JIHIlnS.BJllMl 8 CAPITAL CITY COURIER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7) 1889 0Mlllimmtifimimm-mtmim i ii.1i..l,y i.i. i. i..i.i.;i.1. i...i.rri,. ., ,,. i.,,i i. ff. ....yis'T" '""'"""'''1 "',l1 "" " f . f is r ! t l . POPULATE OF LINCOLN 60,000. Saturday Evening, Sept. 7, '89, TAKE NOTICE1 The Coumkii will not le nwjionsihlo for any debt rondo by nny one in n nnme, un to n written ordor accompanies tlio snmo, properly signed. Ii. Wkhhkl, Jr., lYnp'r, &C9 Corner I Oth and P Streets. Dry Goods,' -AND- CARPETS largost Stock in the City Thn CdiirliT Cnn lie l'ounil At Wlmloor Hotel Now Mtiiud, Capital Hotel Now Hlnnd. CMell'i Dining Hnll New Hlnnd. Olaon A Fletcher's. 110 Houth 11th Street. Tito (Ifltlmm NowaHlnuil, 1IH Houth llth Ht, Keith llm., til Noitlt llth Street. Kd. Young, 1080 O Hlrcot. Enton AHmlth, HMO "plamond Pharmacy," leth nnd N HU WeMcrneld's barber hop, llurr block. Little Hort Cigar Hlore. 11.1 N. Kill HU FALL STYLES I DUNLAP HATS NOW ON BALK AT W. R. DENNIS, O prrn llouiie lllnck. e I.fionl nnd Personal. Whltehrcast Coiil and Llmo Company. Lincoln Ice Co., 1640 O St. Tolephono 118. Brown' restaurant torments. Tako Turkish at 101(1 0 street Telephone nt tlie Courikh olllco la S53, E. Hallctt, loading Jowclcr, 1S1 N. llth. Mineral water used for bathing, 1010 O it Try oome of the flno froth fish served overy day at Cameron's, Canon City Coal again nt tho Whltebroast Coal and Lime Co, Roast meats, and vegetables of all ktndsat Cameron's Lunch House, Only place tn Lincoln that uses mineral water In baths Is at 1010 O street. Improved shower tor Turkish baths at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Now Is the tlmo to savo money by buying your goods at tho closing out sale at Ashby & HUlepaugh's. Old papers, largo and clean, to wrap up bundles with or put under carpets, tor sale at this olllco at 25 cents per hundred. The dining room at Brown's cafe Is tho fluent In tho city and tho culslno Is tho best and, to make it better, tho prices aro reasonable Buy your coal of tho Whttobrcast Cool and Llmo Co., nud it will always bo wellscrcat.cd, ull weight, best quality and nt right price. Families desiring puro ico cream or teen tor Sunday dinner or nny other tlmo can bo serv ed with a superior quality nt Morton & Lelghty's. The best placo tn tho city of Lincoln to get good board is at Drown' cute. You have a great variety to select from nnd tho prices aro reasonable. Handsomely embossed cards with emblems erf K. of P., U.A.K., 8. of V., Masonic In all degrees, O. of It 0 D. of L. K, II. of L. B. B. of B, B. B., 1. D. O. 12., I. O. O P., A. O. U. W U. It K. of P., T. P. A. at tho Couhikr ofllce, in now Burr block. Wo hnvo just received n cry pretty line of papera tor covering pantry and closet shelves, etc. They are In cream, salmon, orange, mandarin, heliotrope, royal purple, sky blue, Mile green and other color. Ladies should call and see theso pnjwrs. Thoy m o the new est thing out and add greatly to tlio appear ance of shelves, Ave have a largo stock of Canopy top Sur reys, Phattons, light buggies, etc., on hand and aro making very low prices on all our work. It you aro coutemp'uttng the pur chase of a carrlago of any kind, come and see vs. Will take your old buggy In exchange at it fair cash value. Camp Brothers, corner 10th and M. The Union Paclflo R'y takes pleasure in an Bounclng that it will run Harvest Excur sions to Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Montana