Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 31, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    rTO(w'rTjrr,, ,l -t iywB wyyyty
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"WlmtScn Captain Say" the Siili..t f Hie
IHeoitrc A Great Throng I'irvpnt In
tlio Piirvniost City "f Oregon In llrnr
llin Imminent Dlvltir.
I'ohtla.xu, Ore., Aug. 'iY Tho Ilcv. T.
Do Witt Tnlmagc, I). I)., who preached hero
today to u vnst ntiiUouco, took for li In text
I Corinthians Is, 127: "Lest that liy any
means I myself should lo enstmvay.'' Tlio
preacher saldi
In tlio presenco of you who llvo on tlio IV
clflo coat, I who llvo on tho Atlantic const
rony appropriately smmiIc on tlilMmi'liiu allu
sion of tho toxt, for nil who know about tho
sen know alsout tho castaway Tho toxt Im
plies that ministers of religion may help
others into heaven and yet mlsslttliemlvos.
Tho carHMiters that Jiullt Noah's ark did not
get Into It themselves, down and surpllco,
and diplomas, and canonicals arc no security.
Cardinal Wolsoy, after having liecn uttei
by kings, and having entertained foreign am
bassadors at Hampton Court, died In dark
ness. Ono of tho most eminent mlnWters of
religion that this country has over known,
plunged Into sin and died, his heart, by a
post-mortem examination, found to havo
been, not figuratively, but literally, broken.
Wo may havo hands of ordination on tlio
bead nnil address consecrated assemblages,
but that is no reason why wo shall necessarily
reach tho realm celestial. Tho clergyman
must go through tho samo gato of pardon as
tho layman. Tlicro havo been cases of ship
wreck whero all on board escaped excepting
tho captain. Alasl if having ''preached to
Others I myself should bo a castaway." God
forbid it.
I havo examined somo of tho commentaries
to seo what they thought ntout this word
"castaway," and I find that they differ In
regard to tlio flguro used, whilo they agreo In
regard to tho meaning. So I shall tnako my
own selection, and take It in n nautical and
seafaring sense, and show you that men may
become- spiritual castaways, and how finally
they drift Into thai calamfty
You and I llvo In iseaLoard cities. You
havo all stood on tho beach. Many of vou
havo crossed tho ocean. Somo of you havo
managed vessels in great stress of weather
Thcro Is n sea captain, and tlicro Is another,
and yonder Is another, nnd thero nro n good
ly number of you who, though onco you did
not know tho dlffercnco between n brig nnd n
bark, and between a diumund knot and a
sprit sheet sail knot, and although you could
not point out tho weather crossjack braco,
and though you could not man tho
foro clew gurnets, now you aro as
familiar with n ship as you aro with your
right baud, nnd if it wero necessary you
could tnko a vessel clear across to tlio mouth
of tho Mersey without tho loss of a sluglo
MIL Well, thcro is a dark night In your
memory of tho son. Tho vessel bcotmo un
manageable. You saw It was scudding to
wards tho shore. You heard tho cry)
"Breakers ahead) bind on the loo bowl"
Tho vessel struck tho rock, nnd you felt tho
deck breaking up under your feet, and you
wero a castaway, as when tho Hercules drovo
on tho coast of Caffrarla, as when tho Por
tuguese brig went staving, splitting, grind
ing, crashing on the Goodwin, lint whether
you havo followed tho sea or not, you all
undorstand tho flguro when I tell you that
thero aro men who, by their sins and
temptations, nro thrown helpless I Driven
beforo the galol Wrecked for two worlds!
Castaways 1 Castaways!
