Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 21, 1889, Page 3, Image 3
""winw Kr"fp.'fvrr'Tr-r -w CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1889. : I T THE STREETS OF THE CITY. 8ERM0N PREACHED SUNDAY, SEPT. IB, BY REV. T. DE WITT TALMAQE. nil Tet, "WUdnm Crlrtli Wltlumti She Uttereth Her Volco In tltn .Street" A Dltcunno Thnt XVn Llntnncit to by n Viut Crowtl of People. Drooklym, Bopt, IS. Tho Ilov. T. Do Witt Talmnge, I). D., preached at tlio Tabornaclo today to n vast congregation on "Tho City Street-," Ills tost naii "Wisdom, crloth without; -he uttcrotb hor volco In tho itrccU." Prov. I, 20. Ho naldi Wo aro nil rcndy to listen to tho voices of naturo tho volcos of tho mountain, tho Tolces of tho on, tho voices of tho storm, tho yolces of tho star. As In somo of tho cntfio drals !u Europo thoro is nn organ at cither end of tho building, and tho ono Instrument responds musically to tho other, so In tho great cathedral of naturo day rcsjiomls to day, and night to night, and flower to (lower, and star to star, in tho groat harmonies of tho nnlvcrso. Tho spring tlmo is an ovangollst In blossoms preaching of God's lovoj and tho winter is n prophet whlto boarded denounc ing woo against our sins. Wo nro all ready to listen to tho voices of naturo! but how fow of us learn anything from th volcos of tho noisy and dusty street. You go to your mer chandise, and your mechanism, and to your work, and you cotno back again and often with on Indifferent heart you pass through tho streets. Aro thero no things for us to learn from theso pavomcnU over which wo passl Aro thero no tuftn of truth growing up between thoso cobblestones, benten with tho foot of toll, ntul pain, and pleasure, tho low tread of old ago, and tho quick step of childhood! Aye, thoro nro groat harvests to bi reaped; and now I thrust in tho slcklo bo causo tho harvest Is ripe, "Wisdom crloth without; sho uttcroth her volco In tho streets," , liki: 1a full of lauoh. In tho flrst place, tho street Impresses mo with tho fact that this llfo h a seeno of toll and struggle. By 10 o'clock every day tho city Is Jarring with wheels, and shuffling with feet, and humming with volcos, and covered with tho breath of smokestacks and fc-rush with traffickers. Onco Iti a whllo you Qnd n man going along with folded arms and with leisurely stop, ns though ho had nothing to do; but for tho most part, as you And men going down theso streets on tho way to busi ness, thoro Is nuxloty in their faces, ns though they had somo errand which must bo exe cuted nt tho (lest possible moment. You nro jostled by thoso who havo bargains to mako and notes to kuII. Up this ladder with a hod of bricks, out of this bank with a roll of bills, on this dray with a load of goals, digging a cellar, or shingling n roof, or shoeing n bono, or building a wall, or mending n watch, or binding n book. Industry, with her thousand arms, and thousand oyos, nnd thousand feet, goes on slnglug hor song of work I work! world whllo tho mills drum It nnd tho steam whistles llfo It. All this is not bocauso men lovo toil. Somo ono remarked; "Every man is as lazy as ho can afford to bo." But it Is bocauso necessity, with Horn brow and with uplifted whip, itauds over them ready whenever thoy relax their toil to muko tholr shoulder? sting with tho lash. Cm jt bo that, passing up mid down theso ktrcots on your way to work and business, you do not loam anything of tho world's toll, and anxiety, and strugglol Obi how many drooping hearts, how many eyes on tho watch, how many miles trnvelod, how many bunions carried, how ntuuy losses suffered, how many battles fought, how many victories gained, how many defeats suffered, how many oxasperatlons endured what losses, what wretchedness, what pullor, what disease, what agony, what despair! Some times I havo stopped -at tho corner of tho street as tho multitudes wont hither nnd yon, and it has boomed to bo a groat pautomhno, and ns I looked .upon it my .heart broke. Tills great tldo of human' llfo thnt goo down the street Is n rapid, tossed nnd turned nsldo, and