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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1889)
mif&tfUi.t:ttfy'ioitim'' l !iif u" I fnmiHIft&B CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1889 k m ,rt,MwfrWfirw.Hi;M' i.Mji.uii;1 i: I r 1w r i 1 r 4 EC' l I if m. i . Acknowledged Superior to alt Others! Gold Coin Stoves AND- RANGES, AND M. & D. Wrought Steel Ranges The Largest nnd Best Assort ment of Stoves and Ranges in the City. FRANK E. LAHR, 936 V Street. North Side I O. Square. On 1MDAY, Sept. 2d We will place on Sale, 200 -Dozen Full Fashioned Ladies Guaran teed Fast Black HOSE! At 15 Ots. J. H. MAURITIUS & CO. 113 S. Eleventh St. Ladies' Furnishers. Hli o 1. Hth "THE APEX," FOR FINe-fCIGKRS Domestic, Imported and Key Went. AUo all the best grade of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos. Call nnd see us. llox trade a Specialty, BERT RUFFNER Transient work at Regular Prices. OLINCOLNt Steam gaundrg, ANTIUH A MA8TER80N, Prop's. Office, 138 North Eleventh Street. Telephone No. 62. LINCOLN, NED HSiWJfth LADIES Should call and see our Goods Wrf? ff '. !.. and Spring Novelties and Ornaments for the head. All the latest shapes In Bang Switches, etc, two st, Roberts &Co, 212 North nth Street, Undertakers and Embalmers, Telephones. Office 145. Residence t 56 Open Day and Night. E. T. ROBERTS, Manager. ReY.T.DeWiUTalmap's CSNTMMYOFLIFEA. His Grssrtst Work! I . Baltsmsa wanted Wmm P B M V B A M wssi Mr HTf ' IAEm JMV SSHS Wi l iimfiTr ltttr of Moilrrn Minn. PUUMSIIHD SATURDAY AunscnirnuK! On Year 1y Mall or Carrkr 14,00 fllx month, SIM Three months &0 Ctitita, Ono month CO Cents Inrarnllr In Advanc, invxnTisKMxirrsi llatr furnUlied on application at tho office. BHclM rate on Time Contracts. OosrrniniTTlONS! Bhort spicy sketches, ot'ms and stories solicited, lVrvonal and Social notes ore rs)eclnlly desirable, I'bintiw! Wi mako a sjVclally of Flno Printing In all It lirinalt. Hoolety work a specialty Address all coininiinicntloit direct to thn'odlco, WlCBHttL, PUINTINO Co., ruiiMAiiKim. Now llurr Illock, Cor. Nth nnd O Hirer'.. TKI.KI'HONKiM Ij. U'krhki,, Jii., Editor mid Solo Proprietor. KiiKD llK.vr.tNOKii, Associate Editor POPULATION OF LINCOLN, 60,000. I. W. IjANMNii has koiio to stump Motitnun hi tho Interest of tho Republicans. Tiik State University resumed business last Wiiliieadny, and tho Indlentlons pointed to an tncmised nttendnuco. LaiiouCommihhionkii Jenkins Is Investl Kntlng Ncbrnnkn strikes by going to tlioscono of roulllct whllo tho light is on. Htatk ollleor Lcom, Ronton, Mil nnd Htecu will go to Ronton noU wk to nttond tlonn utml convention of rnllwny commissioners. Hknatoh Khaxk Hanhom of Nebraska City, who was In town Mondny, linn lieon nominated for tho next nttornoy Koucrahhlp by tho Omaha Ili'jmbUcttn. , Tiik Lincoln postofllco has outgrown Its building, nnd n government ngent la expected to seo what enn lw done. Postmaster Wnt- kins has suggested nil nddltlon to tho build ing. Mayoii Ouaiiam has apH)Intod Messrs. O. M. Lmnbertaon, A. It, Talbott, II. M. Hush noil, W. II. Wood want and I. 51. Raymond ns dclegntos to the deep wntor convention nt ToM)ka. Tub governor has quarantined tho stnto against cnttlu from Weld nud Logan counties In Colorado, n veterinary having declared Texas fever as oxlsltlng nmong cnttlo In that locality. It IH tho opinion of Congressman Amos J. CuiniuliiRM of tho Now York Sim. now trnv- ellng in tho west, that Nebrnskn Is likely to outstrip Town nnd Illinois In imputation nnd vnmo within twenty years. Oov. Tiiaykk went to Bentrlco on Monday to attend tho encampment of tho stato mili tia, to Imporlul on Wednesday to attend tho Chaso county fair nnd to Hod Cloud on Fri day to attend n soldiers' reunion. Tun W. O. T. U. proposes to erect In Ne braska a building to lie known as a stnto tern pei mice temple. It is to bo four stories high uud cost 800,000 or 75,000. Tho union Is in viting bldf for tho location of tho temple. II.'C. Pattkiiho.n of Hrndstreot's nnd P. E. Louis of tho Omaha Itetubllcan bureau havo written letters to Phlladolphln and I'lttuburgh paiwrs, giving glowing descriptions of Ne braska, nnd ciHelally of tho Capital City. Anioros tho sUto fair, a man with n head on his shoulders suggests that Nebraska mako up au exhibit and send It to tho stato fairs down in Now York and Now England to show tho down-eastern what this couutry is capa ble of. Tiik stnto bureau of labor