By talking with somo sea captains I have
found out that thero nro threo or four causes
for such n calamity to a vessel I have been
told that it sometimes comes from creating
(also lights on tho beach. This was often so
In olden times. It Is not many years ago
Indeed that vagabonds used to wander up
and down tlio IrsacIi, getting vessels ashore
In tho night, throwing up false lights (n tholr
presence and deceiving them, that they might
despoil and ransack them. All kinds of infer
nal arts wero used to accomplish this. And
ono night on tho Cornish coast, when tlio'
tea was coming In fearfully, some villains
took a lantern and tied It to a horse, nnd Jod
the horso up and down the beach, the lantern
swaying to tho motion of the horso, and a
sea captain in tho oiling saw it and made 'up
his mind that ho was not anywhere near the
shore, for ho said, "There's a voshoI that
must bo a vessel, for it has a movnblo light,"
and ho had no apprehension until ho heard
the rocks grating on the ship's bottom, and it
went to pieces, and the villains ou shoro
gathered up tho packages nud treasures that
wero washed to the land. And 1 havo to tell
you that thcro are a multitude of souls ruined
by falso lights on the beach. In tho dark
night of man's danger, also religion goes up
and down tho iliore, shaking Its lantern, and
men look off and take that flickering and ex
piring wick as the signal of safety, nnd tho
cry Is, "Heave the main topsail to tho mast!
All Is welll" when cudden destruction coin
Itb upon them, and they shall not escape.
Bo thcro aro all kinds of lanterns swung on
the beach philosophical lanterns, educa
tional lanterns, humanitarian lanterns. Men
look at t!i cm and aro deceived, when thero
s nothing but God's eternal llghthouso of
tho Gospel that can keep them from Incom
ing castaways. Once, on Wolf Crag llght
houso, they tried to build a coper flg
uro of a wolf with its mouth open,
10 that tho storms boating Into It,
tho wolf would bowl forth tho danger to
mariners that might be coming any n hero
near tho coast. Of course it was a failure.
And so all now Inventions for the saving of
man's soul aro unavailing. What tho human
raco wants is a light bursting forth from Iho
cross standing ou the great headlands tlio
light of pardon, tho light of comfort, tho
Light of heaven. You might better go to
night, nnd destroy all tho great lighthouses
on the dangerous coasts tho Ilarnegut lights
bouse, the Fastuet Rock lighthouse, the
Bbcrryvore lighthouse, tho Lougshlp's light
bouse, tho Hollyhead lighthouse tlinn to put
out God's great ocean lanijs the Gospel. Woe
to those who sn iug tnlso lanterns on tho beach
till men crash Into ruin. Castawnyst Cast
By talking with sen captains 1 liuvo heard,
also, that sometimes ships come to this calam
ity by tlio sudden swoop of a tempest. Fur
instance, a vessel is sailing along in tho East
Indies, and thero is not n sluglo ou tho
sky; but suddenly tho breczu freshens, nud
thero are swift feet on tho ratlines, nud tho
cry Is; "Way, haul away thcrol" Hut beforo
they caiyiquuro tho booms and tnr(aulin tho
hatchways tbu vessel is groaning and creak
ing In tho grip of a tornado, ami falls over
into tho trough of tho sea, and brondsldo it
rolls on to tho beach and keels over, leaving
tho crow to strugglo in tlio merciless surf.
Castaway I Castaway! And so I havo to tall
you that thcro aro thousands of men destroy
ed through tho sudden swoop of temptations.
Borne great inducement to worldllness, or to
sensuality, or to high temper, or to somo
form of dissipation, comes upon them. If
they had tlmo to examine their Bible,
if they had time to consult with their
friends, if they had time to deliberate,
they could stand it, but the temptation came
so suddenly an eurorlydon on tho Mediter
ranean, n whirlwind of tho Caribbean, Ono
awful surge of temptation nnd thoy perish.