dashing nhoad, and driven back beauti ful In Its confusion, and confused In Its leau ty. In tho carpeted aisles of tho forest, In tho woods from which tho eternal shadow Is Dover lifted, on tho shoro of tho sea over whoso iron coast tosses tho tangled foam, sprinkling tho cracked cliffs with a baptism of whirlwind and tempest, Is tho best place to study God; but In tho rushing, swarming, raving street U tho best placo to btudy man. Doing down to your placo of business and coming homo again, I charge you look about boo theso signs of poverty, of wrotohedness, of hunger, of sin, of Iwrenvomcut and as you go through the streets, nnd cotno back through tho streets, gather up In tho arms of your prayer all tho sorrow, nil tho losses, all tho buffering, all tho bereavements of those whom you pass, and present them In prayer boforo an all sympa thetic God. Thou in tho groat day of eter nity thero will bo thousands of iwrsons with whom you In this world nover exchanged one word who will rim up nnd call you blessed; and thero will bo n thousand fingers Minted nt you In heaven, saying: "That Is tho man, that Is tho woman, who helped mo when I was hungry, and sick, and wandering, and lost, and heart brokon. That Is tho man, that Is the woman," and tho blessing will como down upon you ns Christ shall say: "I was hungry and yo fed mo, I was tyikod and yo clothed mo, I was sick and In prison and yo vUtted me; inasmuch as yo did it to theso poor waifs of tho street, yo did it to rao." TIIE STREETS ARK HIKE TO ALU Agalu, tho street Impressos mo with tho fact that all classes and conditions of society must commingle Wo sometimes culturo a iricked cxcluslvcnoss. Intellect desplsos ig norance Refinement will havo nothing to do with boorlshnoss. Gloves hato tho sun burned hand, nnd tho high forehead despises the flat hend; and tho trim hedgerow will have nothing to do with tho wild copsewood, and Athens hates Nazareth, This ought not to bo so. Tho astronomer must como down from his starry rovelry and help us in our navigation. Tho surgeon must como away from his study of tho human organism and let our broken bones. Tho chemist must come away from his laboratory, where ho bos been studying analysis and synthesis, and help us to understand tho naturo of tho soils. I bless God that all classes of pooplo aro com piled to meet on tho street. Tho glitter tug couch wheel clashes against tho scav enger's cart. Fine robes run against the peddler's pock. Robust health meets wan sickness. Honesty confronts fraud. Every class of people meets every other class. Independence and modesty, prldo and humility, purity and boastltnotn, frankness and hypocrisy, mooting on tho snino block, in the samo street, in the samo city. Oh I that Is what Solomon meant whon ho said; "Tho rich and tho poor meet together; tho Iord Is tho maker of them all." I like this demo cratic principle of tho Gospel of Jeans Christ, which recogul.08 tho fact that wo stand bo foro God on ono and tho samo platform. Do not tnko on nny airs; whatever position you have gained in socloty, you aro nothing but n man, born of tho samo parent, regenerated by tho samo Spirit, cleansed in tho samo blood, to llo down In tho samo dust, to get up la tho samo resurrection. It Is high time that wo all acknowledged not only tho Father hood of God, but tho brotherhood of man. It A lit) TO KKKP TDK ItKAIlT 111(1 IIT. Again, tho street Impresses mo with tho fact that It Is n very hard thing for n man to keep his heart right and to got to heaven. Infinite temptations spring iiikui us from theso places of public concourno. Amid so much ntlluenco, how much temptation to covetousnoKs nnd to bo discontented with our humblo lot. Amid so many opportunities for overreaching, what temptation to ex tortion. Amid so much display, what temp tation to vnnlty. Amid so tunny saloons of strong drink, what nlluromont to dissipation, (n tho maelstroms of tho street, how many nmkou,uick and eternal shipwreck. If n man-of-war comes Imck from n hnUlonud Is towed Into tho navy yard, wo go down to look nt tho