fKmt,"tfir,ti xttmlMt'-nft
i iteMpMMyifwfWf.' - -y MfriMjf:u ifrw uWWV39fWPpWWWF!l
m P -) iiMmittt - - v -i..i wriMiiAi
Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kniuas
City, St. Louis niul nil Points South,
Enst nnd West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parson
Wichita, Hutchinson niul nil principal
point in Knnn.
The only road to the Grcnt Hot Springs
61 Arkansas. Pulhnnn Sleepers nnd Free
Reclining Chair Cars on nil trains.
City Ticket Agt. Gen'l Agent.
Cor. O nnd lath Street.
TO wXjXj
1044 O STREET.
fw and operates MOO miles of thoroughly
Qulppea road In Illluols, Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri, Minnesota anil Dakota.
It It the llet Direct I tout between all the
Principal rolnu In the Northwest, Southwest
and Par West.
For inajw, time tables, rates of pnssace and
freight, etc., apply to nearest station agent ol
Chicago, Milwaukxk a bt. Paul Hail
way, or to any Railroad Agent anywhere la
the world.
General MVr. Oen'l Pass. AT'kt Agt.
! Oen Mgf. Asst; O. P. A T. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
CflT-For Information In reference to 7-ands
and Towns owned by the Chicago, Mllvrau.
kee 6 Bt, Paul Railway Company, vrrte to U.
O. IlAUOAX.Land CoiumWoner.Mlllwaakte
Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
53T Operates and con
trols Its own service
between ,
sw Through Tickets and Baggage Checked to
aU points lu United Btates and Canada.
Vestibule Sleepers, ralatlal Dining Cars and
Uafcw Iiepots. .
115 South 10th street, . - . Lincoln
OECvJOrOItBeMAX. Agent.- .
,0. .' B out, 1 , J J. R. Rvmixis',
v aesstal M'geiV -v' Qeo'l rats. Ag"t
A Few Rtrennous Protests Culled by The
Detroit Frea PrrS.
Tlio list Initio of Tho Arlxona Kicker con
tains Mm following uhccrful xrngrnplui
Not a Hucckbs. Lnst Saturday night
soon after II o'clock nonio ccntlcman whom
Identity Is unknown to us fired n charge of
buckshot through tho sldo window of our ed
itorial room directly nt tho sjwt where our
cot Is usually placed. Had tho Cot Utii thero
wo should linvo been Inqucsted on niul burled
I'll) this. Hut tho cot wasn't there. Wo nro
not purty, hut wo nro no hayseed. Wo
haven't slept twlco In tho sauiu sxt for tho
Inst twelvo weeks. Wo havo learned tlio
ways Of this community nt consldcrnblo cost
nnd trouhlo nnd mo don't proxo to plant
ourselves ns n midnight target.
Wo feel sorry for tho gent who wasted his
energies nud ammunition. Ho doubtless went
away from tho window feeling that ho was
entitled to credit for doing a smart thing.
Como ngnln, old chap.
Can't Tei.i. Yct.TIio Uoston Acino Opern
eomuiny Is hilled for two nights noxt week
nt Carter's hall. This may bo u first class
combination, or It may lw a snldoshow which
our iieoplo should give tho cold shoulder. No
tickets linvo been leftnt this olllco tin to date.
and wo shall not express our opinion In this
Himata. Wo find wo wcro In error last
week In regard to tho shooting nirray be
tween tho Hon. 1)111 Dakln and CoL Jones.
Wo supposed at tho tlmo that CoL Jones was
n regular subscriber to this xir, but a look
through our list proves that wo linvo never
had his uamo at nil On tho contrary, tho
Hon. Dnkln has subscribed for Qvo copies.
Wo wcro misinformed ns to tho following!