And so wo often hear the old story "1 hadn't
wit my friend in a great many years. Wo
were very glad to meet. Ho said I must
drink, nud ho took mo by the arm nud
pressed mo along, nud tilled tho cup until tho
bubble ran over tho edge, nnd in nn ovll mo
ment all my good resolutions wero swept
nwny, nud, to tho outraging of God and my
own soul, I fell." Or tho story Is; "I had
hard work to support my family I thought
that by one filsu entry, by ono deception, by
ono riiilx'r.r.lcmcut, I might spring out five
from all my trouble, nnd tho temptation
enmo UKu mo so llercoly 1 could not delib
erate. 1 did wrong, nnd having done wrong
onco l could not stop." O, It Is tho
first step thnt costs; tho second Is easier; nud
tho third; nnd ou to tho last. Onco having
broken looso from tho anchor, it is not so
cnAy to tlo tho jwirtod strands. How often It
Is that men nro ruined for tho reason that
tho temptation comes from somo unexpected
quarter. As vessels Ho in Margato Hoads,
safo from southwest wlndi; but tho wind
changing to tho northeast, they nro driven
helpless and go down. O that God would
havo mercy Uku tho'o tipon whom thero
comes tho sudden swoop of temptation,
they perish, Iteeomlng cnstnwnysl castawnyst
By talking with sea captains I havo found
out also that somo vevwls como to this calam
ity through sheer recklessness. Thcro aro
threo million men who follow tho sea for n
living. It Is a simple fact that tho uverago
of human lifo on tho sea Is less thmituelvo
years. This comes from tho fact that men
by familiarity with danger sometimes Is
como reckless tho captain, tho helmsman,
tho stoker, tho man on tho lookout, becomo
reckless, nnd In uluo out of ten shipwrecks It
Is found out that somo ono was awfully to
hlnino. So I havo to tell you that men aro
morally shipwrecked through sheer reckless
ness. Thero aro thousands ho do not caro
whero thoy nro In spiritual things. Thoy
do not know which way thoy aro
tailing, nnd tho sea Is black with piratical
hulks that would grapple them witli hooks of
iteel and blindfold them nud mako thorn
"walk the plank." Thoy do not know what
tho next moment tuny bring forth. Drifting
hi thejr th.eojogy. Drifting In tholr habits,
prff ting In regard to all tnolr uiiiro. tfo
God, no Christ, no sottlw, niiHcliutlonA of
eternal felicity, but all tho tlmo coining
nearer nud nearer to a dangerous const.
Somo of them nro on II' j with ovil habit,
and they shall hum on tho sen, tho charred
hulk tossed up on tho barren beach. .Many
of them with great troubles, financial
troubles, domestic troubles, social troubles;
but they never pray for comfort. Willi
nn aggravation of sin they pray for no
pardon. Thoy do not steer for tho light
ship thnt dances in gladness nt tho mouth
of heaven's harbor; reckless as to whero
thoy como out, drifting further from God,
further from early religious influences,
further from happiness; nud what is tho
worst thing about it Is, thoy aro taking their
families along with th'&m, nud tho way ono
goes tho probability Is thoy will nil go. Yot
no nnxlety. As unconsciousof dnugor as the
passengers ou board tho Arctic one moment
beforo the Vesta crashed Into her. Wrapjied
up in tlio business of tho store, not remember
ing that soon they must quit nil their earthly
possessions. Absorbed In their social position,
not knowi, ,fit very soon thoy will have
attended tlio last levco and whirled in the
last schottlsclie, Thoy do not deliber
ately choose to bo ruined: neither did the
French frigate Medusa aim for tho
Arguln banks, but thero it went to pieces.
( wish I could wako you up. The perils aro
so augmented, you will dlo Just as certainly
as you sit thero unless you bestir yourself.
Are you willing to becomea castaway I You
throw out no oar. You take no soundings.
You watch no compass. You aro not calcu
lating your bearings while tho wind Is alwft,
and yonder is a long line ot foam bounding
the horizon, and you will bo pushed on tow
ard it, nnd thousands havo porUhod there,
jwd you nro driving (n tho samo direction.
Heady, about! Down holm! Hard down!
Mantho lifo bout! Pull, my lads, pull! "Ho
that being often reproved hardonoth his neck,
-6hall bo suddenly destroyed and that without
remody." Hut somo of you nro saying within
yourselves: "What shall I dor Do Dol
Why, my brother, do what any ship does
when it is in trouble Lift a distress signal
On tho sen thero Is a flash nnd a boom. You
illston and you look. A vessel Is lu trouble.