splintered spars and count tho bullet holes, nnd look with patriotic admiration on tho flag that floated In victory from tho mast head. Hut thnt man" Is moroot n curiosity n ho has gono through thirty years of tho shnr shooting of business llfo, nnd yet sails on, victor ovor tho temptations of the street. Oh I how many havo gono down under tho pressure, leaving not so much ns tho wtch of canvas to tell where thoy perished. Thoy nover had any jenco. Their dishonesties kept tolling In their ears. If I had an ax, and could split open tho tentns of that flno house, pcrhaM I would And in tho very heart of It n skeleton. In his very lwst wlno thero Is n smack of tho poor man's sweat. Oh I Is It strange that when n man has devoured wid ows' houses ho Is disturbed with Indigestion All tho forces of naturo nro ngnlnst him. Tho floods nro ready to drown him, and tho enrthquako to swnllow him, nnd tho fires to consumo him, and tho lightnings to sin I to him. Hut the children of God nro on ovcry street, nnd In tho day when tho crowns of heaven nro distributed boiiio of tho brightest of them will lw given to thoso men who were faithful to God nnd faithful to tho souls of others nmld tho marts of business, proving thomsclves tho heroes of tho street. Mighty wore their temptations, mighty wns their de liverance, nnd mighty shnll lw their triumph. THE HIIAMH OP LIFE. Again, tho street Impresses mo with tho fact that llfo Is full of pretension nnd sham. What subterfugo, what double dealing, what two faccdncss. Do nil ooplo who wish you good morning really Iiok for you n happy day! Do all tho pooplo who shako hands lovo each other! Aro all thoso anxious nbout your health who Inquire concerning It? Do nil want to seo you who nsk you to cnlll Does nil tho world know hnlf ns much ns It pro tends to know! Is thero not many a wretched stock of goods with u brilliant show window! Passing up nnd down thoso streets to your business nnd your work, nro you not Im pressed with tho fact that much of socloty is hollow, and thnt there nro subterfuges nnd pretensions) Oh I how many thero aro who swagger nnd strut, and how fow jiooplo who aro natural and walk. Whllo fops simper, and fools chuckle, nnd simpletons glgglo, how fow people nro natural and laugh. Tho courtesan nnd tho libertine go down tho street In bonuti'ul apparel, whllo within tho heart thero nro volcanoes of passion consum ing their llfo nway. I say theso things not to create In you Incredulity or misanthropy, nor do I forget there nro thousands of poople n great deal liettcr than thoy scorn; but I do not think nny tiinu Is prewired for tho con flicts or this life until ho knows this particu lar peril. Ehud comes pretending to pity his tax to King Eglon, and whllo ho stands in front of tho king, stabs hhn through with a dnggor until tho haft went In after tho blade. Judas Ibcuriot kissed Christ. A FIELD FOIl CIIAniTV. Again, tho street Impresses mo with tho fact that It Is a great field for Christian char ity. There nro hunger nnd suffering, and want and wreteheilncss, In tho country; but thoso evils chiefly congregate In our great cities. On every Rtreot crlmo prowls, nnd drunkenness staggers, and shamo winks, nnd pauperism thrusts out Its baud asking for alms. Hero want Is most squalid nnd hunger Is most lean. A Christian man, going nlong n street In New York, s w a poor lad, and ho stopied nnd sald "M boy, do you know how to read nnd write!" Tho boy made no answer, Tho man nskod tho question twico and thrlco: "Can you rend nnd write!" nnd then tho boy answered, with a tear plashing on tho back of his hand. Hosnld In defiance: "Xo, sir; I cnu't rend nor write, neither. God, sir, don't wnnt mo to rend and writo. Didn't ho tako nwny my father so long ago 1 nover rcinciiilicr to havo mxiii him land haven't I had to go along tho streets to got some thing to fetch homo to oat for tho folks, and didn't I, ns soon ns I could carry n basket, havo to go out and pick up cinders, and nover havo no schooling, sir! God don't want mo to read, sir; I ain't rend, nor write neither.'' Oh, these oor