on the following dates: August 6th and 20th, Bept 10th and IHth, and October 8th. For theso occasions n great reduction in rate has been made, thus giving you a splendid opportunity to visit nearly every place In thn great west. Do not miss It It affords the business man, stock raiser, min ing prospector and fanner an unequalod chance to sco the unlimited resource of the western country. For tickets, rates, pamph ets, etc., apply to your nearest ticket agent (Oct. 8) Tho Hut Yet. In addition to tho unequalod dining car service betwoen Council Blalls and Denver, tho Union Pacific, "Tho Overland Route," will on Sunday, August 18, and dally there after, run dining cars between Council Bluffs and Portland, Ore., on "Tho Overland Fly er," leaving Council Bluff at 7:53 p. m,. Omaha 8:15 p. in. These cars are models of excellence, and the best meals the market affords will be fur Btsbedat75conta. 10-21-80 Xkr Bostnulans l'avored by Fortune, lire. Catbarlno Callahan, Mrs. B. F. Tay lor, Miss May Oilman and Miss Ella Allison, a! Beetontans, are favorites of Fortune. A jBQMh ago they invested in tho Louisiana State Lottery, and all drew prises. Mrs. Cal lahan's iaveettnent was tor her son Timothy and Us friend Wm Barry, and drew 915,000, one-ferttetb of the capital prise of f300,000. The other la4tee also invested II, making a pool for all three, and their ticket, No. 00,738, drew a share of the fourth capital prise of H0,m. They seat M. A. Dauphin, New Or lease, La;, ll-Boston, (Mass.) Itteo July O.JMiobL'Urf u.rv ' rv SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. Albert O. Wnllnco nnd Mis Carrlo Ilauck were married Wednesday evening nt tho home of tho bride's cousins, Mr. and Mr. James Hmick, Twenty-third and Vine streets. Tho ceremony wo jierfonned at eight o'clock liv How Mr. Noonnn. Mlm Clnrn Wallace acted n hrldcRiuaid nnd tho groom wns sup- -wirf.wl l.v ff .T II Mmnll Tim Mrmlillllff .ultaiut riT Mn-V.itrtllfel.llllu l.t 4ll ,.l.iaU1lin.l nrn I nuinii iiiiiiiKiiiy inn. iiciuiitii nii. a. jiiiiich, . .. .... ...... i 1...1...1 tru u ltvk...l. i imt. iuhi Air. J. u. mien, itini. r. u, jiriuir, Mr. 8. O. Henrv. MImo AVnllncc. Urlme. Brown, Lint, llourk nnd Lord, Ml-c lcna, Clnrn nud Noin Braly, Metwr. J. C. and O. i;. Hiunll, Wnllnce, tlrnvc, Coy, HoucK, Bwanoy nnd Brown. Thoy not only tender nI conctrntulAtlnn. but brought Riibitnntlnl ovldeuce of thnlr good will, Mr. Wnllnco is ono of tho I'ecrle laundry force, nnd tho friends of tho young couple with them nil l.ntinnii-jt. Tlinv will mnkn tlirlr lionm for tho preaont with tho groom's mront. Tho unuo i-oooiveii irom nor uutunnuan organ lor a wedding present Following Is a list of tho gift presented by kind friends: By Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Houck, a sot of breakfast nnd dinner china; Ml ntlil Afra. .Tntut.tli Wnllnrvt twn n.ill.niA oak chairs and u water set: C. E, Houck, sil ver knives nnd rorks; Mirs i.luloUi lines, wa ter sot; O. U. Swnney, silver Uaioonsi C. O. C.nv. plnok mill frnlt tnnil' Minn f)ri Vnmlor- sou, towels nnd nnpklns; Mr. Bronor, chair urapo; .