Tho distress gun Is sounded, or a rocket
Is sent up, or a blankot Is lifted, or a
bundlo of rags anything to catch tho oyo
of tho passing craft. So If you want to bo
taken off tho wreck of your sin, you must
lift a distress signal. Tho publican lifted tho
distress signal when ho cried! "God bo mer
ciful to mo a sinner!" Peter lifted tlio dis
tress signal when ho said- "Lord, savo mo,
( perish." The blind man lifted Iho distress
signal when ho said: "Lord, that my
oyes may lo opened." Tho Jailer lifted tho
distress signal when ho said: "What must I
do. to bo saved!" And help will never como
to your soul until you lift somo signal. You
must mako somo demonstration, givo somo
sign, mako somo heaven piercing outcry for
help, lifting tho dlstross signal for tho
church's prayer, lifting tho distress signal
for heaven's pardon. Pray I IVayl Tlio
voieo of tho Isrd now sounds In your cars:
"In mo Is thy help." Too proud to raise
such a tignal, too proud to bo saved.
Thero was un old sailor thumping about in
a small boat in a tomiet. Tho larger vessel
had gono down. Ho folt ho must dio. Tho
surf was breaking over tho boat, and ho said:
"I took off my lifo bolt that it might soon lie
over, and I thought somowhat indistinctly
about my friends on shore and then I bid
.them good -by aliko, and I was about sinking
back and giving it up whou I saw a bright
star. Tho clouds wero breaking away, and
thoro that blessed star shone down on mo,
and It seemed to tako right hold of mo; and
somehow, 1 cannot tell how it was, but some
how, whllo 1 was trying to watch that star,
It seemed to help mo and seemed to lift mo."
O, sinking soul, soo you not tho glimmer be
tween tho rifts of tlio storm cloud That Is
tho star of hope.
Deatlistruck, 1 ceased tlio tide to stem,
VVheu suddenly a staro arose;
It wu tlio star of lli-tlilehuin!
If there ore any hero who consider thorn
wives castaway, let mo say Go I is doing
everything to savo you. Did you over hear
of Lionel Lukeu Ho was tho Inventor of
tho insuhmerglblo llfelsoat. All honor is
duo to his memory by seafaring men as well
as by Iniiilsiueu. How many lives ho saved
by his Invention! in after days thut Inven
tion was improved, and ono day there was u
perfect lifo boat, tho Northumberland, ready
nt Rnmsguto. Tho lifeboat being ready, to
ten it th'J crow cairn out nud leaped on
tho giiuwulo ou ono sido to seo If
the boat would Uset; It was impossililo to
up-et It. Then, amid tho of excited
thoiisiii.ds, thut boat wns launched, and It
has gone nud como, picking up n great many
.f the shipwicckod. But 1 havo to tell you
now of i grander launching, nud from tho
dry d(cl s of heaven. Word cumo up that a
world was Ix-atlng on tho rocks. In tho pres
ence of tho potentates of heaven the lifo boat
if the world's redemption was launched. It
-hovui) I'lT th" c Mpii n-.'l I angel"' b-.
sannit Tlio surges of darkness beat against
Its U. sr, but it sailed on, nnd It comes In
sight ( us this hour. It comes for you, It
cotiKM for mo. Hon 1 1 soul! get Into It. Mnko
ono leap for heaven. Let thnt Unit go past
and your npMii tunlty Is gone,
I am exiting that thero will bo wholo
fnmllles hero who will get Into that lifo boat,
lu l&CI the ImiIk'II.i enmo nsl.oro nf Hustings,
ICngliind Tho nlr was flood with sounds
tho hivirso son truniet, tho crash of tho nxes
nnd the bellowing of tho tornado A boat
from tho shore came under the stern of tho
disabled vessel. Tlicro wero women nud chil
dren on Ixxml thnt vessel. Home nf tho sail
ors JuuiKs Into the small boat and said
"Now givo us tho children." A father who
stood on deck took Ids first born nnd throw
him to the IkmiU The sailors caught him
safely, mid tho next, nnd tho next, to tho
Inst. Still tho mix rocking, tho storm howl
ing, "Now," said tho sailors, "now tho mo
ther;" nnd sho lenHd, nud wns saved. Tho
boat w eut to the shore; but beforo It got to tho
shore, tho landsmen wero so luimtlent to help
tho suffering eoplo that they wnded clear
down Into tlio surf with blankets and gar
ments, nud promises of help nnd succor Ho
tlicro nro whole fanilm-s hero who nro going
to bo saved, nud saved nil together. Givo us
that child for Christ, that other child, that
other. Givo us tho mother, givo us tho
father, tho wlmlo family Thoy must nil
comn lu. All heaven wndes In to help you.