1. Dakin did not call Jones n liar.
U. Dakln did not draw his gun llrst,
3. Jones did not olTor to apologize
Wo wcro hasty lu saying that Dakln ought
to swing from a limb, ami that ho had long
boon a terror to tho town, wo round nun to
bo a mild, courteous, gen tool citizen, full of
push nnd enterprise, and his presenco is a
credit to tho town. Col. Jones had batter
travel for his health as soon as ablo, and In
ciuw ho finds a town to suit him better ho
should buy It nud settle there,
Not This Yeaiu A correspondent who
signs himself "P. D. Q." wants to know why
Tho Kicker doesn't pitch Into tho board of
aldermen for its corruption, nnd ho ndds that
every mother's son of them could bo scut to
prison for a thief. Wo don't doubt this nshoi
tlon lu tho least, hut wo are not saying any
thing. Wo have tho city printing this yenrnt
n good, fnt price, nnd are not saying a word.
.llKTimNEti. MaJ. Jim Smith created qulto
a sensation by descending from tlio staco as
It reached town last Friday ovening. Wo J
baa no sooner notified him that his subscrip
tion to Tlio Kicker had expired than ho
handed us two big silver dollars for a re
newal Tho major has put In tho past year In state
prison, having boon sent thero by mistake, as
his friends aro convinced. Ho served his
term llko n man and has roturned to tlio bo
som of his family and society. Ho has cards
out for a "high conW day after to-morrow,
ami tho olito will bo tboro In legions. De
troit Froo Press.
Well Itcpreioiitetl.
Young Man (applying for n situation) I
hare had considerable expcrlcnco as a com
mercial traveler, sir. Would you not llko to
engage mo to push your products!
Manufacturer Your services will hardly
bo required. Thci o are already about 7,000,
000 men engaged in pushing our products lu
this country. Wo munufacturo baby car
rtagca, Burlington Froo Press.
Suspicious Accessories.
Mr. Winkmoro Kick I Why, tircss yo'
.heart, Nathan wouldn't kick for. tor sabo bo
luo. Jos' put dem glubs on Vaso he's a little
tender behlno.
Mr. Hokus Umpah. 'Sposo ho broko da't
arm o' yourn waggln' boa tali Judge,
A Rather .Strong Daud.
"Mktah Johnslng, I hyoh dat yoh liad a
wcry lntorecthiseshun ob da Straight Flush
club do oddah ebenlng."
"Yes. sah: dero wnr aotiHi escltln Mmoa
sboha yoh boon."
" hat wcro do Vaslon 6b do excitement P
"Hit were itlihnr vtr. fmnol Rbtvlna l.n
doo open do John pot wuf erbout fohtv
" u ! wy won iuq m uo game, i
come r long wuf my money and Oabo Sink-
vrmm iuuu, auu wuu uumoeriana ,no uono da
same. Lemuel bo dono stood pat, an' de res'
of us drawod from ooo to three cyabds,as the
hnertrenciea hsnrnn.t tn ivwSiiIm rn.....i
it ono.chip, and Slnkenon followed him wuf
a ntue, nnu we an stayeu .H oe. gomo llko
mm Ahlff fAllAf.'.llMl A lui. mm 1.1 ..
..,. j .v..v. iu. in m ma uw UITU
came. Finally Lemuel be done called Sink-
WM, w. WW W.4.MKVWWA WHO, CUIU tilHllUei
took do pot."
"What did you all habr
"Slnkerson bad throe kings an' a jack
knife; 1 had a flush anil a pah of brass knuck
les; Jud Cumberland hod acea up an' a
"But 'what did Lemuel habr
"He bid a pah of fob's an' a rwolvep."
Merchant Traveler.
Not Much,
Uttlo Emily, 6 years old, U a great favor-
tt In snlta at lifr (nrvn-rlr-thln trmnm nt -
preeslon. The other day sho had been on a
visit with her mother at a friend's, and had
remained to dinner. At the table sho had
amused tho family, with the possible excep
tion of Its elderly and jorlous head, by occa
sional remarks. As tho moul was drawing to
an end tho hostess remarked t
"Emily, wouldn't you llko to stay hero all
vuo iiiuo, aim uo our UIUQ gin I
Emily looked up, pointed her linger at the
head of tho family and exclaimed, contempt
uously: "Whatl And havo him for a father!"
Boston Transcript.
Nothing" Frivolous About Him.
Author (anxlouslyi You pay' by tbe
space, do you, or by the
Editor (promptly) By space, of course.
It would bankrupt us to iay for your ma
terial by weight. Exchange.
Insinuating Politeness.
Dr. Alpuonso Precede mo (waving bb
band toward tho wppjr table), i ...