wanderers! They havo no chance. Horn In degradation, ns thoy get up from their bunds and knees to walk, they tako their first step on tho rood to despair. I.'t in go forth In tho unmo of tho Lord Jesus Christ to rascuo them. If you nro not willing to go forth yourself, then gtvo of your means; and if you aro too lazy to go, and if you an too stingy to holp, then got out of tho way, and hldo yourself hi tho dens and caves of tho earth, lest, when Christ's chariot comes along, .tho horses' hoofs trample you in tho mlro. Be ware lest tho thousands of tho desti tute of your city, in tho lost great day, riso up and curse your stupidity and your negloct. One cold winter's day, as a Chris tian man was going along tho Dattcry In Now York, ho saw a Utile girl seated at the gate shivering in tho cojij. Ho said to her: "My child, what do you sit thoro for this cold day!" "Oh," sho replied, "I am waiting I am waiting for somebody to como and tako care of mo." "Why I" wild tho man; "what makes you think anybody will como and tako care of your "Oh," she said, "my mother died lost week nnd I was, crylug very much, and sho said: 'Don't cry, my dear; though I am gono and your fathor Is gone, tho Lord will send somebody to tako care of you.1 My mother nover told n llo; sho said somo on would como and tako caro of me, and I am waiting for them to come." 0, yes, thoy aro waiting for you. Men of great hearts, gather them In, gather them In, It is not tho will of your Heavenly Father that ono of thoso llttlo ones should perish. EVEU J" WARD I Lastly, tho street impresses mo with tho fact that all the pooplo aro looking forward. I seo expectancy written on almost overy faco I meet ttotwocu horo and Drooklyu Dridgo,or walking tho wholo length of Broadway. Where you And n thousand pooplo walking straight on, you only find ono man stopping and looking back. Tho fnct Is, God mado us all to look ahead, lecauso wo aro immortal. In this tramp of tho multitude on our streets I hear tho tramp of n great host marching and marching for eternity. Beyond tho office, tho store, tho shop, tho street, there Is a world, populous nnd tremendous. Through God's graco may ou reach that Mossed placo. A great throng Alls thoso boulevards, and tho streets nro n-rush with tho chariot of con querors. The inhabitants go up and down, but thoy never weep and thoy never toll. A rlvor flows through thnt city, with rounded and luxurious banks, and trees of ltfo ladon with everlasting frultugit Ixjud their brunches to dip tho crystnl. No plumed henrso rattles over that pavement, for they are nover sick. With Immortal health glowing In overy vein they kt.ow not how to dlo. Thoso towers of strength, tlioso palaces of bcautv. cleam In the light of a sun that nvr sets. Oh, h-ATa, beautiful heaven I Hen von whoro our friends are. They tako no census In that city, for It Is Inhabited by "a multltudo which no man can number. ' HnnW nbovo rnnk, Hostnbovo host, Onllery nliovo gnlltry, sweeping nil around tho heavens. Thousands of thousands. Millions of millions. Blessed nro thoy who enter lu through tho gato Into that city, Oh I sjnrt for It today. Through tho blood of tho great Mcrllleo of tho 8on of God, tako up your march to heaven. "Tho Spirit nnd tho Ilrldo say come, and whosoever will, let him como nnd tnko of tho water of llfo freely " Join this great throng nmrchltig heaven ward. All tho doors of Invitation nro ojhui. "And I saw twelvo gates, nnd they wore twolvo pearls." 