I claim this whulo midlenco for God I pick
I not out ouo mnii hero nor ono man thero; I
claim you all. Thero nro some of you w tin,
1 thirty years ago, wero consecrated to Christ
by your parents In baptism. Certainly I am
j not stepping over tho right Iwiiud when
i I claim for you Jesus Thero nro many
I here who linvo lieon seeking (lod for
' u good while, nnd am I not I Ight in claiming
I you for Jesusl Then tlu-ro nro somo hero
, who have liven further away, nnd you drink,
nud you swear, nnd you aro bringing up your
families without nny God to tako euro of
i them when you aro dead. And I claim you,
I my brother; I claim all of you. You will
havo to pray sometime, why not begin now,
j wlillonl! tlio rijio nud purple clusters of ill-
, vino promise bend over Into your cup, ruthcr
than Kstpono your prayer until your chnnco
I Is past, nud tho night drops, and tho sen
washes you out, nnd the appalling fact shall
I bo announced that notwithstanding nil your
i magnificent opjortunltlos, you have becomo
a costuwny.
The Source of lleiiutlfill Colors.
Tho list of cliolsot colors used lu tho nrts;
! hero given, wns formulated by American
1 Druggist;
I Tlio cochineal Insects furnish n great many
of tho very lino colors. Among them nro car-
mine, crimson, scarlet carmlno nnd purple
lakes, Tho cuttlollsh gives thosopla. It is
tho Inky fluid which tho II sh discharges in
i order to render tho water opaque when nt
lacked. Indian yellow comes from tho camel,
i Ivory chips produce tho Ivory black and bono
black. Prussian blue is made by fusing
horW hoofs nnd other refuse animal matter
with impuro potassium carbonate. This color
was discovered accidentally. Various lakes
nro derived from roots, barks nud gums.
Bluo black comes from tho charcoal of tlio
vino stalk. Iimp black Is soot from certain
resinous substances. Turkey rod is mado from
tho madder plant which grows in Hiudostan.
Tho yellow sap of a tree of Slam produces
gamlstge; tho natives catch tho sap In cocoa
nut shells. I law sienna Is tho natural earth
from tho neighborhood of Sienna, Italy. Ilnw
umber Is nlso nn earth found near Umbria
and burnt. India ink Is mado from burnt
camphor. Tho Chinese nro tho only manu
facturers of tills luk, nud they will not reveal
tho secret of its manufacture Mastic Is
mado from tho gum of tho mastic tree, which
grows in tho Grecian nrchlpolngo. Ulster Is
tho soot of wood ashes. Very little real ul
trnmnrlno Is found in tho market. It is ob
tained from tho precious lapis lazuli, and
commands a fabulous price. Chinoso whlto
is zinc, scarlet is lodldo of mercury, and na
tlvo vermilion is from tho quicksilver oro
called cinnabar.
How Flint Cuti n Lursimutlre KunT
Tho question "How fast can n locomotive
runt" has been a good deal discussed recently
ill tho engineering papers. Tho conclusion
nppears to bothattliereisnonutheutiorecord
of any speed above eighty miles an hour.
That Bieed was obtained many years ago by
a Bristol and Kxeter tank cnglno with uluo
foot driving wheels a long extinct species
down a steep bank. But 'It has, apparently,
nover been beaUm. It Is, Indeed, not n little
strnngo how sharply tho lino appears to havo
been drawn at eighty miles an hour. Records
of 6evonty-flve miles an hour nro as plenty
as blackberries. Becords of eighty aro ex
ceedingly rare. Itocords of any greater
speed havo a way of crumbling boucath the
lightest touch. Tho Hallways of England
An Ancient Idea Refuted.