Quest (an undertaker) Doctor, -I- follow
you. Detroit Free Press.
flllitrillng the ProfeMlnn,
Ambitious Sport' Could you take mo nnd
put me In training nnd make n prlto flghtr
of mat
Oreat Pugilist Ain't you ahlo to work!
"No, sir "
"Havo yer got a neducntlonr
"Yes, sir."
"Well, I'll sea If yer ablo to wrlto sportln'
stuff about yourself and nln't strong enough
to do hard work, guess wo kin ntnko a lighter
of ye, Wo's kind o' careful, dough, not to lot
fellows Inter do profesh what kin mako a
living by workln' Boor Toledo Blade,
At a Southern Winter Itmort.
"I'd rnher bo in tho moon than here,"
"Becauso thcro Is said to bo a man In tho
moon." Life,
nuMInc n Coincidence.
A woman yesterday stood nt tho writing
desk In tho corridor of tho iKntofllco with n
pen In her hnnd nnd a jiostal card before her.
Sho was thinking deeply when a man ap
proached with a postal card In his band,
looked lu vain for a cn and finally saldt
"Madam, aro you going to uso that jicn for
tho noxt (lvo minutes!"
"Yes, sir," sho replied. "I am Just going
to wrlto to my husband."
"And I nm Just going to wrlto to my wlfa
Curious colncidonco, eh!"
"I don't know nbout that. My husband
ran nway, nnd I havo Just got Ills address and
was wondering whether I should tell him to
stay or ask blm to como homo."
"By Ooorgo, madam, but how slngularl
My wlfo also sklpicd out and I was wondor
Ing what to say to her. Wo aro in tho samo
boat. Shall wo wrltoi 'Como homo, darling,'
or, '1 novcr want tosoo your faco again V
What n curious colnchloncol"
"Yes, I think It Isl" remarked n woman
wlw camo up behind him. "Trying to mako
a mash, aro you I This Is tho way you hunt
for work, Is Itl Como homo with mo or I'll
pull all tho hair out of your head and scratch
that woman's oyes out!"
Ho went humbly along in tow, nnd n nows
boy who sat on tho window sill looked after
tho pair nnd soliloquized I
"That's what 1 call busting n coincidence
and catching a liar at tho samo tlmo. Better
wrlto for your darling to return by tclo
graph, ma'am." Dotrolt Froo Press.
A Horrltilo Revelation.
Sho had advertised for tho return of her
dog, nnd It was a long haired Skyo terrier
regular valunblo thoroughbred. Tho reward
was to lio $10. A stalwart Celt camo timidly
forward and asked if that was t ha dog. Being
answorol affirmatively and paid tho roward,
tho affection of tho lady, who kissed and
hugged her poor, dear, Uttlo darling, at
tracted Ills attention aud tho following skir
mish ensued i
"Where did you find tho darling!"
"Small comfort would it do you, madam,
did I tell you."
"But tell mo whllo 1 caress tho angel."
"I can't toll .you. because you would not
llko It."
"But, dear, darling Dandy was Dandy
"Suro, madam, I don'.t know. I saw your
advertisement In tho paper and recognized
him tied to tho end of a long shtlck and a
woman washln' off winders wid him." Phil
adelphia Press.
Why Wo Celebrate Tills Month.
Ono of tho bright young teachers In the
model department of tho normal school do
cldcd recently that sho would Interest hor
class In tho history of alio homo of tbo freo,
eta, by devoting a portion of ono hour to a
discussion of tho centennial celebration which
Is to occur In Now York on tho SOth of this
month. As a starter sho askodt "Now, who
can tell mo what It Is that thoy aro going to
celobrato In Now York on tho !!0th of this
month J"
Thero was a profound silence among tho
children, but at last ono Uttlo fellow put up
bis hand In a hesitating sort of way and roldt
I think 1 know."
Tbo youth was encouraged to unfold the
unknown Information to tbo class, and
promptly saldt "Why, It's Just ono hundred
years ago that Ooorgo Washington gradu
ated, and they aro going to celobrato it."
Albany Express.
" Easily Explained.
Cross Examining Counsel Now, Mr.