811k Without Worms. M. do Cnrlionnot, a French savnnt, has dis covered how to mako silk without wonrn. Ho logan his experiments somo tlmo ngo, with tho guiding Idea thnt tho jweullar np jienrnueo of silk wns tho result of tho spin ning of n liquid. After many months of ro oated nnd unsuccessful trlnls, ho produced wvernl yards of silk In this wlsot Ho poured n collodion solution Into n copper receiver which emptied Into n system of small glass tutor. Theso tulx-s terminated in capillaries, which carried off tho solution In lino, thread llko streams. In n second system of glnss tubes, filled with wnter, tho flno stream lw ramo fluo threads, which, toforo leaving tho wnter, were caught mechanically nnd wound around tiny rollers. After bolug heated and cooled In nn ncld of sHclul gravity and tutu lornture, tho threads wero made less com bustible than cotton by being saturated In n simple chemical preparation, Tho quality of tho silk goods manufactured from theso threads Is lino, Tho threads nro cylindrical nnd nro from ono to forty micro millimetres lu diameter. Thoy stistnln n weight of iiVJl'i kilogram -wr square milli metre, Ordlunry silk bears n weight of 110-15 kilograms pjr square millimetre; cooked silk, 15-20. Do CnrlKUiuet's silk Is much more bril liant than ordinary silk, and absorbs nnd holds coloring mutter more satisfactorily. As yet, only n fow pieces havo been produced by tho new process. Several of them nro show u In tho l'arls cXDOsltlon. Da Ciirlmmiet l rnnfl- ,dent, however, that further experiments will enable him to manufacture silk cheaply nnd In largo quantities. In fact, ho think that n fow jearshenco tho silk worms may as well go ami file, t:s machinery will then to doing their work much better thun thoy can do It themselves. Now York Suu. i:icctrlrlly for Wnrfure. Ileiunrknblo progress has recently boon undo hi this country In tho application of iclectrlclty to purnsen of warfare, nnd work of a very high order bus been done nt tho government torpedo station, whoro n long nnd elaborate oxcrhucutnl course has been carried out, Tho electric light, esH-clally, Is mining to play n most Inqiortaiit part lu modern warfare, nnd American Investigators In this field, tunny of whom havo contributed so materially to Its present state of develop ment, will to interested In tho reort of somo experiments which took placo in tho Solent, England, last week. As a totter menus of defending tho roadstead nn elect rlo search light him i ecently toon erected on tho Spit, nenr Hurst cnstlo, oposlto tho Noodle's as sago, and six gunboats, with several torpedo craft, tried, under cover of night, to effect an eutrnucofrom tho westwnrd without being perceived. Tho attempt was a failure, ns each vcsnjI wns spotted by tho powerful light when miles off, nnd tho guns were nil ready when they camo within range. To mako matters worso for tho attacking flotilla, tho smoke which they created in profusion, so ns to prevent tho ships from being seen, wns blown astern by tho wind, nnd tho result was a complete victory for tho cloctrlo light, New Yoj k Telegram. Mrrliiiiileul Murlilu Cutters. A ni.ichlno lias been set up In tho carving building nt tho Rhode Island graulte works, Westerly, It. I., which will probably rovolu tlonlzonll former method of flno granite, slate nnd marble cuttiug. It is called tho pneumatic carver. An air cylinder, run by steam, discharges Into a receiver, where nn air pressure of from forty to Af ty pounds is carried. This air is fed out in tho carving room through n largo uuiutor of flexible tubes, which lu turn nro attached to tho "pneumatic carver." This tool consists of a cylinder, lu which I n piston with n trans verse nngulnr vnlvo. Tho Intter controls tho several part of tho piston. Tho compressed air is admitted alternately above and below the piston, The piston Is not nttnehod to tho spindle or stem carrying tho cuttiug tool, but drives it outward. This movement cuts tho stone. The return stroke is mado by menus of a powerful spring. Tho stroke is short, but Is mado with marvelous rapidity. Tho ma chine can to run at 15,(100 or 10,000 strokes per minute. Tho workman guides tho cut ting tool with his left hand mid controls tho pressure with his right, nnd Is able to turn this marvelous ttor.o chower In all direction to suit his work. Exchange. A ScIiimiI (or I'l-ufi-ulnunl llrcgunu At Westminster xlloo court on Saturday two boys of 13, named Frost and Oakes, Hv big with their parents nt Wnndsworth, wero charged with togging at Vauxhall bridge. Tho boys nllogo thnt n woman living in Wood gate street, Nino Elms, trained thorn nnd othor lads as beggars, nnd that sho used to mind their decent