An unusual amount of nonsense under the
guise of hcJeutluc discovery is inflicted on the
public. To begin with, says Popular Science
News, the old familiar absurdity of burning
water has been resurrected, nud a lending
technical Journal gives considerable space to
tho description of an invention by which wa
ter Is to be dissociated Into its elementary
gases, nnd'these gases to bo burned, thus pro
ducing an oxyhydrogon llamo at a small cost.
This undent Idea has been refuted so many
times thut it would seem almost unnecessary
to say that the process Is a mathematical Im
possibility, and that exactly as much bent
will bo absorbed In dissociating tho atoms of
hydrogen und oxygen In tho water ns will lo
produced by their subsequent combustion.
Cupid Takes h Hand.
Wo approve tho conduct of n street rail
road siieriuteudei)t in Oakland A young
lady was Injured on his lino by tho driver's
carelessness, nnd was about to bring suit for
damages. Tho superintendent, a sprightly
single man, called ou her to parley tho mat
ter, and culled ngnlu, nud finally tho young
lady found herself sued. Result, n very
happy wedding und an action for damages
averted. San Francisco Alto.
DfikIIj- Weapons.
Ofllcerof tho S. P C. A. -Look hero, you
young rifllau, what did you hit that jioordog
fori You've neai ly killed him
Lionel Cool.son Didn't mean to hurt him
only hit him with a liix'iiit-
"Well, next tlmo you want to hltn dog you
throw a :'ock nt him, or I'll run you In. I
know y, ir mother liefore sho wns married, " lu Brooklyn liaglo.
Norton and Tender ileintril,
"Cond'ictorwhnt was that" asked n ner
vous old ndy ns tho wheels of tho coach made
a little moro Jar than usual.
"Wo went over n few frogs just 111011," he '
"Most Ikely squashed tlio oor things too,"
sho said, with a tremor In her voice, De
troit rmi Press.
lust the Oppiiiltr,
Friend ito returned vacationist) Well, my
Iwy, have you been olf for a rest?
iteturned Vacationist No. my boy, I'vo
como home for mho, Boston Courier
A Machine That Is Superior to (lie Hem-
tiigton orCiiHurnpli,
Tho Weasel Pi luting Compnuy have been
appointed n(euts fur tho new and popular
Yost Typewrite for southeastern Nebraska
To ninny of our renders lids now inaehlno Is
nlrcad) known, und nil who have seen it pro
uouiiio it far suei lor to nny of tho older
nitu'hluc. As far as utility nud scvdnroeon
I'l'llied It Is elvliig latter satisfaction than
either the Heuilngloii or the liillgniph, be
sides lir imlnts or convenience, Impiovo
incntsnnd general ooiistiucllnn it fur excels
all) thing In this line ever Invented. Thin may
seem it broad assertion nud doubted by tlioo
who uio using tho uliovo machines, hut when
It Is known that Mr. Yost, tlio Inventor, has
for j ears built the Remington nud Cnllgiaph,
it Is lensonnhlo to bellevo that beluic con
stantly In tho business ho has hadoiKirtuuily
to note wiiero improvements could lie made,
mid nioordliigly is ablo to furnish a lielter
tj pew 1 Iter than either of thnothers, On the
Yost no rlblKin Is used, each letter or llgniv
striking tho paper direct, nud by 11 very valu
able now patent lire hi exact und M'ifcct
alignment. If preferable either Cnllgrnph or
Iteinlngtoii keyboard will lie furnished, All
who have seen tills now innchliio In Lincoln
pronounce It a gem, nud we shall bo pleased
to have nil Interested mil nnd see It. Olllco
with Tiik Capita i. Citv C'ouIiikii, llW-iai
Noith Twelfth street, now Burr block.
Notice to Amateur Trliilcr.