Brown, you say this Louts C Brown Is a dis
tant relative of yours!
Mr. Brown Yea.
Cross Examining Counsel What relation
is ho!
Mr. Brown My brother.
Cross Examining Counsel But you Just
told us hojros a distant relative,
'Mr. Brown So ho Is. At present ho Is In
China. London Pick-Me-Up.
Ward McAllister Who is this Anson that
tha newspapers are Tolling about! Wbor
does he come from! ,,
Citizen Havo you never heard of Copt.
Anaou, tho leader of the groat Chicago ntnol
Ward McAllister (with lofty contempt)
Nine, did you say! Only nine! What ab
surd folly to mako a bero of each a monl
Chicago Tribune.
Pigs In the CloTcr.
Mrs. Briggs Yeu cant get Vm In tho pen,
can you!
Mr. Briggs No. Tbo pesky Uttlo things.
There they go again.
"Tboso pigs remind mo of yon, John."
"Beenuso they'd rather run round every
where else than go homo." Chicago Herald.
At the Snnday School,
"And now, chUdren," said tbo superinten
dent, benignant ly, "aro there any questions
you would like to ask beforo we leave this
"How long did It take you to get aU the
pigs In the pen the first tlmo you tried r in
quired the sweet Uttlo girl on tbo front scab
Chicago Tribune.
Something That Wouldn't Stake Much.
Managing Editor Did you prepare that
artlclo on "Tlio intellectual Attainment of
the Four Hundred I"
ttoporter Yki, sir
Managing Editor About how much space
wlU It occupy . . j
Reporter About six lines. - Burlington
Freo lresa
Pigskin Is now used for gloves and chil
dren's shoes.
A Key West flihorman rubs his txxly with
kcrovno oil nnd swims among sharks In
Best satisfied with doing woll, nnd leave
others to talk of you nsthey please, Pythag
oras. A now theatro to cost nearly 7,000,000 Is
to bo built on tho Champ do Mars, St, Pe
tersburg. A pretty definition of u bnbyi "A Uttlo
sultan, whoso tears nro pearls, and whoso
cries nro songs."
M. S. Good, of floodhnuso, UK, rejoices In
tho poiatKsInu of a muMncho that measures
tMcnty-ono Inches from tip to tip.
Statistics collected In England show that a
university education Is an ndvnntngo for
girls, oven from n medical (xilutof vlow
If you linvo built en ties in tho air your
work neeil not bo lost; that Is whero thoy
should be. Now put tho foundations under
them. Thorcnu.
It was told .to Jckyll that ono of his friends,
n brewer, hail been drowned In his owu vnt
"Ah," ho exclaimed, "floating lu his own
watery bier."
Even Callfornlatu seem to tiro of their per
petual sunshine, Tho Vlsnlia Delta remarks!
"Dwellers In tho San Joaquin vnlley would
llko to snap oil n fow squaro leagues of
Italliin sky for a Uttlo Oregon mist."
Tho poor of tho District of Columbia
profited ft.'O.OOO by tho inauguration of Oen.
HnrrWon, as a check for that sum (tho excels
of receipts over oxponsosi has been turned
over for their benefit.
A gentleman from tho cost, with eight sons
with families and thirty-two grandchildren,
has purcliaMxl 1,800 acres of land a few miles
west of North Plattoand will movothowholo
outfit on it, Omaha Bee,
Installment dealers aro aghast nt n recent
decision by a Loulsvlllo Judgo that In that
stato tltlo to any goods passes upon tho pay
ment of tho first Installment, and that after
that Is mndo tho purchaser may do what ho
pleases with tho goods.
Two Scotch trninps, man and wlfo, mako a
good living otr tho baby. "Wo gots 'im
christened," oxplains tho man, "In all tho
towns wo passes, and then, you boo, parson
makes us all comfortablo wl' summat to eat
and monoy for hoik -On days orful bad wo
has to do "em twico."
Tho features of Edison's oxhibltnttho Paris
exposition wlU bo an enormous model of an
Incandescent lamp, forty feet high and mado
entirely of small incandescent light, of which
It will bo necessary. It is said, to uso 20,000.
Tlio French and American (lags will bo
worked out in incandescent lamps on either
sldo of tho big lamp.