-urs. ji rower ami Air, jiouck, imhi spread; Clara nud Norn Brady, quilt; Mr. C, J. and Mr. O. W. Houck, nnpklus; Mr, J. E. Wnllnco, napkin nnd tablo spread; Mlrs llnan Ifnnnlf. tninn. XTr-i J. ft- Vntjw. nnlfn stand; W. E, Grave and MIm Ij. Lint, silvor knlvoflnud folks; A. E. Hmull, tllver butter dth; Mr. Clin. Jlrown nud stUr, breakfast castor; Air, iienry, Mr, nrmiy, MiMLiord nnd Mint Ilrndv. tillvnrrronni nml mnmr Ivnnlt Mr. J, O. Small and Clnrn Wnllnco, silver Knives, rorks and kkxiu. The wihIiIIiik of Mr. John B. Wet nud Mix Fnunv E. Stout. Tuewlnv nvnnlnir. wn n quiet but hnppy nlTalr. Tho ceremony wns IwriornuM nt eight o'clock by Hov. lswls (Irotrorv In tho nriwciico of Mriur. W. It. II. Stout, John K. Stout mid E. P. Stout, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. B. Stout, nud Mr. nud Mr. E. L. Stout nnd Mr. and Mrs. Charles West After tlinnuntlnl l( lint. n llivl llin pnmiuinv satcownto a wedding rupHr. Tho young couple then donned tinvcllng iittlro nnd took tho night tram for Malt Ijike. They nero met at tho deot by nconimny of joung ko plo who hn.l gnthei ed to tender cougratula- iious niui wirii mom gouupceu. Air. una Airs. West will bo gono two or three weoks and will ilil f'olnrniln nn tlm nnv ImcV Tlmvivlll mako their homo with tho bride's father, of whoso household sho ha hitherto had charge. Tho bridegroom Is tho son of Mr, Charles West, manager for tho Lombard Investment company, and holds n position in the olllco. Tho brido Is tho daughter of Mr. W. H. B. Stout, tho Wnll known miitrnntar. ltr.Hi young pooplo have boon prominent in society nnu unvo ninny iriouiis wuo iiiko a Kintliy in urest in ineir union. Tho Junior Pleasant Hours had several very blcr pleasant hours at Cuahmnn nark lnt R it. unlay evening. Dancing was the featuro of tho uvonltiir. rellnvnl liv n ilnlntv IiiiikIuviii provided by Mr. Clint Andru. Half of tho jwriy went out ou noneimcK, ana an exciting iiicmi'iit ui ino nuo was a raca uctweeu riamc Burr nnd MIm Mlnnln Vrnnlilln. Tim vnnntr lady overtook her competitor nnd held him oven lor two nines, i no norsc went nt their fastest pace, and Miss Frnnklln held her sent In splendid style. About twenty couplos par ticipated nud were chnoroned by Mexsrs. nnd Mesdames C. C. Burr, H. D. Hathaway W. J. Marshall. Among tho young people were Bob Mulr. Anron Buekatiifr. VninU Burr, Ed and Jim Fitzgerald, Frank Hatha way. Low Marshall. Chan. Burr and Klmcr Honkpl. Mlauw t)iilft llnnnn nml Vtim.n ,i ukui ui uiuuiin, Hvun uuiw, rnun uar- nard, Minnie Franklin, Fay Marshall, Bortlo Wakely of Omaha, Lona Giles, FrlUa Bar- Burr, Mlunlo Latta and Lily Hathaway Master John Doak, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Doak of North Twenty nlutli street, was tho involuntary host of n company of young people hut Saturday afternoon, his mother having arranged n surprise party to celebrate his fourteenth birthday. It wa n successful surprlso and right Jolly affair. Tho following young folks wcio present: Misses Jennie Pentxer, Pearl Bontiell, ZuellnTrester, Ida Harry, Bertha Ooildnnl, Jesslo Decker, Minerva Pearson, Edith Wedge, Nolllo Leon ard, and Masters Lvnn Freeman. Alliort Wll. hon, Johnnie Pearson, Eddy Harry, Morton ITestor, Harry 1-eonnnl. Johnnie Btevens. Hnrry Smith, tho now manager of the Pos tal tolrfrrnoh ramivinv. I rrlltr-l m. originating tho idea of decorating tho graves oiuecvoMHi jvniguu ot rytmas llo Is n niMllWr of Columbia lodiro. Nn. 48. of Plnolnw nntl, which has decorated thn graves of dead breturen tor tno jxist six years. The cemetery Is six miles out, nnd so many people accompa-. nv tho Kulcrhts on their nntiunl iii-llm-l..!.. that tho excursion gonei ally not tho lodge n hamlsomo profit to be applied to Its benevolent work. A letter from