle Mortgage Notlco Is hereby given that bv virtue of n chat tie mortgage duted on the Kith day ofNovem br, 1M.S, nud duly tllod nnd recorded In the olllce of the County Clerk of Inticnstcr coun ty, Nebraska, on the IVI day of December, Ikhh, nud executed by C. W. Kindle to secure the payment of u certain promissory note due to (;. (J. Ilurr for the sum of $..(). uikjii which there Is now duo the sum of $:I7.40. togeilier with I'i'i.ln) us attorney's fees nnd the cost of sale. Default having been mntlo In the pay ment of snld note and no suit or other pro ceeding at law having been Instituted lo re cover the said debt or any part thereof, there fore, under mid by virtue of said mortgage, I will sell the property Included lu tho said mortgage, to-wit: "One Wood .t Mann irta bin engine and holler, nbout fifteen horse power, with smoke stuck and boiler feeder nud all pulleys, shaftings, belting, Journal IxiXfS nud everything connected therewith. Also ono rotary carpel cleaner and belts, pul leys, shutting, etc.," ot public auction on the 7th tiny of October, 1H19, at 'J o'clock p. in., oil said day, at No. :tll Houth Ninth street, lu snld city of Lincoln, Lancaster county. No bruskii. K.C. 1IAH1U8UN, Agent Mortgagee liss Ethel Howe. Teacher of Singing Room 13: Burr Block. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. WESTERFIELD'S Palace Bath Shaving PARLORS. Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting A SPECIALTY. COR n&OSTS., NEW BURR BLK' C.A.SHOEMAKER.M.D. Homoaopathist Physician, Telephone No, ftS;. 61 South 11th Street, Ltv- iln Nkh I J. II. V. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Uullillngs completed or In course of erection roni .pru 1, iivsj: 1 lliiiHcii block O Rnnloinrr. Mill nntl N 1 do tlo L W ltllllnirslev, llth nesr N . Itiwtrtiiront (OdelU) C K Montgomery, N near lllh. 1 Kesldrnce, J .1 Iinlinff. J and Kth. do J 1 Mscfnrlanil. Q nnd llth. do John ahniiig, I) and lllh do Alls-rt Wntklns. 1) bet Otl. nnd 10th do Win It Ij'oiianl. K U-t 0th and 10th Jo Kltnuthrle.VTthnndN. do J K Iteisl, M I), K U-t Klh and 17th I do L O M lUldnln. O Is't Sth and ItHh HnnltArliim building at Milront. Neb, Ftrrt ltaptlst church, 14th and K streeU, Mortuary chadel and receiving tomb at Wyuka t eemeterv f Olllce Roomi !13 ami H Rio hards Bloolc 4 FINE : ART : STUDIO mi O street : r.xnnilne snmples of our woik before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs icduccd from $a to 3 per ilocn. WAITEBJ Jjlvorybody to cxmninc the plans and staiuling of the Un ion Central Life Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, before insuring. It lias the lowest continuous death rate of any company. Realizes the highest rate of interest on in vested assets which enables It to pay large dividends, Policies inconiisiiblo nnd non-forfoitablo after third year. The Union Central issues endowment policies at ordi ary life rates; these policies are now maturing and being paid in from one to two years' earlier than time estimated by the company. They protect the family and estate during the younger years of life, and the insured in old age at regu lar life rates. Other desirable policies issued. Call on us or write for plans. J. M. EDiUSTON, State Auuit. .; C. L, MUSIUKll, Ant. Stiite ,1uri'. O. T. VUMl'BiiLY, City Solicitor. Room ii llurr Block, LINCOLN, NEB. HOTELORLEANS SITUATED ON SOUTH SHORB lHIIlMiblIIlvi Spirit- Lake nlQlkI97inn Will bo undor tho personal aupervislon of H. L. LELKND, and will bo open for tho rocoptlon of gueota, Juno first in each year. Vinltora will find THE ORLEANS is firs t class in all of its app-ilnttnonta, boinsr well HuppUod with traa, hot and cold water hatha, eloctrlo boUa fLtuf all tnodm im provemenU, atoam laundry, billiard halla, bowling alley, to. , and poalUvoly free fro annoyance by mosquitoes. Round 1rip EXcuroion licets will bo plnoed on sale at tho commencement of tho tourist season by the Burlington, Cdar Kaplda & Northern Railway nnd all connecting- linos, at low rates, to the follow In ir point in Iowa and Iillnnesota : Spirit Lake, Iown'jAlbertLou.Watervlllo, Minn eapolis, St. Paul, Lako Illnnotonka, White Bear Lake and Duluth, Minnesota ; Clear Lake, Iowa; Lake Superior points; Yoliow atone Park and points in Colorado. Write for "A Mldsummor Pop. odlHo" to tho Oononil Ticket and Pusa onirer Affont, Codnr Hoplda. Iown, and for Hotel Untoa to H. U LELAND, Spirit Luko, Iowa. C.J.IVES, J. E. HANNEGAN, 1'r.a. ..4 U' S.tt. 0.'ITUI.(u4l'M.l.t I can cheerfully rccominoiia I)r Selli Arnold' Cough Killer tieincnflrst-clAss roincd ir Coughs umiI Colds, hav ing used it In my own f am Ily nm rery great saujiaeuon. L II. Hush. lies Mnlnes. (IW.1, Dmgglsts 25c , toe , and ei.oo. W on -