Greenfield Is tlio resldenco of a splendid
mechanic Being at Jcssup's Landing re
cently, In n snowy tlmo, and wishing to go
homo, a distnuco of about flvo miles, ho pur
chased two of tho largest salt codfish ho
could find, and fastened them to his feet for
snow shoes. Ho arrived In duo tlmo. Sara
toga Saratoglan.
A now road sweeping machluo has been
tried on Holborn viaduct, London. It can
bo easUy attached to any cart and worked by
an Inoxperieucod hand. Trawling nt tbo
rato of three mUes nn hour tho mochmo
Bwceps through 1,900 squaro feet per minuto
of any road, and places tho mud In tbo cart
behind without nolso or splash.
Tho car cleaners of tho Grand Central
depot, Now York, found a largo gripsack
under a seat tho other day, which U not an
uncommon occurrence. Upon opening It
thoy found a live boy baby who had mado
tho trip from Now Haven very comfortably,
nut ui ii-vij KM.-itij iu njbiuu wool anu
soothed If not sustained by paregoric,
Tho ladles of Texas aro making a hugomap,
drawn ou canvas, with all tho Mi counties of
tho stato laid off. Ono county, Tom Green,
is larger than tho entire .states' of Massachu
setts and Connecticut combined. Tho name
of each county will bo worked with somo
beautiful product mado In tho county. Tbo
map will bo exhibited In tho Texas Spring
Palaco to bo buUt at Fort Worth.
Tho nook Accnt's Trick.
Tlio business of a book agent, though the
butt for stinging sarcasm, requires as much
knowlodgo of human nature and as much di
plomacy as many occupations of moro dig
nity and prestige. For instance, I stepped
Into tho business offleo of a very prominent
citizen tbo other day to Introduce a set of a
well known classic author. Tbo old gentle
man was very crusty and sour and snapped
mo off In qulto an Indignant manner, with
tho remark that "ho didn't want any pester
ous book agent to bother him." "Hero, my
good friend," I said, "I dont want tosoUyou
theao books; I am paid a salary to show them
merely and advcrtlso tbo company, I am a
Frenchman ami tho company has employed
twonty-flvo of us at a good salary per week
to show tbcao books, not scU them. Tbo pub
lishing company spend over $500 per week
this way, Instead of spending it by ads In the
newspapers." Tbo old. gentleman bit and
soon became Interested in tbo books. "Can
you get mo a sot now Tho inquired. I re
plied that I had only ono set in my trunk at
tbo hotel, but 1 would sell It to him for cash.
Ho bought tho set, and that story, trick, pre
varication or whatever you may call It ac
complished tho sale. There's nothing Uke
"sizing np" people. Ono of Them in Globe
Democrat, A Magnate's Pleasure.
It must bo pleasant to bo a railroad mag
nate without a conscience. Such an one, we
aro told, tried to mako the run from Now
York to Boston in flvo and a half hours, that
ho might attend a club dinner in tbo latter
city. AU tbo regular express and accommo
dation trains on the rood were held back to
give tho right of way to tho "special," and
two men who did not move quickly enough
were run down by tho latter and killed on the
instant. Theso fataUtles were rather sad, of
course, but tbo worst of It Is that tho railroad
official did not mako his tlmo by thirty min
utes. As ho sat comfortably down to dinner
ono can fancy him worrying over tho lost
half hour, and porhaps thinking wratbfully
about tho two men that got In tho way of .his
train, thus making it loso a minuto or two!
Of course It must bo pleasant to bo a con
scienceless raUroad maguate, but thero aro
crumpled rose leaves In his bod, too. Pitts
burg BuUctiu.
Tho Allurements of Office.
It has been said to bo a serious question
whether a man who loaves a good business
or even one which has any decent promise ol
becoming good to enter tbe public service
in nation, stato or city Is to bo envied. To
our mind thero Is no question at all about it.
There Is tho seduction, sometimes, of a con
siderable sulary attending such an appoint
ment, but It U tho snaro of tho fowler, it
Implies In' the end a dependenco upon monoy
which Is not curned under conditions that in
suro its pernvtneuey, and the entrance on a
kind of life dangerous to systematic and In
dustrious banltH. Young men especially
ought to bo named against It as a danger
than which few aro to Do moro avoided.