clothes and supply them with rags to go out in. Her own toy, It was said, was tho head of tho gang of juvenile toggars, and usod to tako tho money, which jiartly went to his mother nnd part In ro freshnients and visits to transpontine music halls, Mrs. Frost said that sho had been to this woman nnd wnrnod her thnt If sho heard that her toy's clothes were kept again sho would lock her up for unlawful possession. This was tho advlco of tho school board of ficer. Tho defendants, questioned by Mr. D'Eyncourt, adhered to their statements shout toing supplied with rags, etc., and tho magistrate said that if It was true tho woman really ought to to prosecuted. A rollco con stable said ho had seen tho woman, and she denied taking caro of tho toy's clothes. Pall Mall Gazette. Mint Have Tower. John null, having learned that a 1,000 foot tower on tho shores of tho Selno pays 20 per cent, on tho Investment, sees no good reason why n 1,500 foot tower on tho banks of tho Thames may not decluro 25 per cent, divi dends. So ho has arranged to put up a Cloud piercing structure that, compared with tho Eiffel tower, shall to as n Auto to a piccolo. It is high tlmo for Undo Sum to to moving In tho tower business, and not to rest content upon n monolith that must to ns n pigmy whon England's tower is Antshed. A tower for tho World's fair of 181U, tall enough to knock chls off tho moon, must to built In this republic, or other nntlons will laugh us to scorn. And If tho tower Is to to of Iron and steel, w hleh seems inevitable, there Is a city at tlio head of tho Ohio that can turn out tho material. PltUburg Bulletin. A Blblo Institute for young men nnd wom en will shortly to opened at Chicago for the education uud training of evangelists. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars havo been contributed toward iu J wuulatiou Nor, from fcrlimil. Tlio yount; nunty was In the country; th kid wim nt M'tinol In town, "Dear Ilelene, wrote tho kid, "Carl cort six mlco In one night. How Is innnin'snrin! Tell row that I chained sect mid got put up, I nm righting lotters nil n tlmo No totty halod mo nnd I think It IsgMxI. And If somo nro rung you hnit some rung to, nud If you don't wnnt to tollcfe It thru nst inniiui, Your loving Uy, Walter "-Kin Francisco Chronicle, Tim Ioiiji nml Ihn Slintt of It. Sk. ,.f j'Sv- .-. v3K :: .A -hl.'V.'V ' "Jimmy, d' yez think th' byo Ml Ivor bo ns tnllnsyersllf!" "Sure ol'm tlilnkln' nv ho knjx's on ho'll bo ns shorrt somo dny." Unrper's Ilnrur. the .Mull Wim Uil llio Hiiro. I wns hoollug It along n highway In Ar kansas, my horso having gono dead lamo nnd tolng left w 1th n fanner, w hen n man driving a horso nud buggy overtook inn nud Invited mo to ride, I wns only too thankful tor tho offer, nnd when I got lu heldoliliu I liked his look. Ho offered mo a clgnr Wo oxehnnged names. Ho wns Informed nn politics nml current events. It was a spanking horso ho had, nud he kept n steady gait for tullo after mile. Tho only thing about tho mini thnt puzzled mo was tho way ho had of looking behind eery few minutes, and I finally In quired! "Aro you exiting sumo friend to over tnko you!" "Well, no not n friend," ho replied. "Enemies!" "It may to that tho sheriff and hi wsso will to fools enough to try nnd overtake mo." "My friend," I said, after swallow lug tho lump which suddenly gathered In my throat, "Is thero miv good reason why tho sheriff should want to overtake you! This Is rather blunt, I'll admit, but If I hurt your feelings I nm ready to tog pardnu." "Oh, no Inn mi done," ho laughed. "1 bor rowed this horso nnd rig nbout two hours ngo without tho formality of asking, and tho owner may hope to recover It. Don't glvo yourself any uneasiness, however I run to horses and not to highway rohtory." Three miles further on, ns we rose n hill, ho looked back and then pulled up andsaldt "Wo must (tart here. Tho sheriff and half a dozen others are In pursuit nud overy pound of weight will now tell." "I am very much obliged for your kind ness." "Oh, not at nil. Your society hns been re ward enough. I would suggest that you en ter that thicket and llo cIom; until tho (tarty gets by. When an Arkansas sheriff gets af ter n stolen horso ho means to hui t somebody and his crowd Isn't particular who It shoots at. And say, you needn't mako any special effort to ieioit that you havo seen in Savoy!" "I won't." "Then good-by." Ho put tho horso on a dead run, nnd was out of sight hi two minutes. 