Mr. Jacob Mahler says ho nn decided to return to Lincoln tu.Tf. Mnv and glvo a series ot dancing lessons. As mas. Or of rwroninnlp nt CnmrrfMu Hull Rnrntnm ho says It has been nu exceptionally succeso- luiwuson, nu uita iciumeu io Ot. IXIUU. n here ho will have a now building tor his own use. Mn W. K. Allen nf P itrnat nrna nn.lon.1 from homo Monday evening, aud on her re turn founder house filled with people. Her frlen Js came to celebrato her birthday, and left a number of useful gifts as lasting re minders of the pleasant affair. J. E. It. Millar, for years tho agent of the Paclflo express, has been presented by bis old subordinates with a gold-headed cane. Ho Is stationed at Kcnrnoy as the ngont of tho Pa- ciua-tteus-rargo consolidation. During the fair the ladles of St. Paul's M. E. church will serve fresh oysters In all styles at tho oyster house near the fish exhibit. The ladles of tho Congregntlonal church will also have n dining hall as last year. Mrs. W. L. Van AUtyno will glvo nn art soiree from two to live till nfti.nwvin !.. room in tho Ledwlth block, at which paint ing from 'icr own brush will bo exhibited to invited frit ids. Miss Wlseacra uvi thn Vnnnu nf nn IntA estlng wedding to bo celebrated In October, anu me young coupie are to Hnvo a cozy home of their own all furnished by tho bride's parents. Messrs. Will Clarke, Frank Hathaway and Frank Burr aro a committee ot tho Pleasant Hour Junior who aro arranging a dancing party tor next Wednesday evening at Temple The Burr family hayo tho git thar stroke. Frank Burr got tho sliver medal for tho men's singles and Miss Bertto Burr that tor the ladles' contest iu the tenuis tournment Tho concert planned for the Woman's Cur lo tion association for Wednesday was postpon ed until this ovonlng at tho First Presbyteri an church. Miss Blerwortb entertained thirty or forty young friends very pleasantly Thursday evening at her homo, Q and Eleventh street. A silver wedding reception will be one of the events of this month. Ml Oullmct has returned from Chicago. Mr. Joseph Jung is sojourning nt Denver, J. A. Barrott has gono to school at Exeter, N. H, MIm Fanny White ldo hn been visiting nt Bennett. MIm Onion Barrett has taken n tilncn In the Micney school. Mm. J. 11. I.votm mid (ton llnlmrt nrn vlIU lug nt Cadiz, Ohio. Mr. M. C. Ledwlth nud dauahtcr hnvo re. turned from the cast. Mln Kemper of Burlington, Iowa, exjiect to return homo today, J. J. IlilholY hn rnnlifiinl thn tnvniirvliln of Wesloyan university. Miss Clara BuckstoTf and Eugcno Brown were recent visitors at Albion. MIm Alia Lnntz returned on Monday last from nn extended visit In the west Misses Mnud Burr nnd Alleeti Oakley, now home, had a pleanut visit in Omaha. Mrs. Parmclla Smith has roturnod from a visit to her son, E. It Smith of Dandy. Talmage and hi son remained In Lincoln Sunday aud wore dlnors nt tho Windsor. Mr. J II. Holman has arrived from Kan sas City nnd Is visiting Mrs. J, E, IUggs, Mr llllt IT. ITntnl ntnl Mt Kut.f T.nun hnvo been sending several days in Omaha. Mis Lllllo Sterling, after n neck's visit in Atchison nud Toneka. Is oxnected homo to day. Mrs. L. C. Burr nnd son Charley went to Omuhn Tuesday to remain tho rest of tho weeic. Mrs. Dr. Franks. Billings has arrived from Milwaukee nnd Is at tlm roldincn nf T)r. Thomas. Frank Bnlnntlnn linn cr-nntxl n liinmllvn position as cashier for tLo Pacific Hotel c"in- iinjr iii iuriiime, Aaron Buckstalf nscomnnnlnl liv