statistics Is gath ering figures about tho inortgngo indebted ness on farms, and it is asking farmers wliat tlis)ositlon thoymadeof tho borrowed money, in order to uncertain how much of it has gone into iH'rnmnent Improvements. Thk man who took up tho first homestead III tho United States under tho law of 1803 was a stato fair visitor. Ho is a Mr. Freeman, who lives near Beatrice, Ho has added other aerea to his homestead, mul now has 600, which 110 mteuils to keep as long as ho liven. Tiik governor's proclamation for the fall election call for tho choosing of a judge of tho supremo court, another judge in tho tenth district, tno regents of tho stato unlrenltv. three stato senators, six representative and 0110 member or congrts. Tlioy will lw elect oil on tho 6th of November. Lincoln has boon remarkably free from one of tho statu Mr curses of other places. There has been little complaint of extortion from visitors. Durlnc tho recent fair, how ever, a stranger was taxed three dollars for u room one night, but that sort of thing Is rare and it ought to lw discouraged, Tub attorney general has begun proceed ings to oust the C, M. Ss St. P. railway from lands It took some years ago to build n lino of road south from Niobrara, which is on the Dakota line. The road has given up tho Idea of building and has consented to tho pioceed. lugs bosun by the attorney general. Mayoii Ouaiiam has vetoed a resolution of tho city council authorizing tho salo of til,' 000 worth of navine bonds. Ho sava thorn U 180,000 In tho troiHury available for that pur pose and suttlclent for this year's work. Ho' very properly holds that the oxpenso of in terest should not bo incurred long in advance of the need of money . Eoitoh Roskwatkh of the Omaha Dee is ovlsltlng the smuo of war in which ho took part as a telegraph operator and writing a series of letter for hU paper. Tho first is from Nashville, Tenn., and not ouly gives letnlnlscutices of his war experiences, but re lates jome of his o wn.blstqry in that cou nti y before the war opened. NKW YORK FASHIONS. THI3 18 THE TIME THAT TRIES THE WniTEn ON 8TYLE8. Tliern Arc so Many Now nud llemitlful fashion mid Hueli n I'rofiolon nf Mew ml TnkhiR Goods Tlmt Ono Hoes Not Know Wlirrn to llruln. Hwclat OornMiHindcnca.) Nkw YoitK, Sept. 10. This Is tho time tlmt tries tho fashion writer's powers of endtirnnco, nlso tier soul. For thoro is literally no end to tho bonutlful tilings to soo, nnd tho conscientious worker will tnnko n point of knowing to n nicety not only just whnt now goods nrp being received by tho lurgo liniwrtntlon liotisas but nlso wimt is being unloaded from thn stoamcrs. mWM BTuirnn sh.k warp uknuietta diikss. Tho Inverness plaids tiro inoro than usually flno nnd soft this season, nud in clan colors ns well ns In now dorlccs in such patterns, but nil very lnrgo figured. Tho French qundrillo plaids nro very beautiful nnd softer In tono than tho Scotch, which, though they do not nil follow tho clan colors, still show n cer tain crudity of colorings tlmt Is not so pleasant to tho oye. Thoro nro hundreds of vnriotics of wool en goods In Holf colors, and then thcro nroothois with n woven bright thread which hIiowh Itself hero and thoro n always unexpected places. Thoy innko ono think of tho mourning goods thoy used to call "gleam of comfort," which was black, with hero nnd thoro n yellow thread. Many of thoso woolens nro dasliod with bright colors In Irregular flecks, ns though Hakes of gold had fallen there or tho wind blown potnls of gay flowers. Tho effect is certainly nrtistio nud pretty, nnd would bo sunshiny on a dark day. Vulturo is "tho" now color par excel lence, mul will undoubtedly "go" well. It is exnetly tho shade of 11 vulturo's back, with tho sort of n dusty bloom nil over tho surface, whethor it is opera cloth, cashmere, camel's hair or twill. It is very cunningly woven. Tho sill; nnd wool mixed . goods nro to bo very largely worn, particularly tho Priestly Henrietta sill: warps, in black and grays, In plain nud brocaded weaves, nnd in tho Btrlpcs uud chovron patterns which wero Introduced last season. Tho black silk warp with liny brocaded flowers is perfectly exquisite, nnd these goods nro so durnblo that they nro still more deslrablo, for, liko black silk, thoy look rich nnd beautiful until tho last thread is gone. Thoso Henriettas differ from tho all wool Henriettas, as tho warp is pure silk and tho filling is wool, which gives