1 secreted my self as directed, and In n fow minutes tho posse thundered by In n cloud of dust, I followed nt n leisurely gait, nnd nt tho cud of two hours enmo upon them, groued around n tree. Hanging from n limb was tlio lifeless body or my friend of tho road, and thoy wero now waiting for tho blown ami ex hausted horses to rocux'rute. Now York Sun. flnttlng Acquainted. It Is a very slmplo process for children to become acquainted with each other If they aro left to their own devices. This is tho way it comes to pass: "Why, I did not know that you uud that llttlo girl had got acquainted yet," said a Hoxbury father to his 0-) car-old sou, who came in from n walk on tlio adjoining lawn with tho tiny daughter of tho now next door neighbor "Yes, Clara uud I havo boon 'qunlnted lots of days," said tho very small toy. "What did you say to her llrstf" asked the father. "Oh, Clara spoko to mo flrkt, Sho camo down by tho chicken house and asked mo how many prayers I say nights, and I told her, nud then I asked her how many prayers sho bays nud sho told me, nnd then wo wero 'qualnted." St, Louis Post-Dispatch. 1'O.ilblT. Friend Aro you going to tako a vacation this summer. Hardware! Merchant Well, 1 may step over to Poor man's beach foia few days. If my clerks get back from Europo in time. They nro spend ing their vacation there. New York Sun. 0lIOSOll til StllM. Agent You'll like tho organ, ma'am. Just lot mo put it in your jwrlor for a fow days. Housewife I don't want It, Agent It has ten stojM, and Housewife I don't caro if it lias fifty. It can't stop hero. Detroit Free IYcsn Ha Could Stand It, Visitor So your sister is off on a visit, Willie I suppoM you feel very lonct-om without her! Fivo-year-old Wllllo (dubiously) Yo-os, feci lonesome, but I'm a good deal more comfortable, Chicago Journal. rortlllr.t. Bascom Don't you feel as if It was rathci risky to send Jonas to college lincklot! Backlot Not a mite. Jonas has got too much common sense for cdikution to hurt him, Burlington Free, 1'rcss. Sh'o Id Aliiiniiiiru n u I'reillctlnu. If Gen. Grccly has been hesitating to mako tho official announcement that the b k b o of w nt r Is broken, he need do so no longer. Tho people will stand by him. Chi cago Tribune. Nntlilnj: in the Nituiv. It U gratifying to to assured thnt tho Earl of Fife, who Is soon to wed tho English piln cess, Is a most exemplary man. Fife, it it said, nover goes out on a toot. Chicago Her ald. I'lttrd for tlio I'litre. "Well, Mr. Asseisor, what nro you going to mako out of your boy f "l think ho will do for n polU'cmnn. hocuuso I can never find him when I wnnt him." Fliegeiids Blaetter. Sitlr. "What do you think of Vim No-Imp's hu inni Do you lielleve it will tif" "Why not! It m got through Its second 'eiitnry now "-Hnror Ilnrar iHv fAT . -J&XU , mwtydnmt Stcnin nnd Mot Water Heating. I'll I, iV i,kPM'P!M"-sjHM jf7 k ' it1'". W fH!Vk i.'-lm s--r---L F. A. Telephone GOfTO S. B. MOORG WALLPAPER' 1 11Q2 O THE Last and Best! JtZH u YOST Is the name of the latest, TYPEWRITER yet invented. Mr. Yost of New York, who invented this machine, has for years built both the Remington and Cali graph machines, and having such excellent experience and op portunity to sec the faults of both, has combined a number of new and valuable patents that undoubtedly make this the Best and Finest Yet Introduced, . No Ribbon! Perfect and Exact Alignment! More Compact! Lighter in Weight ! And dozens of other improvements. Call and see this New Machine. Wessel Printing Co., Sole Agents for Southeastern-tNebraska, 122-124 If. 12th. St. tt BCZLB Plumbing KORSMEYER & CO. 536, 315 S. Eleventh St. iroi-i STR1312T. 1 0 ' ? and by all means the best LINCOLN, MB.