Boktou Herald.
JT1 '"1 1027 Q STREET,
Where all .tinds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Cnn be lind nt nnv lie, Dny or Night, on short notice,
Horses Boarded and . .nken care of at Reasonable Rates
Call and sec us, 102- Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone iy.
gggHLaSuHSBwi tagflflflvlnl 1 m
JVBgagaHfigMMgaRaflVllgKBgBli' m
JiiiBMlHMW jBpWHSMMH bbbm! 1 jfl
Bates reasonable. Ecry(hing new nnd complete. Piomptltcrvlce nnd the bet menu In
Omnhn. Hot niul cold water lu over room. Ofllco nnd dlnlngjhall on first floor. AU mod
ern Improvements. I.lncolnltes nlwnys receive a cordial welcome. Cnll nnd etc us while In
Omnhn. You cnn pet Into tho enrs nt depot nnd tnko HARNEY ST., CABLE LINE
DIRECT TO THE DOOR. Cor. 14th and Hnrncy.
InA P. Hionv. Cleric. u. 8ILLOWAY, Proprietor.
SPASSy5.r5J1, in DAKOTA-Oameron, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. In
MI8SOOW-Omaha.Falrbury.and NeUon.ln NEBSAflKA-HorMin. TOMa-at
Hutchinson. WlohUa. BeUeviUo, Abilene, Caldwel!.in KANSAS-Kmi
Creek, Kingfisher, Fort Reno, In the INDIAN TERRITORY-ncl Colorado
Spring, Denver, Pueblo, In 'COLORADO. FREE BeoUnlng Chair Oarsto
'2nJ,irS?nunimlSSon to aUJtSwn2
v.ovum.otobi.wi viuuau, Miurwiuo ana transoceanic aeaporxs.
fc25dJSR5ui?OI?pe?ra in plendpr of eauipment, cool, well ventUated. anct
free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREB Reclining'
Chair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars rfSlybetweenOWowv
Bl-lPe0ou,lc11 BJpflVand OS. with Free Reclmlng Ghahr Car tcf
imA S.rJSiwLtVmi'' ttf" """wooH oiuoajru ana upioraao upnngs, Denver,
S,TPuey'T15.8t' Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining
Hotels (furnlshlnpr meals at seasonable liours) weltof Missouri Rive
California BlxDuraforia dailv. vrith rmninwi rtn tinniaa .. tZXJr a-i
??m2( 2prt552'1 ft010.8
urns, and aceuio Grandeurs of Colorado,
SS!,AJrSf5LT"4n8.davny between Chicago and Minneapolis and Bt. Paul.
WlthTHROUOH Reclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and
Sfi18 ?,t&,T1"LSu-Ul c?iaJr. CaT E Sleeper betwoon Poorla, Spirit Lako,
and Sioux Falls, ylaTtoclc Island. Tho Favorito Lino to Pipestone, Water-
JSwni'toU5EwF?l8Aand tho Sunimor RoBOrta and Hunting and Flshlng
urounds of tho Northwest.
travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Counoll Bluffs, BC
JoBopn, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.
m.l0i1MapB, Folders, or dealred Information, apply to any Tiolcot
Offlco In the United Btatoa or Canada, or address
General Manager.
100 Engraved Calling Cards
And Copper Plate, for $2.50.
If you have a Plate, we will furnish 100 Cards frorir
.: same, at $1.50.
- , ,
Courier Office. . Telephone 253. New Burr Bliockr
226 S. 1 1th St.
Wo mnlto n speclnlty of Kino I'liotogrnphla nnd
Crayon work.
Only Ground Floor Studio in Lincoln
Call and Seb Dur Work,
In the City nil come from the
Grata Brick Stables
Omaha's Leading Hotel,
Opened Sept. 1, 1SSS,
Finest Hotel in the West
.ana f aiaoe Bieep-
i ,A t,Aa A..,itlAI.,
ivoroeB new ana
and cltt east and west, northwest;
- an'l San Francisco. The DIRECT.
f - .
OHIOAQO, ILL. Oen'l Ticket Pass. Acer:.
. -p