Wo havo about a dozen fonts of second
hand jobl)K and somo roiiiau, which we
will sell cheap or trade. All lu gfod condi
tion. Call and scu same nt our olllco in Burr
bloc); and spirituous of woik 1I0110 with It,
Wkhhki. I'm.sitxo Co.
Mat. Mr-Cube, of New Brunswick, 111,,
.Ifeis to pay live dollaiN to any ih-imiii
tumbled wltli bloody llux, who will tnke
Chamberlain's Colic Cliolein nud dlaiihoca
Remedy according. to dliectloiis and does not
get well 111 tho shoitest possible time. One
half of u 1W cent bottle of this remedy cured
hltn or bloody llux, after ho had tried other
medicines und tho prescriptions of physicians
without benellt. Mr. McCnUi Is perfectly
lib) In making this offer, as moie lliiin a
thousand buttles of this lemedy 1110 sold each
day and It has never been known to fall in
any case of colic, cholera inoibuH.dysuitery,
diarrhoea or bloody llux, when tho plain
pnntcii (llrcrtloiiH were followed. I'or sale
by O. L. tilmulcr, druggist,
Hni vest ICxcurslon Tickets nt half rotes will
be sold nt Lincoln, Aug. Oth nud 'Jnth, Kept.
Illlh nud Ultli, nnd Oct. Mb, over the Fremont,
Klkhorii .V Missouri Valley 11. R. to all points
reached via that line ill No thern Nebraska,
the BIik I, Hills and Central Wyoming. Call
on G. N ForeMiian, agent, or write J. II. Mil
ch. man, General Passenger Agent, Omaha,
Neb. tf
Thero was a terrible epldtinic of dysentery
nud bloody llux In I'oio county, Illinois, lnrt
summer. As many ns live deaths occurred
in one day. Messis. Walter Brothers, of
Wnltersburg, sold over 3S0 bottles of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Dlnrrhoen
lloincdy during this epidemic nud say tliay
never hrni d of It's falling In any enso when
the directions wero followed. It was tlio
only medicine used that did euro tho woist
cases. Many Ikthohs wero cured by it after
the doctors had given them up. liTiand M)
cent bottles for sale by O. L. Blunder,
Send the names of your friends In tlio East
whom you wish to visit you, or who nro seek
ing new locations, to J, It liuclinunu, Gen'l
Passenger Agent of the- Freemoiit, Klkhorii
& Missouri Valley II. It. Co., Omaha, Neb.,
that ho may send them Information relative to
tho "One Faro Harvest Excursions" which oc
cur August Oth mid Willi, September 10th and
aiHi, nud October Mb. octl
Families not already supplied should loose
no time In procuring a bottlo of Cha!iiler-
lnlns Colic, Cholera, nisi Diarrhoea itemedy.
It is the only remedy tltat can always lie do
I vended tiKin for bowel complaint in all its
forms, !1 im1 Ul veiit bottles for ! by O .
L. Shrndcr, diugglst.
Miss Ethel Howe.
Teacher of Singing
Room 131 Burr Block.
Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Palace Bath Shaving
Ladies - and - Children's - Hair - Cutting
HomoBopatliist Physician,
Telephone No, IS
fit South ti th Street Liv i.n Nr
ft FPMT". ' ji7
Slunm and Hot Water
F. A.
V '1
JS Ik IChsssssssP-VrsssssssHssB
Last and Best!
Is thcfnnmc of the latest,
yet invented. Mr. Yost of New York, who invented this
machine, has for years built both the Remington and Cali
graph machines, nnd hnvingsuch excellent experience and op
portunity to sec the faults of both, has combined a number of
new and valuable patents that undoubtedly make this the
Best and Finest Yet Introduced,
No Ribbon!
Perfect and Exact Alignment!
More Compact!
Lighter in Weight !
And dozens of other improvements. Call and see this
New Machine.
Wessel Printing Co.,
Sole Agents for Southeastern Nebraska,
122-124 J. 12th St,
215 3, Eleventh St.
S T,"
and by all means the best