them a beautiful finish and feel. Thoy havo a new lino of gray nnd white Btripos this season, and a now black called Lustriuo, with a beautiful surfaco. This goods costs ?1.2o per yard, forty-four inches wide, but it lasts al most forovor. Tho striped dress horo with Is a specimen, and I givo this as ono of tho prettiest designs of the season. It is ono that, with tho help of tho pict ure any lady can mako for herself. Tho waist is quito a sluiplo basque, tho front gathered a littlo to simulato a full vest. Tho velvot collar nnd wldo pocket flaps with tho sash givo it a distinctive dircc toiroBtylo, with littlo trouble. Tho skirt, trimming nnd sash can bo of velvet or tho beautiful new open work castlo braid and sash to match, which can bo gotten in sots. Tho other dress is of tho dotted not, which is now a settled fashion, worn over a silk slip. Thoso ltrlfc dresses oro most slmplo, but very dressy. Tho front should bo of molro or plain silk, with bits or ribbon, black or colored, accord ing to fancy. Any lady can mako n loco dress according to this model at n cost of nlout 8-1 if sho happens to havo an old silk skirt, which is just as good for a foundation as a now one. DAINTY LACE DINNEIt AND KVBNIKO DRESS Thoopenlusrs for bonnets nnd.raado up goods tako place generally during this month, and I am saving money to buy a pair of smoked spectacles, aa tho prospect is that every bonnet will bo so brilliant tlmt it will cast a halo around tho wearer's hood, nud thus thoy will dozzlo tho oyes. But thoy oro not. to bo so largo nor aggrcsslvo an be fore. I am told that thero is to bo much lino wrought hand work on bonnets in tho way of shirring and embroidery. Tills, however, is only a scare, liko tho annual destruction of tho peach crop or tho loo harvoit, and Is dono to koop tho price up in spite of tho decreaso In sizo, or at least that is tho unbiased opinion of OUVE ILtUPEB. (if MDiI III' HIilLU A PANfiLED RECEPTION ROOM. flow to I'urnUh an Apurtnicnt Tastefully ami Quietly. A recent number of The Boston Budget gavo n very helpful description of n quiet ar tistic nartinoututidor thotltlo of n "Paneled Reception Room." Some of tho cuts nnd the nioro essential portion of the letter press oro here reproduced! tiik noon. Tho floor l covered with a carpet of n deep, rich, oraugo red, In a plain tone. Over this Oriental rugs of many dull, soft colors nro strewn In great profusion. Tlawo nlTord n pleasing vnrluty nnd richncs of coloring. Tho walls are pauoled to tho holght of nbout Ave feet. Thoy nro of dark, ollshed ma hogany, mul nro enriched by heavy, plain molding. Almvo this tho mural decoration consists of a wall paper In nn Inconspicuous design of a conventional whlrlln dark green and deep yellow tones. Tho dears opening from this room nro heavily jmnolod, with brouzo hinges of good workmanship. Tho fireplace Is nn Im posing feature. It is broad, low and arched, uud It Is surrounded by un glazed tiles of a deep, unriu rod. Abovo these runs a baud of rich curv ings in a reuats sanca scroll pnt torn. On each sldo of tho flrcplaco Minols of dl He rent tiros aro nrrangod, while abovo this carved band n row of small panels is sot. Tho broad, clock. polished shelf overhangs theso panels, and has on either sldo two columns of classic pro portion. Theso In turn hold tho broad cor nlco, wl Ich is further supported by rows of (Minetlng on tho sides and across tho top. About half way between tho shelf and cor nice two small shelves aro Inserted between tho column. Tho tiles of tho hoarth nro of a dark ollvo gray, highly polished. For a room liko tho ono shown in tho Illus tration, deep ornngu red hanging should be used, with sash curtains of white, with palo yoilow llgures. If you have not a broad ledgo to your window, you may substitute soino Uilug equally pret ty and appropriate in tho way of a long box, flttlug the curve of tho win dow and linndsouio ly upholstered with a bluo to match tho bluoof tho (xii'tlero. You may object to tho bluo mul red as colors unman alcalde In point of harmony, but you need make no mistakos If you study carefully tho many oxumples of CL01S80NNF. JAIL fered by tho Japancso In their ccrnmlo deco ratlons. In tho corner by tho flrcplaco a tall vaso will nmko an effective spot of color. Tho cloisonne Jar Is a very beautiful )eclnion of this branch of Japnuose Industry. This icr haps Is of Chinese manufacture, how over, and as It may bo of souio little