h( ltnr Aiiss Aimervn, anu Airs. J. a. uuckstatr visit ed tho Omaha fair Wednesday. ... ... . ". L m "" "" i Mrs. P. A. (Jatchell lias been cutortaiulng Mr. J. V. UVlUnf Knnth Ilnknlii. tvlm un Joined tho other day by her husband. John Jl. Uurks ha gono to San Diego, nud It Is Intimated that he I likely to clone out his PomcmIoiis there mid utnin to Lincoln. Editor nnd Mm. llushuvll returned Monday from Detiolt, w hero they had an enjoynblo tllliu atteildlmt tllU national l (lltorlnl rnnvi.n. tlou. F. W. MorilWCV. thu Illlnolu nttnrnntr wlm ennio to Lincoln tliixo ifksngo,waslnducel to lemovo to Oinaliu and Join Ueorgo Chrls tosen. Chailes B. Allfn nf tlm Ktnti. i......... .,. ... ,,..v ..iDuimitu IIU- tmrtment ha ruturiuil fmm n.n nn. ....... pniilwl by his wife and they will go to houso- t.'i'iiiiig. Mr. Einmn Mniirliontur nf i,(. ..i... . elected sonlor vlco president of tho National Woman's Belief Corp nt tho Milwaukee en campment Prof, J, Ashcr Park of riilpnim n .i and comiKWor of noto, has been engaged as principal of tho voico department of tho con servatory of music. William F. KiiIIav. Int.. tlm a.i..i .i. Journal comimny's stationery department, is ...iiH ivnw .'merino state lair ho will bucklo down to tho study of tho law. Miss Luna Dundv of nmntin rtim..i i. Monday nftvr a week's visit with Mrs. L. C Burr. Misses Daisy Donne nnd Emma Wnko ly, the cuesU of Mis Frit nnniar.1 oi. turncil Monday, ' Misses Holen and Mlnnln Vnlt. .i,i. Geo. G. Walte, left Monday tor their homo at Jacksonville. 111. Tlmv irr nnn.,....u.i i .. Miss Lulu D. Hay, who hod been visiting H. v. .M.T.WI U11U 1U1I111V. Ed Bumcnnlner hn plrauwl nn i.i. i.. IlCO hero and rnlnlnn.1 !,...,... i . Atchison. Tho firm has all tho business in Kansas that It can handle and has decided to glvo up tho Nebraska field. -. . m, iAHiimnl, accompanied bv her sister, MIbs Lulu Balentlne. loft last Siindnv Mrs. V, . M. Leonard, accompanied by her trot Ulluo i ! tii ii. .. . mnrnlno. fn, n.i VS. 1 " ' ""r uum' , -""-k"i iwiuru suo win siiend a few weeks with her Mend, Miss Millar, who winter" 8t f r,e"d', Wb" he ,ast PEN, PAPER AND INK. ,I."'l,rt',",,''"p for Septoiubor Theoiloro Child 1ms n critical mvlnw nf t. .,.. Art at tho Paris Exposition; and "Mottezu ma In his "Note Book," give son.o curious facts about tho "Angela." and other pictures, rho co lorcd plates nre, as usual, excellent I hero is a marsh-mallow design tor an easel scarf tor painting nnd embroidery; Professor ............ n ,, jiruiusciy illustrated Pen Drawintr for Piinn.rnm.. i..-. .1.. -... chid plate series; tho "Crescent" salad plates: .v ,..,.. WUHW OII x.,owor l'alntlng, TajKtry Painting, Illumination, Amateur 1 hotography, ore all continued, and theroare .Co. . rrav-wHing ana Htamjied U-nther wot k, and "Tho Art of Making Smoko Plo tures," Tho August number of The n'eit Shore Manaxine contain n wtnm r ... about various portions of Oregon and Idaho, with many Illustrations of prominent build ings and resldenojs in Salem, Joseph, Enter prise and Baker City, Oregon, which places are ijpec ally described, as well as WeUcr, Caldwell, Bolso nnd Pocntello, Idaho. Ac companying tho number is a large tinted sup plement containing numerous engravings of scenes in and about Ynmilnn !.. - ,.i..H wwj J vug i V. gon s favorite sea coast summer resorts, nnd . -i"" im uie ocean term nu of tno uregon Paclflo railroad, which will soon become tho Pacific end of n n .1 nentnj