Interest for us to docldo from whose hands It originally enmo, lot us oxamlno It closely. It is of a palo bluo nt tho top, with a spray of conventionally treated fl wers, In light greens and pinks, on tho side. Tho surfaco Is broken unovouly Into spots, the background of which is in soino instance whlto, again of tho ialo bluo, and at tho vory Imiko of a deep, rich bluo, covored by un all over design. The wiro which traces tho pat tern is about ono-sixth of an Inch In width, which alouo would show it to bo, af tor all, the product of Chinese labor. Tho Japunoso vases nro almost Invariably of a rich, dark groon, Indian rod and deep blue. Tho patterns aro arrangements of geometrical forms Irregu larly disposed upon tho surfaco, whllo the wiro shows oj a tiny lino. Thero is ono thing which you owo to society, and to femlnlno socioty articularly, and that is a clock in your reception room. K v o r y wo m a n wishes, of course, to mako her cere monious call exact ly ten minutes in duration. If she is olevor, and has taken advantagoof long ox)orlcuce,sho will bo ablo so to arrange tho topics of cou vorsatlou that they will coino to tho nroiier ell- SCREEN. max Just as tho allotod tlrao Is oxplring. To the woman, how over, who Is not endowed with this girt, for It certainly is a talent, a clock is an nbsoluto boon. It should bo so at tractive and lovely in appearance that when her eyes fall upon it bIio will think ns much of its beauty us of its utility. To chooso a clock is indeed a difllcult matter, they aro to Ih) found hi such variety of style and ma' tcrlnl, Tlitro aro bronzoclocks,supportingn bronzo HsuToor group; there are clocks all gilt and clocks all orcelalu, nud there nro the light onyx oues, mado to represent Grecian basil icas, with gilt columns und ornaments. Tho 0110 shown U both elegant and daluty. The face is of gilt, with tho llgures In whlto enamel nud with black and gold hands. This is framed In Luneville porcelain with a whlto ground, on which are strewn garlands and wreaths of flowers In light and varied chlutx colors. Every room which contains a fireplace should also hold a screen. This may be of jwood to match tho wood work of the room, or of almost any naterial which the fancy may suggest. It may bo tail uud folding or small and swinging. Tho one shown in the sketch has a light gilt frame work with a fairy like desigu of a wreath and loaves across the top. In this frame Is stretched a piece of heavy silk of a deep yellow shade, ou which is worked a design in leaven and scrolls. In the center of this pattern the ground work Is of a light goldeu brcwu, shot with light red. Ml smmtmLim' ?t-SBK Next week we will NEW DRESS GOODS I among them some imported novelties which will not be shown later in the season. We make a specialty of Black Dress Goods, and invite attention to our present except ionally attractive stock. "Terms Cash, and one price to all." MM' ' iitr '33 to 139 South BETTS St MENDOTA COL'RADO OHIO BL'K OAN'N CITY mmmmmm sjiBjBBjiB SHaMMBiiiiMHiiaM ssjBsiiiiiiiaiin WOOD AND BEST ANTH'CITE 1045 O Street. Lincoln Savings Bankand Safe Deposit Co. CAPITAL, $250,000. LIABILITY OF STOCKHOLDERS, $500,000. Intorost paid on doposlt nt any rnto of 5 per cent por annum for nil full cnloimor months Safes to rout In burglar proof nnd nro proof vnults, nt niinual rental of 5 nnd upwards. Money to loan on real ostato and collateral. YOUR HAVINGS ACCOUNT SOLICITED HENRY E. LEWIS, A.l'.H. STUAItT, JNO. H. McOLAY, H. WELSH. President. Vlco President. Treasurer. tii SUITS! SUITS! Just received un unusual large stock of CHOICE NOVELTIES IN DRESS PATTERNS. On Sale Monday Sept. 23d with a Slight Advance from from Importers prices, to close them out at once. Ashby & Millspaugh. I THE NEW YOST I Just Patented and now receiving universal attention and praise from all expert operators. Not a Toy BUT A Scientific Machine THAT DOES Good Work AND Excels all Others JM . Jmwm sW May be seen at any time at the Office of the CAPITAL CITY COURIER, 122 and 124 N. 12th St. Burr Block, Lincoln, Neb. ' WESSEL- St WHEELER, General Aentgs for Southeastern Nebraska. open several large lots OF Eleventh Street. WEHyER, Telephone 440 Teller No Ribbons to annoy or wear out. Perfect Alignment and Permanent. Prints Direct on Paper from Steel Type. Weighs One-Half What others Do. U IssssTssH sB S i ..itfftiviits&iauft jtjtrifi'-iri '-"-t-yi,a i&'My r$ 1yj s jla. i-wn- ur isufr-itfit-' m