route. III Outilld tor Scntimtvnr ! a t.l .1.,. on The Fast YachU of Great Britain in 1888, by Prof. F. Sumtrlirnat nf IT. i r. ' text Is illusUated with reproduction' fmm photographs of loading English flyers. As road runs aro a popular niniuMiiumt nn,n.. wheelmen lust now. tlmt iirnii.i.u.i ....f! i!"intn """" fr tel""B t,lom IIow deling vu , . , ,""u, '" "Kinim. "Faed" Hson has funilshul nn i.t1,..,oh,. .i i.. tlon of this branch of cycling iort. ino urewami Monthly has published a number of article nn tlm i.,.nn..u ,. ai and Southern California from tho pens of white men who have lluxl among them, and tho September number has an luterestlnir no count of tho Aloquls. b The Art iXrchmuit nrmtniitii ltr.,,io.i.i. a design for the decoration of a four-fold screen It is n lieautlful comblnntinn nf ..i. lows and wisteria. Old trunks made as good as now or taken In trade for now ones at trunk factory 1208 So. llth st tel. 003. Wlrrkk & Hopper Also a lino line of trunks, nlucs, eto. There u no serious danger of Lincoln losing tho state fair. It Is only a question of sub scribing live or ten thousand dollar to put the fair ground Inconditlon to keep tho great exhibition tho next flvo years, aud for Lin coln people that amount Is a mere bagatelle, State fair visitors who incidentally Improve their tlmo whtlo in tho city to buy needed ar ticles should remember that If they wont any thing In tho line of silver or plated ware tor the table tho man tho see Is Hallett, the old reliable Jeweler on Bleventh street They will find a big stock of goods and may rest as sured of fair, square dealing, 4r D07VTeSTIC SEWINGMHCHINES. tv We have no exhibit at the State JACOBS, State Agent, can be found at 122 North 1 lth St., Richards5 Block, where he will be pleased to meet his old trade and all parties who comtemplate dealing in Sewing Machines. The " Domestic mmamS9fBS9fKM. sHHK B..liiil tVH fliiHH ''4 BHHrAEi- H ijr M WM II m' HB '.'' HHIIIK f HSI H ifflBBH "bbH II IbBbV BHIBBbI TWBBBbV tl 1 I TbTbTbTbVbTbIbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTI ttltlflTBTfl bTbTV I I BBTBTBBTSBlBTBTBTBt ' BBTmBPWnBBTI JfiBBTBTBBm. "5 ry .HiBbbbbbHI tB .Hln bEhbk HsbS IbbB BLBIaBBSI TIbSbH aflil r? LbbIbB' fi mfamWM IIbTbbbV " LhL SSHBSPta vv.n-nf.r. .hfvp..1. .9 1.,. v4 u4.rr-iWStyjSSJSBBSJ -? "JSpSI SB "--1miiv i j r-- BKBBiKdKH InSiisfl Ikmmh TTi "Pr B Bj;HVHBbI9B "w HbrII 4B kf r iH iiBiiiiHiiilsH wWSLmujmmmT Cr ifl BbIHiiHHu mmmMiammr 1 f-J HLiiBiBiiiiBillllllllllllHBiBW MmmMmMmmW - rT SHLSHSSSSHSSSSSW HHiHkl sjssjt HBBSvtveP w Bliiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiF lTOft k-"ftf" fal 'lBisiBHL 1' 111 iHP'i)' ' iB mw ' H $mmWm mifnmm -ki fT BLBLy ' t.,. . : ., IMB Bmc BLLLLLLB 1$SmiB, tJ H (tJAfi.i'jllBBBBH .m ikH HPIbV siiiiiiflB ' W&wmmMm iiBi9iiiiiiiiiiH BmiB iaiiiiiiBM:'ilr iliiiBiiB iiiiiiiB SfiiB . 'IsBBbBbIiM iBB H' iLBBBBBBBBBBB BBllK 5-. BS IjDIbbbH HHUKBeaaBeaeaSBaaeassBaBVSSaBSSalBiSBaBBVBHBBBW 'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBItHSH4wjMJHBBBBBBBV SBBBBB9KbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb1BBbW 1 1 bs1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBbsu sHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIWO HBg5S' iSPlBBfc THE tTARmSHAT LEADS h&SSreSSEf&u Mrumrv: , ' Bggggw; Miumni " is the Star that Leads them AH. fc fr v ,- r Fair, but PHIL. i 9 ' f ? A) I ? r j A .. I s I " V , 'S s 4c 1 ) 9. SI I' , 1 ' u it sM iL rl '1 J ' l 4i